View Full Version : Pathfinder Low level urban fey encounters?

2016-04-15, 09:57 PM
So I'm running a semi urban campaign, primarily in farming communities, small towns, and cities, with a rough Victorian era Britain feel, and want to incldue fey as fairly common enemies/entities.
Feel free to bring up any ideas or suggestions. I'm aiming for interesting(either rp-wise or combat oriented) encounters with fey for a level 2-5 non-evil party.

So far I've come up with;
Hobkins Gremlins ambushing the party at night or in dark alleys(maybe a psychic one leading a band of them eventually?).
A spring-heeled-Jack stalking the party, perhaps trying to separate and pick them off(which, admittedly, would probably make the party cluster together... Though there's no reason the Jack couldn't decide it was a good time for fiery breath then)... Though maybe that one is a little too cliche(thoughts?).

2016-04-15, 10:04 PM
They sound good

My 2 Cents:
The Secret Garden: a courtyard or small gate or wrong twist on road or alley leads to a miniscule sliver of fae land. Use wilderness fae in that area.

2016-04-15, 11:48 PM
Fiend Folio is filled with Fey that would work in an urban environment.

Feytouched (CR 1/2, Fiend Folio p 71) and Half-Fey (CR +1 template, Fiend Folio p 89) as the product of relations between fey and other species would make good representatives of urban fey.
Fossergrim (CR 5, Fiend Folio p 79) are associated with a waterfall and violent toward anyone who pollutes or dams the river that feeds it. You could have one in an underground grotto beneath the city that is starting to become polluted, causing it to appear in the city above seeking to put a stop to the pollution.
Shadar-Kai (CR 1, Fiend Folio p 150) are fey that are present in shadowy urban areas.
Spriggans (CR 3, Fiend Folio p 162) are mentioned to sometimes venture into towns to rob and pillage.

2016-04-15, 11:56 PM
There's also this (http://archive.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/al/20041006a) that might be of interest.

2016-04-16, 12:12 AM
Admittedly I'm playing pathfinder...
But there may still be some stuff I could harvest from those.:smallsmile:

2016-04-21, 11:11 PM
How about a bare knuckle boxing champion who remains undefeated thanks to a small band of Tooth Fairies (Bestiary 4) who sabotage his opponents in exchange for him purposely swinging to knockout his opponents teeth so they can collect them after the fight?

2016-04-21, 11:52 PM
How about a bare knuckle boxing champion who remains undefeated thanks to a small band of Tooth Fairies (Bestiary 4) who sabotage his opponents in exchange for him purposely swinging to knockout his opponents teeth so they can collect them after the fight?

Oh my god! I love this. I am stealing this plot

2016-04-22, 05:46 AM
Our DM adapted the Carnival of Tears module for our setting. It's a short adventure for 5th level characters and it's creep-tastic fun. Just let a carnival come into town and then overcome them with silly fey carnage.

The "Swine-o-mancer" remains one of my favorite monsters to date: http://www.d20pfsrd.com/bestiary/unique-monsters/cr-5/swinomancer (Just do not overdo the pie filling machine but debuff the heroes with spells beforehand. Otherwise he becomes a cake walk (pun intended).