View Full Version : Toybox

2016-04-11, 07:10 AM
You wake up. Your heart is pounding and you're gasping for breath. A large glass round wall surrounds you except for floor, ceiling, and behind, each of which seem to be made of a dark metal. As you try to think back, you don't recall how you ended up in this situation. In fact, you don't recall much of anything.

What do you want to do?

(Note that the other players are not necessarily around you at the present. But you each wake up individually in similar circumstances.)

2016-04-11, 07:44 AM

He opens his eyes. Numbers and symbols appear before him, scrolling through his vision, blinking with diagnostics and notifications.


Augmented reality.

The numbers are not in the air. They're inside his eyes. They tell him things. His body is in a heightened state of agitation. He feels little of it.


He looks down. He is huge. Metal alloys and reinforced synthetics. Barely any flesh left. Had it even been there in the first place?

What am I?

He balls his fists. Large, threatening hands of steel. Unyielding. Silent servos spring to life with the motion. Powerful, efficient, foreign. It is too much. The overwhelming nature of the situation threatens to crush him, as do the walls of glass around him.

Break free!

He lashes out, cybernetic arms exploding into forceful movement, hammering the glass in front of him.

2016-04-11, 09:10 AM
He lashes out, cybernetic arms exploding into forceful movement, hammering the glass in front of him.

The glass wall shatters before him. He finds himself in a small metal box of a room. The glass container, if such a word applies, was on one wall of the room. Along other walls are shelves, largely containing various machine parts. There is a gap in the shelves along the wall to his left. A gap that looks like it would have enough space for him to stand in. A cord dangles from the wall here, and seeing it, he becomes aware that there is another cord connecting him to the wall where he stands now. In the center of the room rests a long metal table. There are some scrap parts upon it, and some various cords jutting out from it.

On the far wall is another gap, much like the one on the left-hand wall, sans the cord. By this gap, built into the wall, is a panel with varying buttons upon it.

2016-04-11, 11:26 AM

Opening his physical eyes the Animak perceives the area around him, his dull physical senses taking in what they can as his essence sight slowly returns. The moment it can, he opens his true eyes, and perceives the essence of the world around him.

"Where am I?" he says aloud to no one in particular as he tries to take in the details of his glass case.

Checking Essence Sight to see if there's anything visible in that, and I want to look around the interior of the glass case to see if there is anything that might look like a control panel, using Engineering skill if possible

2016-04-11, 11:50 AM

Opening his physical eyes the Animak perceives the area around him, his dull physical senses taking in what they can as his essence sight slowly returns. The moment it can, he opens his true eyes, and perceives the essence of the world around him.

"Where am I?" he says aloud to no one in particular as he tries to take in the details of his glass case.

Checking Essence Sight to see if there's anything visible in that, and I want to look around the interior of the glass case to see if there is anything that might look like a control panel, using Engineering skill if possible

Other than yourself, you don't see anything made of Essence in the glass case. If you turn around, there is what looks like a metal plate that protrudes a little bit from the normal metal wall.

Ruin Explorer
2016-04-11, 01:12 PM
Gasping and heart pounding, he braces him against the glass. One hand. Two hands. Three hands? Four hands!? Something about that doesn't seem natural.

Deal with it later. Where are you? Focus. Breathe.

He stares out through the glass looking for anything familiar or anything that will tell him where he is at.

2016-04-11, 01:16 PM

He takes in the room. The niche in the wall. One idea dominates his mind.

Was I made here?

The instinctual choice of words is chilling. Made, not born. Was he even alive?

He looks at the cable connecting him to the wall. Irrational worries flood his thoughts. Would he lose power if he lost connection, turn off like a toy whose batteries went out? It is a silly thought, he knows. It still takes him a minute to follow through and pull the cord out.

If nothing notably happens, he moves into the room, searching the machine parts and scrap for anything that might give a clue to this situation. He feels as if his mind is in freefall. So many questions, not a single answer. Not a single memory.

2016-04-11, 01:25 PM
He stares out through the glass looking for anything familiar or anything that will tell him where he is at.

The glass is foggy, but wiping at it, he can make out the blurry outline of a room beyond. A small bed appears to be positioned along the left hand side of the room. There's a desk. Beside it looks like what might be a shelf or a cabinet of some kind. There's a grey formation somewhere across from you. Lockers? A larger grey box is positioned in a corner of the room, running from floor to ceiling. On the far wall, you can see a small grey rectangle that looks like it might have some glowing lights on it.

It still takes him a minute to follow through and pull the cord out.

If nothing notably happens, he moves into the room, searching the machine parts and scrap for anything that might give a clue to this situation. He feels as if his mind is in freefall. So many questions, not a single answer. Not a single memory.

When the cord is pulled out, there's a flash of yellow light for a second before his eyes. The numbers on your screen seem to spike then drop back to normal ranges.

The parts seem to be a mismatch. Some of them look like they might be compatible or replacements for your own, while others seem to be more foreign. You find a grey workbench along one of the walls, cluttered with varying parts. Some of them seem to be put together as if in the form of devices.

2016-04-11, 01:41 PM

Moving around the room, he suddenly notices something that would have been obvious, had the situation not been commanding his entire attention. He had wings. Part metal, part indefinable organic tissue, they were folded on his back.

I can fly?!

He didn't dare to try inside this room, but the fact of their existance raised even more questions. He looks through the machine in the room to find solutions, but they only add more confusion. Replacement parts for him. So he was built here? Or just something added to him, replaced, improved, upgraded? He couldn't tell. Couldn't tell if the few fleshy parts of him were purpose-built lab-grown tissue, or the last vestiges of a once normal sentient being. In order not to go crazy, he decided to work from the assumption that he was alive. A Pervola probably, the only race he knew of that was big and had wings. He was even bigger than a regular Pervola, but he clearly wasn't very regular anymore.

He moves over to the workbench. The devices catch his attention. Not enough technical knowledge to tell what they did, but they might be important. They might be a clue if he could show them to someone who knew more about this stuff.

He looks around the room for container to carry them in, a bag, a sack or some piece of fabric that could be worked into one.

2016-04-11, 01:52 PM
He looks around the room for container to carry them in, a bag, a sack or some piece of fabric that could be worked into one.

He can see that some of the shelves of parts have open bins on them. Plastic by the look of them. The bins all have parts in them. Some more full than others. He could take one of these, but it would require either dumping out the parts or putting the devices in with them.

2016-04-11, 01:54 PM
No other Essences around...what is this place? How did I get here? Who am I?

The Animak's thoughts run in a circle for a few moments before he comes to a conclusion, there is nothing more that can be learned from within the confines of this glass case. The risk of alerting someone, or something, to his awareness is outweighed by the need to figure out what is going on. With that thought firmly in mind he takes a closer look at the metal plate behind him on the wall that is protruding outwards. He carefully tests it, prodding it with limited force first before examining it in closer detail.

Pushing on it first, if that doesn't work will try to pull it off and get at whatever's behind it.

2016-04-11, 02:00 PM

He doesn't think for long. His personality seems to be the decisive type. He dumps a bin full of nuts and bolts, putting the contents into a heap on the central table, and fills the bin with the device from the workbench. Then, holding his bin with his left hand, he goes toward the seond niche in the wall, the one he hopes might be a door.

He looks at the buttons on the panel. Can he make any sense of them?

2016-04-11, 02:11 PM
With that thought firmly in mind he takes a closer look at the metal plate behind him on the wall that is protruding outwards. He carefully tests it, prodding it with limited force first before examining it in closer detail.

Pushing on it first, if that doesn't work will try to pull it off and get at whatever's behind it.

Pushing it, the plate remains still. However, pulling upwards on it reveals that the plate is on a hinge and it flips up. There, floating in the air he sees a glowing orange symbol. Looking at it, he feels a slight tremor of mental pain. A flash of a headache that's there one moment and gone the next leaving only a lingering uneasiness. The symbol isn't in galactic English or anything else that he recognizes instantly, but something about it seems very familiar.

Behind the symbol is a panel that, while still behind the metal plate, seems like it was pulled out of the indent in the wall where it should have gone. Buttons and switches face you as the panel hangs from loose wires that vanish and connect somewhere deeper into the wall.

He looks at the buttons on the panel. Can he make any sense of them?

Make a Mental(Computer Use) roll. (4d6+Attribute+Skill)

Ruin Explorer
2016-04-11, 02:26 PM
He tries pushing on the glass to see if it moves and feels around the edges for some kind of latch or button.

There has to be some way out of this glass coffin.

2016-04-11, 02:28 PM

He looks at the buttons, trying to figure them out. Even without memories he realizes that he is not good at this stuff. Not good with technology, with machines. Is that ironic, seeing that he could be one? He is not amused.


2016-04-11, 02:29 PM
He tries pushing on the glass to see if it moves and feels around the edges for some kind of latch or button.

There has to be some way out of this glass coffin.

Just pushing on the glass, it doesn't move. There are no buttons around the edge of the glass, but the metal wall behind you seems to have another metal plate fastened against it.

2016-04-11, 02:32 PM

He looks at the buttons, trying to figure them out. Even without memories he realizes that he is not good at this stuff. Not good with technology, with machines. Is that ironic, seeing that he could be one? He is not amused.


He has a good feeling about the green button on the panel. Pressing it, the wall slides down in front of him. The hallway before him is dark, save for another lit panel on the wall just beyond the new opening, and the dim light of another room, perhaps 100 feet away.

2016-04-11, 02:49 PM
You wake up. Your heart is pounding and you're gasping for breath. A large glass round wall surrounds you except for floor, ceiling, and behind, each of which seem to be made of a dark metal. As you try to think back, you don't recall how you ended up in this situation. In fact, you don't recall much of anything.She tries to get up and take a look at her surroundings. This is confusing.

Not sure whether or not I have a body right now so this is a short post.

2016-04-11, 03:03 PM

He moves down the corridor carefully, keeping likely angles of hostile approaches in sight. Where had he learned to move like that? Was it programmed into him?

He approaches the other room as quietly as his large frame can manage. Arms raised and poised to defend himself, he looks what he can see inside.


2016-04-11, 03:03 PM
She tries to get up and take a look at her surroundings. This is confusing.

Not sure whether or not I have a body right now so this is a short post.

Looking down, she can make out a pale human hand. The glass seems like it's a bit foggy, but in the dim reflection, she can make out an agile, although not particularly strong, looking body. Shoulder length light-colored hair falls around her face. She appears to be wearing some sort of uniform. Dark blue. There appear to be places on the shoulders where there may have once been patches that have since been ripped out. Over her left breast pocket is the word: "SCHOVAJSA"

2016-04-11, 03:11 PM

He moves down the corridor carefully, keeping likely angles of hostile approaches in sight. Where had he learned to move like that? Was it programmed into him?

He approaches the other room as quietly as his large frame can manage. Arms raised and poised to defend himself, he looks what he can see inside.


The room is large and hexagonal. The ceiling extends up and he can see a hallway of an upper floor going around the room, but he cannot see any way of making it up there. Five hallways, in addition to the one he came down, all connect to this room. Each one of them dark. Along the outside walls of the room are several things. There are several large, grey lockers. There are a couple computer stations. There's a large wooden cabinet. In the center of the room is a large round table. Around the table are six chairs. Each chair lines up with one of the doors. In front of each chair, built into the table, is a large black square with seven buttons on it.

The chair directly in front of his hallway seems to be built larger and sturdier than the others, and it has slots in the back that one's wings could fit through comfortably. He notices that in front of one of the other chairs is a piece of paper.

2016-04-11, 03:12 PM
Looking down, she can make out a pale human hand. The glass seems like it's a bit foggy, but in the dim reflection, she can make out an agile, although not particularly strong, looking body. Shoulder length light-colored hair falls around her face. She appears to be wearing some sort of uniform. Dark blue. There appear to be places on the shoulders where there may have once been patches that have since been ripped out. Over her left breast pocket is the word: "SCHOVAJSA"She stands. Her clothes get a tug and her appearance gets an overhaul. She'll try to look as good as she can given the situation. After a bit of upkeep she'll pull some of the dark blue uniform into the palm of her hand and use it to rub the foggy class in front of her. A peeping window for the near future.

