View Full Version : Tyranny of Dragons - Chapter 1 - The Grass is Greenest.... Literally Anywhere Else

2016-04-12, 10:02 PM
You grew up hearing stories of dragons. Children are told not to stay out too late or wander too far, for fear of attacks. Grandparents tell stories of what it was like during the wars with the dragons. But in truth, there have been fewer and fewer attacks over the years and the public has largely forgotten what a threat they could be.

The great dragons, Bahamut and Tiamat, are worshiped as gods. And legend says that they one roamed the world, along with the humanoid races. But legend also says they have gone, whether from banishment or of their own free will.

Living on the Sword Coast is, of course, dangerous. Many are trained in the basics of swordplay or magic, to help their village and family stay safe. But now, you will find, these skills will be put to the test as a new threat is arising once more.

Your travels have brought you to the Sword Coast, specifically on the way to Greenest. You have joined with a merchant caravan as they head to the town, looking to sell their wares to locals. When they were seeking out skilled adventurers as protection, you answered the call.

Despite the threat of danger you have heard so much about, the rolling green land seems peaceful as you walk with this caravan. You catch sight of wildlife as you travel - birds singing as the fly past, and small creatures in the distance scurrying across the ground.

Cora Brushgather, a stout Halfling, leads the caravan of a half dozen wagons. She always appears jolly and is more than willing to trade stories with caravan members. Despite this you can be assured that her eyes are open, looking for any sort of danger.

The wagons stretch out in a line with guards walking beside the wagons, keeping an eye out for danger. The wagons are each decorated by their curator, to help advertise their wares. A few of the carts are especially loud as they roll over the bumps along this dirt road.

In the past, merchants would be able to travel with only 2 or 3 guards, not the dozen that now accompany the group. There have been many reports of raiders along the Sword Coast and it was always best to be safe.

In this wagon train there are vendors for name wares including jewelry, ale, tinker-toys (small, geared creations), books, and general wares.

Additionally, Ownka, the half-orc Fighter accompanies the wagon. Though her last fight cost her a (broken) arm and leg, her knowledge of the region is unparalleled and her renown is known throughout the area.

It is nearly 9:00pm as you approach Greenest, the sunset warming your backs. You know that you will be approaching the town soon, but have some time to talk before arriving in town.

You can spend the time alone with your thoughts, or make conversation with any of your companions:
Speak with Cora, the leader
Speak with Ownka, the Fighter
Speak with any of the merchants (a Jeweler, a Brewer, a Tinker, a Librarian, a Shopkeep)
Speak with any of the dozen guards, including: a Ghostwise Halfing from far away lands, a Human child... who is somehow also a guard, a Tiefling who looks familiar (but you can't quite place from where...), a Half-Elf paladin, a regal looking Human with blond hair, and an imposing Human with dark armor and dark hair.
Take time to yourself and take in the surroundings.

(Once everybody posts once, we can get to the adventure. This is essentially the 'confirm you're playing' post, but feel free to take a couple posts to interact with the group)

2016-04-12, 11:13 PM
Ahh, the famous Sword Coast... Well, not quite yet! But almost! Big Brother Zook has always written about it with a degree of awe. Surely, there was nothing comparable in the hovels back home. Not that the Gathergourds lived in a hovel, of course. Ghostwise halflings are simply an isolated lot, and usually live in communities far apart from the other races. Up until recently, Zack the druid subscribed to the xenophobia that typified many of his kind. Everything changed when Zook went out on a travel to see the world and sample all its delicacies.

One could say that the Gathergourds love food. Down to a halfling, all of them sport rather prodigious bellies. Without exception, dinnertime in the halfling home was a cacophony of chewing, gnawing, and om nom nomings. If there was one thing that could shock Zack Gathergourd out of his distrust of strangers, it would be good, delicious, wholesome food. And drink.

Zook's letters did the job, slowly, but surely. Having somewhat joined the Purple Dragon knights as a tag-along arcane cleric, Zook has visited nearly all the taverns in the Sword Coast, making more or less a memorable impression in each (which may or may not be a good thing!). Zack is not quite as pious as Zook was -- he's always preferred the company of nature. But the lure of good eating, and maybe even good company, lured him to the adventuring life as well.

And so, Zack Gathergourd, Ghostwise Halfling Druid of the Land, able to shapeshift into animals he ought not be able to, find himself accompanying a rather well-guarded caravan to the town of Greenest, a town coincidentally founded by another halfling. After arriving at the town, Zack collects part of his pay (in coin, and partly in ale), and is now (of course!) poking his nose in the tavern, looking for any delicious food he hasn't tried yet.

2016-04-13, 12:12 AM

Nuadha rode on a wagon next to Ownka the half-orc. He was trying to appear relaxed, but certainly didn't feel it. His search so far had pointed him here, to Greenest. It had already been too long. He had to find Talis soon.

"So Ownka, you hear anything about this dragon cult in the area?" Word in the caravan was that this woman was an expert on the Sword Coast. Her information could point him in the right direction here.

2016-04-13, 01:35 AM
Glory almost strutted down the path, twirling her dagger as he kept watch. Sure, this was one of her first missions, but it was merely a stepping stone for her to fulfill her name. For what was the point of being named Glory, and spending your life on the sidelines? That was a life not worth living.

She hadn't been in the habit of eavesdropping, but hearing of a dragon cult caught Glory's interest, and she slowed down to listen.

2016-04-13, 01:53 AM
Dragon cult? Can I join? I hear dragon steaks very delicious!

Zack has heard Zook mention dragon steaks on an almost reverential tone. With luck, Zack can get into one of these gourmet societies and have a taste for himself.

2016-04-13, 02:47 AM
A young boy sitting at the edge of the caravan turned from glancing up at the sky, running a hand through his dazzling golden hair.

"Dragon steak? That rings a bell. I remember when I slayed the widely feared Vorlianthux of the Crimson Glaze, all those centuries ago. A fearful opponent for any mortal army, but of course he was no match for me. The bards told the world of the clashing of our claws, the brightness of my flame, of the white-hot plumes that rose from the red dragon's wounds as he plummeted into the lava pit below and disappeared from sight for all of eternity. All my deeds! The countless lives I saved, those terrorized by the hideous beast, and those of the future who were to suffer the same fate if not for me. And it's not even my greatest tale. The world owes me its life, truly.

"Now, now. I've taken a bite out of Vorlianthux in his final stand, and it did taste rather well. But that was because of the sweetness of a perfect victory. Savoring ultimate power. The flesh itself smelled of sulfur and tasted of ash, and so I don't believe it isn't quite so delicious as you seem to expect. Unless you're a dragon yourself."

Then the boy realizes everyone's staring at him, and stands up melodramatically, one hand at his waist and the other covering one of his eyes.

"Hello humans. For those of you unfortunate to not yet know, my name is Lockershard Gold. Not my real name - the name I go by as of now. Now, I have some interest in that cult you were just talking about… seems it wasn't enough even after I incinerated them countless times in the past. It's my duty - and destiny - to crush them once more, mind you."

He looks stupid.

2016-04-13, 10:03 PM
Ownka smiles at Nuadha, appreciating her direct question. Before she can answer, both Zack and Lockershard chime in with their comments.

After raising her eyebrows at the young boy, she turns to Zack. "I will wager that you are not from around these parts. The cultists that our friend mentioned do not eat dragon, but worship them.

In case you are unaware, there are two types of dragons in this land. Metallic dragons, including Gold, Silver, Brass, Copper, and Bronze. These dragons are generally good and have lived well with humanoid races in the past, though they tend to keep to themselves. Chromatic dragons include Red, Blue, Green, White, and Black. These dragons are generally evil and feel superior to any other race.

And finally, there are reanimated dragons who have died but been brought back to life as liches.

The Cult of the Dragon is an organization that reveres dragons, particularly evil ones. In the past, they have been known to steal precious and valuable items in order to appease the dragons they worship and serve."

Ownka pauses and glances around at her listeners. "The Cult has become more active lately, though no one seems to know why. I've run into cultists at least once a month since the beginning of the year. My last battle with them is what put me out of commission." She looks down at her broken appendages, before addressing the original question. "That being said, I haven't captured any to question them. So I do not know much more."

2016-04-13, 11:27 PM
"So shiny dragon good, not shiny bad," Zack comments to Ownka. "I'm curious, why worship dragons? Are they not exotic meat farmed to be eaten?"

2016-04-13, 11:38 PM
Glory raised her eyebrows at the boy's outburst. Some people will do almost anything for attention. Glory thought, twirling her dagger with a bit more flair than before.

2016-04-14, 12:10 PM

Imaginative kid, Nuadha thought. He tossed the child a berry from a bunch he found on the side of the road earlier, then popped another in his mouth and winked at the child.

