View Full Version : Mecha World: 01 All You Need Is Die - IC

2016-04-16, 12:52 PM
It is the year 0245 of the Solar Calendar. One and a half centuries have passed since the Sol System began a period of rapid expansion through transit gates to planets across the galaxy.

New homes for mankind, where people are born and raised.

And die.

Thirty-three years ago, rebellious colonists joined with tribes of alien Ijad parasites to resist the rule of the Solar Union. Eventually, other humans proclaimed themselves the Free Colonies and launched their own war of independence against the Solar Union.

In the farmlands of Ashlan on the planet Leander, the fighting between the United Mars Foreign Legion and Ijad forces reached a stalemate. An uncertain armistice was formed between the local colonial government and the Ijad Gantish tribes. That peace has now lasted nine months. But Free Colony cells continue to launch guerrilla attacks, and the Gantish continue to bide their time, building their strength...

A fresh company of UMFL mobile frames has just been deployed into the border region between SU-controlled Ashlan territory and Gantish land. Young recruits who come from all over Leander: Icy Polestar, cosmopolitan Besshan, sand-swept Itclan, and the struggling hamlets of Ashlan itself.

The untested new pilots are about to walk into a bloodbath.

https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/4ABy6-MoB1uQldJAQe9R4gvxtMwZg-cvosiLi6RbC_qNQvNxpy_doIS2i7hD2b6NvBnw4pOK-eaR_0MES5nXkgx6VXFPWvigT5yTVzhSOFeKfx34MnisOQ1giGj u5Q7X1EdrcCJfBlR_Gg0cHI0zjbcBPu9mFXOKugg9meIT8NCdI Z3nbJqu3DaPFYWw0CPDRzfW0GFmiNiuNdAMThSyywNmTkDLjpk 1CWq60FFgBTilgPoAGdsYF-N07o1nzc6TVLaT1QZad8enmOz9NnpNJoBTXOeU3nRcVGxWp6ib RCjVHBym0gBufm0VZOGtUtOay1zFs1e2cQ7FWqGRXjLp1rTTBh c-U5TGWE5S-7ZHRLfC1pR_HVD8xR4vEH8s0nUwFcLxQ5DWOqPgbeYC1osI1Eg arghXD5Ri2woyEsfsku2wsUpLE3BZ3w4xxzJ9hFrGCzCRSsCjw OjgjDq0G1CbOhQZUI24m8Qunyydvv1n30kFlljo_FaZGfsoSP1 RPW-49g-649IhCpz0qr0nu2LI9l15LVmbbzng4oPgfjYrZ8D-gPl9JR9gEPk3LxawXJIdiqmH=w736-h525-no

Background: Gantish Marches Uprising, Leander
The sudden spread of Ijad influence among the farmers and miners of the Gantish Marches shook the entire planet from its peaceful torpor and dragged it into the cluster of interconnected conflicts that had been raging through out the colony worlds. But although the initial battles were sharp and fierce, the casualties only numbered in the hundreds, and the Ijad-indoctrinated forces at least showed some restraint when moving through populated areas. The strain of the low-level warfare grew with the sudden planet-wide declaration of Leander's Free Colony uprising. A long pent-up independence movement, now flying the flag of the Free Colonies, struck to take advantage of the Ashlan Troubles. Insurgent zealots, young and old, armed for battle in far-flung workshops and townships, bolting make-shift cannons, rockets and laser cutters onto labor frames by night. They struck at Terran Transit Authority facilities first, then at police stations and Legion barracks.

Anxious to stave off a difficult two-front war, the newly-appointed Governor Michael Wu sent a diplomatic and scientific survey team under flag of truce to meet with the Gantish leaders. Wu took personal responsibility for brokering a peace deal, as the Ijad Rule of One would not have allowed any dealings with higher-level Solar Union leadership. While the fighting with the Ijad was stopped - for the time being - the underlying legal, economic and religious issues behind the Ijad uprising remained unaddressed and left to fester.

Meanwhile, the human farmers of the Marches and their Ijad allies resumed some limited trade with their colonist neighbors. Feeble attempts were made by both sides to foster cultural understanding, so as to put spies and informants into place. A cold war began in the vast, open farmlands between SU loyalists and Ijad followers. The Ijad were allowed to keep their frames "for industrial purposes," but their swords were not turned to plowshares, merely sheathed for the moment.