2016-04-11, 03:28 PM

The scene looks ominous to the unnamed cyborg. Six hallways, six chairs, apparently custom-made for their occupants. This was all planned. A cold anger rises up within him. They were playing games. Had the people who built this taken their memories?

He moves into the room and looks at the paper on the table. Obviously meant for another, but he didn't care much about whatever rules this game was supposed to be played by. He needed information.

Afterwards, setting his bin of devices down on the floor to free his hand up, he searches through the lockers and the wooden cabinet for anything of note, using force to try and break any door that wouldn't open by itself.

2016-04-11, 03:32 PM
You wake up. Your heart is pounding and you're gasping for breath. A large glass round wall surrounds you except for floor, ceiling, and behind, each of which seem to be made of a dark metal. As you try to think back, you don't recall how you ended up in this situation. In fact, you don't recall much of anything.

What do you want to do?

(Note that the other players are not necessarily around you at the present. But you each wake up individually in similar circumstances.)

Examine all around glass for anything that can pushed, prodded, or poked at. Will try to determine what am wearing if anything. Sorting through memory for any recall of any objectives beyond identify self, identify location, identify mission, identify targets.

2016-04-11, 03:53 PM
The Animak rubs his head as he concentrates on the image of the glowing symbol and tries his best to remember anything about it or why it might have triggered his unease and familiarity with it.


After a few moments have passed and he's learned all he can from the symbol he reaches out to the panel behind the plate to examine it, trying to determine its function and how it may be of use to him.

Can I try just a pure 'Mental' check to see if I know anything else about the symbol? Effectively an untrained Knowledge (whatever it is) (with a +2 effective if it's Essence based)? If so [roll0]. Also can I tell if the symbol is in my Essence or Physical sight?

Finally is there anything I can learn about the panel with an Engineering (or any other of skill) check? If so [roll1]

Ruin Explorer
2016-04-11, 05:46 PM
"Now, what do we have here."

He examines the plate, checking how it's fastened, and tries to open it, even if it means trying to pry it open.

If it can open, he examines what's behind it. His goal is to get out to the room beyond the glass.

If he can't open it, his telekinesis may trigger in his frustration trying to open it, especially if it's attached by screws or something. If he gets it to open this way, he proceeds as above.

If all else fails, he sighs and tries to force himself through the glass.

2016-04-12, 07:23 AM
After a bit of upkeep she'll pull some of the dark blue uniform into the palm of her hand and use it to rub the foggy class in front of her. A peeping window for the near future.

The room on the other side of the glass seems to be fairly orderly. There's a small twin-sized bed against one wall, made with the sheets tucked in neatly. There's a desk and a shelf beside it: everything in order there without clutter. There are what appear to be some lockers, as well as a large metal-looking wardrobe.

He moves into the room and looks at the paper on the table. Obviously meant for another, but he didn't care much about whatever rules this game was supposed to be played by. He needed information.

Afterwards, setting his bin of devices down on the floor to free his hand up, he searches through the lockers and the wooden cabinet for anything of note, using force to try and break any door that wouldn't open by itself.

The paper reads "Press 'red' once all the others get here" and has an arrow pointing down to that seat's control panel which does, in fact, have a button which is intermittently flashing red.

Searching through the lockers, he'll find that most of them are empty. Some of them have clothes or other mundane articles. The wooden cabinet seems to primarily have cans of non-perishable foodstuffs. Protein packs mostly.

Examine all around glass for anything that can pushed, prodded, or poked at. Will try to determine what am wearing if anything. Sorting through memory for any recall of any objectives beyond identify self, identify location, identify mission, identify targets.

You're wearing a black uniform of some sort. It appears that there may have once been patches on the shoulders, as well as on the front pocket, but these have been ripped out. Looking behind you, you can see a metal panel. While you aren't sure how, you know that the panel flips up and that behind it are controls to open the glass tube.

The Animak rubs his head as he concentrates on the image of the glowing symbol and tries his best to remember anything about it or why it might have triggered his unease and familiarity with it.


After a few moments have passed and he's learned all he can from the symbol he reaches out to the panel behind the plate to examine it, trying to determine its function and how it may be of use to him.

Can I try just a pure 'Mental' check to see if I know anything else about the symbol? Effectively an untrained Knowledge (whatever it is) (with a +2 effective if it's Essence based)? If so [roll0]. Also can I tell if the symbol is in my Essence or Physical sight?

Finally is there anything I can learn about the panel with an Engineering (or any other of skill) check? If so [roll1]

The symbol is definitely made of Essence. Somehow even the metal panel blocked your sense of it. Waving your senses through it, it doesn't move, but even Essence seems to pass right through it. The more you try to think about the symbol, the more you have one word in your mind: Ghostland. You're not sure if it's a direct translation of the symbol or not, but it seems like you somehow associate the word with it. Even with that, you're not sure what it means. There's a space station known as Ghostland Station, you know that. You also know that the Animak race are often referred to as Ghosts, so any conglomeration of your own race might be considered a Ghost land.

Looking at the panel, you're able to determine that it works the glass container you're in. Someone apparently tried to tamper with it, but so far as you can tell it's still in working order. There are controls that you think access some sort of gas, as well as controls that would open the container via pulling the glass into a slot in the ceiling.

He examines the plate, checking how it's fastened, and tries to open it, even if it means trying to pry it open.

If it can open, he examines what's behind it. His goal is to get out to the room beyond the glass.

Behind the metal plate is what looks like a control panel. You think it might work the cell that you find yourself in.

2016-04-12, 07:36 AM

Looking down at his body of steel and plastic, he doesn't know if he has to eat at all. Curiously, he ingests a protein pack and watches the numbers in his eyes, interested in what will happen.

He looks at the paper he took from the table, then slams it back down.

"Screw you and your rules!"

He speaks out loud for the first time, and his voice startles him. Deep, slightly mechanical and vibrating, threatening. Pushing the confusing thoughts from his mind, he decides to explore more. Picking the leftmost hallway at random, he continues to sneak along.

2016-04-12, 07:45 AM
Picking the leftmost hallway at random, he continues to sneak along.

The hallway is dark, and it seems to lead to a dead end. However, there's a control panel on the wall and you remember how to operate it.

2016-04-12, 08:17 AM

Wise from previous experience, he presses the green button.

Ruin Explorer
2016-04-12, 09:26 AM
He tries activating the panel to open the cell. Curious about what the cell is, he also tries to determine what other functions the panel controls.

2016-04-12, 10:14 AM
The room on the other side of the glass seems to be fairly orderly. There's a small twin-sized bed against one wall, made with the sheets tucked in neatly. There's a desk and a shelf beside it: everything in order there without clutter. There are what appear to be some lockers, as well as a large metal-looking wardrobe.She'll look around for any button that'd let her out. If she finds none she'll knock on the glass. "Hello? Anyone there?"

2016-04-12, 11:05 AM
Ghostland... the Animak thinks, pondering the word and what it might mean even as he fiddles with the control panel. Upon finding evidence that it was tampered with he frowns slightly, the expression visible in the essence spectrum more so than the physical one.

Upon completing his examination of the panel the Animak nods to himself and activates the controls to open his container, turning as he does so to watch the glass retract and then to look into the room beyond.

2016-04-12, 11:50 AM
Wise from previous experience, he presses the green button.

The door opens, and you see a room before you. It's about the same size as the one that you woke up in, possibly slightly smaller. On the wall across from you is another glass tube, but the glass is opening and there is a man standing within it. The man appears to be human, save for the two extra mechanical arms. He appears to be fidgeting with a control panel within the cell, but notices you when you come in.

He tries activating the panel to open the cell. Curious about what the cell is, he also tries to determine what other functions the panel controls.

You're able to open the cell. When you do, the glass slides into the ceiling. Looking at the control panel, you think you can determine that there are controls for monitoring life signs as well as for distributing some sort of gas within the cell.

As you're looking it over, a portion of the wall in the room, by a panel on the wall, slides into the ceiling. Standing there is a large creature of mechanical parts. Either a Pervola, or a droid meant to be shaped like one. Either way, it looks like it could do some damage.

She'll look around for any button that'd let her out. If she finds none she'll knock on the glass. "Hello? Anyone there?"

She manages to find a metal plate on the back wall. Lifting it up, she sees a series of complicated controls.

Make a Mental (Computer Use) or (Engineering) roll to determine the function.

Ghostland... the Animak thinks, pondering the word and what it might mean even as he fiddles with the control panel. Upon finding evidence that it was tampered with he frowns slightly, the expression visible in the essence spectrum more so than the physical one.

Upon completing his examination of the panel the Animak nods to himself and activates the controls to open his container, turning as he does so to watch the glass retract and then to look into the room beyond.

When the glass comes down, the room seems to have a sense of Essence about it. Sure, there are physical things like a bed, some lockers, a desk, but you also feel the Essence here. Nothing particularly active, just a presence and a sense that the Essence is here to be shaped and used. There's a control panel near an empty space of wall, and it, too, has been pulled out of it's proper spot.

2016-04-12, 12:18 PM
She manages to find a metal plate on the back wall. Lifting it up, she sees a series of complicated controls.

Make a Mental (Computer Use) or (Engineering) roll to determine the function.

"Uh..." She'll stare at it and then fiddle with it.

Don't have either skill:

2016-04-12, 12:39 PM
"Uh..." She'll stare at it and then fiddle with it.

As she fiddles with the controls, a faint gas beings to come into the chamber. She feels herself begin to get woozy and continues at her work. Just before she would have passed out, she manages to hit the right button, and the glass slides down into the floor. Fresh air fills her lungs and the gas stops.

Ruin Explorer
2016-04-12, 12:42 PM
Crud, I didn't think there was an alarm connected!

He turns to the mighty looking metal behemoth, raising his arms up in a non-threating way. He notes how natural his unnatural arms have reacted. Instinctively, he glances around the room for a small object, maybe a few pounds in weight. All the while, he feels his mind waiting to reach out and grasp what he might find. He speaks clamly to the big guy, trying to avoid confrontation.

"Hey there, big guy. What... uh, what are you up to?"

2016-04-12, 12:57 PM
As she fiddles with the controls, a faint gas beings to come into the chamber. She feels herself begin to get woozy and continues at her work. Just before she would have passed out, she manages to hit the right button, and the glass slides down into the floor. Fresh air fills her lungs and the gas stops. She coughs on her way out. Failing to catch her position as she has a small tumble to the bed. Her lungs supposedly free of the sleep gas. She'll cling to the air for a while longer before pushing up off the side of the bed. Another glance around the room. This time less partials in the way. She'll step away from the chamber and continue, anywhere.

The lockers seem the more difficult target so she'll make her way around the bed, facing the chamber. She'll have a looksy at it. See if there are any clues tucked away under or around it. Having a look at it before wondering over to the desk. Oh, what an invasion of privacy.

2016-04-12, 01:33 PM
When the glass comes down, the room seems to have a sense of Essence about it. Sure, there are physical things like a bed, some lockers, a desk, but you also feel the Essence here. Nothing particularly active, just a presence and a sense that the Essence is here to be shaped and used. There's a control panel near an empty space of wall, and it, too, has been pulled out of it's proper spot.

The Animak takes a moment to just rest in the comfortable sensation of more shapable Essence around him before he moves out of the tube and into the room proper. Taking a moment to look around he tries to see if anything about this Essence seems familiar to him, before moving to the control panel to examine it.

Knowledge (Essence) to see if there's anything else I can learn about the Essence in the room? I don't expect so, but doesn't hurt to try.

And an Engineering check on the Control Panel to see what I can learn about it?

2016-04-12, 02:53 PM
Will flip up panel and open glass tube. Then proceed in combat ready stance and evaluate surroundings.

2016-04-12, 07:45 PM

He looks at the four-armed man, numbers in his eyes throwing up evaluations. Unarmed, stance more defensive than aggressive. Unlikely to be an immediate threat. The fact that the guy was in one of these tubes as well makes it likely they share the same situation. Likely, but not definitive.

"Looks like they screwed with you too. At least you just got a pair of extra arms out of it. I'm not even sure what the hell they did to me. Or more likely, what little they didn't."

