View Full Version : What book is this?

2016-04-18, 03:37 AM
So many years ago, I got a 3rd party dnd 3.5 book from a local library, aimed at a large number of player races.
Stuff like skeletons with living eyes, treefolk, and cat headed humanoids themed around big cats. If I'm remembering correctly, there was also a "redeemed fiend" race.
It was a hardcover book, and my memory says it was fairly thick.
Anyone have ideas? I found it around 2006-2007, if I'm memory is accurate. Fairly sure it was before 4e dnd came out.

2016-04-18, 04:49 AM
Hmm. Maybe 'Races of the Wild', because they have catfolk?
No treefolk there though.

2016-04-18, 05:34 AM
1. I suspect this is not a WotC book.
2. I don't recall skeleton with eyes, or playable treefolk. Catfolk are in RoW like mentioned earlier, and cat headed are Rakshasas in MM.
3. BoED has "sanctified creature", which is a template for redeemed evil creatures.

2016-04-18, 05:40 AM
Rings a bell, maybe this one?

Legends and Lairs: Mythic Races (http://watermark.rpgnow.com/pdf_previews/483-sample.pdf)

2016-04-18, 07:31 AM
Rings a bell, maybe this one?

Legends and Lairs: Mythic Races (http://watermark.rpgnow.com/pdf_previews/483-sample.pdf)

Yes! Thank you! That's it!

2016-04-19, 02:27 PM
I love that book series. Their books for other topics are pretty great, too.

2016-04-19, 07:33 PM
poo got beat to the punch, Mythic races is cool I actually adapted their OGC positive energy elven race to my own campaign world, maybe I will post it one day.

I have most o the legend and lairs collection, but sadly I lost my copy of darkness and dread /cry.

the concept behind legendary classes though is the best thing they came up with.

2016-04-20, 02:39 AM
I remember flipping through this at my FLGS many years ago, but I didn't end up buying it.

Does anyone know if there is a 3.0 and 3.5 version? I'm interested in buying it at Amazon, but there seems to be two different covers? If there's a 3.5 (or 3E revised) version, I'd rather get that one.


2016-04-20, 07:32 AM
I remember flipping through this at my FLGS many years ago, but I didn't end up buying it.

Does anyone know if there is a 3.0 and 3.5 version? I'm interested in buying it at Amazon, but there seems to be two different covers? If there's a 3.5 (or 3E revised) version, I'd rather get that one.


I can't find any info on a 3.5 update to the 2001 Mythic Races. It looks like the cover you found is an alternate cover that wasn't used. The use of 'core rulebook' on the cover is telling I think. The Creature Catalog released by Sword & Sorcery Studios used the term 'core rulebook' on their cover. WoTC took issue with their use of the term. CC was one of, if not the first, 3rd party products released under the OGL. I seriously doubt that FF would have released a 3.5 revision using the term 'core rulebook' on it's cover. Again, this is my best guess. I'm not 100% sure.

2016-04-21, 01:53 AM
Yes, I'm inclined to agree with your assessment. Looks like it was a 3.0 release only.

It appears the publishers released a bonus pdf that had a few extra races, but this seems incredibly hard to find now...

I think I'll order a hard copy along with my next Amazon batch, shouldn't be too hard to convert to 3.5.

2016-04-21, 02:09 AM
I can't find any info on a 3.5 update to the 2001 Mythic Races. It looks like the cover you found is an alternate cover that wasn't used. The use of 'core rulebook' on the cover is telling I think. The Creature Catalog released by Sword & Sorcery Studios used the term 'core rulebook' on their cover. WoTC took issue with their use of the term. CC was one of, if not the first, 3rd party products released under the OGL. I seriously doubt that FF would have released a 3.5 revision using the term 'core rulebook' on it's cover. Again, this is my best guess. I'm not 100% sure.

the creature catalog, legend and lairs traps and treachery, and mongoose publishings encyclopedia arcane series and slayer guide series all came out at about the same time. not sure who was actually first, probly showed up at my local gaming store the same week
I remember the traps and treachery book specifically, I was playing a rogue character at the time and there is a feat in there that increases your sneak attack to d8's, we were buying everything that came out back then that was d20 not really realizing the difference between official WOTC and all the OGL 3rd party stuff. the whole Legend and lairs series had some good stuff that still sees play at my table, as far as I know its all 3.0 there isn't any 3.5 updates