View Full Version : Improving skills to the power/utility of spells

2016-04-14, 03:08 PM
I've spent a lot of time lately thinking about spellcasters vs nonspellcasters in D&D 3.5 and Pathfinder, about how spells (or psionics powers, artificer infusions, etc) are king, and ways to make the "mundane" classes feel fun playing with the mages past level 6.

There have been multiple attempts at this in these systems, some more successful than others. There are the martial adepts from ToB and PoW, who have maneuvers that are very much like spells, but focus on attacking 95% of the time while mostly leaving the Swiss knife utility to spells. 3.5's Complete Adventurer had skill tricks, which while in concept were good, only about 1/3 of the ones they published were really worthwhile, and they focused on just a handful of skills. Pathfinder introduced two systems: Signature Skills and Occult Skills, both of which require feats to unlock and generally aren't worth that feat slot.

I'm thinking about making a system that consolidates all of the above into a single rule set called "skill exploits" that are balanced against existing spells. This set of exploits would also include a large number of new powers that are mechanically similar to spells such as haste, detect lies, see invisibility, etc (i.e. mechanics that can be attributed to skill instead of magic) and would also adapt a number of 4e skill powers to 3.5, and would also include any new ideas I can think of.

This would obviously be a major undertaking. Do you think it'd be worth it? Any other thoughts?

2016-04-14, 03:28 PM
This would obviously be a major undertaking. Do you think it'd be worth it? Any other thoughts?

Probably not, in terms of the benefit you'd get from it compared to the work involved in creating a complete subsystem.

But I do have something for you, a conceptual framework.

D&D worlds are magical. The fundamental premise of D&D alt-physics is: Mind over matter. "Matter" and "mundane reality" are only what they are because of the combined power of the early minds that created them, and the many, many minds who have believed them since then, reinforcing their reality.

In the beginning, some entity decided through an act of will that things would "fall" "down." Since then, this principle has been reinforced incalculably by lesser (or maybe not lesser) entities seeing things fall, believing that they fall and expecting them to continue to fall.

Pure application of willpower to the external world is less common in tamed, stable areas (your cosmos may well have areas of untamed chaos, unshaped, formless, qualityless protomatter which has borne the mark of no mind which may or may not be accessible), but it still happens. Anyone in a D&D world can stare at a cup balanced on the edge of a table, stare and concentrate and focus on it falling, and have some chance of making it happen. (Roll a natural 20.)

One common, well-understood, well-practiced way to impose your will upon the world is through magic spells (or invocations or psionic powers or SLAs or bardsong magic or martial maneuvers or incarnum or any other system of well-defined effects.) These methods have been reinforced over time--part of the reason that magic missile works the way it does is that for umpteen generations, mages have used it in its orthodox form.

IT is also possible, however, to impose your will upon the world by using skills. A set of abilities and techniques honed through practice is a discipline unto itself.

So it's not unreasonable to create low-level spell like effects with a DC 25 check. Some of these are covered under Epic Skill Checks, although I'd reduce their DCs (while being very particular about what spells are allowed to boost them).

2016-04-14, 07:26 PM
Here are the beginnings of an attempt at something like this:

Decipher Script
Disable Device
Escape Artist
Gather Information
Handle Animal
Move Silently
Open Lock
Sense Motive
Sleight Of Hand
Speak Language
Use Magic Device
Use Rope
Obviously, that needs to be cleaned up. PF had the right idea in that respect, even if some of what they did was stupid (the Fly skill is an insult to god and man). Two things are happening. First, skills are being consolidated. For example, Climb + Swim + Jump = Athletics. Second, some skills are being eliminated entirely. Speak Language is a stupid skill (you need to learn languages during an adventure, but you generally get skill points after one). So here's my effort to consolidate skills:

This skill doesn't do enough to justify being a skill in this model. Make it a Level + CON modifier check instead (possibly something else, I haven't checked the math).

Professions are now Exploits (http://www.dandwiki.com/wiki/Races_of_War_%283.5e_Sourcebook%29/Warriors_with_Style#The_Failure_of_Feats). Gaining a Profession (such as "Lawyer" or "Chef") requires one week of training with resources appropriate to that profession (such as another lawyer or some cookbooks) and a DC 10 WIS check. Players should generally start the game with at least one profession describing what they did before they started wandering around killing monsters for money.

Performing is just a kind of Profession. Learning to play a new instrument (or to play an instrument at all) is just like learning to be a bartender or librarian. A Bard automatically succeeds the check to learn any type of performance, and can make such a check after only a day. Bardic Music uses any kind of performance you know. If your Bardic Music calls for a skill check, use Level + CHA modifier instead.

Speak Language
Also an Exploit. Learning a language takes a week and a DC 10 INT check. You must have access to a native speaker to learn to speak a language. To read a language, you must either have someone to teach you or a reasonably large body of translated written material (for example, Common and Dwarven copies of the same religious text). You can learn to both speak and read a language with the same check, provided you have access to appropriate resources.

Languages at character creation are unchanged.

Use Magic Device
There are two uses of this skill, as is. One is to let certain classes use magic items without being spellcasters. The other is to let you put a bunch of skill boosters in a pile then use "Emulate Class Feature" with a Staff of Holy Word to kill gods. The first one is a class feature and the second one is stupid. As such, Use Magic Device is replaced with the following class feature for any class with the skill:

Use Magic Device: You can use magical devices as if you were a spellcaster. You can activate any device as if you knew whatever spell it contains as long as the level of that spell is less than one half your level plus your CHA modifier. For example, a 4th level Rogue with a CHA modifier of +2 could activate a Wand of Orb of Acid (spell level 4th).

Acrobatics (Balance, Escape Artist, Tumble)
Arcana (Knowledge [Arcana], Spellcraft)*
Athletics (Climb, Jump, Swim)
Craft (Craft)
Disable Device (Disable Device, Open Lock)
Decipher Script (Appraise, Decipher Script, Forgery)*
Handle Animal (Handle Animal, Ride)*
History/Local (Gather Information, Knowledge [History], Knowledge [Local])*
Larceny (Disguise, Sleight of Hand, Use Rope)*
Nature (Knowledge [Nature], Survival)*
Perception (Listen, Search, Spot)
Persuasion (Bluff, Diplomacy, Intimidate, Sense Motive)
Religion (Knowledge [Religion], Heal)*
Stealth (Hide, Move Silently)

*: Needs a new name.

I would also consider splitting Persuasion, and moving various skills around. Acrobatics and Athletics are too similar when you get down to it.

Skills now get psuedo-magic abilities at 1/5/9/13/17. They could be Ex, Sp, Su, or whatever. I don't care.

This is heavily incomplete. Please suggest new abilities.


4 Ranks -
8 Ranks -
12 Ranks -
16 Ranks -
20 Ranks -


4 Ranks - detect magic at-will.
8 Ranks -
12 Ranks -
16 Ranks -
20 Ranks -


4 Ranks -
8 Ranks - Gain Climb, Swim, and Burrow speeds equal to your normal speed.
12 Ranks -
16 Ranks -
20 Ranks -


4 Ranks -
8 Ranks -
12 Ranks -
16 Ranks - fabricate and true creation at-will.
20 Ranks - wish at-will. 10 minute casting time. Magic item creation only. Can't create items worth more than 15,000 GP.

Disable Device

4 Ranks -
8 Ranks - knock at-will.
12 Ranks -
16 Ranks -
20 Ranks -

Decipher Script

4 Ranks -
8 Ranks -
12 Ranks -
16 Ranks -
20 Ranks -

Handle Animal

4 Ranks -
8 Ranks -
12 Ranks -
16 Ranks - When you train an animal, you may opt to awaken it. Its default attitude towards you is Friendly.
20 Ranks -


4 Ranks -
8 Ranks -
12 Ranks -
16 Ranks -
20 Ranks -


4 Ranks -
8 Ranks -
12 Ranks -
16 Ranks -
20 Ranks -


4 Ranks -
8 Ranks -
12 Ranks -
16 Ranks -
20 Ranks -


4 Ranks -
8 Ranks -
12 Ranks -
16 Ranks -
20 Ranks -


This demands a total overhaul of the social interaction mechanics of 3e, which is (at the very least) a job for another day. As such, I have elected not to write these abilities and (where appropriate) just sort of assume you have some kind of fix going on.


4 Ranks - restoration at-will.
8 Ranks - remove disease at-will.
12 Ranks - That no-level-loss raise dead effect that only works within rounds/level or minutes/level. revivify I think?
16 Ranks -
20 Ranks - true resurrection at-will.


4 Ranks -
8 Ranks -
12 Ranks -
16 Ranks -
20 Ranks - Permanent mind blank.

2016-04-14, 07:57 PM

I actually had similar thoughts already, thinking that if I wanted to make powers for each skill, some of the more niche skills would have to be wrapped into more generic ones, and a couple of the existing skills would have to be broadened a bit in what they do.

The full write up of my consolidated skills can be found here: Witchdusk Campaign Skills (https://sites.google.com/site/bardawilcampaignsite/skills)

To summarize, the skills are condensed into the following list:

Acrobatics - Covers everything it did in Pathfinder except jumping, also covers the Fly skill
Athletics - Combination of Climb, Jump, and Swim, as well as anything that'd be covered by athetlic skill
Concentration - I brought this back as a skill and combined it with Autohypnosis mainly because a lot of powers I was thinking up entailed extraordinary concentration
Craft - No significant change, though I plan for it to be able to make items on par with some magic items (Masterwork +3 swords and such)
Deception - Combination of Bluff, Disguise, Sleight of Hand, and Use Magic Device. UMD only works in conjunction with Knowledge (Design) or (Magic))
Escape Artist - Handles what it did before, but can also be used to open locks.
Handle Animal - Handles what it did before, but also wraps in Ride
Insight - Same as Sense Motive, but also includes any check that involves pure gut instinct
Intimidate - Same as before
Knowledge (Court, Design, Geography, History, Linguistics, Magic, Martial, Medicine, Nature, Physical Science, Religion, Urban) - The areas of study are obviously different here. It is also worth noting that via various studies, this now covers what Disable Device, Heal, Linguistics, and Spellcraft did in Pathfinder.
Perception - Same as in Pathfinder
Perform - Same as in Pathfinder
Persuasion - Same as Diplomacy, but is worded to make it clear that it covers any attempt to influence others that does not involve deception or coercion, which can include things like how inspiring your speeches are or how good you are a wooing someone.
Profession - Same, technically, with the caveat that it can be used as a poor-man's substitute for other skills.
Stealth - Covers what it before, as well as Sleight of Hand
Survival - Covers what it did before, but also covers a bit of what used to fall under Knowledge (Dungeoneering) and can be used to last longer without food, water, etc.

2016-04-14, 10:53 PM
For stealth the question is do you like the model where feats are required to beat some senses? If not, adding an ability equivalent to darkstalker/dampen presence seems good. Certainly later for one for nondetection. Whether hide in plain sight and/or invisibility should be added similarly is a different question.

Survival needs, eventually, abilities to deal with environments on different planes.

Profession doesn't seem like it'd easily go into adventuring magic. Maybe you make contacts instead?

I'll add more suggestions later.

2016-04-14, 11:20 PM
For stealth the question is do you like the model where feats are required to beat some senses? No, I don't, and some of those feats will probably be converted into exploits.
If not, adding an ability equivalent to darkstalker/dampen presence seems good. Certainly later for one for nondetection. Whether hide in plain sight and/or invisibility should be added similarly is a different question. Hide in plain sight is reasonable.

Survival needs, eventually, abilities to deal with environments on different planes.

Profession doesn't seem like it'd easily go into adventuring magic. Maybe you make contacts instead?
1. I'm not sure how literally you mean "adventuring magic" but I should point out that I'm striving to keep at least most of these non-magical.
2. It is a tricky one. The only two I've thought of so far is getting a version of Wieldskill if you are trained in three different professions, and being able to roll both profession and persuasion and taking the better roll when negotiating matters of money or trade. I hadn't thought of the contacts angle.

I'll add more suggestions later. I look forward to hearing them!

2016-04-15, 01:52 AM
I'm not sure how literally you mean "adventuring magic" but I should point out that I'm striving to keep at least most of these non-magical.
Plausibly nonmagical rather than Cosi's it's a magical world, skilled people use magic. OK.

If survival isn't going to let you wrap up well enough to not burn on the plane of Elemental Fire, ever, then it needs something else to keep it relevant later on. Maybe a bonus when surprised/ambushing? Not a bonus to perception/stealth as that just pushes people off the d20's range faster, a bonus to actions in those situations.

Persuasion ... dealing with people better may be its own reward. If not, maybe gather info could be sped up, maybe the effects of changing attitudes might last longer.

I don't really know what you could do with perform. I mean, bardic abilities seem to cover it already. Contacts again?

Perception is probably valuable enough as is, but you might make pinpointing invisible people easier at some point.

Your changes to knowledges will take a bit of time to digest, I'll come back to them.

Intimidate might get skill tricks like Never Outnumbered? Or scale up to longer durations or eventually a round of frightened like some of the means of doing so in PF.

2016-04-16, 07:32 PM
So, I went though most of the spells and psionic powers ever published for 3.5 and Pathfinder, and made a list of which ones had potential for being adapted as a skill exploit.
Keep in mind, these wouldn't be identical adaptations, and they'd usually be non-magical in fluff. For example, the Insight skill's equivalent of Augury would be a good gut instinct about how a course of action will end, not a ritual. The Acrobatics equivalent of Divine Agility wouldn't be divine at all, etc.
Accelerated Movement
Burst (Psionic power)
Cat's Grace
Celerity, Lesser/Greater
Divine Agility
Entropic Shield
Evade Burst (Psionic power)
Haste, Swift
Lion's Charge
Spring Sheath
Stretch Weapon
Water Walk (must be running)

Biofeedback (Psionic power)
Bull's Strength
Easy Climb
Expeditious Retreat
Hustle (Psionic power)
Immovability (Psionic power)
Second Wind
Vigor (Psionic power)

Aiming at the Target
Call to Mind (Psionic power)
Empty Mind (Psionic power)
Mind Blank, Personal (Psionic power)
Solicit Psicrystal (instead of using psicrystal, you just use a different part of your own mind)
Suspend Life (Psionic power)
Thought Shield

Ablative Armor
Adamantine Weapon
Armor Lock
Brilliant Blade
Dolorous Blow
Earth Hammer
Ghostly Reload
Keen Edge
Knight Unburdened
Mage Armor
Magic Vestment
Magic Weapon, Greater
Protection from Arrows
Repair X Damage
Silvered Weapon
Total Repair
Wood Rot

Conceal Thoughts
Critical Strike
Disguise Self
Modify memory

Freedom of Movement

Animal Messenger
Animal Trance
Calm Animals
Charm Animal
Traveler's Mount

Choose Destiny
Danger Sense (Psionic power)
Detect Evil/Good/Chaos/Law
Detect Hostile Intent
Detect Weaponry
Discern Lies
Divine Insight
Empathy (Psionic power)
Fate of One (Psionic power)
Identify Transgressor
Insidious Insight
Know Motivation
Locate Creature
Locate Object
Moment of Prescience
Omen of Peril
Owl's Wisdom
Precognition, Greater/Defensive/Offensive (Psionic powers)
Prescience, Offensive (Psionic power)
Second Chance (Psionic power)

Aversion (Psionic power)
Blood Frenzy
Cause Fear
Cloak of Bravery
Cloak of Bravery, Greater
Command, Greater
Demoralize (Psionic power)
Egowhip (Psionic power)
Eye Bite
Moment of Clarity
Opportune Dodge
Phantasmal Killer
Zone of Truth

Fox's Cunning

Clothier's Closet
Commune with City (Instead answers questions about the court and nobility)

Arcane Lock
Golem Strike
Instant Locksmith
Matter Manipulation (Psionic power)
Understand Device

Easy Trail
Find the Path
Guided Path
Know Direction and Location (Psionic power)
Lay of the Land
Locate City

Ancient Knowledge
Legend Lore

Comprehend Languages

Analyze Dweomer
Assay Resistance
Detect Magic
Distracting Ray
Feat Leach (Doesn't actually "steal" feat, just mimics a witnessed metamagic feat)
Metamagic Scroll
Obscure Object
Read Magic
Remove Curse
Stone to Flesh

Arrow Mind
Bear's Heart
Blade Storm
Combat Readiness
Divine Power (3.5 version)
Feat Leach (Doesn't actually "steal" feat, just mimics a witnessed combat feat)
Fell the Greatest Foe
Insightful Feint
Instant of Power
Know Greatest Enemy
Know Opponent
Master's Touch
Painful Strike (Psionic power)
Prowess (Psionic power)
Quick March
Shield Bearer (Instead, grant benefits of your shield to adjacent allies)
Snake's Swiftness, Mass
Stand Firm
Sure Strike
Tactical Precision
True Strike
Warning Shout

Body Ward
Breath of Life
Cure X Wounds
Delay Poison
Ease Pain
Empyreal Ecstasy
Healer's Vision
Healing Lorecall
Inflict Pain
Neutralize Poison
Raise Dead (Only works if target is just "mostly dead": has been dead x hours and still has an intact body)
Remove Blindness/Deafness
Remove Disease
Remove Fatigue
Remove Paralysis
Restoration, Lesser/Greater
Sheltered Vitality
Slaying Arrow

Diminish Plants
Plant Growth

Antimagic Field
Break Enchantment
Discern Bloodline
Dispel Magic
Dispel Magic, Greater
Easy Math
Invisibility Purge

Bless Weapon
Corrupt Weapon
Death Ward
Dispel Possession
Divine Presence
Expose the Dead
Find Temple
Ghost Touch Armor
Ghost Touch Weapon
Grave Strike
Hide from Undead

Commune with City
Phantasmal Thief (only works in Urban areas, and instead uses the service of an urchin thief)
Rooftop Strider
Susurrus of the City (instead of talking to a building, you talk to a mysterious knowledgeable person)
Urban Shield

Elfsight (Psionic power)
Find the Gap
Guided Shot
Hunter's Eye
Instant Search
Listening Lorecall
Low-light Vision
Raptor's Sight
See Invisibility
Sniper's Eye
Sniper's Shot
Spontaneous Search
Superior Darkvision
True Seeing
Ubiquitous Vision

Dissonant Chant
Guided Arrow
Remove Fear
Renewed Vigor
Resounding Voice

Attraction (Psionic power)
Blessed Aim
Calm Emotions
Charm (Psionic power)
Charm Monster, Mass
Eagle's Splendor
Entice Gift
Good Hope
Heroism, Greater
Suggestion, Mass
Telempathic Projection

Heroes' Feast

Escape Detection (Psionic power)
Pass Without Trace
Secret Weapon
Vital Strike

Bear's Endurance
Camouflage, Mass
Commune With Nature
Embrace the Wild
Endure Elements
False Life
Hide from Animals
Inertial Barrier (Psionic power)
Living Prints
Locate Water
Oak Body
One with the Land
Primal Hunter
Primal Instinct
Primal Senses
Primal Speed
Psionic Scent (Psionic power)
Remove Scent
Resist Energy
Resistance, Greater/Superior
Ruin Delver's Fortune
Snowshoes, Mass
True Metabolism (Psionic power, does not regrow lost limbs)
Wild Instincts

2016-04-25, 01:29 AM
Alright, here is the description I wrote up of how Skill Exploits would work. I think I might run a playtest once I've written them all up and eventually compile them into a PDF to be sold as a Third Party Pathfinder product.

