View Full Version : [Empire!] - The Exalted Tournament

2016-04-18, 05:15 PM
Primus - Valkyrie
Summer 128

Primus had changed much in the time since the first Grand Tournament. The region was mountainous and circuitous – going along the land’s natural pathways it would take days to get anywhere. However, Primus’ guests were led along massive bridges that their guide called Skyways. They bridged numerous gaps that would have taken hours or even days to walk around, meaning that the mountain path to Valkyrie that once would have taken three weeks to traverse now took less than two. Swift mounts such as provided Thezirins and Simurghs brought that time even lower, to a measly couple of days.

Gifts were given to the Imperium’s guests throughout their journey – weapons and silks, gold and bracers, beer and wine. A few of the Primal even asked to bear the guests’ children (or to give them one, as appropriate) and would tag along for a time. Few would stay long with the group unless invited. Eventually, however, the group would reach Valkyrie, the capital city of Primus, and by greeted by the bustling sounds of a festive and welcoming city.

The city was made largely of stone hewn from the surrounding mountains, on a plateau of sorts connected to the rest of the Highback mountains, and many of its buildings had been carved into the cliffside. This gave the impression of sweeping towers and massive constructs, a majestic sight to behold. The city was surrounded by a wall covered in spikes, and only one road led out into the mountains. Their guide informed them that there were actually two ways in, the other a large tunnel that they couldn't see from the mountain trail.

At the center of the city - visible even from across the valley - was a massive coliseum, able to seat thousands. This was used for gladiatorial combat and honor duels, and all roads eventually lead to this one building. Behind it was the Imperial Palace, an impressive structure of stone that seemed to rise out of the mountain itself.

The city of Valkyrie had been decorated for the festival and tournament. Silks hung from the stone buildings, and the markets bustled with activity. Silk, livestock, jewelry, peyote and other treasures from Primus' many territories (from Septimus down to Colonia) were brought to the city for sale. Moonsilver wares were exorbitantly expensive now - apparently much of the material had been moved to military endeavors and the occasional gift.

The warriors of Primus for once laid down their desire for conflict and welcomed the foreigners with open arms. Weapons and armor remain on for most, though there is a definite upturn in cleanliness from the last tournament. There is drinking, partying and playful challenges (mostly of physical ability rather than outright combat). Men and women alike found themselves shamelessly flirted with by the fit natives; soft breasts and pretty lips, muscled arms and strong jaws, timid shyness and forceful demands, there was something for everyone and it was all offered freely. The Primal appetite very much lived up to its reputation.

It is not only the people of Primus that had come to greet the foreigners - the myriad peoples of the Imperium had come out in full force for this second grand tournament.

The men of Tertius, so similar to their Primal counterparts and yet so very different, were among the few men actually in positions of power, and the few with any apparent self-respect. They refused to call themselves Tertians - they would always be the Alphan. However, in this tourney, they came respectfully, in armor and weapons of resplendent (albeit crude) steel, and welcomed their fellows. Many participated directly in the tournament.

The Aima of Quartus and their human handlers were few and far between, but they willingly answered questions about their kind, and the Aima often offered strange advice to those who speak to them. (Drink more water, run more often, rub your feet, etc). Pregnant women will sometimes find Aima coming up to them, to see the new life. The Aima appear to be short humans with skin that is flushed as if sunburnt or blushing. They wear white blindfolds over their 'eyes', with sharp canine fangs. They are strange, but not unkind.

The mousy faces and thick clothing of the people of Quintas were on display as well, their main commonality being that no one was dressed like anyone else. This one wore a thick velvet coat colored dark red, this one orange silk cut low. Every now and again there was the black cloak of the Satsujin clans, though when one tried to approach they usually slipped away. The few criminals and vagabonds were deterred by similarly dressed men and women. Few of them seemed to be smiling or enjoying themselves, though many participated in games and outings as if they did.

Sextus' people were few and far between in the open, and were accompanied by Primal escorts. Their clothes were snow white with gold trim (though some bore silver, and several of their women wore glorified rags). When asked, the Primal escorts/guides explained that the people of Sextus remain divided due to religious conflict and were kept in separate pavilions to prevent fighting. Those who desire to speak with them will need to speak with Lady Nocturnus, who was there to keep an eye on the three main tribes.

Last but not least were the few people of Septimus’ Comissariat, as foreign to Primus as anyone, who had come to see their new rulers. They brought oxen to sell, and generally tried to stay out of anyone's way.

And at the front gate awaited the High Queen Breydice Primus, and a fifty guards of the Custodia Alta, her royal guard. They wore moonsilver armor crafted to hide their face, and were arranged by color so that the guardsmen appeared as a rainbow in the street. As the guests arrived, the guardsmen knelt, forming two rows of 25 on either side of the street.

"Primus welcomes you, and the Imperium welcomes you." The High Queen said, spreading her arms wide, as if to embrace her guests. "Welcome to the Exalted Tournament, second of the grand tournaments, and may you feel exalted by your stay as well."

Rounding: Add all your numbers together, then round down.


Mass Melee: A mock battle between each nation's respective military force, to the last person standing. Nations may bring their own troops or be provided some of Primus' to fight in their name. This contest takes place in a large arena in the center of Primus, normally used for honor duels and gladiatorial combat. However, numerous temporary buildings and obstacles have been added to make the combat more dynamic.

Navy: In the valley below Primus is a lake that will be used for a mock naval engagement. It will begin at dawn on the final day of the tournament. The victor will be the last boat seaworthy. Primus had provided the ships themselves, but it wouldn't hurt to have a personal navy with trained sailors...

Simurgh Track: Ambrose has a sport in which the Simurghs are used to race three laps around a circular track. Ambrose rides them individually, while Primus uses them to pull chariots. Simurghs and chariots are provided to the contestants. The race takes place in the same gladiatorial arena as the mass melee, but obviously with a cleared track.

War Chess: Created by Phelnia and Varadia Primus in the year 105 (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=20078105&postcount=115), this game is one of the most popular in Primus that does not have blood. The players each get an equal number of pieces of equal strength, but roll off to determine who wins a particular engagement. The game is meant to simulate the only slightly predictable nature of war.


Mass Melee
2d8 + Military
+2 if you have a land army, +1 if you have any troops at all

2d8 + Military
+2 if you have a navy, +1 if you have any troops at all

Simurgh Track
2d8 + Half Military + Half Diplomacy
+2 if your nation has Simurghs, +1 if you have a ridable beast

War Chess
2d8 + Half (Curiosity OR Military) + Half Luck

[The Ball]

On the last day of the week-long festival, a dance of sorts will be held inside the palace. Guests are encouraged to wear their best armor.

... Yes, the dance is in ceremonial armor.

... Why are you looking at me like that?

This is to be a hunt for a specific animal that has caused quite a number of problems for Primus and her people (though the actual creature won't be announced until the opening ceremony so that no one gets ahead). There would be no time limit. The victor shall be rewarded handsomely with a moonsilver item of her or his choice, Primus’ first Knight Chapter named after them (as well as knighthood within it, though it would be ceremonial), and glory to her or his name amongst the Primal.

It's added that while it's forbidden to attack your fellow hunters, safety cannot be guaranteed, as the wilds of Primus are dangerous, as is the creature. It is also recommended that whoever participate in the hunt NOT pariticipate in the other events, as finding this creature could take time.

((The target will be announced during the opening speech, which I've got half typed up and will post by Saturday. I'll also be giving the rules at that time, since it'd be your last chance to drop out.))

EDIT: Okay, your target is Quont Martelo. Here's how it'll go down.
TN to catch the target: 14 on at least one of your 3 rolls
TN to survive: 38 (Thanks QB!)

Highest cumulative result wins, however: If you fail the first TN, you don't catch him at all. If you pass the first one, but fail the second, you catch up to the Quont and die. If everyone who passes the first roll dies, then everybody else gets a turn (And will probably die, because the Quont got some good rolls).

Have fun~

I will handle rolls for this. Put down:

Participant: (Name of whoever your participant is - one per nation, please. An Empire or Federation with multiple players counts as a single nation. Mostly for ease.)
Realm: (Name of your nation/state/realm/federation/whatever.)
Regions in Realm: (Stands to reason that if you can draw on more people, you can find more duelists and thus find a better one, right?)
GK/Federation?: (Simple enough. Are you either of these things? Yes? Congrats, you get a bonus.

+1 per region your nation currently controls
+2 if you're in a federation, GK, or an Empire's vassal.

The Grand Tournament (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?466417-Empire-Primus-The-Grand-Tournament&p=20135433#post20135433)

(>)Event (V) Realm
Mass Melee
War Chess
Duels (Name - W/L/T)
The Great Hunt (Participant - Catch?, Total, Lives?)

Primus Imperium
Krisnia Primus (1/4/T)
The Great Hunt (Ionia Primus - Yes, 38, Lives)

The League of Allied Provinces
Antistrategos Vale Barberis (4/1/T)
The Great Hunt (Arsen Rosso - No, 34, Lives)

Rose Demense
Igwana Twinblades (3/1/1)
The Great Hunt (Ser Pel - Yes, 35, Dead)

Yarie Dunadrad (W/5/T)
The Great Hunt (Eris Dunadrad - Yes, 31, Dead)

Landrie Darkthorne (2/3/T)
The Great Hunt (Participant - Catch?, Total, Lives?)

The Crystal Union
Garelis of Xeroas (4/L/1)
The Great Hunt (Team Carvaggio - Yes, 51, Lives)

Participant: Krisnia Primus
Realm: The Primus Imperium
Regions in Realm: 8 (Primus through Septimus, D2, and Colonia. Secundus is part of Berrium)
GK/Federation/Empire?: Yes

Hunter: Ionia Primus
Realm: The Primus Imperium
Rolls: 20, 6, 12
Total: 38

Breydice is already married and not interested in another.
Illydae is not even interested in marriage in general
Phelnia... look, just don't even try. Trust me on this one.

Year of Birth (Age)
Royal Blood

Early 93 (35)
Royal Blood
Tusameia's son, before she became Queen of Berrium

Mid 95 (33)
11th in line
Not easily intimidated

Summer 98 (30)
7th in line
Two-time ABL champion, often the finalist, boisterous as f#@$

Autumn 100 (27)
Imperial to the core

Denippe and Ionia
Winter 103 (24)
8th and 9th in line
Twins, like to share

Mid 112 (16)
3rd in line
Sweet tooth, Sister of Riyle

Autumn 112 (15)
Shy, likes blondes

Eisbe Navus
Winter 113 (14)
On father's side (so, no)

115 (13)
2nd in line
Husband must come to Primus

Antimus, Sevadus and Decimius
117 (11)
Triplets, Want to stick together.

Early 120 (8)
On father's side (so, no)

Early 124 (4)
4th in line
Sister to Vanara

Late Summer 127 (1)
6th in line
It's a newborn baby, what do you want from me, its favorite food?