"Dragons are intelligent, Halfling. Or, at least, some of them are. Two of them are even gods." Nuadha gestured to the holy symbol of Bahamut on his shield lying next to him, then turned back to Ownka. "Once a month? So you're good at attracting them. Would you be willing to help me find some?"

2016-04-14, 09:31 PM
Ownka smiles at the paladin. "I would help fight, but I am in no shape to fight them myself. As long as you stay along these roads, you're sure to run into them sooner or later. If I may ask, what makes you so curious about them?"

2016-04-14, 11:27 PM

Nuadha paused a moment as he thought about how much he should say. He landed on truthful detachment. No need to risk anyone knowing his personal stake in this yet. "I've traced some kidnappings attributed to them here."

Deception: [roll0] (To hide his deeper feelings about the situation)

2016-04-14, 11:55 PM
Zack listens in amazement at the concept of meat things actually having godlike powers. Where he came from, no self respecting halfling deity would allow for halfling flesh to be consumed.

For the first time, the ghostwise halfling starts to wonder whether Zook has exaggerating in his letters. It would not be out of character, honestly speaking.

2016-04-15, 01:38 AM
"Sounds interesting," Glory said, speaking a bit too loudly, as she often did. "You say you've been having trouble on this route? Maybe I could help with that." Taking down a cult. That'd give her a feather in her cap for sure!

2016-04-15, 03:49 AM
"If I may ask, what makes you so curious about them?""Destiny binding us once more?" Shard shrugs, raising a finger. A tiny orb of white fire springs into life above the finger, specks of gold flickering within. Shard blows it out, sneering, as he acrobatically throws Nuadha's berry into his mouth. At least, he meant to - but the berry skidded off his cheek and went tumbling onto his shoulder, and just as he reached out with his hand with a high-pitched yelp, it went flying away and out of the caravan.

Shard froze.

Completely silent, he sat down on the spot. His shoulders are trembling.

"My berry…"

He's about to cry.

2016-04-15, 11:11 AM

Drake walked down the road next to his brother. His brother. How different his life could have been if only he'd known about him years before. Things were improving over the past month, but many of their interactions remained awkward. Drake glances at Tor on occasion, looking for family resemblances. Sometimes Drake would see his father's eyes or smile on Tor's face, and sometimes nothing.

After some time, Drake finally leans toward Tor and says, "This duty is almost over. What do you say we find another caravan when we're done here? This one has been easy money."

2016-04-15, 04:13 PM

Smiling reassuringly, Nuadha pulled out the small handful that was the rest of the berries he had pocketed and offered them to the kid. He took one with his other hand and held it to a hardened leather pouch secured to his bag. A white mouse poked its head out of the pouch to nibble at the berry.

2016-04-15, 07:32 PM
"...Really...?" Shard looks up with an expression as though some angel has descended down in front of him. He reachs out with a hand - then for a moment hesitates, perhaps due to his pride - but before he even realized he was doing it, he had already started greedily munching upon the berries with a massive grin on his face. He then comes back to himself, blinks, and his face turns bright red. He opens his mouth, and mumbling, manages to say - "...Thank you."Shard has a vague memory of his former self, and still has a gigantic ego, but a majority of his behavior and sphere of thought is now very childish, possibly dragged towards his current "form" of a very scrawny and devastatingly incompetent kid.

2016-04-15, 08:14 PM
Zack Gathergourd studies the young boy intently. From where he came from, boys simply don't go out in the world unescorted, much less hire themselves out as bodyguards. They sure have a strange way of doing things in the Sword Coast, the halfling decides. Perhaps it's a way to cull the population to ensure that there is enough resources for everyone, for the druid can easily bet money that most boy-adventurers won't last long in a real fight.

2016-04-16, 01:55 PM
Ownka eyes the paladin (Nuadha) suspiciously, but softly smiles after she sees the events unfold. She nods at the paladin before turning to Glory. "I had not thought of anything formal, but I suppose having a group around these parts to fight the cult would be useful. Tell me, what skills do you possess...?" Ownka trails off, expecting Glory to at least let them know her name.

2016-04-16, 04:39 PM
Glory grinned."Oh, I am Glory, master of arms and fighting styles! Skilled with a bow and fighting up close with sword and dagger! As well as with a devastatingly sharp tongue and stunning good looks!

2016-04-16, 08:41 PM

The large man of dark complection walks next to his slightly junior half brother... The spoiled brat left his life of noble luxury to join his knavish brother in a life of uncertainty. He wouldn't be half bad... If he'd remove the stick from his posterior...

In response to his bother's question Tor directs his response ahead to Glory's backside, a hearty laugh, and a voice too loud to be careful, "I'd be careful little brother, she looks awful proficient with those blades. You keep making comments about her... Assets... And she may introduce you!". Tor ends his little ruse with a slap on his brother's back, hoping Glory's inevitable cold stare will meet a blushing and exasperated Drake.

2016-04-17, 02:53 PM
Glory smirked at the pair. "The day is young. I could introduce you both to all sorts of things."

2016-04-17, 03:33 PM

Tor responds with his charismatic smile in his naturally brutish way, "Lass, we can only hope." Tor lets out a throaty and deep laugh, she has spunk... She's got fire, I like her already!

2016-04-17, 04:41 PM
Drake's face pales a little, but then the blood comes rushing to his cheeks at the exchange of the other two. "Milady, I'm sorry....I would never...I mean, he looks to Tor. "You did that merely to make fun of me."

2016-04-17, 09:19 PM
The caravan comes into view of Greenest, amid this conversation. However, as you see the town from the hill you are on, you are surprised by the sight.

Columns of black smoke rise from burning buildings, running figures that are little more than dots at this distance, and a dark, winged shape wheeling low over the keep that rises above the center of town.

Lightning crackles from the winged creature and you fear the worst... a dragon attack.

Ownka grimaces as she tries to stand. "We need to do something... Tarbaw won't have the manpower to prevent a dragon attack. If I weren't in such bad shape, I would go myself."

"Well," Cora, the caravan leader begins, "I am not bringing our wares into town with a dragon there."

The half-orc looks to all of the guards, "Greenest needs help. I know this would be asking a lot, but if anyone is willing I'm sure that the people would appreciate it. There is a keep in the center of town that Tarbaw... Mayor Nighthill to most... would bring any citizens to. That is where you will find him."

"Can they count on you?"

2016-04-17, 11:16 PM
Zack pales as he sees a dragon for the first time. "Zook, you liar," he says to no one in particular, now without a doubt thinking of ways to slap his brother upside the head. This is not a thing you can eat -- this is a thing that eats you!

"Umm, my job says to accompany the caravan to Greenest and protect the goods. Doing anything else is breaking the contract!"

In truth the halfling is glad to grab on to any technicality he can find NOT to enter the town. It would be suicidal to go against a creature that large! No hazard pay or exotic meat is worth the risk.

2016-04-17, 11:29 PM
Glory's eyes lit up upon hearing the suggestion. "Time for some dragon-slaying!" she said, pulling her bow and running forwards recklessly.

2016-04-17, 11:32 PM
"Who're you callin?" Shard stands up. "No way I'm not going. I'll crush'em." He lights up fire in an open hand. His mouth is smeared with berries, which unfortunately greatly diminishes the effect he was going for.

2016-04-17, 11:37 PM
Drake reaches for his sword. He mutters to himself mockingly, "Me and my big mouth. It's been easy, I say. Want to do another, I ask."

2016-04-18, 10:08 AM

As the Caravan pauses at the frightful sight of the Dragon Tor simply keeps walking, his pace maybe picking up slightly. As he does so he whistles a familiar ballad often played by bards before gladiators fight, the kind of tune that gets the blood boiling... "Best not delay, a gruesome fate awaits us!"

2016-04-18, 05:26 PM

Nuadha looks at the beast in the sky in wonder, horror, and conviction, all at the same time. Well, he had signed up for this. He quickly closed the door on his mouse's leather case and latched it in place, then jumped to the ground and shouldered his bag. "I'm willing, of course. But are you sure you're powerful enough to do this, kid?"

2016-04-18, 06:47 PM

Nuadha looks at the beast in the sky in wonder, horror, and conviction, all at the same time. Well, he had signed up for this. He quickly closed the door on his mouse's leather case and latched it in place, then jumped to the ground and shouldered his bag. "I'm willing, of course. But are you sure you're powerful enough to do this, kid?" "I've slain worse before," Shard says as he hops to the ground. "Vorlianthux of the Crimson Glaze. Abscond the Dark. Zendrophon the Beholder. Worse. Countless, in their hundreds."
Then, with a more serious expression - "And besides, do you really need to be powerful to stand up against evil?" Gold flame flickers in his eyes.

