View Full Version : Persona: Hearts Reflected (IC)

2016-04-17, 01:17 PM
Monday, September 4, 2017

Even though it's already September, summer just doesn't seem to want to leave. As the first day of the 2017-18 school year dawns at Northridge Public High, students arriving and returning are greeted with a near-perfect morning, free of fall chill. Even with the bell not yet rung, the halls are full of teenagers, old friends filling the air with the buzz of talk.

Few seem all that worried about the recent rash of disappearances, assaults, and murders that's plagued the news, or the even stranger stories accompanying many of them. But that's nothing new for young people.

Even you, hardly normal for your respective ages, have more pressing matters to attend to right now. And, as each of you arrives on school grounds, your eye is drawn to an unfamiliar face.

Who's he? He's cute...but there's quite a crowd around, and you'll have to act if you want to get his attention! What do you do?

Allure D5: Just go for it! Put your best foot forward and greet him warmly. Reward: +1 LP.

Skill D5: Navigating a crowd is a matter of planning, reflexes, and spatial awareness. With a little finesse, you might be able to "accidentally" cross paths. Reward: +1 LP.

Conflict D5: Screw being polite, you're not letting these plebs stand in your way! Force your way through and make him take notice! Reward: +1 LP.

Luck D5: Wait, who are we talking about? Oh, this guy you just bumped into completely by accident! How careless! Reward: +1 LP.

2016-04-17, 01:23 PM

Yes, I know Conflict is my strong suit. But that'd be mean, and Nanoha ain't mean.

Nanoha, seeing the new kid, decides to work her way through the crowd to greet him. She knows what it's like to not have any friends after coming to a new place, and she wants to make sure that doesn't happen to him.

Anubis Dread
2016-04-17, 01:58 PM
Ah, another glorious start to the school year! Granted school was a complete waste of time. Jaz had no need to know how plant cells worked or why To Kill a Mockingbird isn't boring. Math was kind of useful she guessed, but that was about the extent of it. But nothing could replace that sweet, sweet feeling of walking into a room and completely OWNING it. She could get that outside of school, true, but it wouldn't have the same pull, the same immediate and obvious impact that having an entire mass of people getting the hell out of your way because they know you could f*** them up with one hand behind your back did.

And it looked like there was some fresh... meat... for her... to... oh. Oh. Oh sweet merciful hells who was that? He looked like a model. No, an angel. His small smile at speaking to the other people made her heart seize up and thud inside of her chest. His eyes seemed to windows into a soul that was pure and unblemished, a true beauty on the inside and out. Her body felt like it had just been struck by lightning, rooting into place as she stared slack jawed at this vision of divine beauty. Her mouth was dry. Her cheeks were red.


But wait, other people were talking to her. Other people. People who were not her. That was NOT acceptable. Scratching the scarring around her eye-patch in a gesture of her frustration, Jasmine gathered herself, straightened up her tie and wadeded into the mass, physically shoving her competition to the side.

"Out of the way! Screw you! Come back and I'll rip your damn eyeballs out and eat them! Next time I'll punch you hard enough to rip out your damn heart instead of just punching you in your over-sized milk udders! I'll bite your damn throat out! Hiiiiiiiii," Jaz performed a complete 180 in terms of personality and finished coyly as she finally got up to the object of her desire, making doe eyes up at him and leaning into his personal space.

Strong Conflict +1, Terrifying Presence +2, Warrior's Way +2, can't fail.

2016-04-17, 02:16 PM
"Hmm... Yes I can see it!" Summer declared, loudly monologuing right in front of the school gates. "This place is crawling with evil, but FEAR NOT!" She turned to the students around her, that stepped away from her on instinct. "I will cleanse this place of evil as the blood of the heroes runs through my veins! The Oracle of Horizons shall save you!"*Summer posed, leaning her staff into the ground, and stretching her hand forward. It earned her a few laughs, and a lot of people already calling her weird. But she closed her eyes and smiled. "I'm so cool..." She whispered under her breath, starting to walk forward. Walking with your eyes closed is a bad idea because you will probably crash into someone, and this is no different for a hero like Summer. However, instead of crashing into someone normal she crashed into an old face.

"Who dares step in my path," She began her speech but then opened her eyes. Suddenly the words caught in her throat and a cuter voice seeped through. "A-Alex?"

Weak Luck: -1, if the roll fails Destiny Bond it!

2016-04-17, 02:18 PM
Arman was glancing through his phone as he walked towards the school. The recent disappearances were just an acceleration of a trend, which wasn't a good sign. But what could be antagonizing these shadows? I'll have to talk to Cassandra and Nanoha when I get a chance.

He wasn't even aware of the new boy until he heard the familiar deceleration of bloody vengeance. "It's not mystery meat Wednesday, what's got Jasmine in a twist today?" He was suddenly struck silent by the sight of the beautiful boy. He was barely aware that his legs were still moving forward. Wait what am I doing? Why am I-he saw Jasmine advancing on the boy. Right, of course, to protect him. She'd eat the boy alive. I'm just watching out for him. Right. And if I make it look like an accident, she might not even kill me...much.

Yeah I know luck is my worst roll. However I'm using my Genre Savy ability, to make it a Skill roll. He's gonna skillfully bump into him. Still don't like my chances but let's see, what a +1 can do.


I don't think this counts as a physical conflict, I'm not sure you can use warrior's way.

2016-04-17, 02:30 PM
Cassandra started moving forward.

The classroom, the school was her element. Frighteningly intelligent, she never had any problem with the school work. Frighteningly rich, Cassandra never had any problems with her classmates.