2016-04-18, 08:25 PM
The Spring Court

Though Lady Autumn and the High Queen of Primus are rumored to have had issues before, recent years have shown that the Primus Imperium is much improved and the relationship between the Imperium and the Courts have been much friendlier. Perhaps, this is due in part to Lady Spring, Aleuta Kellianth, having taken quite the liking to the High Queen and her family. Perhaps it is due to the Courts finding a common annoyance within Pavos; the south eastern country that - in the eyes of Lady Spring - lied to the world when they said that Demons could be found in the lands of the Followers of Kan. It is even rumored that the Courts know more about the Followers than is being said. Primus even helped the Courts to quell a disagreement that was being caused through a misunderstood deal with the Kingdom of Berrium, so that too may have played a part in recent relations.

Whatever the reason - friendliness, common foe, successful deals - the fact of the matter was this: no longer were the Aeldir seeing Primus as the same annoyance that they once were. It was with great pleasure, then, that the Crystal Theona arrived on the shores closest to Primus. The transformed merchant vessel that was now Aleuta's private craft had worked it's way through the Babdi Ocean, and into the Shining Strait, to land upon the shores of Ambrose. Stopping only long enough to pay respects to Derris Asker, the Lady Spring and her party continued their journey to Primus; some upon Therizins, others upon Simurghs, and at least one astride the back of a small spotted elephant Salvax, a white striped tiger running with no rider.

Arriving at the gates, Lady Spring called for a halt, and she stepped forward off of her Simurgh. She wore a white silk gown with gold trim, and hung visibly at her side was a small dagger. Though it appeared ornate in it's scabbard, there were likely still some in Primus who remembered just how skilled the Lady Spring was with a weapon. She would find no need to use it, she hoped; and just in case, a Spring Boy in ill-fitted armor, Eoghan, followed behind her, a spear in his hands. Aleuta smiled, a demure thing, but it grew the closer she stepped towards High Queen Breydice.

"High Queen. The Rose Courts thank you for your invitation and your welcome. Knowing this is a competition, I have brought those that boast to be the best of the best to be found within the Demesne; it is my aim to win laurels for the Courts at this Tournament. Among the Aeldir, some do not see the need to prove ourselves to others. The Spring Court understands, though, that these games can be quite informative." Aleuta spoke loudly enough for those near the gates to hear, but when she stood next to Queen Breydice, her voice dropped.

"You have aged. The eye-patch would never have been upon your face, if you were quicker." There was still a smile on Aleuta's face, to soften any bite in the remark. "Or if you'd have let Rhona... no... that would have perhaps been worse. Appearances are everything, after all. You must be seen to fight your own battles. Is that not what your mother taught us?"

A rider came forth from Lady Spring's party, and held up a rolled piece of lengthy paper. As it was unrolled and held before Breydice, Lady Spring raised her voice once again "I have a gift for you, High Queen. A trifle, perhaps. It's weight in gold and value to professionals whom make their living crafting fine portraits would, I deem, be very low. However... I was told by the artist that it is a painting of your sister."

The picture is painted with broad strokes of bright colors, and the ground is blue, while the sky is green with white clouds. Standing in the center is what might charitably be called a person, painted in yellow, if a 'person' were a few thin lines, a triangle dress, and a circle face holding a red stick... or perhaps it is a sword. "May I present the painting Phelnia, by the esteemed artist, Crudice. I hope that you will find it's value as high as others might find it low."

2016-04-18, 10:49 PM
The idea that the Aeldir would prove so friendly to Primus in the long run was probably the biggest surprise for Breydice over the last few years. There was a very good reason Aeluta was Lady Spring; She'd managed to make herself friendly to the Aeldir so quickly that even mother had loved her.

That, and the few people who challenged her were still recovering from their thrashings.

Naturally there were those who whispered that the Aeldir had wormed their way into Breydice's mind with foul sorceries, or beguiled her into doing their bidding as a slave. She gave those people exactly as much thought as they deserved.

Namely, she laughed. A lot.

Her smile lessened as she saw Phelnia had not come with them. Such a shame; she missed her sibling, and she knew Phelnia wanted to see the surprise she'd planned. But her friend was here now; that was good too.

Breydice slammed her fist to her heart in salute, and yelled out to the assembled of Spring. "You grace these lands with your presence, Lady Spring. The Cutest of the Cute and her Spring Girls have shown us time and time again the ferocity and strength of the Demense, and I am sure you will perform well."

Breydice smiled as Aeluta brought up Rhona, and she lowered her voice to match the Spring Girl. "Oh, she offered. Even made Bestius blink with that little smirk of hers. But yes - I'm not going to make anyone fight my battles for me. Not while I'm still capable." She pulled her hair to the side to reveal her new scar and milky white eye. "In retrospect, I should have taken them on one at a time. Great fight though; I should tell you about it sometime. Mother always said 'the Primal way's the best way'."

Breydice figured Aeluta would remember that much.

That's the Primal way; They send one of yours to the healer, you send ten of theirs to the morgue. They take your eye, you take their arm.
Which arm?
Doesn't matter. Just make sure you don't lose both eyes.

Breydice blinked as the painting was brought to her.

She blinked again as it was shown.

Once more as it was named.


Then she beamed. "It is good to know Crudice is well, and thinking of her aunt." She took the painting and looked at it a moment longer. "Presumably she made one for her mother as well; I shall keep this in my own chambers, then."

She glanced to Aeluta's bodyguard. At least he knew his place; serving a woman. Er, girl. Whatever.

"Eoghan, isn't it? Do you plan to compete? I am... curious about your skill in battle."

2016-04-19, 01:03 AM
Ambrose, League of Allied Provinces.

The mountain pass to Primus through Mystiko Valley was a bottleneck, and so the party from Ambrose had endeavored to depart for the Exalted Tournament early, well before the press of foreign dignitaries and military landed on their shores to make the long journey inland, braving the mountain passes to reach the grand city of Valkyrie for the revelry. The journey was uneventful and the mountain terrain, though beautiful in it's stark slopes was somewhat monotonous, and all of the party was relieved to finally see the great wall ahead of them after so many days of travel.

Derris's eldest son and heir took point as he led his people across the bridge, Baram rode flanked by two fierce looking young women, the heiress's of the ruling Polemarchos of nearby Paschalia. The clans Stanis and Palanka being unique amongst all other clans in allowing women to rule them, the region’s proximity to the matriarchal Primus was long cited as the reason for this variance, and the two women were thrilled to finally visit the land that had supposedly had so much influence on their people. Baram approached without fear as his brother's recent marriage had sealed his people's bond with the Primals as family and he smiled at them warmly. This was his first diplomatic mission after learning his father intended to abdicate the laurel crown to him within the next few years, and Baram had been relieved that it was in Primus. There was very little one could do to insult a Primal. With this in mind, and in deference to the Primal's predilection for armor, Baram wore matching engraved greaves and bracers, though his tattooed chest was bare beneath his red cloak. He was also visibly armed, his rose pommeled sword sheathed obviously at his waist.

Behind them were Colson and Oronara, with their small daughter Astra. Colson, having quickly adopted the ways of his wife's family, was resplendent in moonsilver armor which though not functional, was beautifully etched in the wheel and rose of Ambrose and had gained a regal purple sheen the longer Colson had worn it. Behind them were the intimidating pair of Polemarchos Arsen Rosso and his son, Aries Rosso. Aries, Derris's oldest grandchild by his daughter Alessa, was a big lad of sixteen and much resembled his father, a giant bear of a man with blue tattoos on his chest that resembled claw marks. Riding with the pair, was Adelie Darkthorne Drivas, who was likewise kin and also sixteen years of age. Behind them all were two regiments, one land and one naval led by their Antistrategos and Ploiarchos to compete in the mock battles for glory.

ooc: I will get event details up tomorrow.

Archon Baram Asker. Will be Protos as of next round. 36, happily married to Giovanna de Altan of Anceris with 4 sons and 1 child on the way.
Archon Colson Asker and wife Oronara Primus. Happily married with 2 year old daughter, Astra Asker.
Aries Rosso, Baram's nephew. 16, unbetrothed.
Adelie Darkthorne Drivas. Daughter of former High Queen of Avonlea, Thalia Darkthorne and Polemarchos Maldarr Drivas. 16, unbetrothed.
Grisanna Darkthorne. Blue haired daughter of former High Queen of Avonlea, Thalia Darkthorne and disgraced Nand ambassador Reza. 15, unbetrothed.
Aniela Palanka, heiress to the Palanka Polemarchos title of Paschalia. 26, single.
Tyne Stanis, heiress to the Stanis Polemarchos title of Paschalia. 22, single.

2016-04-19, 02:43 AM

Ambrose was Primus' closest friend after the Kingdom of Berrium. They were the first nation to make the Primal see that a King could be clever and devious - Mystiko valley was a feat of pure cunning that one did not often see from the lesser sex. They had nothing to fear from the Primal.

The company that made its way to Primus' gate was truly dressed to impress, and it made Breydice sad that they had refused to join the Imperium long ago, when they had first met the Ambrose. They wore resplendent armor in a manner both striking and stylish, and each had their weapons on full display.

"Ah, Krisnia told me you'd be arriving early. Baram, if I'm not mistaken." Breydice held out her hand to shake. She had considered teasing him with a hug as her mother had years ago, before realizing she was considering acting like her mother. "Love your attire." She turned to look to his entourage, smiling. "And your company... though I'm not familiar with all. Whom do I have the pleasure of welcoming to my city?"

2016-04-19, 10:40 AM
The Union of Besina

The Union of Besina's opinion of Primus was greatly damaged on the way to Valkyrie. Despite the obvious ankle brace and sling that Cassandra was using, people still continually challenged them to duels. Thankfully, like with all events since the incorporation of Bereholst, there was a small contingent of Gnolls who regularly had to scare off the challengers. Even without combat, Cassandra's broken bones made the trip somewhat hellish, but it was a trip that had to be made.

The large display of force at the entrance did little to assuage their grievances. To be frank, nobody in the Union delegation wanted to be there (except maybe the Gnolls, who were waiting for a challenger to not back down at the prospect of an international incident on their hands). But things had to be discussed with the Rose courts in regards to cleansing their vassal of all Daenic influence. Primus wasn't the ideal place to do it, but it was the only place to do it.

Despite the disappointing atmosphere, it was still necessary to give a kind greeting. "Thank you for welcoming us to your lands. This city is truly a masterwork of architecture." Although it would seem more inviting without the death-squad.*

Italics are thoughts. I didn't disrespect you openly.

2016-04-19, 11:49 AM

Ambrose was Primus' closest friend after the Kingdom of Berrium. They were the first nation to make the Primal see that a King could be clever and devious - Mystiko valley was a feat of pure cunning that one did not often see from the lesser sex. They had nothing to fear from the Primal.

The company that made its way to Primus' gate was truly dressed to impress, and it made Breydice sad that they had refused to join the Imperium long ago, when they had first met the Ambrose. They wore resplendent armor in a manner both striking and stylish, and each had their weapons on full display.

"Ah, Krisnia told me you'd be arriving early. Baram, if I'm not mistaken." Breydice held out her hand to shake. She had considered teasing him with a hug as her mother had years ago, before realizing she was considering acting like her mother. "Love your attire." She turned to look to his entourage, smiling. "And your company... though I'm not familiar with all. Whom do I have the pleasure of welcoming to my city?"

