View Full Version : Player Help New 3.5 Player

2016-04-12, 05:49 PM
Hey guys! So I'm a really new player of D&D and I am struggling to think of creative things to do. I am currently just a Lvl 1 Human Fighter that specializes in the trident. I am also slowly learning some apothecary knowledge. I was hoping you guys could give me some creative ideas of what I can do with my character. Also, what the best way to earn gold is. (Being Neutral Good, I am reluctant to become a thief...)

Thanks! I really appreciate it :)

2016-04-12, 06:37 PM
This is D&D. Gold is obtained by finding caves/castles/bogs/condominiums/tunnels, killing whoever lives there and fencing their stuff in the next town.

Your dude's schtick could be founding a comically maladjusted version of NA.

2016-04-12, 07:00 PM
Creative things to do with your class? Choose something that does more than smack things over and over.

How to make gold? You could do some underground fighting. Maybe get a good bluff, and sell goblin teeth as a special item capable of curing disease. Peasants and their constant disease and all.

On a serious note, just have fun. Don't worry about the numbers, it takes away from the game. Unless you feel useless, just roll with it. If you feel useless, there is a handbook for every class and build.

2016-04-12, 07:32 PM
The fastest way to get gold is by adventuring. Go out there and fight some bad guys. You'll get loot, and you'll start leveling up too.

2016-04-12, 08:11 PM
Creative things to do with your class? Choose something that does more than smack things over and over.

Not necessarily my class, but just in the game in general.

Thank you for the advice btw! :)

2016-04-12, 08:31 PM
1.Read order of the stick and research the rules you don't understand as they come up.

2.Watch this. Its a great primer for a player's job in the game. (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sym1sTA5e2k)

3.Watch this. Its a great primer on making sure your character's backstory is fleshed out. (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hhkYSLOMmTs)

2016-04-12, 08:36 PM
Best way to earn gold: adventuring or going into the arena.
Fun things: since your weapon is anti-charge: keep your distance and make use of readied actions. Have them charge at you, come into threatened space, trigger your ready action and strike at them (eventually you can trip them too)

2016-04-12, 08:49 PM
The fastest way to make money is to let other people adventure. You hang out in the back as an archer. When they die, you grab their body and run. This technique requires a high strength and/or lightweight companions.

Letting the "evil" wizard/witch cast their "evil" spell on you on the night of the full moon to maintain their borrowed immortality is a painful but lucrative opportunity. Of course, if you were afraid of a little pain, you probably wouldn't have become a fighter in the first place.

Entertain the locals! Take a group of children into the woods, and show them how you can turn a tree into a pile of quarterstaves in under a second. Bonus points if you teach them how to instantly deforest the world, too.

Gain xp, take a level in crusader. Sell healing services.

Blackmail the local church. Tell them that you plan on doing the above. Get them to pay you to not become a crusader, so that the church can keep its stranglehold on selling healing services.

EDIT: ok, maybe it's not such good advice, but hopefully it broadened your horizons. :smalltongue:

Bobby Baratheon
2016-04-12, 10:58 PM
Join some sort of organization - that'll open up lots of opportunities for you. I'm sure there's an Elder Scrolls-esque Fighter's Guild out there somewhere that'll contract you to go fight orcs or dire rats or something. Watch out for cats, though. Housecats are the number one cause of level one character death :smallbiggrin: I'm not even kidding all that much. They'll mess up a first level party pretty bad

Also, make friends with a full caster.