Plus the fact that the boys considered her half-french blood, exotic and sexy certainly helped. Even if she hated that part of herself.

Getting to the newkid was a logic problem, nothing more. One made infinitely easier by the fact that students would stay out of her way, if it was clear she didn't want to talk to them.

Greetings. I'm Cassandra Whiteraven. She said with a curtsy. I believe you are new, correct?

Strong skill (+1), Honor student (+2), School queen (+2)

2016-04-17, 02:42 PM
Alice had an eager grin on her face as she arrived at school for the start of her sophomore year. Mmm, so many yummy people around - she could hardly believe there'd been a time when she would've kept her head down and just tried to get to class unnoticed. A lot of them probably didn't even recognize her, too. Who would expect that the girl who barely spoke and wore drably-colored, full-length skirts and conservative blouses that wouldn't be out of place at a religious school last year was now walking into school in a black mini-skirt and a slightly too small white blouse that was just transparent enough for careful observers to spot her lacey pink bra through it? Only the few friends she'd seen over the summer, really, but she didn't see them around right now.

Who she did see around was a cute guy she didn't recognize. Hm, she'd call him a solid 8 - definitely good looking, and she didn't mind him not being the most rugged guy around, but could use a little more muscle. Still, he'd be a good place to start having fun this year. She picked up her pace heading over to him - only to catch her foot on somebody's leg and tumble right into the boy, taking whoever the idiot she'd tripped on was with them. But she ignored that other person and simply propped her head up on her elbow, not even trying to raise herself enough to keep her chest from pressing into his, smiled as she looked down at him, and said, "Well, hello there. Must be my lucky day, if a fall like that let me run into a cutie like you."

Strong Luck +1, Accident-Prone +2 = +3 total. (Maybe Peeping Tom to bring it to +5 if this counts as an embarrassing situation?)

The person she tripped over could be a PC or NPC - left it vague deliberately.

2016-04-18, 05:23 PM

Yes, I know Conflict is my strong suit. But that'd be mean, and Nanoha ain't mean.

Nanoha, seeing the new kid, decides to work her way through the crowd to greet him. She knows what it's like to not have any friends after coming to a new place, and she wants to make sure that doesn't happen to him.

It takes a few moments of squeezing in between other students, but before long, Nanoha has found a gap and emerged into the small bit of empty space next to the new guy. As she approaches, he glances over, clearly noticing her. He looks on the point of opening his mouth to say something, when...

Ah, another glorious start to the school year! Granted school was a complete waste of time. Jaz had no need to know how plant cells worked or why To Kill a Mockingbird isn't boring. Math was kind of useful she guessed, but that was about the extent of it. But nothing could replace that sweet, sweet feeling of walking into a room and completely OWNING it. She could get that outside of school, true, but it wouldn't have the same pull, the same immediate and obvious impact that having an entire mass of people getting the hell out of your way because they know you could f*** them up with one hand behind your back did.

And it looked like there was some fresh... meat... for her... to... oh. Oh. Oh sweet merciful hells who was that? He looked like a model. No, an angel. His small smile at speaking to the other people made her heart seize up and thud inside of her chest. His eyes seemed to windows into a soul that was pure and unblemished, a true beauty on the inside and out. Her body felt like it had just been struck by lightning, rooting into place as she stared slack jawed at this vision of divine beauty. Her mouth was dry. Her cheeks were red.


But wait, other people were talking to her. Other people. People who were not her. That was NOT acceptable. Scratching the scarring around her eye-patch in a gesture of her frustration, Jasmine gathered herself, straightened up her tie and wadeded into the mass, physically shoving her competition to the side.

"Out of the way! Screw you! Come back and I'll rip your damn eyeballs out and eat them! Next time I'll punch you hard enough to rip out your damn heart instead of just punching you in your over-sized milk udders! I'll bite your damn throat out! Hiiiiiiiii," Jaz performed a complete 180 in terms of personality and finished coyly as she finally got up to the object of her desire, making doe eyes up at him and leaning into his personal space.

Strong Conflict +1, Terrifying Presence +2, Warrior's Way +2, can't fail.

Jasmine forces her way through the press, complaints and insults following in her wake--the latter thrown unthinkingly before people realize who they're talking to and quickly do their best to disappear. The commotion immediately draws the boy's attention, his eyes widening at the sight of Jasmine's eyepatch and scars. When she leans in, he draws back a little, apparently on reflex, and laughs nervously. "Uh, hey," he says. "I don't suppose you're--"

"Hmm... Yes I can see it!" Summer declared, loudly monologuing right in front of the school gates. "This place is crawling with evil, but FEAR NOT!" She turned to the students around her, that stepped away from her on instinct. "I will cleanse this place of evil as the blood of the heroes runs through my veins! The Oracle of Horizons shall save you!"*Summer posed, leaning her staff into the ground, and stretching her hand forward. It earned her a few laughs, and a lot of people already calling her weird. But she closed her eyes and smiled. "I'm so cool..." She whispered under her breath, starting to walk forward. Walking with your eyes closed is a bad idea because you will probably crash into someone, and this is no different for a hero like Summer. However, instead of crashing into someone normal she crashed into an old face.

"Who dares step in my path," She began her speech but then opened her eyes. Suddenly the words caught in her throat and a cuter voice seeped through. "A-Alex?"

Weak Luck: -1, if the roll fails Destiny Bond it!

He's interrupted again as Summer bumps into him, threatening to bowl him over. As he recovers and gets a good look at her, his jaw drops. "Summer?" He hastens to help her up. "Holy crap, I didn't even know you went here! How are you doing? You okay?"

