View Full Version : SPOILERLESS Curse of Strahd Help Sorely Needed

2016-04-18, 02:51 AM
First of all, I'm typing this via mobile so please excuse any typos I miss.

I am a player in an Adventure League CoS hardcover campaign. My party consists of myself (Undying Book Warlock 4), a Wizard 4 who's still making up her mind about arcane paths, a Moon Druid 2 who's our saving grace in melee, and a Rogue... I wanna say 4? who I think mostly does melee but tends to show up a little late. We also occasionally get a hand from a TWF Fighter 3 who is one of the other AL DMs and plays when he has a night off.)

(There's also a Ranger 4, but since that player is unarguably the worst player I've ever played with and the group in general has more fun when said player isn't present I'm not counting them. This thread is not about that, but if you're wondering why our party seems on the light side melee-wise.)

We love the campaign. We really, really do. The atmosphere is fantastic, and our DM is doing a great job. He's of the "dice fall where they may" school, which is fine because that's the game we want. We're also doing milestone leveling, which is again fine because that's what we want.

But we have a problem: everything is murdering us.

I am at the point the only player whose character hasn't died, and that's only because I took Invisibility. That was originally for stealth/sniping purposes, but now the primary use is cloaking and running the heck away when encounters go bad--and with the exception of a tussle with some guards and a random encounter against some zombies, every single one has. (Even the animated broom almost killed someone in Death House.) Last session, we ended up in a fight that lasted one round... because a spellcaster enemy of some kind cast Cone of Cold, which one-shotted the Wizard, Fighter, and Rogue, after which I cloaked and booked it. (The Druid was downstairs, and the Ranger had to leave early for some reason I can't remember.)

Now, I want to be clear about this: I DO NOT WANT SPOILERS. I am having a blast not knowing what the heck is going on, except in as much as I'm an old Ravenloft fan (I nearly died laughing when we met "Richtavio"). But what I DO need is some guidance is to where we should be adventuring right now. The last few sessions were spent in and around a town (I forget the name, sorry) where some kind of big festival is supposed to happen in a few days and where "Richtavio" is. After a tangle with some nasty things while retrieving bones in which the Fighter died in addition to the one-round fiasco (and yes, that was in fact two deaths for him in the same session), it kind of seems like anything around there is going to kill us.

We pretty much went straight there after Death House, though--we got our fortunes read on the way, and we spent some time burying the burgermeister of Barovia (I think it was?), but other than that haven't really done anything. Our DM is suggesting that we should check out a windmill of some kind--is that another place that's going to get us murdernated? Where can we go to hit a milestone that's safe for a party on the lower level end of the spectrum? And is it possible for you all to tell me without spoilers?

2016-04-18, 04:22 AM
Based on the XP thresholds for the Old Bonegrinder, you guys are super dead. Did you encounter Doru in the church? That may be an option to gain some XP. Other than that the book says you should ALL be 4th for the Bonegrinder, but that is not an option. All I can say is wander the forests a bit and get some random encounters under your belt. Maybe let your DM know that this adventure is full of lethal encounters, so you shouldn't have level gaps in this adventure. I'll be straight with you, if things do not go your way in the Bonegrinder, it could easily be a TPK.

2016-04-18, 01:09 PM
I'll second that the windmill will kill you. For now, I'd recommend really talking to as many folks as possible in the Barovia (the town with Death House) and Vallaki (the town with Rictavio). Try the inns in both and then try to find houses/buildings/churches that seem more interesting and fully investigate what's up with the residents. Then search around Vallaki for points of interest.

I'm about to start running the hardcover this week - while researching experiences with CoS, I'll say I've seen quite a few similar to yours w/r/t to deadliness! Starting to think it's just designed to be less forgiving than usual.

2016-04-18, 05:39 PM
I feel like with the windmill they just misprinted which type of monster is in there. Otherwise is was just setup to kill you.