He laughs, a strange vibrating sound.

Ruin Explorer
2016-04-12, 09:57 PM
"Oh! Good. So, you're not here to stop me. I thought you might be some type of security."

He relaxes his arms to his sides and steps out of the cell. He still remains on guard as he continues, just in case.

"You know, you're an intimidating... man?", he proposes questioningly after a moment's hesitation. "Though, that may not be comforting, judging from your tone.

"Sounds like you and I are in similar situations. Why don't we work together to figure this out?"

Without waiting for an immediate response, he continues into the room to start searching for clues. He starts at the desk, intending to continue to the shelf/cabinet and lockers. As he begins searching, he inquires to the big man.

"So, you said 'they'. Do you know who they are or why they wanted us here? I don't remember much."

Are there any papers, photos, or personal affects? Has the bed been slept in? Are there books, clothes, a laser gun? Are there any objects that he could pickup to use with his telekinesis for later?

Perception for search: [roll0]

2016-04-13, 05:22 AM

His metal face does not show it too much, but being described as 'intimidating' sends strange feelings through his mind. Uneasiness, yes, but also a strong sense of purpose. Strange.

"I don't even know my name, or what the hell I am. Woke up 5 minutes ago, in a tube just like yours. I think we should stick together until we can figure out just what is happening."

He joins four-arm in the search of the room for anything useful.

"I've been exploring a bit. There's some kind of "meeting room" outside, six corridors total, two of which lead to our cells. There might be four more like us here. Feels like some kind of screwed up game they're playing with us, whoever they are."

Remembering something, he holds out the bin he was carrying for his new companion to look at.

"Hey, you know anything about tech? I found these in the room I woke up in. Maybe the room I was made in, from the looks of it." He shudders. "Maybe these devices can give us a clue?"

2016-04-13, 07:10 AM
The lockers seem the more difficult target so she'll make her way around the bed, facing the chamber. She'll have a looksy at it. See if there are any clues tucked away under or around it. Having a look at it before wondering over to the desk. Oh, what an invasion of privacy.

There's a set of sturdy boots under the bed, but that's about it.

On the desk, there's a green file folder. The tab is labeled PROJECT: TOYBOX. Unfortunately, opening the file, it appears to be empty.

Taking a moment to look around he tries to see if anything about this Essence seems familiar to him, before moving to the control panel to examine it.

The essence seems set up in a way to be conducive to your particular resonance with it. You think that you would have an advantage working with the Essence and Essence-related things in here that you might not have in other locations.

The control panel works a door in the wall. Open/Close, Lock/Unlock (with combination). It looks like someone was trying to set the controls into a Lock position and break them so that they couldn't be hacked from the other side. It also looks like their work was incomplete. You think it wouldn't be much trouble to get the door working properly from where things are now.

Will flip up panel and open glass tube. Then proceed in combat ready stance and evaluate surroundings.

The room seems to be in order. There is a bed in the corner which is made according to regulations. There's a desk. Some lockers. A standard closet. On the far wall is another control panel next to an empty space of wall. You know that this operates a doorway out of and into the room.

Without waiting for an immediate response, he continues into the room to start searching for clues. He starts at the desk, intending to continue to the shelf/cabinet and lockers.

Are there any papers, photos, or personal affects? Has the bed been slept in? Are there books, clothes, a laser gun? Are there any objects that he could pickup to use with his telekinesis for later?

In the locker, he finds a laser pistol and a couple spare batteries. Most of his clothes are found in the larger cabinet-looking thing. On the desk are some papers, but it's mostly just scribbles, nothing noteworthy.

2016-04-13, 07:33 AM
There's a set of sturdy boots under the bed, but that's about it.

On the desk, there's a green file folder. The tab is labeled PROJECT: TOYBOX. Unfortunately, opening the file, it appears to be empty.She'll lean over to check under the desk for any draws or any other info. If there are none she'll move over to the lockers. *Cough* She'll attempt to open them.

Does she have shoes? If not she'll take them and put them on.

2016-04-13, 07:55 AM
She'll lean over to check under the desk for any draws or any other info. If there are none she'll move over to the lockers. *Cough* She'll attempt to open them.

Does she have shoes? If not she'll take them and put them on.

She finds a file on the desk labeled "PROJECT: TOYBOX", but the file appears to be empty. She finds some weapons in the lockers: a laser pistol as well as a laser rifle.

She is wearing shoes that seem a part of the uniform. They seem well suited for walking about in a standard environment, but the boots would be more sturdy in a more wild or less even one.

2016-04-13, 08:06 AM
She finds a file on the desk labeled "PROJECT: TOYBOX", but the file appears to be empty. She finds some weapons in the lockers: a laser pistol as well as a laser rifle.

She is wearing shoes that seem a part of the uniform. They seem well suited for walking about in a standard environment, but the boots would be more sturdy in a more wild or less even one.She'll drop the boots and wonder over toward the lockers. A laser pistol and rifle! "Score." They're both tossed on the bed. She keeps looking through the lockers but finding nothing she'll make her way back over to the bed. Sit down, and switch out her shoes. She figures this is her room anyway. Her stuff.

"Ow." She clutches her head as a pain goes through it.

She'll stand and grab the pistol, pushing it into her pants. The rifle will go on her back. And, the file folded and stuffed in her pocket. After that, nothing left to do here. She'll mosey on over to the door and open it to the outside world.

Don't worry! I saw the empty file bit. Just searching the room.

2016-04-13, 08:25 AM
She'll mosey on over to the door and open it to the outside world.

The control panel is simple enough and the door slides open upon pressing the green button. The hallway on the other side of the door is dark, but there is light of another room maybe 100 yards away.

2016-04-13, 08:58 AM
The control panel is simple enough and the door slides open upon pressing the green button. The hallway on the other side of the door is dark, but there is light of another room maybe 100 yards away.She'll look for a light switch around her door. After that, she'll call out, "Hello? Anyone there?" Big place. She'll head towards the light if she couldn't find a light of her own.

2016-04-13, 09:16 AM
She'll look for a light switch around her door. After that, she'll call out, "Hello? Anyone there?" Big place. She'll head towards the light if she couldn't find a light of her own.

There is a control panel just on the other side of the door, but it doesn't immediately give any indication of being to turn on lights to the hallway.

The room at the end of the hall is large and hexagonal. The ceiling extends up and she can see a hallway of an upper floor going around the room, but she cannot see any way of making it up there. Five hallways, in addition to the one she came down, all connect to this room. Each one of them dark. Along the outside walls of the room are several things. There are several large, grey lockers. Many of these appear to be open and as if someone or something ransacked them recently. There are a couple computer stations. There's a large wooden cabinet. In the center of the room is a large round table. Around the table are six chairs. Each chair lines up with one of the doors. In front of each chair, built into the table, is a large black square with seven buttons on it.

2016-04-13, 09:25 AM
There is a control panel just on the other side of the door, but it doesn't immediately give any indication of being to turn on lights to the hallway.

The room at the end of the hall is large and hexagonal. The ceiling extends up and she can see a hallway of an upper floor going around the room, but she cannot see any way of making it up there. Five hallways, in addition to the one she came down, all connect to this room. Each one of them dark. Along the outside walls of the room are several things. There are several large, grey lockers. Many of these appear to be open and as if someone or something ransacked them recently. There are a couple computer stations. There's a large wooden cabinet. In the center of the room is a large round table. Around the table are six chairs. Each chair lines up with one of the doors. In front of each chair, built into the table, is a large black square with seven buttons on it.Well, things are starting to get creepy. She'll walk over to a computer terminal and tap at it to see if it'll activate. If it won't she'll try several of the other stations.

2016-04-13, 09:30 AM
Well, things are starting to get creepy. She'll walk over to a computer terminal and tap at it to see if it'll activate. If it won't she'll try several of the other stations.

The computer responds to her touch.

2016-04-13, 09:40 AM
The computer responds to her touch.A bit of light coming in from somewhere. Not a fog is what is going on. Place doesn't seem familiar. No one is around. Everything's gone dark and creepy. Power seems on. Which is good. The pistol comes out of the pants and she'll set it next to the keys.

She'll pull up a chair. Take her uniform to the monitor to try to clean it. And, she'll try to get it working. She'll tap a couple keys still a log in or something pops up.

2016-04-13, 09:42 AM
She'll pull up a chair. Take her uniform to the monitor to try to clean it. And, she'll try to get it working. She'll tap a couple keys still a log in or something pops up.

The monitor seems pretty clean without help. A basic "home" screen comes up, no log in required.

2016-04-13, 09:46 AM
Another pain in her temple. She grunts and applies some hand pressure to it. A few moments of recuperating pass before she turns her attention back to the screen.

She'll move her hand to the mouse(?) (Trackpad?). "Alright, let's see what we've got here." >Start>Recent Items.

Well! She'll do it anyway. :smalltongue:

Ruin Explorer
2016-04-13, 09:47 AM
"Teamwork, I like it," he says to his draconian companion while searching. "So, is there anything I should call you?"

At the desk, as he looks through the papers, he subconsciously lets go of them in midair, They hang there suspended for a moment before gently floating down to the desk. "Dang, nothing but scribbles."

While looking at the clothes in the cabinet, questions start coming to mind. He mumbles to himself, "How do shirts work with four arms? Wait! What am I wearing?" He looks down at himself to see what he has on.

Picking up the laser pistol from the locker, he declares, "Sweet, this may come in handy." He holsters the weapon with a couple of arms and grabs one of the batteries with a third arm, stowing it in a pocket. The other battery floats to his fourth. Did I do that? He lets go of the battery and floats it around the air a bit before stowing it away. Cool.

After the search, he starts looking through his companion's bin, seeing if he knows what they are.

2016-04-13, 09:55 AM

The four-armed man's question makes him think a bit.

"Call me? Wish I knew. Well, seeing I got wings and sorta look like the mech version of a reptile, am I just gonna go by Dragon for now. What about you?"

The discovery of the laser pistol elicits a nod and a somewhat distorted whistle when he sees the battery floating.

"Telekinesis, huh? Nifty. Keep that thing handy. Got a feeling we might need firepower."

2016-04-13, 10:04 AM
She'll move her hand to the mouse(?) (Trackpad?). "Alright, let's see what we've got here." >Start>Recent Items.

The screen appears to be a touchscreen, but there's also a keyboard and mouse below it. A search for Recent Items comes up blank.

After the search, he starts looking through his companion's bin, seeing if he knows what they are.

Make a Mental based roll (with a relevant skill if you have one)

2016-04-13, 10:12 AM
The screen appears to be a touchscreen, but there's also a keyboard and mouse below it. A search for Recent Items comes up blank.She'll see if anything is on the computer at all. If the things dataless/doesn't have any useful programs to run she'll move on to another station. If that one's blank too she'll move over to some of the lockers. See if anything got left behind. If that comes up empty than she'll move over to the table in the middle. And, might as well press some buttons on the chair closest to the hallway she left.

She won't leave her gun either. It's going with her!

2016-04-13, 10:20 AM

Having not taken the time to since he packed them away, Dragon gives the devices a look himself while he shows them to four-arms.

[roll0] +1 for Evaluation maybe?

2016-04-13, 10:32 AM
She'll see if anything is on the computer at all. If the things dataless/doesn't have any useful programs to run she'll move on to another station. If that one's blank too she'll move over to some of the lockers. See if anything got left behind. If that comes up empty than she'll move over to the table in the middle. And, might as well press some buttons on the chair closest to the hallway she left.

She won't leave her gun either. It's going with her!

On the computer, there seem to be some star charts and generally the basics when it comes to programs for word processing and general computer functions. But overall, it seems like it's more or less factory default settings. All the computers do.

The lockers have some clothes and various mundane equipment in them. There is a wooden cabinet with food in it-protein packs mostly.

On the control panel by the chair, you can see that there are seven buttons, each lit up. Starting at the left, about centered vertically on the box, is a lit red button. Moving to the right, there are two rows of three. Each row has (from left to right) a yellow button, a blue button, and a green button.

You notice that in front of the panel on your right, there's a piece of paper with something written on it. While you notice this, you also can see that the red button of that control panel is flashing.