2016-04-18, 09:45 PM

"I don't know if you're some prodigy or have an overactive imagination or both, but you're right, and you obviously came into sorcery early." Nuadha began moving more quickly to catch up with the rest of the party going to the aid of Greenest. "Regardless, that is a dragon, right? We should all be cautious. We can't help those people if we're killed in some foolish head-on charge at a dragon."

2016-04-18, 09:46 PM
Cora pats Zack on the back and hands him half of his pay. "If it makes you feel better, here is some of your gold now." She looks ahead to the town. "And if you want to be technical, the caravan has not made it to Greenest yet. Part of your job would include scouting ahead to make it safe..."

(Once you all get closer to the town, feel free to continue talking before you arrive)

Burning buildings provide light as the sun continues to set, with a half moon rising over the horizon. As you get closer you see that it is not the buildings that are yet on fire, but haystacks and barns that have caught flames.

You approach from the south, just starting to arrive where there is a crossroads, south of the river. Farther into town you see both Medium and Small figures, some running in fear while others are carrying torches and weapons.

The Keep that Ownka mentioned is prominent, on a hill in the center of town. There does seem to be light coming from it, attracting both citizens and raiders alike.


How do you approach the town, specifically the southern crossroad?

Charge in on your own, challenging anyone you see?
Cautiously, keeping an eye out for any raiders?
In formation, discussing with your party members what the best plan is?
Something else, this is literally however you want do this. Make any checks/have any discussion as needed.

2016-04-18, 09:54 PM
Shard will be quick to run in - he's oblivious to danger. (We're still heading for the city and not yet actually in it, right?)

2016-04-19, 09:33 AM
Drake taps his brother on the shoulder as they approach the town. "I've not fought against a dragon personally, but Captain Tharwall always brought back stories of the combat. We should flank the beast, make him unsure of which side the attack will come from. They are powerful, but they can fall to a prepared team."

2016-04-19, 10:11 AM
OOC: you all are still approaching the city, I will need to post additional info once you arrive.

2016-04-20, 01:53 PM

Nuadha nodded in agreement with Drake. "My mentor Paladin Caerwyn fought one once with a group of paladins and soldiers to back him up. He's much stronger than me, and he still almost died. Let's get to the town quick, but don't just charge in recklessly."

2016-04-20, 06:44 PM
Zack shakes his head softly. People from the Sword Coast are reckless and wantonly disregard their own safety! Not only so they willingly jeopardize the lives of the next generation, they gladly rush to certain doom!

The halfling, not quite so willingly, follows the group into the city, attempting to be stealthy. That shouldn't be too hard at all since everyone else send to be charging in.

2016-04-22, 06:45 PM
Drake speeds up his step, jogging toward town with his longsword out. What lousy luck he must have to end his first mercenary job in the maws of a dragon, he reflected.

2016-04-22, 11:03 PM
Shard nearly trips over somewhere where there's basically nothing to trip over except overgrown weeds, but recovers midair and keeps on running.

2016-04-23, 07:26 PM
Shard sprints ahead of the group as you enter town. At the southern intersection, you all turn to see five humans dash out from between two buildings on your left. A limping man and three young children race across the street into more shadows, and a woman carrying a round shield and a broken spear turns and faces back in the direction from which they came. Eight kobolds stream out of the alley on the family's heals and fan out around the woman, who looks determined to delay the creatures for as long as possible.


Kobold 1: [roll0]
Kobold 2: [roll1]
Kobold 3: [roll2]
Kobold 4: [roll3]
Kobold 5: [roll4]
Kobold 6: [roll5]
Kobold 7: [roll6]
Kobold 8: [roll7]

Drake: [roll8]
Tor: [roll9]
Nuadha: [roll10]
Shard: [roll11]
Glory: [roll12]
Zack: [roll13]

In this combat, you all are close enough to reach the mother and the kobolds on your first turn of movement. We won't use a grid for most (or probably all) combats. I'll follow up with a post and the updated initiative.

2016-04-23, 07:33 PM
Initiative Order:

Kobold 4
Kobold 8
Kobold 1
Kobold 2
Kobold 3
Kobold 7
Kobold 5
Kobold 6

If you know what you're going to do on your turn, you can post it but label it [On my turn]. Once you do this, your choice is essentially locked in, but the actions will resolve in order.

For example, if Shard knows he wants to attack the Kobold nearest the family, you can post that before Drake or Tor posts their action.

I figure this way, combat can go a little faster rather than waiting on one person to see the thread and post. You do always have the option to wait until the people before you post. I'll try to check in and give updates as much as possible, but will have no access to the thread tomorrow.

2016-04-23, 08:53 PM
Zack can hardly believe his eyes. A lot of tiny little dragons, chasing after some humans! If he can't sample that huge slab of luscious dragon meat flying above, maybe he can taste its young instead!

Of course, the little dragons aren't defenseless, but perhaps... they can be... Persuaded. To shuffle of the mortal coil without a fuss.

When dealing with fresh food, it is best to refrigerate the carcass as soon as possible. So, Zack prepares his most potent cold spell. The halfling points right smack at the middle of the little dragons, materializes an icy dagger, and flings it to the poor unfortunate soul!

Cast Ice Knife.
Initial spell attack against kobold in the middle of the largest cluster of kobolds.
To hit: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1] piercing damage.
Crit: [roll2] piercing damage.
The target and all adjacent kobolds must pass a DC14 Dexterity save or take [roll3] cold damage.

2016-04-24, 05:22 AM
As Shard runs panting through the burning streets, he thrusts each of his hands to his sides, whispering in Draconic as he darts by the ablaze buildings and mountains of straw. The "Control Flame" cantrip allows him to extinguish the flames of the streets in which he passed by, the flames quickly whisking away and dying out everywhere around him.

Shard eventually dashes into the scene of the kobolds and the fleeing family. He mutters an ancient Draconic curse and glares at the horde of kobolds, and golden flames starts to flicker within his eyes. He hisses, and white-hot vapor issues from beween his teeth.

The air around Shard grows thick and hot, and the ground beneath his feet steams. Golden sparks flicker from his wide-open eyes. Suddenly, Lockershard Gold isn't the noisy, incompetent brat in the caravan. He's something much more ancient. Fearsome...

Shard opens his mouth, and smoke erupts from between his lips. He sets his golden glare upon the Kobolds, and speaks in Draconic, in a deep, thundering voice that doesn't resemble his original voice at all -

"What are you doing, weaklings?"

Shard casts the "Sleep" spell, except it's re-fluffed to sorta resemble the dragon's "Frightful Presence" ability. The effects are the same, except it doesn't make its targets sleep - it makes them cower in fear and kneel down to the ground, pleading for mercy, imitating the same in-game effects. I will try to activate it so it affects the most number of Kobolds.

Each creature affected by this spell falls unconscious until the spell ends, the sleeper takes damage, or someone uses an action to shake or slap the sleeper awake.

An unconscious creature is incapacitated (An incapacitated creature can't take actions or reactions), can't move or speak, and is unaware of its surroundings.
The creature drops whatever it's holding and falls prone.
The creature automatically fails Strength and Dexterity saving throws.
Attack rolls against the creature have advantage.
Any attack that hits the creature is a critical hit if the attacker is within 5 feet of the creature.

2016-04-24, 09:10 AM

As soon as his foes are in sight Tor charges forward, the massive maul in his hands, as he nears the closest ski old he transfers all his might into the swing as if he were trying to swing through his foe...

Whatever he hits his maul booms with the sound of thunder
Booming Blade GWM Attack [roll0] Damage[roll1][roll2]

If Killed attack the next one
GWM Attack [roll3] Damage[roll4][roll5]

2016-04-24, 02:00 PM
"Tor! Drake grunts in frustration as his brother runs ahead of him towards the kobolds. "We talked about having a plan, not rushing in to things."

Too late now, Drake thinks to himself. Let's make the best of this situation.

Drake runs up to place with his brother, chants a few arcane words and swings his sword at the closest kobold. As his sword makes contact with the small goblonoid, green flame leaps from the point of contact to the next kobold, searing him just a bit.

Attack roll [roll0] for [roll1] damage and [roll2] for crit. Three damage to adjacent kobold from GFB if I hit on the attack roll.

2016-04-24, 02:48 PM

As Drake yells to Tor, his Maul simply removed the head of the nearest Konold loosing the sound of thunder and brain matter, he shouts back "This is the plan, hit em till they stop squirming!"

2016-04-24, 10:18 PM

"Way to go, kid!" Nuadha shouts from behind as he sees the young sorcerer dissipating the flames. He'd have to learn the boy's actual name at some point. He hadn't quite caught it in the imaginative tirade earlier.

