View Full Version : Tiben's Item Chest

2007-06-22, 09:18 PM
Once you crawl into the magic chest of Tiben the trader you are thrown into a world full of everything in huge mounds and cages and shelves.
The ground is perfectly falt, except you can't see it due to the ammount of stuff on the ground. Carful where you step you never know what Tiben has in this Chest

2007-06-22, 09:26 PM
Osnagard appears in the chest and looks around.

2007-06-22, 09:26 PM
Okay here we are people My Item chest
looking around he notices that Raril didn't follow
Where's Raril?

2007-06-22, 09:31 PM
Stayed behind for "Business""

2007-06-22, 09:32 PM
Oh well I'll just go see what his doing, to see if we should wait for him, or leave he behind. It's rather easl to get lost in here.
Tiben stickes his head out of the chest

2007-06-22, 09:41 PM
Tiben hops back into the chest

2007-06-22, 09:46 PM
Raril enters the chest, and pauses for a moment, sending another telepathic message to Osnagard. Have Nitzy watchs that guy I was talking to, if he doesn't follow into the trunk, tell me. He then looks around. "Wow it's a lot bigger than I expected."

2007-06-22, 09:51 PM
The pickpocket enters the chest and sees more loot than in his entire life. He looks around and sees all kinds of things imaginable. He pays particular attention to the valuables; silver hand-mirrors, gold utensils, robes embedded with rubies and diamonds, chests containg even more surprises, etcetera, etcetera.

The pickpocket cannot help but get a look of glee and awe in his face "Is this it all real?"

2007-06-22, 09:51 PM
After everybody is in the chest Tiben closes the lid behind him and locks it
There now no unwanted people can get in here
and thank you for the Complement

2007-06-22, 09:55 PM
Osnagard is standing in the chest also marveling at it.

Nitzy looks down at the pick pocket, "Why does it not make sense to talk to me?"

2007-06-22, 09:59 PM
Raril gazes out at the riches before him, his right eyes starts twitching slightly. "Uhuh..you're welcome" Suddenly a woman's voice comes from him.
"Oh snap out of it"
"Right! Where were we?" He turns to Tiben, an eyebrow raised.

2007-06-22, 10:02 PM
Right, now that were all hereI think I might have to explain some things
1)this is another plane of existance
2)Techinacly were not in the Town anymore so we follow my rules
3)My rules consist of if you steal anything I kill you
4)Were here to Find Walter first anhd formost, but if you see something you would like to buy just tell me and I will sell it to you when this is over

okay lets get going
Tiben starts running through the piles of Items towards a sign floating in the air that says "ANIMALS

2007-06-22, 10:03 PM
Osnagard follows Tiben, looking around as he goes.
"There is certainly quite a bit of ...stuff... in here."

Nitzy sticks with the theif.

2007-06-22, 10:04 PM
The pickpocket is removed from his sense of awe and looks back. "You talk- I mean, I'm terribly sorry for my earlier rudeness but I was just so eager to see what was inside this chest, forgive me. My name is Joe, how do you do?"

Joe wasn't his real name. The pickpocket had a way with words; even to the point where it became a habit. He was use to saying hello, hearing from who he was talking too, and taking their money; not necessarily in that order.

2007-06-22, 10:07 PM
"I am Nitzy."
The golem extends a man sized burning palm for a handshake.

2007-06-22, 10:08 PM
Raril follows Tiben. "Oh I wouldn't dream of stealing anything from you, Tiben. First I hate to be unable to be a customer anymore, second there's that dragon you have in here, but most of all I'd be afraid of the local Thieves' Guild. I hear they can do terrible things to people they catch 'freelancing.'" another message to Osnagard. Play along

2007-06-22, 10:11 PM
Well thats good that none of you would steal from me.
Tiben says. After some time of rinning he stops at a shelf the size of a building labeled "FOOD & DRINK"
Anyone want anything to eat?

2007-06-22, 10:13 PM
The pickpocket is unsure of what to do. Then he spotted something out of sheer luck that might help him. "Excuse me, Mr.Tiben? may I borrow this for a moment?" he picks up a fireproof glove from the ground and shakes the golem's hand. "How do you do?"

He also overhears Raril. "Thieves Guild? Never heard of them. Sounds like a criminal organization if you ask me." This was a lie. He knew a thieves' guild lived in the Town but preferred working on his own.

2007-06-22, 10:14 PM
"Oh, This One is in full agreement, "Freelancing" would really be a bad idea around now, did you hear about that one guy they found near the docks... rumor has it he came out of there bloodied blinded and useing his own severed leg as a crutch.", He responds to Raril in a way that Joe can clearly hear.

2007-06-22, 10:19 PM
"I hear one of them can appear anywhere at anytime. POOF! He comes up behind you, stabs your heart, and takes your throat" Raril draws his thumb across his neck to emphasize his statement. "Then he's gone again, and before you can even figure out what happened, your laying dead on the ground."

2007-06-22, 10:20 PM
The pickpocket suspects that there is some underlying message in their talk and decides to pay closer attention to what they say. To answer Tiben he says "Something to eat? No thank you, but maybe we could have a drink."

2007-06-22, 10:22 PM
from the shelf he grabs a large balck bottle filled with the thick green liquid and pours everyone a glass

2007-06-22, 10:24 PM
Nitzy, who's never actually had anyone accept a handshake before, lifts Joe off the ground in his excitement... then trudges along behind the others doing his best to keep Joe with him.

"Very good, thanks... we should try and keep up.

Osnagard responds back to Raril, "They even say that some are afflicted by horrible nightmares after going agaisnt the guild, reducing them to blubbering fools for the rest of their lives, no This One should think it wise to stay clear of the Theives Guild, and even more wise not to steal in the first place."

2007-06-22, 10:25 PM
Raril accepts a glass. "Ah, this stuff again. Cheers." He raises his glass briefly then knocks it all back.

"Well if one were to steal, it would be safest to give the guild their cut."

2007-06-22, 10:30 PM
Why do you guys keep talking about this"theives guild" I've never even seen a theif in the town
Tiben downs his glass of the liquid and countinues his run to the animals section

2007-06-22, 10:34 PM
When the golem lifts Joe from the ground, his shirt is caught on fire. Trying not to draw attention in fear that the golem might try and help, he runs over to where the drinks are and takes a container of water and pours it on himself to stop the burning. Afterwards, he says "Sorry; I was terribly thirsty."

2007-06-22, 10:39 PM
Raril raises an eyebrow at 'Joe' and chuckles, then follows Tiben. "Well that's probably because most of them are dead, or part of the guild, or both. I've heard some weird rumors." He laughs again.

2007-06-22, 10:42 PM
Tiben keeps running and grumbles about the water Joe used
Be careful through here
Tiben yells as they walk throught the "EXTREAMLY DANGEROUS OBJECTS SECTION"

2007-06-22, 10:47 PM
Osnagard nods in silent agreement with Raril. It is a very exagerated ned though.

Nitzy, still walking at the rear, enters the extreamly dangerous items section... ((this might not be a good thing))

2007-06-22, 10:49 PM
The pickpocket looked again at the rare items everywhere. Old wine. Expensive pottery. Mint-Condition Weapons. Gowns. All for the taking.. but his 'friends' might pose a problem to all of this or help him out. He thought of an idea.

"Wouldn't it be a poor shame to this fine businessman if someone were to pop the lid and loot his chest of goods? I would admit that would make one quite rich thief though. He would go on living like a king."

2007-06-22, 10:54 PM
Thats a good point.....
Tiben digs through a near-by pile and pulls out a Griffen
Go guard the entrance
he ourders the griffen

while nitzy is walking through the extreamly dangerioius objects section there are many large firey explosions that only result in makeing Nitzy larger

2007-06-22, 10:55 PM
Raril sends another message to Osnagard. We couldn't do that...Could we? He turns to the pickpocket "That would be terrible for poor Tiben to lose his stock. Not that it could be done, you'd never get all this stuff out of here. Look where we're walking" He gestures to the sign. "Who know's what's down here? Just yesterday, Tiben found me this rapier that he didn't even know he had." He pats the blade, still wrapped in silk and tied to his belt.

"And there goes a Griffin" :smallconfused:

2007-06-22, 11:00 PM
((I thought I gave you the scabbord?))

Like I said be careful. and if it looks like it wants to hurt you, it probbaly does

2007-06-22, 11:03 PM
It might be possible, wouldn't try it though... This One like the little guy too much, Osnagard sends to Raril.
"And look at poor Nitzy," Osnagard says out loud.

Meanwhile Nitzy has just caused another large scale explosion, absorbing most of it into himself as the fire actually heals him. "Oops, Sorry, erp!, excuse me, sorry..." Nitzy mutters appologies as he walks through.

2007-06-22, 11:04 PM
((You did, I just haven't done anything with it yet.))

Raril shrugs and turns to watch the explosions. "That's going to be expensive."

2007-06-22, 11:05 PM
"I have to say I envy you, Tiben. Why not just live down here and live in luxury? You could always find a few whores to share your wealth with- unless they're are some already down here?"

2007-06-22, 11:14 PM
Nah, I like talking to people too much to live down here, and as for the whores, all they would do is take my money and items.
Tiben finally reaches the ANIMALS section
Okay everything in cages is dangerous
He points to caged Trolls, Golems, People, owlbears, regular bears,...
everything that isn't in a cage is harmless and feel free to touch
he points to monkys, rinos, pinguins, cats, dogs, a tame imp....

he walks over to a large dome with WALTER ingraved in the top

2007-06-22, 11:25 PM
"You're a smart man, Tiben. Women are dangerous creatures. I know from experience." He scratches under his hat for a moment, then trips over his own feet falling flat on his face. "Ow...Do you see what I mean?" He picks himself up and keeps walking.

2007-06-22, 11:29 PM
Osnagard stares at Walter's home.

Nitzy is also staring "Shiny"

2007-06-22, 11:31 PM
The Pickpocket walks over to the animals. They were interesting, and he wondered why they're were people down here and even more so why Tiben was keeping them caged.

Thinking again about his 'friends', he then thought of another clever idea. He went over to Raril's side and whispered in his ear "You know what I think? Perhaps he is the leader of the Thieves' Guild. Think about it. He keeps a magic box full of loot which he could not have possibly collected by himself. He goes around town selling goods here and there pretending to be an eccentric salesman. This all may and well by a tin foil hat theory, but perhaps we should be more cautious."

2007-06-22, 11:35 PM
Raril looks at the thief and grins wickedly. "You would think that, but you would be wrong" the drow's eyes gleam and he chuckles darkly.

2007-06-22, 11:36 PM
"Perhaps you would know of the leader of the Thieves Guild then." he whispers back.

2007-06-22, 11:38 PM
Tiben suddenly looks very peeved at "Joe" and says
You Think too much
he then snapes his fingers and a huling beast of an orge wealding two claymores raises from the ground and tries to throw him into a cage

2007-06-22, 11:40 PM
(( hold on a minute. the pickpocket was whispering to Raril, I don't think he would be able to overhear them ))

2007-06-22, 11:41 PM
Raril dodges out of the way of the ogre, moving to stand next to Osnagard, while the fight breaks out. He whispers to the Necromancer. "I think our new friend is catching on. Too bad he doesn't know a thing about discretion."

((Kelly's got a point. It was a whisper. I doubt Tiben would have heard.))
((ok I'll just go back to my original statement then))

2007-06-22, 11:41 PM
((he's a highly trained elf, he can hear very well))

2007-06-22, 11:44 PM
(( in that case he had to have been listening in on them in the first place. is this so? ))

2007-06-22, 11:44 PM
((who says he wasn't))

2007-06-22, 11:47 PM
(( point. ))

"Goddamn eleven hearing!" he shouts as he runs towards Raril and Osnagard.

"I can't fight back against that thing! Help me out, please!"

2007-06-22, 11:48 PM
Raril watches, kind of amused, then looks to Tiben. "Don't hurt him, I want to talk to him."

2007-06-22, 11:50 PM
Tiben sanpes again and the orge stops attacking
I belive you have to have a conversation with Mr.Xar'Cha

2007-06-22, 11:51 PM
"Pitty", Osnagard agrees with Raril

Nitzy tries to block the monster from harming anyone, including Joe.

2007-06-22, 11:56 PM
(( who's Mr.Xar'Cha? ))

When the monster stops and the pickpocket is no longer in immediate danger, he turns to Tiben. "Mr.Tiben! Surely you realize what I said was in jest and meant to be taken lightheartedly, don't you?"

2007-06-22, 11:56 PM
Raril looks towards the enterance of the Trunk, far behind them, and then to 'Joe' with a wicked grin on his face. "How do I put this...I saw what you were doing back in the Tavern, and if our little hints weren't enough, I'll tell you flat out: the Thieves' Guild does not tolerate freelancers. I also happen to know that you are not a part of that guild and probably had no intention of paying them their 10% Did you?"

((That'd be Raril, check the sig. v ))

2007-06-23, 12:01 AM
Well it was nice of you to come out and tell me, that your a bunch of theives in a stealing paradice, now can you tell me why I shouldn't kill the lot of you right now?
Tiben pulls out an enchanted longsword and points it at all of them

2007-06-23, 12:03 AM
Realizeing there was no sense in putting on an act, the pickpocket says "The Thieves' Guild has their methods, I have mine. Why can't you accept that?"

2007-06-23, 12:05 AM
Raril shrugs at the thief "Boss' policy not mine, and Tiben, as I have said several times since we've entered this place, you'd be mad to try and rob it. You are not and have never been a target."

2007-06-23, 12:08 AM
Well that is good
Tiben says in his regular cheery way
you guys can do as you will with him, I personnaly don't like to get messy,
He then continues to look for Walter like that last event never happened

2007-06-23, 12:09 AM
Osnagard pulls Joe nice and close. "Methods? Explain these methods. And explain why you would not choose to join the guild over something ...unpleasent."

2007-06-23, 12:13 AM
Raril watches Tiben go then turns to face Osnagard and 'Joe.' "He took that better than I expected. Now what are we going to do with you?"

2007-06-23, 12:13 AM
He answer Osnagard "I like to work alone. I shuffle through different disguises each night, stop by the tavern, schmooze with people, take a little out of their wallet, and go home, nobody notices. I don't like to work with other thieves, brings bad ties and only puts me in danger."

2007-06-23, 12:16 AM
Well working alone just got alot more dangerous, so This One begs you to consider joining up.", he says kindly into Joe's ear. His voice being the only kind thing in this situation.

2007-06-23, 12:17 AM
"You don't have to work with other thieves, but we're there if you want back up. All the guild asks for is a tithe, for which you gain access to some very nice benefits, the chief of which is not being killed for being a freelancer."

2007-06-23, 12:19 AM
"There's not going to be a way out of this is there?"

2007-06-23, 12:20 AM
There's a bright flash in walter's Dome and when it dims down, the Dragon is sitting there as scared and confused as ever
HEY! I found him!
Tiben yells to the others as he dances in Joy around the dragon

2007-06-23, 12:23 AM
Raril shakes his head. "Nope, but trust me you'll love it with us. We won't cramp your style at all."

Raril's pupil's shrink to pinpoints at the flash and he falls back in pain "GAH! my eyes!"

2007-06-23, 12:24 AM
"You could always try fighting back.", Osnagard suggests as Nitzy begins to burn a little brighter.

Then the golem gets distracted, "Yay, we found him!"

2007-06-23, 12:26 AM
The pickpocket chuckles at the drow and then thinks for a moment. He comes up with an idea. "Alright, I'll join the Guild. Guess it's the only way to stay out of danger of other thieves."

2007-06-23, 12:28 AM
Osnagard steps back, "Smart man."

Meanwhile Nitzy has started dancing around with Tiben.

2007-06-23, 12:32 AM
"Alright, dose this mean I am an official member or is there an initiation thing?"

(( I got to go soon ))

2007-06-23, 12:33 AM
Raril blinks the spots out of his eyes. "There are times when I really regret coming to the surface. This would be one of them."

"Yeah there is one thing, but we need to be back at the guild for it. Nothing hard, just some traps on the door. If you get in the building you're officially in. And the boss will probably want to talk to you."

2007-06-23, 12:34 AM
((hehe, initiation, that could be fun))

Unexpectantly, when Osngarad backed up, he stepped on a poisonous deadtime frog.

((Night all))

2007-06-23, 12:37 AM
((I should go too, It's getting... early where I'm at :smallbiggrin: Goodnight everyone))

2007-06-23, 12:37 AM
"All right. Lead me to the guild's building."

(( this adventure will have to be continued later; deadtime ))

2007-06-23, 12:40 AM
((Deadtime G'night))

2007-06-23, 12:37 PM
Raril comes out of deadtime and looks around, seeing that no one else is awake he goes about gathering a few items to leave a message with. He takes a small side table and sets it in the middle of the group and places a radio (very similar to his own) on it along with a note.

You were all deadtimed when I woke up, and I have a feeling this isn't the safest place to be standing around and waiting. Tiben, I'm glad you found your dragon and I hope you never lose him again. Osnagard, Joe, give me a radio call when you wake up and I'll meet you at the guild. Just press the button that says 'talk' and speak into it. I'll see you all later.
-Raril Xar'Cha

Leaving the note under the radio, Raril carefully makes his way for the exit and back into the Tavern.

2007-06-23, 01:39 PM
Artemis [insert correct form of entry here] into the store.

2007-06-23, 01:43 PM
(( I believe that would be "climbs into the chest" ))

The pickpocket had awakened from deadtime and wandered back to the exist. When he made his way there, he saw Artemis.

"Hello sir, your a ninja I see. What bring you here?"

2007-06-23, 01:43 PM
I am Artemis, guildmaster. I was told that someone wished to join.

2007-06-23, 01:45 PM
((We're at the enterance, you're way by the "ANIMALS" Section but whatever, he walked *shrugs*))

Raril climbs into the chest. "Meet our newest recruit. Joe I think he said his name was."
"We caught him Freelancing in the tavern, thought I'd give him the oppurtunity to join."

2007-06-23, 01:47 PM
Well, one offence will earn you a warning and offer to join, two a beating from Osnagard, and three will be a visit from me. So, you want to join. What's your expertise?

2007-06-23, 01:48 PM
(( Easily corrected. ))

"Oh, your the leader of the Thieves' Guild. That's different..."

2007-06-23, 01:49 PM
Raril chuckles. "He thought Tiben was the guild leader for a while, because of all this stuff he's got down here."

2007-06-23, 01:50 PM
And Tiben is?

2007-06-23, 01:52 PM
"Oh, he's the merchant who owns this trunk, and everything in it. He can sell you just about anything."
"And that reminds me, we told him we wouldn't rob him, but with all the dangerous stuff down here we'd be crazy to try."

2007-06-23, 01:53 PM
"Well, if he hadn't overheard us and if these two weren't shush great friends with him we all would have made our way with a fortune in our arms."

2007-06-23, 01:54 PM
Well, this place looks like you would find anything. A perfect black market. You took a chance, and I think it'll pay off. Now, Joe, what is your expertise?

2007-06-23, 01:56 PM
"I'm very well adept at disguises. Also good at making small talk and robbing people while talking to them; a pick-pocket if you will."

2007-06-23, 02:01 PM
Good. Believe it or not, we desperately need pickpockets.


2007-06-23, 02:05 PM
Raril grins at 'Joe' "Well it looks like you're in. Welcome to the Thieves' Guild." His voice shifts.
"We can show you to the guild building if you like"

2007-06-23, 02:10 PM
"What's this 'We'?"

2007-06-23, 02:18 PM
Tiben wakes-up and notices the new person and walks over to him
Who are you? and how did you get in?
1)it was locked from the inside
2) I had a Griffin gaurding the door
3) Walter
Tiben looks confused at the people talking in here while the Orge, the Griffin, and Walter sround the members of the theives guild

2007-06-23, 02:20 PM
Raril grins and extends a hand. "I'm Lillith, Raril and I are sharing a body for a while."
"And in case I didn't mention it before. My name is Raril Xar'Cha, Elderboy of House Xabaresh Chaeron, Sub-General of the Blackout Raiders, and Assistant Guildmaster of the Thieves Guild."
"You have too many titles."

"Oh I had opened the door, Tiben, sorry. And that" He points to the deadtimed Artemis. "Is my Guildmaster, I brought him down here to meet Joe."

2007-06-23, 02:22 PM
Artemis awakens from dead time.
I can answer all your questions at once. I'm Artemis Enteri, ninja and guildmaster of the local thieves' guild.

2007-06-23, 02:24 PM
Tiben looks baffeled
B..But you CAN'T pick a lock thats on the inside
he points at the pad lock thats should have kept people out

Well how did you get past all of the guard creatures?

2007-06-23, 02:25 PM
*Venom, who had jumped through the chest, appears.*

Hey, Arty! I want to tell you what happened to Robert. I caught him free lancing and speared him though the heart.

2007-06-23, 02:26 PM
"Tiben, I was on the inside. It's not too hard then, especially if you know what you're doing." Raril slips his set of thieves' tools out of his left sleeve and twirls them around his fingers.

"SPIIIDERR!!" Raril runs and hides behind the nearest person.

2007-06-23, 02:27 PM
You're becoming about as subtle as Robert. And that, Tiben, is answered by the word "ninja".

2007-06-23, 02:30 PM
"Alright, I guess it is time we all be on our way. Show me the location of the Thieves' Guild."

2007-06-23, 02:30 PM
The griffin, The orge, and walter have had enough. They all start attacking the newly arrived spider
Unless you are willing to pay me to use this chest as a theives guild please leave and continue this conversation in Trog's
Tiben yells at the incressing number of thives in his item chest

2007-06-23, 02:32 PM
We already have a guildhouse. However, Raril made a deal that he didn't have the authority to make. Until I say so, We can and probably will rob you. If you will work as a black market for us, then we'll leave you alone.

2007-06-23, 02:34 PM
We have aUntil I say so, We can and probably will rob you.

((What did you just, say?))

2007-06-23, 02:36 PM
This is what happened: I caught him free lancing and tried to lure him into trap so I could capture him and bring him to you. The problem was he is a cyborg and his censers detected the trap. He attacked me and I had to kill him.

2007-06-23, 02:38 PM
(Sorry, something must have happened with the insert button.)

2007-06-23, 02:38 PM
((Nightwing there are three monsters attacking you))

2007-06-23, 02:43 PM
*Venom Leaves*

2007-06-23, 02:44 PM
Raril concentrates for a moment and sends a short telepthic massage to Artemis. I made the deal that kept us alive, you can't fault me for that.

2007-06-23, 02:47 PM
"I say we leave the box like Mr.Tiben suggests." he passes a slight wink to Artemis, hoping he will catch the signal.

2007-06-23, 02:52 PM
Tiben considers Artemis's offer
Now then Artty, I'm not afride of you. Your in my world at the moment, and anything in here could kill you, If I willed it to be. As for your offer I'm gonna except, but on a few conditions
1) You will use me as your only source of sales
2) I will not pay you for the Items until I find a buyer
3) You will not steal from me
4) Vinnie Tiben points to the Ogre will stay in your guild and keep an eye on you for me
5) I get 20% of the sale
6) I am not a member of your guild, this is only a business relationship
&) You will help me collect "protection money" from local businesses.
Do you accept my terms?

2007-06-23, 02:54 PM
One, don't call me Artty. Two, I accept all except the first condition, as we already have another source for the more dangerous substances, and he isn't someone you want mad at you.

2007-06-23, 02:58 PM
Well that is excelent, I'm sure this will be a profitable relaitonship for the both of us.
Tiben Crawls into a pile of items, then comes out in his Legitamite Buisness outfit.

2007-06-23, 03:00 PM
Artemis disappears.

2007-06-23, 03:02 PM
He slaps his hand over his face. How can he not see how easy this is? He then turns to Raril. "Alright, thieves guild, take me there."

2007-06-23, 03:03 PM
Well now that, that bussnes is down with, was there anything in here you would like to buy?
Tiben says to Raril
And when you leave for the Theives guild please take Vinny with you.
He motions to the Ogre wealding two claymores

2007-06-23, 03:08 PM
Raril tips his hat to Tiben. "Right, come on Joe, Vinny. To the Guild!" The drow climbs out of the chest and back into the Tavern.

2007-06-23, 03:10 PM
Tiben climbs out of the chest himself followed by Walter

2007-06-23, 03:16 PM
The pickpocket follows Raril outside.

2007-06-23, 07:05 PM
Osnagard wakes and leaves the Item Chest.

2008-06-22, 03:42 PM
A boy of 13 catiously wanders in.