View Full Version : Can someone give me cleric spells to typically prepare?

2016-04-13, 11:41 PM
We jumped to level 6 all of the sudden. I could have done well enough just pulling from the SRD in the morning, but now...that'd be a bit of a hassle if I didn't have a couple "essential to prepare" spells. EDIT: No. We just had to show what we planned for level 6. We are level 3.

Also, which spells are worth putting in a scroll? I presume Fearie Fire or its Cleric equivalent?

Character sheet: http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=768582

Campaign info:
High Lethality. 1 party wipe already, and someone dropped because they ran out of characters. Low point buy.
(Probably going to be looking to be avoiding conflict then. Thankfully divination would probably be a good way to do that.)
EDIT: Restricted to PHB until level 4, unless it specifically works with the character concept.

Character Info:
Luck / Destiny theme going on. (basically king of rerolls...intended to play chaos gnome but...bleh. losing a level and feat is so hard).
The above is by no means the only thing he does, and I've got a good list of luck bonus spells from another thread.
Has Extend Spell
Has Scribe Scroll.

Rest of the Party:
Fightery Timers. I think some guy just rolled up a sorcerer though.

2016-04-13, 11:49 PM
What is the party composition?
Revivify and put it on scrolls.
Luminous armor or greater luminous armor,

2016-04-13, 11:54 PM
What is the party composition?
Revivify and put it on scrolls.
Luminous armor or greater luminous armor,

Mostly they are all fighter-esque characters. I'm a bit supporty.

Didn't know we had revives yet. Awesome. I'll put those on my list.

OO. Close Wounds looks cool. I'll have to ask if I can use that.

2016-04-14, 12:00 AM
Mostly they are all fighter-esque characters. I'm a bit supporty.

Didn't know we had revives yet. Awesome. I'll put those on my list.

OO. Close Wounds looks cool. I'll have to ask if I can use that.

My bad. Revivify comes online at 7

2016-04-14, 12:03 AM
My bad. Revivify comes online at 7


And unfortunately, I misread Close Wounds, apparently it's "effectively preventing the damage" meaning that is healing what it is supposed to, but if it's enough to prevent death, then it prevents death. Not as stupid. Could be useful though? Do scrolls benefit from immediate action spells?
EDIT: NVM. Doesn't look like it.

2016-04-14, 12:38 AM
Your character is set up to be pretty helpless if it comes to killing enemies with weapons so you need to accomplish several things with your spells:

1. Support. Buffing allies, debuffing enemies, etc.

2. Healing and condition removal. In combat healing gets a bad rap as being ineffective but it can often make the difference between another party member dying and surviving the battle. Condition removal can be even more important. If they are paralyzed and you unparalyze them, you enable several actions that would not otherwise have happened.

3. Offense. A lot of clerics can accomplish this with a sword or morning star, some buff spells, and a good strength. You are not one of them. Your offensive contributions--and you need to contribute offensively--will come from your spells.

So what are some good spells to do this. The exact mix will vary depending on your party, but here are a few:

1. Bless, shield of faith, conviction
Scrolls: Remove fear, obscuring mist, hide from undead, magic weapon (if your party doesn't have them)

2*. Sound burst, summon monster II, bull's strength
Scrolls: remove paralysis, lesser restoration, make whole, resist energy, delay poison, align weapon
*Close wounds is a great spell here but it A. is best if you have augment healing, and B. is better in a level when you have more spells to spare and some higher level offense.

3. prayer (or mass aid if your DM allows it), summon monster III, magic circle vs evil, dispel magic, mass conviction (if your DM allows it), mass resist energy (if your DM allows it), holy storm (in theory--I always thought it sounded like a good spell but I've never got to play with it much; I didn't spend much time playing 3.5 clerics in the lvl 5-8 range (where it would be good) after it was published), speak with dead (not one of the functions on the list, but very useful for interrogating enemies--even live ones may feel inclined to talk if they know that taking their secrets to the grave won't let them keep those secrets).
Scrolls: Daylight, invisibility purge, remove disease, summon monster III, mass resist energy

2016-04-14, 02:50 AM
So you're an oracle of fate, and you need to support and protect your party. You didn't write your allowed sources, but as you already got very good suggestions from the srd in the posts above i'll write a few spells from other books (mostly for scrolls):

FAITH HEALING (sc): Cures 8 hp +1/level (max +5) to worshiper of your deity. (If you need to top someone up in combat) Hope you've spread your principles among the party :D
OMEN OF PERIL (cd, sc): Augury's little brother, 1 round casting time
RESURGENCE (cd, sc): grants a reroll for a saving throw