It should be noted that the main objective of Skill Exploits is to improve the potency and versatility of non-spellcasting classes in two ways:
1) By granting abilities that unlocked by skill training that are similar in potency and versatility to existing spells.
2) Reducing the "feat tax" that martial characters have to pay by changing certain combat feats into Basic Exploits (detailed under Learning Skill Exploits)

Introduction to Exploits:
Adventurers are not ordinary. Be they heroes or villains, they can accomplish things that common men and women may only dream of. Some can break the laws of reality itself with the power of magic, while those without spells are capable of exploits so extraordinary that bards tell tales of them for generations.

Unfortunately, the latter aren't always well-represented in the D&D and Pathfinder rules sets. While a spellcaster can accomplish literally anything if they are high enough level, the "mundane" classes are often limited to things that any able-bodied person could do if they spent enough time at the gym. This may be more realistic, but realistic isn't always fun, especially in a fantasy roleplaying game. When the wizard learns to summon legions of monsters, conjure walls of flame, and teleport anywhere in the world in a blink, it is difficult for the fighter to not be slightly bitter about just getting a little better at hitting things with a hunk of metal (or perhaps learn some special technique with that hunk of metal if he invested 3 or 4 feats into a particular combat feat tree).

Skill exploits are a solution to these problems. Extraordinary abilities that are available to those with sufficient skill training, exploits are comparable in power to spells and some feats, though not typically supernatural in nature.

(Note: Both Pathfinder and D&D have had similar systems published in the past: D&D had Skill Tricks, and Pathfinder has Skill Unlocks and Occult Skill Unlocks. The Skill Exploit system is designed to consolidate and replace those systems, and includes everything they could do as exploits, so it is not recommended that those systems also be used in a game with Skill Exploits.)

Learning Skill Exploits:
Characters can only learn a skill exploit if they have not yet exceeded their maximum number of exploits for their level. This maximum is 0 by default, but can be increased by the Skilled Exploits (https://sites.google.com/site/bardawilcampaignsite/feats/skill-feats/skilled-exploits), Expert Exploits (https://sites.google.com/site/bardawilcampaignsite/feats/skill-feats/expert-exploits), and Adept Exploits (https://sites.google.com/site/bardawilcampaignsite/feats/skill-feats/adept-exploits) feats, which are granted as bonus feats by most classes starting at level 2. You must meet the prerequisites for the exploit, and then spend two skill points to learn it. Whenever you acquire skill points, you can choose to spend some to acquire a Skill Exploit instead of purchasing ranks in skills (as long as you meet the other requirements for the Exploit).
There are two exceptions to the skill point cost and maximum number of exploits you can learn. The first exception is Bonus Exploits, which can be gained by taking the Extra Exploit (https://sites.google.com/site/bardawilcampaignsite/feats/skill-feats/extra-exploit) feat or be granted by a class feature. Bonus Exploits do not cost skill points and do not count toward your maximum number of exploits. The second exception is Basic Exploits. Basic Exploits do cost skill points, but the first two you learn do not count toward your maximum number of exploits, and every two Basic Exploits you learn beyond that only count as one toward your maximum.

Using Skill Exploits:
Skill Exploits are used as directed in the Exploit's description. The description of each Exploit is presented in a standard format, similar to spells and feats. Each category of information is explained and defined below.

Name: The first line of every Exploit description gives the name by which the Exploit is generally known.
"[Basic]": If it says "" next to the Exploit name, that indicates it is a Basic Exploit. Basic Exploits work the same as other Skill Exploits, but the first two you learn do not count toward your maximum number of exploits, and every two Basic Exploits you learn beyond that only count as one toward your maximum.
[B]Flavor Text: The italicized text under the name gives an in-character description of the exploit. This has no mechanical implications.
Prerequisites: A minimum number of ranks in a skill, training in other exploits or feats, or anything else required in order to take the exploit. An exploit may have more than one prerequisite.
Category: Exploits are categorized as general, combat, social, or teamwork Exploits. If a character may choose a bonus feat from a certain category, they may instead choose an Exploit as a Bonus Exploit from the same category. For example, Fighters could take a bonus combat Exploit in place of a bonus combat feat, and Hunters could take a bonus teamwork Exploit in place of a bonus teamwork feat.
Components: An Exploit's components explain what you must do or possess to use the Exploit. The components entry in an Exploit description includes abbreviations that tell you what type of components it requires. Specifics for material components are given at the end of the descriptive text, if required. Usually you don't need to worry about components, but when you can't use a component for some reason or when a material component is expensive, then the components are important.
Verbal (V) - A verbal component means you must be able to speak or make vocalizations to use the Exploit. A silence spell or a gag prevents you from using such an exploit. A character who has been deafened has a 20% chance of spoiling any Exploit with a verbal component that he tries to use.
Somatic (S) - A somatic component means you must be able to physically move to use the Exploit, and thus are prevented from using it if physically restrained or otherwise prevented from moving.
Material (M) - A material component consists of one or more physical substances or objects that are necessary to use the Exploit, such as dust you might throw, marbles you might roll on the ground, or basic reagents for a scientific analysis. If the specific item required is not listed, the cost is negligible - it just requires you have an Exploit component pouch that is assumed to have the items you need. If the exploit says it takes uses from a specific type of kit (such as a Healer's Kit or Disguise Kit), that must be tracked because the cost is not negligible.
Untrained: This states whether or not the Exploit can be used untrained. Most Exploits require training to attempt to use it, but a few can be attempted without training if one is good enough at the prerequisites skill. If so, the Untrained entry will either list the DC needed to attempt to use the Exploit untrained, or the adjustment that is made to the DC's that are already included in the Exploit's benefit description.
Recovery Time: Some Exploits require some time to recuperate before they can be attempted again. After an Exploit is activated, you must wait the amount of time listed under "Recovery Time" before attempting to use it again. Many exploits have a recovery time of "None (Passive)" - this means that you always receive the benefit of the Exploit, similar to a feat, and it does not need to be activated.
Benefit: What the Exploit enables you to do. If not otherwise stated, activating the benefit of an Exploit is a free action.
Note: Some Exploits have an additional note at the end, indicating additional important information. For example, this Skill Exploit system replaces some of the game's Combat Feats with Combat Exploits of the same name, and will note as such.

2016-04-25, 01:36 AM
Description of the Exploit feats:

Skilled Exploits Prerequisite: Character Level 2nd
Benefit: You may learn any Skill Exploits that you meet the prerequisites for, at a cost of 2 skill points per Exploit learned. The maximum number of Skill Exploits your character can know is equal to 1/2 your character level (not counting Bonus Exploits).

Note: The following Pathfinder classes learn Skilled Exploits as a bonus feat at 2nd level: Alchemist, Antipaladin, Bard, Hunter, Investigator, Inquisitor, Magus, Mesmerist, Occultist, Paladin, Skald, Spiritualist, Warpriest

If using classes from Dreamscarred Press, also include: Aegis, Cryptic, Dread, Harbinger, Mystic, Psychic Warrior, Warder, Warlord, Zealot

Expert Exploits Prerequisite:Skilled Exploits (https://sites.google.com/site/bardawilcampaignsite/feats/skill-feats/skilled-exploits)
Benefit: You may learn any Skill Exploits that you meet the prerequisites for, at a cost of 2 skill points per Exploit learned. The maximum number of Skill Exploits your character can know is equal to your character level (not counting Bonus Exploits).

Note: The following Pathfinder classes learn Expert Exploits as a bonus feat at 2nd level, even if they don't meet the prerequisites: Barbarian, Bloodrager, Brawler, Cavalier, Fighter, Gunslinger, Kineticist, Medium, Monk, Ranger, Samurai, Swashbuckler

If using classes from Dreamscarred Press, also include: Marksman, Soulknife, Stalker

Adept Exploits Prerequisite: Expert Exploits (https://sites.google.com/site/bardawilcampaignsite/feats/skill-feats/expert-exploits)
Benefit: You may learn any Skill Exploits that you meet the prerequisites for, at a cost of 2 skill points per Exploit learned. The maximum number of Skill Exploits your character can know is equal to 1–1/2 times your character level (not counting Bonus Exploits).

Note: The following Pathfinder classes learn Adept Exploits as a bonus feat at 2nd level, even if they don't meet the prerequisites: Ninja, Rogue, Slayer

Extra Exploits Benefit: Choose one Skill Exploit that you meet the prerequisites for - you learn it as a bonus a Bonus Exploit. As a Bonus Exploit, it does not cost you skill points, and does not count toward the maximum number of Skill Exploits you can know.

Special: You may wait to take this feat after spending skill points during the level-up process. This is an exception to the rule that feats must be chosen before skill points are spent.

2016-04-26, 01:14 AM
The complete list of Acrobatics exploits.

Agile Maneuvers [Basic]
You've learned to use your quickness in place of brute force when performing combat maneuvers.
Prerequisites: Acrobatics 1 rank
Category: Combat
Components: S
Untrained: No
Recovery Time: None (Passive)
Benefit: You add your Dexterity (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/basics-ability-scores/ability-scores#TOC-Dexterity-Dex-) bonus to your base attack bonus and size bonus when determining your Combat Maneuver Bonus (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/combat#TOC-Combat-Maneuver-Bonus) instead of your Strength bonus.
Note: This exploit replaces the Agile Maneuvers feat. Any game mechanic that would grant or require the Agile Maneuvers feat instead grants or requires this exploit, respectively.

Burst of Speed
You dart forward in the blink of an eye.
Prerequisites: Acrobatics 1 rank
Category: General
Components: S
Untrained: No
Recovery Time: 10 minutes
Benefit: You may activate this exploit to receive a 10 ft bonus to the base speed of each movement type you have (land, climb, swim, etc.). For every 4 ranks you have in Acrobatics, this bonus increases by 10 ft (for +20 ft at 4 ranks, +30 ft at 8 ranks, etc). This bonus is untyped and lasts until the end of your next turn.

Combat Expertise [Basic]
You are adept at using your acrobatic skill to dodge incoming attacks, but at the expense of focusing less on your accuracy.
Prerequisites: Acrobatics 1 rank
Category: Combat
Components: S
Untrained: No
Recovery Time: 1 round
Benefit: You can choose to take a –1 penalty on melee attack rolls (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/combat#TOC-Attack-Roll) and combat maneuver (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/combat#TOC-Combat-Maneuvers) checks to gain a +1 dodge bonus (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/basics-ability-scores/glossary#TOC-Dodge-Bonus) to your Armor Class (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/combat#TOC-Armor-Class). For every 4 ranks you have in Acrobatics or 4 points of base attack bonus you have (whichever is more), the penalty increases by –1 and the dodge bonus (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/basics-ability-scores/glossary#TOC-Dodge-Bonus) increases by +2. You can only choose to use this exploit when you declare that you are making or readying an attack or a full-attack action with a melee weapon. The effects of this exploit last until your next turn.
Note: This exploit replaces the Combat Expertise feat. Any game mechanic that would grant or require the Combat Expertise feat instead grants or requires this exploit, respectively.

Deadly Agility [Basic]
You have learned how to use your agility to greater purpose in battle.
Prerequisites: Acrobatics 1 rank, trained in the Weapon Finesse exploit
Category: Combat
Components: S
Untrained: No
Recovery Time: None (Passive)
Benefit: You may add your Dexterity (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/basics-ability-scores/ability-scores#TOC-Dexterity-Dex-) modifier in place of your Strength (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/basics-ability-scores/ability-scores#TOC-Strength-Str-) modifier when wielding a light weapon or a weapon that gains the benefits of the Weapon Finesse (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/feats/combat-feats/weapon-finesse-combat---final) exploit (such as the rapier (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/equipment---final/weapons/weapon-descriptions/rapier)) when determining additional damage inflicted upon a successful attack.
This modifier to damage is not increased for two-handed weapons, but is not reduced for off-hand weapons.
Note: This exploit replaces the Deadly Agility feat. Any game mechanic that would grant or require the Deadly Agility feat instead grants or requires this exploit, respectively.

Dodge [Basic]
Your training and reflexes allow you to react swiftly to avoid an opponents' attacks.
Prerequisites: Acrobatics 1 rank
Category: Combat
Components: S
Untrained: No
Recovery Time: None (Passive)
Benefit: You gain a +1 dodge bonus to your AC. A condition that makes you lose your Dex bonus to AC also makes you lose dodge bonuses.
If you have at least 10 ranks in Acrobatics, the dodge bonus of this exploit increases to +2, and if you have at least 20 ranks in Acrobatics, the dodge bonus of this exploit increases to +3.
Note: This exploit replaces the Dodge feat. Any game mechanic that would grant or require the Dodge feat instead grants or requires this exploit, respectively.

Improved Disarm [Basic]
You are skilled at knocking weapons from a foe's grasp.
Prerequisites: Acrobatics 1 rank
Category: Combat
Components: S
Untrained: No
Recovery Time: None (Passive)
Benefit: You do not provoke an attack of opportunity when performing a disarm (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/combat#TOC-Disarm) combat maneuver. In addition, you receive a +2 bonus on checks made to disarm (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/combat#TOC-Disarm) a foe. You also receive a +2 bonus to your Combat Maneuver Defense (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/combat#TOC-Combat-Maneuver-Defense) whenever an opponent tries to disarm you.
Note: This exploit replaces the Improved Disarm feat. Any game mechanic that would grant or require the Improved Disarm feat instead grants or requires this exploit, respectively.

Improved Trip [Basic]
You are skilled at sending your opponents to the ground.
Prerequisites: Acrobatics 1 rank
Category: Combat
Components: S
Untrained: No
Recovery Time: None (Passive)
Benefit: You do not provoke an attack of opportunity when performing a trip combat maneuver. In addition, you receive a +2 bonus on checks made to trip a foe. You also receive a +2 bonus to your Combat Maneuver Defense (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/combat#TOC-Combat-Maneuver-Defense) whenever an opponent tries to trip you.
Note: This exploit replaces the Improved Trip feat. Any game mechanic that would grant or require the Improved Trip feat instead grants or requires this exploit, respectively.

Improved Two-Weapon Fighting [Basic]
You are skilled at fighting with two weapons.
Prerequisites: Acrobatics 1 rank
Category: Combat
Components: S
Untrained: No
Recovery Time: None (Passive)
Benefit: Your penalties on attack rolls for fighting with two weapons are reduced. The penalty for your primary hand lessens by 2 and the one for your off hand lessens by 6. See Two-Weapon Fighting (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/combat#TOC-Two-Weapon-Fighting).
If you have a base attack bonus of +6 or higher, you get a second attack with your off-hand weapon, albeit at a –5 penalty (in addition to the standard single extra attack you get with an off-hand weapon).
Note: This exploit replaces the Two-Weapon Fighting and Improved Two-Weapon Fighting feat. Any game mechanic that would grant or require the Two-Weapon Fighting feat instead grants or requires this exploit, respectively.