He kept one eye on the sky as the group ran into town, watching for the dragon. Then the family ran past with kobolds at their heels. Without hesitation, Nuadha imposed himself between the tiny dragonoids and their prey and advanced on them alongside his allies, aiming a brutal strike at one distracted by its companion's head being smashed in with a maul.

Sneak Attack on any still-alive kobold within 5ft of Drake (or another ally), if possible
Rapier Attack: [roll0]

Damage: [roll1] piercing damage
Sneak Attack: [roll2]

2016-04-25, 02:38 PM
Glory raised her eyebrows at the kobolds' attack. Was a dragon not enough of a threat on its own, so it needed minions? Well, no matter. Glory would fight whoever she came across. With a swift movement, Glory pulled her bow and shot.

Hitting any Kobold still standing:


2016-04-25, 08:17 PM
Drake is able to make it to the group first, with his brother Tor close behind. Drake's flaming sword gives off an eerie green light as it slices through one kobold, dropping it. The fire from his blade leaps forward to another kobold and singes its arm. Tor follows with a swing from his mace, pummeling a kobold into the air. He brings the mace down toward another kobold, who has just enough time to dodge out of the way.

From Shard, you hear a booming shout and all turn to the child. The kobolds fall to their knees, eyes wide at the boy. Even the family looks scared aside from the little girl who look excited, grinning from ear to ear.

The kobold that Tor hit falls to the ground.

Zack joins the crowd next, casting toward the kobolds in the back. The target kobold is impaled by the ice shard. The two cowering next to him did not stand a chance - both are overcome by a chill and tip forward, not moving.

Nuadha steps in between the kobolds and the woman, his rapier piercing its target through the heart.

Glory is the last of the party to join what would normally be considered a fray, but now amounts to two kobolds cowering on the ground. She puts one out of its misery.

The mother, pleasantly surprised by the interruption sighs in relief and is able to easily dispatch the final kobold.

Kobold 4 (killed by Drake)
Kobold 8 (killed by Tor and gravity)
Kobold 1 (killed by Nuadha)
Kobold 2 (killed by Glory)
Kobold 3 (killed by the mother)
Kobold 7 (hit by cold)
Kobold 5 (hit by greenflame weapon and cold)
Kobold 6 (hit by ice shard)

Follow up post coming, but wanted to write down the battle. On a side note, Glory's attack would have missed but the spell gave everyone advantage on attack. On the additional roll, she got 17 to hit.

2016-04-25, 08:28 PM
The woman pants, as she catches her breath for the first time this evening. "Thank you," she addresses the group. "My name is Linan, and I can't thank you enough for saving my family." She nods to them as they approach. "This is Cuth, my husband, and my children: Malcer, Geth, and Dona."

The girl, Dona, shouts excitedly and runs to Shard. "That was awesome, how did you do that?!?"

Cuth holds one of the boys in his arm, but nods to/shakes hands with the remaining fighters.

Linan continues "We were on our way to the keep when we were ambushed - the Governor sent word that everyone should meet there before the lock the doors for the night. Anyone inside should be safe, it's the best point to defend in the town. I assume they'll shut the keep soon."

"We would appreciate it if you could accompany us there," Cuth adds. "We could use the protection and I'm sure Governor Nighthill would be clad to have the help of adventurers such as yourselves."


Feel free to discuss how to approach entering the town. You can speak with the NPCs if you would like. My next post (tomorrow) will include the group moving toward the keep, unless your plans are radically different.

2016-04-25, 08:42 PM
Immediately after the last kobold fell, the halfling greedily rushes to the fallen corpses, looking for a segment of meat to chop off. He tries to decide whether a leg or a trail would taste better, and the gourmand's practiced eye is able to quickly scan which of the eight would be more luscious and more succulent.

Sure, he has questions to ask of the woman and even the puny boy who claimed to be a reincarnated dragon, but did is more important.

Finally making a decision, the halfling chops off the appropriate cut of meat and stuffs it into his pack.

2016-04-25, 09:26 PM
Drake begins walking over toward the family to offer aid, "Yes, we should definitely...." He falls silent, entranced, as Zack walks over and slices a piece of a kobold off and stuffs it in his pack. A trophy? Does he enjoy mutilating dead bodies? Drake would have to keep a close eye on this little stranger.

2016-04-26, 12:05 AM
Zack notices the soldier's eyes on him.

Feeling the need to explain himself, he simply says, "Waste not, want not. Mustn't let a prime cut of dragon meat go to waste!"

2016-04-26, 12:59 AM

"Yes, we should get you to the keep as quickly as possible." Nuadha scanned the sky and what he could see of the town. "Have you seen any others still out in the town? If we can, we will bring them as well."

Perception: [roll0]

2016-04-26, 01:38 AM
"Oh, nothing much, it just involves being a wonderful and majestic Gold Dragon," Shard - back to the scrawny, dreamy kid - shrugs to the girl and winks. "No worries, now that we've come. The keep, you say? Fine, but if we find anyone else in need of help, we might halt for a sec or two. I can't stand them wreaking havoc everywhere as though they're the strong ones."

2016-04-26, 07:44 AM

A bit disappointed in how quickly the Kobolds were dispatched, Tor laughs heartily before yelling in a thunderous shout, <Draconic>"FILTHY SCUM!! COME! CHALLENGE US!!!

2016-04-26, 09:30 AM
Drake begins escorting the family toward the keep, still distracted by Zack's actions. Dragon meat? These are just filthy little monsters, he thinks to himself.

After they take a few steps, he hears Tor's shout from behind him and spins around. "What're you doing? We have to get these people to safety. You're going to attract more attention."

2016-04-26, 09:35 AM

Looking back over his smile with a smirk, "Saving dozens in this town, if these vermin are busy trying to kill us they won't be busy trying to kill the innocent and defenseless."

2016-04-26, 09:38 AM
Drake turns back to his brother. "Remember the dragon? Let's get people out of here before we call down its attention."

2016-04-26, 08:49 PM
Nuadha is able to see other running through the city, mostly humanoids in robes next to some kobolds. He is able to spot at least one survivor, peeking out from behind one of the houses. There does seem to be a clear path to the survivor and eventually the keep, but there would always be the risk of being seen.

He does notice some of the kobolds stop running as Tor shouts but they don't seem to realize where the yell came from.

"We will need to hurry," Linan says, taking a couple steps toward the keep. "Especially if we are going to make it to the keep in time." She looks to Nuadha. "Lead the way?"

2016-04-26, 09:20 PM
Zack points out the humanoids with robes to the woman they rescued.

"You live here. Are they friend or foe?" he whispers.

2016-04-26, 10:38 PM

Nuadha looked from the enemies, to the family, to the sky, then to the survivor he had seen. Not an easy decision to make.

To the halfling, he said, "If they're with the kobolds, they're probably the cultists, which means I've found what I've been looking for."

He thought for a minute, then sighed. "Go. Get to the keep. I see another survivor. There may be more. I'll be right behind you. Go!" Assuming the others from the caravan would lead the family to safety, Nuadha ran off toward where he saw the survivor, keeping low and watching for cultists and kobolds.

Stealth (I assume with disadvantage, since I'm trying to move quickly): [roll0]; [roll1]

2016-04-26, 10:43 PM
The halfling's eyes light up upon confirmation that the cloaked cultists are in league with the attacking dragon.

"I have an idea. With those hoods on, it's really hard to tell who is who. I am sure the only way they can distinguish friend and foe is with those uniforms! Don't you see, if we knock them out and dress ourselves in those cloaks, neither that dragon nor their friends will be able to see we're not cultists from a distance!"

2016-04-27, 09:14 PM
Linan confirms that the ones in robes are not townsfolk. "Even if they were, they wouldn't be on our side anymore."

Assuming Nuadha points out the towns-person, Linan nods. "We should help them, and it isn't too far out of the way. There is no chance to find everyone left in town, but we can help anyone on the way. Once we are actually in the keep, we'll have more resources to help out."

Linan begins to move toward the towns-person, sticking to the shadows and moving slowly.

2016-04-29, 05:06 PM
Alright - anyone sneaking should roll me a stealth check, while anyone not sneaking should tell me what they do.

2016-04-29, 07:19 PM
I'm in favor of ambushing cultists to wear their robes. But if everyone insists on sneaking, [roll0].

2016-04-30, 05:44 PM
Pretty sure we first need to ambush them before we could take their robes? I dunno.
Stealth: [roll0]
EDIT: Seems everyone is not good at being sneaky...

2016-05-04, 01:48 AM
With Disadvantage!


