View Full Version : Tibbit Adventures (IC)

2016-04-13, 11:45 PM
The King's Stag: according to the sign up front, it's the finest pub in Kranet. So far, there's not much testifying to this claim. The place is falling apart, as you can see from the peeling floorboards and dirty furniture. An older male human is tending the bar, where you can see his right arm has been cut off at the shoulder, the sleeve having been removed at the same point. A lone man in the back chokes down his ale before he walks out of the pub, leaving behind the dust-covered table. However, the real reason the two of you are here has nothing to do with the faded sign up front. When you left home, word from the Tibbits said that The King's Stag had some damn good milk in spite of it's crummy appearance. That's what brought the Tibbit named Mackenzie to the bar, where she's currently enjoying a bottle of milk that holds up to the claim. It is also what brought another Tibbit named Squall to enter the same pub shortly after returning from sea.

"So, wha' brings ye t' Kranet, miss?" the bartender asks Mackenzie, his accent betraying foreign heritage.

2016-04-14, 08:55 AM
Squall walks through the bar door as a halfling, jumps up on a too tall stool, and stares at the bartender until he pays attention to her. Once he looks over, she says "Can I have a glass of milk please? I've heard its good here." She passes over a gold coin. "Can I have some change?"

2016-04-14, 08:58 AM
The King's Stag: according to the sign up front, it's the finest pub in Kranet. So far, there's not much testifying to this claim. The place is falling apart, as you can see from the peeling floorboards and dirty furniture. An older male human is tending the bar, where you can see his right arm has been cut off at the shoulder, the sleeve having been removed at the same point. A lone man in the back chokes down his ale before he walks out of the pub, leaving behind the dust-covered table. However, the real reason the two of you are here has nothing to do with the faded sign up front. When you left home, word from the Tibbits said that The King's Stag had some damn good milk in spite of it's crummy appearance. That's what brought the Tibbit named Mackenzie to the bar, where she's currently enjoying a bottle of milk that holds up to the claim. It is also what brought another Tibbit named Squall to enter the same pub shortly after returning from sea.

"So, wha' brings ye t' Kranet, miss?" the bartender asks Mackenzie, his accent betraying foreign heritage.

Milk. Oh, and a little bit of info, she says, leaning in close to the bartender. Which of the guys here is royal-jackhat? You know, the kind of guy no one would mind getting their face pounded in. Because I have been itching for a fight lately.

2016-04-14, 12:38 PM
The bartender reaches down, pulling out another bottle of milk. He sets it on the bar before popping the cork off and sliding it over to Squall. He takes the coin and returns six silver coins. Then he turns back to Mackenzie.

"'Royal jackhats', ye say?" the bartender says, seemingly amused by Mackenzie's question, "This is Kranet! Jus' walk a block and ye'll find soomone dat soomone hates. Ye got Lord Boris, with more scandals 'ttached to his name than fleas ta a dog. Ye got the Black Griffin gang, who are always terrorizing this district. And ye got a damn army of rats in my cellar, if you're looking to punch down instead of up."

2016-04-14, 12:43 PM
Right, let's start with the Black Griffon Gang. They sound punch-worthy, Mackenzie says. Got any more information on them?

2016-04-14, 03:54 PM
"Well..." the bartender muses, resting a hand on his chin, "The Black Griffons are oolways causing trouble in these parts. You can tell 'em by the black talon tattoo on dere face. In the evening, they like ta stop by my bar and waste more 'a my ale than a hole in the barrel. Can't do a thing 'bout 'em with one arm and guards don't do trike around here. Ah'd like to see those hooligans roughed up a bit."

2016-04-14, 03:55 PM
Sounds like I've got a plan for the evening then!

2016-04-14, 05:21 PM
"Ya mind if I help?" Says Squall. "I bin bored lately, and haven't had a proper scrap since me last pirate attack. Name's Squall. I like to make things go boom." She holds out her hand.

2016-04-14, 05:27 PM
Mackenzie looks Squall up and down, and switches to Feline, saying Sure. Love to have a helping hand-or some helpful magic, if that's the case.

