View Full Version : Making a Magical Wardrobe

2016-04-10, 11:05 PM
As a reward for beating this boss-witch, I want to give the players an opportunity to go through her magical wardrobe. However, they can only choose one outfit (shoes, pants, shirt, hat) to split amongst the party. I would like roughly three options for each article of clothing, but I don't know where to start :smallfrown:.

The party will be about 14th level or so by the time they get to this point, and I have no idea how to balance magical items....

Right now I have:

The Boots of Gale (Dorothy's red rubber boots)
3/long rest: The wearer can click their heels together and cast Dimension Door.
1/week: By clicking the heels of these boots together and muttering, "There's no place like home," the wearer may transport him/herself, up to 2 other people, and up to 10 pounds of inorganic material to any location the wearer has been in person.

The Slippers of Ashputtle (Cinderella's slippers)
+2 DEX (cannot raise DEX above 20)
CHA becomes 19, if lower.
At will: The wearer can cast the spell Major Image without using concentration. The spell may only be used to create the illusion of fancy clothes, preferably a ball gown or tuxedo, on up to 5 creatures at a time. These illusory clothes last until dispelled or until the stroke of midnight, and can only be reapplied after sunrise.
1/long rest: Using plants and small animals around the wearer, the boots create an elegant horse drawn carriage. The carriage lasts for 6 hours, and is magically shielded against scrying. At the end of the duration, the carriage reverts back to plant material and the horses turn back into whatever animals were present at the time of the casting.

Combat Shoes of Greater Gumption (Forrest Gump's shoes, with leg braces)
CON becomes 20, if lower.
The wearer does not suffer from exhaustion.

Suggestions don't have to be based off of pop culture, I was just bored :smallbiggrin:

Any help would be appreciated greatly!

2016-04-10, 11:54 PM
Boots of skating from 3.5
+10' movement speed. Ignore all rough terrain etc etc

(What I've named) glittergold's crown
This plain looking iron circlet appears rusted and fragile. When placed on someone's head, it hovers a few inches over them and appears to blaze brilliantly as a halo of flames. It's auditory and visual effects are purely illusory. It provides the slightest amount of warmth, as would comfort the wearer. (Credit to a GitP poster)

One of the stat items for a static 19 in an ability score with your own flavorful appearance. (Sometimes making the items gaudy is just as rewarding as the stylish ones!)

I like a coat (your own choice of style) that is like a modified handy haversack.

Glamored armor is fun. Our halfling says, "FANCY!" Then his clothes look wild... Lol

Ship in a bottle is cool. Pop the cork, ship expands, breaking the glass. Can't put that one back in there! (Sorry I just had this idea. I know it's not following your theme.)

Choking scarf- perfect gift for those friends you could do without! :P

White gloves. Never get dirty! Always clean and classy.

I'll add more shortly if I don't get too distracted. Hope it helped!

2016-04-11, 03:10 PM
The Cackling Hat (Wicked Witches Hat)
Requires attunement. 1d4+1 charges, regains 1d4 charges at dawn. As an action all creatures hostile to the wearer within 30 feet must make a Cha save DC 17. Any creatures that fail the save are frightened. While wearing this hat you also gain the Water Susceptibility trait (For every 5 feet the wearer moves in water, or for every gallon of water splashed on them, they take 1 cold damage).

2016-04-11, 03:53 PM
I feel like even at level 14 it is too much to give 3 lvl 4 spells a day, and a lvl12 druid class feature 1/week. If you are curious, most of the items you listed are legendary items.

2016-04-11, 04:17 PM
You should mix things up a bit by putting in a variety of magical items, with the majority not being as good as others. Such as:

Next-to-Godly Tunic: A simple, plain tunic that is always clean, no matter how long it's been worn or what has been spilled on it. (cleanliness is next to godliness after all, think of this like the witch's every day lounging clothes when she's not facing off adventurers or is doing chores)

Nightlight Cloak: Casts the Light cantrip on itself automatically whenever it is in total, non-magical darkness; cantrip is automatically recast when it expires.

Deep Pocket Bra: Bra of Holding jokes aside, the single pocket hidden in the cup of this bra possesses the same storage capabilities as a Bag of Holding, while lifting and separating in a magical fit no matter the wearer's cup size.

Ultra Comfortable Panties: Only thing magical about these is that they fit perfectly and are the most luxurious-feeling piece of underwear you've ever encountered.

You might also want to look through here (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?399328-List-of-Mostly-Useless-Magic-Items) for more ideas.

2016-04-11, 05:02 PM
The Red Coat of Thrilling (http://i4.mirror.co.uk/incoming/article187860.ece/ALTERNATES/s615/image-4-for-editorial-pics-7th-june-2011-gallery-630727540.jpg): Cast Animate Dead 1/long rest. Gives wearer the appearance of a zombie whilst this spell is in effect.

Freddies Yellow Jacket (https://pmcdeadline2.files.wordpress.com/2015/11/freddie-mercury.jpg): Amplifies the wearers voice to epic volume on command. Grants 19 Cha (if lower) and a bushy 'tash.

2016-04-11, 05:04 PM
This definitely needs to be a '1001 enchanted garments' thread! I'm too tired to come up with any right now, but it could become a really useful resource.

Hypnotic Pattern Tailoring. Because every wizard's wardrobe deserves a touch of magic!

2016-04-12, 08:25 AM
Cloak of Water Resistance: if only the Wicked Witch had this before Dorthy killed her.

2016-04-12, 09:12 AM
The Cowardly Lion's Medal: 3/long rest may cast the spell Heroism. *He needed courage*

Tin Man's Axe: 1/long rest may cast the spell Beacon of Hope. *He needed heart*

Edit to ask, if you were giving a weapon with this spell power would you also give it other features or is the spell and beating resistance/immunity enough?

Scarecrows Straw Hat: 2/long rest may cast the spell Enhance Ability only selecting the Fox's Cunning option. *He needed a brain*