View Full Version : Quick Question On Lockpicking/Disarming Traps

2016-04-12, 07:22 PM
Hail everyone, i've searched, and maybe i'm just dumb, blind perhaps, but i couldn't find the time it takes to try and open a lock?
Should i just rule, based on the complexity that i feel that the lock have? There is any guideline?
Or should i just go to a previous edition to have a baseline of time?

Thing is, i'll run a dungeon soon, that shall have some locked doors, and some locked treasures, that i know my players will just keep trying to open then.
Witch isn't a problem for me, but i needed to know the normal time it takes, kuz the dungeon will have some time sensitive side-objectives, and also wandereing monsters.

2016-04-13, 06:26 AM
Hail everyone, I've searched, and maybe I'm just dumb, blind perhaps, but i couldn't find the time it takes to try and open a lock?
Should i just rule, based on the complexity that i feel that the lock have? There is any guideline?
Or should i just go to a previous edition to have a baseline of time?

There is no guideline. There can't be, really, because there are millions of different types of lock. Usually, I would say lockpicking is a passive check, unless you're in initiative order (in which case I'd allow picking standard locks as an action). Outside of combat, does it really matter if it takes two minutes instead of one to pick a lock? I wouldn't advise rolling for random encounters every minute.

If you're creating a specific situation where it does matter, such as "the room is filling with poison gas. You figure you can probably pick the lock on the door before you run out of breath, but do you want to risk trying to open those treasure chests as well?" then you can just tailor the times involved to suit the situation. Maybe determine the amount of time based on their skill check, so 10-14 picks it in 1 minute, 15-19 picks it in 30 seconds, 20+ picks it in 1 round. But the power is all yours, because you also determine how quickly the room is filling with gas.

I know my players will just keep trying to open then.

This is why it's a passive check. Either they can pick it, or they can't.

2016-04-14, 07:57 PM
True, thx ^^
That's a nice way to see it..
Gonna try it next session.
One of the problems, is, my group, just got to 5e, and we're all players of 3.5, so we were moar accustomed to having everything on tables, even action times xD
But yeah, gonna treat it like that.
And no, not gonna roll for every minute xD
That would make a short rest, inside a dungeon, one of the most annoying things ever xD
But i'll probably, roll like, once for every 10/15 minutes, while they're in the most active area of the dungeon.

Nway, thx for pointing those things out, helped alot ;3