2016-04-14, 06:26 PM
"Ah, you too?" Squall says in Feline. "Wonderful. Common is such a clunky and boring language. Magic it is. Shall we go?"

2016-04-14, 06:27 PM
Barkeep said they'd be here later today. So let's drink, be merry, then kick some tail when night falls! Mackenzie says.

2016-04-14, 07:30 PM
"Agreed! Milk, fish, and all sorts of other things!"
Are there any other patrons at the bar?

2016-04-15, 10:50 AM
There are not.

The bartender gives an odd look to the two halflings that just began talking in kitty-speak. However, seeing that they would be protecting his pub later, he chooses not to object. Instead, he starts cooking some herrings over a small cook fire in the back. After a while, he serves them to each of you, taking five copper pieces from the ones who accept the fish. The man seems to be in a better mood than he was when you came in.

After a few hours of idle chat and waiting, five burly-looking human men come in. Despite their varying appearances, you quickly notice they each have a black talon tattoo on their right cheeks. They approach the bar, taking seats on various stools.

"'ey, bogo! Get us wet, ya dig?" one of them yells at the bartender. One of the thugs take notice of the two Tibbits.

"What's this, bogo? Ya got some udderbags in this pissbox for once?" the thug questions, creeping a hand around Mackenzie's shoulders, "Mite small, but much thanks, bogo!"

The bartender turns around to go for the ale, giving a nod to the two Tibbits as he does so.

2016-04-15, 11:20 AM
Aw, how did you know I love to be objectified? Mackenzie says to the tattooed man, her voice dripping in sarcasm. Just for that, I'm going to break your nose!

And before he has a chance to properly register what was said, she wallops him right in the face, with a second blow to the gut.

Regular attack, with advantage due to surprise if applicable.

Bonus action Martial Arts attack.

And, of course, aiming to KO rather than kill.

2016-04-15, 02:36 PM
I'm going to say you did in fact have surprise there.

Mackenzie's initial punch results in a satisfying crack, blood spurting from the man's now-crooked nose. As he's reeling from this pain, he leaves himself open to Mackenzie's second punch, which sends him flying out of his stool and landing in an unconscious heap.

"Oy! Udderbags looking bright now!" one of the thugs shouts, getting off his stool and drawing a crude club, "Loath to skeet good udderbags, but that's dice."

The rest of the Black Griffins follow suit, preparing to attack the two Tibbits.

Combat begins!

Initiative Order: Mackenzie (23!), Squall (16), Black Griffins (13)

Combat map! (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1aoOE7ArRHN88wj-5kpeiCg3SP1qX_Vf6fQwo-Cl8Jfk/edit?usp=sharing)

2016-04-15, 02:38 PM
Mackenzie leaps towards the next nearest thug, shouting Come get some! as her fists and feet fly out.



Regular attack then Martial Arts bonus attack.

2016-04-15, 04:12 PM
"Ready for this, boys!?" Squall says, shifting into a cat. She runs up to the closest man, and slices at his shin, lightning springing from her claws. Then, she runs away. "Should I try to kill them?!" She yells at Mackenzie in feline.
Shocking grasp, then running a bit away. Does not get a reaction if hit. Trying to knock unconscious instead of kill, which I can do for melee attacks.
Attack [roll0]
Damage [roll1]

2016-04-15, 04:17 PM
Nah. We'll just knock 'em out and figure out what to do with them later, she responds in the same tongue.

2016-04-15, 04:34 PM
"O.k. Should I create some cover, or do you want the air clear?"

2016-04-15, 04:35 PM
Does it look like I need any? Worry about yourself, Squall-I'll be fine!

2016-04-15, 10:06 PM
As Squall transforms, the Black Griffins are taken aback, but not quite as aback as the one that got punched out and electrocuted all in the same three seconds. He falls unconscious.

"Them udderbags are ripping us rightly!" one of the thugs shouts, "Skeet em!"