"Baram, that's right." He smiled easily as he he grasped the Primal Queen's hand in both of his. The future Protos turned to look at his contingent carefully, he must perform introductions in order of rank so as not to insult anybody. He hoped one day it would be second nature, but for now he took his time,

"Of course you know my brother, Colson and his wife Oronara." He then motioned to Arsen Rosso, the highest ranking Polemarchos amongst them,

"This is Polemarchos Arsen Rosso, and his son, my nephew Aries Rosso." Arsen nodded with satisfaction as being recognized as the next highest status after the younger Archon.

"This is Tyne Stanis, and this is Aniela Palanka. Both ladies are the heiresses of the Paschalia Polemarchoses." He gestured in turn to the two women who flanked him, who both saluted the Primal Queen with a fist to the chest.

"This is my cousin, Adelie Darkthorne Drivas, and her sister Grisanna Darkthorne." He at last introduced the two teenage girls, who were people of note, though not potentially in a position of power.

2016-04-19, 12:03 PM
The years had done little the improve the First Nihonwyr's temper. As he entered yet another surfacer city built by removing stone from the earth only to stack it on top of the earth, he again wondered how these idiots managed to wipe their own asses. At least, he noted, these Primals had the sense to use some of the surrounding geology to their advantage, unlike other surface nations he had been unfortunate to witness.

Margrave Dafydd's black Penddraig mane fell down to his shoulders, the bachelor's handsome face now marred by years of brutalizing the natives of the caverns of the eastern continent's central range. Under his unsettling white-blue eyes, his stubble, tinged with early grey, emphasized the scars on his upper lip and cheek. His once tuffed ears were now uneven, the end of his left one long ago sheared off. His austere dark grey cloak of office clashed with the brilliance of his immaculately maintained cuirass of blue-white mithril laminar. His now crooked tail twitched under his cloak. At nearly six feet, he struck a rugged and imposing figure, made more imposing by the permanent, sullen grimace on his face.

Whatever impression the dour Commander of the Grey Company may have made, it was nothing compared to his company. On either side of him he was flank by behemoths. To his right stood Raj Achten. Standing over nine feet, the Raj of Alcazaba was an absolute giant, his becowled face peering out over baggy black garbs that seemed to swallow his unkempt hauberk of lamellar, along with the quarter ton of Awladal'ardi muscle beneath. His hand rested gingerly upon the hilt of his mithril fullblade, a behemoth greatsword nearly as large as its wielder. Meanwhile, to the Margrave's left stood the eerie Lady of Myrkheim, the All-Mother of the Myrkálfar. Standing over seven feet, with a slender frame and elongated limbs, the All-Mother's inky black eyes and seemingly mouthless visage stared stoically out from under the cowl of long flowing black robes which seemed to engulf the elder Myrkálfr. Behind them stood an elite continent of the Grey Company, stoic cloaked and hooded Nihonwyr soldiers clad in mithril chain and lamellar, augmented by a handful of armed Awladal'ardi.

A young, eager Marchnadwr sent by his First stood forward to announced his charges:

"Your Grace High Queen Breydice Primus, may I present to you His Grace Margrave Dayfdd Penddraig, First among the Nihonwyr, Commander of the Grey Companies, and Prince of Carraig Dún; and his counsels, Raj Achten of Alcazaba, Chieftain of the Awladal'ardi; and the All-Mother, Lady of Myrkheim."

"Greetings, High Queen. My brother, the Exarch, sends his regards. Unfortunately matters arose that have kept him from attending personally. In his stead he sends a gift." the First Nihonwyr said, with all the enthusiasm of one about to shovel horse ****.

The First Nihonwyr gestured toward the behemoth to his right, who produced a finely crafted shirt of glistening blue-white mithril chain.

"Should you ever feel the need to slip into something... lighter. One can never truly know around what corners danger may lie in wait." The phantom of a smirk crossed his previously expressionless face. "The reputation of your warriors has long since reach the Exarchate. I look forward to seeing the martial prowess of your people first hand. I am sure that there is much the Nihonwyr can learn."

2016-04-19, 02:39 PM
A swift ship had taken the Legions representatives across the Crystal Ocean and through the islands of the Grey Drieduch to the League of Allied Provinces where the party disembarked and traveled on lizard-back northwards to Primus. The party was a small one compared to other events where dozens of chiefs would attend. On the back of a single riding lizard was a small hut, reminiscent of a bee hive, that carried three Furfolk. Carr and Gio were two masters of the Sasu art. The former hailed from the swampy reaches of Stagnummus and the latter, the rocky cliffs of Petrammus. The third member was a high ranking chief in Ligustrummus named Ava.

When the party reached the country they followed their guide to Primus where they followed the skyways to the great city. The entire group remained in the hut to avoid the lustful eyes of an overly adventurous Primal.

When the Lizard had finally reached the gates the three furry creatures emerged from their hut. The warriors wore leather kilts and helmets that protected their necks as well. Gio wore a buckler and dagger on his belt and a blowgun while Carr carried a blowgun with a container of darts on his belt. Ava wore a simple robe and carried no visible weapon (nor any at all).

It was Ava who spoke saying, "Thank you for your welcome ma'am. I am saddened to have not gone to your last great tournament and am glad to have a chance to be at this one now. I have heard of a great hunt and having seen the glory of the Rexline's hunts we would be honored to participate. If you could please tell us more about this hunt and what we would be required to do we would be glad."

2016-04-19, 03:01 PM
The Union of Besina

The Union of Besina's opinion of Primus was greatly damaged on the way to Valkyrie. Despite the obvious ankle brace and sling that Cassandra was using, people still continually challenged them to duels. Thankfully, like with all events since the incorporation of Bereholst, there was a small contingent of Gnolls who regularly had to scare off the challengers. Even without combat, Cassandra's broken bones made the trip somewhat hellish, but it was a trip that had to be made.

The large display of force at the entrance did little to assuage their grievances. To be frank, nobody in the Union delegation wanted to be there (except maybe the Gnolls, who were waiting for a challenger to not back down at the prospect of an international incident on their hands). But things had to be discussed with the Rose courts in regards to cleansing their vassal of all Daenic influence. Primus wasn't the ideal place to do it, but it was the only place to do it.

Despite the disappointing atmosphere, it was still necessary to give a kind greeting. "Thank you for welcoming us to your lands. This city is truly a masterwork of architecture." Although it would seem more inviting without the death-squad.*

Italics are thoughts. I didn't disrespect you openly.

Ah yes, square stone buildings. Truly an architectural marvel.

"I am glad you think so." She looked upon the gnolls, raising an eyebrow at... whatever they were. "I plan for the Exalted Tournament to be quite the show. Enjoy the festivities; all of the Imperium's various peoples are here in at least some capacity."

"Baram, that's right." He smiled easily as he he grasped the Primal Queen's hand in both of his. The future Protos turned to look at his contingent carefully, he must perform introductions in order of rank so as not to insult anybody. He hoped one day it would be second nature, but for now he took his time,

"Of course you know my brother, Colson and his wife Oronara." He then motioned to Arsen Rosso, the highest ranking Polemarchos amongst them,

"This is Polemarchos Arsen Rosso, and his son, my nephew Aries Rosso." Arsen nodded with satisfaction as being recognized as the next highest status after the younger Archon.

"This is Tyne Stanis, and this is Aniela Palanka. Both ladies are the heiresses of the Paschalia Polemarchoses." He gestured in turn to the two women who flanked him, who both saluted the Primal Queen with a fist to the chest.

"This is my cousin, Adelie Darkthorne Drivas, and her sister Grisanna Darkthorne." He at last introduced the two teenage girls, who were people of note, though not potentially in a position of power.

Breydice's smile twitched. "...Cousin."

"High Queen." Oronara replied, a little too sweetly as she petted Colson head and glared at the Primal queen. Astra gurgled in her arms.

Breydice shook the hand of each of her guests in turn.

For the teenagers she winked before whispering, "Let me know if you want to take any of the cuties you meet home with you. I'll... make arrangements."

She returned the salutes of the Paschalia women. "Ah, I've heard of your lands. Splendid to meet you at last."

"Do enjoy the festivities, friends. You are always welcome here." She turned to Baram again. "Though, there are some matters of trade I wish to discuss with you."

The years had done little the improve the First Nihonwyr's temper. As he entered yet another surfacer city built by removing stone from the earth only to stack it on top of the earth, he again wondered how these idiots managed to wipe their own asses. At least, he noted, these Primals had the sense to use some of the surrounding geology to their advantage, unlike other surface nations he had been unfortunate to witness.

Margrave Dafydd's black Penddraig mane fell down to his shoulders, the bachelor's handsome face now marred by years of brutalizing the natives of the caverns of the eastern continents central range. Under his unsettling white-blue eyes, his stubble, tinged with early grey, emphasized the scars on his upper lip and cheek. His once tuffed ears were now uneven, the end of his left one long ago sheared off. His austere dark grey cloak of office clashed with the brilliance of his immaculately maintained cuirass of blue-white mithril laminar. His now crooked tail twitched under his cloak. At nearly six feet, he struck a rugged and imposing figure, made more imposing by the permanent, sullen grimace on his face.

Whatever impression the dour Commander of the Grey Company may have made, it was nothing compared to his company. On either side of him he was flank by behemoths. To his right stood Raj Achten. Standing over nine feet, the Raj of Alcazaba was an absolute giant, his becowled face peering out over baggy black garbs that seemed to swallow his unkempt hauberk of lamellar, along with the quarter ton of Awladal'ardi muscle beneath. His hand rested gingerly upon the hilt of his mithril fullblade, a behemoth greatsword nearly as large as its wielder. Meanwhile, to the Margrave's left stood the eerie Lady of Myrkheim, the All-Mother of the Myrkálfar. Standing over seven feet, with a slender frame and elongated limbs, the All-Mother's inky black eyes and seemingly mouthless visage stared stoically out from under the cowl of long flowing black robes which seemed to engulf the elder Myrkálfr. Behind them stood an elite continent of the Grey Company, stoic cloaked and hooded Nihonwyr soldiers, augmented by a handful of armed Awladal'ardi.

A young, eager Marchnadwr sent by his First stood forward to announced his charges:

"Your Grace High Queen Breydice Primus, may I present to you His Grace Margrave Dayfdd Penddraig, First among the Nihonwyr, Commander of the Grey Companies, and Prince of Carraig Dún; and his counsels, Raj Achten of Alcazaba, Chieftain of the Awladal'ardi; and the All-Mother, Lady of Myrkheim."

"Greetings, High Queen. My brother, the Exarch, sends his regards. Unfortunately matters arose that have kept him from attending personally. In his stead he sends a gift." the First Nihonwyr said, with all the enthusiasm of one about to shovel horse ****.

The First Nihonwyr gestured toward the behemoth to his right, who produced a finely crafted shirt of glistening blue-white mithril chain.

