View Full Version : RAW game IC Thread

2016-04-10, 07:57 PM
Thanks for joining my campaign. The OoC Thread (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?484304-RAW-only-campaign-OoC-Thread&p=20647799#post20647799) exists, Everyone is ready, so... here's the game!

|Welcome to the new age.|

A portal opens up in front of you. You try to step away, but you can't. You try to look away, but you can't. Eventually, your struggle for distance falters, and before you can act you are pulled forward into the dark whiteness. You spend an eon in the nothingness. Or is it merely an instant? At the end of the blankness, you emerge into a desert land, extending endlessly in all directions but one. Instantly to your front is a mountain, over which hovers a burning red light. As you watch, the light flickers once, twice, turns out a third time, but before you can see it back on, you are whisked back into the nothing. As before, you emerge to a desert, but this time you are not alone. Looking around, you see five other beings, all alike to you, but all different. Also different this time, you are not in a featureless wasteland. Next to you is a road, and emerging on the horizon is a city sprawl. Opposite the road, about 50 feet from the assembled group, is a single oaken door: locked tight. Edging the opposite side of the road is a cluster of clusters of cacti, curiously missing from your side. Etched into the ground is a curious symbol that looks so big that you can't make it out in it's entirety. The road is curiously straight and well-maintained, yet as it gets further from the city you can see in the starlight that it begins to bend drastically and erratically.

As you take in the surrounding sand dunes, a dark shape flaps past above you in the predawn sky. "HELLO DOWN THERE!" As the figure calls to the assembled group, you hear a bestial grunt, the figure shifts, and the shape starts to descend, circling gently.

2016-04-11, 09:59 AM
A strange portal that was. Katie shakes her head and begins scanning the perimeter immediately. Five others with her. Seeming odd, but radiating a power she could just feel. Ducking as the winged shape passed overhead, she crouches instinctively, an enormous cannon folding out from her shoulder. As no attack comes, she cautiously folds it back in and replies. "Hello up there! Who are you?"

2016-04-11, 01:19 PM
The instant Kashar regained his senses he seemed to flicker, and raced off, circling their location further and further outward before returning to exactly the same spot.

Kashar is using his 1,000,000,000 ft. movement speed to effectively run in spiraling circles out in the non-city non-cacti directions to see if he can find anything. Seeing nothing, he returns to the same position as before.

You can decide if you've got good enough vision to watch a figure moving at about 40% the speed of light (113,636,363 mph if you're curious).

To outside observers, his form appears to flicker for an instant before a sonic boom and sudden blast of wind hit. When the dust settles, nothing looks out of place. Squinting up at the descending figure, Kashar jumps up to see what it looks like.

Divide result by 4 for max height of jump.

Total is apparently 100,000,001 ft., so Kashar can reach it unless it's higher up than that. Thankfully, a natural 1 is not automatic failure on skill checks

Assuming he makes it to the height of the descending creature, Kashar will look it in the face and reply, Hello! Do you know where we are?

2016-04-11, 04:37 PM
Kuurth rises to his imposing 12 foot height and calmly brushes the sand off his gleaming armor. He does a slow turn, surveying the area for potential threats. After doing so, he crosses his massive arms, grabbing an armor spike in each hand.

Readys an attack at the first person within 30ft to make a hostile action targeting or affecting him.

As Kuurth crosses his arms, he turns to look coolly at the descending creature, raising an eyebrow in surprise at Kashar's incredible leap.

2016-04-11, 05:40 PM
As you crouch, you are blown off your feet by extreme air pressure. Your sensors pick up a loud cracking noise. As you stand and yell, you see a gaunt clay-man making an extreme leap into the atmosphere. In response to your shout, you hear "Morrigan Leroy! And you, interlopers?" A second later, the golemic plummets down at terminal speed, then shudders slowly to his feet.

As you sprint around, you see nothing of import; the ground is about what you would expect, given the alternate multiverse. Your jump takes you far into space, and with the whizzing glimpse you get, you make out a form you interpret to be a mundane beast. As seen from above, quickly rising to the exosphere, you see a pattern not unlike a snowflake etched subtly into the sand. The resulting drop is brutal, but not deadly. You are able to limp to your feet, quite a bit worse for the wear. Rolled externally: take 77 (19d6) damage plus 6 (1d6) nonlethal damage (you fell onto sand; a soft material). Looking closer at your apparent planes-travelmates, you notice one of them to be an android, staring at the circling mount.

Listening, you hear the android across from you yell out to the flying animal, and you note the response. The only information you can glean is the flying man's name: Morrigan Leroy, and his word for your group: interlopers. The rest of your ensemble is similarly engaged, but they seem to react better than you to the return of the meteoric homunculus; you stumble momentarily. As you recover, you realize that the pale being is looking quite a bit worse for the wear from his fall. As nothing else happens, you relax slightly.

