View Full Version : I Revere Nature, I Swear!

2016-04-13, 10:29 AM
I'm currently building a Rebuking focused Cleric who worships the concept of Control, and I'd really like to have the Initiate of Nature feat. I could get it by dipping into another Divine spellcasting class and taking one of the three deities that grant the feat as my patron deity for that class, but I checked what each of them stood for and strongly oppose two of them (I happen to like civilization) and my character can't follow the tenets of the third (a deity that forbids you from fighting... In a game about killing monsters and taking their stuff). I could take the Heretic of the Faith feat, but I'm not sure if it can cover such a gross violation of what those deities stand for (plus, I don't want to be shackled to a deity).

My Questions:
1. Are custom concepts RAW legal?
2. Can a deity refuse to be someone's patron deity? I know that they can stop granting spells, but I don't know if they can fully reject a "worshipper".
3. If the answer to question #2 is "yes", is there a way for me to "fake" being a deity's patron for the purposes of qualifying for the feat? Worshipping one of those deities and then changing deities won't work, because feats explicitly "turn off" once you stop qualifying for them.

2016-04-13, 10:33 AM
The answer to one is fuzzy. Pretty much by definition, nothing custom is RAW. However, rule 0 says that anything goes that the group decides goes (which usually means what the DM says goes). Ask your DM about anything like that.

2: Yes and no. They cant stop you from worshiping them directly, but it isn't really worship if you violate all their tenants and just pay lip service to them. They might also get ticked about you running around ruining their follower's good/bad names and send some of their minions after you for it. Again, I would say ask the DM on this, because its going to vary case by case.

2016-04-13, 10:38 AM
Custom concepts in what sense? The worship of concepts is RAW but not necessarily available in all settings. I'd argue that ideal-worshiping/self-powered clerics are more stringent as it is their unwavering faith in that ideal that fuels them

If patron deity is one that sponsors your spells/clericality yes. If patron deity is simply one you worship then no... Unless that worshiper is making a ruckus and they have an interventionist style. I could see Boccob having some stern words with a mortal worshiper that goes around burning libraries. So maybe it is a yes too..

No. Talk with your GM about bending the qualifications