View Full Version : Futuristic Reskin/Rebuild of 5e

2016-04-15, 12:07 PM
Hello! This is my first thing like this and I wanted to make something neither modern nor preindustrial, so I decided super-future might be cool. This will take some time to complete, so just be aware of that. I'd like any suggestions you may have to better this. Also, most flavor things will be brief because I'm lazy.

Instead of races in the ordinary sense, these combine backgrounds and things of that sort. They're all (mostly) human, by the way, so they all reach maturity in their late teens and all have a Size of Medium.

Elf > Aristocrat - COMING SOON

Human > Citizen - COMING SOON

Drudge - The manual laborers of society, unaided by most technology of the advanced age. Most live in the places they work, ordinarily deep mines or geologically ingenious underground cities, filled with the machinery of old. As such, they are often simple-minded and let their emotions handle most things.
Ability Score Increase - Your Constitution increases by 2.
Age - Living in such poor and poisonous conditions make the Drudgery very tough compared to those on the surface, but they are still very short-lived. The oldest of the Drudgery live about 40 years.
Languages - The Drudgery can speak Common.
Darkvision - All Drudgery can see in the dark depths they work in from birth, naturally or otherwise. Drudgery have Darkvision for 60 ft.
Iron Lungs - You have advantage on saving throws against poisons and any inhaled matter and you are resistant to poison damage and any damage done by inhaled matter.
Toolbox - You gain proficiency in all hammer weapons, Smith's Tools and Mason's Tools.
Culture Shock - When you damage an enemy with a hammer weapon, they must make a Consitution saving throw. On a failed save, they are knocked prone. Critical hits knock them prone regardless. [DC=damage dealt/2 rounded down] [DC=damage dealt/4 rounded down for thrown weapons]

Subraces - There are 2 subraces of the Drudgery; the Deep Drudgery and the Surface Drudgery
Deep Drudgery - Deep Drudgery live deep underground and are almost always heavy-duty miners and have never seen the sun.
Ability Score Increase - Your Strength increases by 2.
Deep Equipment - You gain proficiency in Light and Medium armor.
Surface Scorn - You have advantage on attack rolls vs. Robotic enemies and gain +5 ft range on attacks vs. Flying enemies.

Surface Drudgery - Despite the name, Surface Drudgery do still live underground, but not quite as deep as their Deep counterparts. As such, they have easier access to surface technologies (though still limited) and culture. This has led to hobbies and tendencies mostly envious of the true surface-dwellers.
Ability Score Increase - Your Intelligence and Wisdom both increase by 1.
Surface Equipment - You gain proficiency in Light Armor and any 1 Tool of your choice.
Deep Envy - You (a) know 2 additional Languages of your choice OR (b) know 1 additional language of your choice and gain proficiency in any 1 Tool of your choice OR (c) are proficient in any 2 Tools of your choice.


Halfling > ??? - COMING SOON

Dragonborn > ??? - COMING SOON

Gnome > ??? - COMING SOON

Half-Elf > ??? - COMING SOON

Tiefling > ??? - COMING SOON

Right now this is just a taste of what it's going to be. I want to give you guys a chance to put in your 2 cents, since I want this to be a community project.

2016-04-15, 12:08 PM

2016-04-15, 12:09 PM

2016-04-15, 12:11 PM

2016-04-15, 12:12 PM