As you glance around, a few things happen: One of the people in your group flickers, jumps into space, then falls and almost dies. A rather metallic looking creature calls up to the flapping figure, shouting a hello and receiving "Morrigan Leroy!" with a request for your names, calling you interloper. As the astronautical machine returns, you lay witness to a fumble and stumble from the tallest among you.

... I didn't think we'd get to the point of a character nearly being knocked unconscious until at least the first challenging encounter, much less before the fifteenth word was spoken. I did roll pretty high on the damage, but I could have rolled much higher. Even one more point of damage would knock Kashar unconscious right now; as is, he's staggered for an hour.

2016-04-11, 06:31 PM
Kashar is actually fine! He's immune to damage.

Regeneration changes all damage (except for the types that bypass it) into nonlethal damage.

Half-undead makes me immune to nonlethal damage.
I'm also immune to the two energy types (Acid and Fire) that bypass my regeneration, so I'm immune!

TLDR: Massive damage -> Nonlethan (Regeneration -> Nothing (Immune to non-lethal)

Also, note on the jump check: I may have been able to go higher, but my point was only to jump as high as the creature - I just needed to exceed the check appropriately. Didn't actually matter how much I exceeded it by. I'll be more specific about my intent in the future.

Kashar brushed the dust off himself upon landing on the ground, raising an eyebrow at the actions of the others.

Speaking with some reservations, he asked, ...I don't suppose any of you know where we are?

2016-04-11, 07:55 PM
Listening, you hear the android across from you yell out to the flying animal, and you note the response. The only information you can glean is the flying man's name: Morrigan Leroy, and his word for your group: interlopers. The rest of your ensemble is similarly engaged, but they seem to react better than you to the return of the meteoric homunculus; you stumble momentarily. As you recover, you realize that the pale being is looking quite a bit worse for the wear from his fall. As nothing else happens, you relax slightly.

Is there any particular reason why I stumbled? Because of my height/weight or what? Do I get a save to not look like a dweeb?

As Kuurth recovers from his stumble, he shoots everyone a glare as if to say "You saw nothing". Then he speaks: "(To Leroy) Some know me as Kuurth, Breaker of Stones. You may refer to me as 'O mighty warrior'. (To All) As to our being here, I have no more knowledge of how we got here or where here is than the sand itself. I believe that Leroy might have a clue as to where we are at least."

2016-04-11, 09:06 PM

A diminutive elf woman stands on the desert plane. The concussion of Kashar's leap billows her cloak and shakes her small frame. "Careful. I am Vera of Misty Reach. Perhaps I should change into something more comfortable."

A few gestures and a sharp word later, the tiny elf is replaced with a gigantic construct. She ignores the others who seem to be in a similar position as her and addresses the being who identified itself as Morrigan Leroy. "I am no interloper. You pulled me from my plane, and you have exactly six seconds to begin explaining why."

Vera casts shapechange taking the form of a Colossal Astral Construct (level 9) with the following abilities: Improved Grab, Improved Fly, Fast Healing, and Muscle.
As a swift action, she uses Minor Shapeshift to gain 5 temp HP.

Bad Wolf
2016-04-11, 09:27 PM
A bronze-coloured kobold, dressed in similar clothing that blended into the wasteland coughed loudly for a few seconds before speaking.

"Exactly! I was enjoying a nice cup of tea. This is outrageous! Do you not have any respect for your elders?! I'm Dron by the way, nice to meet you fellows, aside from him", he gestured towards Morrigan, as the fellow called himself.

Despite all this, he smiled to himself. Of all the places he couldve gone, he was placed into a desert area. Morrigan would be wise not to anger him.

2016-04-11, 10:00 PM
I rolled balance checks for everyone; natural 2 for yours. Sorry if I made you look like a 'dweeb'.

"Why of course I know where we are! I live just over there!" exclaims Morrigan Leroy, gesturing wildly towards the town. As he lands and the sky lightens, you can examine his mount a lot closer. It looks like a typical beast of burden, except for the wings. Knowledge (creatures) could let you identify it hint hint.
"This is... wait, what did you just say? I didn't pull you from any plane. I haven't even been to the airport in years! I get by just fine on Josie here-" he pats the side of his mount "- and of course you're interlopers! Unless you're telling me y'all live in town, and have some fancy-schmancy disguises so I've never met you? So... O Mighty Warrior, Vera the self-proclaimed non-interloper, Dron the apparently really old guy... that leaves three. And by the way." Mr. Leroy says, turning to Dron. "'Mr. Sir Elder, Sir, why are you so upset about tea? And what's the smile for?" with the utmost, perfect impression of one who feigns sincerity.

