View Full Version : Pathfinder Ultimate Intrigue - Play as Spiderman, He Man, and Kaito Kid

2016-04-11, 02:20 PM
I'm totally serious in this!

Ultimate intrigue has options to play very close if not exactly like these characters, and that is just what I've noticed so far.

The first is Magical Child. While some might look at it as Sailor Moon, I think its a little closer to He-man, particularly because its not about getting powers as the vigilante but your familiar becoming more powerful.

Then Wild Soul has three options; Spider, Bird, Bear. Why there isn't wolf, I don't know. (cause that seems to be the most generic one.) But Spider gives you a few webs you can shoot out per day based on your con mod. Eventually you can shoot web all day. From your Wrists. Lets just hope you don't get all wonky and a jerk.

Lastly is the Phantom Thief Rogue Archteype, Which I don't have a 80s/90s cartoon character for from saturday morning cartoons, but I do have an anime. You can pick up any of the Social Talents that a vigilante might have which allows you to impersonate anyone eventually, or make anyone's voice your own. You also become really really skilled. But lose trapfinding, sneak attack and the like.. I just wish the Archetype gave you a vigilante identity as well.

2016-04-11, 03:34 PM
Not to burst your bubble, but there is already a thread on the front page dedicated to UI. (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?483197-Ultimate-Intrigue-Thoughts-and-First-Impressions)

(The monk archetypes seem disappointing)