View Full Version : Pik-Pik's ship crash site

Emperor Ing
2007-06-22, 03:08 PM
This is the crash site for Gray Jedi Pik-Pik's ship that crashed a couple of yards off Sereyentheous's palace. Pik clearly made some repairs already, but the engines, reactor, and hyperdrive are either missing, or annihilated.

2007-06-22, 03:10 PM
*Lanno arrives with an ion engine and reactor, witch he puts in the ship.*

Emperor Ing
2007-06-22, 03:16 PM
Pik arrives with the hyperdrive and other Ion Engine

All right, this should be enough, 2 MKIV ion engines, hyperdrive, and an ion reactor. Lets get started.

Immediately, pik starts working on the ship, replacing several parts, installing others, going about left and right...

2007-06-22, 03:22 PM
Land the master Va'al. he says into his comlink. The next minuet a YV-330 light frieghter lands and a WED-15 droids walks out and starts making repairs to Piks ship.

Emperor Ing
2007-06-22, 03:29 PM
Pik has successfully installed the Ion Engines

Ok, the ship should fly now...

Inside the ship, he walks over to the console to make a startling discovery, something is off at the console,

Whats that sound?

Pik examines the console, only to learn that his secret compartment has an active proton core, set to explode in 30 seconds

Oh crap.

Pik runs outside, hops on his speederbike, and gets out, 20 seconds later, he looks back at the ship, and watches as it explodes. Some of the explosion hits the outer walls of Ser's palace, some of the wall falls off, but suprisingly, the debris freezes in midair for 1 second, and reforms to the way the wall was before.

Pik's ship has now been destroyed. Pik is devastated

2007-06-22, 03:33 PM
*Lanno stop and Debris that flies at him with the force.*

OK, lets go kill the Merglacks* that did.

*I'm using star wars swears.

Emperor Ing
2007-06-22, 03:36 PM

I made the whole thing myself!! MYSELF!!! Those schuttas will burn at my feet!

2007-06-22, 03:39 PM
How should we fined them?

Emperor Ing
2007-06-22, 03:41 PM
They...come to me...bounty hunters, is it possible, oh no. No. NO.

2007-06-22, 03:44 PM
Looks like I will have to go kill some More people.

*a bald man with a goatee in a black sith cloak steps out of an alley.*

The only person that will die is you.

*Lanno turns around*

Get out of here now! He screams at Pik

Emperor Ing
2007-06-22, 03:46 PM
You put a price on my head! YOU DIE NOW!!!

Pik pulls out his lightsabers, as the sith pulls out his.

2007-06-22, 03:49 PM
((The sith is a PC character.))

I did not put a bounty on you shorty. You are beneath my notice, manly because of my hight.

Emperor Ing
2007-06-22, 03:53 PM
I sense truth in your words. Who did then? Those people in mid-hyperspace looked like bounty hunters to me! Besides, im 4 meters in front of you. You can easily see me! As well as I can see you!

2007-06-22, 03:55 PM
dont make me decapitate you! although it would not make you smaller because you being shorter than you are right now is imposable!

Emperor Ing
2007-06-22, 03:56 PM
I'm actually tall for a Kobold, thank you. I am not defenseless anyways.

2007-06-22, 04:01 PM
*Lanno attacks him but The sith uses the force to slam his swoop into him, witch knocks him out.*

Now I'm going to kill him.

Emperor Ing
2007-06-22, 04:03 PM
((err...quick question, who is the sith going to kill? Your text was really confusing:smallyuk: ))

2007-06-22, 04:07 PM
((He was going to kill Lanno.))

