View Full Version : Pathfinder PF/PoW Ranged Stalker suggestions

2016-04-11, 01:31 AM
I'm playing a Stalker in a PF game, working my way towards 10th level (9 right now). At this point build-wise, I've kindof reached as far as my initial plans went, and could use some ideas for what to pick up going forward.

9th Level Garuda-blooded Aasimar
Feats: Point-blank Shot, Deadly Aim, Precise Shot, Discipline Focus: Solar Wind, Rapid Shot
Arts: Murderous Insight, Critical Insight, Alacrity

I'm using Silver Crane (via tradition), Solar Wind, with a little Riven Hourglass and Veiled Moon for my manuevers. Party is four casters -- a couple partials, as well as wizard and oracle -- and a barbarian. In addition to being a skill monkeyish, I'm the heaviest hitter we've got. Sitting on a +14 to hit for my first attack right now. Still only have a +1 weapon, as I don't see any enchants that are cheap to pick up anytime soon (probably just pick up corrosive or something, Solar gives me lots of fire damage). Couple other cheap magic items (+2 belt/Headbands, Falcon's Aim bracers, custom gloves of Gravity Bow, Wayfinder with dark blue rhomboid. Really want Sniper's Goggles, but they're still out of the gold range the DM is giving us.

So, feat/art suggestions? Alacrity is pretty weak, honestly, but I couldn't pick up Vampirism yet (that's my idea for 11), and between stalker recovery, high acrobatics, and Veiled Moon teleports, I haven't been in danger of being thugged up much. Thought about retraining it into something, but nothing really appealing that I see. Similarly, for feats... Clustered Shots, maybe, but we haven't seen much with DR I can't beat already. Improved Precise Shot, I guess?

Thanks for your time.

2016-04-11, 02:36 AM
I'd say Critical Edge is a decent pick as an art, as you are more likely to start full attacking going onwards.

2016-04-11, 02:53 AM
I'd actually suggest getting a frost weapon; practically no creature has resistance to both.

2016-04-11, 09:56 AM
If you have Path of War Expanded, I suggest switching out Point Blank Shot and Precise Shot for the Sniper's Tools art and something else of your choice.

One possibility is the Hawkeye(?) feat from Ultimate Psionics, which increases the range of your precision damage abilities to 45 feet. The name may be wrong, I am away from book.

2016-04-11, 07:47 PM
I'll see about retraining out Alacrity for Critical Edge once we get back to a city, and I can buy Boots of Striding.
My main problem with the Sniper's Tools art is it doesn't count as actually having the feats -- meaning I can't take Rapid Shot (and possibly others in the chain, IPS, etc). If I could pick up Rapid Shot some other way...
The DM ruled that the Sniper's Goggles item (can SA from any distance) will work for Deadly Strikes, which means that Hawkeye would be kindof redundant. Thank you for the suggestions though!
Firing arrows of fire from an ice bow :)