2016-05-04, 07:38 PM
OOC: Regardless of the results for everyone else, some people are getting spotted.

Though the kobolds moved on from this area, three hooded figures stop moving. Two of them wear plain robes, while the third seems to be better designed, with some sort of pattern along it. They stop about 50 feet from you.

They turn to your group and lower their hoods. They look.... pretty average. A couple half-elfs and a human. But hostile. They definitely look hostile.

OOC: They have seen everyone but Nuadha, so far. You all have time for one action before combat starts. When you post, please roll initiative.

2016-05-04, 07:47 PM
Drake shakes his head. He turns to the villagers. "Get to safety. My...companions and I will see to these miscreants." He draws his sword and heads toward the cloaked figures.

2016-05-04, 07:50 PM
"Freeze!" Zack shouts out to the nearest cloaked cultist, as a beam jumps from him to the ground underneath the man.

Frostbite: Range 60. Target must make CON Save: [roll0] meeting or beating DC 14. Otherwise he will take [roll1] cold damage, and will have disadvantage on his next weapon attack made before its next turn ends.

2016-05-04, 08:29 PM

The large man steps forward, hammer in hand and shouts at the cultists, "Surrender and disrobe, lest I lest the lady dismember you and feed your wriggling bits to the feral Halfling whilst you watch!"

If Advantage [roll1]

2016-05-04, 10:25 PM

Slightly ahead of the party, Nuadha stops in the shadows. Of course the others would follow and get spotted. Oh well. At least it afforded an opportunity, if their enemies focused away from Nuadha. The paladin sat in wait, ready to lunge out of the shadows at the first cultist that passed his position. Or, if they had magic, the first one to try and cast a spell would find Nuadha charging him to disrupt it.

Readying an action to attack/charge a target as noted above
Stealth (if needed): [roll0]
If advantage/disdadvantage: [roll1]

Attack (rapier): [roll2]
If Advantage (attacking from stealth): [roll3]
Damage: [roll4] piercing
Sneak Attack: +[roll5]

2016-05-04, 10:36 PM
Oh well. Stories about sneakiness never caught on anyway. Glory stepped back and let loose an arrow at the one with fancy robes. Maybe if she killed that one, they'd let her take those robes.


2016-05-05, 09:01 PM
Turn order:

Glory [23]
Zack [20]
** Cloak 1 [20] (missing a round of combat, not technically dead)
Nuadha [17]
Cloak 2 [16]
Drake [12]
Tor [6]
Fancy Cloak [2]

A frost comes over one of the cloaked figures, ice climbing up her robes. It coves her face and her body goes still as she goes numb from the Frostbite. She falls over, prone on the ground (Guess who got a Nat 1 on their Con save!)

Meanwhile, the person in the more elaborate cloak ***** their head at Tor, not wanting to lose their robes. They pull off their hood and turn just in time to see an arrow... piece through their head. They fall to the ground, unmoving.

OOC: Cloak 1 is missing a round of combat, lost health, and is prone. Fancy Cloak is dead. As long as you guys can take you Cloak 2 this round, combat is pretty much over.

2016-05-05, 09:13 PM
Waddling closer to the melee, Zack stretches out a hand towards the unmolested cultist. "Get over here!" he says, as a whip of thorns lash out from his hand towards the unwary fool!

Move 25 feet closer.
Thorn Whip (range 30) vs. Cloak 2. Melee spell attack [roll0] vs. AC. Lucky Reroll: [roll1].
On hit: [roll2] piercing damage plus [roll3] on a crit. Also, pull target 10 feet closer to Zack.

2016-05-05, 09:20 PM
Shard, extinguishing the flames around him, darts into the scene, eyes blazing, ready to fire from his hands... and at the precise moment trips over a rock beneath his feet, falling face-flat into the ground with a high-pitched yelp. He struggles up, bleeding from his nose, mumbling something about his mortal body being far too weak - and fires a bolt of white-hot energy at one of the cloaked figures.

Casting "Fire Bolt". Against Cloak 1:
Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

Or if Cloak 1 is dead for some reason or another, 2.

2016-05-06, 11:49 AM
Drake rushes toward the cloaked figure as Shard's flame engulfs the mysterious figure. If he is still standing, he brings his sword up and swings at the person.

Attack: [roll0] for [roll1] and [roll2] if it crits.

Uhm...I don't think I got the crit.

2016-05-07, 07:57 PM
Zack's thorn whip wraps around the cultist, pulling him toward the halfling. As the cloaked figure is pulled toward the group, Nuadha lunges from the shadows and catches him by surprise.

The cultist is skewered by the rapier and falls to the ground, dead.

The final, frozen cultist is easily dispatched as they lay on the ground helpless.

Though the area seems relatively clear, you still have a ways to go before reaching the keep. Two townspeople walk out from behind the building, now that the area is clear. Both are female, one human and a half orc.

Do you do anything before continuing toward the keep?

2016-05-08, 12:01 AM
Zack walks over to the cultist he snagged with his thorny whip. The halfling then systematically ransacks the corpse, looking for three things in particular:

1. Any foodstuff, which he will pocket
2. Any weapons, which he will hand over to the civilians so they can protect themselves, and
3. Any kind of clue why these brigands will be attacking Greenest in concert with
a dragon.

2016-05-08, 09:41 AM
Drake stands guard over Zack as he rummages through the bodies. "Try and hurry, little halfling. We still need to get these people to safety."

Perception score while standing guard: [roll0]

EDIT: What? Where did Zack go? Hey, wasn't there a village here? Where is it?

2016-05-08, 09:51 AM
Tor walks forward nonchalantly, reveling in the chaos around him.

2016-05-08, 04:32 PM
Glory walks over to the cultist she fell, and pulled the cloak off him, and put it on. "Snazzy, huh?" Glory whirled around a bit, getting a feel for how the cloak affected her movement, before turning back to the dead cultist and examining his things. She could use a few more daggers.

2016-05-08, 08:17 PM

Nuadha quickly checked on the emerging townsfolk, then looked at the three bodies and sighed. "I guess stealth isn't going to work with all of us then, and we apparently don't need it. They're weaker than I'd have guessed, considering the dragon. If we find more, let's try to take one alive. Especially one of the important-looking ones," he said, lightly kicking the fallen cultist with the fancier robe.

2016-05-09, 09:26 PM
Tor wastes no time grabbing the fancier robe, once donned he strikes a pose, "Tor, High Priest of Yule church for fallen celebets."

2016-05-10, 10:11 AM
While standing guard over Zack, Drake can't help but watch Tor and shake his head in disbelief. There has to be some mistake, he thinks to himself. This bafoon can't possibly be my brother. No discipline or restraint at all.

"Tor! Round everyone up! Get them to safety."

Once Zack is done searching the body, Drake guides him toward the keep with the villagers, encouraging the rest of the group to come with them.

2016-05-11, 09:32 PM
Zack, though unable to find any food, finds a scimitar on the hooded figure (the other humanoid in plain robes also has a scimitar). Though you find no papers or orders to indicate what they were doing here, you do notice a dragon tattoo on their arm.

Glory walks over to the enemy she killed (the one in the fancier robe) and finds a club... but unfortunately nothing more to indicate why they were here.

OOC: Then Tor takes the fancy robe from her? At that point she had already claimed the fancier robe. You have 6 villagers with you and 3 robes overall... the keep is within sight, but it looks like there may be one group standing between you and it.

2016-05-11, 11:18 PM
The halfling is disappointed with the lack of edible spoils from the man. After cutting out the patch of tattoo for use as a souvenir which he stuffs in his increasingly-bloody pack, Zack hands the scimitar to little Dona, saying "Here you go, little one. Something to protect your family!"

The fat halfling then scans the horizon for some more of these brigands they can ambush.

Perception: [roll0]

2016-05-12, 12:14 AM
"...Damn...more of the weaklings? I don't fancy blooding my own hands..." Shard mutters, and calls over to the others, "Hey, could someone there cut off one of those kobolds' heads and pass it over to me?"

He then adds, "If there's any more of them that we bump into, I say we don't kill them - just hold them captive so we can ask questions later. And if we can initimidate them into surrendering, that's the best solution, isn't it?" Should we later bump into kobolds, Shard will use the "Intimidation" skill using the severed head, perhaps adding some "Prestidigitation" and "Control Flames" shenanigans to make him look threatening. Also, related to that - smashbro, will you rule that this applies to interaction with Kobolds? The Dragon Ancestor ability of the Draconic Bloodline Sorcerer:

...Whenever you make a Charisma check when interacting with dragons, your proficiency bonus is doubled if it
applies to the check.Since Kobolds fear dragons, and Shard is (sorta) a dragon, I believe it would be logical for his attempts of intimidation to work pretty effectively - how do you think?
Also, if we are to threaten the Kobolds, could someone use the Help action on Shard to give me advantage? If that's allowed.