Mobility [Basic]
You can easily move through a dangerous melee.
Prerequisites: Acrobatics 1 rank
Category: Combat
Components: S
Untrained: No
Recovery Time: None (Passive)
Benefit: You get a +4 dodge bonus to Armor Class against attacks of opportunity caused when you move out of or within a threatened area. A condition that makes you lose your Dexterity bonus to Armor Class (if any) also makes you lose dodge bonuses.
If you have at least 10 ranks in Acrobatics, the dodge bonus is instead equal half your ranks in Acrobatics (rounded down).
Dodge bonuses stack with each other, unlike most types of bonuses.
Note: This exploit replaces the Mobility feat. Any game mechanic that would grant or require the Mobility feat instead grants or requires this exploit, respectively.

Novice Acrobat's Edge
You have mastered the fundamentals of acrobatics.
Prerequisites: Acrobatics 1 rank
Category: Combat
Components: S
Untrained: No
Recovery Time: None (passive)
Benefit: You can move at normal speed through a threatened square without provoking an attack of opportunity by increasing the DC of the check by 5 (instead of by 10). You aren't denied your Dexterity bonus when attempting Acrobatics checks with DCs of 20 or lower.

Quick Draw [Basic]
A sword in your sheath is as good as a sword in your hand.
Prerequisites: Acrobatics 1 rank
Category: Combat
Components: S
Untrained: No
Recovery Time: None (Passive)
Benefit: You can draw a weapon as a free action instead of as a move action. You can draw a hidden weapon (see the Deception skill) as a move action. A character who has selected this exploit may throw weapons at their full normal rate of attacks (much like a character with a bow).
Alchemical items, potions, scrolls, and wands cannot be drawn quickly using this exploit.
Note: This exploit replaces the Quick Draw feat. Any game mechanic that would grant or require the Quick Draw feat instead grants or requires this exploit, respectively.

Weapon Finesse [Basic]
You are trained in using your agility in melee combat, as opposed to brute strength.
Prerequisites: Acrobatics 1 rank
Category: Combat
Components: S
Untrained: No
Recovery Time: None (Passive)
Benefit: With a light weapon, natural weapon, elven curve blade (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/equipment---final/weapons/weapon-descriptions/curve-blade-elven), quarterstaff (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/equipment---final/weapons/weapon-descriptions/quarterstaff), rapier (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/equipment---final/weapons/weapon-descriptions/rapier), whip (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/equipment---final/weapons/weapon-descriptions/whip), or spiked chain (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/equipment---final/weapons/weapon-descriptions/chain-spiked) (or other weapon designated as working with this exploit in its description) that is also made for a creature of your size category, you may use your Dexterity (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/basics-ability-scores/ability-scores#TOC-Dexterity-Dex-) modifier instead of your Strength (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/basics-ability-scores/ability-scores#TOC-Strength-Str-) modifier on attack rolls. If you carry a shield, its armor check penalty applies to your attack rolls.
Note: This exploit replaces the Weapon Finesse feat. Any game mechanic that would grant or require the Weapon Finesse feat instead grants or requires this exploit, respectively.


Acrobatic Dash
You can run across treacherous surfaces and over obstacles with ease.
Prerequisites: Acrobatics 2 ranks
Category: General
Components: S
Untrained: No
Recovery Time: None (passive)
Benefit: You can make Acrobatics checks to move through squares that are threatened or occupied by enemies without a penalty for moving at full speed, and can even do so as part of a run or charge action. You can also run or charge across hampering terrain or through squares occupied by allies, without needing to make an Acrobatics check.

Acrobatic Grace
Your dedicated acrobatics training has given you the grace of a cat.
Prerequisites: Acrobatics 2 ranks
Category: General
Components: None
Untrained: No
Recovery Time: None (passive)
Benefit: You gain an enhancement bonus to Dexterity equal to half your ranks in Acrobatics (rounded down). This bonus is not magical, and therefore cannot be suppressed by dispel magic or similar abilities.

Drop and Roll
You are particularly adept at rolling to safety.
Prerequisites: Acrobatics 2 ranks
Category: General
Components: S
Untrained: No
Recovery Time: 10 minutes
Benefit: This exploit can be used in two different situations:
1) When making an acrobatics check to reduce falling damage, this exploit reduces the damage an additional 30 points and makes you tumble 15 feet in a straight line from the square you landed in. This movement does not provoke an attack of opportunity, but you must move the full 15 feet to reduce the falling damage. You are prone during the movement, but may stand up as a free action at the end of it if desired.
2) If on fire, you may roll to put it out and stand up again all as a single move action.

Improved Acrobat's Edge
Your acrobatics training gives you very sure feet.
Prerequisites: Acrobatics 2 ranks
Category: Combat, General
Components: S
Untrained: No
Recovery Time: None (Passive)
Benefit: You can attempt an Acrobatics check at a –10 penalty and use the result as your CMD against trip maneuvers. You can also attempt an Acrobatics check at a –10 penalty in place of a Reflex save to avoid falling. You must choose to use this exploit before the trip attempt or Reflex save is rolled. With a successful DC 20 Acrobatics check, you treat an unintentional fall as 10 feet shorter plus 10 feet for every 10 by which you exceed the DC, and treat an intentional fall as 10 feet shorter for every 10 by which you exceed the DC.

Prone Roll
Your acrobatics training gives you very sure feet.
Prerequisites: Acrobatics 2 ranks
Category: Combat, General
Components: S
Untrained: Yes (DC 25)
Recovery Time: None (Passive)
Benefit: While prone, you can move at half speed, and do not provoke attacks of opportunity for doing so. You can also take a 5-foot step while crawling. This benefit does not stack with the rogue crawl talent or Fast Crawl feat.


Acrobatic Backstab
You dart past your opponent's attacks, ending up perfectly positioned for a devastating counterattack.
Prerequisites: Acrobatics 3 ranks, trained in 1 other Acrobatics exploit
Category: Combat
Components: S
Untrained: No
Recovery Time: 1 round
Benefit: If you succeed on an Acrobatics check to move through a creature's space, you can use this exploit to treat that creature as flat-footed against the next melee attack you make against it on your current turn.
The creature must be standing on the ground or floor in order for you to use this Exploit.

Right before you're about to be struck, you duck out of the way of the blow.
Prerequisites: Acrobatics 3 ranks, trained in 1 other Acrobatics exploit
Category: Combat
Components: S
Untrained: No
Recovery Time: 10 minutes
Benefit: When you would be hit by an attack, you may add a dodge bonus to your AC equal to half your ranks in Acrobatics (rounded down) as an immediate action, possibly changing that attack to a miss. This bonus to AC only applies against one attack. If the bonus is not sufficient to stop the attack, this exploit is not expended.

Evasive Advance
You dodge and weave through your enemies with a fluid grace
Prerequisites: Acrobatics 3 ranks, trained in 1 other Acrobatics exploit
Category: Combat
Components: S
Untrained: No
Recovery Time: 10 minutes
Benefit: Until the end of your turn, you automatically succeed on Acrobatics checks to move to through threatened squares.

Greater Acrobat's Edge
Your continued acrobatics training makes it hard to keep you down.
Prerequisites: Acrobatics 3 ranks, trained in 1 other Acrobatics exploit
Category: General
Components: S
Untrained: No
Recovery Time: None (passive)
Benefit: You do not provoke attacks of opportunity when standing up from prone. You may stand up from prone as a swift or immediate action.

Up the Hill
Your continued acrobatics training makes it hard to keep you down.
Prerequisites: Acrobatics 3 ranks, trained in 1 other Acrobatics exploit
Category: General
Components: S
Untrained: No
Recovery Time: None (passive)
Benefit: You can move up a steep slope or stairs at your normal speed instead of at half speed.


Infuriating Target
You have thoroughly practiced dodging arrows, bolts, and bullets, making you an incredibly frustrating target for even the most skilled marksmen.
Prerequisites: Acrobatics 4 ranks, trained in 1 other Acrobatics exploit
Category: Combat
Components: S
Untrained: No
Recovery Time: None (Passive)
Benefit: Each ranged attack directed at you for which the attacker must make an attack roll has a 20% miss chance (similar to the effects of concealment). Other attacks that simply work at a distance are not affected.
If you also have the Blur of Motion exploit, ranged attacks instead have a 30% miss chance.

Moment of Haste
You push yourself to go faster and faster, briefly exceeding your body's limits.
Prerequisites: Acrobatics 4 ranks, trained in 1 other Acrobatics exploit
Category: Combat
Components: S
Untrained: No
Recovery Time: 10 minutes
Benefit: For 1 round, you gain the benefits of the haste spell. This is an extraordinary ability, not supernatural or spell-like, so dispel magic and the like have no effect this exploit. If you have 10 ranks or more in Acrobatics, the benefit instead lasts for 1 round per two ranks in the skill.

Predator's Agility
Enemies that think they are a safe distance away are in for an unpleasant surprise.
Prerequisites: Acrobatics 4 ranks, trained in 1 other Acrobatics exploit
Category: Combat
Components: S
Untrained: No
Recovery Time: 10 minutes
Benefit: You can activate this exploit to gain an additional 5 feet of reach with all melee attacks, and enemies are not aware of this reach until they see you use it (unless they succeed on a DC 20 Knowledge (Martial) check). Whenever you make an attack that utilizes this extra reach, you take a 5-foot step closer to the target of the attack as a free action that does not provoke an attack of opportunity. If you cannot take this 5-foot step, then you may not make the attack. This exploit is expended after you make a number of attacks utilizing the extra reach equal to half your ranks in Acrobatics (rounded down).


Acrobatic Evasion
You can avoid a variety of attacks with great agility.
Prerequisites: Acrobatics 5 ranks, trained in 2 other Acrobatics exploits
Category: Combat
Components: S
Untrained: No
Recovery Time: 1 round
Benefit: If you make a successful Reflex saving throw against an attack that normally deals half damage on a successful save, you can activate this exploit as an immediate action to instead take no damage. If you have at least 9 ranks in Acrobatics, you can instead activate this exploit as an immediate action on a failed Reflex save to take half damage.

Run on Water
You move with such speed and balance that you can run on water.
Prerequisites: Acrobatics 5 ranks, trained in 2 other Acrobatics exploits
Category: General
Components: S
Untrained: Yes (DC 45)
Recovery Time: 1 round
Benefit: When taking the Run action, you can move across liquids or other surfaces normally incapable of supporting your weight as if you were on solid ground. If your base land speed is at least two times faster than normal for your size (i.e. 40 ft for small humanoids or 60 ft for medium humanoids), you can do this with a charge or double-move action instead. If your base land speed is at least three times faster than normal for your size (i.e. 60 ft for small humanoids or 90 ft for medium humanoids), you can do this with a single move action instead. If you end the action while still standing on the unsupportive surface, you sink as normal.


Acrobatic Pounce
You are able dash and tumble across the field of battle to deliver a flurry of attacks.
Prerequisites: Acrobatics 6 ranks, trained in 2 other Acrobatics exploits
Category: Combat
Components: S
Untrained: No
Recovery Time: 10 minutes
Benefit: This exploit grants you the ability to make the Pounce special attack on your next charge you make this turn. If you have the Spring Attack feat, the recovery time of this exploit is reduced to 1 round, and you may also use this exploit to make a melee full attack instead of a single melee attack when you use the Spring Attack feat.

Expert Acrobat's Edge
Your dedicated acrobatics training allows you to almost defy gravity.
Prerequisites: Acrobatics 6 ranks, trained in Athletics, trained in 2 other Acrobatics exploits
Category: General
Components: S
Untrained: No
Recovery Time: None (passive)
Benefit: When jumping, you may make an Athletics check and an Acrobatics check and add a the two together to determine the result. You never fall prone at the end of a fall as long as you remain conscious.


Blur of Motion
Your swift acrobatic motions make it difficult for enemies to keep their eyes on you.
Prerequisites: Acrobatics 7 ranks, trained in 2 other Acrobatics exploits
Category: Combat
Components: S
Untrained: No
Recovery Time: None (Passive)
Benefit: Any time you move at least 5 feet in a round, each attack directed at you for which the attacker must make an attack roll has a 20% miss chance (similar to the effects of concealment).


Acrobat's Celerity
Your grace and speed allow you to perform more actions than should be physically possible, if you are willing to push your body past its limits.
Prerequisites: Acrobatics 8 ranks, trained in 3 other Acrobatics exploits
Category: Combat
Components: S
Untrained: No
Recovery Time: 10 minutes
Benefit: When you activate this exploit as an immediate action, you can immediately take any standard action - except for casting a spell or manifesting a psionic power - as if you had readied the action. You can even interrupt another creature's turn when you use this exploit.
However, after you take the standard action granted by this exploit, you are fatigued for 1 minute. You cannot use this exploit if you're already fatigued.


Acrobatic Opportunity
You dart past your opponent's attacks, ending up perfectly positioned for a series of devastating counterattacks.
Prerequisites: Acrobatics 12 ranks, trained in 3 other Acrobatics exploits including Acrobatic Backstab
Category: Combat
Components: S
Untrained: No
Recovery Time: 10 minutes
Benefit: If you succeed on an Acrobatics check to move through a creature's space, and have not yet used your standard action this turn, you can use this Exploit to perform a full-attack on that creature as if you had not yet used your move action for the turn. The creature is treated as flat-footed against all attacks of the full-attack allowed by this Exploit.
The creature must be standing on the ground or floor in order for you to use this Exploit.


Timely Dodge
Something out of the corner of your eye causes you to step out of the way of danger.
Prerequisites: Acrobatics 10 ranks, trained in 3 other Acrobatics exploits
Category: Combat
Components: S
Recovery Time: 10 minutes
Benefit: When you would be hit by a ranged attack or a melee attack or would be caught in an area of effect, you may take a 5-foot step as an immediate action. This automatically causes the ranged or melee attack to miss, while an area of effect does not effect you if you step out of it. You may choose to use this exploit after an attack roll is made but before the damage is rolled.


Nimble Charge
You can tumble and change direction as you charge across the battlefield.
Prerequisites: Acrobatics 11 ranks, trained in 3 other Acrobatics exploits including Acrobatic Dash
Category: Combat
Components: S
Untrained: No
Recovery Time: 1 round
Benefit: You can use this exploit to either make a single turn of up to 90° during a charge, or make a charge as a standard action. If you charge as a standard action, you are only allowed to move up to your speed (instead of up to double your speed) and you cannot draw a weapon unless you possess the Quick Draw exploit.


Displaced Motion
Your swift acrobatic motions allow you to briefly move faster than your enemies' eyes can process, causing them to think you are 2 feet away from where you actually are.
Prerequisites: Acrobatics 12 ranks, trained in 4 other Acrobatics exploits
Category: Combat
Components: S
Untrained: No
Recovery Time: 10 minutes
Benefit: This exploit lasts for a number of rounds equal to your ranks in Acrobatics. Any time you move at least 5 feet in a round while this exploit is activated, you benefit from a 50% miss chance as if it had total concealment. Unlike actual total concealment, Displaced Motion does not prevent enemies from targeting you normally. Creatures with more ranks in Perception than you have in Acrobatics can see your true location which negates their miss chance.


Free Run
You are able to travel the most efficient path from where you are to where you want to be.
Prerequisites: Acrobatics 13 ranks, trained in 3 other Acrobatics exploits including Acrobatic Dash, trained in 2 Athletics exploits
Category: General
Components: S
Untrained: No
Recovery Time: None (Passive)
Benefit: You automatically succeed at any Athletics or Acrobatics check to high jump if it does not require you to jump higher than 10 feet. If you are running or charging, you can clear 10 foot jumps without subtracting from the distance you can travel. (For example, say you are normally able to charge 60 feet, and your enemy is 60 ft away but standing on the middle of the roof a building that is 10 feet high and 20 feet wide, while you are on the ground. You could still charge that enemy, clearing the wall of the building without it interrupting you charge line.)
Also, if you jump down or fall during a charge or run but take no damage due to a successful Acrobatics check or Exploit, you may continue the run or charge action as if it had not been interrupted.


Master Acrobat's Celerity
Your amazing grace and speed allow you to perform a flurry of extra actions, more than should be physically possible, if you are willing to push your body past its limits.
Prerequisites: Acrobatics 15 ranks, trained in 4 other Acrobatics exploits including Acrobat's Celerity
Category: Combat
Components: S
Untrained: No
Recovery Time: 10 minutes
Benefit: When you activate this exploit as an immediate action, you can immediately take a full-round action (or a standard action plus a move action, or two move actions) that cannot include casting a spell or manifesting a psionic power. This is similar to using a readied action, in that it allows you to interrupt another creature's turn when you use this exploit.
However, after you take the actions granted by this exploit, you are fatigued for 1 minute. You cannot use this exploit if you're already fatigued.


Perfect Grace
For a moment, your body flows like water.
Prerequisites: Acrobatics 16 ranks, 4 Acrobatics exploits
Category: General
Components: S
Untrained: No
Recovery Time: 1 hour
Benefit: When you activate this exploit, you temporarily gain 5 more ranks in the Acrobatics skill for 5 rounds. In addition to boosting your Acrobatics checks, this can improve the benefits of any exploits that scale based on your number of ranks in the Acrobatics skill.

I will post Athletics exploits next.

2016-05-08, 02:24 PM
The complete list of Athletics Exploits



Athletic Leap
You can making astounding vaults when you need to.
Prerequisites: Athletics 1 rank
Category: General
Components: S
Untrained: No
Recovery Time: 1 round
Benefit: When you make an Acrobatics or Athletics check to jump, you can activate this exploit to receive an enhancement bonus to that check equal to your number of ranks in Athletics.