GHOST TOUCH ARMOR (sc): does what it says on the tin
LIVING UNDEATH (sc): immunity to crits and sneak attacks
BODY WARD (cc): wards 5 points of ability damage to Strength, Dexterity, or Constitution
LORE OF THE GODS (cc): +5 bonus on a knowledge check, make one check with an untrained Knowledge skill or retry a failed Knowledge check.
SOUL WARD (cc): like body ward but for Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma

another good spells to prepare is Bewildering Substitution (cc)

3rd:Mass lesser vigor (sc), and what posters above said already

(cc is complete champion, cd is complete divine, sc is spell compendium)

2016-04-14, 04:19 AM
I'm a fan of Close Wounds. It can really save your butt. The fact that it's an immediate action is just great. Also, it fits well with your theme.

Shield Other is a good one to put on someone with a low HP total. Presumably, with heavy armor and a d8 hit die, you're one of the less squishy party members, right? Well, with Shield Other, you can stay in the back line and still play meat shield. Alternately, you can just put it on yourself for +1 on AC and saves, I guess.

2016-04-14, 08:11 AM
Faith heal, lesser vigor, resurgence. These are your most efficient healing / condition removal spells. Lesser restoration isn't bad, either.

Animate dead. Let the DM TPK your army of the undead rather than the PCs.

For added fun, research your own custom spell. Doesn't matter what it is, just something fun that fits your character's theme.

2016-04-14, 08:53 AM
We jumped to level 6 all of the sudden. I could have done well enough just pulling from the SRD in the morning, but now...that'd be a bit of a hassle if I didn't have a couple "essential to prepare" spells.

Also, which spells are worth putting in a scroll? I presume Fearie Fire or its Cleric equivalent?

Character sheet: http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=768582

Campaign info:
High Lethality. 1 party wipe already, and someone dropped because they ran out of characters. Low point buy.
(Probably going to be looking to be avoiding conflict then. Thankfully divination would probably be a good way to do that.)

Character Info:
Luck / Destiny theme going on. (basically king of rerolls...intended to play chaos gnome but...bleh. losing a level and feat is so hard).
The above is by no means the only thing he does, and I've got a good list of luck bonus spells from another thread.
Has Extend Spell
Has Scribe Scroll.

It helps to know what the rest of the party is too, because certain spells are going to synergize with certain teammates.

2016-04-14, 09:13 AM
We jumped to level 6 all of the sudden. I could have done well enough just pulling from the SRD in the morning, but now...that'd be a bit of a hassle if I didn't have a couple "essential to prepare" spells.

From another thread (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?478587-What-are-the-best-cleric-spells#post20426147):


Blade of Blood (PHBII). Adds +1d6 damage to a weapon, or sacrifice 5 HP for +3d6 damage.

Conjure Ice Beast (Frostburn). Gives you access to the SNA list, and some interesting special attacks: frigid touch, ice breath, cold aura, and engulf (more on this one later). Cold aura is particularly nifty: free action every round, 1d6 cold damage in a 10' burst, *no save*. Summon a bunch of beasts at once to do Xd6 damage to a small area with no save. Check with your DM if the phrase, "In all other ways, conjure ice beast I functions like summon monster I" allows you to use Augment Summoning, Golden Desert Honey (Complete Mage), or Ring of the Beast (Complete Champion) with your ice beasts.

Ice Slick (Frostburn). Grease for healbots but 4x the area. Cast snowshoes or ice skate to treat it as normal terrain.

Protective Interposition (Forge of War). Swift-action teleport, good for repositioning the meatbags on the front line.

Ray of Hope (Book of Exalted Deeds). Excellent buff for your meatbags, although it overlaps a bit with bless.


Spiritual Weapon (Core). My favorite offensive spell. Fire-and-forget, force damage, and bypasses DR.

Close Wounds (Spell Compendium). Already mentioned.

Cloud of Knives (PHBII). Sort of fire-and-forget, free attack every round.

Dark Way (Spell Compendium). Your first "wall" spell, as you can anchor it vertically instead of horizontally. Good for splitting up the battlefield, cut off escape/pursuit, or get you across a pit/chasm.

Obscuring Snow (Frostburn). One half of the Snowglobe of Murder, a 30' radius globe that blocks all vision. The other half is snowsight, which is only a cleric spell as part of the Winter domain, but is easily wandable for only 750 GP, and can be handled by any druids/rangers in the party.