"Should you ever feel the need to slip into something... lighter. One can never truly know around what corners danger may lie in wait." The phantom of a smirk crossed his previously expressionless face. "The reputation of your warriors has long since reach the Exarchate. I look forward to seeing the martial prowess your people first hand. I am sure that there is much the Nihonwyr can learn."

Breydice took the proffered mithril shirt. "It is a magnificent gift. Give the Exarch my regards." Her tone was formal; she could tell that this Nihonwyr was not here by choice, and that to push him too much would be a mistake. "I will get out of your way. Do enjoy the Tournament, commander.

A swift ship had taken the Legions representatives across the Crystal Ocean and through the islands of the Grey Drieduch to the League of Allied Provinces where the party disembarked and traveled on lizard-back northwards to Primus. The party was a small one compared to other events where dozens of chiefs would attend. On the back of a single riding lizard was a small hut, reminiscent of a bee hive, that carried three Furfolk. Carr and Gio were two masters of the Sasu art. The former hailed from the swampy reaches of Stagnummus and the latter, the rocky cliffs of Petrammus. The third member was a high ranking chief in Ligustrummus named Ava.

When the party reached the country they followed their guide to Primus where they followed the skyways to the great city. The entire group remained in the hut to avoid the lustful eyes of an overly adventurous Primal.

When the Lizard had finally reached the gates the three furry creatures emerged from their hut. The warriors wore leather kilts and helmets that protected their necks as well. Gio wore a buckler and dagger on his belt and a blowgun while Carr carried a blowgun with a container of darts on his belt. Ava wore a simple robe and carried no visible weapon (nor any at all).

It was Ava who spoke saying, "Thank you for your welcome ma'am. I am saddened to have not gone to your last great tournament and am glad to have a chance to be at this one now. I have heard of a great hunt and having seen the glory of the Rexline's hunts we would be honored to participate. If you could please tell us more about this hunt and what we would be required to do we would be glad."

Breydice had no idea who this person was or even what realm they hailed from, but judging from how she arrived and spoke, Breydice should have.

Fake it 'till you make it.

"Glad you could make it, milady." Breydice smiled. "The Great Hunt is quite simple: we will announce a target at the opening ceremony this afternoon. The contestant to bring back concrete proof of the creature's demise (namely, the corpse or its head) will be rewarded as promised - namely, an item of moonsilver, a knighthood in Primus' first chapter and having the chapter bear their name. It may take some time, however, so if you're planning to hunt, I would not recommend competing in other events."

She glanced at the woman's hip. Seeing no weapon, she frowned and reached for a steel dagger. "Here, take my extra dagger; going without a weapon is seen as an insult here. It will invite honor duel challenges. It probably won't be a problem - the people know foreigners are here for this festival - but 'tis better safe than sorry, as they say."

2016-04-19, 03:17 PM
Breydice had no idea who this person was or even what realm they hailed from, but judging from how she arrived and spoke, Breydice should have.

Fake it 'till you make it.

"Glad you could make it, milady." Breydice smiled. "The Great Hunt is quite simple: we will announce a target at the opening ceremony this afternoon. The contestant to bring back concrete proof of the creature's demise (namely, the corpse or its head) will be rewarded as promised - namely, an item of moonsilver, a knighthood in Primus' first chapter and having the chapter bear their name. It may take some time, however, so if you're planning to hunt, I would not recommend competing in other events."

She glanced at the woman's hip. Seeing no weapon, she frowned and reached for a steel dagger. "Here, take my extra dagger; going without a weapon is seen as an insult here. It will invite honor duel challenges. It probably won't be a problem - the people know foreigners are here for this festival - but 'tis better safe than sorry, as they say."

"Ah good it is a creature we would hunt not some person. I do, despite my fur, enjoy a good beast hunt and I cannot wait for this event. The three of us would be no match for an army even in a mock battle nor am I much interested in games of chance and though I do wish to attend the races they will not be on lizards so I do not expect to have much success. I will happily go to the hunt though it is a shame I will not at least be able to see the other things. As for your dagger I will carry out of politeness but even if I should be challenged to a duel I would fight it with my bare paws and the knowledge of Sasu that I have gathered over the years. Ever since the Meritocracy was brought south from Avonlea a chief, such as myself, must be able to defeat other potential chiefs in single combat and other challenges."

2016-04-19, 04:14 PM
"Ah good it is a creature we would hunt not some person. I do, despite my fur, enjoy a good beast hunt and I cannot wait for this event. The three of us would be no match for an army even in a mock battle nor am I much interested in games of chance and though I do wish to attend the races they will not be on lizards so I do not expect to have much success. I will happily go to the hunt though it is a shame I will not at least be able to see the other things. As for your dagger I will carry out of politeness but even if I should be challenged to a duel I would fight it with my bare paws and the knowledge of Sasu that I have gathered over the years. Ever since the Meritocracy was brought south from Avonlea a chief, such as myself, must be able to defeat other potential chiefs in single combat and other challenges.""Ah good it is a creature we would hunt not some person."

"Oh, I would never just pick 'some person' to be hunted." Breydice laughed. "But 'creature' can mean people; I am keeping what you are to target secret until the hunt actually begins. It's not very sportsman-like to give hints ahead of time to some participants - if our chosen prey presents you with a moral quandary, we will not force you to participate."

Breydice nodded. "I have no problem with fighting barehanded. The knife is there for show."

2016-04-19, 05:46 PM
Breydice's smile twitched. "...Cousin."

"High Queen." Oronara replied, a little too sweetly as she petted Colson head and glared at the Primal queen. Astra gurgled in her arms.

Breydice shook the hand of each of her guests in turn.

For the teenagers she winked before whispering, "Let me know if you want to take any of the cuties you meet home with you. I'll... make arrangements."

She returned the salutes of the Paschalia women. "Ah, I've heard of your lands. Splendid to meet you at last."

"Do enjoy the festivities, friends. You are always welcome here." She turned to Baram again. "Though, there are some matters of trade I wish to discuss with you."

Colson's return smile was a smirk as he preened under his wife's affections, and he put his arm around her, his hand resting in the curve of her lower back intimately.

Adelie colored at Breydice's off color remark, she had yet to meet a man who inspired her to passions equal to those she saw in her mother for her father, and looking around at the Primal men, she was dubious she would find it amongst them.

Aries looked a bit more interested as he cast his brooding eyes over the available women. Arsen looked on impassively, if his son wished to sire basterds on these foreigners, it was of little concern to him.

Tyne, the younger of the women chuckled softly at the Primal Queen's antics while Aniela spoke for them both,

"It is an honor to be here, High Queen. I am certain we will find enjoyment in your lands and we thank you for your warm welcome."

Baram cast an annoyed look at his brother before returning his attention back to Breydice,

"I would be happy to stay and discuss trade matters, Your Grace." He nodded at the rest of his group to bid them on their way, Colson and Oronara sauntering past with pleased smiles on their vaguely smug faces.

2016-04-19, 06:37 PM

Mariya, Enyd, Claviana, Landrie, and First Erik of Inorog departed their ship in Ambrose, blissfully unaware of the burgeoning tensions between their realm and the Provinces. They rode a pair to a unicorn, Enyd and Claviana on Wynstar, Landrie and Telda on Nightwind and Erik and Mariya on Strideheart. Mariya leaned back against Erik as he held his arms around her, and there was much whispering and blushing between the pair as if they were newly wed, though the Council had yet to consent to their marriage. Once during the long days on the trail to Valkyrie, Erik boldly proclaimed that he cared not to wait for permission, and insisted that he would see them wed before they returned to Avonlea. Mariya's reluctance to defy the Council grew ever more faint as they journeyed farther and farther from their withered grasp, and she spent the days happily dreaming of her wedding whilst Erik whispered endearments to her sweetly.

They arrived at the gate with a bit of a rag-tag air about them, only Erik was armoured, and only he and Enyd were visibly armed of the group. The women wore comfortable traveling dresses in colorful cottons and linen and presented themselves mussed, but still graceful as they curtsied prettily.

"Greetings Your Grace, we are of Avonlea and have come to attend your revel, if you please." Mariya spoke to the group respectfully as they collectively stood.

2016-04-19, 06:41 PM
She glanced to Aeluta's bodyguard. At least he knew his place; serving a woman. Er, girl. Whatever.

"Eoghan, isn't it? Do you plan to compete? I am... curious about your skill in battle."

The bodyguard glanced over at Lady Spring before responding. When she made no effort to answer or indication that he should remain silent, Eoghan spoke, "High Queen of Primus, though I am not... the intended competitor for the Courts, if you desire it and will make an exception, I shall gladly display my skill in addition to the duelist we have brought from Free-man's Beach. Otherwise, my place is at Lady Spring's side."

"Eoghan is rather boring; if he had his way, I'd be inside a cage, ringed by bodyguards, in the center of an army, deep in Tir Amser. Since I have no intention of being so confined or appearing so weak, he must do the job of being my cage, ring of bodyguards, army, and reminder that where-ever I am, I am a part of Tir Amser. And he must do it all by himself." Aleuta looked upon the Spring Boy with a teasing smirk. "I like to think that he's done quite well so far. I still walk Arandi, and have not yet been disturbed by those desiring me harm. He... and others... are showing me that perhaps Spring Boys are worth more than I've been giving them credit for these past few Ages."

"Now, High Queen Breydice," Lady Spring's voice rose once more to speak to the general crowd, "Though I much desire to speak with you further, it would be quite un-cute of me to monopolize your time when you have other guests. I cannot be certain which of the other Courts will arrive, but if he deigns to show, Lord Summer is much... changed. You shall have no fear of him wearing a weapon."

"Come, Eoghan. Lady Rhona." Even as she said the name, the Spring Girl seemed to almost materialize behind one side of the gate, from the inside, to bow her head and come to stand next to Lady Spring. Between the two Spring Court members whom had lived within Primus, the nooks and crannies for hiding and remaining unseen were closely held secrets. Lady Spring knew of a few that she had not told Rhona; and surely there were some that the current Spring Girl could think of that had not yet been revealed to Aleuta.

The Spring Court delegation moved past the gate; two Salvax, two humans, and three Spring Court Aeldir besides Lady Aleuta, Eoghan, and Lady Rhona. Each had a weapon at their side. Even Bas Pride and Warchod Prejudice had consented to wearing leather straps with make-shift daggers; they would find no need to use them, but found amusement in Primus's rules to have a displayed weapon.

Uca Jajaka Councilman Cassandra Harrier was soon approached by a Spring Girl in a purple silk dress, who introduced herself as Lady Rhona. The Spring Aeldir inclined her head politely, before looking the Coucilwoman straight in the eyes. "Lady Spring has heard whispers that you perhaps wished to speak with someone of the Rose Courts. If this is true, how might we be of assistance to the Union of Besina?"

2016-04-19, 07:34 PM
Uca Jajaka Councilman Cassandra Harrier was soon approached by a Spring Girl in a purple silk dress, who introduced herself as Lady Rhona. The Spring Aeldir inclined her head politely, before looking the Coucilwoman straight in the eyes. "Lady Spring has heard whispers that you perhaps wished to speak with someone of the Rose Courts. If this is true, how might we be of assistance to the Union of Besina?"

