View Full Version : [Empire] The Melzini Celebration

2016-04-09, 06:42 PM
Melzini Archipelago
Aenic Year 127


To the northwest of the main realm of Anceris, and north of the Melrakki-ey kingdom, lay the seven islands the compose the Melzini Archipelago. This grouping of islands is a tight-nit domain, each six of the seven islands overseen by a member of the Melzini Council. The seventh island - and second largest - is known as Touca; it's known as the 'upstart island', and has an active volcano upon it. It 'bleeds' roughly every ten years or so, and is due for another eruption soon. Thankfully, it is far enough away that the ash it expunges does not bother the other islands, and only the shaking and the increased wave sizes touch upon the shores of the other six islands. During Touca's tantrums, the people of the Archipelago take the long way around when ferrying between islands; beyond this, they continue with their lives as normal.

Melzini Council members are chosen young, but remain members of the Council for all their lives, only retiring when they can properly recollect the witnessing of Touca's fifth tantrum in their lifetime. In previous years, this would mean a time of great celebration as a new Councilman (or woman) were chosen and given sway over their particular island. Each of the smaller islands have one council member. From smallest to largest, there is Houbini, Roldini, the Twin Islands Fini and Gini, and then Warkini. Finally, two Council members come from the dominate island of the chain, Melzini.

The islands are known primarily for having peaceful people, and for the honey and bees that these peaceful Islanders cultivate. They are not known for grand parties or events, and it is probably with much surprise that the islands are opened up for a grand celebration. The rumors around the island - possibly true, but hard to tell - is that the Chief Councilman, Monpaket, has taken a shine to a foreigner from far away Ambrose, and bent every bit of his political power within the islands to find a reason to bring her here. It could also be that Touca's next eruption is due soon; likely the warning quakes will start any day now, and it would be a good reason to celebrate... even if the normal reason no longer matters.

Almost a decade ago, the peaceful Islanders were brought into the fold of the Rose Demesne. Though the Islanders now see the benefits of following the otherworldly Aeldir, at the time of the joining into an Expanse of the Courts, many of the oldest Council members, were opposed to the idea. Their retirements came early - perhaps were even a bit forced - but the remaining Islanders had prospered under the careful guidance and good will of the Rose Courts. The new Council members were all younger, with only two members able to recollect three eruptions. Cheif Monpaket was not among those two.

He was however, among the few Council members to have traveled far from the shores of the Archipelago. Speculation and rumor aside, he had been sending letters back and forth between the islands and Ambrose, and there was a letter between him and Lady Spring where the Seasonal Lady of the East expressed an interest in seeing the islands once more, under circumstances that were cause for celebration. Though the eventually planning for her arrival - and for the sending out of invitations to the rest of Arandi - was rather hasty in comparison to some other large political parties, Lady Spring was determined to see that the Melzini Celebration was thought of fondly. To that end, she and the Council arranged to have some forms of entertainment, primarily centered around a Boating Race.

Lady Spring, Aleuta Kellianth, arrived a week before the event was scheduled, and quickly took charge. She reviewed and approval the anticipated route, helped the Council to formalize the Fishing Competition, and pointedly ignored the efforts of the younger Islanders to host some kind of race to obtain the rare Touca's Fortune; a fruit that only grows on Touca shortly before an eruption occurs. From what Lady Spring was told, obtaining this fruit was ridiculously dangerous, and the rumors of it securing ever lasting love between a couple that tasted it together were just that: rumors. But try telling that to the young and foolish. Every time an eruption was nearing, some fools would create a contest to try and obtain the fruit, and at least one poor soul would lose their life. The Melzini Council politely informed the Lady Spring that they could not, and would not, support any kind of official race for the Touca's Fortune. Seeing the dangers laid out - the heat of the volcano, the choppy waves near Touca, the terrible currents surrounding the island - Lady Spring agreed. No officially sanctioned competition would be held.