*The sith draws his light saber *

Emperor Ing
2007-06-22, 04:09 PM
Over my dead body

((lightsabers already drawn)) Pik throws some force lightning on the sith, and jumps to start the lightsaber combat

2007-06-22, 04:14 PM
*He Blocks the lightning with his lightsaber. He attempts to through Pike back with the force.*

Emperor Ing
2007-06-22, 04:17 PM
Pik flies back, but in a true jedi way, lands on his feet. He Force Pulls the sith towards him

2007-06-22, 04:20 PM
*as he is pulled he shoots force lightning.*

*Deadtime for about an hour*

Emperor Ing
2007-06-22, 04:25 PM
Pik absorbs the force lightning in his hand, because there's a lightsaber in it, an odd phenomenon occurs that is now causing one of Pik's lightsabers to be arcing electricity. As the sith arrives, pik jumps back a bit, only to realize that the sith is deadtimed.

((in soviet russia, force lightning absorbs YOU!!))

Emperor Ing
2007-06-22, 04:39 PM
Sereyentheous on his way back to his palace, notices the 2 jedi, the sith, and the destroyed ship. He comes to check out whats going on there
Hey? whats going on here?
Well, im in combat with a sith, and he deadtimed, so now I gotta wait here for him to undeadtime before I deadtime! :smallannoyed:
And you are?
Pik-Pik, Gray Jedi at your serv...by the force! Your heads on fire!!!
No, thats just my head.
ooooh...ive never seen your kind before
Im just a being of pure arcane magic. Nothing special
Whats 'arkain'?
Hmm, think being able to touch and manipulate the elements, and everything it touches
Hmm sounds a little like the force
No, some jedi explained the force to me once, very...interesting...
Oh, and you never told me your name
Oh, right. I'm Sereyentheous, Elite mage. ah, but I gotta go. See ya around.
You too!

Ser walks up to the path that leads to a part of the palace wall, and he walks through it. You see no door.

Did he just....nah!

Emperor Ing
2007-06-22, 05:25 PM
Pik is still patiently waiting, sitting on the ground, using the force to juggle small rocks...he looks like he could hit deadtime any minute now

Deadtime falls onto Pik after much resistance.

2007-06-22, 06:57 PM
*The sith comes out of deadtime and curses at real life. He sees that his opponent is in deadtime and sits on he floor.*

Emperor Ing
2007-06-23, 04:06 AM
Pik wakes from deadtime to see that the sith is still in deadtime...

2007-06-23, 06:14 AM
*The sith swings he lightsber at Pik. He fallows up with a force choke*

Emperor Ing
2007-06-23, 06:23 AM
The lightsaber is blocked, but the force choke connects. Pik appears to not be resisting, only to see him force push the sith

2007-06-23, 06:25 AM
*The sith flies back and lands on the ground with a hard THUMP. He shoots a bolt of force lightning.*

Emperor Ing
2007-06-23, 06:28 AM
Pik charges at the sith blocking the lightning with his lightsaber, but ironically, he freezes as another mist of deadtime sets in.

Emperor Ing
2007-06-23, 02:55 PM
Pik awakens from deadtime, and resumes charging at the sith

2007-06-23, 03:03 PM
*The sith jumps into the air and land behind pik. He fires another bolt of force lightning.*

Emperor Ing
2007-06-23, 03:09 PM
Pik jumps over the lighning, and when it stops, lands on the ground where he was, and force pushes the sith. He charges him again, this time, spinning his blades furiously.

2007-06-23, 03:12 PM
*He is thrown to the ground, but He blocks piks attack. He swings three attacks with his light saber. He then stands up.*

Emperor Ing
2007-06-23, 03:19 PM
2 attacks are blocked, the third one is dodged completely. Pik continues the onslaught of attacks,

2007-06-23, 03:26 PM
*He blocks all attack with ease.*

I have had enough!

*His eyes glow red. He swing 10 powerful attacks at pik. even if you block it you will feel a blast of dark energy that will cause eminence pain.at the same time It will also make you want the power for your self.*

Feel the full power of the dark side!

Emperor Ing
2007-06-23, 03:35 PM
Pik blocks one attack, but the pain is enough to cause pik to choose to dodge the rest of the attacks completely.