The Spring Girl was adorable. Were it not for the knowledge that they were of Aeldir descent, the others in the group would be inclined to give her a hug on the spot. "That is, in fact, the main reason we are here. I'd like to discuss a more formalized religious agreement, as certain rivals of ours are making it difficult to refrain from stepping into the fray." Quickly remembering the Spring Court's indifference to matters of faith, Cassandra quickly added: "If you're uninterested, I understand. It is known that your court is indifferent towards religious matters, but this issue may need to be resolved soon, as some individuals may have gone ahead with our plan already. The last thing we want is conflict with the Rose Courts."

I was going to make the approach once you were done with introductions, but this works as well. :smalltongue:

I know that Rando is also coming, and since I'll be focusing on faith discussions I can hold off until he arrives.

2016-04-19, 07:36 PM
"Ah good it is a creature we would hunt not some person."

"Oh, I would never just pick 'some person' to be hunted." Breydice laughed. "But 'creature' can mean people; I am keeping what you are to target secret until the hunt actually begins. It's not very sportsman-like to give hints ahead of time to some participants - if our chosen prey presents you with a moral quandary, we will not force you to participate."

Breydice nodded. "I have no problem with fighting barehanded. The knife is there for show."

"Well then this shall prove to be quite exciting indeed. I do hope the target, if a person, knows they are the target. It will make for a much more exciting chase. Either way it should prove to be a wonderful opportunity to embrace our animal side. Not that squirrels are renowned for their ferocity, but there I go on rambling again best of luck in the tournament."

2016-04-19, 08:26 PM
Colson's return smile was a smirk as he preened under his wife's affections, and he put his arm around her, his hand resting in the curve of her lower back intimately.

Adelie colored at Breydice's off color remark, she had yet to meet a man who inspired her to passions equal to those she saw in her mother for her father, and looking around at the Primal men, she was dubious she would find it amongst them.

Aries looked a bit more interested as he cast his brooding eyes over the available women. Arsen looked on impassively, if his son wished to sire basterds on these foreigners, it was of little concern to him.

Tyne, the younger of the women chuckled softly at the Primal Queen's antics while Aniela spoke for them both,

"It is an honor to be here, High Queen. I am certain we will find enjoyment in your lands and we thank you for your warm welcome."

Baram cast an annoyed look at his brother before returning his attention back to Breydice,

"I would be happy to stay and discuss trade matters, Your Grace." He nodded at the rest of his group to bid them on their way, Colson and Oronara sauntering past with pleased smiles on their vaguely smug faces.

Oronara and Colson already had plans for the Tournament, and quickly left the group.

Breydice turned to Baram, her smile fading. "I will make this quick. I desire designs for the crossbows that the league uses in warfare, and will in turn give the designs for the Castra."


Mariya, Enyd, Claviana, Landrie, and First Erik of Inorog departed their ship in Ambrose, blissfully unaware of the burgeoning tensions between their realm and the Provinces. They rode a pair to a unicorn, Enyd and Claviana on Wynstar, Landrie and Telda on Nightwind and Erik and Mariya on Strideheart. Mariya leaned back against Erik as he held his arms around her, and there was much whispering and blushing between the pair as if they were newly wed, though the Council had yet to consent to their marriage. Once during the long days on the trail to Valkyrie, Erik boldly proclaimed that he cared not to wait for permission, and insisted that he would see them wed before they returned to Avonlea. Mariya's reluctance to defy the Council grew ever more faint as they journeyed farther and farther from their withered grasp, and she spent the days happily dreaming of her wedding whilst Erik whispered endearments to her sweetly.

They arrived at the gate with a bit of a rag-tag air about them, only Erik was armoured, and only he and Enyd were visibly armed of the group. The women wore comfortable traveling dresses in colorful cottons and linen and presented themselves mussed, but still graceful as they curtsied prettily.

"Greetings Your Grace, we are of Avonlea and have come to attend your revel, if you please." Mariya spoke to the group respectfully as they collectively stood.

Something is wrong... keep an eye on Avonlea.

Even months after she had done all she could, Lady Navus heard her cousin's words ringing in her ears as she made her way to the gate. She was very much late, but at this point she did not truly care. Phelnia was even more late, and it was not Navus' job to attend to her work for her.

To think that useless scarface bitch was next in line to be High Queen.

Breydice wasn't anywhere near expressive enough (usually) for the role, but at least she had spine and steel. Her fight against her own lords and ladies had cost her an eye, but had cost her opponents far more, and gained her the fear of her subjects. Of course, Rikadime had not been stupid enough to question Breydice's decision to hand the Summer Court the tower of Silvanus openly.

Rikadime was a diplomat and warrior both; she was always prepared to fight, whether with words or in war. She smiled graciously (if reservedly) at the Avonlean delegation. "Avonlea and her people brighten wherever they go. We'd be honored." On seeing the couple snuggling together on their unicorn, Rikadime's smile grew genuine. Love was always nice to see.

Breydice's confused expression became a smile. "Of course. You may wish to carry weapons to avoid honor duels, but if you desire not to it should not be an issue."

The bodyguard glanced over at Lady Spring before responding. When she made no effort to answer or indication that he should remain silent, Eoghan spoke, "High Queen of Primus, though I am not... the intended competitor for the Courts, if you desire it and will make an exception, I shall gladly display my skill in addition to the duelist we have brought from Free-man's Beach. Otherwise, my place is at Lady Spring's side."

"Eoghan is rather boring; if he had his way, I'd be inside a cage, ringed by bodyguards, in the center of an army, deep in Tir Amser. Since I have no intention of being so confined or appearing so weak, he must do the job of being my cage, ring of bodyguards, army, and reminder that where-ever I am, I am a part of Tir Amser. And he must do it all by himself." Aleuta looked upon the Spring Boy with a teasing smirk. "I like to think that he's done quite well so far. I still walk Arandi, and have not yet been disturbed by those desiring me harm. He... and others... are showing me that perhaps Spring Boys are worth more than I've been giving them credit for these past few Ages."

"Now, High Queen Breydice," Lady Spring's voice rose once more to speak to the general crowd, "Though I much desire to speak with you further, it would be quite un-cute of me to monopolize your time when you have other guests. I cannot be certain which of the other Courts will arrive, but if he deigns to show, Lord Summer is much... changed. You shall have no fear of him wearing a weapon."

"Come, Eoghan. Lady Rhona." Even as she said the name, the Spring Girl seemed to almost materialize behind one side of the gate, from the inside, to bow her head and come to stand next to Lady Spring. Between the two Spring Court members whom had lived within Primus, the nooks and crannies for hiding and remaining unseen were closely held secrets. Lady Spring knew of a few that she had not told Rhona; and surely there were some that the current Spring Girl could think of that had not yet been revealed to Aleuta.

The Spring Court delegation moved past the gate; two Salvax, two humans, and three Spring Court Aeldir besides Lady Aleuta, Eoghan, and Lady Rhona. Each had a weapon at their side. Even Bas Pride and Warchod Prejudice had consented to wearing leather straps with make-shift daggers; they would find no need to use them, but found amusement in Primus's rules to have a displayed weapon.

"If there is anyone in this city whose life you don't need to worry about, it'd be hers." Breydice smiled at Eoghan. "Aeluta has forgotten more about this city than I've ever-" She stopped, then frowned as she rubbed her chin. "Come to think of it, that expression doesn't really work for Aeldir... Never mind. Anyway, do try to enjoy yourself, if only a little. Aeluta can assure her own safety, especially in this place, and despite the fierce look of many of the people, you're in little danger."

"He'd put you in a cage? Why would he want to make you break a perfectly good lock?" She winked with her blind eye, a teasing eyebrow cocked.

"... It's good to have you back, my friend. Enjoy the party."

... When Breydice did eventually abdicate, she would take up Aeluta's offer to visit Caer Bolberta. It seemed that the older she got, the more people left her alone. Phelnia and Crudice, Illydae was off on her first mission in a decade, Varadia was probably dead...

... Come to think of it... she'd never met her mother's friends.

"Well then this shall prove to be quite exciting indeed. I do hope the target, if a person, knows they are the target. It will make for a much more exciting chase. Either way it should prove to be a wonderful opportunity to embrace our animal side. Not that squirrels are renowned for their ferocity, but there I go on rambling again best of luck in the tournament."

Breydice smirked. "I shall probably not compete myself - I had my fun last time. I do hope you enjoy watching it."

2016-04-19, 10:04 PM
Though Lord Summer sailed with the host who now bore down upon the hopeless shores of the Pavos Republic and though both Lady Spring and Lady Autumn had expressed their intent to travel to the Tournament as representatives of the Rose Courts a delegation from the Summer Court still arrived in the Primal city of Valkyrie. Bereft the presence of Lord Summer or the senior Thyrngar Rangers who often accompanied or substituted their lord's presence the Summer delegation could easily be mistaken for arriving from an unknown polity. The procession was small, numbering only ten and was led by a Summer woman whose bright green eyes sparkled with happiness accented by her ready smile and easy laughter. She was dressed in a flowing green and blue silk dress that hung upon her body pleasingly though retained an air of sophistication and civility. Her dark brown hair was pulled back and braided in a thick single rope down her back. She was armed, a longsword hanging obviously from her waist though its hilt and style appeared far more ceremonial than practical.

She was followed closely by three other Summer Aeldir women dressed in similar fashions though clearly of less means and grandeur than their leader. Five Geshem, four female attendants and one male dressed in the bright colors and oversized clothing of a Geshem noble. A single Rexline, a member of the Deep Fern Black Fur tribe, rounded out the delegation although only another Rexline or a well-versed observer could easily identify the Black Fur was a male so lithe and strong were all the Black Fur Rexline. All the rest of the party were armed as well. The Aeldir women bore longswords similar to their leader. The Geshem servants sported simple knives and the lord a short sword while the Black Fur carried a mean broadaxe strapped across his back.

Approaching the Primal Queen with a pleasant smile the Summer Aeldir who led the strange group spoke.

"We thank you for the invitation to your realm and offer apologies for the Lord Summer's absence. Matters in the southeast occupy his attentions though he sends his wishes that his gift is well used."

"I am Lady Sabel, First Consort of the Summer Court. These are my sister-consorts: Lady Valdia, Lady Parisa, and Lady Della."

Each Aeldir bowed their heads in turn as they were named.

"We eagerly anticipate the events of this Tournament and ourselves desire entrance into this Great Hunt. Our own Ser Pel," she indicated the Rexline, "Seeks to prove himself a skilled hunter and killer of prey."

Sabel did not mention the success or failure of the Rexline hunter would also determine the future composition of the Demesne army. Ser Pel as Sabel had called him was the most proficient of his litter and clear successor to the Golden Eyes chieftain. He had exhibited an aptitude for fighting and tactics though he was not permitted to join the regular soldiers of the Demesne and certainly not the Thyrngar Rangers though his tracking and stealth skills were on par with many Thyrngar already. His petition and the long-standing push from the Spring Court to permit non-Aeldir to serve in the military had worn Lord Summer down. He had agreed to permit the recruitment of non-Aeldir soldiers if they could prove their ability. This was a test not just of Ser Pel but of the whole of the Rexline.