Two of the Black Griffins lunge forward, swinging their clubs. Since Mackenzie is the largest target, one swings wide but the other one scores a hit on her. The club smashes into her skull, blurring her vision for a moment. Another thug vaults over the bar, trying to club Squall but missing the small target.

Black Griffins attacking Mackenzie: (13, 18). The second one rolled a 6 for damage.

Black Griffin attacking Squall: (14). No hit.

Map updated! (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1aoOE7ArRHN88wj-5kpeiCg3SP1qX_Vf6fQwo-Cl8Jfk/edit#gid=0)

2016-04-15, 10:08 PM
Eat fist! Mackenzie shouts as she turns to the Black Griffon on the bar with her, her foot snapping out followed by an uppercut.



2016-04-15, 11:13 PM
Squall jumps at the man who attacked her, her claws flashing with lightning.
Casting Shocking Grasp Again.
Attack [roll0]
Damage [roll1]

2016-04-17, 10:46 AM
The combined assault of the two Tibbits takes out yet another one of the Black Griffins. The remaining two, now flanking the Tibbits, both flail their clubs at them. One of them catches Mackenzie in the chest, while the other one manages to get a hard whack on Squall even with her small size.

"You best be laying sidewise, udderbags!" one of the Black Griffins shout.

Black Griffins (18, 20): First one hits Mackenzie for 3 damage, second one hits Squall for 5 damage.

2016-04-17, 12:28 PM
"HSSSS!!" Squall tries to shock another of the Black Griffins.
2/7 hit points left
Shocking Grasp Attack roll [roll0]
Damage [roll1]

2016-04-17, 12:39 PM
2 HP left

Squall, Mackenzie says in Feline, You got anything better than that little lightning thing of yours? I think we might need it!

With that, she continues her assault.



2016-04-17, 02:16 PM
If possible, I'd like to redo my action. I didn't realize how much we were being beaten.
"I'll get some cover!" She shouts in feline, and exhales. Her breath fogs up the room, blinding everyone. She takes a deep breath through her nose, trying to detect were everyone is. As she does, she flies away from the melee.
Would use Thunderwave, but it could knock you down to 0 Mackenzie.
Casting fog cloud centered on us. Using feature to fly 10 feet to C-9 without provoking opportunity attacks.

Making a perception check to try to find where everyone is. 1d20 + 3

2016-04-19, 08:35 AM
As Mackenzie drops another Black Griffin, a fog of mist blankets the area. The last of the Black Griffins blindly swings his club about, missing any living target by a mile.

"Magic? What kinda udderbags the ol' bogo selling us?

Black Griffin (13): Miss

2016-04-19, 09:01 AM
Mackenzie sneaks around within the fog, heading behind the remaining Black Griffon member.

Stealth check with advantage since he can't see me:


Moving behind him, obviously.

2016-04-20, 09:11 PM
Squall stays back, readying herself to attack if a Black Griffin comes near.
Readying an action to cast shocking grasp.

2016-04-22, 10:44 AM
Confused by the cloud, the Black Griffin charges out of the fog.

"Imma skeet ya, ol' bogo!" he yells. After looking around and not seeing said 'bogo', he rushes for a side door behind the bar, trying to force it open.

2016-04-22, 01:34 PM
Mackenzie sneaks out of the fog, waiting for his back to be turned, and then rushes and strikes him twice, aiming to finish the fight with a knock-out blow.

Stealth check to sneak behind him-[roll0]

And two attacks: [roll1]


Ignore the advantage if he notices me sneaking.

2016-04-22, 01:53 PM
Mackenzie knocks the last thug unconscious with two quick kicks. The door slowly opens as the one-armed bartender emerges from behind the door. Behind him seems to be a storage closet for various foodstuffs and drinks.

""Thank ye kindly, miss," the bartender says, "Ah doubt those thugs will be coming by for a while. What are ya going to do with them?"

