View Full Version : Best Supervillain Ever

2007-06-22, 01:18 PM
I changed my mind. First, a suggestion from a European comic by Mr. White:

Couldn't find a topic about he best supervillains and didn't want to start a new thread for it so here I bring to you the best supervillain:

Guancomo Trebaldi

This guy doesn't exist in Marvel or DC universes. he is part of 'the scorpion' (not the one from spiderman) serie published by Dupuis (Belgian publisher).

He has no superpowers but he is part of seven families who secretly divided the world amongst themselves since roman times. He is a fencing master on par with the skill level of the main character (The time frame is somewhere in the renaissance).

So far not really special at all but now comes the best part:

He's the elected pope. (if Hitler is the lamest villain than ...) and he keeps opposition down with the help of warrior-monks and burning everybody that can be accused of less than strict moral codes. Being part of the 7 families and the pope makes him the most powerful man on the world ( although almost everybody including his father and brother are conspiring against him).

Second, my own thoughts.

Magneto: The enemy of your enemy, but still your enemy. A radical terrorist who honestly believes he has the greater good at heart, and always willing to throw that in the X-men's collective face. Plus, his comic-plots are usually quite nuanced and overreaching, not unlike comic-Doom. And he can toss Wolverine around like a ragdoll. What's not to like? Points off for only achieving world domination through someone else's wish, though.

The Shocker: Solely because of this (http://www.fanfiction.net/s/2594910/1/). (Link is rated 'R' for language, violence, and more language.)

2007-06-22, 01:52 PM
3. Terrence Stamp's Zod from the original Superman movies. Just from this profile (http://www.monitorduty.com/mdarchives/2005/11/alan_kistlers_p_2.shtml). "KNEEL BEFORE ZOD!"

2a.The Joker for sheer insanity. The craziest villain in Batman's gallery of crazy villains.
2b. Dr. Doom for intelligence and cunning. No explanation needed.

but, my number one villain is...
1. Darkseid! If you have ever read some of the better stuff with him, you will be amazed and chilled. You can't argue with him (not just 'cause he'll kill you).

2007-06-22, 01:57 PM
Doctor Doom is the greatest supervillain ever.

Read Ranis's post about him in the "Hero a day" thread for more info, but basically he's a megolomaniacal super genius and sorcerer who has a series of good reasons for both his giant ego (he really is almost as smart as he thinks he is, though Reed has proven his superiority time and again) and his eternal quest for ultimate power. He has to save his mother's soul from the devil! Any cost is high enough for him to achieve this goal. He's achieved omnipotence at least once (twice if you count Marvel: Ultimate Alliance), and has frequently increased his powers far beyond the threshold of mortal man. He's the only villain I actually have felt cheated by some of his losses. Besides, he's got such style.

2007-06-22, 02:06 PM
I don't want to spoil it for those who haven't read it, but the best supervillain is the guy behind the scheme in Watchmen. Brrrr.

I'd challenge anyone else to come up with a supervillain with even a better than 50% success rate to his schemes, much less being undefeated in his agenda.

2007-06-22, 06:45 PM
I'd challenge anyone else to come up with a supervillain with even a better than 50% success rate to his schemes, much less being undefeated in his agenda.

Xanatos from Gargoyles had a high success rate. Not from the comics but qualifies as a supervillain I think.

2007-06-22, 07:50 PM
So many Cape Killers, so little time...

I love Dr. Doom, besides the basic reason given above, he has what is possibly the coolest look in all of comic books. The metal mask, the hood and cape, and even the retro gun holster just look AWESOME.

Not too surprisingly, I love Lex Luthor as well. The DC version of von Doom.

The Joker is always fun, and he makes my top villian list for The Killing Joke alone ("Smile.")

Agreed on Darkseid. Kirby at his finest.

I also have a soft spot for Eclipso and The Calculator, both former third-rate villains who DC made over into very cool villains.

And now, for my obscure nomination, Saker, from Comico's Elementals. After Jesus rezzed Lazurus (Described by Laz as a half-demon shaman w/ delusions of grandure), Laz found that he could not die...and it was a curse. For revenge, he spent hundreds of years masterinc sorcery, made several journeys to hell, and found out the true name of every demon in existance. This influx of power enabled him to cast Doomspear, a planet killing spell with a casting time of ONE CENTURY. Now that's dedication to a mission. :)

2007-06-22, 08:05 PM
3. Thanos - He's basically Darkseid lite for the Marvel universe, super intelligent, super strong and worships death so intensely that he kills billions just to appease her.