Brutal Throw [Basic]
You have learned how to hurl weapons to deadly effect.
Prerequisites: Athletics 1 rank
Category: Combat
Components: S
Untrained: No
Recovery Time: None (Passive)
Benefit: You can add your Strength modifier (instead of your Dexterity modifier) to attack rolls with thrown weapons.
Note: This exploit replaces the Brutal Throw feat. Any game mechanic that would grant or require the Brutal Throw feat instead grants or requires this exploit, respectively.

Improved Bull Rush [Basic]
You are skilled at pushing your foes around.
Prerequisites: Athletics 1 rank, trained in the Power Attack exploit
Category: Combat
Components: S
Untrained: No
Recovery Time: None (Passive)
Benefit: You do not provoke an attack of opportunity when performing a bull rush combat maneuver. In addition, you receive a +2 bonus on checks made to bull rush a foe. You also receive a +2 bonus to your Combat Maneuver Defense whenever an opponent tries to bull rush you.
Note: This exploit replaces the Improved Bull Rush feat. Any game mechanic that would grant or require the Improved Bull Rush feat instead grants or requires this exploit, respectively.

Improved Drag [Basic]
You are skilled at dragging foes around the battlefield.
Prerequisites: Athletics 1 rank, trained in the Power Attack exploit
Category: Combat
Components: S
Untrained: No
Recovery Time: None (Passive)
Benefit: You do not provoke an attack of opportunity when performing a drag combat maneuver. In addition, you receive a +2 bonus on checks made to drag a foe. You also receive a +2 bonus to your Combat Maneuver Defense whenever an opponent tries to drag you.
Note: This exploit replaces the Improved Drag feat. Any game mechanic that would grant or require the Improved Drag feat instead grants or requires this exploit, respectively.

Improved Overrun [Basic]
You are skilled at running down your foes.
Prerequisites: Athletics 1 rank, trained in the Power Attack exploit
Category: Combat
Components: S
Untrained: No
Recovery Time: None (Passive)
Benefit: You do not provoke an attack of opportunity when performing an overrun combat maneuver. In addition, you receive a +2 bonus on checks made to overrun a foe. You also receive a +2 bonus to your Combat Maneuver Defense whenever an opponent tries to overrun you.
Note: This exploit replaces the Improved Overrun feat. Any game mechanic that would grant or require the Improved Overrun feat instead grants or requires this exploit, respectively.

Improved Reposition [Basic]
You have learned how to force your enemies to move around the battlefield.
Prerequisites: Athletics 1 rank, trained in the Power Attack exploit
Category: Combat
Components: S
Untrained: No
Recovery Time: None (Passive)
Benefit: You do not provoke an attack of opportunity when performing a reposition combat maneuver. In addition, you receive a +2 bonus on checks made to reposition a foe. You also receive a +2 bonus to your Combat Maneuver Defense whenever an opponent tries to reposition you.
Note: This exploit replaces the Improved Reposition feat. Any game mechanic that would grant or require the Improved Reposition feat instead grants or requires this exploit, respectively.

Improved Sunder [Basic]
You are skilled at damaging your foes' weapons and armor.
Prerequisites: Athletics 1 rank, trained in the Power Attack exploit
Category: Combat
Components: S
Untrained: No
Recovery Time: None (Passive)
Benefit: You do not provoke an attack of opportunity when performing a sunder combat maneuver. In addition, you receive a +2 bonus on checks made to sunder an item. You also receive a +2 bonus to your Combat Maneuver Defense whenever an opponent tries to sunder your gear.
Note: This exploit replaces the Improved Sunder feat. Any game mechanic that would grant or require the Improved Sunder feat instead grants or requires this exploit, respectively.

Long Strides
Thousands of hours spent marching, hiking, and running has improved your stride.
Prerequisites: Athletics 1 rank
Category: General
Components: S
Untrained: No
Recovery Time: None (passive)
Benefit: You receive a +10 ft enhancement bonus to your base land speed. This bonus increases to +20 ft if you have 5 ranks in Athletics, and to +30 ft if you have 9 ranks in Athletics. This bonus does not apply to other movement modes you may have, such as swim, climb, or fly.

Power Attack [Basic]
You can make exceptionally deadly melee attacks by sacrificing accuracy for strength.
Prerequisites: Athletics 1 rank
Category: Combat
Components: S
Untrained: No
Recovery Time: None (Passive)
Benefit: You can choose to take a –1 penalty on all melee attack rolls and combat maneuver checks to gain a +2 bonus on all melee damage rolls. This bonus to damage is increased by half (+50%) if you are making an attack with a two-handed weapon, a one handed weapon using two hands, or a primary natural weapon that adds 1-1/2 times your Strength modifier on damage rolls. This bonus to damage is halved (–50%) if you are making an attack with an off-hand weapon or secondary natural weapon.
When your base attack bonus reaches +4, and every 4 points thereafter, the penalty increases by –1 and the bonus to damage increases by +2.
You must choose to use this feat before making an attack roll, and its effects last until your next turn. The bonus damage does not apply to touch attacks or effects that do not deal hit point damage.
Note: This exploit replaces the Power Attack feat. Any game mechanic that would grant or require the Power Attack feat instead grants or requires this exploit, respectively.


Athletic Musculature
Your dedicated athletics training has given you the strength of a bull.
Prerequisites: Athletics 2 ranks
Category: General
Components: None
Untrained: No
Recovery Time: None (passive)
Benefit: You gain an enhancement bonus to Strength equal to half your ranks in Athletics (rounded down). This bonus is not magical, and therefore cannot be suppressed by dispel magic or similar abilities.

Corner Perch
You can brace yourself against walls to leave your hands free.
Prerequisites: Athletics 2 ranks
Category: General
Components: S
Untrained: No
Recovery Time: 1 round
Benefit: If you succeed on an Athletics check to ascend or descend either a "chimney," where you can brace against opposite walls, or a corner where you can brace against perpendicular walls, you can suspend yourself momentarily and leave your hands free. Until the end of your next turn, you can use both of your hands freely for any other purpose (including attacking) without risk of falling. At the end of your next turn, you fall from the wall unless you succeed on an Athletics check against the normal DC + 5 or you have succeeded on another Athletics check to move up or down the wall as normal.

Leaping Climber
There's no better way to jumpstart a climb than with a literal jump start.
Prerequisites: Athletics 2 ranks
Category: General
Components: S
Untrained: No
Recovery Time: 10 minutes
Benefit: You can use this exploit in one of two ways:
The first use is to begin a climb by making an Athletics check to jump as a swift action, adding the vertical distance of your jump to the distance climbed in that round. Treat the Athletics check to jump as being made with a running start even if you didn't move at least 20 feet.
The second use of this exploit is available if you have succeeded on an Athletics check to ascend or descend a wall during this or your previous turn. If so, you can leap horizontally from that wall as if you had a running start.
If you have 9 ranks in Athletics, the recovery time of this exploit is reduced to 1 round.

Prepared Climber
You are always ready and eager to climb.
Prerequisites: Athletics 2 ranks
Category: General
Components: S
Untrained: No
Recovery Time: 1 round
Benefit: You may spend a standard action studying a wall to find an "easy route" that is 10 feet long for every rank you have in Athletics. Climbing this route reduces the Athletics DC for you to climb that route by 10. You can spend another standard action to point out this route to anyone trained in Athletics, reducing their Athletics DC to climb that route by 5.


Mighty Sprint
You throw yourself forward at a breakneck pace, bounding over obstacles.
Prerequisites: Athletics 3 ranks, trained in 1 other Athletics exploit
Category: General
Components: S
Untrained: No
Recovery Time: 10 minutes
Benefit: For a single action, you may increase your land speed. Make an Athletics check; your land speed increases by a number of feet equal to twice that check (rounded down to a 5-foot increment). You ignore the effects of hindering terrain during this action.

Natural Swimmer
You swim as well as a fish.
Prerequisites: Athletics 3 ranks, trained in 1 other Athletics exploit
Category: General
Components: S
Untrained: No
Recovery Time: None (passive)
Benefit: You gain a swim speed equal to your base land speed.

One-Handed Climb
You have practiced climbing without using one of your hands.
Prerequisites: Athletics 3 ranks, trained in 1 other Athletics exploit
Category: General
Components: S
Untrained: Yes (+5 DC)
Recovery Time: None (Passive)
Benefit: You may climb using only one hand (and both legs). This means you can climb while holding something in one of your hands (such as a weapon) without additional difficulty.


Second Wind
Just when you think you can't go on, you get your second wind and feel almost as good as new.
Prerequisites: Athletics 4 ranks, trained in 1 other Athletics exploit
Category: General
Components: None
Untrained: No
Recovery Time: 10 minutes
Benefit: When you activate this exploit, you lose the fatigued condition if you have it, or improve your condition to fatigued if you are exhausted. Also, if your current hit points are below 3/4 of your maximum total hit points, you are healed to 3/4 of your maximum total hit points.

Underwater Glider
You have trained to glide through the water unhampered.
Prerequisites: Athletics 4 ranks, trained in the Natural Swimmer exploit
Category: General
Components: S
Untrained: No
Recovery Time: None (passive)
Benefit: You receive a +10 ft enhancement bonus to your swim speed. This bonus increases to +20 ft if you have 5 ranks in Athletics, and to +30 ft if you have 9 ranks in Athletics.
In addition, you do not take the penalties to attack and damage rolls that come from fighting in an aquatic environment.


Bounding Leap
As you spring through the air, you tuck in your legs and arms to eke out a little extra distance.
Prerequisites: Athletics 5 ranks, trained in 2 other Athletics exploits
Category: General
Components: S
Untrained: No
Recovery Time: 10 minutes
Benefit: You may make a single jump as a move action. You add your land speed to the distance travelled for a long jump, or half your land speed to a high jump. The distance you jump with this exploit can exceed your speed.

Effortless Climber
You climb as effortlessly as a spider.
Prerequisites: Athletics 5 ranks, trained in 2 other Athletics exploits including One-Handed Climb
Category: General
Components: S, M (climber's kit - only when climbing perfectly smooth wall)
Untrained: No
Recovery Time: None (Passive)
Benefit: You gain a climb speed equal to your base land speed (as well as the standard +8 racial bonus on Athletics skill checks from having a climb speed); furthermore, you need not make Athletics checks to traverse a vertical or horizontal surface (even upside down). You also retain your Dexterity bonus to Armor Class (if any) while climbing, and opponents get no special bonus to their attacks against you. You cannot, however, use the run action while climbing.
If you have 8 ranks in Athletics, you may even climb a perfectly smooth vertical surface if you are using a climber's kit and the hardness of your climbing tools is greater than the hardness of the surface you're climbing.
The benefits of this exploit are reduced if you are carrying something in one hand (other than climbing tools): your climb speed is halved, and you must make Athletics checks to traverse a vertical or horizontal surface.


You have learned to hustle when you need to.
Prerequisites: Athletics 5 ranks, trained in 2 other Athletics exploits
Category: General
Components: S
Untrained: No
Recovery Time: 10 minutes
Benefit: You may use this exploit to take any one move action as a swift action instead. If you have 12 ranks in Athletics, the recovery time of this exploit is reduced to 1 round.


Toughen Up
Your athletic training has taught you to toughen up when the going gets rough.
Prerequisites: Athletics 7 ranks, trained in 2 other Athletics exploits
Category: Combat
Components: None
Untrained: No
Recovery Time: 10 minutes
Benefit: You may activate this exploit as a swift action to gain DR 2 / - that lasts for 1 round per rank you have in Athletics. For every 3 ranks you have in Athletics, this DR improves by 1.
If you have fewer than half of your maximum hit points remaining, you can instead activate this exploit as a free action during your turn.


Athletic Vigor
You are incredibly vigorous, and hard to take down.
Prerequisites: Athletics 8 ranks, trained in 3 other Athletics exploits
Category: General
Components: None
Untrained: No
Recovery Time: 10 minutes
Benefit: When you activate this exploit, you gain 5 temporary hit points per rank that you have in the Athletics skill. These temporary hit points last for 1 minute.


Wall walker
You've learned to briefly run on walls as if they were solid ground.
Prerequisites: Athletics 9 ranks, trained in 3 other Athletics exploits including Leaping Climber
Category: General
Components: S
Untrained: No
Recovery Time: 10 minutes
Benefit: You may activate this exploit during your move action to be able move on any vertical surface as if it were horizontal until the end of that move action. If you are not on a horizontal surface that can support your weight at the end of your action, you fall as normal (though this can be prevented if you can grab onto something, etc, making further checks as necessary.)
If you have 15 ranks in Athletics, the recovery time is reduced to 1 round.


Third Wind
Just when you think you can't go on, you get your second wind and feel almost as good as new.
Prerequisites: Athletics 10 ranks, trained in 3 other Athletics exploits including Second Wind
Category: General
Components: None
Untrained: No
Recovery Time: 10 minutes
Benefit: When you activate this exploit, you lose the fatigued condition if you have it, or improve your condition to fatigued if you are exhausted. In addition, you heal any ability score damage you have, and if your current hit points are below 3/4 of your maximum total hit points, you are healed to 3/4 of your maximum total hit points.


Immovable Stance
You dig your feet into the ground in a wide, sturdy stance.
Prerequisites: Athletics 12 ranks, trained in 4 other Athletics exploits
Category: General
Components: None
Untrained: No
Recovery Time: 1 round
Benefit: You can only activate this exploit at the end of your turn, and only if you didn't move that turn. You gain DR 3 / - , and this DR is increased by an amount equal to your ranks in Athletics. You gain a +20 bonus to your CMD and to any opposed Strength checks you make to avoid being moved. However, you are also denied your Dexterity bonus to AC. These bonuses and penalties last until you move, are moved, or fall prone.


Perfect Athleticism
For a moment, your reach the zenith of athletic form.
Prerequisites: Athletics 16 ranks, 4 Athletics exploits
Category: General
Components: S
Untrained: No
Recovery Time: 1 hour
Benefit: When you activate this exploit, you temporarily gain 5 more ranks in the Athletics skill for 5 rounds. In addition to boosting your Athletics checks, this can improve the benefits of any exploits that scale based on your number of ranks in the Athletics skill.

I will do Concentration exploits next.

2016-05-11, 06:17 PM
The complete list of Concentration exploits:

Call to Mind
You meditate on a subject, and a fact previously forgotten comes to mind.
Prerequisites: Concentration 1 rank
Category: General
Components: None
Untrained: No
Recovery Time: 1 hour
Benefit: You may meditate on a subject for 10 minutes after failing a Knowledge check to gain a new check with a competence bonus equal to your number of ranks in Concentration. If successful, you instantly recall what was previously buried in your subconscious.

Novice Meditation [Basic]
You've learned the basics of meditation.
Prerequisites: Concentration 1 rank
Category: General
Components: None
Untrained: No
Recovery Time: 24 hours
Benefit: You may meditate for 20 minutes to clear your mind and rejuvenate your body. This gives you a +1 bonus to Intelligence and Wisdom checks as well as Intelligence and Wisdom-based skill checks for 24 hours. If you normally have to sleep for eight hours, the next time you sleep you only have to sleep for seven hours to get the same benefit. Those who practice this meditation on a regular basis (nearly every day) age 20% slower than normal for their race.

Clear the Mind
You empty your mind of all transitory and distracting thoughts, improving your self-control.
Prerequisites: Concentration 2 ranks
Category: Combat
Components: None
Untrained: No
Recovery Time: 10 minutes
Benefit: When you make a Will save, you may use this exploit to add a bonus to your roll equal to half your ranks in Concentration. You must choose to use this exploit before you make the roll.
Special: If you have 6 ranks in Concentration, you may choose to instead gain a bonus equal to one-third your ranks in Concentration to reduce the recovery time to 1 round.

Unbreakable Focus
You feel far more focused on the task on which you have been concentrating.
Prerequisites: Concentration 3 ranks, trained in 1 other Concentration exploit
Category: General
Components: None
Untrained: No
Recovery Time: 10 minutes
Benefit: When you activate this exploit, you increase your ability to concentrate on a spell you have already cast, a power you've already manifested, or some other task requiring sustained concentration. You can use this exploit while maintaining concentration on the spell, power, or task. You gain a +10 circumstance bonus on Concentration checks you make to maintain concentration on the spell, power, or task, and its effect lasts as long as you concentrate on it (to a maximum of 20 minutes).

Fortified Mind
You've learned to shield your thoughts from intrusion.
Prerequisites: Concentration 4 ranks, trained in 1 other Concentration exploit
Category: Combat
Components: None
Untrained: No
Recovery Time: 10 minutes
Benefit: When subjected to a mind-affecting effect, you can concentrate to grant yourself an effective spell resistance against that effect. Make a Concentration check at a -5 penalty as a free action; the result is your effective spell resistance. If the effect normally bypasses spell resistance, it is still negated if your Concentration check is 40 or more.
You may choose to take a -10 penalty instead of a -5. If you do so, the recovery time of this exploit is reduced to 1 turn.