2016-04-11, 10:02 PM
Hello! I'm Pix, Pix says. What are you talking about?

2016-04-11, 10:14 PM
"I can assure you I have no involvement in this place or situation except that which you bring upon yourself." Vera shifts again, this time to a Solar, making conversation easier. "So, by the strictest definition, interloper is not quite applicable. Either that, or you are at war with your own desires. Either way, if you didn't bring me, us I suppose, here, then how did we get here?"

2016-04-11, 11:16 PM
"Wait so are you from town or not?"

2016-04-11, 11:28 PM
Taking a moment to concentrate, a soft and pure tone is heard by those nearby.

Casting Defensive Precognition on self.
To beat SR (Manifesting at lower power level, lowest necessary to manifest power): [roll0]
If it beats Sr, it's affected by Spell Turning (reflected back at self) until it fails my SR. Either way, it fails, but here's another roll: [roll1]

After failing to pass my SR, I choose to gain the benefit of a permanent +5 movement speed.

The note peters off abruptly, slightly jarringly. Tagging onto Vera's question, Kashar asks, Er, where exactly is here? Since we apparently were all whisked away from wherever, I'd certainly like to know where we were whisked too. Also, did a portal randomly take you guys? And was there a mountain with a red light that flashed a few times? Because there was for me. Taking a moment to think, he turns again to Morrigan Ah, I'm Kashar Nokkelost, but please just call me Kashar. And what the heck is an airport?

As the conversation goes on, it is occasionally punctured by short tones that are abruptly cut off.

Each round, I'll cast the following spells in this order targeting only myself - they'll always be reflected onto my until they fail against my SR, which should happen roughly 50-80% of the time anyhow. Here's the order:

Defensive Precognition x2
Empty Mind x3
Body Adjustment x1
Brain Lock x1
Blur x3
Haste x1

Anyhow, total spell levels of: 19. With the first Defensive Precognition, that's 20 levels, or +100 ft. of movement speed. Nope, only the highest, so +15 movement speed.

2016-04-12, 10:07 AM
"Misty Reach is a town, of sorts. However, it is not the town on the horizon. If it makes you feel better, I will deign to allow you to refer to me as an interloper. In exchange, I would like to know more about this place. Perhaps we can find a way to make our presence less undesirable." Vera begins to realize this Leroy fellow is either an excellent actor or completely unaware of the circumstances of their unintended interplanar excrusion.

2016-04-12, 10:26 AM
"Designation KT-197, Lunarian Security Force." Katie rattles off her name and affiliation in a practiced manner, still staring intently at Morrigan. "As for interloping, I was brought here much the same way as the others; a strange portal that forced me inside and dropped me here. So no, I'm not from this town." She pauses for a second, then directs her entire sensor array at Morrigan for a brief moment, lighting him up with the full EMM spectrum.

As an aside to Kashar, she replies, "Airports are where airplanes take off and land. Like a port for ships, but with air and planes instead of water and boats."

Gonna scan Morrigan, learning their name(s), current and maximum HP/energy/spirit points, move speed, AC, DR, feats, equipped weapons. They also take a -2 penalty to AC and saves due to seeing weak spots and all, but that's not relevant.

All of my knowledges that concern creatures have the same bonus.
Knowledge (Morrigan) [roll0]

Also, a Knowledge (architecture and engineering) and Spot to check out the city on the horizon. What tech level does it appear to be at? How much light and visible movement?
Knowledge: [roll1]
Spot: [roll2]

2016-04-13, 02:46 PM
"Could you not shine all that stuff at me, miss nineteen seven? It was nice to meet all of you; I don't think we've had anybody come into town in a few years. I guess if you're heading towards town I might see you around." suggests Morrigan, shielding his eyes with his hand. He looks a little bit peeved at Katie. Finishing speaking, he climbs back onto "Josie" and meanders perpendicular to the road, working his way through the air and picking up speed until he darts off into the desert faster than you can see.

2016-04-13, 09:12 PM
"Hmph. Glad he's gone. I'm heading to the town; as it might be our only way out of this place. If not, well, town is where the taverns are. Anyone who wants to tag along is welcome, but don't expect me to babysit you." Kuurth turns and starts marching towards the town.

2016-04-13, 10:10 PM
"I will accompany you Kuurth. I could just shift back to my home plane, but until I know what pulled us here, I suppose it could do so again." Vera, still in solar form hovers alongside the marching minotaur.

2016-04-15, 06:21 PM
Katie frowns a little and nods to Kuurth. "Yeah, I think the town is the only place we'll be able to find any information about this strange new world... I'm in."

