View Full Version : Optimization Need a way to protect Fog Cloud from a) natural wind, & b) magical wind attacks

2016-04-18, 02:05 PM
Question much as in the title. I need a way to keep a stationary fog cloud as is regardless of the wind conditions prevalent in the area and ideally also magically created winds. I've considered tying a Control Winds to a Hallow Spell, but that seems well clunky, and I have no idea how it would interact with someone using gust of wind et al.

Any ideas anyone?

2016-04-18, 02:06 PM
Why do you need a stationary Fog Cloud?

2016-04-18, 02:16 PM
Orb of Pleasant Breezes, Draconomicon pg 85. For 33kgp, all weather within 2 miles is always calm and mild. Any magical attempts at changing the weather requires an opposed CL check against CL 11.

2016-04-18, 02:19 PM
An illusion of fog would do the trick. Mind you, fog that doesn't move in a high wind might start provoking disbelief saves, especially since GoW can move Solid Fog.

2016-04-18, 02:25 PM
Why do you need a stationary Fog Cloud?

True-seeing-proof camouflage for a large object.

Orb of Pleasant Breezes, Draconomicon pg 85. For 33kgp, all weather within 2 miles is always calm and mild. Any magical attempts at changing the weather requires an opposed CL check against CL 11.

I shall put that one in the Suitable-options pile, thank you :smallsmile:

An illusion of fog would do the trick. Mind you, fog that doesn't move in a high wind might start provoking disbelief saves, especially since GoW can move Solid Fog

Happen to know a way to True-Seeing proof it?

2016-04-18, 02:28 PM
Another option is to use the Mythal epic spell seed and aroint all spells that can create or affect wind. :smallbiggrin:

2016-04-18, 02:37 PM
Most straightforward answer, I think, is sleet storm. That spell is basically fog cloud with wind resistance at its base level, except it also has other upsides. Duration could be problematic though.


Happen to know a way to True-Seeing proof it?
Classic answer is using invisible spell on some variety of fog, though I dunno that you can make the invisible fog resistant to wind without using another of these tricks.

2016-04-18, 02:44 PM
If the illusion of a fog cloud was created by a Gnome Illusionist (who took the 10th level substitution level), it requires a CL check to pierce with a Divination spell.

2016-04-18, 02:46 PM
I think I've got it - Tiny Hut (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/tinyHut.htm). It's not strictly a fog, but it lasts all day, it's totally opaque, a 20ft. radius sphere is big enough to hide something Gargantuan and it beats up to hurricane force winds (so will defeat Gust of Wind.)

The only downside is you can't leave - so just hand your simulacrum/cohort/spell clock etc. a wand or something and have it sit in there and keep recasting the spell for you before the duration runs out. Return every two weeks to do maintenance or with a fresh wand.

2016-04-18, 02:51 PM
What are you trying to hide?