Effortless Concentration
You've learned to let only one part of your mind concentrate on the task at hand, freeing the rest of your mind to work on other things.
Prerequisites: Concentration 5 ranks, trained in 2 other Concentration exploits
Category: General
Components: None
Untrained: No
Recovery Time: 10 minutes
Benefit: One small part of your mind takes over the responsibility of maintaining concentration on any single power, spell, or task you are concentrating on. For 1 round per rank you have in the Concentration skill, maintaining concentration on that power, spell, or task is a free action instead of a standard action

Uncanny Deduction
You may concentrate intensely for a moment to make precise deductions based on only the slightest clue, pattern, or scrap of memory resident in your mind.
Prerequisites: Concentration 6 ranks, trained in 3 different Knowledge fields of study
Category: General
Components: None
Untrained: No
Recovery Time: 1 hour
Benefit: You can use this exploit as a standard action to make reasonable statements about a person, place, or object, seemingly from very little knowledge. However, your knowledge is in fact the result of a rigorously logical process that you force your mind to undertake, digging up and correlating every possible piece of knowledge bearing on the topic. The nature of the knowledge you gain concerning the subject of your analysis might include the answer to a riddle, the way out of a maze, stray bits of information about a person, legends about a place or an object, or even a conclusion concerning a dilemma that your conscious mind is unable to arrive at. An Intelligence check may be required to obtain the desired information. If so, you can use Uncanny Deduction as an immediate action prior to making the check and receive a +20 bonus for doing so.
Special: If you have a total of at least 10 ranks in Knowledge skills (adding up ranks in each field of study), the recovery time of this exploit is 10 minutes.

Practiced Meditation
Your regular regimen of meditation has made it more effective.
Prerequisites: Concentration 7 ranks, trained in the Novice Meditation exploit
Category: General
Components: None
Untrained: No
Recovery Time: 24 hours
Benefit: You may meditate for 20 minutes to clear your mind and rejuvenate your body. This grants you a +2 bonus to Will saving throws for 24 hours, as well as the benefits of the Novice Meditation exploit.

Recuperative Meditation
You learn to enter a meditative trance that can be used in place of sleep.
Prerequisites: Concentration 8 ranks, trained in 3 other Concentration exploits
Category: General
Components: None
Untrained: No
Recovery Time: 24 hours
Benefit: You learn to enter a meditative trance that can be used in place of sleep. By entering this trance for 2 hours, you naturally heal as if you had received 24 hours of complete bed rest, and also receive any benefit that you'd normally gain from 8 hours of sleep. For 24 hours after this trance, you are nourished by food and water three times more effectively (meaning you only need to consume one third the normal amount of food and water)

Your concentration is so intense that it is impossible to distract you.
Prerequisites: Concentration 9 ranks, trained in 3 other Concentration exploits
Category: General
Components: None
Untrained: No
Recovery Time: None (passive)
Benefit: You cannot be confused nor fascinated, nor can you be affected by the feint combat maneuver nor by any effect that explicitly relies on distraction. This includes, but is not limited to: the bard's distraction performance, the distracting weapon property, the distracting attack rogue talent, and the Distraction (ex) creature ability.

Focused Form
You are not easily distracted, and thus make fewer mistakes
Prerequisites: Concentration 10 ranks, trained in 3 other Concentration exploits
Category: General
Components: None
Untrained: No
Recovery Time: 10 minutes
Benefit: You can activate this exploit when you make an attack roll, skill check, ability check, or saving throw and roll 9 or lower on the d20. You make a Concentration check as a free action, and use that result in place of your attack, check, or saving throw.

Deepest Meditation
You can place yourself into a trance so deep that you are almost in suspended animation.
Prerequisites: Concentration 11 ranks, trained in 3 other Concentration exploits
Category: General
Components: None
Untrained: No
Recovery Time: 1 hour
Benefit: You can place yourself into a trance so deep that you are almost in suspended animation. Even basic knowledge of medicine and powers that detect life or thought are incapable of determining that you are alive - only a successful DC 40 Knowledge (Medicine) check can determine that you are in a trance and not dead. While you are suspended, you are aware of your surroundings. You feel the passage of one day for every year that actually passes. Though on a slower schedule, you grow hungry after a “day” without food (though a year passes in actuality) and begin to suffer the effects of thirst and starvation as appropriate.
If you take any damage, you come out of your trance 4 rounds later. Unlike most exploits, Deepest Meditation is a supernatural ability that can also be ended by a successful use of dispel magic or dispel psionics (your effective "caster level" for dispelling purposes is equal to your number of ranks in the Concentration skill), and does not function in an antimagic field or similar effects.
Deepest Meditation lasts until you dismiss it or until you die. If you choose to dismiss this exploit, your trance ends 10 rounds later.

Inviolable Mind
Unnatural mental intrusions cannot penetrate the power of your concentration.
Prerequisites: Concentration 13 ranks, trained in 4 other Concentration exploits
Category: General
Components: None
Untrained: No
Recovery Time: None
Benefit: You can consciously block out all devices, powers, and spells that detect, influence, or read emotions or thoughts. This exploit protects against powers and spells with the mind-affecting or scrying descriptors. It even foils bend reality, limited wish, miracle, reality revision, and wish when they are used in such a way as to affect your mind or to gain information about you (however, the metafaculty psionic power can pierce the protective quality of Inviolable Mind). In the case of remote viewing or scrying that scans an area you are in, the effect works but you simply aren't detected. Remote viewing (scrying) attempts that are targeted specifically at you can be blocked completely and do not work at all if you do so.
Each time an applicable effect would affect you, you feel a physical sensation in your head that alerts you to it. You can choose to block the intrusion or let it through as a free action, though in either case this exploit does not inform you of what the intruding effect specifically is. You can even use this exploit while sleeping (being protected by your subconscious mind), but not when unconscious for other reasons.

Master's Meditation
You have mastered the art of meditation.
Prerequisites: Concentration 14 ranks, trained in the Practiced Meditation exploit
Category: General
Components: None
Untrained: No
Recovery Time: 24 hours
Benefit: You may meditate for 20 minutes to clear your mind and rejuvenate your body. This grants you the benefits of the Novice Meditation and Practiced Meditation exploits, except the bonus to Will saves is increased to +3, and you receive a +2 bonus to all ability checks and to Constitution, Intelligence, and Wisdom-based skills checks (instead of the +1 check bonus granted by Novice Meditation). In addition, for 24 hours after meditating, you gain a +2 bonus to Fortitude saving throws, and may take 10 on Concentration checks even when distracted or threatened in combat.

Perfect Concentration
For a moment, your reach the pinnacle of mental concentration.
Prerequisites: Concentration 16 ranks, 4 Concentration exploits
Category: General
Components: S
Untrained: No
Recovery Time: 1 hour
Benefit: When you activate this exploit, you temporarily gain 5 more ranks in the Concentration skill for 5 rounds. In addition to boosting your Concentration checks, this can improve the benefits of any exploits that scale based on your number of ranks in the Concentration skill.

There are noticeably fewer of these than for athletics or acrobatics. Just couldn't think of as many different applications for the skill. As always, suggestions are welcome.

I'll be posting Craft Exploits next.

2016-05-18, 09:26 AM
The complete list of Craft exploits:

Master Craftsman [Basic]
Your superior crafting skills allow you to create simple magic items.
Prerequisites: Craft (Any) 1 rank
Category: General
Components: S, M, T
Untrained: No
Recovery Time: None (Passive)
Benefit: Choose one Craft skill that you are trained in. You receive a +2 bonus to your chosen skill, and ranks in that skill count as your caster level for the purposes of qualifying for the Craft Magic Arms and Armor and the Craft Wondrous Item feats. You can create magic items using these feats, substituting your ranks in the chosen skill for your total caster level. You must use the chosen skill for the check to create the item. The DC to create the item still increases for any necessary spell requirements (see the magic item creation rules in Magic Items (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic-items)). You cannot use this exploit to create any spell-trigger or spell-activation item.
Special: When you craft weapons and armor, you can choose to make the enhancement bonus of either weapons or armor you craft non-magical. The crafting cost is the same for a non-magical enhancement bonus, but it cannot be suppressed by effects such as dispel magic and such weapons do not bypass damage reduction that requires a magic weapon (unless it has magic properties in addition to the enhancement bonus, for example you could make a +2 flaming longsword where the +2 was nonmagical but the flaming property wasn't). There are also a number of magic weapon and armor special abilities that you can add to an appropriate item you craft through skill alone. These likewise cost and mostly work the same, but again are not suppressible, and any listed ability that is normally command-activated is simply always active:
Non-Magical Weapon Special Abilities: adaptive, brawling, breaking, countering, deadly, deceptive, defending, distance, dueling, gory, heart-piercing, impact, impervious, injecting, interfering, keen, leveraging, menacing, mighty cleaving, nimble shot, penetrating, reliable, reliable (greater), repositioning, shattering, skewering, smashing, sniping, speed, throwing, vorpal, wounding
Non-Magical Armor Special Abilities: arrow deflection, balanced, bashing, bitter, buoyant, brawling, burdenless, comfort, fortification, impervious, jousting, mirrored, ramming, rebounding, shadow, shadow (greater), shadow (improved), trackless
Note: This exploit replaces the Master Craftsman feat. Any game mechanic that would grant or require the Master Craftsman feat instead grants or requires this exploit, respectively.

Rapid Reload [Basic]
Your intimate familiarity with the design of your weapon lets you reload more easily.
Prerequisites: Craft (Projectile) 1 rank
Category: Combat
Components: S
Untrained: No
Recovery Time: None (Passive)
Benefit: You can reload a projectile weapon as a free action if it normally requires a move action to reload, reload it as a move action if a standard action is normally required, or reload it as a standard action if a full-round action is normally required. You do not provoke an attack of opportunity for a free action reload, but reloading as a move action or more still provokes an attack.
Projectile weapons that can be reloaded as a free action may be used to take full-attack actions.
Note: This exploit replaces the Rapid Reload feat. Any game mechanic that would grant or require the Rapid Reload feat instead grants or requires this exploit, respectively.

Conductive Weapon Oil
You concoct a solution that mimics the properties of the Ley Lines. When applied to a weapon, it allows magic to be channeled through it.
Prerequisites: Craft (Alchemy) 1 rank
Category: General
Components: S, M, T
Untrained: No
Recovery Time: 24 hours
Benefit: You can spend 15 minutes working at an alchemist's lab (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/equipment---final/goods-and-services/herbs-oils-other-substances#TOC-Alchemist-s-Lab-Portable) to craft a number of conductive oil doses equal to half your ranks in Craft (Alchemy). The doses retain their potency for 24 hours, after which they become useless. The doses can be applied to any weapon as a full-round action to grant it the conductive (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic-items/magic-weapons/magic-weapon-special-abilities/conductive) weapon property for 1 min per rank that you have in Craft (Alchemy).
If you have 4 ranks in Craft (Alchemy), the effects of the oil instead last for 10 minutes per rank. If you have 7 ranks in the skill, it instead lasts for 1 hour per rank.

Craft Silversheen
You concoct an unstable batch of silversheen.
Prerequisites: Craft (Alchemy) 1 rank
Category: General
Components: S, M, T
Untrained: No
Recovery Time: 24 hours
Benefit: You can spend 15 minutes working at an alchemist's lab (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/equipment---final/goods-and-services/herbs-oils-other-substances#TOC-Alchemist-s-Lab-Portable) to craft a number of silversheen (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic-items/wondrous-items/wondrous-items/r-z/silversheen) doses equal to half your ranks in Craft (Alchemy). The doses retain their potency for 24 hours, after which they become useless. They otherwise work just like the permanent version of the silversheen item.

Unburdened Armor
You oil the joints of the suit of armor, preventing it from slowing its wearer down.
Prerequisites: Craft (Armor) or (Leather) or (Metal) 1 rank
Category: General
Components: S, M, T
Untrained: No
Recovery Time: 10 minutes
Benefit: If you spend 10 minutes working on a piece of medium or heavy armor, you remove any speed penalties it has for 1 hour per rank that you have in Craft (Armor), Craft (Leather), and Craft (Metal). All other penalties the armor has still apply such as maximum Dexterity bonus to AC, armor check penalty on skills, arcane spell failure chance, and so forth.

Precision Accuracy
You tinker with a weapon so that it fires ammunition more precisely.
Prerequisites: Craft (Projectile) 1 rank
Category: General
Components: S, T
Untrained: No
Recovery Time: 10 minutes
Benefit: If you spend 10 minutes working on a projectile weapon, you can improve its accuracy over long distances. The range increment for the affected weapon is doubled for 1 hour per rank you have in Craft (Projectile).
If you have 5 ranks in Craft (Projectile), your work also grants the weapon a non-magical enhancement bonus to attack and damage rolls for the duration of the exploit. The bonus is +1 for every 3 ranks in Craft (Projectile) you have.

Ablative Armor Plating
You install special plating that lessens the impact of the next blow to strike you.
Prerequisites: Craft (Armor) or (Metal) 2 ranks
Category: General
Components: S, M, T
Untrained: No
Recovery Time: 1 minute
Benefit: You can spend 1 minute installing an ablative plate in a piece of armor. Armor with this modification absorbs 5 points of damage from the next attack that deals damage to the creature that wears it. Forms of damage that aren't affected by damage reduction also bypass this exploit. Once the modification has prevented damage from a single attack (even if not all the reduction is needed), it becomes useless.
The damage absorbed increases by 2 for every 3 ranks you have in both Craft (Armor) and Craft (Metal).

Confident Crafter
You never make big enough of a mistake while crafting to ruin your materials.
Prerequisites: Craft (Any) 2 ranks
Category: General
Components: S, T
Untrained: No
Recovery Time: None (Passive)
Benefit: You do not ruin any of your raw materials when you fail a Craft check by 5 or more.

Irongut Brew
You brew a noxious concoction infused with the essence of scorpion venom, toad sweat, adder venom, and the strained brains of carrion crawlers.
Prerequisites: Craft (Alchemy) or (Alcohol) 2 ranks
Category: General
Components: S, M, T
Untrained: No
Recovery Time: 24 hours
Benefit: You can spend 15 minutes brewing a number of Irongut Brew doses equal to half your total ranks in Craft (Alchemy) and Craft (Alcohol). The brew retains its potency for 24 hours, after which it become useless.
Drinking a dose is a full-round action that grants the drinker a +5 alchemical bonus on Fortitude saves against all kinds of poisons (whether injury, contact, ingestion, or inhalation) for 1 hour per rank you have in Craft (Alchemy) and Craft (Alcohol). After this benefit ends, the drinker is nauseated for 1 hour.

Protective Garment
You make a personalized garment for yourself that protects you without restricting movement.
Prerequisites: Craft (Cloth) or (Clothing) 2 ranks
Category: General
Components: S, M (50gp of high-quality clothing material), T
Untrained: No
Recovery Time: Special (See below)
Benefit: You can spend 1 week crafting a reinforced garment for yourself that provides protection that is as good as light armor. The Protective Garment provides a +4 armor bonus to AC, but unlike armor, it entails no armor check penalty, arcane spell failure chance, or speed reduction.
The garment can be anything that covers most of your torso: a tunic, a blouse, a vest, a dress, a coat, etc. You can spend more than 50gp if you wish to craft higher quality clothing (such as a Noble's Outfit) following the normal Craft rules but adding the normal cost and crafting time for that item to the required 50 gp and 1 week required to make a Protective Garment.
You can only make a Protective Garment for yourself. It will not properly fit or work for anyone else except for a twin, clone, simulacrum, or similar duplicate. The Protective Garment temporarily loses its armor bonus a certain number of rounds after you take any damage: the number of rounds is equal to your total ranks in Craft (Cloth) and Craft (Clothing). The armor bonus can be restored by spending 10 minutes mending it with proper tools, with 3 castings of the mending spell, or with a single casting of the make whole spell.

Swift Alchemy
You can craft alchemical items in a fraction of the normal time, though they don't retain potency for very long.
Prerequisites: Craft (Alchemy) 2 ranks
Category: General
Components: S, M, T
Untrained: No
Recovery Time: 24 hours
Benefit: You can spend 15 minutes working at an alchemist's lab (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/equipment---final/goods-and-services/herbs-oils-other-substances#TOC-Alchemist-s-Lab-Portable) to craft a number of alchemical items (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/equipment---final/goods-and-services/herbs-oils-other-substances) (ie. items that could normally be crafted with the Craft [Alchemy] skill) equal to half your ranks in Craft (Alchemy) at no gp cost. You must still succeed at the Craft DC for each item, and cannot make any item that would normally have a value of more than 300 gp. The items only retain their potency for 24 hours, after which they become useless. Any save DCs the items require from targets are equal to 11 + your number of ranks in Craft (Alchemy), instead of the item's normal DCs, but otherwise they behave as the normal versions of the items.
In addition, the base progress per day for all items you create with the Craft (Alchemy) skill is 500 gp. This secondary benefit does not affect (nor is affected by) the recovery time of this exploit.