Bladebane (Unapproachable East). A la carte bane weapon.

Conjure Ice Beast III (Frostburn). Huge monstrous centipede now available, which can engulf large-sized creatures, or four wolves for 4d6 cold aura.

Also, which spells are worth putting in a scroll? I presume Fearie Fire or its Cleric equivalent?

Clerics don't have an equivalent, but flour pouches (1 SP, Dungeonscape) or Torch Bug Paste (25 GP, Complete Scoundrel) will do in a pinch.

As for scrolls, you want to cover the "low risk, high impact" stuff so those spells aren't cluttering up your "every day" spells.


Delay Disease (Spell Compendium, Clr 1). Buys you 24 hours to get to a higher-level NPC cleric.

Lesser Restoration (Core, Clr 2). To clean up whatever ability damage ray of resurgence couldn't fix.

Avoid Planar Effects (Spell Compendium, Clr 2). AKA "The Terratomorph did what?" Needs to be high enough level to cover the entire party plus dependents (familiars, companions, mounts, etc.).

Guidance of the Avatar (Online Archive (http://archive.wizards.com/dnd/article.asp?x=dnd/sb/sb20010504a), Clr 2). AKA "I really need to make a UMD check." You may also want to pick up a few potions to pass out to party members (300 GP each).

Body Ward (Complete Champion, Clr 2). AKA "I need to cast a Sanctified spell."

Soul Ward (Complete Champion, Clr 2). AKA "What do you mean, turn undead doesn't work on the Allip?"

Remove Curse (Core, Clr 3). AKA "But it's a +2 weapon!"

Remove Disease (Core, Clr 3). AKA "You touched it, didn't you?"

Speak With Dead (Core, Clr 3). AKA "Wait... you did what with the hostage?!?"

Interplanar Message (Spell Compendium, Clr 3). AKA "Send lawyers, guns, and money."

Neutralize Poison (Core, Clr 4). Why is this 4th?!?!

Dismissal (Core, Clr 4). AKA "You accidentally summoned WHAT?"

Lesser Planar Ally (Core, Clr 4). When you need a raise dead (Hollyphant, Book of Exalted Deeds) or plane shift (Janni, MM) in a hurry.


Endure Elements (Core, Clr/Dru/etc 1). AKA the "Wait, we're in a volcano now?" spell.

Ebon Eyes (Spell Compendium, Clr/Sor/Wiz 1). Now you can attack the darkness.

Lessor Vigor (Spell Compendium, Clr/Dru/Pal/etc 1). Most effective out-of-combat healing in the game, 11 HP per charge, so 750 GP = 550 HP.

Grave Strike (Spell Compendium, Clr/Pal 1). Swift action, lets you sneak attack undead. Unfortunately, it's Range: Personal, so you can't cast it on the party rogues, they have to activate it themselves. If they don't have Truedeath Crystals, then consider buying a couple of Skull Talismans (Frostburn, similar to potions but no "range" restrictions).

Ray of Resurgence (Lost Empires of Faerun, Clr 1). Removes Str damage and fatigue.

Snowshoes (Spell Compendium, Clr/Dru/Rgr 1). Allows your meatbags can charge across your ice slicks. The druid/ranger in the party can help out with a wand of ice skate (Frostburn).

Skull Talisman:

Water Breathing (Core, Clr/Dru/Sor/Wiz 3). Costs 1500 GP, but can be activated underwater and split up between multiple creatures within touch range.

2016-04-14, 09:52 AM
Clerics don't have an equivalent, but flour pouches (1 SP, Dungeonscape) or Torch Bug Paste (25 GP, Complete Scoundrel) will do in a pinch.

As for scrolls, you want to cover the "low risk, high impact" stuff so those spells aren't cluttering up your "every day" spells.

Clerics don't have a direct equivalent to glitterdust or faerie fire but invisibility purge will let the party attack invisible creatures. In some situations, it's better anti-invisibility (no need to correctly guess where the invisible target is within a 10' burst, can reveal multiple invisible targets that are not within a 10' burst, can be pre-cast if you know invisible foes are coming, etc), in some situations, it's worse (invisible foes can move out of its area, doesn't work on natural invisibility such as phantom fungus, etc), but it is the cleric's way to help the party deal with invisible foes. In that role, I think it's roughly comparable to glitterdust.

You want to have it on a scroll just in case.

