View Full Version : Rules Q&A Kalaraq Quori Broken?

2016-04-13, 02:45 PM
Hey guys! I am currently planning to do a 3.0/3.5 arena style battle against a friend with 6 different level 20 characters. Because of this, we are less worried about breaking the game, as both of us are bringing optimized characters. Currently, I am working on a planar shepherd and planned on using Dal Quori as my attuned plane, since it has the obvious benefit of giving 10 rounds/normal round.
Then, I stumbled upon an Outsider from the plane hidden in Sarlona: the Kalaraq Quori. Besides having incorporeal AND swarm traits, the creature has the supernatural ability Malleable Seeming, which reads as follows:

"As a standard action, a kalaraq can assume any form of Medium size or smaller, including weapons, armor, clothing, and other accoutrements of its intended appearance. The change is not illusory—a kalaraq's body has no specific natural form. True seeing reveals the many eyes and shadowy nature of the kalaraq's true form, but not any specific shape. A kalaraq can remain in a seeming until it chooses to assume a new one. Most kalaraqs prefer a humanoid seeming. This ability grants the kalaraq a +10 bonus on Disguise checks based on its new form."

Now: "Assume any form", "The change is not illusory," and "Including weapons, armor, clothing, and other accoutrements" can be very very powerful if interpreted incorrectly.

I do not know the 3.0 format very well, and so this is why I am asking you all: what does "assume any form" mean in the format? Do I get supernatural abilities, spells, class levels, ect.?

And can I make any armor/weapon/equipment I want at will as a standard action?

2016-04-13, 03:06 PM
Also, my character technically has 24 hours to prepare, but since he has Dal Quor as his plane, he technically has 10 days. Any suggestions on what he should do to prepare? Any huge, day-long spells you would suggest?

2016-04-13, 03:07 PM
Hey guys! I am currently planning to do a 3.0/3.5 arena style battle against a friend with 6 different level 20 characters. Because of this, we are less worried about breaking the game, as both of us are bringing optimized characters. Currently, I am working on a planar shepherd and planned on using Dal Quori as my attuned plane, since it has the obvious benefit of giving 10 rounds/normal round.
Then, I stumbled upon an Outsider from the plane hidden in Sarlona: the Kalaraq Quori. Besides having incorporeal AND swarm traits, the creature has the supernatural ability Malleable Seeming, which reads as follows:

"As a standard action, a kalaraq can assume any form of Medium size or smaller, including weapons, armor, clothing, and other accoutrements of its intended appearance. The change is not illusory—a kalaraq's body has no specific natural form. True seeing reveals the many eyes and shadowy nature of the kalaraq's true form, but not any specific shape. A kalaraq can remain in a seeming until it chooses to assume a new one. Most kalaraqs prefer a humanoid seeming. This ability grants the kalaraq a +10 bonus on Disguise checks based on its new form."

Now: "Assume any form", "The change is not illusory," and "Including weapons, armor, clothing, and other accoutrements" can be very very powerful if interpreted incorrectly.

I do not know the 3.0 format very well, and so this is why I am asking you all: what does "assume any form" mean in the format? Do I get supernatural abilities, spells, class levels, ect.?

And can I make any armor/weapon/equipment I want at will as a standard action?

This looks pretty similar to a Changeling's ability to change shape. Absent text to the contrary, the only mechanical benefit should be a +10 on Disguise checks. Whatever form you take, the stats remain the same, since the ability doesn't reference anything that would change them.

2016-04-13, 03:15 PM
Allow me to ask: have you ran this past your DM? The level of cheese you're deploying is very high, and if the other players don't have builds as ridiculous as this one I can see things getting out of hand quickly.

2016-04-13, 03:36 PM
This looks pretty similar to a Changeling's ability to change shape. Absent text to the contrary, the only mechanical benefit should be a +10 on Disguise checks. Whatever form you take, the stats remain the same, since the ability doesn't reference anything that would change them.

Yeah, that's a good example of precedent that I can run with. I still wonder if there is any other place that mentions items changing form as well as physical appearance, but if nothing pops up, I will use the changeling description as more-clearly worded replacement.

2016-04-13, 03:42 PM
Allow me to ask: have you ran this past your DM? The level of cheese you're deploying is very high, and if the other players don't have builds as ridiculous as this one I can see things getting out of hand quickly.

I haven't yet, but I will soon. That is why I am asking for other people's opinions who are more familiar with the 3.0/3.5 conversions: to see if there is precedent to give as an example of how this ability should run.

In any case, it is just going to be a tournament between myself and one other person, and I fully expect to lose. He is extremely experienced in D&D and I have no doubt has Chuck-e-Cheese level of fromage ready for me. It is just a way to burn 3 hours one afternoon, and have an excuse to make the characters that would NEVER be allowed in a campaign otherwise.

2016-04-13, 06:30 PM
It does look to be quite powerful, but as with most forms of cheese it is both interpretation pending and is subject to RAASDMWA. (Rules As Any Sane Dungeon Master Would Allow)

Speaking of which, I find these discussions remind me of the cheese shop sketch done by monty python, viewing the owner as the DM, and the customer asking what is allowed at their table.

In any case, I find myself rather fond of Dal Quor, and i really need to take a look at this creature myself.