Aerodynamic Ammunition
You use your tools to straighten the arrow and precisely align its fletching so it flies true.
Prerequisites: Craft (Projectile) or (Metal) or (Wood) 3 ranks
Category: General
Components: S, T
Untrained: No
Recovery Time: 10 minutes
Benefit: You can spend 10 minutes working on a number of pieces of ammunition or thrown weapons equal to your total number of ranks in Craft (Projectile), Craft (Metal), and Craft (Wood). For 24 hours, ranged attacks made with these weapons or ammunition treat the target as if it were 10 feet closer for the purposes of range penalties, feats, exploits, and class features. (For example, if you had Point Blank Shot and used the augmented ammunition, you would get Point Blank Shot's bonuses against a target that was 40 feet away.)
Attacks made with the modified weapons or ammunition treat the target as an additional 5 feet closer for every 5 ranks in Craft (Projectile) you have.

Alchemical Potions
You've devised a number of alchemical recipes that allow you to brew potions that could normally only be concocted with the aid of magic.
Prerequisites: Craft (Alchemy) 3 ranks, trained in Knowledge (Magic)
Category: General
Components: S, M, T
Untrained: No
Recovery Time: None (Passive)
Benefit: You learn to create alchemical versions of a number of magical potions, as listed below. These alchemical potions are only half magical, which increases the DC of any attempt to identify or dispel them by +10, and halves the power of their magical aura as detected by detect magic and similar spells. Alchemical potions are alchemical items, and are crafted as such by using the Craft skill and by using the standard rules for creating items with that skill. The Craft DC for the potions is 20 + the potion's caster level, and they have a gp value that is 10% more than their purely magical counterparts.
The following potions are added to the list of alchemical items you know how to make once your number of ranks in Craft (Alchemy) meets or exceeds their minimum caster level: aid, barkskin (oil), bear's endurance, bull's strength, cat's grace, cure light wounds (oil), cure moderate wounds (oil), cure serious wounds (oil), darkvision, delay poison, eagle's splendor (oil), endure elements (oil), false life, flame arrow (oil), fox's cunning, good hope, greater magic fang (oil), greater magic weapon (oil), haste, heroism, hide from animals (oil), hide from undead (oil), jump, keen edge (oil), lesser restoration, magic fang (oil), magic vestment (oil), magic weapon (oil), neutralize poison, owl's wisdom, rage, remove blindness/deafness, remove disease, remove fear, remove paralysis, resist energy (oil), spider climb (oil)

Comprehensive Repair
You are particularly skilled at the swift and high-quality repair of damaged items.
Prerequisites: Craft (Any) 3 ranks
Category: General
Components: S, M, T
Untrained: No
Recovery Time: 10 minutes
Benefit: When you spend 10 minutes repairing an item that is smaller than 10 cubic feet per rank you have in the appropriate Craft skill(s) or repairing a construct creature, it is repaired of 1d6 points of damage per rank you have in that skill. This exploit can fix destroyed magic items (at 0 hit points or less), and restores the magic properties of the item if your total ranks in the appropriate Craft skill(s) are at least twice that of the item's caster level. Items with charges (such as wands) and single-use items (such as potions and scrolls) cannot be repaired in this way.

Reinforce Armor
You can temporarily reinforce armor with a little tinkering.
Prerequisites: Craft (Armor) or (Leather) or (Metal) 3 ranks
Category: General
Components: S, M, T
Untrained: No
Recovery Time: 10 minutes
Benefit: If you spend 10 minutes working on a piece of armor other than a shield, you can improve its armor bonus at the expense of its maximum Dexterity bonus. The armor bonus is improved by 4 (to a maximum of +10), and the maximum Dexterity bonus is decreased by 2 (to a minimum of +1, unless the armor started with a +0 maximum Dexterity bonus). The armor bonus lasts for 1 hour per rank you have in Craft (Armor), Craft (Leather), and Craft (Metal), while the penalty lasts until the reinforcements are removed. The reinforcements can be removed in 1 round by anyone with tools (including improvised tools), and must be removed before this exploit can be used on the same piece of armor again.

Shape Wood
The application of alchemical compounds lets you reshape wood like wet clay.
Prerequisites: Craft (Alchemy) 3 ranks, trained in Craft (Sculpture) or Craft (Wood)
Category: General
Components: S, M, T
Untrained: No
Recovery Time: 1 hour
Benefit: You may spend 1 round applying alchemical compounds to a piece of wood (no larger than 10 cubic feet + 1 cubic foot per rank you have in Craft [Alchemy], Craft [Scuplture], and Craft [Wood]) to make it malleable for 10 minutes, after which it hardens in whatever shape you've molded it into. This enables you to form one existing piece of wood into any shape that suits your purpose. For example, you can make a wooden weapon, fashion a special trapdoor, or sculpt a wooden idol. This spell also permits you to reshape a wood door to make an exit where one didn't exist or to seal a door shut. While it is possible to make crude coffers, doors, and so forth without a Craft check, fine detail requires a Craft (Wood) check at the standard DC for whatever you're creating.

You concoct a solution that prevents blood clotting. When applied to a weapon, any wounds it causes become much more dangerous.
Prerequisites: Craft (Alchemy) 4 ranks
Category: General
Components: S, M, T
Untrained: No
Recovery Time: 24 hours
Benefit: You can spend 15 minutes working at an alchemist's lab (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/equipment---final/goods-and-services/herbs-oils-other-substances#TOC-Alchemist-s-Lab-Portable) to craft a number of anticoagulant doses equal to half your ranks in Craft (Alchemy). The doses retain their potency for 24 hours, after which they become useless. The doses can be applied to the striking part of any weapon (or 50 pieces of ammunition) as a full-round action to grant it the wounding (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic-items/magic-weapons/magic-weapon-special-abilities/wounding) weapon property for 1 min per rank that you have in Craft (Alchemy). This property is nonmagical in nature, and thus cannot be dispelled by effects such as the dispel magic spell.
If you have 8 ranks in Craft (Alchemy), the effects of the anticoagulant instead last for 10 minutes per rank. If you have 15 ranks in the skill, it instead lasts for 1 hour per rank.

Master Forger
Your forgeries are nearly indistinguishable from the real thing.
Prerequisites: Craft (Any) 4 ranks
Category: General
Components: S, M, T
Untrained: No
Recovery Time: None (Passive)
Benefit: Whenever your Craft check for a forgery is opposed by an examiner's Craft or Profession (Appraiser) check, the examiner must roll twice and use the lower result.

Reinforce Shield
You can temporarily reinforce a shield with a little tinkering.
Prerequisites: Craft (Armor) or (Metal) or (Wood) 4 ranks
Category: General
Components: S, M, T
Untrained: No
Recovery Time: 10 minutes
Benefit: If you spend 10 minutes working on a shield, you can temporarily apply a non-magical enhancement bonus to its shield bonus to AC. The enhancement bonus is +1 for every 3 total ranks you have in Craft (Armor), Craft (Metal) and Craft (Wood), and lasts for 1 hour per rank you have in those skills. The reinforcements can be removed in 1 round by anyone with tools (including improvised tools), and must be removed before this exploit can be used on the same shield again.

The Good Stuff
You've devised a number of alcoholic brews that have some potent effects.
Prerequisites: Craft (Alchemy) 4 ranks, trained in Knowledge (Magic)
Category: General
Components: S, M, T
Untrained: No
Recovery Time: None (Passive)
Benefit: You learn to create alcoholic versions of a number of magical potions, as listed below. These alcoholic potions are not magical, which makes spells such as detect magic and identify useless against them. Alcoholic potions are alcoholic items, and are crafted as such by using the Craft skill and by using the standard rules for creating items with that skill. The Craft DC for the potions is 20 + the potion's caster level, and they have a gp value that is equal to their purely magical counterparts.
Alcoholic potions have more volume to them than regular potions, and require a full-round action to imbibe. The effects of the potion benefits from both the Extend Spell and Empower Spell metamagic feats (even though the effects aren't spells), but the drinker also suffers a -1 penalty to attack rolls and skill checks (from being inebriated) for the duration of the potion's effect, and once the duration of the effect is over the drinker becomes sickened for 1 hour. If the effect doesn't have a duration, the drinker takes the -1 penalty to attack rolls and skill checks for 1 hour and then becomes sickened for another hour.
The following potions can be crafted as alcoholic potions once your number of ranks in Craft (Alcohol) meets or exceeds their minimum caster level: age resistance (lesser), aid, battle trance, bear's endurance, bull's strength, cat's grace, cure light wounds, cure moderate wounds, cure serious wounds, darkvision, delay poison, eagle's splendor, endure elements, extreme flexibility, false life, firebelly, good hope, haste, heroism, jump, polypurpose panacea, lesser restoration, neutralize poison, rage, remove blindness/deafness, remove disease, remove fear, remove paralysis

Arrowblock Shield
Your modifications make this shield better at stopping projectiles.
Prerequisites: Craft (Armor) 5 ranks, trained in the Reinforce Shield exploit
Category: General
Components: S, M, T
Untrained: No
Recovery Time: 10 minutes
Benefit: When you use the Reinforce Shield exploit, the modified shield also grants its bearer DR 10/adamantine against ranged weapons for the duration of that exploit's benefit.

Easy Loader
You adjust the tension of the weapon's mechanisms, making it easier to reload.
Prerequisites: Craft (Projectile) 5 ranks
Category: General
Components: S, M, T
Untrained: No
Recovery Time: 10 minutes
Benefit: You can spend 10 minutes working on a projectile weapon that normally requires a move action or more to reload, reducing its reload time for 1 hour per rank that you have in Craft (Projectile).
If the weapon's user does not have the Rapid Reload exploit, they gain its benefits with the modified weapon. If they do have the Rapid Reload exploit, their reload time is further reduced: projectile weapons normally requiring a standard action to reload only require a free action, and projectile weapons normally requiring a a full-round action to load only require a move action.

Harden Weapon
You can harden a bludgeoning weapon to make it more effective.
Prerequisites: Craft (Weapons) 5 ranks
Category: General
Components: S, M, T
Untrained: No
Recovery Time: 10 minutes
Benefit: If you spend 10 minutes working on a bludgeoning weapon (except for projectile weapons), you can give it a non-magical enhancement bonus to attack and damage rolls. The bonus is +1 for every 3 ranks in Craft (Weapons) you have, and lasts for 1 hour per rank you have in that skill starting the first time the modified weapon hits a target.

Sharpen Weapon
You can hone a blade or spike to a fine edge.
Prerequisites: Craft (Weapons) 5 ranks
Category: General
Components: S, T
Untrained: No
Recovery Time: 10 minutes
Benefit: If you spend 10 minutes working on a piercing or slashing weapon (except for projectile weapons), you can give it a non-magical enhancement bonus to attack and damage rolls. The bonus is +1 for every 3 ranks in Craft (Weapons) you have, and lasts for 1 hour per rank you have in that skill starting the first time the modified weapon hits a target.

Temporary Oxidation Agent
You concoct an alchemical agent designed to make armor as rigid as stone.
Prerequisites: Craft (Alchemy) or Craft (Metal) 5 ranks
Category: General
Components: S, M, T
Untrained: No
Recovery Time: 24 hours
Benefit: You can spend 15 minutes working at an alchemist's lab (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/equipment---final/goods-and-services/herbs-oils-other-substances#TOC-Alchemist-s-Lab-Portable) to craft a number of oxidation grenades equal to half your ranks in Craft (Alchemy). The grenades retain their potency for 24 hours, after which they become useless.
You may hit a target with a grenade with a successful ranged touch attack, but the attack roll takes a -1 penalty per 5 feet away the target is from the thrower. If it hits, it causes the target's armor to swell and stiffen, slowing the wearer's movement for 1 round per 2 ranks you have in Craft (Alchemy). The target's land speed is reduced to 10 feet. If the target has a burrow, climb, or swim speed, these are also reduced to 10 feet. The target also loses any Dexterity bonus to AC for the duration of the speed penalty.

You have mastered the art of improvisational crafting, making whatever you need from whatever is at hand.
Prerequisites: Craft (Any) 6 ranks
Category: General
Components: S, M, T
Untrained: Yes (+15 Craft DC)
Recovery Time: 10 minutes
Benefit: You can spend 10 minutes using supplies from your exploit components pack to craft an improvised version of any non-alchemical, non-magical item that is smaller than 1 cubic foot in volume. Success requires a successful craft check at the same DC as creating the item normally. The improvised item has a -1 penalty to any attack rolls or checks made using it, and becomes useless after being used a number of times equal to your total ranks in all Craft skills.
You can use this exploit to craft items larger than 1 cubic foot in volume and/or to create items without access to tools or an exploit components pack if the GM rules there are enough appropriate items available to you to do so. The GM may rule there is a penalty to your Craft check under these circumstances - the most common penalty is -5.

Custom-Fit Armor
You tighten a piece of armor in some places, and loosen it in others, making it fit its wearer like a second skin until it works itself loose again,
Prerequisites: Craft (Armor) 6 ranks
Category: General
Components: S, T
Untrained: No
Recovery Time: 10 minutes
Benefit: If you spend 10 minutes working on a piece of armor other than a shield, you can improve its maximum Dexterity bonus by 1 for every 3 ranks you have in Craft (Armor) and also reduce its spell failure chance by 5% and its armor check penalty by 1 for every 5 ranks you have in that skill. These benefits only apply to one person, chosen when the modification is made. However, if the modification is performed again before it expires, a new person for the bonuses to apply to can be chosen, though the bonuses do not stack with themselves. This modification lasts for 1 hour per rank you have in Craft (Armor).

Improved Armor Reinforcement
You can reinforce armor even more effectively.
Prerequisites: Craft (Armor) 6 ranks, trained in the Reinforce Armor exploit
Category: General
Components: S, M, T
Untrained: No
Recovery Time: 10 minutes
Benefit: When you use the Reinforce Armor exploit, the armor also gains a non-magical enhancement bonus to AC for the duration of that exploit's benefit. The enhancement bonus is equal to +1 for every 3 ranks you have in Craft (Armor), to a maximum of +5.

Strengthen Metal
You apply an alchemical substance to some metal to give it properties similar to adamantine.
Prerequisites: Craft (Alchemy) or Craft (Metal) 7 ranks
Category: General
Components: S, M, T
Untrained: No
Recovery Time: 24 hours
Benefit: You can spend 15 minutes working at an alchemist's lab (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/equipment---final/goods-and-services/herbs-oils-other-substances#TOC-Alchemist-s-Lab-Portable) to craft a number of doses of metal-strengthening agent equal to half your ranks in Craft (Alchemy). The doses retain their potency for 24 hours, after which they become useless. The doses can be applied to any item made primarily of metal as a full-round action, increasing its hardness by +10 for 1 hour per rank you have in Craft (Alchemy).
If the item is a weapon, for as long as it has the enhanced hardness, it also bypasses damage reduction as if it were an adamantine weapon and ignores hardness of less than 20 when sundering weapons or attacking objects.
If the item is armor, for as long as it has the enhanced hardness it also grants the wearer damage reduction. The damage reduction is 1 / — if it's light armor, 2 / — if it's medium armor, or 3 / — if it's heavy armor.

Improved Weapon Hardening
You can make a bludgeoning weapon as hard as diamond.
Prerequisites: Craft (Weapons) 7 ranks, trained in the Harden Weapon exploit
Category: General
Components: S, T
Untrained: No
Recovery Time: 10 minutes
Benefit: When you use the Harden Weapon exploit on a weapon, you also double its critical threat range for the duration of that exploit's benefit. A threat range of 20 becomes 19–20, a threat range of 19–20 becomes 17–20, and a threat range of 18–20 becomes 15–20. Multiple effects that increase a weapon's threat range (such as the keen special weapon property and the Improved Critical feat) don't stack.

Improved Weapon Precision
You make sure every part of the crossbow works just perfectly, making its shots deadly accurate.
Prerequisites: Craft (Projectile) 7 ranks, trained in the Precision Accuracy exploit
Category: General
Components: S, T
Untrained: No
Recovery Time: 10 minutes
Benefit: When you use the Precision Accuracy exploit on a weapon, you also double its critical threat range for the duration of that exploit's benefit. A threat range of 20 becomes 19–20, a threat range of 19–20 becomes 17–20, and a threat range of 18–20 becomes 15–20. Multiple effects that increase a weapon's threat range (such as the keen special weapon property and the Improved Critical feat) don't stack.

Improved Weapon Sharpening
You can hone a blade or spike to the finest edge.
Prerequisites: Craft (Weapons) 7 ranks, trained in the Sharpen Weapon exploit
Category: General
Components: S, T
Untrained: No
Recovery Time: 10 minutes
Benefit: When you use the Sharpen Weapon exploit on a weapon, you also double its critical threat range for the duration of that exploit's benefit. A threat range of 20 becomes 19–20, a threat range of 19–20 becomes 17–20, and a threat range of 18–20 becomes 15–20. Multiple effects that increase a weapon's threat range (such as the keen special weapon property and the Improved Critical feat) don't stack.

Adamant Armor
Your modifications to this suit of armor make it and its wearer incredibly resistant to physical damage.
Prerequisites: Craft (Armor) 8 ranks, trained in the Strengthen Metal exploit
Category: General
Components: S, T, M (250 gp of alchemical hardening reagents)
Untrained: No
Recovery Time: 10 minutes
Benefit: When you apply a dose of the metal strengthening agent from the Strengthen Metal exploit to a suit of armor, you can choose to also apply the benefits of this exploit if you apply an addition 250gp worth of alchemical hardening reagents and work on the armor for an additional 10 minutes. For the duration of Strengthen Metal's benefit, the armor also grants its wearer DR 10/adamantine. Once this exploit has prevented a total of 10 points of damage per rank you have in Craft (Armor), the armor's DR reverts to the normal amount granted by the Strengthen Metal exploit.

