View Full Version : Newbie help with ek : dueling vs twf and how does bonus attacks work with twf

Night Eternal
2016-04-15, 12:43 PM
im an ek lvl 4 and in a couple level I will get the feature to cast a cantrip and attack. I have two swords so do I get the ablilty to cast a cantrip and attack with both swords?

And if not then does it make more sense to get dueling feature and use a shield to get my ac up.

also does my extra attack at lvl 5 give me the ability to attack with two sword or is it once again only 1
At lvl 4 these are my stats

Strength 13 (+3)
Dexterity 15 (+2)
Constitution 16 (+3)
Intelligence 18 (+4)
Wisdom 15 (+2)
Charisma 15 (+2)

Previous score stats before they were plugged in are 15, 15, 15, 16, 16, and 17. "
my dm sent me my stats im pretty sure that strength is actually 16.

I have leather armor
chain mail shirt
and a shield for possible armour

I have a proficenty in atheletics , abromatics and stealth so heavy armor not the way Im trying to go but after 2 games and almost dying and dying a realized mc ac was way to low but on a shield and chain mail bring my ac to 18. But this make me have disadvantage in stealth and atheletics. Need help solving this. I know shields give +2 ac so I can give up twf and change to dueling for better one hit damage.

I plan on using green flame blade and booming blade and shocking grasp as my cantrips. with the cantrip and attack feat I get letter on is it better to have twf or dueling .

any help would be great and any advise for ac would be nice

2016-04-15, 12:51 PM
The war magic feature allows you to make a single weapon attack as a bonus action. You may only make an off-hand attack when you take the attack action, so you would not be able to attack with your second weapon (and even if you could, you've already used your bonus action to make the first attack).

You'd be better off with a two-handed weapon or a shield (especially given that two-weapon fighting is not very good on a fighter).

Night Eternal
2016-04-15, 02:53 PM
thanks , so far from all the research I was able to do that seems to be the common thread. If twf give a bonus action and when u lvl up you get bonus action it kill the dual feature effectiveness if you can only use one bonus feature.

what does the two handed weapon do. If your role 1 or 2 you can reroll. I know that but is it on damage dice or on the d20

2016-04-15, 02:59 PM
It's on the damage dice, which makes for a nice boost, especially on the 2d6 weapons.

2016-04-15, 04:50 PM
It's on the damage dice, which makes for a nice boost, especially on the 2d6 weapons.

changes 2d6 from 7 to 8.33 average
d12 = 6.5 to 7.33
d10 = 5.5 to 6.3

by contrast d8 duelist does 4.5 + 2 = 6.5

2016-04-15, 06:51 PM
Maybe the guide in my signature can help you.

Night Eternal
2016-04-18, 01:54 PM
Maybe the guide in my signature can help you.

thanks this was very helpful.