2016-04-13, 10:45 AM
Having not taken the time to since he packed them away, Dragon gives the devices a look himself while he shows them to four-arms.

Dragon thinks that one sets of devices are magnets that can affix to the souls of boots (or even his own large feet). With subtle toe movements, the wearer can activate or deactivate the magnets allowing him to climb up a metal wall and remain, unmoved, while standing on a metal surface. It appears to have a makeshift battery that would probably last about an hour, after which time another battery would need to be found or fashioned or the magnets would be useless.

2016-04-13, 10:51 AM
On the computer, there seem to be some star charts and generally the basics when it comes to programs for word processing and general computer functions. But overall, it seems like it's more or less factory default settings. All the computers do.

The lockers have some clothes and various mundane equipment in them. There is a wooden cabinet with food in it-protein packs mostly. Sweet. The star charts are of some interest. Now, whether they're generic or are an route or map makes all the difference. She'll take her time. She's in no hurry. The charts will get a good look over. If nothing else in the same manner of anything else she finds interesting. Apparently space stuff is interesting? She'll browse through the computer looking for other stuff, but when she finds none she'll move on. Lifting herself up out of the chair she'll make a round on the computers.

Turning them on and off as she goes through. By the end of it the only computer that's monitor is left on is the one closest to her room.

The lockers leave her feeling good. Apparently their not half bad little treasure troves filled with stuff. Once again she's in no hurry. She'll maliciously start going through the things. Starting by her sector and hoping to end up at it once again. She's on the look out for loose papers with anything on them. Anything useful. Names. People. Pictures. Orders. After that she's on the look out for a flashlight or something to brighten up the area. Power seems on but finding the light switches has proven to be a problem.

She'll nab a food bar out of the cabinet and chow on it while she searches. Not really being picky she'll grab whatever looks best to her on instinct.

After that she'll go back to searching the lockers. A bit of a hum in her steps as she eats and searches.

I realize there could be a lot of stuff in the lockers. She's on the look for information. Something! A computer, pappers, id's, games that have been played. Some sign of life.

Outside of that she's look for gear of course. A flash light would be killer. A knife. A utility tool. Hygiene products. Gum. Not to be a pain on listing anything; she'll make a mental note to of anything she see's that's useful that she might need later but is useless now.

Ruin Explorer
2016-04-13, 10:57 AM
"Dragon. I like it. It does suit you. For myself, how about Legs... I'm joking. I think Arms, or more properly Four-Arms, will suit me for now."

Mental: [roll0]

Also, what was I wearing when I looked at myself before.

2016-04-13, 11:04 AM
Essence resonance...perhaps this was my room? On wherever I am. A rather simple design, but elegant in its simplicity. the Animak thinks as he moves to examine the control panel.

Simple design. Damaged...much like the panel within the case. Attempting to lock from inside and override...and no other living Essences in the room.

A horrified repression crosses the Animak's face and resonates within the Essence for a moment and he quickly examines the control panel's status to see if the door is currently locked or not.

If the door is locked from the inside, and I am the only being within the room, then I must have done so. And I must have damaged the panel to attempt to keep something out. But what? What threatened me, and why damage the glass cage's panel? The panel...that could open the cage or release a gas of some sorts...

For a moment the Animak considers returning to the case and triggering the gas release to get more answers. However that thought is quickly discarded, as there is no means of knowing how dangerous the gas might be and, alone in a room with potential threats around, gassing himself would not be a wise course of action.

After a few moments analyzing the available data in his head, running around the same circles of thought, the Animak realizes he's going to have to go outside of the room to figure out what happened. While remaining within (and ensuring the door's seal) is an appealing idea, it's obviously not a feasible one in the long term.

Before attempting to repair the control panel, however, he moves over to the doorway, careful in case it has some kind of auto-opening mechanism, and attempts to listen to hear if there is any activity on the other side.

Can I tell whether the door is currently locked or not? And do I need to roll to repair the control panel? If so [roll0] Repair.

What would be the roll for determining if I can hear anything on the other side of the door? [roll1] + mental? (3) Not sure what the Perception skill falls under.

2016-04-13, 11:18 AM

"Wall-walking magnets... could be useful. Though I have no idea why they'd be in my room. This day isn't getting any less weird." He puts them back in the bin, keeping them around for a later opportunity.

He waits until his companion is done looking over the devices as well.

"So, Four-Arms..." He grins. "Up for a little exploring? There's probably some answers here somwhere."

He starts to move back toward the meeting room, trying to move silently.


2016-04-13, 11:28 AM
Sweet. The star charts are of some interest. Now, whether they're generic or are an route or map makes all the difference.


The lockers leave her feeling good. Apparently their not half bad little treasure troves filled with stuff. Once again she's in no hurry. She'll maliciously start going through the things. Starting by her sector and hoping to end up at it once again. She's on the look out for loose papers with anything on them. Anything useful. Names. People. Pictures. Orders. After that she's on the look out for a flashlight or something to brighten up the area. Power seems on but finding the light switches has proven to be a problem.

She'll nab a food bar out of the cabinet and chow on it while she searches. Not really being picky she'll grab whatever looks best to her on instinct.

After that she'll go back to searching the lockers. A bit of a hum in her steps as she eats and searches.

I realize there could be a lot of stuff in the lockers. She's on the look for information. Something! A computer, pappers, id's, games that have been played. Some sign of life.

Outside of that she's look for gear of course. A flash light would be killer. A knife. A utility tool. Hygiene products. Gum. Not to be a pain on listing anything; she'll make a mental note to of anything she see's that's useful that she might need later but is useless now.

Taking her time, she is able to find a few flashlights; a couple knives; some rope; some varying mechanical bits like wrenches and the like; there are also some personal goods like hygiene products, but nothing offering identity; primarily clothes, none of which seem to have ID on them. Some of them seem like they're for something much larger than her, with slots in their back. Some of them seem like they're for something with four arms. The lockers closest to her door, as well as the door to the left of her door, seem pretty orderly. There are uniforms in them. Dark blue in hers, like what she's already wearing, sans the patch above the breast pocket. Black in the nearby one.

"Dragon. I like it. It does suit you. For myself, how about Legs... I'm joking. I think Arms, or more properly Four-Arms, will suit me for now."

Mental: [roll0]

Also, what was I wearing when I looked at myself before.

Unfortunately, Four-Arms is unable to decipher the purpose of any of the other bits of tech in the basket.

He's wearing a button up shirt that has two extra holes for his extra arms in the back. A lot of his clothes seem to have extra holes in them. Those that don't seem to be large jackets with extra room in them.

After a few moments analyzing the available data in his head, running around the same circles of thought, the Animak realizes he's going to have to go outside of the room to figure out what happened. While remaining within (and ensuring the door's seal) is an appealing idea, it's obviously not a feasible one in the long term.

Before attempting to repair the control panel, however, he moves over to the doorway, careful in case it has some kind of auto-opening mechanism, and attempts to listen to hear if there is any activity on the other side.

Can I tell whether the door is currently locked or not? And do I need to roll to repair the control panel? If so [roll0] Repair.

What would be the roll for determining if I can hear anything on the other side of the door? [roll1] + mental? (3) Not sure what the Perception skill falls under.

The door does not seem to currently be locked. Even when it is unlocked, the control panel does control it's opening and closing, as there is no handle or obvious door for the door (it slides into the floor). You're able to make the control panel 100% functional.

Perception does fit under mental, but you are unable to hear anything on the other side of the door.


He starts to move back toward the meeting room, trying to move silently.

I'm gonna wait to hear what Four-Arms is doing before giving too much intel on what you find when you go there.

2016-04-13, 11:37 AM
Taking her time, she is able to find a few flashlights; a couple knives; some rope; some varying mechanical bits like wrenches and the like; there are also some personal goods like hygiene products, but nothing offering identity; primarily clothes, none of which seem to have ID on them. Some of them seem like they're for something much larger than her, with slots in their back. Some of them seem like they're for something with four arms. The lockers closest to her door, as well as the door to the left of her door, seem pretty orderly. There are uniforms in them. Dark blue in hers, like what she's already wearing, sans the patch above the breast pocket. Black in the nearby one.She's not sure if something with four arms should freak her out or not. It might be more scary if it wasn't in what appeared to be crew lockers.

She'll grab the flashlight, using it whenever it gets difficult to see, and empty a few batteries out of the others. Three knives are coming with her too. The other stuff - she doesn't see a reason to bring.

She'll take another bite out of her slowly disappearing food bar. Not literately the worse thing she's had, she thinks. It was becoming pretty obvious that she had no clue what was going on. A bit of self reflection, oh let's not do that, that's freaky, had her worrying more than anything else. Still, sitting around crying isn't going to help.

She'll make her way over the the middle table with the flashing red light. Take a seat, and press the button.

Ruin Explorer
2016-04-13, 11:54 AM
After rummaging through the parts, Arms comes up with nothing. He stands and shrugs his shoulders.

"Sorry, Dragon. I have no idea what any of this is. I'll be right with you. I should check one last thing."

He sniffs the air. Reaching out with his mind, he taps against the Essence, feeling for the return vibrations.

I'm not exactly sure what I'm looking for with the Essence. It's more an 'just in case' check. As long as there is nothing threatening or remarkable, he'll follow his companion's lead and stealthy enter the hall.

Essence sense: [roll0]
Stealth: [roll1]

2016-04-13, 12:38 PM
Reassured as the unlocked door opens up the possibility that someone else tampered with the panels and left the Animak completes his repairs and, with a final glance at the doorway and a confirmation in his mind that there is unlikely to be anything immediately outside, presses the button to open the door.

As soon as it is open, assuming the hall beyond is clear, he steps out of the room and takes a look around the outside of the room, specifically looking to make sure he knows where the outer control panel is and what state it is in.

2016-04-13, 12:42 PM
As soon as it is open, assuming the hall beyond is clear, he steps out of the room and takes a look around the outside of the room, specifically looking to make sure he knows where the outer control panel is and what state it is in.

Outer control panel outside your door appears to be in tact. You're aware that the hallway you're in leads into another room, about 100 yards away.

2016-04-13, 01:55 PM
The room seems to be in order. There is a bed in the corner which is made according to regulations. There's a desk. Some lockers. A standard closet. On the far wall is another control panel next to an empty space of wall. You know that this operates a doorway out of and into the room.

Examine and open all storage devices, inspect for hidden compartments, and make a tactical list of all gear. Searching for anything suggesting a possible name or moniker to use along with fitting cover stories. Also, definitely looking for weapons.

Will sort anything found into piles and evaluate each object for clues. Will also examine bed completely in case of hidden objects stored in mattress, under bed, or in pillows or sheets. (Because we are going to be paranoid here)

Will then proceed after evaluations later to exit room depending on what has been discovered.

2016-04-13, 02:05 PM
Examine and open all storage devices, inspect for hidden compartments, and make a tactical list of all gear. Searching for anything suggesting a possible name or moniker to use along with fitting cover stories. Also, definitely looking for weapons.

Will sort anything found into piles and evaluate each object for clues. Will also examine bed completely in case of hidden objects stored in mattress, under bed, or in pillows or sheets. (Because we are going to be paranoid here)

Will then proceed after evaluations later to exit room depending on what has been discovered.

More uniforms; none with id. No documentation of identity or much of anything else.

Laser Pistol
Laser Rifle
Survival Knife
Rope, with a hook tied to the end
Basic med-kit
Sturdy boots

All else mundane and not worth much note

2016-04-13, 02:09 PM
With little in the way of other options (save for returning to the room and locking it, which while tempting, would certainly not yield the answers he was looking for) the Animak moves down the hallway, headed for the other room, and attempts to enter it.

2016-04-13, 02:28 PM
More uniforms; none with id. No documentation of identity or much of anything else.

Laser Pistol
Laser Rifle
Survival Knife
Rope, with a hook tied to the end
Basic med-kit
Sturdy boots

All else mundane and not worth much note

Find holders for everything, except rope, which put back where found. Then will exit room holding rifle and explore surroundings looking for any kind of devices or objects that can explain anything.

Will try to find live sentients capable of communication, and will introduce self as "Sarge" to any encountered.

2016-04-13, 02:41 PM

He starts to move back toward the meeting room, trying to move silently.