You find yourself, in cat form, on the windowsill of a pub called The King's Stag. Looking inside, you see a woman that you easily identify as a Tibbit speaking with a one-armed human man behind the bar. A number of unconscious human men are scattered about, easily identifiable as members of the Black Griffins, a notorious gang of thugs that terrorize this section of Kranet quite frequently. A fog of cloud hangs in the middle of the bar, concealing a large part of the area from view.

2016-04-22, 01:54 PM
Mackenzie knocks the last thug unconscious with two quick kicks. The door slowly opens as the one-armed bartender emerges from behind the door. Behind him seems to be a storage closet for various foodstuffs and drinks.

""Thank ye kindly, miss," the bartender says, "Ah doubt those thugs will be coming by for a while. What are ya going to do with them?"

You find yourself, in cat form, on the windowsill of a pub called The King's Stag. Looking inside, you see a woman that you easily identify as a Tibbit speaking with a one-armed human man behind the bar. A number of unconscious human men are scattered about, easily identifiable as members of the Black Griffins, a notorious gang of thugs that terrorize this section of Kranet quite frequently. A fog of cloud hangs in the middle of the bar, concealing a large part of the area from view.

Well, you said the authority here is corrupt, right? So no sense turning them in. Hm... Mackenzie says, thinking. How can we best humiliate them?

2016-04-22, 04:32 PM
"Hmm..." Squall turns to the barkeep. "Do you have any rancid milk? And maybe some rope?"

2016-04-22, 04:56 PM
"Rancid milk, eh?" the bartender asks, "Well, ah got a few curdled bottles that ah was gonna pitch. And ah could pro'ly find a rope 'round here somewheres. What are ye plannin', miss?"

2016-04-22, 06:31 PM
"Drenching them in the milk, and sending them back to their buddies while being dragged by a donkey. You think that'll get the message across that they aren't wanted? Either that, or we hang them up drenched in the milk somewhere. What do you think, Mackenzie?"

2016-04-22, 06:37 PM
I like it. I like it a lot! Mackenzie says. Lets do it!

Irish Musician
2016-04-23, 03:02 PM
Macavity (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=786920), the Hidden Paw
Macavity sat on the windowsill of the pub he tended to frequent as a cat, getting fed by the nice one-armed bartender scraps here and there. He twisted and turned as the commotion inside disturbed his sleep, What in the nine hells is going on in there?, the thought to himself, breaking out from being asleep. Whatever it was, it was very annoying.

The bartender finally opened the door of the storage room and walked in, Macavity deemed it worth of opening one eye and looking inside. He saw a fellow Tibbit talking to the bartender, bodies of Black Griffins strewn about. This interested Macavity so he opened both eyes, gave a very large stretch, and looked inside the pub. He jumped down off the windowsill and stalked inside, keeping to the shadows and staying out of sight. He find a corner under a table where he can see everyone, and just sits and listens.

Stealth [roll0]

2016-04-23, 11:12 PM
"I canne' argue with that," the bartender says, "Ah'd get quite a laugh outta seeing 'em strung up like that. Ah'll get some things."

He heads off to the storage room, retrieving some bottles of chunky looking milk. He sets them on the bar.

"Do with 'em what ye will," the bartender says, "Ah don't have rope er a donkey in there, ah'm afraid."

2016-04-23, 11:31 PM
Squall takes one of her rope coils out of her backpack, the one made of hemp. "Could you help me with this?" She says to Mackenzie.

2016-04-23, 11:50 PM
No problem, she replies, grabbing the rope and helping to start string up the bandits.

2016-05-02, 07:18 PM
Once they are done tying up the Griffins, Squall drags them outside to hang up on a lamp.

Irish Musician
2016-05-03, 09:25 AM
Macavity (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=786920), the Hidden Paw
Macavity watches as the two ties up the men and hang them up on the lamp pole. He snickers to himself as they do this, noting how funny it is to see humans hanging from a lamp pole. I'll have to remember that particular punishment.

2016-05-03, 11:58 AM
We did done good, Squall. Nice trick with the fog, by the way, Mackenzie comments.

2016-05-03, 06:39 PM
"Thanks. Got poked by a kracken a few years back, its runoff from that."