She did not, however, attempt to stop the unofficial forming of a group of Islander children whom discreetly informed guests of the unsupported event. Nor did she discourage the spreading of the rumors of ever lasting love. She did dissuade her body guard, Eoghan, from going to the island to 'obtain the fruit for Lady Spring to stop anyone foolhardy from trying for it'. Beyond that, she ignored things, and focused on the Boating Race and the Fishing Competition. The Race was a fantastic way to show off new developments in naval ship yards and naval techniques. The Fishing Competition was, as the Melzini Council joked, a matter of faith. Melzini was not well known for large fish, and to find anything impressive would take praying to any and all kinds of gods, spirits, and the fish themselves. If one truely believed they would find something more than a sea bass nearby, they might just be blessed by Houbini's Curious Luck, and land a tropical tuna or island wavefin; there was even the wily legend of the Blackscale Marlin, an old folktale of a huge fish that had fisherman on the islands laughing about what it would take to trick ol' Blackscale into jumping onto a fishing boat.

The Boating Race was much more straightforward, as far as Lady Spring was concerned. Three separate skills would be on display: craftsmanship, navigation, and discipline. A well made vessel could ignore any of the choppy seas being made by Touca's temper. A skilled navigator would be able to direct the ship around the islands properly. And a disciplined crew would be needed to keep to course, and make this competition what it was meant to be: friendly, and with little ire or feeling for the winners or losers.

Those arriving to the Archipelago make their way from the port of the Melzini Island. The largest island serves as a home for the majority of the people, and lays claim to the tallest mountain around for leagues and leagues. It is here, at The Docks overlooking the mountain, that Lady Spring and the Melzini Council meet and greet their guests.

The party seems to be held within a large cove to the left, just along The Beach. Simple folks, the Islanders don't have grand halls or huge fairgrounds, but they have done well enough to make their beach appear inviting, and several large bonfires are tended by Aeldir guards and some burly looking Islanders. Nearby are also skilled chefs, whom are cooking meat of some kind using the heat from the bonfires. Tabletops and chairs do not seem to be present on the beach, but further back under the festively decorated tree-line there are several crude benches close to some equally lengthy looking bamboo surfaces.

Beyond that, within the Thin Jungle itself, guests can just barely begin to make out what look like huts and tents. Whether these are meant to be living quarters or were erected for the sole purpose of the festivities matters little; it is clear that they are there in case privacy is requested. Additional guards, many of whom are of different Aeldir Seasons, are visible to ward off going beyond the line of huts and tents and into Melzini proper... not without permission.

Based off of easily gathered information, the Boat Race and the Fishing Competition both start from nearby Staging Ground to the right of the Docks. Would-be-participants for either must register by speaking with the Spring Girl, Lady Blayne, providing all needed information at the time of entry. The Staging Ground is little more than a well-crafted bamboo stall, where the small amber haired Lady Blayne sits, two torches lit behind her. Yet, nearby, only slightly hidden inside the jungle-line, there is a young Islander by the name of Ronkolet, obviously trying to catch the eye of anyone interested in tales of love and glory… and offering a way to compete in an unsanctioned race to help the winner achieve both.

To the beat of drums, and the ruffle of traditional leaf-skirts (though most Islanders wear some form of silk these days), the Melzini Celebration is underway!

There are three parts of the Boat Race. The winner primarily earns bragging rights, though there are hints and rumors that Lady Spring may look favorably upon anyone whom wins with any significant lead. What this means, no one is sure: no one has asked Lady Spring if it is true or not. To participate, you must first list:

Name of the Ship
Which Naval Technologies Are To Be Used
(Clinker Wood Ships, Lanteen Sails, Open Water Navigation, and/or Improved Tacking; additional technologies possible, if you can convince me that they are relevant)

Then you may roll. Roll three times, based on the following information:

Craftsmanship: 1d10+Curiosity
(+1 for each of the following Techs in use [Clinker Wood Ships, Lanteen Sails])

Discipline: 1d10+Military

Navigation: 1d10+Curiosity (with +1 for each Tech [Open Water Navigation, Improved Tacking]
OR (Optionally) You find and hire an Islander to navigate for you!
1d10+Diplomacy (+1 for Melzini Navigator)

Kingdoms with Vassals may participate as many number of times as they have a different political power (Empire, Greater Vassal, Vassal is three times) and use their Leige's score on [x1] roll if they want.
Federations must participate as [x1] ship, but may use the highest score from across the federation for each roll.

