View Full Version : Fire protection for terrain

2016-04-13, 09:52 PM
So, what is there for protecting terrain from fire? Think stopping a forest fire, or keeping a ship from being burned to the waterline. Ideally something more proactive than weather control spells cast after the fact, something that doesn't require the caster to still be present.

2016-04-13, 10:50 PM
Forest fires can be made less likely by clearing out brush and dead trees, since that deprives the fire of fuel. Smaller controlled burns can help with this. Also, generally keeping the area from being dry, which can mean weather spells cast every so often to keep the place from drying out. Dryness, overgrowth, and buildup of dead wood are some of the reasons why California has had such awful fires lately.

2016-04-14, 02:01 AM
Hm, so not really all that much that would last without a caster there to maintain it, that's kinda what I was finding too.

2016-04-14, 09:26 AM
Forest fires can be made less likely by clearing out brush and dead trees, since that deprives the fire of fuel. Smaller controlled burns can help with this. Also, generally keeping the area from being dry, which can mean weather spells cast every so often to keep the place from drying out. Dryness, overgrowth, and buildup of dead wood are some of the reasons why California has had such awful fires lately.

They have figured out that all the Smokey the Bear and anti-forest fire campaigns over the years have actually had a negative impact on the areas... One of the reasons we are havi g huge fires now is because we didn't allow the forests to have smaller fires over the years...

2016-04-14, 03:58 PM
They have figured out that all the Smokey the Bear and anti-forest fire campaigns over the years have actually had a negative impact on the areas... One of the reasons we are havi g huge fires now is because we didn't allow the forests to have smaller fires over the years...

Right, hence what he was saying about controlled burns, and why managed forests are healthier than forests which are ignored except for putting out fires (even without huge fires, overgrown forests are more likely to be infested with beetles, fungal rots, and a number of other hazards).