The Union of Besina
The Union of Besina's opinion of Primus was greatly damaged on the way to Valkyrie. Despite the obvious ankle brace and sling that Cassandra was using, people still continually challenged them to duels. Thankfully, like with all events since the incorporation of Bereholst, there was a small contingent of Gnolls who regularly had to scare off the challengers. Even without combat, Cassandra's broken bones made the trip somewhat hellish, but it was a trip that had to be made.

The large display of force at the entrance did little to assuage their grievances. To be frank, nobody in the Union delegation wanted to be there (except maybe the Gnolls, who were waiting for a challenger to not back down at the prospect of an international incident on their hands). But things had to be discussed with the Rose courts in regards to cleansing their vassal of all Daenic influence. Primus wasn't the ideal place to do it, but it was the only place to do it.

Despite the disappointing atmosphere, it was still necessary to give a kind greeting. "Thank you for welcoming us to your lands. This city is truly a masterwork of architecture." Although it would seem more inviting without the death-squad.*

Italics are thoughts. I didn't disrespect you openly.

Uca Jajaka Councilman Cassandra Harrier was soon approached by a Spring Girl in a purple silk dress, who introduced herself as Lady Rhona. The Spring Aeldir inclined her head politely, before looking the Coucilwoman straight in the eyes. "Lady Spring has heard whispers that you perhaps wished to speak with someone of the Rose Courts. If this is true, how might we be of assistance to the Union of Besina?"

The Spring Girl was adorable. Were it not for the knowledge that they were of Aeldir descent, the others in the group would be inclined to give her a hug on the spot. "That is, in fact, the main reason we are here. I'd like to discuss a more formalized religious agreement, as certain rivals of ours are making it difficult to refrain from stepping into the fray." Quickly remembering the Spring Court's indifference to matters of faith, Cassandra quickly added: "If you're uninterested, I understand. It is known that your court is indifferent towards religious matters, but this issue may need to be resolved soon, as some individuals may have gone ahead with our plan already. The last thing we want is conflict with the Rose Courts."

I was going to make the approach once you were done with introductions, but this works as well. :smalltongue:

I know that Rando is also coming, and since I'll be focusing on faith discussions I can hold off until he arrives.

Lady Della, seeing the delegation from Dhuda Besina and having heard of their desire to speak to a representative of the Demesne, approached the Councilman. She was far enough away that she saw the Spring Girl approach and considered for a moment allowing the Spring Girl to handle the situation but considered the likely subject of a Dhuda Lonka prompted discussion. As she was herself familiar with the Words, though she had not practiced openly since being chosen as a consort for Lord Summer, she decided she might be more qualified than a Spring Girl. It was well known most Spring Aeldir varying did not comprehend or did not care to comprehend the Words and though they knew them and followed their laws few commonly practiced more than their cursory duties.

She approached the delegation quietly, locking eyes with Lady Rhona. Though knowledgeable enough in diplomacy as to not offend she was not well versed in all its intricacies and was unfamiliar with every Aeldir Lord and Lady of note from outside the Summer Court. Thus she did not know whether herself or Lady Rhona ought to speak first and so defaulted to Rhona who was already conversing with the human woman the Dhuda Lonka allowed to speak for them.

2016-04-19, 11:09 PM
Breydice took the proffered mithril shirt. "It is a magnificent gift. Give the Exarch my regards." Her tone was formal; she could tell that this Nihonwyr was not here by choice, and that to push him too much would be a mistake. "I will get out of your way. Do enjoy the Tournament, commander.The Margrave bowed curtly, before turning to leave, his eyes searching through the crowds for the Lady Spring.

"I wonder what spirits these Primals have to offer." the Raj inquired loudly.

"Does it matter? You'll drink it whatever it is."

2016-04-20, 09:13 AM
The Spring Girl was adorable. Were it not for the knowledge that they were of Aeldir descent, the others in the group would be inclined to give her a hug on the spot. "That is, in fact, the main reason we are here. I'd like to discuss a more formalized religious agreement, as certain rivals of ours are making it difficult to refrain from stepping into the fray." Quickly remembering the Spring Court's indifference to matters of faith, Cassandra quickly added: "If you're uninterested, I understand. It is known that your court is indifferent towards religious matters, but this issue may need to be resolved soon, as some individuals may have gone ahead with our plan already. The last thing we want is conflict with the Rose Courts."

Lady Della, seeing the delegation from Dhuda Besina and having heard of their desire to speak to a representative of the Demesne, approached the Councilman. She was far enough away that she saw the Spring Girl approach and considered for a moment allowing the Spring Girl to handle the situation but considered the likely subject of a Dhuda Lonka prompted discussion. As she was herself familiar with the Words, though she had not practiced openly since being chosen as a consort for Lord Summer, she decided she might be more qualified than a Spring Girl. It was well known most Spring Aeldir varying did not comprehend or did not care to comprehend the Words and though they knew them and followed their laws few commonly practiced more than their cursory duties.

She approached the delegation quietly, locking eyes with Lady Rhona. Though knowledgeable enough in diplomacy as to not offend she was not well versed in all its intricacies and was unfamiliar with every Aeldir Lord and Lady of note from outside the Summer Court. Thus she did not know whether herself or Lady Rhona ought to speak first and so defaulted to Rhona who was already conversing with the human woman the Dhuda Lonka allowed to speak for them.

Lady Rhona listened carefully to Councilwoman Cassandra's words, though her eyes were upon Lady Della. She assessed the situation carefully, as her gaze returned back to the leader of Dhuda Besina. "What you say holds truth. I know that many within the Courts would dislike the idea of conflict with our cousins from the Union of Besina. And you are correct; the Spring Court is not within it's purview to discuss matters of faith. We follow the Word of the Old Gods, but it is... new to many of us. Because of the novelty of being able to review the Word once more, there is a fervor within Glaw Novo at the moment, one that I do not see dying down any time soon, but we in the Spring Court approach it from perhaps a different... perspective as many of our other Aeldir of the Courts."

"Ultimately, though, Uca Jajaka Councilman Cassandra Harrier, what is it you wish from the Courts? Is it a discussion of Faith? Is it a deal? A contract? Or is this a matter of rivalry and opposition that may require a more... obvious and worldly approach?" Lady Rhona nodded towards Lady Della, subtly inviting the Summer Court lady over. "For matters in regards to deals or contracts, in the absence of a Matron of Autumn, I offer my humble wisdoms. For matters concerning faith or... removing opposition, I believe that this one - a Lady Della if my sources are accurate - may be adequate to suit your needs. Should neither of us suffice, Lady Spring is in attendance, and I feel that she would be pleased to listen to your request and aid how we can."

Though Lord Summer sailed with the host who now bore down upon the hopeless shores of the Pavos Republic and though both Lady Spring and Lady Autumn had expressed their intent to travel to the Tournament as representatives of the Rose Courts a delegation from the Summer Court still arrived in the Primal city of Valkyrie. Bereft the presence of Lord Summer or the senior Thyrngar Rangers who often accompanied or substituted their lord's presence the Summer delegation could easily be mistaken for arriving from an unknown polity. The procession was small, numbering only ten and was led by a Summer woman whose bright green eyes sparkled with happiness accented by her ready smile and easy laughter. She was dressed in a flowing green and blue silk dress that hung upon her body pleasingly though retained an air of sophistication and civility. Her dark brown hair was pulled back and braided in a thick single rope down her back. She was armed, a longsword hanging obviously from her waist though its hilt and style appeared far more ceremonial than practical.

She was followed closely by three other Summer Aeldir women dressed in similar fashions though clearly of less means and grandeur than their leader. Five Geshem, four female attendants and one male dressed in the bright colors and oversized clothing of a Geshem noble. A single Rexline, a member of the Deep Fern Black Fur tribe, rounded out the delegation although only another Rexline or a well-versed observer could easily identify the Black Fur was a male so lithe and strong were all the Black Fur Rexline. All the rest of the party were armed as well. The Aeldir women bore longswords similar to their leader. The Geshem servants sported simple knives and the lord a short sword while the Black Fur carried a mean broadaxe strapped across his back.

Approaching the Primal Queen with a pleasant smile the Summer Aeldir who led the strange group spoke.

"We thank you for the invitation to your realm and offer apologies for the Lord Summer's absence. Matters in the southeast occupy his attentions though he sends his wishes that his gift is well used."

"I am Lady Sabel, First Consort of the Summer Court. These are my sister-consorts: Lady Valdia, Lady Parisa, and Lady Della."

Each Aeldir bowed their heads in turn as they were named.

"We eagerly anticipate the events of this Tournament and ourselves desire entrance into this Great Hunt. Our own Ser Pel," she indicated the Rexline, "Seeks to prove himself a skilled hunter and killer of prey."

Sabel did not mention the success or failure of the Rexline hunter would also determine the future composition of the Demesne army. Ser Pel as Sabel had called him was the most proficient of his litter and clear successor to the Golden Eyes chieftain. He had exhibited an aptitude for fighting and tactics though he was not permitted to join the regular soldiers of the Demesne and certainly not the Thyrngar Rangers though his tracking and stealth skills were on par with many Thyrngar already. His petition and the long-standing push from the Spring Court to permit non-Aeldir to serve in the military had worn Lord Summer down. He had agreed to permit the recruitment of non-Aeldir soldiers if they could prove their ability. This was a test not just of Ser Pel but of the whole of the Rexline.

Lady Owena had hung back, upon seeing the Summer Court in line to be received. Their delegation was full of interesting people, and both Bas Pride and Warchod Prejudice were of a mind to speak with the black furred Rexline. There was some discussion, then, when Lady Sabel mentioned that Ser Pel was to be the competitor in the Great Hunt.

::Concern. Confusion.:: Pride shot at Owena. ::Pride. Power. Displeasure.::

"I understand, Bas Pride. I thought it would be you to compete as well. I know that is the largest purpose for you being here." Owena said quietly to the Tiger Salvax.

::Friend? Foe? Caution. Inquiry. Competitive.:: The thoughts that Prejudice sent were complex, but did seem to calm down the growing growl within Bas Pride.

"I agree. We should speak with them. Perhaps there is an accommodation to be reached. Or at least we can find out more about Ser Pel. It would be my honor to introduce you." Saying this, Prejudice, with Lady Owena upon her Elephant back, trod forth. The Spring Girl was a familiar weight now, after so many years, and for her part, Owena was used to the Warchod's gait. She looked down and could see by the slow prowl that Bas Pride was trying to act unconcerned, but was still upset at the idea that he might not be allowed to participate in the Great Hunt. The Bas of the South Hunt was regarded as among the most skilled Salvax when it came to seeking prey, and many Rexline of Petravolan acknowledged his skill as well. However, the Salvax previously had little cause for meeting with the Deep Fern Rexline. The dark fur of Ser Pel was a stark contract to the white tiger that was eyeing him now.

