View Full Version : Magic items for Bear Warrior

Willie the Duck
2016-04-18, 10:09 AM
I have a 9th (soon to be 10th) Half-orc Barbarian2 Fighter 2 Fist of the Forest 3 Bear Warrior 2. He's pretty effective, and because we don't have any CoDzilla or batman wizardry going on, he feels like he contributes quite well.
The issue I'm having is that, for the most part, all his gear gets absorbed into him when he bears out. Unlike druids, who shapechange for hours, it isn't like I could take off all my talismans and rings and such, then put them on again as a bear. What are my options for good expenditures for my wealth? Obviously, things one use out of combat (gloves of climbing/swimming), or might want to have working before I one gets into combat (cloak of resistance, even if you lose it when raging, at least the high initiative enemy is going to have a harder time getting off a save-or-suck on you before you can act). Wild armor is good, but redundant for a FoF. If there was an 'wild' amulet of mighty fist-like item that provides enhancement bonus to your natural attacks while shapechanged, that would be amazing. What else? ioun stones? Is that about it?

Thanks in advance!

2016-04-18, 10:56 AM
There's some kind of Wilding Clasp or something (in MiC IIRC) that lets you use your gear even when you change form. It might specify Wild Shape, but I can't imagine your DM will be such a hardass that they won't let it apply to your "Form Of Bear" power.

2016-04-18, 12:50 PM
Sorry if it lack coherence, I would need to find time to organize this list for my own pupose if I had the time, however, you may be interested in the following items:

Claws of the Ripper (Drc 82), more dragon oriented but if you can negociate...
jaws of the dragon (drc85)
Bracers of the Arcane (MIC)
Amulet of Mighty Fists
Necklace of Natural Weapons (SS)
Dragon magazine 334 has claw extenders, if it's ok, you can enchant them
Mouthpick Enchantment (SS IIRC)

2016-04-18, 12:53 PM
There's some kind of Wilding Clasp or something (in MiC IIRC) that lets you use your gear even when you change form. It might specify Wild Shape, but I can't imagine your DM will be such a hardass that they won't let it apply to your "Form Of Bear" power.

Yeah, any stuff like that is basically written with only Druids in mind, so using them with any other kind of shapeshifting does require a modicum of DM generosity.

In my experience with playing a Bear Warrior (as a dwarf Barbarian/Fighter), the decision between using Rage and Bear Rage comes down to whether or not I want to keep my normally high AC or ditch my armor and shield (and all my other equipment) in order to get the high offensive output of the bear form with its higher Strength and greater number of attacks. I suppose my character is a bit odd though, since his normal fighting style isn't already "all offense, all the time," so maybe my advice isn't too relevant for other Barbarians.

Willie the Duck
2016-04-18, 02:41 PM
Well, whirling frenzy barbarian isn't available (DM doesn't use ACFs), and I have snow tiger barbarian feat, so bear form is almost always advisable (I suppose battling a fire elemental or similar situation it might not be a good idea).

I will have to look into your list, HurinTheCursed. I suspect that my DM isn't going to modify most things to fit my needs, but we shall see.

2016-04-19, 03:24 PM
A morphing (+1) weapon may be useful if you can't change into bearform during each encounter, pick something you'd find useful in both forms.

Dragonlance's Race of Ansalon has bear claws, too bad they're light weapons.