2016-04-14, 10:37 AM
Well, here's what my CL6 cleric is in the habit of preparing:

Detect Magic
Read Magic
Cure Minor Wounds
Create Water

Endure Elements
Cause Fear
I also recommend Protection From Evil, which my cleric gets through domain spontaneity.

Hold Person
Hold Person
Summon Monster II (but I might start swapping this out for another Hold Person)
Bewildering Substitution (more useful in theory than it actually is, could swap it for another Hold Person)

Mass Resist Energy
Bestow Curse
Dispel Magic
I also recommend Magic Circle Against Evil, which, again, my cleric gets through domain spontaneity

2016-04-14, 11:22 AM
OK...apparently we didn't just jump to level 6. We were just told to see what we'd have planned at level 6. We are actually level 3. And until level 4, we are restricted to the PHB. I'll add this to the OP.

2016-04-14, 12:50 PM
Okay, let me see what I can do for you here Alfred.


Level 1 Domain Spell Choice: Your default domain choice here should probably be Longstrider, which will just plain make you faster for 6 hours. There's a fair chance that's your entire adventuring day.

Identify can be used on downtime days to identify your loot. Entropic Shield is rather limited (Can only target yourself, only lasts for one encounter, and isn't worth an action during an encounter so it's only useful if you know a fight is about to come).

Level 2 Domain Spell Choice: Your default domain choice here ought to be Augury. Intelligent use of this spell saves parties in high lethality games. Aid would be the second choice (use it when preparing right before a fight, don't use actions on it during a fight).

Locate Object is more situational, and thus less attractive for everyday preparation.

Level 3 Domain Spell Choice: Divination is the bigger, more badass brother of Augury, and it's usually a fourth level spell. On the other hand, there's Fly, which is, well Fly. Pick one of those two choices based on party composition, environment, etc.

While Protection from Energy is good, it's just plain outclassed by those other choices unless you know a given character is going to be taking a given sort of energy damage.


Non-Domain Spells

Okay, so now you've got your domain spells, which are probably Longstrider, Augury, and Fly. Now we need to pick some cantrips, 4 level 1 spells, 4 level 2 spells, and 3 level 3 spells.

Now first thing? Don't prepare Lesser Vigor! Put that @#$% in a wand, and make sure you heal the whole party up to full hp between every fight. This is high lethality after all.

Level 0 spells:
Detect Magic: Switch on your magic vision when walking between dungeon rooms and stuff (e.g. when exploring high-danger areas). It can detect hidden enemies, traps, all kinds of stuff. Not bad at all for a cantrip.
Guidance: When you have the drop on an enemy and get free rounds to buff, this spell doesn't hurt. Generally superior to stuff like Resistance or Virtue. Also fits your theme.

Level 1 spells:
- Protection from Alignment: The AC, save, and summon-lockout bonuses are nice, but the real kicker is the non-alignment-dependent immunity to mental control.
- Conviction: Boy aren't your teammates lucky... and they know it, gaining a +3 morale bonus to all saves for an hour.
- Ice Slick: It's like grease except for clerics. Need I say more?
- Protective Interposition: A swift action spell that switches your location with that of an ally, and buffs both you and the ally. Handy for getting people where you want them to be, as well as setting up things like Frost Breath.

Level 2 spells:
- Benediction: Not only is this spell very good, but it fits right in with your fate theme. Lasts an hour or more, which is probably enough to net you multiple encounters of coverage. Gives a +2 luck bonus on all saving throws. But that's not all: Once during the duration, the target of the spell can reroll a d20 roll and take the higher result. Saves lives and kills enemies and fits your theme. You're taking this one. Heck, you can just take this one multiple times if you like.
- Frost Breath: Want an offensive/lockdown option? How about an area of effect reflex save or daze. Also deals 3d4 damage I guess; that bit's just a bonus. Synergizes with your high movement speed to get into position.
- Close Wounds: One of the few healing spells I actually advise preparing. This spell is like having 6-9 extra hp for any party member within 40 feet of you, which is good for saving people from that last deadly bit of damage. Could fluff it along the lines of "their divine luck means they just barely survived!"
- Divine Insight: Lasts 6 hours, gives you a +11 bonus to any one skill check during that time. Basically, it lets you be a skill monkey for any skill on demand. "I knew I'd need to do this. It was my fate to perform this task."

Level 3 spells:
- Alter Fortune: Give a guy a reroll immediately. Absolutely worth the XP cost. King of rerolls.
- Hesitate: Immediate action. Enemy makes a will save or can only take move actions for multiple turns.
- Dispel Magic: Enemy mages are jerks.