Arman was glancing through his phone as he walked towards the school. The recent disappearances were just an acceleration of a trend, which wasn't a good sign. But what could be antagonizing these shadows? I'll have to talk to Cassandra and Nanoha when I get a chance.

He wasn't even aware of the new boy until he heard the familiar deceleration of bloody vengeance. "It's not mystery meat Wednesday, what's got Jasmine in a twist today?" He was suddenly struck silent by the sight of the beautiful boy. He was barely aware that his legs were still moving forward. Wait what am I doing? Why am I-he saw Jasmine advancing on the boy. Right, of course, to protect him. She'd eat the boy alive. I'm just watching out for him. Right. And if I make it look like an accident, she might not even kill me...much.

Yeah I know luck is my worst roll. However I'm using my Genre Savy ability, to make it a Skill roll. He's gonna skillfully bump into him. Still don't like my chances but let's see, what a +1 can do.


I don't think this counts as a physical conflict, I'm not sure you can use warrior's way.

Arman's totally-not-wayward feet carry him through the crowd quickly enough, in time to reach the quickly growing crowd around the new guy. He glances up from helping Summer as Arman arrives, giving him a reassuring wave before Summer can answer him. "Hey, it's fine, we're okay. It was my fault, I was out of it for a second."

Cassandra started moving forward.

The classroom, the school was her element. Frighteningly intelligent, she never had any problem with the school work. Frighteningly rich, Cassandra never had any problems with her classmates.

Plus the fact that the boys considered her half-french blood, exotic and sexy certainly helped. Even if she hated that part of herself.

Getting to the newkid was a logic problem, nothing more. One made infinitely easier by the fact that students would stay out of her way, if it was clear she didn't want to talk to them.

Greetings. I'm Cassandra Whiteraven. She said with a curtsy. I believe you are new, correct?

Strong skill (+1), Honor student (+2), School queen (+2)

The new guy has just turned back to Summer when Cassandra approaches, distracting him again. He takes a centering breath and nods, looking surprised but flattered at the curtsy. "Uh, yeah. Nice to meet you. I'm Alex, Alex Marsh." He almost looks about to bow for a second, then extends a hand to shake instead.

Alice had an eager grin on her face as she arrived at school for the start of her sophomore year. Mmm, so many yummy people around - she could hardly believe there'd been a time when she would've kept her head down and just tried to get to class unnoticed. A lot of them probably didn't even recognize her, too. Who would expect that the girl who barely spoke and wore drably-colored, full-length skirts and conservative blouses that wouldn't be out of place at a religious school last year was now walking into school in a black mini-skirt and a slightly too small white blouse that was just transparent enough for careful observers to spot her lacey pink bra through it? Only the few friends she'd seen over the summer, really, but she didn't see them around right now.

Who she did see around was a cute guy she didn't recognize. Hm, she'd call him a solid 8 - definitely good looking, and she didn't mind him not being the most rugged guy around, but could use a little more muscle. Still, he'd be a good place to start having fun this year. She picked up her pace heading over to him - only to catch her foot on somebody's leg and tumble right into the boy, taking whoever the idiot she'd tripped on was with them. But she ignored that other person and simply propped her head up on her elbow, not even trying to raise herself enough to keep her chest from pressing into his, smiled as she looked down at him, and said, "Well, hello there. Must be my lucky day, if a fall like that let me run into a cutie like you."

Strong Luck +1, Accident-Prone +2 = +3 total. (Maybe Peeping Tom to bring it to +5 if this counts as an embarrassing situation?)

The person she tripped over could be a PC or NPC - left it vague deliberately.

Unfortunately, as Alice looks down at the person under her, she realizes she's misjudged--it's not the new guy, but Julia Price, in fact one of the very friends she's seen over the summer. She must not have noticed her while focusing on her target.

Julia takes it pretty well. "Flirting methods that can't break bones usually work better," she says with a chuckle. "You okay there?"

2016-04-18, 05:27 PM
Nice to meet you, Alex! I'm Nanoha-Nanoha Takamachi, she says, waiting for him to shake the others' hands before offering her own to him.

Anubis Dread
2016-04-18, 05:36 PM
Jasmine on the other hand has no such compunctions and takes his outstretched hand in both of her own, holding it tight and shoving her way back into the center of attention. Where she SHOULD be. She needed to slam Summer's face into a locker or something...

"Alex! Such a great name!" Jaz gushed. "I'm Jasmine. Jasmine Brooke. You can call me Jaz though. Or honey. Or sweetie, dear, my future fiancé..." she trailed off blushing furiously.

2016-04-18, 05:37 PM
Jasmine on the other hand has no such compunctions and takes his outstretched hand in both of her own, holding it tight and shoving her way back into the center of attention. Where she SHOULD be. She needed to slam Summer's face into a locker or something...

"Alex! Such a great name!" Jaz gushed. "I'm Jasmine. Jasmine Brooke. You can call me Jaz though. Or honey. Or sweetie, dear, my future fiancé..." she trailed off blushing furiously.

Nanoha looks quizzically at Jasmine, a bit taken back by her forwardness.

2016-04-18, 05:50 PM
Alex, meanwhile, looks very taken aback, once again shrinking away from Jasmine as she holds onto his hand. "Uh...I-I think I'll stick with Jas, for now...if that's okay..." He looks around at all the strangers who seem so eager to get to know him. "So, are you guys some kind of welcoming committee?"

2016-04-18, 06:02 PM
Everything was moving so fast for the already flustered Summer, and all she wanted to do was talk to her old friend. It was so crowded she wanted to grab Alex, cast dimensional door and talk somewhere in private. Sadly, she didn't prepare that spell earlier in the morning... Bummer.
"Welcoming committee? Summer brought a hand to her forehead and shook it in disbelief. "Don't tell me knight, you have forgotten me?! Alex, Knight of the Fallen Stars, I could sense your presence nearby. The blood of the heroes that runs in our veins drew us to each other, so that we could catch up and talk... I mean so that we could vanquish evil from this world! She took a look at everyone else, and then back at Alex. "And I think these are some commoners, I'm not quite sure they might be evil beings in disguise..."

Anubis Dread
2016-04-18, 06:18 PM
The blissful looked disappeared from Jasmine's face, her expression turning frightening and her eyebrow twitching as she turned to look at Summer. "I'm not a 'commoner'. I'm probably the biggest bamf in this school. I should f***ing stab you in the gut for calling me names like that."

2016-04-18, 06:46 PM
O-KAY! Nanoha says, stepping between the two warring women. Let's just NOT initiate any violence, okay?

2016-04-18, 06:48 PM
Jasmine on the other hand has no such compunctions and takes his outstretched hand in both of her own, holding it tight and shoving her way back into the center of attention. Where she SHOULD be. She needed to slam Summer's face into a locker or something...

"Alex! Such a great name!" Jaz gushed. "I'm Jasmine. Jasmine Brooke. You can call me Jaz though. Or honey. Or sweetie, dear, my future fiancé..." she trailed off blushing furiously.

Pervert. Cassandra growls dismissively. Try to keep on your pants, on school grounds please.

Everything was moving so fast for the already flustered Summer, and all she wanted to do was talk to her old friend. It was so crowded she wanted to grab Alex, cast dimensional door and talk somewhere in private. Sadly, she didn't prepare that spell earlier in the morning... Bummer.
"Welcoming committee? Summer brought a hand to her forehead and shook it in disbelief. "Don't tell me knight, you have forgotten me?! Alex, Knight of the Fallen Stars, I could sense your presence nearby. The blood of the heroes that runs in our veins drew us to each other, so that we could catch up and talk... I mean so that we could vanquish evil from this world! She took a look at everyone else, and then back at Alex. "And I think these are some commoners, I'm not quite sure they might be evil beings in disguise..."

Commoners. Cassandra adds her irritation growing. Clearly, you lack the brains to recognize your social superiors! I'm a Whiteraven! She says stomping her foot for emphasis.

2016-04-18, 07:08 PM
"Hmm... That was very rude of a hero I guess." She looks up trying to think of a better word. "Fine then, you are all mortals! It's okay to be a mortal though, after all not everyone can be a grand mage with the blood of the hero."

2016-04-18, 07:18 PM
"Uh, I...I hadn't forgotten about you, Summer," Alex pipes up, looking like he suspects this is a very bad idea. "I was just surprised to see you...I mean, what's it been, like, ten years?" He glances over at Arman, silently asking what the hell is going on.

2016-04-18, 07:37 PM
Unfortunately, as Alice looks down at the person under her, she realizes she's misjudged--it's not the new guy, but Julia Price, in fact one of the very friends she's seen over the summer. She must not have noticed her while focusing on her target.

Julia takes it pretty well. "Flirting methods that can't break bones usually work better," she says with a chuckle. "You okay there?"
I'm going to assume this is the friend Alice has dated a bit, given that reaction. I've been thinking of the other girl friend of hers as straight and a little off-put by her change.
Alice blinks in surprise a moment as she realizes that the cute guy she had been trying to meet has somehow been replaced with her not-quite-girlfriend. "Oh, heya Jewels," she said with a smirk, the pet name a reference to the girl's tendency to wear a lot of jewelry - and her modestly-sized chest, but mostly the jewelry. She leaned down to give the other girl a quick kiss before standing up and brushing off her bare legs and clothes - wouldn't do to look dirty in front of the whole school. "Yeah, I'm fine. I'm used to those, you know that," she said brushing off the concern as lightly as the dirt. "Although... maybe I should use them as a flirting method. Everybody knows how clumsy I am, I doubt anybody'd bat an eye if I did it intentionally once in a while..." she remarked, a grin forming as her thoughts trailed off to the... situations she could set up that way.

Anubis Dread
2016-04-18, 07:44 PM
Great, one person was claiming she was a pervert, one was claiming she was violent, and another was... she didn't even know WHAT Summer was doing, but it was working better than what Jasmine was trying and that was unacceptable.

"So!" Jaz states loudly, turning back with worship filled eyes to Alex and ignoring all the worthless peons who were beneath her notice. "You're new in school? Let me show you around! I can show you the classrooms, and the cafeteria, and the janitor's closet... if you like. Totally no pressure," she emphasizes, wrapping her arms around his middle. Holy shiza he smelt good. She breathed in his scent and hummed in satisfaction.

2016-04-18, 07:45 PM
Nanoha gently but firmly grabs Jasmine, pulling her away from the handsome young man. I think he'd like it best right now if you gave him some space.

2016-04-18, 07:55 PM
Great, one person was claiming she was a pervert, one was claiming she was violent, and another was... she didn't even know WHAT Summer was doing, but it was working better than what Jasmine was trying and that was unacceptable.

"So!" Jaz states loudly, turning back with worship filled eyes to Alex and ignoring all the worthless peons who were beneath her notice. "You're new in school? Let me show you around! I can show you the classrooms, and the cafeteria, and the janitor's closet... if you like. Totally no pressure," she emphasizes, wrapping her arms around his middle. Holy shiza he smelt good. She breathed in his scent and hummed in satisfaction.

Perhaps. Jaz. Cassandra replied.

It would be best, if I showed him around. You know, seeing me with the new student will give the teachers a favorable view of him, as a first impression. It's hard to beat that. Cassandra replied clutching a book to her chest.

2016-04-18, 08:03 PM
I'm going to assume this is the friend Alice has dated a bit, given that reaction. I've been thinking of the other girl friend of hers as straight and a little off-put by her change.
Alice blinks in surprise a moment as she realizes that the cute guy she had been trying to meet has somehow been replaced with her not-quite-girlfriend. "Oh, heya Jewels," she said with a smirk, the pet name a reference to the girl's tendency to wear a lot of jewelry - and her modestly-sized chest, but mostly the jewelry. She leaned down to give the other girl a quick kiss before standing up and brushing off her bare legs and clothes - wouldn't do to look dirty in front of the whole school. "Yeah, I'm fine. I'm used to those, you know that," she said brushing off the concern as lightly as the dirt. "Although... maybe I should use them as a flirting method. Everybody knows how clumsy I am, I doubt anybody'd bat an eye if I did it intentionally once in a while..." she remarked, a grin forming as her thoughts trailed off to the... situations she could set up that way.

"Well, it definitely gets attention," Julia chuckles, picking herself up and dusting off her own clothes. She barely has time to recover, though, before the two of you are roughly jostled aside by the throng fleeing Jasmine's rampage. "Jeez," Julia grumbles, glowering after Jasmine. "What's got her in full bitch mode?" A second later, she spots the new guy, and her scowl is replaced by a look of pained sympathy. "Ooh, poor Alex..."

Great, one person was claiming she was a pervert, one was claiming she was violent, and another was... she didn't even know WHAT Summer was doing, but it was working better than what Jasmine was trying and that was unacceptable.

"So!" Jaz states loudly, turning back with worship filled eyes to Alex and ignoring all the worthless peons who were beneath her notice. "You're new in school? Let me show you around! I can show you the classrooms, and the cafeteria, and the janitor's closet... if you like. Totally no pressure," she emphasizes, wrapping her arms around his middle. Holy shiza he smelt good. She breathed in his scent and hummed in satisfaction.

Nanoha gently but firmly grabs Jasmine, pulling her away from the handsome young man. I think he'd like it best right now if you gave him some space.

Perhaps. Jaz. Cassandra replied.

It would be best, if I showed him around. You know, seeing me with the new student will give the teachers a favorable view of him, as a first impression. It's hard to beat that. Cassandra replied clutching a book to her chest.

"Uh, actually," Alex cuts in, addressing everyone, "could you guys show me where we're supposed to get our schedules? I heard they were supposed to be emailed, but I don't have mine yet."

2016-04-18, 08:20 PM
It would be my pleasure! Cassandra says sincerely, offering him her arm like a proper lady.

If you have any questions about our school, please don't hesitate to ask. Cassandra replied.

2016-04-18, 08:26 PM
"Well, it definitely gets attention," Julia chuckles, picking herself up and dusting off her own clothes. She barely has time to recover, though, before the two of you are roughly jostled aside by the throng fleeing Jasmine's rampage. "Jeez," Julia grumbles, glowering after Jasmine. "What's got her in full bitch mode?" A second later, she spots the new guy, and her scowl is replaced by a look of pained sympathy. "Ooh, poor Alex..."
Alice follows Julia's gaze over to the guy she'd seen before - suddenly surrounded by a group of people, one of which was definitely the bitch Julia had just mentioned. But who cared about her? "Ooo, so you know the cutie over there? He's the one I was going to put the moves on when we had our little tumble," she said, giving her friend a sidelong look and smirk at that. "Alex, huh? Looks like he's popular."

Anubis Dread
2016-04-18, 08:46 PM
"Come on, you don't want Cassandra showing you around. She's a b****," Jaz protested, letting go of Alex's middle so she could drape herself around his other arm. "I can get you your schedule no problem!"

2016-04-18, 08:56 PM
Can't we just be nice to each other? Everyone here is a fine person.

2016-04-18, 09:02 PM
Can't we just be nice to each other? Everyone here is a fine person.

No. Most of the people here are not fine people. Cassandra points out.

But... I suppose I can let Alex figure that out on his own, if you're prefer. She relents. Slightly.

2016-04-18, 10:24 PM
"Sorry, got jostled around by the crowd. Arman Zader, junior year." He tried to reach a hand out to shake his hand, but Jasmine's iron grip on Alex's hand, made that impossible.

"Uh, I...I hadn't forgotten about you, Summer," Alex pipes up, looking like he suspects this is a very bad idea. "I was just surprised to see you...I mean, what's it been, like, ten years?" He glances over at Arman, silently asking what the hell is going on.

Arman glanced at him sympathetically. How do you say 'they're all crazy' in sign language again? He thought to himself. Before he could even got a word in, the girls continued arguing loudly.

"Uh, actually," Alex cuts in, addressing everyone, "could you guys show me where we're supposed to get our schedules? I heard they were supposed to be emailed, but I don't have mine yet."

There's my chance. He quickly raised his voice.

"Alex I'd be happy to take you to get your schedule." He offered. "While i'm not part of a welcoming committee, I used to be the 'new kid' and I thought it would be better to have someone who'd been where you are."

He then turned to the women. "While I take Alex to get his schedule, why don't you girls continue your discussion, and come to a conclusion all parties are happy with? So there's no confusion, and poor Alex doesn't get swamped again." As the only guy, and one whose never shown an interest in men (or women for that matter) before, Arman hoped he would appear as non threathening to these women. It would be best if I don't appear as competition, or there would be blood in the hallways-my blood specifically.

Because Arman is a pretty boy Bishonen, with the quiet mysterious exchange thing going on, he's got a lot of girls (none of you of course) who harass him, give him love letters etc. He shouldn't really appear as a challenge to any of the girls, since he's never shown an interest in boys before.

2016-04-19, 12:31 PM
Alice follows Julia's gaze over to the guy she'd seen before - suddenly surrounded by a group of people, one of which was definitely the bitch Julia had just mentioned. But who cared about her? "Ooo, so you know the cutie over there? He's the one I was going to put the moves on when we had our little tumble," she said, giving her friend a sidelong look and smirk at that. "Alex, huh? Looks like he's popular."

"Well, I don't really know him," Julia says. "I met him, like, once, we talked for about ten seconds." She gives him an appraising look. "He's pretty cute, I guess. Doubt you'd have much luck, though." Leaning in close, she whispers "a friend of a friend told me he left his old school because his girlfriend there died. Got in a car crash. It's horrible." She shudders as she draws back. "Besides, flirting from the middle of a crowd of admirers never works. Least not for me."

"Come on, you don't want Cassandra showing you around. She's a b****," Jaz protested, letting go of Alex's middle so she could drape herself around his other arm. "I can get you your schedule no problem!"

Can't we just be nice to each other? Everyone here is a fine person.

No. Most of the people here are not fine people. Cassandra points out.

But... I suppose I can let Alex figure that out on his own, if you're prefer. She relents. Slightly.

"Sorry, got jostled around by the crowd. Arman Zader, junior year." He tried to reach a hand out to shake his hand, but Jasmine's iron grip on Alex's hand, made that impossible.

Arman glanced at him sympathetically. How do you say 'they're all crazy' in sign language again? He thought to himself. Before he could even got a word in, the girls continued arguing loudly.

There's my chance. He quickly raised his voice.

"Alex I'd be happy to take you to get your schedule." He offered. "While i'm not part of a welcoming committee, I used to be the 'new kid' and I thought it would be better to have someone who'd been where you are."

He then turned to the women. "While I take Alex to get his schedule, why don't you girls continue your discussion, and come to a conclusion all parties are happy with? So there's no confusion, and poor Alex doesn't get swamped again." As the only guy, and one whose never shown an interest in men (or women for that matter) before, Arman hoped he would appear as non threathening to these women. It would be best if I don't appear as competition, or there would be blood in the hallways-my blood specifically.

Because Arman is a pretty boy Bishonen, with the quiet mysterious exchange thing going on, he's got a lot of girls (none of you of course) who harass him, give him love letters etc. He shouldn't really appear as a challenge to any of the girls, since he's never shown an interest in boys before.

Alex keeps looking back and forth between everyone in the group, obviously unsure what to do. When Arman suggests leaving everyone else behind, he quickly shakes his head. "Oh, no, no, you guys aren't swamping me," he protests, though his heart doesn't really sound in it. "I mean, if...why don't we just all go together? I'd be fine with that..." You can almost hear him silently praying for this not to just cause more problems.

2016-04-19, 12:44 PM
"The Oracle of Horizons can see many things, with the amazing powers of the hero's blood!" Summer declared proudly. "... But I don't know my schedule, and I don't know where to get it either. Can I come with you, Alex?"

2016-04-19, 12:56 PM
Alex keeps looking back and forth between everyone in the group, obviously unsure what to do. When Arman suggests leaving everyone else behind, he quickly shakes his head. "Oh, no, no, you guys aren't swamping me," he protests, though his heart doesn't really sound in it. "I mean, if...why don't we just all go together? I'd be fine with that..." You can almost hear him silently praying for this not to just cause more problems.

That sounds like a great idea.

Anubis Dread
2016-04-19, 01:15 PM
"I agree," Jaz hisses through grit teeth. Before beaming up at Alex, tightening her hold on him. "Let's go together! Just you and me. And the others," she waves a hand as though dismissing them as unimportant.

2016-04-19, 01:31 PM
Keee.... Cassandra started to holler out, before remembering her promise to Nanoha and sighing.

Yes, let's go together, all of us. She adds shooting Jaz a death glare.

2016-04-19, 01:57 PM
Arman found himself slightly upset when Alex said he didn't want to split up. Why am I upset, it's his prerogative to get swarmed by a bunch of harpies if that's what he wants. When Summer spoke, he raised an eyebrow.

"Summer was it?" He asked, using the name Alex called her. "You are new as well? In that case," He looked at the others. "Maybe it would be best if we all went together, to make sure the new students don't get lost." He nodded towards the school.

"Follow me." He states, before leading the group towards wherever they can get schedules from.

2016-04-19, 02:09 PM
Summer puffed out her cheeks. "Mortal, I said my name is Solorenia, Oracle of Horizons, slayer of dragons, queller of destruction!" Nevertheless, she followed after the glasses boy.

2016-04-19, 07:50 PM
"Well, I don't really know him," Julia says. "I met him, like, once, we talked for about ten seconds." She gives him an appraising look. "He's pretty cute, I guess. Doubt you'd have much luck, though." Leaning in close, she whispers "a friend of a friend told me he left his old school because his girlfriend there died. Got in a car crash. It's horrible." She shudders as she draws back. "Besides, flirting from the middle of a crowd of admirers never works. Least not for me."
Alice too shudders involuntarily at that remark. She had definitely not been expecting anything so dark from the guy. But on the other hand, something about that touch of tragedy made him just a bit more... enticing, in a way she couldn't quite define.