As for Wu, he tried to keep his job by turning his attention to the Free Colony cells. A series of decisive police actions and raids cut off many rebel units from their support networks. Civil society activists complained about the extension of martial law, ruthless suppression of protests, and the creation of internment areas to isolate the rebel communities, but Wu's tactics seemed to be working. Far above him, back in Nanking's halls of power, Wu's masters were already planning his removal. He would survive through just one more year in office before being replaced. The appeasement of the Ijad would not last.

With three months left in Wu's term, the Wind Farm incident broke everything open once more.

http://www.nrel.gov/about/assets/images/[email protected]

The wind howls coldly over the Gantish Marches. The foothills of the Umber Mountains are a prime location for Ashlan's newest wind farms. They would not have been built if not for Governor Wu's peacemaking efforts. But everyone knows the wind farms would be an easy target if anyone wanted to spark a fresh conflict.

Captain Gul's Company 08, made up of a half-dozen Legionnaires fresh out of Fort Paris training camp, rolls out now to the border area. An Osprey and six Chubs carrying standard soldier loadouts, serving as escorts for a science team. Dr Lang and her team are here to follow up on some odd heat readings picked up by satellite.

Satellite view (https://flic.kr/p/GkmnwP)

Gul opens the cockpit hatch of his Osprey to feel the wind on his grizzled face and survey the land around him. His patrol deploys ahead of and behind the truck carrying the scientists. Not too close, not too far apart. By the book. Apart from the towering wind turbines and some low scrub, there's nothing in line of sight that could conceal enemy frames or other vehicles. A couple of klicks behind them, a few field technicians are doing routine maintenance on turbines. A klick and a half to his south, another Legion patrol is sweeping the borderlands. Company 45. He doesn't know any of them personally.

"Lang to 081, we've located the anomaly marked X on the map. It appears to be some melted metal. A lot of it. Over."

With a grunt, Gul drops back into the cockpit and adjusts his headset. "081 to Lang, hold up. Melted as in lasers, over?"

"Lang to 081, probably Ijad lasers. We'll set up here and take samples. Over."

"081 to Lang, negative. Let me send the rookies to take a look, over."

His display shows the rest of his company. He pings them on tightbeam, waves them forward with his frame's hand manipulators. Two of them lope forward with surprising speed to inspect the mass of melted metal at the edge of the wind field. While the ST-7 Chubs may look ungainly, their powerful muscle cylinders give them lifelike agility and mobility.

Tactical Map (https://flic.kr/p/Gkmm3g)

"081 to kids, sound off and tell me what you see, over."

And then he notices, just to the south, Company 45 is heading this way real fast. That's odd. And they haven't said hello yet.

Your frame numbers are 082, 083, 084, 085, 086 and 087 as shown on the Tactical Map. Sound off by your (one) name and number, and feel free to ask questions or comment on what you see. If you want to Assess the Situation, go ahead and roll for yourself. This is a Powered by the Apocalypse game, so if it feels like you should be rolling, just roll and tell us the results, and what choices you make based on the results. You can roll using any app or roller or your own 2d6 IRL, I don't care. Roll on the honor system.

OOC thread is here (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?485058-Mecha-World-01-All-You-Need-Is-Die-OOC&p=20672775#post20672775), for all your character playbooks and OOC chatter.

I'm going to go ahead and spoil you - if you use Assess the Situation, you may replace the word "enemy" with "Company 45" when asking your questions. Just saying.

2016-04-16, 10:22 PM
"086 Reporting in, its definitely metallic, I'm taking a sample for analysis." Ryan radios in putting his mech to its knees beginning to take a sample.


2016-04-16, 11:02 PM
"086 Reporting in, its definitely metallic, I'm taking a sample for analysis." he radios in putting his mech to its knees as he begins taking a sample.

Ryan finds several misshapen manhole-sized pieces of metal, as if they were carved from a larger shape, splashed onto the grass and dirt in liquid form, then re-froze. But picking one up is difficult - they're stuck to the ground and it takes some effort to dig into the hard soil with finger manipulators.

As the after-action report showed, by the time Ryan would have managed to get the sample to the scientists, it would have been too late. But there was no way to know this at the time.

2016-04-17, 10:15 AM
Lee's fingers beat an anxious drumbeat against the controls of his Chub. Even on a supposedly easy, boring assignment like this, he's never been able to feel totally at ease in the cockpit--but he's glad for it. Moving a machine this powerful, it seems a bad idea to get complacent. And no mission is guaranteed to be safe.