The power of the dark side is never enough

Pik's eyes start to glow

Only by recognizing the power of the dark and the light can one truly learn the true power and potential of the force!

Pik is now hovering a few inches off the ground. He force pushes him, but its not ordinary. This is the equivalent of Force Cannonball.

2007-06-23, 03:39 PM
*he uses a Wall of pure dark side energy to stop the attack. bu it can just barely hold it off.*

Your good, and I would love to finish this fight, but I have things to do and people to kill.

*he jumps away *

Emperor Ing
2007-06-23, 03:41 PM
hehehe, your not getting off this easy

Pik makes a spectacular leap that catches the sith in midair, only he is directly above him. He force cannonballs him down

2007-06-23, 03:50 PM
*As pik jumps into the air bounty hunter spring up from the surrounding roofs and shoot at Pik. This allows the sith to to get a Little bit ahead. He then turns invisibl.*

Emperor Ing
2007-06-23, 03:56 PM
Pik easily blocks the shots from the bounty hunters, and even reflects some back at the shooters
Ya cant get away that easy!
Pik senses the mass of dark side energy that is the sith, in spite of his invisibility. He then gives him a massive version of force lightning, except this arcs from all over his hand, arcing at the sith in many directions.

2007-06-23, 04:02 PM
*The sith blocks some of the force lightning with his light saber, and dodges the rest.*

*Lanno wakes up and sees the bounty hunters. HE jumps up on a roof with ten bounty hunters on it. He decapitates one and stabs one at the same time. He force pushes two of the roof. He slashes another two, throws his light sabers up in the air, shoots another two with force lightning, caches the light sabers, and slashes the last two.*

Dont fallow him! he is leading you into a trap!

Emperor Ing
2007-06-23, 04:05 PM
((Jedi and Sith cant fly, were only in mid-jump))
The Iriaz that that sees the trap cant be caught

2007-06-23, 04:09 PM
((He had landed on a few roof tops and then just jumped to the next roof.))

Cant you fell the all the dark energy? there is at least 15 more dark Jedi with him, including his master if I'm not mistaken.

Emperor Ing
2007-06-23, 04:12 PM
No, i see 12 in a circle, and the guy im following, and one in the middle of the circle, so thats 14, no, i missed one, 15. And i cant do a gizka's ass about getting out! Oh crap.

Pik is falling into the circle

2007-06-23, 04:18 PM
See the one with the oily skin? He is the master, dont go neer him. He is twice as powerful as the apprentice and he has kortosis oil on his skin! If you go near him the oil will shut down your light saber!

*15 force lightnings are fired at pick.*

Emperor Ing
2007-06-23, 04:21 PM
((cortosis is a metallic weave that prevents lightsaber sparring damage, but its not 100% immune to it!))

Arg! It hurts...so...good!
A sphere of force push expells from Pik, everybody except pik is sent flying. He now is jumping about, easily slaughtering the random dark jedi

2007-06-23, 04:26 PM
((He ground it up into an oil like substance and rubbed it into his skin.))

*The master is not even remotely effected by the sphere. He holds out a hand and the force attack goes flying to ether side of him. He just watches the random dark Jedi get slaughtered.*

I will holed back the apprentice.

*He engages the apprentice in a light saber duel.*

Emperor Ing
2007-06-23, 04:29 PM
((then its not cortosis, its metal made into an oil))

Pik has killed almost all the random dark jedi. He turns to the master. A second later, a surviving dark jedi tries to lightsaber him from behind, but pik, without turning, uses the force to rip off his head. He throws it at the apprentice.

2007-06-23, 04:31 PM
*The apprentice dodges. The light saber duel continues*

Emperor Ing
2007-06-23, 04:35 PM
((I was anticipating that of course, and all the oil does is make the master's skin shiny and metallic))

Pik, with his lightsabers still active, casts force immunity on himself and makes a motion to the master to start the lightsaber combat.