2016-05-13, 09:37 PM
OOC stuff:

Yes, your draconic ancestor will apply against the Kobolds, even if they do not quite know why they are scared of you.

Other players can use the Help action as long as they add something new to the threat. So having someone else's character add in "What he said" won't do anything. But if they make an additional threat or do something new to help, then yes.

2016-05-17, 06:33 PM
OOC: Checking back guys... going to sneak past the final group or confront them?

2016-05-17, 07:40 PM
Need more cloaks.

And a prisoner or two to interrogate.

Attack 'em, I say!

2016-05-17, 08:09 PM
Intimidate them into surrendering, capture them, and later ask them questions in a verrrrry friendly manner.

2016-05-17, 08:17 PM
Ehh, you only need a mouth to answer.

You don't need those two arms, those two legs. The other leg...

:smallbiggrin::smallbiggrin::smallbiggrin::smallbi ggrin::smallbiggrin:

2016-05-17, 10:10 PM
Glory tugged on her new cloak ( the fanciest of fancy cloaks) squinted towards the next group, trying to get a better look at who they were, and what kind of composition they had. She held her bow in resting position, but ready to draw and fire at the first sound of trouble.

Perception check:

2016-05-26, 07:50 PM
OOC: So sorry for the lack of posting, been super busy/distracted lately. Transitioning between jobs/moving soon, so I'm not as available as I would like to be. Ideally I'll have more time to post in the near future.

The group you see ahead of you is four cloaked figures, chasing after a badly injured Dwarf.

The enemies have not seen you yet: you can try to sneak closer (currently around 90 feet away) or begin to attack immediately.

2016-05-30, 05:05 AM
Zack lets out a scowl; he is sadly out of range for any of his druidic magic to reliably hit. He looks at the rest of the party, but readies himself to freeze the first opponent to come within range.

2016-05-30, 12:05 PM
Glory frowned at the attackers, and let loose an arrow. Maybe they would look for someone who could fight back.

Sneak Attack? Either way, hitting a random cloak.

2016-05-30, 12:48 PM
Drake sees the cloaked figures chasing after the dwarf and sprints in that direction, longsword at the ready.

Move toward the dwarves, then take the dash action to move closer.

2016-05-31, 05:26 AM
EDIT: NVM, info-based it makes no sense anymore.

2016-05-31, 08:47 PM
Zack readies his magic, as an arrow whizzes past his face. Glory's shot plants itself in the head of one of the cloaked figures.

The figure crumples to the ground, dead, and their companions turn to see the group.

OOC: @Gastronomie Sorry, I should have been clearer the cloaked figures - they are all medium sized and therefore not Kobolds (and there are none in the immediate area). In character you would have seen this so if you would like to do something different let me know or confirm your actions.

Turn order:
Shard - 1 round before combat starts

Nuadha [22]
Plain Robes 2 [19]
Tor [15]
Plain Robes 1 [13]
Glory [12]
Drake [11]
Plain Robes 3 [9]
Fancy Robes [8]
Shard [6]
Zack [5]
Injured Dwarf [5]

Drake [roll0]
Tor [roll1]
Nuadha [roll2]
Shard [roll3]
Glory [roll4]
Zack [roll5]

Injured Dwarf [roll6]
Injured Dwarf [roll7]

Fancy Robes [roll8]
Plain Robes 1 [roll9]
Plain Robes 2 [roll10]
Plain Robes 3 [roll11]

2016-06-04, 12:20 AM
This time, Nuadha didn't mind the straight-forward approach. If it distracted the dwarf's pursuers, making noise was the right thing to do. He advanced on the robed figures, ready to attack to wound, not to kill. Preferably, they could take the fancier-robed one alive for questioning.

Move toward the robed figures, then charge if in range, or ready an action to charge if/when one of them comes in range.

Attack (rapier): [roll0]
Damage: [roll1] piercing

2016-06-04, 02:42 PM
Glory didn't hesitate, pulling another arrow and shooting at the same cloaked figure that Nuadha attacked.

Sneak Attack!

2016-06-08, 09:09 PM
Nuadha rushes forward to meet one of the cloaked figures, who turns and makes to attack him. As Nuadha's attack misses the cloaked man...

his spear finds a home through Nuadha's armor. The man's eyes light up and an excited grin crosses his face.



OOC: Tor is up next.

2016-06-14, 09:13 PM
OOC: Waiting just one more day, then moving on to the NPC and Glory.

2016-06-14, 11:57 PM
Next time, you may want to consider group initiative instead of individual initiative. It becomes rather slow if a PC must post, then the DM updates, then another PC posts... :smallbiggrin:

2016-06-15, 07:46 AM
"Oh damn, more of'em?" Shard mutters, and points a finger at the cloaked men. He whispers in Draconic, and two streaks of flame shoot outward, straight towards the enemies.Turn 1:
Attack Roll: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]
Critical: [roll2]

Attack Roll: [roll3]
Damage: [roll4]
Critical: [roll5]

2016-06-15, 08:20 PM
(Tor passes turn)

The next cloaked figure also charges Nuadha, grunting as she thrusts her spear at the warrior. The spear misses it's target wide.

However Glory's arrow also flies past its target, landing firmly in the ground.

OOC: Drake's turn


2016-06-15, 09:04 PM
Drake rushes to Nuadha's aid, swinging at the cloaked figure with his longsword.

Attack: for [roll]/d8+4 damage and [roll1] more if it crits

2016-06-17, 09:39 PM
Drake charges with his longsword to help Nuadha, slicing at one of the robed figures and connecting. THough the enemy is still standing, you can see a bloodstain growing larger through the robes.


The figure in the more elaborate robes raises their arm gracefully... brandishing a club. They run toward the melee, swinging at Drake... and missing completely.


Shard, meanwhile, shoots flames toward the melee, the first attack successfully burning, and dropping, one of the plain robed figures. The second flame misses, causing both the elaborate robed fighter and Nuasha to quickly dodge out of the way.

OOC: Zack's turn.

Nuadha [22]
Plain Robes 2 [19]
Tor [15]
Plain Robes 1 [13]
Glory [12]
Drake [11]
Plain Robes 3 [9]
Fancy Robes [8]
Shard [6]
Zack [5]
Injured Dwarf [5]

2016-06-18, 01:23 AM
Zack's prepared spell triggers as Fancy McFancyface rushes towards the uptight soldier. Before the elaborate-robed man can recover his bearings, the halfling thrusts out a thorny whip to shred him and pull him closer!

Reaction (happens before start of Zack's turn): Frostbite vs. first opponent to come within range (Elaborate Robe). Target must pass a DC14 CON save [roll0] or take [roll1] cold damage and have disadvantage on their next weapon attack roll.

Action: Thorn Whip vs. nearest opponent (Elaborate Robe). [roll2] vs. AC. On hit, [roll3] piercing damage and pull target 10 feet closer. Lucky reroll if 1: [roll4]. Critical hit: [roll5].

2016-06-18, 03:32 AM
Nudha shakes off the blow, then watches Zack pull out his thorn whip against the better-dressed of the cultists. "Try to take that one alive!" he calls, then suits actions to words and attempts to hit the fancy-robed cultist across the back of the head with the flat of his blade to knock him out after he is pulled toward Zack (provided Fancy-Robes is still in melee range after the pull). Otherwise, he would simply try to disable the man here instead.

Now that allies are adjacent to his enemies, sneak attack for [roll0] vs AC and doing [roll1]+[roll2] nonlethal damage.

2016-06-18, 08:36 AM
"...That one seems like their boss, eh?" Shard shoots another ray of flame at the man with the FANCY robes.

Attack Roll: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]
Critical: [roll2]

2016-06-18, 08:45 AM
"Kid, what part of 'Try to take that one alive!' don't you understand?" the halfling telepathically berates the young sorcerer. "He can't talk if you roast him to death!".

2016-06-18, 08:58 AM
"Who do you think I am? No one in the world is better than me at manipulating flame," Shard muses. "Look, wait and see, it'll hit him so wonderfully that he'd both lose his willpower and still somehow stay alive."If his AC is really low.

2016-06-18, 12:44 PM
If Shard even gets the opportunity. He's really far down in initiative and the rest of us might take Mr Fancycakes down first. :smalltongue:

2016-06-19, 09:14 PM
As the person in the Fancier robes misses, they notice their cold shoulder and turn to see Zack's thorn whip, wrapping around their body.

The robed figure is pulled toward Zack but along the way passes Nuadha. The fancy robed figure is knocked out cold, limply being dragged toward Zack.