Hanging back by the scientists' truck while Ryan and Stevenson check out the site, the dust cloud of the other company's approach on his viewscreen catches his eye. He does a double-take. "Oh-eight-seven here--captain, is forty-five supposed to be backing us up?"

2016-04-17, 01:05 PM
"Oh-eight-seven here--captain, is forty-five supposed to be backing us up?"

"081 to kids, that's a negative. I'm pinging them. Computer says their codes check out, but they're not responding to hails."

One of the approaching Chubs waves in a friendly fashion, and a warm voice calls out a friendly greeting over radio. "Hola, 455 to Company 08, we're investigating some funny heat sources here. You see anything out of the ordinary, over?"

2016-04-18, 07:53 AM
An instant later, Gul's Osprey splits like a ripe seed pod under the impacts of sniper-cannon fire. Secondary explosions rip the mobile frame apart from within and the ruined hull is engulfed in fuel smoke and offgassing from the superheated polycarbonates and titanium.

"Gul! Oh God!" screams Dr Lang over open comms.

Three new heat signatures resolve themselves to the southeast - Free Colonies Hi-Legs, bearing panzerfausts and smoke launchers on their hardpoints, rising from the turf, their camo netting sliding aside. At the same time, the Chubs of Company 45 engage skates and begin maneuvering into firing positions.

The sniper fire came from a spot halfway between the two enemy groups - it must be a shooter team or low-power frame lying low and remaining concealed.

Tactical Map (https://flic.kr/p/GeLz5y)

Everyone who wants to act needs to roll and resolve Keep it Together. Then they can declare and roll for a subsequent Move, unless they failed horribly.

There are seven bogies, all within shooting range at the moment. Four Chubs from "Company 45" that are very obviously flying false flags/IFF. Three Hi-Legs that were lying in ambush. And somewhere to the southwest of the Hi-Legs is a concealed anti-Frame sniper - it could be a dismounted weapons team, or it could be a stealth frame. You cannot shoot at it. You can only Close the Gap to find it.

2016-04-18, 08:21 AM
"OH ****! Stevenson, get that sniper! I'll back you up!" Ryan shouts over the radio, panicking the hell out.

Aid Stevenson with whatever he wants really.

2016-04-18, 09:24 AM
"OH ****! Stevenson, get that sniper! I'll back you up!" Ryan shouts over the radio, panicking the hell out.

Maybe it's the intensity of the situation, and maybe it's the incoming ranging shots from the enemy Chubs, but Ryan inadvertently ends up in the line of fire, just as Stevenson starts to take action...

The shots are intermittent, but they're coming in from all the enemy frames now. Single shots from frame rifles. Ranging shots, impacting hard against the packed earth all around like sadistic hail.

The GM spends Panicked to reduce your result by one step. Your fate is bound up with whatever Stevenson gets.

2016-04-18, 09:37 AM
As the captain's frame goes up in flames, Lee freezes, his jaw hanging open. Around him, it seems like the others are moving, but it's all just noise. "Oh God...oh God..." His knuckles are white on the controls, but his hands just won't do what he tells them to. His frame stands rooted to the spot, not even raising its cannon to return fire.

2016-04-18, 10:29 AM
Crap crap crap crap crap!, Stevenson thought to himself. Sure, he wanted at least some action, but the captain getting blown up wasn't something he has expected.

Still, he had to do something. Oh-eight-five, closing in!, he said before closing into the sniper location....

Close The Distance: [roll0]

2016-04-18, 01:09 PM
A just-out-of-range panzerfaust corkscrews through the air to detonate just ahead of Stevenson and Ryan. Frames 085 and 086 hunker down as they move up to a small cluster of rocks, finding what little cover they can. A stray shot creases Ryan's shoulder plating, and shrapnel from a hail of grenades narrowly misses Stevenson's frame. But they've made it up closer - and now Stevenson has a firm fix on the sniper. It's a team of dismounted human soldiers, manning an anti-Frame sniper cannon. They're close enough to rush...

Meanwhile, the rest of Company 08 are starting to awaken from their stupor. The radio bands are getting overwhelmed by enemy jamming, but short-range comms is still possible. The truck has been hit and immobilised, and now Dr Lang is shouting something about her crew bailing out. There they are - two of the crewmen, trying to make a break for it on foot as cannonfire explodes around them.

Rifle rounds smash into the wind tower just behind Lee, ripping away the leaf-like turbine blades, which flip through the sky and slam into the ground all around, like falling swords the size of frames. Too late, the panicked pilot realises that the tower is collapsing - right this way.