As long as there is nothing threatening or remarkable, he'll follow his companion's lead and stealthy enter the hall.

With little in the way of other options (save for returning to the room and locking it, which while tempting, would certainly not yield the answers he was looking for) the Animak moves down the hallway, headed for the other room, and attempts to enter it.

Find holders for everything, except rope, which put back where found. Then will exit room holding rifle and explore surroundings looking for any kind of devices or objects that can explain anything.

Will try to find live sentients capable of communication, and will introduce self as "Sarge" to any encountered.

She'll make her way over the the middle table with the flashing red light. Take a seat, and press the button.

Binks/Four-Arms/Sarge At the end of your dark hall, you reach an unfamiliar hexagonal room. There's a hallway leading down from each wall. Around it are computers and lockers, these appear to have been rummaged through recently. There's a wooden cabinet in the corner. In the center is a large round table with six chairs, each in line with a hallway and each with it's own control panel.

You notice a human female at one of the control panels on the table. She appears to have just pressed a button. In addition to that, a translucent Animak is noticeable approaching from one of the halls, and a human man wearing a black uniform and carrying a laser rifle from another.

A projected image of a large head appears above the table, looking in the direction of the female who pressed the button. It appears to be a human man with dark hair and grey eyes. When he speaks, there is an urgency in his voice.

"We must act quickly. ****. We thought it was bad with the Vensil bearing down on us, but now damned monsters have gotten on board? Not to mention *Inaudible* suffice it to say, things have gotten out of control out here. We need your team to come and provide support. Hell, it may even be too late for that. But if you get here and we're all dead, or worse, that cargo still needs to be delivered. We'll even give you a bigger cut of the cash if you get here in time to help us out. Not to mention that with us dead, it gets traced back to you guys if the corps or the H.A. get their grimy fingers on it. So...just...please...get us out of this mess..."

2016-04-13, 02:50 PM
You notice a human female at one of the control panels on the table. She appears to have just pressed a button.[/COLOR]Which will promptly unseat herself and go for her laser pistol. She won't point at anyone, but she'll move away from the middle of the room. Not enjoying the idea of being a prime target.

"Hello. You speak?"

2016-04-13, 03:00 PM

Dragon had expected other people from the layout of the room, but he hadn't expected so many of them at once. The numbers at the edge of his vision are going crazy trying to scan and evaluate every newcomer for their potential danger. His right arm automatically goes into combat-ready stance, and with the help of his diagnostic system he realizes that there is a laser weapon inside his arm.

He speaks up with his mechanically vibrating voice. "Everyone stay calm and keep their weapons down, or this could end very badly. They turned me into a walking arsenal, and I'm not sure I how these threat evaluation protocols will respond to being threatened."

He pauses, giving everyone a chance to take in the situation before he continues.

"I have reason to believe we're on the same side. Waking up in a tube, absolutely no memories, sound familiar to everyone?"

Now to hope that these people actually were other prisoners(?), and not guards(?), if these were even the right words.

2016-04-13, 03:25 PM
Sarge lowers his plasma rifle and will identify himself as "Sarge, Human, carrying a big gun. Woke in strange tube, separated from team."

Sarge then goes exploring around the room, the goes down the unexplored corridor.

2016-04-13, 03:25 PM
The Animak, upon opening the door and seeing the others, is first reassured by the presence of other living beings around. Perhaps they would have the answers? And, if not, the projected image bore consideration and having others who were likely more combat capable around would make this place feel safer.

And then the weapons came out.

His elation instantly turning to fear the Animak's mind runs quickly...but not as quickly as his instincts as he immediately dives back into his hallway, trying to break line of sight to the others.

A moment later, his mind catches up and he processes the words which had been spoken.

A voice comes from the hallway, obviously frightened, but audible. "Yes. I speak. I have...no memories before the case." it says, trailing off and clearly trying not to seem like a threat.

2016-04-13, 03:30 PM
She chuckles at the living weapon. "Wonderful."

Yeah. Yeah. She'll keep her weapon down and at the ready.

"Yep, about right. What do you know?"

"It's nice to know that Sarge with the big gun will be wondering the halls."

Ruin Explorer
2016-04-13, 04:08 PM
Four-Arms steps out away from his protected position behind Dragon, removing his hand from his holster.

"Hey Sarge, hold up. Don't you think we should talk about all of this before wandering further into the unknown? It seems like none of us know what's going on, and this is the first clue I've seen."

"And you hiding in the hall, why don't you come on out. I think we've all agreed not hurt each other right now."

He moves up and leans on the table with his mechanical arms. With one of his organic arms, he gestures to the center of the table where the message was.

"Anyone have any thoughts on this?"

2016-04-13, 04:15 PM
Sarge laughs, "Sarge am checking for monsters that message said got on board, am making sure not our ship. Presume on ship or station or ground. Making sure we alone, and safe. Don't want to discover there are surprises later that we could have found out about."

Sarge will quickly check the hallway and room, then return to the table area, where he will stand at parade ground, still holding the plasma rifle.

Ruin Explorer
2016-04-13, 04:20 PM
Forgot to include that I wanted to make a knowledge check on the Vensil. [roll0]

2016-04-13, 05:04 PM
Sarge laughs, "Sarge am checking for monsters that message said got on board, am making sure not our ship. Presume on ship or station or ground. Making sure we alone, and safe. Don't want to discover there are surprises later that we could have found out about."

Sarge will quickly check the hallway and room, then return to the table area, where he will stand at parade ground, still holding the plasma rifle.

The hallway is dark and seems to end in a dead end, but there is a control panel towards the end of it that you recognize as similar to the one outside the door you came through.

Forgot to include that I wanted to make a knowledge check on the Vensil.

You think the Vensil are like the bogeyman. Horror stories of terrible ethereal creatures made of Essence out in the black that rip ships apart and eat the souls of those on board.

2016-04-13, 05:06 PM
With the calm words of Four Arms backing him the Animak steps out of the hallway, re-evaluates the situation once again, and then moves into the room, cautiously. Taking a look over the others, who apparently awoke in the same sort of situation, he carefully gets a feel for their appearances, both in the physical and essence realms.

With that in mind the Animak moves to a seat at the table and takes a moment to ponder the message he saw when the door had first opened.

Can I see if I remember anything related to the message? Anything about the Corps or H.A., or the figure, or a cargo?

Untrained Knowledge Check: [roll0]

2016-04-13, 05:19 PM
"Well, now that we all seem comfortable around each other. Anyone have a reason to hate the crew? Just an educated guess but we seem to be the crew or part of the crew of this place. I found cloths out here that fit me. The person with four arms also seems to have clothes here. That'd be a pretty good indicator if you ask me

Now. If anyone has a reason to go around killing crew it'd be a good idea to let us know. That way we could shut that down.."

2016-04-13, 05:29 PM

Dragon shrugs his big mechanical shoulders. "Can't tell you my reasons, don't know them myself. If we are the crew, then why don't we remember anything?"

Also, if we weren't imprisoned here, did I become like this by choice?

"But before we continue further discussions, I'm going to make sure Sarge over there doesn't run into anything dangerous on his own. There's only one hallway left unaccounted for, shouldn't take too long."

With that the cyborg follows the self-proclaimed man with the big gun.

Ruin Explorer
2016-04-13, 07:08 PM
"Alright. Go check it out, Sarge and Dragon. But if there's more than just a room down there, just secure the immediate area. If we decide to respond to this message, it sounds like we should do it quickly."

He pushes off of the table and begins pacing impatiently, looking around the room while he waits.

What the heck am I doing? I'd rather be with those guys exploring this place. But we all need to get on the same page. I wonder how we get up to the second floor. I wonder if Dragon can fly.

As he paces and thinks about his situation, he talks with the two at the table.

While we wait, is there anything either of you wants to be called? The big guy is going by Dragon. Arms or Four-Arms for me."

2016-04-13, 07:31 PM
The hallway is dark and seems to end in a dead end, but there is a control panel towards the end of it that you recognize as similar to the one outside the door you came through.

Will check to see any signs that this entranceway goes into somewhere unsafe like outer space or a poisonous atmosphere.


2016-04-14, 04:36 AM
Will check to see any signs that this entranceway goes into somewhere unsafe like outer space or a poisonous atmosphere.

So far as you can tell, the air is normal on the other side of the entrance.

Can I see if I remember anything related to the message? Anything about the Corps or H.A., or the figure, or a cargo?

You know that "Corps" refers to megacorps. Big corporations that have a lot of political and direct power in the universe. The H.A. refers to the Human Authority-the closest thing the civilized world has to a police force.

2016-04-14, 09:35 AM
The Animak thinks for a moment before responding. "If nicknames shall be required...I would be easiest addressed as Ghost."

After a few more moments of though he decides to add to the ongoing discussion regarding where they are. "The essence within my chamber was resonate. It seems likely I had spent some time there prior to losing my memories. Does that match with your conclusions?"

2016-04-14, 01:37 PM
So far as you can tell, the air is normal on the other side of the entrance.

Will see if door can opened just a crack to confirm presence of air, then opened the rest of the way.

Will try to get door to open a small amount, so using Computer Use to try

2016-04-15, 07:23 AM
Will see if door can opened just a crack to confirm presence of air, then opened the rest of the way.

When the door opens just a little bit, you feel like you can hear a slight laughter from inside. Also, it does seem like there is air. As the door continues to open, you can see a man sitting there amid a room that appears to have been ransacked. He's wearing simple clothes, but they appear to be disheveled and ripped in some places. His hair is long and brown, and it's matted with sweat in several pieces. There's glass scattered across the floor from the broken tube in the corner. He carries a laser pistol in hand which he points at you as the door opens. His eyes are inhumanly red.

"Who the hell are you?" There's a kind of fear in his voice.

2016-04-15, 03:07 PM
Sarge will answer. "Am Sarge, Who the Hell are you? Has your memory been misplaced as well? Do you know anything about anything?"

2016-04-15, 03:32 PM

Dragon covers Sarge from behind, having caught up to him.

"Keep calm, we're not out to hurt you. We're just looking for answers. Can you tell us anything about this ship and what's happening here?"

2016-04-16, 07:21 AM
Sarge will answer. "Am Sarge, Who the Hell are you? Has your memory been misplaced as well? Do you know anything about anything?"


Dragon covers Sarge from behind, having caught up to him.

"Keep calm, we're not out to hurt you. We're just looking for answers. Can you tell us anything about this ship and what's happening here?"

He fires his laser pistol at Dragon, but the shot misses and leaves a scorch mark on the wall.

In order to keep NPC stats secret, I'll be doing their rolls privately. I did roll for his attack.

His gun falls from his hands and he puts his hands to his head. He lets out a blood curdling scream that can be heard even by those who are down the hall in the main room. As he does so, the entire area shakes as though going through an earthquake. The lights flicker. The shaking stops after just a moment, and when his scream is done, he falls on his knees, panting for breath.

2016-04-16, 11:22 AM
Ghost turns towards the final hallway as the scream echoes through the room.

"Oh. That doesn't sound good." he notes in a fearful tone before standing up out of his seat to move over to the hall entrance. He doesn't enter the hallway, waiting instead for someone else to take the lead, but he does stand next to the entrance and poke his head around the corner to see what is going on.

Ruin Explorer
2016-04-16, 02:02 PM
Arms turns to the hallway at the sound of the scream. As the complex shakes, he reaches out to the wall to brace himself and stares up at the flickering lights.

"Crap! What now?" He follows ghost over to the end of the hall and peers down as well. "We're going to need some radios," he comments to himself as he pulls out his laser pistol.

He waits to check what he can see or hear.

2016-04-16, 02:35 PM

"Damn! Essence abilities?" Not waiting for an answer, Dragon charges into the room. The man has some form of supernatural power, or is somehow connected to the ship, and he was apparently in a very unstable state of mind. Not something to take lightly.

Closing the distance to the man, Dragon throws a punch, intending to prevent any further dangerous outbursts by knocking him unconscious.

Can I attack with the aim to knock him unconscious? I don't want to kill him. If I cannot prevent killing him, disregard my attack.
[roll0] [roll1] Not sure I need to roll damage if I don't want to kill him, but just in case.

