View Full Version : Help Arm my 3.5 Monster hunter pc

2016-04-09, 12:14 PM
so I am playing in a game were monsters from the 3.5 game are called 'xetra' and run amuck. story wise, these creature appeared 200 years ago after a great calamity. my fluff for my character his that he comes from a great noble family that can trace there name back 1500 years and when the monsters appeared they took up arms and began to hunt them, creating a fighting force called the Fafnir knights

my character is level 12 sorcerer/ rogue - swift blade gestalt

so far
I have a wand bracelet that stores 4 short swords each with holy, unholy , lawful bane and chaos bane all +2 weapons

I also have a spell storing sword +2 with shivering touch in it

then I have a hand cross bow that has spell storing bolts of shivering touch
and random bolts of bane this and bane that

see money is not really a trouble as
my gm wanted to use the d20 modern wealth bonus. and mine is 44 due to my back ground and the boon I got in character creation.
the forumula we use in this game is 1000 gold = 1 wealth so 44 wealth is 44000 gp so with a d20 roll if I I roll a 20 I can get a item worth 64000 no prob

so what I like to know is what other items be good for a monster hunter

I have a ring of freedom of movement so no being grappled and swallowed whole for me lol

2016-04-12, 02:19 PM
I would get your swords made out of different materials (silver, cold iron and so on). Traps are often overlooked. I had a monk with a trap that went off when I hit with a palm strike. Unarmed + poison + enchanted dagger. Books for a bonus to knowledge monster. If you are a hunter you would know the weakness and where best to find them so you can set a trap. Traps can be enchanted just like any weapon.

Edit: powders and scent breakers.

2016-04-12, 03:53 PM
What counts as "monsters" in your world? A particular set of creature types?

2016-04-12, 06:00 PM
What counts as "monsters" in your world? A particular set of creature types?

monster types include Aberration,Construct Dragon Elemental fey giant Magical Beast Monstrous Humanoid
Ooze Outsider (I think good outsider are ruled out) plant, undead and vermin

2016-04-13, 11:47 AM
monster types include Aberration,Construct Dragon Elemental fey giant Magical Beast Monstrous Humanoid
Ooze Outsider (I think good outsider are ruled out) plant, undead and vermin
Might have been easier to say "Not Humanoid or Animal" if that's the case.