Evasive Maneuvers for 087. Which snaps him out of the panic.

2016-04-18, 03:36 PM
Combat started so sudden, what Green even didn't realized what their unit got in ambush or unit actual already smoked by enemy. Pilot's thoughts crawled like lazy snails who went astray in thick fog, forcing 082 to lose precious time... and to stand perfectly still under heavy enemy fire.

2016-04-18, 07:24 PM
Distantly, Lee glances at his viewfeed, wondering what that shadow above him is. It takes a second of watching the turbine tower fall before he cries "s***!" and snaps into action. Slamming the skate throttle up and wrenching his directional controls, he just barely manages to get out of the way of the debris, skidding to a stop beside the fallen windmill as the dust settles. He spends another couple of seconds catching his breath before remembering they're still under fire. "Okay," he mutters to himself. "Okay, come on...you got this..." He raises his frame's rifle, rounding on the nearest approaching Chub, and pulls the trigger.

Opening fire on the nearest 45 frame.


2016-04-18, 07:58 PM
Distantly, Lee glances at his viewfeed, wondering what that shadow above him is. It takes a second of watching the turbine tower fall before he cries "s***!" and snaps into action. Slamming the skate throttle up and wrenching his directional controls, he just barely manages to get out of the way of the debris, skidding to a stop beside the fallen windmill as the dust settles. He spends another couple of seconds catching his breath before remembering they're still under fire. "Okay," he mutters to himself. "Okay, come on...you got this..." He raises his frame's rifle, rounding on the nearest approaching Chub, and pulls the trigger.

The first shots bracket the enemy frame, causing it to stumble and drop to a knee. As it tries to get going again, Lee's HUD indicates a positive lock on target.

The other enemy Chubs are busy spraying fire into the rest of Company 08. Frame 084, "Red," takes a hit directly in the cockpit and slumps dead against one of the wind towers, setting it swaying. Frame 082, "Green" is a bit luckier, ducking behind the base of another wind tower just as rifle shells start landing all around it.

2016-04-19, 12:56 AM
Screw caution, we need to take down the nest ASAP!, Stevenson thought, as he charged the nest. However, a second shot from the anti-Frame sniper rifle rang through the air, and almost would've hit Stevenson were it not that he dodged the projectile. Damn, that was close!.

"Hey, Oh-Eight-Six, could you back me up again?", he said over the radio.

CQC: [roll0]

2016-04-19, 01:15 AM
"Covering fire coming right up!" Ryan replies as the mech's rifle raises and sprays some bullets forcing the people to take cover, hopefully.


sure rolling is pointless but still.

2016-04-19, 02:21 AM
Exploiting the fact that the dismounted soldiers are forced to take cover, Stevenson rushed ahead abd grabbed his Frame-sized combat knife, using it to slice the cannon's barrel off, making it useless. He also shoots at the soldiers for good measure.
CQC [roll0]

2016-04-19, 10:15 AM
Tactical Map (https://flic.kr/p/GgFUEy)

Green scans the surrounding area. The situation is rapidly shifting. At least Lee is firing back at Company 45. Ryan and Stevenson appear to be slaughtering a small weapons team up front, and they've just drawn unwelcome attention from the enemy Chubs, one of which is opening up with long bursts of rifle fire at Ryan.

Ryan is targeted by 455. Please roll Evasive maneuvers.

Dr Lang's science team is now all on foot, carrying samples and equipment in rucksacks as they run across the cold ground towards cover. There are a few maintenance shacks just behind Company 08. The wreckage of fallen wind turbines, the shot-up truck and the smoking frames provide a small amount of shelter for the scientists. And the land behind Green's company dips downwards - falling back will get the Legionnaires out of immediate line of fire for a short while.

Green also spots the Hi-Legs moving up around Company 08's left flank, trampling on little orange flags in the field. That's not good. They keep going and they might cut off any chance of retreat. At the very least, they have to be suppressed if Company 08 wants to fall back.

Wait. Green remembers Gul's briefing earlier.

The orange flags mark the edge of Ijad territory. The beginning of the Gantish Marches. Either the Ijad are going to take notice, if they haven't already, and come in to stomp on this fight, or they're actually letting the Free Colonies move through their land for this ambush, which is grounds for renewed war.

Ashlan Command needs to know about this. Jamming might keep Green's company from sending a distress call, but surely someone's spotted this fracas on satellite by now.

