View Full Version : Bardic knowledge and magic items

2016-04-10, 03:09 PM
The SRD states that a bardic knowledge check may "give a hint as to [a magic item's] general function". As a new DM, I'm curious as to how other DMs implement this in practice.

2016-04-10, 03:19 PM
Use associations:
"A bloody reputation of having deadlier blows precedes it" for keen
"Fiery runes are rumored to have been folded into the very steel of the blade, still visible in the tang" for flaming or flaming burst

2016-04-10, 03:31 PM
The SRD states that a bardic knowledge check may "give a hint as to [a magic item's] general function". As a new DM, I'm curious as to how other DMs implement this in practice.

D&D 3.5 is weird in its approach to magic. Grognards of 2E remember magic items and magic generally being the job of the DM to dole out as they saw fit. There was not as much of an expectation for specific loot, and magic marts were not as mechanically encouraged as what 3.5 has done. But in order to be successful in 3.5, especially as a mundane, especially if you face anything other than animals and warriors, magic gear is necessary.

I imagine that this bard line harkens back to 2E sensibilities. So my suggestion is that a bard can make a knowledge check to determine something about a magic item if that magic item somehow played an important role in social or written history. If not, a bard can make a roll, which would have to be a bit higher to understand the generalizable trends of magic item creation. i.e.

DC 15; that wand can cast a arcane/divine spell; swords (with plusses between +2-+4) like these are typically made by custom order of mercenaries and they are a bit faster and sharper than a normal;

DC 20; can do anything a DC 15 check can and can identify if what energy type if any the item mucks around with. Can determine a single trigger words of one ability of items that used to belong to super famous people of history

DC 25; same as DC 20 but can make an untrained alchemy check to determine spell level of potion/ or a UMD/spellcraft to determine one wand/staff/rod spell or ability. Can determine a single trigger word for one ability of items that belonged to local nobles and heroes. May only reroll after a month has passed.

DC 30; As DC 25, but spellcraft/umd check may be attempted to determine all of the abilities of an item on a one for one basis. Can determine if the item is customized or can be found in any of the ancient truenaming records. (as in, does it appear in a book or did the GM make it up) May reroll a bardic knowledge on the same item only 1 per month.

DC 35; Bard knows all the stuff about this item including abilities and trigger words.

Adjust the DCs as you see fit. But you get the idea. A bard either knows about a specific magic thing, or he eventually learns about how to figure out what type of trends and needs magic items need to be fabricated and thus can derive what tropes this magic thing conforms to. Kinda like how an academic of any specialty eventually believes that everything is a derivative remix of other older stuff.

2016-04-10, 04:33 PM
Cool stuff. I'll definitely use a version of that in my game. Any balanced way to reduce the unfun subgame of figuring out what your new shinies do is a boon to me.

2016-04-10, 07:18 PM
Having never played AD&D (yet!), I sort of looked at bardic knowledge as having generally "weaker" results simply because it was a 1st-level ability with a bonus the bard gets for free, as opposed to identify which requires an expensive material component and willingly choosing to know/prepare it; even compared to identification through Spellcraft (via detect magic) or Use Magic Device, both of which requires the expenditure of skill points to buy ranks.

In a less long-winded sort of way, bardic knowledge is like bards themselves: jack of all trades, master of none. :smalltongue: