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View Full Version : Player Help Hard Shell, Big Claw; An unusual build?(pathfinder)

2016-04-17, 07:52 PM
So I've wanted to experiment with building a character that uses full plate, and a very large sword(preferably a greatsword or large greatsword), making use of sweeping attacks, attacking from a distance(reach, in other words), and is still able to keep up with or outrun the party(assume standard 30ft speed humanoids with light armor as the fastest).
So does anyone have some advice/ideas? 15 point buy for stats, and 15rp or less races(+ghoran). 1st party pathfinder only.

I've come up with a few potential components, but am not quite sure how to fit them together;
Titan Fighter fighter gives improved chance to hit with large weapons.
Barbarian, Bloodrager, and Vigilante all grant increase movement in heavy armor(with archetypes or a talent).
Cleave and/or Great Cleave seems like a decent choice for big sweeping attacks.
And Vital Strike(and the later feats in the chain) might be good for dealing damage while remaining mobile and accurate(especially with a large greatsword, for 6d6/9d6/12d6 damage).
Lunge lets me get reach at a small AC penalty.
And finally Power Attack and Furious focus could help provide yet another damage boost(with furious focus + vital strike, power attack turns into a raw buff to damage).

Retraining is an option, but does mean spending part of my wealth-by-level.
Ideally the build would also be somewhat functional by level 3(so able to wear armor and use a big sword decently while not being too slowed down), but can go as high as needed(I'd prefer one that could get most of it's toolkit by around 9th-11th level though).

2016-04-17, 09:30 PM
Steelblood bloodrager fits the bill. At level 2 you get +5 to movement in heavy or medium armor so you would be almost as fast. If you take the abberant bloodline, you will have enlarge person as a free bloodline spell, and your reach goes up 5 ft when you rage at level 4. Staggering critical is also incredibly powerful for a bloodline power. It also allows you to qualify for abberant tumor and get a free familiar.

You can also just be a normal barbarian and take heavy armor proficency(dip fighter) and the fast movement cancels out the penalty.

Your feat choices are solid. Consider combat reflexes if you can afford 12 or more dex for extra AoO's with your reach weapon.

2016-04-17, 10:46 PM
Well, Fighter Corsair can grant Great Cleave or Cleave without AC penalty.
Sad part, it no stacks with Titan Fighter (both alter armor training).

Titan Mauler Barbarian can get the oversize weapon thing though.

2016-04-18, 12:40 AM
Unfortunately, Titan Mauler only lets you dual wield normal greatswords(perhaps a sword plus shield?), without a large dip(6 levels).
For normal barbarian, the fast movement is cancelled by heavy armor, unless you take the Armored Hulk archetype(which doesn't combo with Titan Mauler).
Corsair might be a decent alternative to Titan Fighter, if there's some way to be at least as good as a 1st level Titan Fighter at using big weapons(sword, shield, and armor might still be a possible alternative, but I want to see if we can make a decent oversized weapon user first).
I also just noticed an issue with ranger, in that the bonus feats seem to shut off if you wear heavy armor. Is there an archetype to fix that?
(as for speed boosts, Vigilante was there for the "Shadow's Speed" talent, requiring a 2 level dip, it provides a 10ft/20ft increase to base land speed and isn't shut off by armor)

I'm also curious if anyone has suggestions for race... Are there any especially good with two handed weapons?