Company 08 are important witnesses. They just have to stay alive and pull back to Ashlan territory. Backup must be on the way. One hopes.

Staying alive and stalling for time until backup arrives is possible. You can move north and use the wind farm wreckage to block line of fire from the Chubs. Then you can either hole up and defend until backup comes, or retreat further north into Ashlan territory - there's a granary complex just a klick north of here, and there should be some UMFL troops patrolling it. One only hopes that Company 45 wasn't supposed to be the ones on guard today.

The Hi-Legs flanking you to the east are a big threat, though. They might cut off retreat.

2016-04-19, 10:24 AM
Ryan dodges back just as the enemy Chub empties an entire mag in a fusillade of fire.

Rounds spang off the frame's front armor, and something punches through with a nasty clunk.

And...Ryan's still alive. The frame's still moving. Okay, maybe things will be fine.

But there's an awful smell of ozone filling the cockpit. Something inside got hit. Electrical fire. But what, Ryan has no idea.

Ryan gains a disadvantage: Electrical Fire. No immediate effect but the GM reserves the right to use it to make Ryan suffer later.

2016-04-19, 11:03 AM
Lee is absorbed in his fight. No attention spared for the rest of the battle; no conscious thought but keeping his target in the crosshairs. His hands move the skate controls automatically, weaving back and forth through the return fire. When his HUD alerts him to a positive lock, he's ready. He pulls the trigger for another burst, aiming at center mass.

Shooting to kill on my locked target.


2016-04-19, 12:27 PM
Queen sits rooted in his cockpit, his hands loose on the controls. He knew it would be like this, or suspected. Dreaded. And sure enough, here they are - mean for the grinder. Captain down, enemy incoming. And...

And he had a job to do. He blinked once, and snapped out of it. He was on overwatch. The squad was outmatched. What they needed was a viable escape plan.

Assess the Situation[roll0]
if 10, then "What enemy or hazard poses the greatest threat?";"What’s the safest path of retreat?"
if 7-9 "What’s the safest path of retreat?"

2016-04-19, 12:42 PM
And he had a job to do. He blinked once, and snapped out of it. He was on overwatch. The squad was outmatched. What they needed was a viable escape plan.

Queen quickly realises, based on their situation and position, that the Company's got a decent chance of falling back to the granary to the north if they leave one or more rear guards to delay the enemy. Otherwise they're likely to get hit by the flanking Hi-Legs or shot in the back by the advancing Free Colonies Chubs.

2016-04-19, 12:49 PM
Just as Lee centers his crosshairs on the enemy Chub, its pilot manages to get it upright again. They waste no time snapping back into motion, and when the shells reach their mark, the target is no longer there. "S***," Lee mutters, adjusting his aim. "Come on, go down..."

Shooting to kill on my locked target...again.


2016-04-19, 06:18 PM
Just as Lee centers his crosshairs on the enemy Chub, its pilot manages to get it upright again. They waste no time snapping back into motion, and when the shells reach their mark, the target is no longer there. "S***," Lee mutters, adjusting his aim. "Come on, go down..."

A bright orange gout of fire shoots out of the new hole in the targeted frame. Internal fuel cells are cooking off. Unit 456 shudders, cored all the way through, and collapses. Then explodes.

Unit 455 seems to have taken notice of all the attention. It crouches in a shallow dip for a moment, then very purposefully straightens a bit, the pale sunlight gleaming off its eye lens as it stares back at Lee and points at him with a hand manipulator, as if in personal challenge.

You and me, pal. You and me.

Then some stray ranging shots from one of the other Chubs land near Lee, spoiling the effect and forcing him to evade. While Unit 455 starts approaching.

Please evade incoming fire.

2016-04-20, 03:15 AM
Sensing an opportunity, Stevenson charged the slowly advancing frame, hoping that he could damage it and remove the threat to Lee. Unfortunately, it turns out the Frame's pilot wasn't as distracted as he thought, and fired in Steveson's direction....

Close The Distance (455): [roll0]

2016-04-25, 01:32 PM
The enemy Chub, 454, walks a stream of rifle shells right into Stevenson's front armor. The reactive armor cells erupt in a cloud of flame and gas, robbing the impacts of their power and saving the frame pilot from some messy penetrations.

The enemy ambush begins to close its jaws. The enemy Chubs and Hi-Legs are moving in to snap shut on the fleeing scientists and the other friendly frames. Enemy shots streak into what's left of the wind farm, ripping through maintenance sheds and tearing turbine blades away. Green, Lee and Queen make a fighting withdrawal, occasionally firing back to try to suppress their enemies, while Dr Lang and her surviving team members scamper around the wreckage of fallen wind towers, heading north toward the granary complex, one klick distant.

