View Full Version : What do you think about Vivaldi?

2016-04-18, 02:45 PM
(The browser)

I was a long time Opera fan, so when I heard about new browser from one of the Opera founders I got interested. But I haven't heard about anything special about it, new Opera has most of things I used it for . . . I'll still give it a shot, but I would like to know what the really useful new features are. What are your thoughts / experience?

EDIT: first impression - very nice look, ctrl tab switches tabs in Least Recently Used order by default (I knew Opera creator's browser wouldn't disappoint) and it has search engines settings BUT you can actually change their settings! (Opera is dead. Long live the new O-errr-Vivaldi). UI is slick. Dev tools are the same as in the Chrome. Mouse gestures on by default. Top bar changes color according to the active website.

I like it. :)

2016-04-19, 09:47 AM
Been using it for a year now as my primary browser, after Opera 12 finally wasn't bearable anymore.

It still has a way to go, but it's leagues better than the alternatives out there for me. Sure, one can hate the chromium engine that powers it (and some people do), but then current webkit sucks balls, too, and the UX and features are almost tailored to my specific needs.

Waiting for M3 now. M2 in Opera12 was already great.

Jada Masters
2016-04-24, 10:02 AM
I've never heard of them. :/ I've been using Chrome for years.

2016-04-25, 11:20 PM
I love it in general.

For whatever reason, on my machine Vivaldi has a lot of trouble handling flash, to the point where a lot of flash videos simply don't work. I end up using Vivaldi for general internet use and another browser when whatever I'm doing requires reliable Flash.