2007-06-23, 04:39 PM
((It still has ground up cortosis particles, witch dont make him immune, It just the light saber wont hurt him as much. It will give him a sever 3ed degree burn but probably wont kill him.))

*He master does not react*

Emperor Ing
2007-06-23, 04:41 PM
Pik jumps to the apprentice and joins lanno in fighting the apprentice

2007-06-23, 04:46 PM
*The master uses the force to take apart Piks light saber. Lanno hands pik his short lightsaber, witch should be about the right size for a koboled. the apprentice continues to block the attacks.*

Emperor Ing
2007-06-23, 04:49 PM
((pik uses regular sized sabers))
Pik gives the short saber back to lanno, and while fighting, uses the force to pick up the pieces of the lightsaber, and due to his high skill in repair, is able to put it back together. It works. He is now fighting the apprentice with his 2 lightsabers. It looks like the apprentice could falter here.

2007-06-23, 04:53 PM
((I will PM you the 8 styles of light saber combat in a minuet. You should choose with style you want.))

*The apprentice grabs another light saber and keeps blocking the attacks.*

Emperor Ing
2007-06-23, 04:56 PM
((I think Ill go with Juyo(ferocity)))

Ok this has dragged on long enough
Pik steps back a bit, and starts doing rapid stabbing motions with his lightsabers, the sith is desparately trying to block them all, until one hits the apprentice's arm.

2007-06-23, 05:02 PM
((The apprentice was a PC controlled by me a minuet ago. He is still a PC. Also, how would you know how to juyo? only master windu can use it because he invented it and only taught it to his apprentices. They both terned to the dark side. Sorry mixed it up with vaapad.))
*the apprentice blocks most. He then jumps back out of rang of the attacks.*

Emperor Ing
2007-06-23, 05:07 PM
((Juyo is a KOTOR II usable lightsaber style, of this i am certain, so windu couldnt've made it if it existed 4000 years before him, u edited it! lol. the hit was light. It burns, but wont hinder his performance))

Pik throws some force lightning at the apprentice

2007-06-23, 05:13 PM
((you are right. I mixed it up with vaapad, witch was a variation of it that windu made. I just got confused.))

*The apprentice puts up a wall of force energy. (I have seen obi wan do it. If you use form 3 you can do it.) The lightning is directed at the master. It hits him and he absorb it, making him stronger.*

Emperor Ing
2007-06-23, 05:16 PM
((similar to force barrier, but its a pathetic force power in KOTOR II))

Ok, this is annoying
Pik casts a powerful variant of force drain on the master.

((Crap deadtime!!)) :smallannoyed:

2007-06-23, 05:22 PM
*He starts draining the force out of Lanno*

Every time you drain from me I will drain twice as much from him. So, unless you want him force less I suggest you stop.

Emperor Ing
2007-06-24, 04:28 AM
Pik awakens from deadtime

You monster...you unnatural son of a schutta!

Pik becomes enraged, and jumps over to the master, starts lightsaber combat

2007-06-24, 06:52 AM
*he does not even draw his light saber. he just stands there and dodges all the attacks.*

2007-06-24, 06:52 AM
Waddle Dee runs in to watch

2007-06-24, 06:55 AM
((What happened to gone for a week? That was like a day.))

2007-06-24, 06:57 AM
((they have a computer here ^^))

Emperor Ing
2007-06-24, 06:57 AM
Pik stops swinging a bit

Do ya even have a lightsaber?

2007-06-24, 07:02 AM
Waddle dee pulls out a homemade lightsaber


Emperor Ing
2007-06-24, 07:05 AM
I wasnt talking to you, whered you get the lightsaber crystal?

2007-06-24, 07:05 AM
found it...

((ack, only two minutes, guess i might be on 2moro))

Emperor Ing
2007-06-24, 07:07 AM
((nightwing, is the master killable?))