As Stevenson and Ryan begin their withdrawal to catch up to the rest of Company 08, one of the flanking Hi-Legs turns to launch a rocket at Ryan...

Tactical Map (https://flic.kr/p/GutYhD)

Ryan is under fire. Roll Evasive maneuvers, and I will use that Electrical fire to downgrade your roll as per the Disadvantage rules.

And what do the rest of you do?

2016-04-25, 02:29 PM
Stevenson let loose a bloodcurling battle cry (or a battle cry that would be bloodcurling were the enemy Frame pilots able to hear it), as he grabbed his oversized knife and plunged it deep into 455's cockpit, killing the pilot in the process.

CQC: [roll0]

EDIT: I dun goofed, I have the Close Range advantage on 455.

2016-04-25, 10:21 PM
As the rocket roared towards his chub, Ryan struggled with the controls, attempting to pull the mech away from the line of fire.

Suddenly the cockpit failed, the burning electrical finally shut down the electromechanical controls of his mech. It could be fixed but in this situation, not going to be useful.


2016-04-26, 01:57 PM
Lee feels strangely detached as his target blossoms into flame. He should be anguished, he knows, wracked with guilt over the life he's just taken, but with the effort of continuing to dance through the hail of incoming fire, there's no room for regret. All there is is a tally that ticks up in his memory, one he knows will never go away: one.

The enemy's wingman catches his eye with their challenge. For a moment, his hand moves toward the fire control again, ready to answer, but he checks himself, remembering the civilians, their mission. He checks his feeds, spotting them making a break for it. Their safety has to be the top priority. This isn't a fight they can win.

"Oh-eight-seven here," he announces, already pulling back to regroup with the others. "We've got to get the scientists out. Someone help me cover them." Calm or numbness--he isn't sure. He raises his rifle again and pulls the trigger.

2016-04-29, 10:11 PM
The Chub numbered 455 pitches away, a ragged gash in its cockpit. Stevenson watches in wonder and realises that somehow he's missed the pilot after all. But seconds later, incoming grenade fire from another enemy Chub forces him back behind a flurry of blasts and a shroud of smoke.

A figure in a pilot suit, distinctly feminine in shape, clambers out of Ryan's stalled frame. Ryan needs a ride.

As Lee lays down cover fire, he sees Stevenson returning, carrying the escaped pilot in one arm. The enemy frames take a moment to regroup, and just then Ashlan Joint Command is on the air.

"AJC Actual to 08 Company, fall back to grid coordinates C67-C11. Help is on the way, ETA one-five minutes, over."

2016-04-29, 10:26 PM
Ryan leaps off her mech and hitches a ride of Stevenson's Chub, grabbing one of the handholds.

2016-05-02, 10:05 AM
Ryan leaps off her mech and hitches a ride of Stevenson's Chub, grabbing one of the handholds.

Lee gets one hit on the target, which begins to fire back as well. He's finally gotten the enemy frame ranged in...

As Stevenson begins falling back toward the others, Queen and Green lay down some heavy suppressing fire to keep the surviving enemy Chubs from pursuing. They manage to kick up a fair bit of dirt and score some glancing hits on their targets, but their ammo starts to run low and they begin to pull out, carrying stray scientists on their frames as they go.

2016-05-04, 11:50 AM
For one heart-stopping moment, Stevenson's frame runs through a crossfire from both the Hi-Legs and the Chubs, but the fallen wind turbine is just ahead and he manages to slide in behind cover just ahead of the streaks of rifle fire. The badly battered and shell-scarred turbine towers barely resist incoming fire, but they fend off the worst of it.

Help is still some minutes off, and the safety of the granary is still ahead. But at least, for the moment, this is a small victory.

A crackling transmission comes through over open bands, and it's not UMFL. And it's not Free Colonies, either.

"This is a Gantish Ranger patrol. Cease your fire and identify yourselves, all parties. Any further breach of the ceasefire will not be tolerated."

What the - it's an Ijad patrol?!?

Sensors pick up the pings of four Ijad quad-frames, approaching about a klick to the east from some crop fields.

The Free Colonies ambush party barely pauses before resuming their rifle fire at the fleeing survivors of Company 08. Trying to finish things off before the Ijad arrive, perhaps?