View Full Version : Rules Q&A Is there a ranged weapon enhancement or Cleric spell that does this?

2016-04-12, 12:28 PM
I need an NPC to be able to conjure up their magic bow at a moments notice, so that they can walk around seemingly un-armed, un-armored, and generally vulnerable.

They're not vulnerable at all of course. Is there a spell on the Cleric list or a magic item property that can be applied to their bow that will do this?

2016-04-12, 12:31 PM
Called, Sizing, modular (wholly mundane), elvencraft (it's a staff, a walking stick or a preaching stick, or a staff of office)

2016-04-12, 12:34 PM
Can you name the sources for those? I knew of Calling - I thought it was SRD - but I did not find it there.

2016-04-12, 12:38 PM
Calling and Sizing are MIC edit: it is called Called
Elvencraft is Races of the Wild iirc
Modular is Dragon Magazine... The one about spies

Red Fel
2016-04-12, 12:38 PM
Alternatively, a Ring of Arming can store not just the bow, but an entire set of equipment, and can be activated with a standard action. Go from your fancy party clothes to fully armed in a single transformation sequence.


2016-04-12, 12:43 PM
Sweet, thanks you guys!

2016-04-12, 05:29 PM
Glove of Storing (10000 GP, DMG) or Glove of the Master Strategist (3600 GP, Ghostwalk) can do this. If you're looking for a spell, instant summons springs to mind, but it's not on the cleric list, and high enough level that greater anyspell would be aggravating. There's a spell called swift ready in Forge of War, but it's mostly an arcane spell. An Archivist could maybe grab it from a Divine Bard.