View Full Version : Speculation Next adventure speculation

2016-04-15, 04:01 PM
So, I've got into a discussion with my players about what will the next official adventure be about. Of course, until WotC announces anything, it's just a pure speculation, but hey, why not throw some ideas together? Perhaps someone will take some inspiration from this thread for his/her home game.

So far, we've got adventures focused on dragons, elemental evil, Underdark and demons, and now undead.

Given there's a psionic class in the work, and the close relation between psionics and Far Realm that sprung up over the last two editions, aberration-based campaing wouldn't be surprising. However, we've got horror themes in the last two adventures, I don't think we'll get Call of Cthulhu: D&D edition after that.

The previous adventures were inspired by old settings/modules...we've got Dragonlance, Temple of Elemental Evil, Drow + demons (kinda Queen of the Demonweb Pit) and Ravenloft. While it is possible we'll get psionics in some Darksun remake (though that doesn't fit with the "everything must start in FR" policy), perhaps it will be remake of other classic series of modules: Against the Giants. The campaign would be focused more on combat, with main antagonists being various humanoids (orc hordes, propably...how is Obould Many Arrow's kingdom doing these days?), with a bunch of giants in the finale.

Your thoughts?

2016-04-15, 04:26 PM
My Forgotten Realms Canon-Fu may be a little rusty, so please forgive any fallacies in my understanding of the Timeline in the Realms.

Isn't the Many-Arrow Tribe/Kingdom that was set up after the 1000 Orcs novel series by R.A. Salvatore pretty much allied/on good terms with Mithral Hall and the rest of the civilizations in the area? I don't know if this had been changed throughout 4th and/or 5th editions storyline or retconning of events in Faerun, but I always assumed this still held true, even after Bruenor and Obould died/moved off to Gauntlgrym/reincarnated through the shenanigans in the Neverwinter series.

Personally, I would like to see a campaign/adventure module against more mundane enemies printed. All of these uber-fantastical scenarios are getting a little bit 'run-togetherish' for me. If they didn't already have an entire series devoted to Tiamat, I would love to see a 5th Edition update for Red Hand of Doom, but I highly doubt this will ever happen.

Maybe something along the lines of a generic "Orc Warlord unites tribes and launches an invasion of the Sword Coast/Neverwinter/etc" type stting, so that we can fight something less fantastical and have good old fashioned slugfests against hordes of enemies instead of Ginormous Demons/Devils/Dragons/Dracula for the 5th time in a row.

Also, in my absolute 'Magical Christmasland' scenario, I would like to see an official Eberron supplement and have something tied to The Lord of Blades finally becoming important or doing something extreme, he has always been a personal favorite NPC of mine, since the 3.5 origin of Eberron as an official setting.

2016-04-15, 04:33 PM
I'm actually hoping for more of a splatbook. Kinda like a players handbook 2.

Specifically, something full of setting specific options (races, subclasses, backgrounds, monsters, and that sort of thing.)

But for an adventure, I hope for a Dark sun/Eberron/Dragonlance/Planescape one, with options for players.

2016-04-15, 04:47 PM
Sure, I would love Eberron adventure, or book for any setting outside FR (which I can't stand), but my suggestions were less what I wish we'll get, and more speculation based on what we've seen so far.

Eberron adventure against LoBster in Mournand would be awesome. Or heavy exploration-focused campaign in Xen'drik (hm, that one would fit with the giant theory...). Or Inspired, what with psionics being in the works, but I think that would be too much of a storyline advancement in the setting that's supposed to be static in official materials. Or Daelkyr (I love aberrations as antagonists), but that one would be unlikely after OotA, even without the "FR, all the time" policy WotC has.

2016-04-15, 06:31 PM
I've heard rumors of a Giant themed adventure being tossed around, but I can't substantiate them. I think it was a hint dropped a a Convention a little while back.

2016-04-15, 06:42 PM
If they continue the trend it will more than likely be an Against the Giants type adventure.