"Hm... we'll see. I think he's probably worth a shot. And some competition could be fun," she said, licking her lips. "Bet there's more things I'd do that could get his attention than most of that sorry bunch," she added with a smirk. As if to illustrate, she suddenly and shamelessly squeezed her friend's ass, then leaned over to give her another quick kiss on the lips before the surprise wore off. "But I'll leave that for next time I see him - I think we need to get to class. See you in... what was our first class together? Gym?" she asked as she started to walk off.

2016-04-21, 04:57 PM
Alice too shudders involuntarily at that remark. She had definitely not been expecting anything so dark from the guy. But on the other hand, something about that touch of tragedy made him just a bit more... enticing, in a way she couldn't quite define.

"Hm... we'll see. I think he's probably worth a shot. And some competition could be fun," she said, licking her lips. "Bet there's more things I'd do that could get his attention than most of that sorry bunch," she added with a smirk. As if to illustrate, she suddenly and shamelessly squeezed her friend's ass, then leaned over to give her another quick kiss on the lips before the surprise wore off. "But I'll leave that for next time I see him - I think we need to get to class. See you in... what was our first class together? Gym?" she asked as she started to walk off.

Julia blushes scarlet and quickly avoids looking Alice in the eye. "Uh...yeah, I think that was it," she mumbles. "Seeya then." She manages a smile as she follows suit and heads inside.

That sounds like a great idea.

"I agree," Jaz hisses through grit teeth. Before beaming up at Alex, tightening her hold on him. "Let's go together! Just you and me. And the others," she waves a hand as though dismissing them as unimportant.

Keee.... Cassandra started to holler out, before remembering her promise to Nanoha and sighing.

Yes, let's go together, all of us. She adds shooting Jaz a death glare.

Arman found himself slightly upset when Alex said he didn't want to split up. Why am I upset, it's his prerogative to get swarmed by a bunch of harpies if that's what he wants. When Summer spoke, he raised an eyebrow.

"Summer was it?" He asked, using the name Alex called her. "You are new as well? In that case," He looked at the others. "Maybe it would be best if we all went together, to make sure the new students don't get lost." He nodded towards the school.

"Follow me." He states, before leading the group towards wherever they can get schedules from.

Summer puffed out her cheeks. "Mortal, I said my name is Solorenia, Oracle of Horizons, slayer of dragons, queller of destruction!" Nevertheless, she followed after the glasses boy.

Alex looks quite confused at Summer when she corrects Arman, but apparently thinks better of bringing it up for the moment. "Alright, uh...lead on, I guess." No one can see it, but as his newfound group of suitors leads him into the building towards the main office, he silently wonders whether changing schools might be the best decision he's ever made, or the worst.

The new year has just begun, and it's already shaping up to be one Northridge Public High will never forget...

Hearts Reflected
Episode 1

Scene 2

The bell has rung, and classes are in session. Since it's the first day, your teachers are holding off on giving you much actual work to do, and are mostly just going over syllabi and trying to get everyone to play icebreaker games. As luck would have it, Nanoha, Jasmine, Arman, and Cassandra have all ended up in the same required junior-year English class. Lily happens to find herself there, too, and gets her first look at Alex, but your teacher interrupts before she can do anything about it. You all know Mr. Durant, or at least know of him--he's been at Northridge forever. They say he can be kind of pompous, but at least isn't boring.

"Alright, everyone!" he announces from the front of the classroom, beaming behind his thick glasses. "Before we dig into the details of what's expected of you in this course, I'd like to hear a little about who I'm teaching! Why don't we go around the room, and have each of you tell us all your name, and how you spent your summer. And don't say you did nothing--if you can't come up with even one detail, you're in for a rough ride in this class!"

This could be a chance to get Alex's attention! Make the most of it!

Allure D5: Any story can sound interesting if you tell it right! Reward: +1 LP.

Skill D5: Hey, Alex doesn't know how you spent your summer--if you embellish a little (read: make s*** up), he'll never know, as long as you sell it. Reward: +1 LP.

Luck D7: Oh man, this is perfect--you actually did something really interesting this summer that would make a perfect story! Reward: +2 LP.
Meanwhile, as sophomores, Summer and Alice are tragically separated from Northridge's most attractive new arrival when classes start. Even so, you can tell he's getting attention. As he passes by in the hallways, you can clearly see other girls (and a few boys) giving him just the same looks you are, and once or twice, you spot people whispering behind hands when he isn't looking. Luckily, a couple of the gossips are in your own class. Maybe they know things about him that you can use to your advantage!

Allure D5: Why would anyone keep secrets from someone as popular and charming as you? Reward: +1 LP.

Skill D5: If you can get in close enough without looking suspicious, you might be able to overhear something. Reward: +1 LP.

Conflict D5: You have ways of making them talk. Reward: +1 LP.

Luck D5: Wait, are they talking about Alex? They must not realize you can hear them! Reward: +1 LP.

2016-04-21, 05:14 PM
"I Solorenia must discover what happened to my fellow hero while he was gone..." She talked to herself, in a light whisper. "5th level spell: Leomund's Greater Invisibility; activate!" She wrapped her muffler around her mouth and nose, and tried to sneak behind a table to listen in on the gossipers.

Strong Skill: +1

2016-04-21, 05:16 PM
Cassandra decides it is time to lie. To regale the class with details of a trip to France.

In truth, her family wanted her to go, but she hated France, she couldn't stand it.

And there I was, on the Effiel tower, looking over the city thousands of lights blazing in the dark, the scent of baguettes wafting in the air.

Option 1 Strong skill, School Queen (Students are more likely to believe me) +3

If school queen is ruled not to apply, use Practiced grace.

