View Full Version : Player Help Gnome Cleric/Wizard Multiclass - How to?

2016-04-09, 10:07 PM
So, some background. I've just started a fresh playthrough of Balder's Gate Enhanced Edition, and after some plodding around, the decision came to making my character a gnomish Cleric/Illusionist. I'm quite the class purist, I never multi-class unless something is so utterly broken without taking another class to support it. Why or how the decision ended up wit ha multi-class, I don't know.

What I also didn't know is how much I would end up loving this guy. Powerful enchantments to hinder enemies and support allies. Healing spells to mend friends. Personal defensive spells to become an impressive wall. Epic gnomish beard. It's been such good fun so far.

Since I love this character so much, I was curious about how to translate this 2e class into a 5e world. Yes, me, multi-class. It's the end of the world.

The only thing I can think of is starting as a Cleric, for the free armor, weapon and shield proficiencies (and not to mention, starting HP.) But beyond that, I'm at a blank. Should I take the Knowledge domain? Trickery maybe (I can see Trickery working with this.) How many Wizard levels should I have compared to Cleric levels? Should I try capping both Wisdom and Intelligence?

A lot of you are much better at this than I, so I'm asking here. Thanks in advance.

2016-04-09, 10:24 PM
It's best to go heavy in one class, or else you'll be really behind.

I'd take first level in cleric, preferably a domain that grants heavy armor. Take the rest in wizard. Take stats like 15, 9, 14, 13, 16, 8.
The fifteen in str is so heavy armor doesn't slow you down, but you could in theory buy a dog to ride around on since your small and dump str. If you do that just put all your points in con, wis, and int.
If you go with a medium armor option, take 9, 14, 14, 16, 14, 8.

Your first level in cleric will net you cure wounds which you can cast with higher level slots, and be a decent off healer all game. Domain is really a matter of preference.

Life cleric could offset your low wisdom for healing spells, and even works with some wizard spells such as vampiric touch.

Tempest Cleric (lvl 2) could maximize the damage of any lightning spell, such as lightning bolt.

Arcana Domain from the SCAG book, would net you two more cantrips giving you a total of 8 cantrips at level 2.

Trickery is rather weak IMO, but it wouldn't gimp your character.

2016-04-10, 06:30 AM
I'd go 1 cleric / X wizard. Int maxing. Wis 14

2016-04-10, 06:35 AM
I second cleric 1/wizard x.

Bless is cleric's best buff and it stays relevant through the whole game.
You also get all the weapon/armor proficiencies of the domain.

Wisdom is the better of your dumpstats too.

I'd go for arcana domain.

2016-04-10, 08:20 AM
Cleric 1/Wizard 17 is definitely the way to go, imo.

As such you won't get the interesting Trickery Channel Divinity until at least level 19 if at all. I'd go Knowledge myself for the fantastic Blessings of Knowledge.

Don't bother with heavy armor and strength. Half-Plate+Shield is more than enough AC for a character who also has the sheild spell.