Improve Protective Garment
You enhance your protective garment with your superior tailoring skills and a bit of alchemy.
Prerequisites: Craft (Clothing) 8 ranks, trained in the Craft (Alchemy) skill and the Protective Garment exploit
Category: General
Components: S, T, M (50gp of alchemical ingredients)
Untrained: No
Recovery Time: Special (See below)
Benefit: You must have a Protective Garment to use this exploit. You can spend 50 gp and 1 week upgrading a Protective Garment so that its armor bonus is increased to +6 and its armor bonus no longer wears off after you take damage.

Swift craftsman
You can build complex items with incredible expediency.
Prerequisites: Craft (Any) 8 ranks
Category: General
Components: S, M, T
Untrained: No
Recovery Time: 24 hours
Benefit: When crafting an item with a Craft skill that is smaller than 1 cubic foot per rank you have in that Craft skill, you can use this exploit to complete the item with just 8 hours of work. You still must succeed on a Craft check to create the item.
This exploit does not expedite the time required to craft magic items.

Greater Weapon Hardening
You can make a bludgeoning weapon as hard as diamond.
Prerequisites: Craft (Weapons) 9 ranks, trained in the Improved Weapon Hardening exploit
Category: General
Components: S, T
Untrained: No
Recovery Time: 10 minutes
Benefit: When you use the Harden Weapon exploit on a weapon, you also temporarily increase the weapon's damage die by one size category. For instance, a Medium morningstar normally deals 1d8 points of damage, but it would instead deal 2d6 points of damage while benefiting from this exploit.

Greater Weapon Precision
You make sure every part of the crossbow works just perfectly, making its shots deadly accurate.
Prerequisites: Craft (Projectile) 9 ranks, trained in the Improved Weapon Precision exploit
Category: General
Components: S, T
Untrained: No
Recovery Time: 10 minutes
Benefit: When you use the Precision Accuracy exploit on a weapon, you also temporarily increase the weapon's damage die by one size category. For instance, a Medium longbow normally deals 1d8 points of damage, but it would instead deal 2d6 points of damage while benefiting from this exploit.

Greater Weapon Sharpening
You can hone a blade or spike to the finest edge.
Prerequisites: Craft (Weapons) 9 ranks, trained in the Improved Weapon Sharpening exploit
Category: General
Components: S, T
Untrained: No
Recovery Time: 10 minutes
Benefit: When you use the Sharpen Weapon exploit on a weapon, you also temporarily increase the weapon's damage die by one size category. For instance, a Medium longsword normally deals 1d8 points of damage, but it would instead deal 2d6 points of damage while benefiting from this exploit.

Diamondsteel Solution
Your metal-strengthening solution is even more effective on armor.
Prerequisites: Craft (Alchemy) or (Metal) 10 ranks, trained in the Strengthen Metal exploit
Category: General
Components: S, M, T
Untrained: No
Recovery Time: 24 hours
Benefit: When you use the Strengthen Metal exploit on a piece of armor, the DR provided by the metal-strengthening agent is instead equal to half the AC bonus of the armor. For example, a suit of full plate would provide damage reduction 4 / —, and a +2 chain shirt (+6 AC) would provide damage reduction 3 / —.

Harden Object
You examine the object, finding its weakest points and reinforcing them.
Prerequisites: Craft (Any) 11 ranks
Category: General
Components: S, T, M (50 gp of raw materials per 10 cubic feet of material modified)
Untrained: No
Recovery Time: 1 hour
Benefit: This exploit permanently increases the hardness of an item after 1 hour of working on it. Paper becomes harder to tear, glass becomes harder to break, wood becomes more resilient, and so on. For every two ranks you have in a Craft skill that could be used to create the type of item you are hardening, add 1 point of hardness to the item. This hardness increase improves only the material's resistance to damage. Nothing else is modified by the improvement. The exploit does not in any way affect a substance's resistance to other forms of transformation. Paper and wood still burn, rock still becomes transmutable to mud with the proper spell, and so on.
This exploit affects up to 10 cubic feet of material per rank in an appropriate Craft skill. If used on a metal or mineral object, the exploit instead affects only 1 cubic foot per rank.

Forge Ironwood
You work a wooden item with special techniques that make it as strong as steel.
Prerequisites: Craft (Wood) 12 ranks, trained in the Shape Wood exploit.
Category: General
Components: S, M, T
Untrained: No
Recovery Time: 24 hours
Benefit: You are able to use alchemy and advanced woodworking techniques to craft ironwood, a hard substance created from normal wood. While remaining natural wood in almost every way, ironwood is as strong, heavy, and resistant to fire as steel. Spells that affect metal or iron do not function on ironwood. Spells that affect wood do affect ironwood, although ironwood does not burn. Using this exploit with the Shape Wood exploit, the woodshape spell, or a Craft (Wood) check, you can fashion wooden items that function as steel items. Thus, wooden plate armor and wooden swords can be created that are as durable as their normal steel counterparts (and are thus freely usable by druids).
The item remains ironwood for 1 day per rank you have in Craft (Wood), after which it reverts to normal wood. You can make an item into ironwood permanently by using 300 gp worth of special alchemical oils.

Vital Guard
You reinforce the armor with a special ceramic plate that can protect the wearer from a single deadly strike.
Prerequisites: Craft (Armor) or (Sculpture) 13 ranks
Category: General
Components: S, M, T
Untrained: No
Recovery Time: 10 minutes
Benefit: You can spend 10 minutes reinforcing a piece of armor (other than a shield) with a soft but durable ceramic. The ceramic protects the armor's wearer from the first incapacitating attack he or she suffers during the next 24 hours. An incapacitating attack is one that would reduce the recipient to fewer than 1 hit point. The attack must be one that deals damage; the modification offers no protection from nondamaging effects or attacks that kill or destroy without dealing any damage, such as death effects.
Regardless of how much damage the attack deals, the wearer of the modified armor takes only enough damage to be reduced to 1 hp. The remaining damage from the attack is ignored. Once the modification protects the subject in this manner, the ceramic crumbles into powder and is rendered useless. The ceramic dries out and likewise disintegrates 24 hours after being applied (if it hasn't already prevented an incapacitating attack).

Uncanny Weapon Sharpening
You can hone a blade or spike to an edge so fine that it slices through armor.
Prerequisites: Craft (Weapons) 15 ranks, trained in the Greater Weapon Sharpening exploit
Category: General
Components: S, T
Untrained: No
Recovery Time: 10 minutes
Benefit: After you use the Sharpen Weapon exploit on a weapon, all attacks made with that weapon ignore any armor or shield bonuses to AC (including enhancement bonuses). This benefit ends when the other benefits of the Sharpen Weapon exploit end.

Uncanny Weapon Precision
You calibrate the weapon so precisely that its shots puncture right through armor.
Prerequisites: Craft (Projectile) 15 ranks, trained in the Greater Weapon Precision exploit
Category: General
Components: S, T
Untrained: No
Recovery Time: 10 minutes
Benefit: When you use the Precision Accuracy exploit on a weapon, all attacks made with that weapon ignore any armor or shield bonuses to AC (including enhancement bonuses). This benefit ends when the other benefits of the Precision Accuracy exploit end.

Uncanny Weapon Hardening
You can make a bludgeoning weapon so hard that when it strikes armor, the reverberations of the impact passes right through.
Prerequisites: Craft (Weapons) 15 ranks, trained in the Greater Weapon Hardening exploit
Category: General
Components: S, T
Untrained: No
Recovery Time: 10 minutes
Benefit: After you use the Harden Weapon exploit on a weapon, all attacks made with that weapon ignore any armor or shield bonuses to AC (including enhancement bonuses). This benefit ends when the other benefits of the Harden Weapon exploit end.

Deception will be next.

2016-05-20, 09:09 AM
Here is a complete list of Deception exploits:

Deadly Deception [Basic]
You have learned how to use your deceptive combat style to greater purpose in battle.
Prerequisites: Deception 1 rank, trained in the Deceptive Combat exploit
Category: Combat
Components: S
Untrained: No
Recovery Time: None (Passive)
Benefit: You may add your Charisma modifier in place of your Strength modifier when wielding a light weapon or a weapon that gains the benefits of the Deceptive Combat exploit (such as the rapier) when determining additional damage inflicted upon a successful attack.
This modifier to damage is not increased for two-handed weapons, but is not reduced for off-hand weapons.

Deceptive Combat [Basic]
You are trained to use the power of deception in melee combat, as opposed to brute strength.
Prerequisites: Deception 1 rank
Category: Combat
Components: S
Untrained: No
Recovery Time: None (Passive)
Benefit: With a light weapon, natural weapon, eleven curve blade, quarterstaff, rapier, whip or spiked chain (or other weapon designated as working with Weapon Finesse in its description) that is also made for a creature of your size category, you may use your Charisma modifier instead of your Strength modifier on attack rolls.
Improved Dirty Trick [Basic]
You have a knack for snatching items from your opponents.
Prerequisites: Deception 1 rank
Category: Combat
Components: S
Untrained: No
Recovery Time: None (Passive)
Benefit: You do not provoke an attack of opportunity when performing a dirty trick combat maneuver. In addition, you receive a +2 bonus on checks made to attempt a dirty trick. You also receive a +2 bonus to your Combat Maneuver Defense whenever an opponent tries a dirty trick on you.
Note: This exploit replaces the Improved Dirty Trick feat. Any game mechanic that would grant or require the Improved Dirty Trick feat instead grants or requires this exploit, respectively.
Improved Feint [Basic]
You are skilled at fooling your opponents in combat.
Prerequisites: Deception 1 rank
Category: Combat
Components: S
Untrained: No
Recovery Time: None (Passive)
Benefit: You can make a Deception check to feint in combat as a move action. In addition, you receive a +2 bonus on checks made to attempt a feint, and feints attempted against you suffer a -2 penalty.
Note: This exploit replaces the Improved Feint feat. Any game mechanic that would grant or require the Improved Feint feat instead grants or requires this exploit, respectively.

Improved Steal [Basic]
You have a knack for snatching items from your opponents.
Prerequisites: Deception 1 rank
Category: Combat
Components: S
Untrained: No
Recovery Time: None (Passive)
Benefit: You do not provoke an attack of opportunity when performing a steal combat maneuver. In addition, you receive a +2 bonus on checks made to steal an item from a foe. You also receive a +2 bonus to your Combat Maneuver Defense whenever an opponent tries to steal an item from you.
Note: This exploit replaces the Improved Steal feat. Any game mechanic that would grant or require the Improved Steal feat instead grants or requires this exploit, respectively.

Hidden Thoughts
Your slippery mind makes it hard for others to determine your true intentions.
Prerequisites: Deception 1 rank
Category: Social
Components: None
Untrained: No
Recovery Time: None (Passive)
Benefit: You gain a +10 circumstance bonus on Deception checks against those attempting to discern your true intentions with Insight. You also gain a +4 bonus on your saving throws against any power or spell used to read your mind (such as read thoughts or mind probe).

Stolen Defense
You make a move toward your foe, leading it to believe you just robbed it and giving your ally a chance to get the jump on it.
Prerequisites: Deception 1 rank
Category: Combat, Teamwork
Components: S
Untrained: No
Recovery Time: 10 minutes
Benefit: When you attack a creature, you may attempt a feint as a free action. If this feint succeeds, instead of the normal effect of a feint, the creature loses its Dexterity bonus to AC against the next attack made against it by someone other than you. You cannot perform another feint in the same round that you use the Stolen Defense exploit.
Special: If you have the Greater Feint exploit, the creature loses its Dexterity bonus to AC against all attacks made against it by anyone other than you until the start of your next turn.

Battlefield Thimblerig
You pull the old switcheroo to put your enemies off guard.
Prerequisites: Deception 2 ranks
Category: Combat
Components: S
Untrained: No
Recovery Time: 1 round
Benefit: As a move action, you can switch places with an adjacent willing creature and may also allow any willing creatures adjacent to you to switch places with each other.
If you have 10 ranks in Deception, you may perform this exploit as a swift action, and the recovery time is reduced to "none".

Befuddling Words
You play your mark for a fool, momentarily confusing him.
Prerequisites: Deception 2 ranks
Category: Social
Components: V
Untrained: No
Recovery Time: 10 minutes
Benefit: You can use this exploit as a standard action against a single creature that can hear and understand you. Make a Deception check that is opposed by their Insight check or Will save (whichever has the higher modifier). If you succeed, the target is confused for 1 round.

Timely Misdirection
You divert an opponent's attention to avoid its attacks.
Prerequisites: Deception 2 ranks
Category: Combat
Components: S
Untrained: No
Recovery Time: None (Passive)
Benefit: If you succeed on a Deception check to feint in combat, your opponent can't make any attacks of opportunity against you until the start of its next turn. This effect is in addition to the normal benefits of a successful feint.
Versatile Disguise
You can be anyone or anything.
Prerequisites: Deception 2 ranks
Category: General
Components: S
Untrained: No
Recovery Time: None (Passive)
Benefit: You take no penalty for disguising your gender, race, or age category when creating a disguise.

Assume Quirk
You can perfectly imitate a small habit or idiosyncrasy of a person you impersonate in order to throw off suspicion.
Prerequisites: Deception 3 ranks, trained in 1 Deception exploit
Category: Social
Components: V, S
Untrained: No
Recovery Time: None (Passive)
Benefit: When impersonating a particular individual, you can eliminate the normal Perception bonus granted to a viewer familiar with that individual. The effect extends to all viewers.

You make your own luck
Prerequisites: Deception 3 ranks, trained in 1 Deception exploit
Category: General
Components: S
Untrained: Yes (-5 to Deception check instead of +5)
Recovery Time: 10 minutes
Benefit: You can attempt to alter the outcome of a game of chance. This exploit can affect only nonmagical games, such as those using cards or dice. It cannot affect a game involving magic, nor a magic item involved in a game of chance (such as a deck of many things). Whenever a dice roll is made to determine the outcome of the game, a character can use this exploit to demand a reroll and take the better of the two rolls.
Anyone observing the game of chance is allowed a Perception or Insight to realize something fishy is going on, or to even catch you in the act. You roll a single Deception check with a +5 bonus when you cheat, and each observer chooses to oppose it with Perception or Insight. If you fail by 4 or less, the observer suspects that the outcome of the game has been altered. If you fail by more than 5, you are caught red-handed.
Special: You can use this exploit again before the recovery time has passed, but in this case you use it as if untrained in the exploit (meaning you replace the +5 to your Deception check with a -5.)

Prepared Disguise
You prepare a disguise that can be swiftly donned later in the day.
Prerequisites: Deception 3 ranks, trained in 1 Deception exploit
Category: General
Components: S, M (1 disguise kit use)
Untrained: No
Recovery Time: 24 hours
Benefit: You can prepare a number of disguises equal to half your ranks in Deception, but you do not put them on immediately. Instead you may apply one to yourself as a move action or to a willing creature as a full-round action at any point in the next 24 hours. You must decide what the disguises look like when you create them, but make your Deception check (with a +5 circumstance bonus) for each disguise when you apply it.
If you have 9 ranks in Deception, the circumstance bonus improves to +10, and you may apply a prepared disguise to yourself as a swift action instead of a move action.
Second Impression
You can convince someone of your false identity even after your disguise fails.
Prerequisites: Deception 4 ranks, trained in 2 Deception exploits
Category: Social
Components: V
Untrained: No
Recovery Time: 10 minutes
Benefit: When an observer sees through your disguise with a successful Perception check, you can (as an immediate action) attempt a Deception check to convince them that they're mistaken. Use the observer's Perception check result as the DC for your Deception check; if you succeed, the observer ignores the evidence of their own senses in favor of what your disguise attempts to show. The effect extends to all viewers that can hear your convincing. For example, you could attempt it against an entire patrol of guards confronting you just as effectively as against a single person.
You must be aware of the observer's discovery in order to use this exploit; for example, you can't use it against someone viewing you secretly, nor can you use it against someone who sees through your disguise but keeps that information secret. (When in doubt, the GM should allow a character to use this exploit if they have any reason to fear that their cover has been blown.)
This exploit doesn't let you maintain a disguise that has been defeated by other means; for example, if your disguise self spell is penetrated by a true seeing spell, Second Impression won't help.

Fast Hands
Your fingers blur as you manipulate objects faster than the eye can follow.
Prerequisites: Deception 4 ranks, trained in the Quick Draw exploit
Category: General
Components: S
Untrained: No
Recovery Time: 1 turn
Benefit: You may use this exploit as a free action to perform a feat of legerdemain, retrieve or stow an item, draw or sheathe a weapon (including a hidden weapon), or pick up an item in your space or adjacent to it. You gain a +2 bonus to any Deception check you make to attempt to perform these actions unnoticed. You can use this exploit even when it is not your turn.