2016-04-21, 09:04 PM
Alice was heading to class with a mix of distractions competing for her attention. On the one hand, there was Alex, the cute guy with the tragic past, inevitably occupying her daydreams already. On the other, this was her first day back in school since she'd... well, opened her mind, she'd say, and she found suddenly that there were plenty of enticing sights to see all around her, now that she was willing to just enjoy them. Girls in short skirts or low-cut blouses, guys in shorts or t-shirts that showed off muscle, even a couple of shirtless guys she could only assume had come from the gym. She wasn't even sure if the school allowed them to walk around like that, but she definitely wasn't complaining.

It was while staring at those two as she walked through the hall that the, with her, nearly inevitable happened: she slipped. To be fair, it was on a part of the floor that was very wet - but to also be fair, she'd been too busy staring at the sweaty beefcakes to notice the "wet floor" sign the janitor had left. She slid along the slick tile for a moment, somehow avoiding crashing into anybody's legs despite how crowded the hall was, and came to a stop just past a corner. She was starting to get up when she heard the name "Alex" coming from above her - ooo, were people talking about her Alex? That might be worth listening to, and it didn't seem like they'd noticed her. So she just lay there for a moment to find out - and to enjoy the view she was getting up the skirts of the couple of girls in the group, just as a bonus.

Strong Luck +1, Accident Prone +2, Peeping Tom +2 = +5 total.

You know, I was actually throwing that last into the post anyway, and only realized afterward that it almost certainly qualifies me for Peeping Tom. :smalltongue:

Anubis Dread
2016-04-21, 09:36 PM
Hm, what had she done during the Summer that was interesting? It needed to be a good story. Something with a little bit of flair and drama. Let's see... she really wished she'd lost her eye this Summer and not the one before, because that story was ALWAYS good for putting the fear of God (aka Her) into the sheeple. But she hadn't really been idle.

"So I've been helping out a bit with the business, and sort of doing my own initiative with things. I figure I should get some work with my parents 'insurance company' on my own. I'm old enough, and I plan to inherit y'know? This new video arcade moved into the old mall that's in our turf- er, territory...

"At this point I need them to take me seriously, so to prove it I pin the ****'s hand to the wall with my knife. Like this!" At this point she pulls out a knife and slams it so deep into the chalkboard it's buried up to its hilt in it and the wall behind it. "Then I just grin at 'em. You know the one. Or at least you do if you're a complete dumbass that's gotten on my bad side. Anyway, so I tell them the rates for the 'insurance' are a little too low so...

"...eventually the fire department left and I managed to sneak out of the alley with all the loot. So all's well that ends well. Except for the f***ers who were robbed and had their livelihood burned to the ground I guess, but hey they knew what they were getting into when they screwed with me." Removing the knife from the wall was rather difficult. She ended up breaking off a chunk of board and plaster to boot. Oh well.

Murderous Love 1/2 to sub Conflict for Allure, Strong Conflict +1, Fearsome Reputation +2, Armed and Dangerous +2

2016-04-22, 01:24 AM
Arman sighs before getting up to the front. He was used to doing presentations, but he despised having to speak in front of the class. All those eyes staring at him, judging him, it sent shivers down his spine. But as he looked onto the class, his eyes met with someone who he didn't mind watching him.

He straightened his cravat and began speaking.

"So this summer I mostly spent it back in Romania, where my father was re-running for public office. I was part of his campaign team, and we had to travel across the country..." As he spoke, he began talking more fluidly, and with greater emotion. He realized he was fortunate that campaigning in Romania might be very interesting, but it required his skill as an orator to really sell it.

Worst comes to worse, he added, I could always tell them about how my uncle introduced me to the Donald Trump, shortly before he vomited on the man.

I'm gonna use Genre Savvy again (for the last time this episode) to treat this luck roll as a skill roll, so my difficulty is D7 but I get +1 from Skill.

I'm also going to use Contingency Plan, allowing me to roll twice and use the better result.

Since this is a class situation, and I'm using my skill as a presenter, would I be able to use Honor Student (+2 on Skill rolls involving logic, puzzles, or academics)? This is technically part of academics, and honor students are expected to give presentations a lot.

2016-04-23, 01:46 PM
Lily sighed and went to the board. She hadn't paid particularly much attention to any of the other presenters, as she hadn't really had any reason to care. The stint with the knife was loud, obnoxious, and annoying...whatever. It was her turn to talk, apparently. Welp. Here goes nothing.

Lily walked to the front of class, expression blank as a rock. After some thought she began speaking.

"....I got a girlfriend."
Her expression stayed deadpan, almost like she was discussing a particularly dreadful mathematical theorem she understood but couldn't be arsed to explain.

"We didn't last long but I did manage to get her to go swimming with me a couple times...once, even with the proper attire. Adorable little thing, but I was too...shall we say, touchy for her and it didn't work out."
She wasn't done. Her mask broke momentarily as she giggled.
"Oh, and we shared a bed once. Best night of sleep in my life."
And at that, she promptly sat down.

Allure D5
Best Stat (+1? Not sure if that's how it works)

Shameless: Your casual attitude towards erotic situations gives you the confidence to flaunt what you've got. +2 on Allure rolls involving nudity or extremely revealing clothing.

2016-04-25, 03:12 PM
Nanoha, unusually interested in the young man, decides to do her best to tell a story about her summer. While she thinks about "embellishing" a little, she decides to stick to the truth about her time volunteering at a rehab center.

Weak Allure. Because it makes the most sense in character. (And I can't possible achieve victory via luck.)