Bad Wolf
2016-04-15, 06:22 PM
"Well, I'm not going to get my cup of tea back anytime soon, so I guess I'm going with you two." Dron murmured a few arcane words, turning into a Brass Wyrmling in the blink of an eye.

"Hopefully there's at least one person who knows how to make a good cup of tea..." Dron flew up to about one hundred feet, keeping an eye out for any incoming threats as they made their way to the town.

2016-04-17, 11:08 PM
Hmpf. Could have had the decency to keep us company and fill us in on this world and not huff off like that. Either way, Kashar continues, stretching, Going to town seems to be our only option at this point. Shall we?

Kashar will start walking along with a lazy gait, following along with the others towards the town. He'll raise an eyebrow at any magical stunts (Like turning into a dragon) but generally walks along with a self-assured smile.

2016-04-20, 08:26 PM
"Wait for me! We can't all be frigging dragons..." Pix yells out, following the group. The order for your procession is: Kuurth followed by Vera followed by Katie followed by Dron followed by Kashar, with Pix trailing behind. After you get about a third of the way to the town, however, it becomes fully dark. This doesn't stop you, but it means you can not longer track your progress; the darkness seems impenetrable even to darksight. After another fifteen minutes or so of walking with no apparent changes in environment, you all hear a low growling echo across the desert. It is joined by more growls, all of varying volume and pitch. Your microphones register the sounds to average 35 decibels, at around 110 hz. As you slow and glance around, the darkness suddenly becomes traversible by light; you can see a loop of feral dogs surrounding you; an estimate of thirty dogs You quickly count thirty-four dogs. in a perfect polygon a Quadrotriacontagon around you. As you turn to face the circle, you notice how their hackles are raised, and they seem prepared to attack you. They eye your weapons as they move in.

Bad Wolf
2016-04-21, 06:28 PM
"Great, just what I need right now..." Dron flew back down to the ground and ended the spell, turning back into a kobold. He was prepared to destroy the hounds if they so much as nipped at him.

Ended the Alter Self Spell, will use Wings of Flurry to attack every hound in range (30 ft) for 9d6 force damage and daze, Reflex half (DC 30) and to avoid daze. Can I ready an action for it?

2016-04-22, 01:36 PM
"Heh. Puny mutts." Kuurth bares his teeth in a bestial grin.

I will enter a rage (free action), then make a charging ranged power throw (-2) knockback shock trooper bull rush (full round action) at the nearest wolf puny mutt on my initiative.

2016-04-22, 05:01 PM
Her two swords unfolding from her arms, Katie cracks a small grin. "Oh my. They think they can intimidate us with a quadrotriacontagon? What logic is there in that?"

Sayuri will be initiating Insightful Blades on whichever quarter of the dogs does not contain party members.

2016-04-23, 04:40 AM
Kashar casually readies his spear against the growling dogs. At Sayuri's comment, he laughs wholeheartedly adding, Well, you've got that right. Haven't yet found anything that can really hurt me, don't think they'll be able to either.

Initiative: [roll0]

Activate Knowledge Devotion:
Creature Lore: [roll1]
Arcane: [roll2]
Nature: [roll3]

Kashar will ready a Battle-Jumping Leap-Attacking Shock-Troopering charge against the closest wolf at least 30 feet from him (but not more than 45 ft).
Jump Check: [roll4]. Target is 25.

Taking a -6 to AC, he'll have +20 to hit. Burning a Turn Undead attempt now for Divine Might.

To hit: [roll5] + bonus from Knowledge Devotion.
Damage: [roll6] x2 if I hit the DC 25. + 1x or 2x the bonus from Knowledge Devotion, depending on the Jump Check.

Edit: Jump Check hit. Total damage is:
136 + 2x Knowledge Devotion modifiers.
27 + Knowledge Devotion to confirm the crit (rolled in OOC thread)
If Crit: 408 + 6x Knowledge Devotion modifiers. (Holy cow)

2016-04-24, 08:17 AM
Vera shifts forms once again. Her skin becomes metallic, harder, and she drops the 10' she'd been hovering, hitting the ground with a rumble. She chirrups an arcane word and nearly a dozen bolts of energy fly from her hands at the dogs.

Free action: Change form to Animated Object (Adamantine Statue of a Solar)
Move: Fall 10' no damage because of Hardness 20
Standard: Use Reserves of Strength (For a +2 CL) to cast Magic Missile (as a Warmage each missile deals 1d4+7) (CL 21) for 11 missiles. As a construct she is immune to the stunning so she takes 3d6 damage points of damage reduced to 0 after the hardness
Swift: Use Minor Shapeshift to refresh her pool of Temp HP (5hp)

Two missiles per dog at 5 of them:
1: [roll0]
2: [roll1]
3: [roll2]
4: [roll3]
5: [roll4]
And 1 at the last
6: [roll5]