View Full Version : Unified: A Magical Lords and Ladies setting

2016-04-12, 09:26 AM
Originally this started out as a 'So what would happen if 'college age' men and women could be 'magical girls'- which became the term Magical Ladies and Lords.

Then I expanded it sort of assume that: This could be a thng and there by make all Magical Girl Universes 'true', with some slight alternations.

Basically I went with a MAgical Girl Lyrical Nanonha 'model', since that features men and women, sometimes outside the '14 to 18' range of ages, with the awesome magical -outfits, (sensible-ish).

So I present to you Unified/United: A MAgical Ladies and Lords setting.

I haven't yet figured out how such a government might work. Though I suppose it might be some kind of 'United Nations' style : Here's the BIG rules, but what you all do in your own planets/nations ect, is your own business sort of.

I'd like Feedback.

I have ideas for some fiction, but here's 'Unified:A Magical Girl Setting.