2016-04-16, 03:52 PM
Ghost turns towards the final hallway as the scream echoes through the room.

"Oh. That doesn't sound good." he notes in a fearful tone before standing up out of his seat to move over to the hall entrance. He doesn't enter the hallway, waiting instead for someone else to take the lead, but he does stand next to the entrance and poke his head around the corner to see what is going on.

Forgot to mention, with the scream/shaking/etc, Ghost could see purple waves of Essence that just poured out from down the hall. A lot of the static seemed to cling around the walls and vibrate with the shaking.

Arms turns to the hallway at the sound of the scream. As the complex shakes, he reaches out to the wall to brace himself and stares up at the flickering lights.

"Crap! What now?" He follows ghost over to the end of the hall and peers down as well. "We're going to need some radios," he comments to himself as he pulls out his laser pistol.

He waits to check what he can see or hear.

He can definitely make out that there's an open room at the end of the hall. He can see Dragon and Sarge standing in it, moving in. He can make out that there's another figure there, but not much else.


"Damn! Essence abilities?" Not waiting for an answer, Dragon charges into the room. The man has some form of supernatural power, or is somehow connected to the ship, and he was apparently in a very unstable state of mind. Not something to take lightly.

Closing the distance to the man, Dragon throws a punch, intending to prevent any further dangerous outbursts by knocking him unconscious.

Can I attack with the aim to knock him unconscious? I don't want to kill him. If I cannot prevent killing him, disregard my attack.
[roll0] [roll1] Not sure I need to roll damage if I don't want to kill him, but just in case.

He sways backwards under your punch. "They sent you to kill me, eh?" He dives for his gun.

2016-04-16, 06:31 PM
"He is manipulating Essence." Ghost announces as soon as he has a moment to think and realizes his allies would not have seen the movements in the fields around them.

Taking a quick glance back to confirm that the others are moving to aid Ghost heads down the hallway to try and help Dragon and Sarge, his desire to aid the others outweighing his fear for the time being.

2016-04-16, 08:24 PM
Sarge will inform the weirdo, "We haven't received any orders to kill you. I don't even know you even are. You are just another passenger on this ship of weirdo-s who know little. Join us, and let us take action against those who tried to kill you. At least, tell us why you are being hunted."

2016-04-17, 05:25 PM

"I'm not trying to kill you, I'm trying to stop you from shooting at me and doing whatever you just did to the ship!"

Dragon tries to kick the gun away or stomp on it.

Trying to either kick the gun out of reach or stomp on it. Not sure what to roll for that, so I'll just do a normal melee attack.
[roll0] [roll1]

2016-04-17, 07:51 PM

"I'm not trying to kill you, I'm trying to stop you from shooting at me and doing whatever you just did to the ship!"

Dragon tries to kick the gun away or stomp on it.

The gun slides across the room. He scowls, then moves to a seated position. His eyes go dark purple. "You think you're on a ship?"

Ruin Explorer
2016-04-17, 08:22 PM
Seeing the confrontation at the end of the hall and Ghost's surprising courage, he softly moves down the hall with his pistol at the ready. He gets close enough to see and hear, but tries to remain in the shadows in case backup is needed.

Another person? Are they a guard, or are they another 'team member'? If this is just a room like all the rest, then how do we get out of the bloody pit?


2016-04-18, 07:11 AM

Dragon starts to answer, then hesitates, confusion spreading over his synthetic face. "I... I thought so. I don't know why. I can't remember..." He presses a hand against his forehead. "None of this makes sense." He looks at the man with the strange purple eyes. "Do you know what's happening? Who do you think is trying to kill you?"

2016-04-18, 10:18 AM
Seeing the confrontation at the end of the hall and Ghost's surprising courage, he softly moves down the hall with his pistol at the ready. He gets close enough to see and hear, but tries to remain in the shadows in case backup is needed.

Another person? Are they a guard, or are they another 'team member'? If this is just a room like all the rest, then how do we get out of the bloody pit?

If he sees you, he gives no indication.


Dragon starts to answer, then hesitates, confusion spreading over his synthetic face. "I... I thought so. I don't know why. I can't remember..." He presses a hand against his forehead. "None of this makes sense." He looks at the man with the strange purple eyes. "Do you know what's happening? Who do you think is trying to kill you?"

His eyes fade from purple back to red and then to a more normal-looking green. There's a fear in them, but it's not anything like what was there before.

"Where am I? Who are you? What's happening?"

2016-04-18, 01:19 PM
Ghost stops just ahead of where Four Arms does, getting in sight of the strange individual, but keeping his distance for the time being while Sarge and Dragon talk to him.

2016-04-18, 01:22 PM

Dragon sighs at the man's sudden change. Some kind of essence-based possession? Who knew.

"Listen, I have no idea where we are, or even who we are. None of us remember anything. Sounds like it's just the same for you."

2016-04-18, 02:12 PM

Dragon sighs at the man's sudden change. Some kind of essence-based possession? Who knew.

"Listen, I have no idea where we are, or even who we are. None of us remember anything. Sounds like it's just the same for you."

He nods and stands. "Report. What do we know about the area we're in?"

2016-04-18, 02:48 PM

"There's more like us in the room just down the hallway. Let's talk there so we don't have to repeat everything for the group. Take what you need from here and join us. We need to figure this situation out."

2016-04-18, 02:56 PM

"There's more like us in the room just down the hallway. Let's talk there so we don't have to repeat everything for the group. Take what you need from here and join us. We need to figure this situation out."

If no one stops him, he'll take the gun and follow you guys back to the main.

2016-04-18, 03:30 PM
Sarge shrugs, "It has rooms for us, and it is big, and that guy (pointing at Dragon) should know more. Everything suggests this is a ship of some kind, possibly infested by alien bugs intending to consume us into their swarm. Or something. Or this is all a game-show being watched by hundreds of people, but why anybody would do that, I don't know."

Ruin Explorer
2016-04-18, 04:36 PM
Arms will put away his laser pistol as the group heads down the hallway. As they walk back, he'll speak with everyone.

"Everything alright? Got concerned when we heard that yell and the whole place shook?"

2016-04-18, 04:43 PM

Dragon asks Sarge: "Why do you think I know any more than you? We're in the same situation."

As they arrive back in the central room, he turns toward everyone.

"This man is in the same situation as us. He doesn't remember anything."

Then he turns and speaks to the newcomer directly. "What should we call you?"

After the man has chosen a name, he continues. "We have to talk. Before, when we entered the room, your eyes changed. They went from red to purple to red to green, and when you screamed everything around us shook. You didn't seem to be yourself, then. Do you have any idea what is happening with you?"

Dragon didn't hold out much hope that the man had any answers.

2016-04-19, 07:51 AM

Then he turns and speaks to the newcomer directly. "What should we call you?"

"Call me...Call me Ishmael. Yes, that sounds good. Familiar even. Maybe it was my name.

After the man has chosen a name, he continues. "We have to talk. Before, when we entered the room, your eyes changed. They went from red to purple to red to green, and when you screamed everything around us shook. You didn't seem to be yourself, then. Do you have any idea what is happening with you?"

Dragon didn't hold out much hope that the man had any answers.

"I'm sorry...I don't remember any of that. All I can remember is waking up, a terrible pain in my stomach, and you guys standing over me.

He looks around the main room. "What is this place?"


You aren't sure why you didn't notice it before, but something is odd about the female companion of the group, Essence-wise. She doesn't look particularly human.

With the man that enters the room with Dragon and Sarge, you see that there's something like a glowing purple box attached to his Essence.

Ruin Explorer
2016-04-19, 08:33 AM
"We have no idea. You can call me Four-Arms, by the way. Some of us think it's a ship, but I'm not convinced of anything yet. All these hallways lead to rooms like yours. I was hoping your door lead to more of this complex instead. It looks like the only way to explore is up, which doesn't appear readily assessable.

'"So far our only clue to who we are was a distress call needing assistance from our 'team', if that's to be trusted. Anyone have any thoughts?"

As he talks, he walks over to the chair nearest his hallway and sits down.

2016-04-19, 10:29 AM
"The message indicated it would be bad if the corps or H.A. got to the cargo. That would seem to indicate that it is something illegal. Hence security precautions would be taken to avoid having it be reached quickly."

"In addition, the state of my room's control panel would seem to indicate that someone attempted to seal the room from the inside to avoid something outside getting in. I am not certain what this indicates, but thought it may be useful information." Ghost says after settling back in, keeping an eye on the Essence in the room and ready to dive under the table should violence break out once more.

2016-04-19, 04:21 PM

Dragon asks Sarge: "Why do you think I know any more than you? We're in the same situation."

Sarge replies, "You just seem to be smart. Capable of figuring things out faster."

Sarge speaks up, "The message mentioned a ship, so the possibility that we are on ship exists. In reality, we may be on an asteroid, or a planet, or in a small airtight box. We could even be trapped in a Matrix like Pseudo-Reality, where the only Star Wars movies that exist were ones featuring dancing Tuskens, wait, dancing Tuskens aren't that bad. Maybe Dancing Gungans? Dancing wookies would be cool.

Lack of confirmed information means coming up with theories, and then testing to see which ones are correct. So far, we have a message saying something about a ship, and a cargo, but no signs of it being true or not. Or is there anything about whether we are all actually awake or asleep or even all here. We could be talking to each other via computer systems to which we are plugged in and we couldn't tell if this was actually fake or not.

Most likely, we are somewhere having lost memory with no idea of what we were doing, which means we could do something new or exactly the same things we were doing before. We must find the Holy Hamster to consult or someone who actually knows something."

Ruin Explorer
2016-04-20, 08:33 PM
"Well, before we jump to wilder possibilities, we should focus on the immediate issues. Now, I assume that we're all willing to work together at the present."

He looks around the room for agreement.

"The way I see it, we have two things before us, other than our overall memory issue. The first is more a matter of doing, and that is to explore the rest of this complex, figure out what it is, and so on. The second is to decide if we're going to do anything in response to the message we received. It's likely the first clue to our past, but I think that we are unable to do anything before we know more about where we are.

"Based on that, I say we start with searching the place, and if given the chance, find that ship, crew, or cargo. What do you say?"

2016-04-21, 10:40 AM
"I agree. We must gain context before deciding how to act." Ghost notes.

2016-04-22, 05:23 AM
The whole area shakes again. Red strobe lights begin to flash from...somewhere? You can't see the source of the light, only that it's red.

You gear a loud, guttural howl from above just as a creature takes a running leap from the top floor, landing hard upon the table. It's a hulking quadruped creature covered in fur with long, sharp claws that match its long, sharp teeth. It growls and looks at you with animalistic hunger.

I've rolled Initiative for you. If someone doesn't go within 24 hours of the last person to go, skip them and keep going.

Dragon (18)
Sarge (17)
Four Arms (16)
Monster (16)
Ghost (14)
Elbeyon (13)
Ishmael (9)

2016-04-22, 05:32 AM

Dragon was just about to agree to the plan of exploring their surroundings, and mention the fact that his wings could probably carry him to the top floor, when the attack happened. Looking at the snarling, feral creature, the numbers in his eyes went into overdrive. It didn't seem like talking would help here.

He raised his right arm, crosshairs of electric blue color appearing in his field of vision. With a zap he fired a beam of energy at the creature, originating from a point above his wrist.

Attacking with inbuilt laser:
[roll0] [roll1]

2016-04-22, 05:41 AM

He raised his right arm, crosshairs of electric blue color appearing in his field of vision. With a zap he fired a beam of energy at the creature, originating from a point above his wrist.

The creature yelps in pain but seems no less violent.

Sarge, you're up! (Four-Arms on deck)

2016-04-22, 04:48 PM
Shooting at the big hairy thing with extreme prejudice


2016-04-22, 05:39 PM
Large scream of pain then looks at you angrily and snarels.

Four Arms?

Ruin Explorer
2016-04-22, 08:23 PM
"Dang it! What is that thing?"

With his mechanical hands, Four-Arms pushes himself back from the table, chair and all. He reaches his right hand around to his waist, whips out his laser pistol, and fires on the creature.