2007-06-24, 07:08 AM
*The fight between the apprentice and Lanno continues. Lanno is getting the upper hand.*

*On the Masters belt is a wooden lightsaber. It has a small wooden statue of a Krat Dragon on it. the Krat dragon is wrapped around the hilt as though it were climbing it. it is a really nice lightsaber.*

((He is killable but just not right now. I kind of need his for latter. He is this powerful any way.))

2007-06-24, 07:10 AM
((oh, an extra 5 mins, lucky me ^^))

Waddle Dee flips a switch and a rather wobbly beam comes out, longer than the average lightsaber, but it curves slightly so it looks the same length

Um... who's attacking who here?

Emperor Ing
2007-06-24, 07:11 AM
Pik resumes attacking the master, and the master resumes attempting to dodge the attacks
((well the apprentice and master are sith, you guess the rest))

2007-06-24, 07:12 AM
waddle dee smiles, when he realizes Pik-pik is a kobold ((dee likes kobolds))

The kobold can't be evil...

He begins attacking The master

2007-06-24, 07:13 AM
these are powerfully dark Jedi. You wont stand a chance. just dont get involved. I suggest you leave. says Lanno

2007-06-24, 07:14 AM
Waddle Dee continues attempting to attack, though he isn't very good

((and im gone))

Emperor Ing
2007-06-24, 07:14 AM
((Pik's gray jedi))
The master appears to have a harder time dodging the attacks, then waddle dee starts attacking. He could either falter, or pull out his lightsaber any second now!
((hmm...lets say that the master incapacitates waddle dee, but not kill.))

2007-06-24, 07:15 AM
((I think waddle Dee is in deadtime. The master is a PC character too. Also he wont falter just because n unexperienced non Jed combatant joined the Battle.))

Emperor Ing
2007-06-24, 07:17 AM
Waddle dee is thrown far back, and knocked out cold
rrr...you sick bastard!
Pik throws force cannonball, this can send a person flying through walls
((he appears to be faltering, not is))

2007-06-24, 07:19 AM
*He sticks out his hand right before the cannonball hits him and the cannonball shoots at a random building.*

Emperor Ing
2007-06-24, 07:24 AM
((its not an acutal cannonball, its just super force push, but ill just let that go the way it does))
The cannonball hit's ser's palace, which absorbs it. A rune appears, and shoots an arcane blast at pik and the master

2007-06-24, 07:27 AM
((I know. Remember when he blocked the sphere? Same thing.))

*He just dodges the attack buy jumping high in the air.*

Emperor Ing
2007-06-24, 07:30 AM
Pik notices the jump and attacks with a vertical strike going up, his second lightsaber is attacking diagonally. It would be very hard to dodge this attack

2007-06-24, 07:37 AM
*He Destroys one picks light sabers by having the Crystal shoot out from the bottom and destroy most of the light sabers mechanical parts. He then dodges the other attack.*

Emperor Ing
2007-06-24, 07:40 AM
((can i kill him now? Or at least incapacitate him?))
Both the master and pik steps back a little, and looks at the tiny pieces of lightsaber in his hands

2007-06-24, 07:48 AM
You are angry because your ship was destroyed. You are angry because I wont fight you. You are angry because I broke your light saber. our anger makes you strong. But your anger is to unfocused. It is not yet your time to become sith. Go and track down the bounty hunters. Kill them as a true sith would.

*A ship lands and both the master and apprentice get in the ship and leave.*

Emperor Ing
2007-06-24, 07:52 AM
Pik raises his hands
The ship starts to shake
The ship is moving oddly
The ship, while odviously active is not moving in midair
The ship is launched at ser's palace

2007-06-24, 07:56 AM
We did not destroy your ship. bounty hunters did.

*The master uses the force the regain enough control just to point the ship upward. The ship blast of into hyper space.*

Emperor Ing
2007-06-24, 07:59 AM
((i dont think he blasted into hyperspace just yet, 1, hes still near the ground, 2, it takes time to punch in hyperspace coordinates))

Its now a force fight over control of the ship.