The remaining guard, standing in the center of your party... drops his spear and runs. Opposite direction, as fast as he can.

OOC: Combat is over, if anyone would like to pursue the fleeing person, feel free. Everyone can safely get an attack off (and I can confirm that Shard's attack will hit as they run). Everyone has the chance for a ranged attack or movement and melee.

The cloaked figure is knocked out, and you can find the following loot among the bodies:

1 Club
Fancy Robes
Plain Robes
Bloody Plain Robes
3 Spears
2 gp on each of the Plain Robes, 5 gp on the Fancy Robe

Take your time to loot/speak amongst yourselves. There is nothing more between your party and the keep. Will post more description tomorrow.

IC: The red headed Dwarf lets out a sigh and stands up as best he can. "I'd like to offer thanks for the help, but tha' won't matter at'll unless we can make it inside the Keep."

2016-06-19, 11:03 PM
May Glory shoot to incapacitate instead of kill? Might want to ask some questions

2016-06-19, 11:48 PM
The man was trying to escape, but Zack was not having any of that. He thrusts out his other hand to quickly lash out yet another thorny vine, assumed squarely at the fleeing man's back!

Thorn Whip: [roll0] vs AC.
Lucky reroll: [roll1]
Hit: [roll2] and drag him close by 10 feet.
Crit: [roll3]

2016-06-20, 08:34 PM
OOC: Yeah, Glory can try to incapacitate them. She will get a chance to attacked before Zack, kinda going by the turn order we had.

Now that the fighting is over, you see that the town seems brighter than you remember it - this is due to the flames that have sprung up around the town. In the distance there are more cloaked figures and kobolds running around, while some other groups of townspeople run toward the keep, just over a hundred yards away. You see figures beckoning the townspeople into the Keep, ready to close the double doors.

Escobert scoffs as he looks out at the town. He spits at the ground and you notice it is mixed with blood. "Ruddy good job I did defending. E'ryone follow me!" The group of (6) civilians all seem to recognize him and follow his word - they all look eager to make it to the Keep.

2016-06-20, 08:54 PM
"No, you don't." Glory said, firing one more shot at the fleeing enemy.


2016-06-26, 05:44 PM
Glory hits the fleeing man, taking him down.

2016-06-26, 06:40 PM
Zack follows Escobert towards the keep, eager to get out of the madness if only for a brief reprieve. Grabbing hold of the unconscious Fancy McRobeFace by his boots, the halfling rushes forward, not really caring that his face was getting scratched up by the road.

2016-06-27, 02:29 AM
Nuadha helps Zack by grabbing the cultist to carry him by the shoulders. "Come on, let's get to the keep before more of them come." Or that dragon comes back.

2016-07-04, 05:56 PM
The party reaches the keep, Fancy McRobeFace in tow, just as the doors are about to close. Your party, along with the townspeople who you have rescued, breathe a sigh of relief as you are out of the immediate danger.

Inside the keep, nervous looking men and women care for children or bring food/water to those in need. Some citizens wear armor and carry weapons, most making their way to the outer walls. The members of this militia range from confident to clumsy but it looks like they are the best this town has to offer.

Two armored citizens rush to help Escobert (the dwarf you rescued earlier) while a human male follows closely behind. The man looks like he has already seen a rough night, with the right side of his face bandaged and his right arm rests in a sling. He looks old, grey hair barely covers his head and you can see bags beneath his eyes. "Thank you for the aid," he says in a crackling voice. "My men and women have seen your exploits from their positions. Allow me to introduce myself; I am Tarbaw Nighthill."

Escobert, the dwarf, nods at Nighthill. "Never liked being called Governor, even if it would be a proper introduction."

OOC: By talking to Nighthill, you'll be able to learn what else you can do to help the town. Please post at least some reaction to entering the keep, even if you have nothing to say to Nighthill himself yet.

2016-07-04, 08:51 PM
Upon entering the castle, Zack gestures to Fancy McRobeFace, still out cold and probably with a ton of lacerations after being dragged through the streets. "He was trying to murder the dwarf. What should be done with him?"

The halfling pauses and takes in the scenery - frightened and hurt villagers for as far as the eye can see. "So, is it always like this in this town?"

2016-07-04, 09:36 PM

Nuadha frowned as they finally entered the keep. The stone walls of the fortress reminded him of the higher class parts of the city, where the merchants and nobles lived. But the fearful faces showing despair and pain made it more like the slums. These people needed to know they would be safe. Well, best place to start would probably be their leader.

"Actually, I'd ask that you have him locked away somewhere so I can question him later," Nuadha said, addressing Governor Nighthill. He held out his left hand to shake in greeting. When the governor took it, he would channel what little divine energy he could muster into healing the man. "I'm a paladin of Bahamut. We were serving as caravan guards and came to help. What can we do?"

I'm using Lay on Hands to heal Nighthill for 5hp (my entire pool). It's not much, but the guy does seem in pretty rough shape.

2016-07-07, 06:57 PM
Nighthill sees the (still unconscious) captive and gives a slight approving nod. "Questioning him will be one of our top priorities." He motions for some guards to come over. "Please, restrain him and keep a post beside him. One of the back rooms, away from the people."

As he shakes Nuadha's hand, he feels the effect of the healing and seems more relaxed. "Thank you... I cannot say I have been very attentive to my wounds." He turns to the Halfling. "Our town is normally peaceful - nothing out of the ordinary in the way of crime. Bands of these hooded figures seemed to arrive an hour or two ago, breaking into homes and stores, stealing anything they could find.

They have not tried to attack the keep we are in, so I believe we are safe here... My main concern is those who were not able to reach our position in time."

"The best course of action," Nighthill continues, "is for us to continue aiding the townsfolk. I do not have many warriors to spare, so if your party is able I would appreciate any assistance."

The Dwarf, Escobert, grunts as he stands. "We could use them to clear the old tunnel. It leads down to the river, should be the best way in and out o' the keep."

"We could also use help interrogating the prisoner... I'm sure it would help to have those he fought against interrogating him."

OOC: For now, there are two quests: Interrogation and the Old Tunnel. Your choice on what to do.

2016-07-07, 09:34 PM
"I'll help with the interrogation," Zack says. "It's better to know what we're up against. You've got that big lizard thing that's breathing fire out there, and I'm not going out there until I know what the bloody hell is going on in your town."

"Say, do you have any food? I got this cut of dragon meat earlier, but it needs some cooking," Zack says conversationally as he takes out a segment of kobold tail and cut-off skin with a dragon tattoo out of his pack.

2016-07-07, 09:51 PM
Glory, seeing the fighting was over, shook her hair out of her face, and put away her bow. "I'll help with the interrogation."

2016-07-08, 08:40 PM

"If we can get that cultist awake quickly, we might get something useful out of him," Nuadha agrees.

2016-07-17, 10:01 PM
Governor Nighthill nods in agreement. "I'll have my guards show you to the room where he is being held." He explains the situation to one of the better armed citizens nearby, who is ready to lead you there when you are ready. "Meanwhile, I have others to attend to. If you need me for anything, please feel free to let me know."

Escobert tilts his head at the Halfling's choice of food, but agrees to lead him to a fire. "Tha's some time to be looking for a meal, in the heat of battle..."


(Once Zack is finished with his food) Your group is brought to what looks like a broom closet, and indeed you see that the small room was primarily used for storage. Cleaning supplies line the walls, but enough room was made in the center for a single chair. Bound to the chair is the cultist from earlier, hood finally off is head. The man has scraggly blond hair and is clearly alive, if worse for wear.

Though his eyes are closed, you get the sense that he is no longer unconscious as the three of you enter.

2016-07-17, 10:54 PM
Dragon tail was a bit tough, but stringy. Tastes a bit like chicken, though admittedly chickens and dragons may be distantly related.

Not completely satiated, Zack enters the interrogation room with his fellows. Aware that the man was conscious, the halfling takes out the section of human skin with the dragon tattoo he scalped earlier, and started to play with it in full view of the man.

He ensures that the man can see the dragon tattoo, and that it is imprinted on human skin.

Intimidation, hopefully with advantage since I have props! 1d20[/roll]
Lucky rerolls if 1 on any: [roll1] [roll2]

2016-07-25, 07:24 PM
As the prisoner comes to, he is greeted with a grisly sight. Shouting out, the man struggles in his bonds but only makes the chair tip backward.

For all his efforts, he now lays on his back (still bound to the chair). Frantically panting he shouts, "OKOKOK I'LL TELL YOU WHATEVER YOU NEED. NO DRAGON CULT IS WORTH THAT HAPPENING TO ME."