2. Darkseid - Dude.. the guy is just super badass

1. The Joker - I agree with Wizard on this one. Excerpt from Wizard's "The Dark Book":

"The Clown Prince of Crime has been the most persistent thorn in Batman's side - the crown jewel in the rogue's gallery, if you will. Whether he's plotting his latest kooky robbery or brewing his next batch of Joker Venom, you know that when the Joker's in town, there's plenty of mayhem, mirth and murder on the menu."

Darth Mario
2007-06-22, 08:08 PM
Magneto: The enemy of your enemy, but still your enemy. A radical terrorist who honestly believes he has the greater good at heart, and always willing to throw that in the X-men's collective face. Plus, his comic-plots are usually quite nuanced and overreaching, not unlike comic-Doom. And he can toss Wolverine around like a ragdoll. What's not to like? Points off for only achieving world domination through someone else's wish, though.

I have to fully agree. When well written, a lot of people have sympathies for Magneto's cause, a rarity among good supervillians.

Not the best, but my current favorite supervillian: Danger, the physical embodiment of the X-Men's Danger Room. Gained sentience after Beast and Professor X upgraded the room with Shi'ar technology, holds a major grudge against the X-Men for, essentially, her enslavement.

Also, not being able to use the danger room allowed for one of the many, many great lines in Joss Whedon's "Astonishing X-Men":

Student: So, if the room's offline, what's the danger?
Wolverine: ...Lights.
*Lights die*

2007-06-23, 10:01 PM
The Shocker: Solely because of this (http://www.fanfiction.net/s/2594910/1/). (Link is rated 'R' for language, violence, and more language.)

That Shocker story was AWESOME!!! Seriously, probably the best superhero story I have read.

Finn Solomon
2007-06-23, 10:59 PM
Herr Starr from Preacher. No other villain literally made me laugh out loud more.

2007-06-24, 10:53 AM
Oh! Forgot someone!

number 2c. For total creepiness, Syler from Heroes.

Rob Knotts
2007-06-24, 02:19 PM
I'd challenge anyone else to come up with a supervillain with even a better than 50% success rate to his schemes, much less being undefeated in his agenda.Just off the top of my head, Marvel's Apocalypse and Kang have entire timelines devoted to thier successes, and I'm sure DC has villains who can boast the same.

2007-06-24, 04:18 PM
Doctor-freaking-Doom. I'm not a Marvel guy, but I absolutely love Doctor-freaking-Doom.

Second on the list would be the Joker (especially as portrayed by Mark Hamill, who I'll always hear in my head when reading the clown's dialogue), followed by...y'know. The really bad dude from Watchmen. That one page, where they find out? That particular panel? Yeah. Yeah, that still chills me.

2007-06-25, 12:55 AM
I guess everyone loves Doom, and it's so sad that there was such a disconnect between comic book fans and the pitiful portrayal of him in the F4 movie. (I hope I'm not touching on a tender spot.) I always felt that Capcom got him pretty close to right in their fighters.

With that having been said, the whole story arc with the 'old girlfriends skin' (which I fully admit, I never read) just makes me wonder, is this a case of a writer misusing source material, or is Doom some truly demonically evil guy, and I'm foolish to like him? (Did he actually kill her, or just dig up a body?)

Rorschach is the winner for me, though.

Shadow of the Sun
2007-06-25, 01:02 AM
Rorschach wasn't a villain. He was a hideously twisted antihero, but still an antihero.

2007-06-25, 05:13 PM
Rorschach wasn't a villain. He was a hideously twisted antihero, but still an antihero.

I don't think anyone who is talking about Watchmen is talking about Rorschach. We're talking about the person who killed the Comedian and then went on to ... you know. And we're not mentioning names.

2007-06-26, 12:33 AM
Mageddon, plain awsom seriously.

Shadow of the Sun
2007-06-26, 01:12 AM
I don't consider him to be that much of a villain, either...an antagonist, for sure, but not a villain.

2007-06-26, 01:13 AM
Galactus. He eats worlds. And I love his story of Origin.

2007-06-26, 07:55 PM
How could I have forgotten to mention The Saint Of Killers?

"Not enough gun."

Invisible Queen
2007-06-27, 05:48 AM
I'd challenge anyone else to come up with a supervillain with even a better than 50% success rate to his schemes, much less being undefeated in his agenda.
Desty Nova in Battle Angel Alita. His agenda is to take control of karma, and not only do the hero fail to stop him, she doesn't even have any possibility to attempt it. He actually ends hostilities with the hero and work together with her. After getting beheaded by her no less.

Such is Nova's genius that he transcends villainity, after killing, tormenting and mutilating thousands of people including both the hero herself, her father figure and her friend.

His schemes fail a couple of times, but he's never defeated for it, always able to work around failure.

2007-06-27, 02:17 PM
The Mandarin. Because he's got 10 rings of kick-ass, and the marital arts skills to back it up. Oh, and he's just about as smart as Doom.