2007-06-24, 08:04 AM
((oh, right. I forgot.))

We did not employ the bounty hunters. We were here to attack them too. You have not killed them all. I know were there base is.

Emperor Ing
2007-06-24, 08:07 AM
THERE...There is truth in your words. I know that the sith are wrong about a lot of things, but they rarely lie. Ok, talk to me.

((land the ship plz? No hostilities))

Ser is walking into his palace, when he notices the struggle
Ok, whats really happening here?

2007-06-24, 08:11 AM
Nothing you need to worry about. Lanno says to Ser.

*they land the ship*

So, you want to know were they are?

Emperor Ing
2007-06-24, 08:16 AM
Yes, that would actually be in my best interest

No, this is taking place in proximity to my crib, so it does involve me. Ill just remain neutral.

(whoever is next to damage the palace, ser will attack.)

2007-06-24, 08:22 AM
Your Crib? are you some Merglok baby?

You must go to the city Taris, bombed by sith ancestors during the Jedi civil war. Go into e lowest level until you cant see the sun or stars. There is were you will fined them.

Emperor Ing
2007-06-24, 08:25 AM
Thats very unlikely, besides my ship is destroyed, so im not going anywhere

Err....no, its the place where I live.

2007-06-24, 08:30 AM
Why would you want to live in a crib? I'm sure the nice gentlemen that lives in that house would let you live there.

*He points to Sirs house*

We can take my ship. Lanno says to Pik

Emperor Ing
2007-06-24, 08:34 AM
Its slang, a crib is your house, the place where you live. I live in that palace!

Points to Sereyentheous's palace

2007-06-24, 08:37 AM
*He looks very puzzled.*

Emperor Ing
2007-06-24, 08:40 AM
Ok, I live in that palace, I choose who enters and exits. Its hy home. Crib is slang that refers to your home. Got it?!

2007-06-24, 08:42 AM
What is slang?

Emperor Ing
2007-06-24, 08:44 AM
...forget it. You jedi are dumber than you look.

2007-06-24, 08:47 AM
*He puts his light saber to Sers neck*

Dont ever call me a Jedi.

Emperor Ing
2007-06-24, 08:48 AM
Eh? are you threatening me?

2007-06-24, 08:51 AM
Go away.

*he turns to Pik* come on, lets go to Taris.

Emperor Ing
2007-06-24, 08:52 AM
Ah, youre not going anywhere. Are you threatening me?

Wheres your ship?

2007-06-24, 08:59 AM
No, I'm not. He says to ser.

*The master Va'al lands next to them and Lanno gets in.*

Emperor Ing
2007-06-24, 09:03 AM
Fine, but i got my all-seeing eyes on you.
Ser points to the top of the spire, where theres a green glowy thingy.
Pik gets in.
Ser walks into his palace through the wall,
((Deadtime :smallfrown: ))

2007-06-24, 09:07 AM
Do you want to drive or work the guns?

Emperor Ing
2007-06-24, 10:13 AM
pik awakens from deadtime

You drive, i dont know any hyperspace routes to and from this planet. I guess I can man the guns.

2007-06-24, 10:17 AM
*He punches in the coordinates and they blast off into hyper space.*

Actually, we are in hyper space so I dont need to drive. I can have G-2rd man the guns. So what do you want to do?

Emperor Ing
2007-06-24, 10:18 AM
((make the Taris thread, duh! :smalltongue: ))

2007-06-24, 10:21 AM

*he sits down at Dejarik table*

((I dont actually know how to play. I know what it is, just not how to play.))

Emperor Ing
2007-06-24, 10:23 AM
((Yup, we know it exists, but not how to play it, and shall we make the Taris thread?))

2007-06-24, 10:25 AM
*He starts to play.*

((I will get right on it.))

2007-06-25, 11:35 AM
Dee wakes up and runs off