Upon approaching the group, after they finished speaking with the High Queen, Lady Owena slid from the back of Prejudice, and bowed her head in deference to Lady Sabel. Owena had little information on the lady of Summer. The title of 'First Consort of Summer' was not something thrown about lightly, though. No one would make such a claim without the power - both physical and political - to back it. At this point, Owena was the highest ranking member of those in the Spring Court whom made their home in Tir Xungla. That gave her enough respect to be known to many Aeldir, but it was nothing so grand as the chosen consort of Lord Summer. Still... it did give her the authority to clear this mess up before it actually became a mess.

"Greetings to the Summer Court," Owena began. "I am Lady Owena, translator for Bas Pride and Warchod Prejudice of the South Hunt. We wonder if we might speak with you concerning the competitor for the Great Hunt. As the rules of the Tournament allow for only one hunter from the Demesne, Bas Pride was under the impression that he would be given that honor."

I thought about sending you a message via PM to talk about this, but realized [a] I don't care who is ultimately our entry and [b] this scene being played out is more interesting to me.

2016-04-20, 09:49 AM
Lady Rhona listened carefully to Councilwoman Cassandra's words, though her eyes were upon Lady Della. She assessed the situation carefully, as her gaze returned back to the leader of Dhuda Besina. "What you say holds truth. I know that many within the Courts would dislike the idea of conflict with our cousins from the Union of Besina. And you are correct; the Spring Court is not within it's purview to discuss matters of faith. We follow the Word of the Old Gods, but it is... new to many of us. Because of the novelty of being able to review the Word once more, there is a fervor within Glaw Novo at the moment, one that I do not see dying down any time soon, but we in the Spring Court approach it from perhaps a different... perspective as many of our other Aeldir of the Courts."

"Ultimately, though, Uca Jajaka Councilman Cassandra Harrier, what is it you wish from the Courts? Is it a discussion of Faith? Is it a deal? A contract? Or is this a matter of rivalry and opposition that may require a more... obvious and worldly approach?" Lady Rhona nodded towards Lady Della, subtly inviting the Summer Court lady over. "For matters in regards to deals or contracts, in the absence of a Matron of Autumn, I offer my humble wisdoms. For matters concerning faith or... removing opposition, I believe that this one - a Lady Della if my sources are accurate - may be adequate to suit your needs. Should neither of us suffice, Lady Spring is in attendance, and I feel that she would be pleased to listen to your request and aid how we can."

"Our main intention was to draft up a more comprehensive conversion agreement that would allow us to drive the Grand Church of Daen out of the Stormlands. From that point, you can easily step in and allow the Old Gods to take root, solidifying your ability to better rule the populace." And take out half of the kingdoms under Daen's influence in one fell swoop, but it was assumed that the Aeldir would get the big picture.

2016-04-20, 11:26 AM
Oronara and Colson already had plans for the Tournament, and quickly left the group.

Breydice turned to Baram, her smile fading. "I will make this quick. I desire designs for the crossbows that the league uses in warfare, and will in turn give the designs for the Castra."

Breydice's brevity took Baram by surprise and briefly he wondered if he had the authority to make these decisions before deciding he was being foolish, he was set to wear the laurel crown shortly and knew his father would not have been making plans to abdicate if he did not trust his son.

"That seems agreeable, I assume all the usual stipulations will be in place?" He spoke off handedly, though he was wondering if he knew what the usual stipulations were and briefly wished his mother was here. He grinned at himself, a grown man of thirty six wishing for his mother. He directed his grin at Breydice, which lit up his handsome face,

"Is there anything else the Provinces or Ambrose can do for you while I'm here?"

2016-04-20, 02:07 PM
Lady Rhona listened carefully to Councilwoman Cassandra's words, though her eyes were upon Lady Della. She assessed the situation carefully, as her gaze returned back to the leader of Dhuda Besina. "What you say holds truth. I know that many within the Courts would dislike the idea of conflict with our cousins from the Union of Besina. And you are correct; the Spring Court is not within it's purview to discuss matters of faith. We follow the Word of the Old Gods, but it is... new to many of us. Because of the novelty of being able to review the Word once more, there is a fervor within Glaw Novo at the moment, one that I do not see dying down any time soon, but we in the Spring Court approach it from perhaps a different... perspective as many of our other Aeldir of the Courts."

"Ultimately, though, Uca Jajaka Councilman Cassandra Harrier, what is it you wish from the Courts? Is it a discussion of Faith? Is it a deal? A contract? Or is this a matter of rivalry and opposition that may require a more... obvious and worldly approach?" Lady Rhona nodded towards Lady Della, subtly inviting the Summer Court lady over. "For matters in regards to deals or contracts, in the absence of a Matron of Autumn, I offer my humble wisdoms. For matters concerning faith or... removing opposition, I believe that this one - a Lady Della if my sources are accurate - may be adequate to suit your needs. Should neither of us suffice, Lady Spring is in attendance, and I feel that she would be pleased to listen to your request and aid how we can."

Lady Owena had hung back, upon seeing the Summer Court in line to be received. Their delegation was full of interesting people, and both Bas Pride and Warchod Prejudice were of a mind to speak with the black furred Rexline. There was some discussion, then, when Lady Sabel mentioned that Ser Pel was to be the competitor in the Great Hunt.

::Concern. Confusion.:: Pride shot at Owena. ::Pride. Power. Displeasure.::

"I understand, Bas Pride. I thought it would be you to compete as well. I know that is the largest purpose for you being here." Owena said quietly to the Tiger Salvax.

::Friend? Foe? Caution. Inquiry. Competitive.:: The thoughts that Prejudice sent were complex, but did seem to calm down the growing growl within Bas Pride.

"I agree. We should speak with them. Perhaps there is an accommodation to be reached. Or at least we can find out more about Ser Pel. It would be my honor to introduce you." Saying this, Prejudice, with Lady Owena upon her Elephant back, trod forth. The Spring Girl was a familiar weight now, after so many years, and for her part, Owena was used to the Warchod's gait. She looked down and could see by the slow prowl that Bas Pride was trying to act unconcerned, but was still upset at the idea that he might not be allowed to participate in the Great Hunt. The Bas of the South Hunt was regarded as among the most skilled Salvax when it came to seeking prey, and many Rexline of Petravolan acknowledged his skill as well. However, the Salvax previously had little cause for meeting with the Deep Fern Rexline. The dark fur of Ser Pel was a stark contract to the white tiger that was eyeing him now.

Upon approaching the group, after they finished speaking with the High Queen, Lady Owena slid from the back of Prejudice, and bowed her head in deference to Lady Sabel. Owena had little information on the lady of Summer. The title of 'First Consort of Summer' was not something thrown about lightly, though. No one would make such a claim without the power - both physical and political - to back it. At this point, Owena was the highest ranking member of those in the Spring Court whom made their home in Tir Xungla. That gave her enough respect to be known to many Aeldir, but it was nothing so grand as the chosen consort of Lord Summer. Still... it did give her the authority to clear this mess up before it actually became a mess.

"Greetings to the Summer Court," Owena began. "I am Lady Owena, translator for Bas Pride and Warchod Prejudice of the South Hunt. We wonder if we might speak with you concerning the competitor for the Great Hunt. As the rules of the Tournament allow for only one hunter from the Demesne, Bas Pride was under the impression that he would be given that honor."

I thought about sending you a message via PM to talk about this, but realized [a] I don't care who is ultimately our entry and [b] this scene being played out is more interesting to me.

"Our main intention was to draft up a more comprehensive conversion agreement that would allow us to drive the Grand Church of Daen out of the Stormlands. From that point, you can easily step in and allow the Old Gods to take root, solidifying your ability to better rule the populace." And take out half of the kingdoms under Daen's influence in one fell swoop, but it was assumed that the Aeldir would get the big picture.

Besina and the Courts

Lady Della smiled politely but any warmth a smile normally brought did not reach her eyes as she listened to the human woman. While Lady Della was not herself a member of the Dagda her lordship had appointed her to interact with their order. Her lordship no doubt thinking the dispatch of a fourth consort as their liaison to his throne the perfect fit. Her lord bore no small amount of animosity for the Old Gods and the Words that had only grown greater upon his ascension to Lord Summer and she knew she was not to speak to him of what the Dagda wished. So it was that despite her lordship's disfavor towards the Old Gods and the Words his Third Consort was practically as knowledgeable as a Speaker of the Words. As such she was also aware of the political and cultural concessions made to the beliefs of the Dhuda Loka and their New God. What the Councilman was now saying did not sound in line with what she understood the agreement to be.

"I had understood a rather comprehensive agreement had already been reached?"

She spoke suddenly and turned with a practiced apology to bow her head towards Lady Rhona and then the Councilman.

"Excusing you both. I am Lady Della, Fourth Consort of Lord Summer. What I mean to say, is my understanding is an agreement between the Courts and your Union details the allowances and restrictions for the proselytizing practiced by Lifewalkers and teachers of the tenets of the Children of Earth. There shall never be a greater number of worship sites or teachers of the Children of Earth than of the Old Gods within the Demesne. The agreement concerns the permitted level of worship for followers of the New God, not the restriction of the Demesne to Old Gods and New."

"Only the Old Gods and their teachings may replace the most common beliefs of a people within the Demesne. Even if the practices of the Church of Daen have grown ever more distasteful it is the right, duty, and obligation of the Rose Courts, with consultation of our vassal King Devon, to determine when his kingdom is ready for the Old Gods to 'take root' as you put it. The current reports of Children within the Stormland Expanse already exceeds the presence of the Old Gods though we recognize these sects are small and contained to their natural size. While I cannot speak with ultimate authority being neither Lady Autumn nor Lord Winter I believe many Aeldir will feel as I do on the matter."

Big Cats

Lady Sabel smiled as Lady Owena approached. She recognized the Spring Girl immediately accompanied by the Salvax companions she was well known for. The curiosity in the Spring Girl's face shone through as bright as the sun and Sabel knew she was an unknown to the Spring Girl. It had been two ages since Lord Summer had taken a consort and an age more since he had taken more than one. Lord Drustan had been poorly regarded for his keeping of Avonlean women not only for their mortality and for the danger inherent in a potential halfborn but because they had served in many ways as the consorts of old while being neither Aeldir nor even of the Demesne. Now Lord Summer reversed this, taking four consorts from among the most beautiful and most skilled women of the Summer Court.

Much as the Spring Court did not allow Boys to rule the Summer Court could not allow a woman to head a union with a man or to lead men. There were of course some who circumvented these ancient laws of the Summer Court, women in union with women or whose vassals and allies were other ladies of the court. Most however were forced to supplicate to or ally with a lord of the southern court if they desired a chance to lead. The most powerful of these women were always the Consorts of Lord Summer himself and while a single consort who monopolized the lord's attentions had great potential the most successful turned their sister-consorts to their advantage.

She nodded her head and listened as Lady Owena explained her approach and the tensed muscles of the Salvax she was tended by.

"I apologize Lady Owena, I had not been informed the Spring Court would be sending a competitor for the tournament. Lady Valdia, why was I not informed of another competitor?"