Knowledge: [roll0]
Pistol hit: [roll1]
Pistol damage: [roll2]

2016-04-23, 08:47 AM
"Dang it! What is that thing?"

With his mechanical hands, Four-Arms pushes himself back from the table, chair and all. He reaches his right hand around to his waist, whips out his laser pistol, and fires on the creature.

Four-Arms misses. He thinks it's a natural creature, but he's not sure what planet it comes from. Animal intelligence. Probably scared by the noise/feeling of the ship shaking.

2016-04-23, 08:48 AM
Oh, and the creature lunges for Sarge, but Sarge is able to leap out of the way.

Ghost, you're up.

Elbeyon's on deck.

2016-04-23, 02:30 PM
Ghost steps back from the table, once more shocked and, at this point, very tired of the rollercoaster today has already been. Concentrating he searches the creature for any hint of Essence abilities, before throwing a small dart of Essence at it himself.

Essence Sense [roll0] to see if it's giving any hints in that format.

Essence Attack: [roll1] for [roll2] damage.

2016-04-23, 04:01 PM
Ghost steps back from the table, once more shocked and, at this point, very tired of the rollercoaster today has already been. Concentrating he searches the creature for any hint of Essence abilities, before throwing a small dart of Essence at it himself.

You don't think that it was giving off any unusual essence signatures.

The creature yelps in pain and then falls over.

You are now no longer in rounds and free to do as you wish.

2016-04-25, 03:11 PM
"...Well..." Ghost comments, after a few moments of waiting to ensure the beast was subdued. "Does anyone know what this is? Or why it's here?" he asks, part of him wanting to move closer and prod at it but his more logical side keeping him at a distance.

2016-04-25, 03:31 PM
Sarge inspects the dead beastie thing, then inquire Dragon if Dragon knows anything.

(Yes, I know that Dragon doesn't know things, but he started acting smart and with intellect, so Sarge is going to view him in his military way as an intelligence officer.)

Ruin Explorer
2016-04-25, 05:05 PM
Four-Arms stands up and holsters his gun, staring at the beast momentarily. "I think it's some kind of animal; not sure from where. Poor thing was probably just scared from all of the shaking a few minutes ago." He shakes his head in sympathy.

"Well so much for the 'calm, cool, and collected' approach. I've had enough, and I'm done sitting around here. Dragon, do your think your wings will get you up there? I'm going to look for a rope. If someone wants to figure out what those buttons on the chairs do, by all means go ahead."

He heads over to the lockers to look for a rope.

2016-04-25, 05:27 PM

"Yeah, what Arms here said sounds likely. If there's random animals here, we might encounter all kinds of other beings too. Maybe this is some kind of strange zoo-like storage facility." Does that make us freaks to be displayed?

The large mechanical reptile looks at the upper floor. "I'm going to try and get up here. Try to help Arms find a rope or some other way to get you to me afterward."

With that he moves a few steps from the others to gain some space and spreads out his wings. He leaps upwards, testing his flight abilities.

2016-04-26, 07:20 AM

"Yeah, what Arms here said sounds likely. If there's random animals here, we might encounter all kinds of other beings too. Maybe this is some kind of strange zoo-like storage facility." Does that make us freaks to be displayed?

The large mechanical reptile looks at the upper floor. "I'm going to try and get up here. Try to help Arms find a rope or some other way to get you to me afterward."

With that he moves a few steps from the others to gain some space and spreads out his wings. He leaps upwards, testing his flight abilities.

He is able to bring himself slowly up to the second floor. The second floor hall seems to go all the way around the outside of the lower chamber. It's about 15 feet wide, uniform and hexagonal, maintaining the shape of the room below. There's a half-wall railing/barrier around the inner edges of the hall, presumably to keep people from falling down into the pit below. On the inner side of this barrier, Dragon can see some control panels.

On the outer wall of the hall, Dragon can tell that there are two doors. One is above the hall that Ishmael came from. The other above his own hall.

2016-04-26, 07:23 PM

"Alright, I'm up!" Dragon calls down, adding a description of the upper level for the benefit of the group. "Have you found something that could get you up here too? If there's no other way, I'll explore this level alone for another way up, but it's not a tactically smart decision. I'll start by taking a look at the control panels on the railing here."

While he waits for an answer the cyborg examines the control panels he spoke of. Maybe there was some kind of elevator or other method of transportation that could be activated.

[roll0] to see if I can make some sense of the panels

2016-04-27, 07:25 AM

While he waits for an answer the cyborg examines the control panels he spoke of. Maybe there was some kind of elevator or other method of transportation that could be activated.

He thinks a couple of the panels might lower ladders to the floor below.

2016-04-27, 07:29 AM

Let's hope I got this one right, Dragon thinks as he presses the button for the ladders.

"Come on up!" he calls down if his action is successful.

2016-04-27, 07:34 AM

Let's hope I got this one right, Dragon thinks as he presses the button for the ladders.

"Come on up!" he calls down if his action is successful.

Two ladders slowly lower on opposite sides of the room. (One in between Binks' and Four-Arms' hallways and the other in between Elbeyon's and Sarge's hallways)

2016-04-27, 10:41 AM
As soon as the ladders are lowered Ghost heads to one and begins climbing up it. Upon reaching the top he takes a quick look over the control panels Dragon found to see if they might have any other functionalities.

Engineering roll on the panels? If that's not the appropriate skill, -2 and it's a pure Mental check. [roll0]

2016-04-27, 10:54 AM
As soon as the ladders are lowered Ghost heads to one and begins climbing up it. Upon reaching the top he takes a quick look over the control panels Dragon found to see if they might have any other functionalities.

Engineering roll on the panels? If that's not the appropriate skill, -2 and it's a pure Mental check. [roll0]

He thinks that the control panels may have other functions, but that at this time they aren't receiving signals or communicating with the systems they'd interact with.

Ruin Explorer
2016-04-27, 04:24 PM
Four-Arms glances up as the ladders come down. "Oh, cool." He stops looking through the lockers, walks over to the nearest ladder, and climbs up. At the top he pulls out his pistol and asks, "Which way first?"

2016-04-27, 06:37 PM
Sarge will go up and look for secret panels of any kind.

[roll0] (Not sure what to add to roll.

2016-04-28, 07:09 AM
Sarge will go up and look for secret panels of any kind.

[roll0] (Not sure what to add to roll.

He doesn't find any.

2016-04-28, 11:19 AM
Ghost studiously avoids looking at the newest addition to their group, the one called Ishmael, as he speaks. "I think it may be best to explore that way," he says, pointing at the door above Ismael's hallway, "first. Though we will likely want to explore all possible avenues by the time we're done."

With his suggestion spoken Ghost waits for someone else to take charge. With beasts roaming around and strange angry people with Essence abilities in the area he certainly wasn't going to be the one to open the door and enter first.

2016-04-28, 03:50 PM

Dragon runs a quick system check, making sure his inbuilt laser is in good condition, and sets out for the hallway above Ishmael's room.

"Let's go. I'll take point. Sarge, back me up please. Arms, can you cover the rear? Ghost, Ishmael, and the yet nameless lady in the middle."

He didn't know where the knowledge came from, but this formation made sense to him. The highest threat potential was ahead of them, so put the physically toughest members there. The back was less likely to be attacked, since they had a clear room behind them, but still a potentially weak position to be protected. He trusted Arms to keep that covered. The rest of the group would be the safest in the middle of the pack.

2016-04-28, 05:50 PM
Sarge is eager to join our fearless leader on this dangerous mission.

2016-04-28, 08:06 PM
Ghost gets into formation, happy to be relatively safe in the middle of the pack.

2016-04-29, 05:21 AM
The group travels down the hallway, and it opens up to a large room (albeit smaller than the center room) in which there are five chairs at five control panels. Lots of blink-y lights along the walls as well. The wall directly across from the hallway entrance is windows (flat, perpendicular to the floor/ceiling) through which you can see the vastness of space as well as the light of a planet below which appears to be getting closer at a potentially alarming speed.

The whole area shakes again.

2016-04-29, 09:47 AM
Ghost moves into the room behind the others and takes in the scenic view for a moment before he becomes aware of the planet's approach.

"Oh....OH!" he says, suddenly alarmed as he rushes to the control panel to see if there is any means of navigating the ship (or very poorly placed station) that they appear to be on.

Roll for Engineering on the panel? If I take a penalty for rushing and panicking that's fine :P. [roll0]

Ruin Explorer
2016-04-29, 04:46 PM
Four-Arms quickly holsters his pistol and pushes past the rest of the group, rushing forward to find the piloting controls.
"Out of the way," he urgently says as he brushes past the others. adrenaline pumping through his system. He notices a sense of calm as he approaches his panel, a familiarity as he searches around for the right controls, the fingers on all hands twitching in anticipation.

Okay. What do we have here? Navigation? Maneuverability? Sensors? Engine system?

I'm not sure how much I can do this point, but I'll make a Piloting roll for what it's worth. My instincts would be to 'pull up'.


2016-04-29, 05:07 PM
Sarge comments that the group is going to crash, and that it was an honor serving with the group even though it was such a short time. Having said that, Sarge will look a likely button that won't kill the group quickly, and will push it. If unable to find any such buttons at immediate glance, he will not push any buttons, and start an eulogy about the cat who took a swim as a sailing ship was sinking, even singing.

(Because that is what one should do when death is imminent in a RPG)

2016-04-30, 05:05 AM
"Oh....OH!" he says, suddenly alarmed as he rushes to the control panel to see if there is any means of navigating the ship (or very poorly placed station) that they appear to be on.

He thinks that the controls seem to be connected to sensors and controls of a power source that's connected to this system but located elsewhere in the structure.

Four-Arms quickly holsters his pistol and pushes past the rest of the group, rushing forward to find the piloting controls.
"Out of the way," he urgently says as he brushes past the others. adrenaline pumping through his system. He notices a sense of calm as he approaches his panel, a familiarity as he searches around for the right controls, the fingers on all hands twitching in anticipation.

Okay. What do we have here? Navigation? Maneuverability? Sensors? Engine system?

Not that you can remember for sure, but this doesn't seem like the controls for any ship you've flown before. Still, it's probably not your imagination that the degree of your apparent descent seems to be shifting in a less catastrophic way as you fiddle with the keys.

But you've still broken the atmosphere, and you're still headed down quick.

2016-04-30, 07:00 AM

Dragon looks toward the approaching planet with a calm horror. Seems I was right about this being a ship, at least, he thinks with dark humor.

He speaks to Ghost and Arms: "I'm no tech expert, but if I can help somehow, let me know. If you can't stop this thing from going down completely, turning a crash into just a rough landing would be great."

Then he talks loudly to everyone: "Anyone can't help with the ship steering, assume a brace position. Try and curl up as much as possible, head in your ams, arms braced against something. Make sure your head has as little velocity as possible when it hits your arms on impact. Minimize the room your limbs have for flailing around. If there's sats or belts somewhere, strap yourself in!"

Dragon looks around for a good place to brace for impact.

2016-04-30, 07:28 PM
Sarge will try to use his sketchy knowledge of computers

[roll0] (assuming it's 4d6)

[roll1] (IF 2d6 is dice #)

2016-05-02, 07:01 AM
Sarge will try to use his sketchy knowledge of computers

It was a 4d6 roll. Almost everything is.

The control panel Sarge looks at, he thinks might work some sort of weapon systems. But he can't tell much more than that.

Ishmael sits down at one of the console's closest to the front of the room. He pulls a seatbelt from within the chair and buckles himself in.

As the "ship" approaches the surface, it appears that it's most likely to hit in a large body of water. You can see a beach nearby, as well as a wooded area.

2016-05-02, 04:22 PM
It was a 4d6 roll. Almost everything is.

The control panel Sarge looks at, he thinks might work some sort of weapon systems. But he can't tell much more than that.

Sarge will fire all weapon systems. Maybe something will help.

Ruin Explorer
2016-05-03, 07:32 AM
"Well, if we can't pull her up, we'll have to just set her down."

Four-arms fiddles with the some buttons and switches as he continues to steady their decent. He keeps his eyes on his velocity and altitude. With the flight controls, he gradually urges the ship towards the beach, preferring a crash in the soft sand over plow through trees or dropping into the drink.