Swift Disguise
You've put on so many disguises that it barely takes you any times at all
Prerequisites: Deception 4 ranks, trained in 2 Deception exploits
Category: General
Components: S
Untrained: No
Recovery Time: None (Passive)
Benefit: You can create a disguise in 1d3 minutes. This time decreases depending on the number of ranks you have in Deception: 7 ranks reduces it to 1d3 rounds, 10 ranks reduces it to a full-round action, and 13 ranks reduces it to a standard action.
Confusing Blather
You spew a stream of nonsense, leaving your enemies puzzled.
Prerequisites: Deception 5 ranks, trained in 2 Deception exploits
Category: Combat
Components: V
Untrained: No
Recovery Time: 10 minutes
Benefit: You make a Deception check opposed by each adjacent creature's Insight check. If the check succeeds against a creature, that creature cannot make opportunity attacks against you until the end of your next turn. This exploit does not work against creatures that cannot understand you.

Ranged Feint
You deceive your enemy into thinking you will fire at a different target, catching it off guard when the arrow flies right at him.
Prerequisites: Deception 5 ranks, trained in 2 Deception exploits
Category: Combat
Components: S
Untrained: No
Recovery Time: None (Passive)
Benefit: Your ranged attacks gain the same benefits from a successful feint that your melee attacks do.

Sly Suggestion
You are practiced at using lies to put ideas into others' heads.
Prerequisites: Deception 5 ranks, trained in 2 Deception exploits
Category: Social
Components: V
Untrained: No
Recovery Time: 1 hour
Benefit: As a full-round action (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/combat#TOC-Full-Round-Actions), you can make a suggestion (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic/all-spells/s/suggestion) (as the spell, maximum duration 1 hour) to a creature within 30 feet (Will (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/combat#TOC-Will) negates, DC = 15 + your number of ranks in Deception). A creature that saves against your suggestion is immune to further uses of this effect for 24 hours, and whenever the suggested creature is specifically confronted with proof of your manipulation, it receives another saving throw. This is an extraordinary mind-affecting (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic#TOC-Magic-Descriptor-Mind-Affecting) compulsion (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic#TOC-Enchantment-Compulsion).
If you have 15 ranks in Deception, the recovery time is reduced to 10 minutes.
Distracting Taunt [Basic]
You are skilled at disrupting tasks requiring concentration with a cruel taunt.
Prerequisites: Deception 6 ranks, trained in 2 Deception exploits
Category: Combat
Components: S
Untrained: No
Recovery Time: 10 minutes
Benefit: Whenever a creature within 50 feet of you performs a task that would normally provoke an attack of opportunity from an adjacent enemy (such as spellcasting, manifesting a power, firing a projectile weapon, etc.), you can attempt to distract them with a taunt as an attack of opportunity. You make a Deception check, which the target can choose to oppose with either Concentration or Insight. If you win the opposed check, the target fails at whatever action you interrupted, and loses the spell or power (if applicable).

Greater Feint [Basic]
You are skilled at making foes overreact to your attacks.
Prerequisites: Deception 6 ranks, trained in the Improved Feint exploit
Category: Combat
Components: S
Untrained: No
Recovery Time: None (Passive)
Benefit: Whenever you succeed at a feint to cause an opponent to lose their Dexterity bonus, you can choose for them to lose that bonus against all of your melee attacks until the beginning of your next turn. In addition, you can make a Deception check to feint in combat as a swift action, but take a -2 penalty to the check if you do so.
Note: This exploit replaces the Greater Feint feat. Any game mechanic that would grant or require the Greater Feint feat instead grants or requires this exploit, respectively.

Combat Advantage
You know how to make the most out of a distraction in combat.
Prerequisites: Deception 7 ranks, trained in 2 Deception exploits
Category: Combat
Components: S
Untrained: No
Recovery Time: 1 round
Benefit: When you succeed on a melee attack agains a flanked foe or against a foe denied its Dexterity bonus, you can activate this exploit as a free action before rolling damage to deal an extra 1d6 points of damage, double your weapon's threat range, and gain an insight bonus on any roll made to confirm a critical threat equal to half your ranks in Deception. These benefits only apply to a single attack this round. The increased threat range granted by this exploit doesn't stack with any other effect that increases your weapon's threat range. Creatures immune to extra damage from sneak attacks are immune to the extra damage dealt by this exploit.
Fast Talk
During a negotiation, your misstep becomes an opportunity to take advantage of your opponent's gullibility.
Prerequisites: Deception 7 ranks, trained in 2 Deception exploits
Category: Social
Components: V
Untrained: No
Recovery Time: 10 minutes
Benefit: When you make a Deception, Diplomacy, or Intimidate check and dislike the result, you may attempt a Deception check and use that result instead.
Mass Confusion
You have mastered the art of causing chaos.
Prerequisites: Deception 8 ranks, trained in the Befuddling Words exploit
Category: General
Components: V
Untrained: No
Recovery Time: 10 minutes
Benefit: You can use this exploit as a standard action against one to five creatures that can hear and understand you. Make a single Deception check that they each oppose with an Insight check or Will save (whichever has the higher modifier). If you succeed, the creature is confused for 1 round per rank you have in Deception.
Perfect Feint
Your feint takes everyone by surprise
Prerequisites: Deception 8 ranks, trained in the Greater Feint exploit
Category: Combat
Components: S
Untrained: No
Recovery Time: 10 minutes
Benefit: As a single swift action, you may attempt a feint against each hostile creature that can see you and is within 20 feet of you. If you succeed, the creature loses its Dexterity bonus to AC against all attacks (from you and from others) until the end of your next turn.

Faulty Memory
You spin a web of lies that makes someone doubt his or her own recollection.
Prerequisites: Deception 9 ranks, trained in 3 Deception exploits
Category: General
Components: V
Untrained: Yes (-20 to Deception check)
Recovery Time: 10 minutes
Benefit: If you talk to a creature or group of creatures that can understand you for 10 minutes, you may make a Deception check, opposed by each creature's Insight check, to convince them that their memory is faulty and that a version of events you describe is correct. Each creature gains a +5 bonus to Insight if it is unfriendly to you, a +10 bonus if it is hostile, and the GM may give it an additional bonus depending on how believable your version of events is to them. If your check succeeds, you make the target doubt its memory and believe your version of events instead.

Glib Tongue
Your speech becomes fluent and more believable, causing those who hear you to believe every word you say.
Prerequisites: Deception 10 ranks, trained in 3 Deception exploits
Category: General
Components: V
Untrained: No
Recovery Time: None (Passive)
Benefit: You gain a +20 bonus on Deception checks made to convince another of the truth of your words. This bonus doesn't apply to other uses of the Deception skill, such as feinting in combat, creating a diversion to hide, creating a disguise, or communicating a hidden message via innuendo.
If a magical effect is used against you that would detect your lies or force you to speak the truth, the user of the effect must succeed on a caster level check (1d20 + caster level) against a DC of 15 + your number of ranks in Deception to succeed. Failure means the effect does not detect your lies nor force you to speak only the truth.

Disruptive Stunt
With a flurry of taps, shoves, and nudges, you push past your foe, leaving it flustered.
Prerequisites: Deception 11 ranks, trained in 3 Deception exploits
Category: General
Components: S
Untrained: No
Recovery Time: 10 minutes
Benefit: You may move your speed as a move action, passing through one hostile creature's space during that move without provoking an attack of opportunity. You may attempt a feint as a free action against that creature. If you succeed, in addition to the normal benefits of a feint, the creature takes a penalty to attack rolls equal to half your ranks in Deception until the end of your next turn.

Stall Tactics
Your fast talking causes your enemies to hesitate for a crucial moment.
Prerequisites: Deception 12 ranks, trained in 4 Deception exploits
Category: Combat
Components: V
Untrained: No
Recovery Time: 24 hours
Benefit: If you are not surprised when rolling for initiative, you may make a Deception check opposed by the Insight check of each enemy that can understand you. If any fail, there is a surprise round, and those who failed their Insight check do not go in it, while all other combatants do. In addition, all combatants that fail their Insight check also take a penalty to their initiative equal to half your ranks in Deception.

Mislead the Masses
Your deceptive rhetoric can incite the crowds to do as you please.
Prerequisites: Deception 14 ranks, trained in 4 Deception exploits including Sly Suggestion
Category: Social
Components: V
Untrained: No
Recovery Time: 1 hour
Benefit: As a full-round action (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/combat#TOC-Full-Round-Actions), you can make a suggestion (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic/all-spells/s/suggestion) (as the spell, maximum duration 1 hour) to a number of creatures that can understand you equal to your number of ranks in Deception (Will (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/combat#TOC-Will) negates, DC = 15 + your number of ranks in Deception). A creature that saves against your suggestion is immune to further uses of this effect for 24 hours, and whenever the suggested creature is specifically confronted with proof of your manipulation, it receives another saving throw. This is an extraordinary mind-affecting (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic#TOC-Magic-Descriptor-Mind-Affecting) compulsion (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic#TOC-Enchantment-Compulsion).

Perfect Deception
Your tongue is made of purest silver.
Prerequisites: Deception 16 ranks, trained in 4 Deception exploits
Category: General
Components: S
Untrained: No
Recovery Time: 1 hour
Benefit: When you activate this exploit, you temporarily gain 5 more ranks in the Deception skill for 5 rounds. In addition to boosting your Deception checks, this can improve the benefits of any exploits that scale based on your number of ranks in the Deception skill.

Escape Artist is next.

2016-05-24, 12:35 AM
Here is a complete list of Escape Artist exploits:

Clever Wrestling [Basic]
Larger enemies have a difficult time holding onto you.
Prerequisites: Escape Artist 1 ranks
Category: Combat
Components: None
Untrained: No
Recovery Time: None (Passive)
Benefit: When you attempt an Escape Artist check to escape a grapple or pin, the creature grappling you does not apply its size bonus to its CMD (but still takes any size penalties).
Note: This exploit replaces the Clever Wrestling feat. Any game mechanic that would grant or require the Clever Wrestling feat instead grants or requires this exploit, respectively.

Manacle Breaker
You chuckle as the guard locks you in irons. You know it won't hold you for long.
Prerequisites: Escape Artist 1 rank
Category: General
Components: None
Untrained: No
Recovery Time: None (Passive)
Benefit: You receive a +5 bonus to any check made to escape from personal restraints or to open any locks or untie any knots being used as part of personal restraints. Furthermore, you may make attempts to open a lock on a personal restraint as a standard action. Personal restraints include things such as manacles, stocks, pillories, rope bindings, etc.

Your knowledge of how to escape ropes also makes your snares, lassos, and hogties that much harder to escape.
Prerequisites: Escape Artist 2 ranks
Category: Combat
Components: S
Untrained: No
Recovery Time: 10 minutes
Benefit: You may make a touch attack as a full-round action with a rope or net against one creature no more than one size category larger than you. If you hit, you and the target creature make opposed Escape Artist checks. If you beat the target's check, the creature is entangled, and if you succeed by 5 or more, the creature is treated as pinned (though you do not need to maintain the pin - it is held by the rope or net). The creature must succeed at a Strength check or Escape Artist check to escape the rope or net, with a DC equal to 15 + your ranks in Escape Artist.
If you have 9 ranks in Escape Artist, then the recovery time of this exploit is reduced to 1 round.

Close Quarters Fighting
You've adapted your escape artist techniques to fight off those who would try to grab you.
Prerequisites: Escape Artist 3 ranks
Category: Combat
Components: None
Untrained: No
Recovery Time: None (Passive)
Benefit: You gain an attack of opportunity whenever an enemy attempts to grapple you, even if the enemy has a feat or special ability that would normally bypass provoking an attack of opportunity. If you deal damage with this attack, the enemy fails to start the grapple unless it has Improved Grapple or a special ability such as improved grab. If the enemy has such an ability, you may add the damage you deal as a bonus on your CMD for the purpose of that grapple.
Note: This exploit replaces the Close Quarters Fighting feat. Any game mechanic that would grant or require the Close Quarters Fighting feat instead grants or requires this exploit, respectively.

Quick Escape
In the blink of an eye, you can escape any restraint.
Prerequisites: Escape Artist 4 ranks, trained in 1 other Escape Artist exploit
Category: General
Components: None
Untrained: No
Recovery Time: None (Passive)
Benefit: You can make any Escape Artist check that would normally require a full-round action as a standard action. If you have 8 ranks in Escape Artist, you can instead make the check as a move action.

Grappled Reprisal
You combine a successful escape with a swift attack.
Prerequisites: Escape Artist 5 ranks, trained in 2 Escape Artist exploits
Category: General
Components: None
Untrained: No
Recovery Time: 1 round
Benefit: When you escape a grapple, you can make a single melee attack with a light weapon or natural weapon as a free action against the opponent that was grappling you. The opponent is considered flat-footed against this attack.

Quick Break
You waste no time staying in your enemy's grasp.
Prerequisites: Escape Artist 6 ranks, trained in 2 Escape Artist exploits
Category: Combat
Components: None
Untrained: No
Recovery Time: 10 minutes
Benefit: You can make an Escape Artist check to escape a grapple or grab as a swift or immediate action. You can use this exploit even if you have already used a standard action on your current turn to attempt the same escape.
If you have 12 ranks in Escape Artist, the recovery time of this exploit is reduced to 1 round.

You thrive in tight spaces.
Prerequisites: Escape Artist 7 ranks, trained in 2 Escape Artist exploits
Category: Combat
Components: None
Untrained: No
Recovery Time: None (Passive)
Benefit: You can still make attacks with light weapons and natural weapons (but not with larger weapons) while squeezing into a space less than half your width, and otherwise take no penalties from squeezing through narrow spaces.

Slippery Combatant
You can use your escape techniques to help you evade combat maneuvers.
Prerequisites: Escape Artist 8 ranks, trained in 3 Escape Artist exploits
Category: Combat
Components: S
Untrained: No
Recovery Time: None (Passive) and 10 minutes
Benefit: You gain a bonus to your CMD equal to your half your ranks in Escape Artist.
Once per 10 minutes, you can make an Escape Artist check as a free action and use that in place of your CMD when an attack is made against it and would otherwise succeed.

Slippery Skin
You can expertly avoid the grasp of your enemies.
Prerequisites: Acrobatics 9 ranks, trained in 3 Escape Artist exploits
Category: Combat
Components: S
Untrained: No
Recovery Time: None (Passive)
Benefit: If a creature makes an attack against you to initiate a grapple, you can make an Escape Artist check as a free action. You must use the check result in place of your touch CMD, even if the result is lower.
Note: This exploit replaces the Slippery Skin feat. Any game mechanic that would grant or require the Slippery Skin feat instead grants or requires this exploit, respectively.

Unbridled Movement
You are very difficult to pin down.
Prerequisites: Escape Artist 10 ranks, trained in 3 Escape Artist exploits
Category: General
Components: None
Untrained: No
Recovery Time: 10 minutes
Benefit: When you activate this exploit as a swift action, you are able to move and attack normally for 1 round per rank you have in the Escape Artist skill, even under the influence of magic that usually impedes movement, such as paralysis, solid fog, slow, and web. All combat maneuver checks made to grapple you automatically fail. You automatically succeed on any combat maneuver checks and Escape Artist checks made to escape a grapple or a pin.

Escape Opportunistic Attack
You've learned to apply your escape techniques to avoidance of opportunistic attack.
Prerequisites: Escape Artist 11 ranks, trained in 3 Escape Artist exploits
Category: Combat
Components: S
Untrained: No
Recovery Time: 10 minutes
Benefit: When you would be hit by an attack of opportunity, you can make an Escape Artist

Break the Chains
No prison can hold you.
Prerequisites: Escape Artist 13 ranks, trained in 4 Escape Artist exploits
Category: General
Components: None
Untrained: No
Recovery Time: 1 hour
Benefit: You can activate this exploit as a free action to be freed from all effects that that restrict movement, including binding, entangle, grappling, imprisonment, maze, paralysis, petrifaction, pinning, sleep, slow, stunning, temporal stasis, and web.

Escape Danger
You've learned to apply your escape techniques to avoidance of most attacks.
Prerequisites: Escape Artist 14 ranks, trained in the Escape Opportunistic Attack exploit
Category: Combat
Components: None
Untrained: No
Recovery Time: None (Passive)
Benefit: You gain a dodge bonus to AC and to your Reflex saving throws. The bonus is equal to +1 for every 4 ranks you have in Escape Artist.

You can free your ally from any prison.
Prerequisites: Escape Artist 15 ranks, trained in 4 Escape Artist exploits
Category: General
Components: S
Untrained: No
Recovery Time: 24 hours
Benefit: Choose one creature whose imprisoning effect(s) are adjacent to you, and activate this exploit as a full-round action. The creature is freed from all effects that are within your reach and that restrict movement, including binding, entangle, grappling, imprisonment, maze, paralysis, petrifaction, pinning, sleep, slow, stunning, temporal stasis, and web. To free a creature from imprisonment or maze, you must know its name and background, and you must activate this exploit at the spot where it was entombed or banished.

Perfect Escape
For a moment, you are the absolute master of escape.
Prerequisites: Escape Artist 16 ranks, trained in 4 Escape Artist exploits
Category: General
Components: S
Untrained: No
Recovery Time: 1 hour
Benefit: When you activate this exploit, you temporarily gain 5 more ranks in the Escape Artist skill for 5 rounds. In addition to boosting your Escape Artist checks, this can improve the benefits of any exploits that scale based on your number of ranks in the Escape Artist skill.

Handle Animal is next.