View Full Version : so for fun i'd like some help figuring out mine and my fellow pc true aliments

2016-04-11, 01:14 AM
so I'd like some thoughts on what the aliments my pc and my fellow players pc really are

i'll use last Friday as an example

we had just got done with a mission, one that did not pay much in money but help gain us allies

we had about 25000 to are name and we were about 1200 miles from are home.

we searched around and found a willing spell caster who would help us for 22000 gold

are party face a rogue-bard felt that this was highway robbery

and lead us else wear, we came to a back woods cabin and in it this (totally trustworthy looking fellow* said he could teleport us any were (he was a chaos mage ) for a small price
well are psionic class pc says yes. so the chaos mage tosses a black dagger over *looks like something pelor would use *cough cough sarcasm* and he tell her to choose a hand and to cut off every single one of her fingers one at a time. and the player acutally cuts her first finger off but of course due to pain and stuff the dc increase greatly each time *will save* were on the third finger she is crying cause it hurt so much. and she bags people to help her finish as to were the bard rogue replies with "now if I helped you would you learn a lesson* my character finds the other character crying and arguing with the bard rogue annoying so she takes a step backs and unleashes a maximized energy admixture fire ball right in to the building greatly wounding the rogue bard and killing the other player

so what are our aliments

2016-04-11, 02:11 AM
Chaotic incomprehensible?

2016-04-11, 07:17 AM
The real question here is, if you can cast a maximized energy admixture fireball (a 10th level spell unless you have metamagic reduction), how do you not have teleport? :smalltongue:

On the actual topic, bard-rogue, seems to be LN due to keeping with the given instructions to the letter, and your character is solidly CE, for committing murder because people were being annoying.

2016-04-11, 07:23 AM
Ok here is what I got out of that text (further editing could help clarity):
Someone (PC?, NPC?) offered to teleport the group
Someone cut the fingers off someone else
Then you dropped a "fireball" on the party

Not nearly enough to identify alignments, but these 3 actions were N, E, and E respectively.

2016-04-11, 09:37 AM
Ok here is what I got out of that text (further editing could help clarity):
Someone (PC?, NPC?) offered to teleport the group
Someone cut the fingers off someone else
Then you dropped a "fireball" on the party

Not nearly enough to identify alignments, but these 3 actions were N, E, and E respectively.

The second could actually be G if you're playing as a "Fifty Shades of Troll" character.

2016-04-11, 09:56 AM
The second could actually be G if you're playing as a "Fifty Shades of Troll" character.

The BoVD disagrees.

Then again, the BoVD gave us the majestic Magic Bag of Poop, so I stopped taking it seriously a long time ago.

2016-04-11, 09:59 AM
The second could actually be G if you're playing as a "Fifty Shades of Troll" character.

SSC? Checks out.
But that was not the situation from my reading of it. I am stuck between:
A) A charlatan saying they would teleport the group and claiming the finger cutting was part of the spell
B) Someone claiming to be willing to teleport the group, but then gets their fingers chopped off in response to for their offer

Both ring as Evil to me but also sound ridiculous.