View Full Version : is there away to esimate the Cr of a player character.

2016-04-10, 09:43 PM
I am curious as if there way to find out a players cr for there character.

the character in question is my own pc a gestalt rogue-swiftblade, sorcerer

is there a site for this cause I can't seem to find one

I ask cause I may have to change characters as I seem to be much more powerful than the other 4 players and as such its hard on DM

I employ many transmutation and conjuration spells, as well as I have a sword for fighting different aliments and bolts of spell storing such as shivering touch from a +1 splitting quick loading hand cross bow

I have a ring of freedom of move ment

and my stats are 16 str 28 Dex (race and item) Con 14 int 14 wis 10 cha 22 (16+6 cha cloak)

My saves are 10 fort after all bonus'
20 reflex and 15 will save

so i'd like to know were would my cr be

2016-04-10, 09:46 PM
Generally speaking, player CR (for on LA races with no RHD) = class levels (same as ECL).

For gestalt, I don't know if there are any hard and fast rules, but I'd guesstimate ECL +1 as CR, or maybe ECL +2 if they are high tier classes.

2016-04-10, 10:50 PM
If you go to the back of the MM you'll find a section on how to brew up original creatures. In it, they give guidelines on where a creatures numbers should be, relative to the target CR.

Start by comparing your numbers to those guidelines to see if you're in the right ballpark.

Those guidelines then suggest that a creature's CR should go up or down a point or two if they have special abilities that are atypical for a creature of the target CR or unique abilities that would be difficult to deal with in any event.

Unless you're swinging around some known high-op combo of non-numeric effects or noticably overpowered spell effect (hi, polymorph) then you probably won't use this but if you are, tick yourself up a CR point or two. Check the level of the spell effect or nearest comparable spell effect to the level at which a cleric or wizard could produce the same if you're not sure whether it's level appropriate; again, making note of known outliers (hi, celerity).

This should give you a pretty good idea where you belong on the CR stack.

Officially, a character with only PC class levels should be considered to have CR equal to his level. One with PrC's should be at CR = level +1, and creatures with racial HD or significant LA should be CR'ed by taking their base CR and adding 1CR for each 'associated' class level and 1CR for every other 'unassociated' class level, association being determined by how compatible the class' features are with the creature's racial features.

For most PC's it's unlikely that their CR will fall more than a point or two off of their actual level (barring high LA), regardless of which method you use to determine it.

2016-04-11, 11:38 AM
For gestalt, I don't know if there are any hard and fast rules, but I'd guesstimate ECL +1 as CR, or maybe ECL +2 if they are high tier classes.

Gestalt characters don't increase their CR, they reduce the CR of creatures they encounter:

If you want to keep level advancement at the standard average of thirteen encounters per level, reduce the Challenge Ratings of all the monsters and NPCs in your campaign by 1 (or by 2 if they rely on failed PC saving throws to pose a challenge). The shambling mound and the medusa would both become CR 5 monsters, and the gestalt characters gain levels at the usual rate. Monsters with a Challenge Rating of 1 become CR 1/2, and other monsters with fractional Challenge Ratings have their CRs cut in half (kobolds become CR 1/6, in other words). Many staple low-CR monsters don’t work well against a party of gestalt characters, even 1st-level gestalts.

2016-04-11, 12:55 PM
It sounds like you're looking for something more like a way to tell how powerful you are compared to the people you're playing with, and CR isn't meant for that. I think what you need is something like the tier system.


Basically, it sounds like you've picked a combination of classes that ended up being lot more effective than your teammates choices. I don't use the list myself, but the idea would be that when you made a new character, you would pick options further down the scale so you don't overshadow your friends when you play.

2016-04-11, 04:19 PM
Gestalt characters don't increase their CR, they reduce the CR of creatures they encounter:

Oh, OK, I'd assumed he meant calculating the CR of a gestalt creature as an encounter for non-gestalt PCs.

2016-04-11, 04:24 PM
Oh, OK, I'd assumed he meant calculating the CR of a gestalt creature as an encounter for non-gestalt PCs.

Yeah, that is what he meant, but that paragraph is the reason that the calculation doesn't exist.

2016-04-12, 01:27 PM
I think the CR calculation is your Cr(your lvl ×1.5) so a sixth level party should be fighting a CR 9 in counter. This gets tricky as you increase in level becomes you may not have the spells or items needed to fight some creatures.

Your question seems more about party balance. Some players or groups are stronger simply because of the tactics they use. Some of the groups I have been part of have made epic boss battles child's play. If the tactics you use unbalance the party you can take the chance to play something with more fluff.

What kinds of things are causing a problem anyway?

2016-04-12, 03:17 PM
I think the CR calculation is your Cr(your lvl ×1.5) so a sixth level party should be fighting a CR 9 in counter.

A sixth level party should be fighting a CR 7 or 8 encounter, depending on how that encounter operates. There is no CR calculation for a gestalt character.