2016-07-25, 07:39 PM
Glory raised her eyebrows at the halfling's behavior. "And people say tieflings are scary," she said under her breath. Forcing a smile, she approached the cultist. ""Well, as long as you're straight with us, that won't happen."

2016-07-25, 08:59 PM
Zack looks very disappointed at the man's immediate cooperation. Taking the time to skin the tattoo souvenir he got (there were still bits of subcutaneous fat and muscle in the length of skin), the halfling steps towards the trembling human.

"Who are you? And what are you doing here? And don't think you can hide anything from me!" the halfling's mental voice booms into the man's head, as Zack continues to stare right at him.

2016-07-26, 03:37 PM
Nuadha steps forward and puts one boot on the front of the fallen chair, staring straight down into the Cultist's face. "To start, you're going to tell us your plan. Why are you attacking and town and what are you after?" Nuadha leaned down and said more quietly, "And then you're going to tell me all about a half-elf named Talis and all the others you've kidnapped."

Intimidation (not that he needs it after Zack's gruesome display)

2016-07-28, 07:16 PM
The cult member tries to calm his breathing; he does anything he can to avoid the Halfling's eyes. Instead, he tries to look to Nuadha.

"I... my name is Beldak... I... the Cult is just here for funds. They just figured this was a good town to raid, since it was so close. They're just after gold, man." The man takes a few breaths.

"I just wanted to get rich quick, I'm not all that into the whole dragon thing. What was it they said? Loot for the great hoard that will usher in the reign of the Queen of Dragons. Something like that." He looks expectantly between Glory and Nuadha, hoping they were satisfied.

2016-07-28, 10:58 PM
"So, you're not a cultist? Then how do they know and that dragon overhead know you are ally or not?"

The halfling continues to slice little pieces of meat from his tattoo souvenir.

2016-07-29, 09:35 PM
"I... OK, so, I signed up. But writing your name on paper doesn't mean much, right? I was just gonna quit after a few raids! I needed some sort of internship and the academy wouldn't take me..." The man seems to go off track but snaps back to focus on the Halfling. "But yeah, I guess they'd think of me as an ally..."

2016-07-29, 09:40 PM
"You misunderstand. You are not the only one they recruited in the raid, are you? How can they easily identify you, especially in a chaotic battle, as an ally? Do you have some kind of identification marks or password?"

2016-07-30, 06:33 AM
"Names on paper don't mean much, no. But theft, kidnapping, and murder do. You're going to help us take the rest of the cult down by providing every bit of information you know."

2016-07-30, 07:43 PM
"Oh, umm..." the man hesitates. "It's essentially the robes. I mean, most of us here are new. Anyone dedicated to them could stick around as long as they talk to Frulam or Cyanwrath after the raid."

2016-07-30, 08:29 PM
Zack observes the man's reaction with a gimlet eye, pausing for effect before continuing with his line of inquiry.

Insight. You aren't hiding something from me, are you, punk? [roll0]

2016-07-30, 10:20 PM
You believe he's telling the truth - there is nothing that people like him could show to prove they helped the cult in this raid.

2016-07-30, 11:40 PM
Zack continues to press. "So basically if we all slap on these robes, they would all think we're one of them? Simple as that?"

2016-08-01, 12:38 AM
"I'd think it'd take them more convincing than that, but if they do have members they can't even trust like this one, maybe not much," Nuadha said to Zack. Then he turned back to the prisoner. "But we're going to need two more things: the location and layout of your base, and what you're planning on doing to the people you've kidnapped."

2016-08-01, 09:15 PM
"Yeah, throw on the robes and they shouldn't notice. Dunno what that'll get you though.

The camp is about half a day's walk northwest... There's no direct path but there's no way you would miss how we got here. The camp is on, like, raised land. It slopes up and has a couple levels, getting higher and higher. THere's not much up front. The have the prisoners a little further up, and past that are the tents for all of the regular members. Oh, and guard towers on the top tier, looking out over everything.

So... do you think you could at least turn me upright again?"

2016-08-01, 09:39 PM
Having wheedled whatever information he could get from the man, the halfling merely stuffs back the tattoo into his pack, and walks off to explore the rest of the keep to see if he can find something more nourishing and protective for himself.

Investigation: [roll0]. Find food and, if possible, some studded leather armor to raise his AC.

2016-08-01, 09:56 PM
Glory, seeing the other two were having success getting the cultist to talk, merely stepped back and let them work their magic. Once they were done, she stepped forwards and righted him. "See, that wasn't so bad."

2016-08-02, 07:40 PM
Zack is able to find some of the guards cooking around a fire, turkey legs by the looks of it. However, the only remaining armor was battered beyond repair.

The prisoner cautiously laughs as Glory rights the chair. "Heh... heh... not so bad, yeah. Any chance I get to be untied?"

2016-08-03, 02:30 AM
"Not a chance," Nuadha said firmly. "You still threw in with thieves, kidnappers, and murderers. Except they have the excuse that their 'god' told them to do it. We'll see what the governor wants to do with you." The young paladin had no sympathy for people like this. Those who hurt others for no reason than personal gain deserved retribution.

Nuadha followed the halfling out of the small room and went to find Nighthill.

2016-08-03, 07:33 AM
Zack joins the guards and immediately peppers them with questions about what they're cooking, the right way to cook wild game, and the proper cooking technique, marinade and glaze to add enough glutamic acid to make the turkey legs juicy and tender.

2016-08-03, 10:05 PM
You are able to find Governor Nighthill speaking with one of his guards by the oiuter wall, frowning as he looks out into the distance. He turns and notices you. "Nuadha, well met. How did the interrogation go?"

Zack strikes up a conversation with some of the guards, finding that most don't pay much attention to food other than knowing enough to cook it through. One guard, in particular, latches onto the conversation. "Yeah, my in-laws from the North had this great ham recipe they used when we came up in midwinter. There was a Frostbite Cherry glaze that tasted great. They only grow in very cold climates, this type of cherry. Haven't seen anyone down here make it. Let's see, the recipe called for a few things..."

He recites the recipe to you, which includes:

Ham (or any other meat)
Frostbite Cherries
Brown sugar
Goodberry preserves
Fire Lichen
Remorhaz Root

2016-08-04, 04:31 PM
"Not great," Nuadha admitted. "Despite his fancy robes, this one only joined the cultists for his own greed. He didn't seem to care enough to know their greater plans. He did tell us that this attack is simply a raid for treasure to build up their dragon's horde. If that's truly the case, I would just give them what gold and other valuables you have. Dump it over the side of the wall and tell them to take it and go."

2016-08-05, 01:46 AM
Zack listens attentively to the recipe, even taking out a notebook and jotting down all the necessary ingredients. His mouth starts to salivate.

2016-08-07, 06:22 PM
"Hmmm..." Governor Nighthill mulls over the idea. "I will have to think about that option. While it may get them to leave sooner, I worry that giving all of our valuables would prevent the town from recovering."

"I will let you know of our decision. Until then, it looks like many of our citizens have barricaded themselves in the Temple to Chauntea. They seem to be holding out for now, but I am not sure how long they can stay in there... Ideally we would send guards to help, or a smaller force if your party is willing.

If you go out the front gate you will face much more resistance from the raiders. We would need to clear the old tunnel for a stealthy route in and out of the keep."

2016-08-07, 09:35 PM
Glory had followed Nuadha to meet the governor. This situation was starting to feel more serious than a simple raid. She racked her brain for details about who their Queen would be, and what they might be planning.

Religion Check on the Queen of Dragons!


2016-08-08, 07:40 PM
The Queen of Chromatic Dragons is Tiamat, a five headed dragon (one for each color) whose goal is to spread evil throughout the world, with her pulling the strings. She is known to be greedy, vain, and arrogant, though her arrogance is backed by intellect and cunning.

Chromatic dragons and some (evil) humanoids worship her, but she herself has not appeared in the world for centuries.

2016-08-14, 12:14 AM
Glory sauntered over to the two. "Are you sure just giving them what they want is a good idea? According to our captive, they're trying to bring Tiamat. That's not a world I'm interested in living in."

2016-08-14, 12:59 AM
Upon learning about the dearth of good ingredients in the keep, Zack approaches the group, intent on finding a safe passage to the outside.

"Let's go with stealth. Who's coming?"

I know this is a rather big leap of logic from my last post, but we really need to spice up the game quick, hehe.

2016-08-17, 08:01 PM
OOC: Just checking in - are you going straight out the front door or clearing out the old tunnel?

2016-08-17, 08:32 PM
Stealth, i.e. tunnels.

But, how many players are left?

2016-08-20, 02:21 PM
OOC: As far as I knew, the three of you - I'm working to find replacements now.