Once you have rolled three times, your total value of all three rolls must be placed into an OOC in your next post. The highest of all three rolls will be declared the winner, next Saturday morning (8 am CST).

Fishing in the Archipelago is all about getting the biggest fish. This involves a great deal of luck and and even greater amount of hoping, with a little bit of praying for good measure. Each competitor will go out on a separate fishing vessel, manned by an Islander, into appropriate (and safe) fishing zones.

Info: Name of Participant

Fishing: 1d10+Faith

As many number of participants from a political power may take part as much as you want; however, the second (and any subsequent) participant(s) from the same kingdom or federation is at half the Faith score. As in the Boating Race, a Great Kingdom/Empire's Vassal may use their liege's score... for one participant. A Federation participant may use the highest of all Faith scores, but any other fishers from the same Federation are subject to the 'half Faith' rule.

The Fisher with the highest roll Saturday morning (8 am CST) will be declared the winner. Ties will be celebrated equally. BONUS! Anyone whom manages to roll an (18) or higher catches a rare 'Blackscale Marlin', and their names go down in legend among Melzini Fishermen. The largest Blackscale Marlin (20) would still win the Competition.

Possibly life threatening.

Legends say that the couple that eats together of Touca's Fortune, the red and orange fruit that grows once every decade, will fall madly in love for all time. 'Adults' say that this is just rubbish, and that someone always dies when people try for it. An obscure Islander friend of a cousin's uncle's second wife, though, swears that the legends are true! Skeptical as it may be, those seeking to make their name... and don't mind a little danger... can try their hand at racing for the shores of temperamental Touca. Half-way up the volcano's side are the Fortune Trees; the only trees to survive the many mini-eruptions that the island is known for. Upon one of the trees' branches, a single red and orange fruit the size of a cantaloupe, hangs precariously from a vine. The only known truth is that the fruit is succulent and delicious, and many whom do obtain this fruit give it to their significant other; Islanders whom have shared the fruit and been wed seem to have it easier than others. The last known successful obtain-er of Touca's Fortune was Chief Councilman Monpaket, and though his last wife died of illness, and he heavily discourages anyone from going for the fruit, the stories say that he and Galwoset were happy together, brief though their time may have been.

Young Islanders discreetly inform guests of this event, and say that interested Participants may speak with Ronkolet in the Staging Grounds. The time for the event is a closely guarded secret, as there are sure to be guards trying to prevent this competition for the fruit.

Info: Name of Participant

Avoid Guards: 1d10
(On a 1 or 2, you are caught by the guards, and cannot participate further)

Swim Ashore: 1d10
(The Islanders will get you as close as they can to the shore, but on a 1, your participant drowns. On a 2, they don't drown, but fight with the currents to the point that they find safety back on the boats, and cannot go further)

Scale the Volcano: 1d10
(The slope is easy enough, but the heat is altogether unusual. On a 1, your participant faints. Their fate is left to any other participants kind enough to help them... or not.)

If you do not roll a 'failure' on any of the three rolls, you have reached the Fortune Trees. The person with the highest cumulative rolls by Saturday, 8am EST, will have obtained Touca's Fortune. Though multiple trees, there is only one fruit to be found. Lower non-failure rolls may acquire a leaf of the tree, to show off their bravery, but the fruit goes to the highest roll. Ties will be decided with a separate roll (by me), as the tying participants duke it out.

2016-04-10, 12:07 AM
ooc: here is my boat race entry, and Lady Ebele was caught by the guards (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=20646239&postcount=700). We can rp a bit after I get back on Saturday, Gengy!