"Can somebody please check the sensors for me to see if there's any life down there? I'd hate to ruin someone's day at the beach by crushing them to death."

Piloting: [roll0]

russdm, could we not fire all weapons, please? We may need those later, or it may seem like we're attacking if there's any civilization down there.

2016-05-03, 10:58 AM
Ghost moves to the most sensor looking of all the panels and tries to get a read on it. He is distracted every few seconds by glancing out the window and grimacing, but he tries to pass along the information from the panel while bracing himself for impact as best he can.

Engineering? Or is there a sensor's skill? If so, -2 and it'll just be a mental roll. [roll0]

2016-05-04, 08:23 AM
Sarge will fire all weapon systems. Maybe something will help.

Some laser beams and small explosions can be seen scarring the landscape below.

"Well, if we can't pull her up, we'll have to just set her down."

Four-arms fiddles with the some buttons and switches as he continues to steady their decent. He keeps his eyes on his velocity and altitude. With the flight controls, he gradually urges the ship towards the beach, preferring a crash in the soft sand over plow through trees or dropping into the drink.

"Can somebody please check the sensors for me to see if there's any life down there? I'd hate to ruin someone's day at the beach by crushing them to death."

There is a thud as the vessel collides with the sand of the beach. However, upon doing so it begins to slide and tip. Your view goes sideways, but gravity seems to remain constant, with the floor/chairs being down even as you have water taking up the left portion of your windows and you begin to drift away from the beach.

Ghost moves to the most sensor looking of all the panels and tries to get a read on it. He is distracted every few seconds by glancing out the window and grimacing, but he tries to pass along the information from the panel while bracing himself for impact as best he can.

Engineering? Or is there a sensor's skill? If so, -2 and it'll just be a mental roll. [roll0]

It actually falls into "Computer Use"

The sensors seem to go blank upon landing. You were able to figure out that there is some sporadic life around in the wild, but that the nearest collection of life (a city maybe?) is a little ways to the north.

2016-05-04, 09:00 AM

Dragon braces himself against the wall as the ship sets down, but is surprised by the relative gentleness of the landing.

"Good job everyone, we're lucky that you knew how to handle this. Think you were a pilot before this, Arms? And you seem to have a knack for technology, Ghost. We're learning more and more."

Than the current situation comes to his attention.

"We're drifting off! Arms, can you make this thing move in water, or does that not work? I think it'd be better if we could park whatever this is on the beach."

Ruin Explorer
2016-05-04, 05:22 PM
Thud! Arms bounces as the ship hits the sand then starts to pull his hands off of the controls. Well, that wasn't so bad.

Shift! "Crap!" Four-Arms quickly reaches forward again, grabbing the controls. "I have no idea if this bird can float, Dragon. I'm going to try to stick it to the beach." He pushes the controls to counteract the slippage while looking at the controls for other options. Perhaps this ship really can go on water.

Piloting: [roll0]
Mental for determining other options: [roll1], if applicable.

2016-05-05, 07:20 AM
Thud! Arms bounces as the ship hits the sand then starts to pull his hands off of the controls. Well, that wasn't so bad.

Shift! "Crap!" Four-Arms quickly reaches forward again, grabbing the controls. "I have no idea if this bird can float, Dragon. I'm going to try to stick it to the beach." He pushes the controls to counteract the slippage while looking at the controls for other options. Perhaps this ship really can go on water.

Based on the controls available and the situation they're in...Four-Arms thinks the ship is stuck/not within the power of the controls to do much with at the present.

Ruin Explorer
2016-05-05, 07:54 AM
Four-Arms adjusts the controls a bit before releasing them again.

Well, we seem to have stopped moving. I think it's stuck, hopefully."

He stands up and takes a moment to look around, checking if there's any obvious damage. He sighs.

"Let's check out the rest of the ship."

He turns away from the window, feeling a little disoriented from the difference in horizon and gravity. He pulls out his pistol and head back out into the hallway.

I'm headed to the back of the ship. If we want to end up back in formation, I'm okay with that.

2016-05-05, 11:09 AM
Ghost stands up from his 'crash position', huddled under the panel holding on for dear life, and takes a look around. "That was...milder than feared." he comments as the others stand up. As Four-Arms suggests completing their exploration, Ghost moves to join him, following behind and keeping an eye out for any potential dangerous damage to the ship.

2016-05-06, 08:53 AM
Heading away from the room with the chairs, around the hallway over the lower floor, and down the other hallway, you'll quickly be faced with a choice between a ladder, leading up to a hatch of some sort, or the rest of the hall, seeming to dead end in a large metal door illuminated by red lights.

Ruin Explorer
2016-05-06, 04:29 PM
Unless someone opposes, Arms continues past the ladder to the room with the red glowing lights.

The hatch probably leads outside. Hopefully, this door will lead to thr engine room.

He stops at the door, put his ear to it and listens.


2016-05-07, 05:34 AM
He stops at the door, put his ear to it and listens.

He hears a faint humming sound.

Ruin Explorer
2016-05-10, 06:18 PM
Four-Arms shrugs and opens the door.

2016-05-11, 06:46 AM

Dragon stands ready for any danger the door might reveal.

2016-05-11, 12:15 PM
Ghost waits in the back for whatever may come when the door is opened.

2016-05-12, 05:28 AM
The door opens to a round room, glowing with an orange light. In the center is a console with glowing tubes that stretch to the ceiling. splayed about the floor and walls is a spiderweb of...wires? cords? roots? veins? It's hard to say what they are. But they, and the console, seem to beat with the same energy.

Ghost can easily see the flow of Essence moving through the room. A powerful Essence energy courses through the machine in the center and circulates through the room and beyond it. With the door open, the Essence energy seems to wash over you and you can feel its pulse.

2016-05-12, 11:03 AM
"Fascinating..." Ghost says as he steps into the room, practically entranced by the strange flow of Essence through the machine. A few moments later he regains his senses and notes for his companions "This is likely the cargo which was spoken of in the message. It is manipulating Essence."

With that Ghost moves to more closely examine the machine to see if anything about it rings familiar.

Essence or Mental check on it? Same bonus, assuming it's not any of my skills. [roll0]

2016-05-13, 07:05 AM
"Fascinating..." Ghost says as he steps into the room, practically entranced by the strange flow of Essence through the machine. A few moments later he regains his senses and notes for his companions "This is likely the cargo which was spoken of in the message. It is manipulating Essence."

With that Ghost moves to more closely examine the machine to see if anything about it rings familiar.

Essence or Mental check on it? Same bonus, assuming it's not any of my skills. [roll0]

It's actually Essence+Engineering which is a bit odd and uncommon, but it happens, so you do actually have an extra +2 from your skill.

Ghost thinks the machine is certainly regulating the flow of power through the "ship"; It may or may not be generating it; it's difficult to say for sure. Ghost thinks the best bet is that it's some sort of perpetual motion essence-based engine/battery.

2016-05-13, 10:08 PM
Sarge will continue to examine the weapons panel with the intent of finding a way to detect outside creatures or objects, hoping that there is some kind of system for automatic targeting or identifying targets to shoot at.

2016-05-15, 09:51 AM
After completing his analysis Ghost speaks up again. "Ahhh. Incorrect hypothesis. This appears to be the ship's power regulator. Fascinating but likely not useful at this time."

2016-05-16, 07:03 AM
Sarge will continue to examine the weapons panel with the intent of finding a way to detect outside creatures or objects, hoping that there is some kind of system for automatic targeting or identifying targets to shoot at.

That would be a Mental (Computer Use) roll.

Ruin Explorer
2016-05-16, 08:09 AM
"Interesting. Thank you, Ghost. I agree, this probably isn't helpful right now."

Arms turns and begins walking back down the corridor. His eagerly look up at the hatch as they draw near to it.

"So, who's up for a little exploration? Or," he adds as if trying to decide himself, "should we try to figure out where we've crashed first?"

If someone else has other ideas of what to do, I'm open to it. I'm not sure what our objectives are at this point.

GOAL - Is there a control panel by the hatch at the top of the ladder?

2016-05-16, 08:52 AM
"Interesting. Thank you, Ghost. I agree, this probably isn't helpful right now."

Arms turns and begins walking back down the corridor. His eagerly look up at the hatch as they draw near to it.

"So, who's up for a little exploration? Or," he adds as if trying to decide himself, "should we try to figure out where we've crashed first?"

If someone else has other ideas of what to do, I'm open to it. I'm not sure what our objectives are at this point.

GOAL - Is there a control panel by the hatch at the top of the ladder?

Arms sees a control panel by the hatch at the top of the ladder.

2016-05-16, 10:48 AM
"Without having identified the cargo as of yet I am not comfortable departing the ship. Wherever and whatever it may be could be essential to our survival in the long run, and we know it should not be left behind based on the message we were shown. I vote for exploring any parts of the ship we have not yet seen before we exit." Ghost says as he continues to examine the engine, fascinated by its workings.

2016-05-16, 06:39 PM
Mental (Computer Use)


2016-05-16, 06:46 PM

"I agree. Let's do a quick check to see if there's anything on this ship we haven't seen yet, and then we can explore what lies outside."

Ruin Explorer
2016-05-17, 04:50 PM
"Fine by me. Let me check this panel. I want to see if it gives any hint of what lies beyond."

Four-Arms scrambles the ladder and fiddles with the panel. While occupied in his task, he asks, "What else do we need to check out?"

My hunch is that this leads outside, and I'm hoping for something like oxygen levels.
Mental [roll0]

2016-05-18, 07:11 AM
Mental (Computer Use)


The targeting of the ship is...not sophisticated. But it exists. The weapons appear to be mostly mid-level lasers, but some explosive projectiles as well. Nothing too heavy duty. It's clear that this ship does not have combat as it's primary purpose.

"Fine by me. Let me check this panel. I want to see if it gives any hint of what lies beyond."

Four-Arms scrambles the ladder and fiddles with the panel. While occupied in his task, he asks, "What else do we need to check out?"

My hunch is that this leads outside, and I'm hoping for something like oxygen levels.
Mental [roll0]

He's unable to figure out oxygen levels, but he can figure out open/close. He thinks this command may be tied in with another set of controls, however. In any case, this control panel seems very differently than the ones that worked the doors to the rooms on the lower floor.

2016-05-18, 02:06 PM
"I am uncertain what areas have been covered at this time." Ghost notes as he mills about the area. "Did anyone manage to locate a map of the ship in their explorations?" he asks as he approaches Four-Arms' work.

"Would you like any help with that panel?"

If, and only if, Four-Arms wants Ghost to take a look at the panel for what some of the other stuff may be, Mental+Engineering [roll0]

Ruin Explorer
2016-05-18, 08:58 PM
"Have at it," Arms replies to Ghost as he gets out of his way. He stares at Ghost as he works. "I haven't seen a map, but I think we've covered all of the obvious places. I guess we could check out those buttons on the chairs downstairs. Maybe on will bring up a map."

For a moment, Arms closes his eyes and reaches out to feel for Essence around him. Worth a peek if anything is around.

Essence sense: [roll0]

2016-05-19, 07:14 AM
"I am uncertain what areas have been covered at this time." Ghost notes as he mills about the area. "Did anyone manage to locate a map of the ship in their explorations?" he asks as he approaches Four-Arms' work.

"Would you like any help with that panel?"

If, and only if, Four-Arms wants Ghost to take a look at the panel for what some of the other stuff may be, Mental+Engineering [roll0]

Ghost is pretty sure the controls are for an airlock-like mechanism.

"Have at it," Arms replies to Ghost as he gets out of his way. He stares at Ghost as he works. "I haven't seen a map, but I think we've covered all of the obvious places. I guess we could check out those buttons on the chairs downstairs. Maybe on will bring up a map."

For a moment, Arms closes his eyes and reaches out to feel for Essence around him. Worth a peek if anything is around.

Essence sense: [roll0]

If the doors are still open to the "engine" room, Arms gets a sense of what Ghost noticed before, but not as strong or as clearly defined. If they aren't, he doesn't. In either case, it can be deduced that the door has something in it that blocks or at least muffles/distorts the flow of essence-something most walls/doors don't do.