Her gaze turned towards the other Aeldir woman standing near her who froze despite the heat of Sabel's eyes upon her.

"I had not been aware-"

"Of course not," Sable interrupted her and turned her attention back to Lady Owena.

"Our apologies Lady Owena we had not been aware of Bas Pride's intention to compete. Having said as much, if you are involved with the Spring Girls upon Tir Xungla who desire the freedom of the Salvax to fight for the Demesne it may be in your ultimate best interest to allow Ser Pel to represent the Demesne."

At his name the Rexline stirred and his eyes flashed over the Spring Girl and the Salvax. His eyes met those of Bas Pride's and his hair began to rise, enlarging his form. He growled a low purr, warning the white tiger salvax not to challenge him. Though he spoke only a modest bit of Luskan and even less of the Aeldir tongue he was intimately familiar with the language of the wild.

2016-04-20, 06:29 PM
Besina and the Courts

Lady Della smiled politely but any warmth a smile normally brought did not reach her eyes as she listened to the human woman. While Lady Della was not herself a member of the Dagda her lordship had appointed her to interact with their order. Her lordship no doubt thinking the dispatch of a fourth consort as their liaison to his throne the perfect fit. Her lord bore no small amount of animosity for the Old Gods and the Words that had only grown greater upon his ascension to Lord Summer and she knew she was not to speak to him of what the Dagda wished. So it was that despite her lordship's disfavor towards the Old Gods and the Words his Third Consort was practically as knowledgeable as a Speaker of the Words. As such she was also aware of the political and cultural concessions made to the beliefs of the Dhuda Loka and their New God. What the Councilman was now saying did not sound in line with what she understood the agreement to be.

"I had understood a rather comprehensive agreement had already been reached?"

She spoke suddenly and turned with a practiced apology to bow her head towards Lady Rhona and then the Councilman.

"Excusing you both. I am Lady Della, Fourth Consort of Lord Summer. What I mean to say, is my understanding is an agreement between the Courts and your Union details the allowances and restrictions for the proselytizing practiced by Lifewalkers and teachers of the tenets of the Children of Earth. There shall never be a greater number of worship sites or teachers of the Children of Earth than of the Old Gods within the Demesne. The agreement concerns the permitted level of worship for followers of the New God, not the restriction of the Demesne to Old Gods and New."

"Only the Old Gods and their teachings may replace the most common beliefs of a people within the Demesne. Even if the practices of the Church of Daen have grown ever more distasteful it is the right, duty, and obligation of the Rose Courts, with consultation of our vassal King Devon, to determine when his kingdom is ready for the Old Gods to 'take root' as you put it. The current reports of Children within the Stormland Expanse already exceeds the presence of the Old Gods though we recognize these sects are small and contained to their natural size. While I cannot speak with ultimate authority being neither Lady Autumn nor Lord Winter I believe many Aeldir will feel as I do on the matter."

As she listened, Cassandra's hopes fell. Eh, it was worth the effort. Wait, they had to travel really far... It actually wasn't. "Oh well. I suppose that it was worth the suggestion..." Probably not, as the Aeldir get their way with everything. "Anyways, we'll be resting here for a while until we leave if you'd like to discuss anything else. Farewell!"

With that, the Uca Jajaka and her escort of Gnolls and record-keepers walked away, merging with the massive crowd without waiting for a response.

2016-04-21, 09:43 AM
The vessels of the Dynasty of Escaye had been long drawn out from a minor setback, which was the misunderstanding that Primus was on the sea. Having never made contact with the Emerald division, a slight bit of improvising had to be made upon arriving on the shores of the League of Allied Provinces with warships full of soldiers ready for battle. Mock battle, of course. Thankfully, the bewildered army of Zaj were guided through Blarhimminn and up through LAP land to the event, where things became much easier from then on - The addition of Skyways was something well noted and appreciated. The gift and offers showered onto the army were all graciously accepted and thoroughly enjoyed. None could deny that the people here were all exceptionally attractive, even if there was a small difference in race.

Being part of a culture without marriage helped too, of course.

Having little to bestow upon their generous hosts in return, it was universally decided to repay them by enjoying their festivities together in full. Good times were had, though the celebrations held them back yet another day - Much to the disapproval of Queen Lilia, who partook in none of it. It took her some convincing to even let her army do as they pleased, but once she did they were quite grateful. The group eventually arrived in the city of Valkyrie, entering their walls and merging with the official celebration.

The two military regiments (Land and Sea) were quickly found places to stay among the event, and were dismissed until the time to get involved in the battles came wile Lilia and her more personal entourage went to visit their hosts and announce their arrival. With the emerald queen came her most elite guard and general named Garelis, as well as a Rexline who went by Tomar. He had titles, but he cared not for them. They were both male, and adorned in light armors that still allowed for flexible movement. One could perhaps identify it as leather dyed lightish blue, with a collection of medals on each of their chests. Naturally, they had all quickly learned of the Primal custom to carry a weapon, and as such each of them held a different weapon on their person. The rexline held a tall pike, which bared the flag of his people on it's end. Galelis had a great-sword upon his back, two handed and fierce in design. Both men might be considered quite handsome, though the Zaj commander was likely old enough to retire from the army at this point. He had red eyes and scales that matched, but were somewhat faded.. As well as a scar that crossed his left cheek - Which wasn't there at the last event. Finally, Lilia had but a rapier - Which she had little idea how to use. Hitting them with the pointy part was the extent of her knowledge of combat, and as such the woman herself had no intention of getting involved in the fights to come - unless as a strategist. Which she wasn't bad at by any means. All three of them carried small round shields on their left forearms, which were light enough to maneuver in without getting tired.

The three would have approached almost casually, if it weren't for Lilia's proper way of carrying herself. The two men chatted quietly behind her, until they came to a stop in from of their host. "Apologies for being late, I am Lilia, First Emerald Queen of the Dynasty of Escaye. Our welcome has been warm indeed, and I thank you for the opportunity to compete among this tournament" She did a small curtsy in her white dress, which was modified slightly after the first person had challenged her to an honor duel. Her guard had stepped in, but it was just in case. Even though the lady smiled, there was some kind of sadness in her eyes, which she seemed to not want to reveal.. The same small green dragon rested upon her shoulders as usual, flicking it's tongue out at Breydice, and seemingly staring into her eyes. This was, of course, Lilia's beloved aspis - Of which she had received in Avonlea many years ago. It had grown a bit, but altogether not very much. "Tomar." The rexine says after his company finishes, bowing deeply in from of her. Garelis said and did nothing, waiting behind the two of them stoically. His buckler was noticeably nicer than the other two, given a level of decoration and riches that did not match with the rest of his humble attire. It was, in short, out of place.

Amal-Zaj (Known more commonly as ‘the Zaj’) appear to be humans with dragon-like features such as scales, a tail, horns, etc. Their hair is often more metallic colours such as silver, gold or brass. Most stand to be around six feet tall, with fair to tan skin. Their ‘type’ comes from the colour of their scales- Which are usually located around the kneecaps, arms, forehead, and spine. It is uncommon for one to have scales in other places, (such as the chest or face) but it does occur. Their ears tend to be pointed, and they have eye colours that correspond with their type. Amal-Zaj can grow horns and tails as well, but it is mostly genetic and they rarely grow to be very long. Within the Zaj society it has become very popular to decorate these horns and tails with jewelry and gems, which happen to be plentiful in the region. Aside from these differences they are quite similar to humans, having almost identical average body weights, strength, speed and intelligence- With one exception. The Zaj are specialists above all. They always excel at one type of thing based on their type, and each one is trained to hone their natural talents. However, each type has an element they are weak in. This leaves them less developed in some areas, and very developed in others; causing very extreme cultural differences despite being part of the same community.

2016-04-21, 01:00 PM
Though Lord Summer sailed with the host who now bore down upon the hopeless shores of the Pavos Republic and though both Lady Spring and Lady Autumn had expressed their intent to travel to the Tournament as representatives of the Rose Courts a delegation from the Summer Court still arrived in the Primal city of Valkyrie. Bereft the presence of Lord Summer or the senior Thyrngar Rangers who often accompanied or substituted their lord's presence the Summer delegation could easily be mistaken for arriving from an unknown polity. The procession was small, numbering only ten and was led by a Summer woman whose bright green eyes sparkled with happiness accented by her ready smile and easy laughter. She was dressed in a flowing green and blue silk dress that hung upon her body pleasingly though retained an air of sophistication and civility. Her dark brown hair was pulled back and braided in a thick single rope down her back. She was armed, a longsword hanging obviously from her waist though its hilt and style appeared far more ceremonial than practical.

She was followed closely by three other Summer Aeldir women dressed in similar fashions though clearly of less means and grandeur than their leader. Five Geshem, four female attendants and one male dressed in the bright colors and oversized clothing of a Geshem noble. A single Rexline, a member of the Deep Fern Black Fur tribe, rounded out the delegation although only another Rexline or a well-versed observer could easily identify the Black Fur was a male so lithe and strong were all the Black Fur Rexline. All the rest of the party were armed as well. The Aeldir women bore longswords similar to their leader. The Geshem servants sported simple knives and the lord a short sword while the Black Fur carried a mean broadaxe strapped across his back.

Approaching the Primal Queen with a pleasant smile the Summer Aeldir who led the strange group spoke.

"We thank you for the invitation to your realm and offer apologies for the Lord Summer's absence. Matters in the southeast occupy his attentions though he sends his wishes that his gift is well used."

"I am Lady Sabel, First Consort of the Summer Court. These are my sister-consorts: Lady Valdia, Lady Parisa, and Lady Della."

Each Aeldir bowed their heads in turn as they were named.

"We eagerly anticipate the events of this Tournament and ourselves desire entrance into this Great Hunt. Our own Ser Pel," she indicated the Rexline, "Seeks to prove himself a skilled hunter and killer of prey."

Sabel did not mention the success or failure of the Rexline hunter would also determine the future composition of the Demesne army. Ser Pel as Sabel had called him was the most proficient of his litter and clear successor to the Golden Eyes chieftain. He had exhibited an aptitude for fighting and tactics though he was not permitted to join the regular soldiers of the Demesne and certainly not the Thyrngar Rangers though his tracking and stealth skills were on par with many Thyrngar already. His petition and the long-standing push from the Spring Court to permit non-Aeldir to serve in the military had worn Lord Summer down. He had agreed to permit the recruitment of non-Aeldir soldiers if they could prove their ability. This was a test not just of Ser Pel but of the whole of the Rexline.

The Queen's heart sank low as the second Aeldir delegation came with no sign of Phelnia. Lord Summer had brought her when he presented Primus with Quont Martelo; Though she knew the Lord Summer's animosity to her sibling, she had hoped... well, perhaps she would show up on her own, or with the Autumn Court.

Breydice nodded. "I understand; 'tis better that he oversee the war with the Pavos himself. Give him my regards; his gift is much appreciated." The Satsujin had been ordered to withdraw from the Pavos lands the moment the Imperium had heard that the Demense was coming. The Aeldir would not target them deliberately, of course, but their survival could not be guaranteed.

Lady Navus saluted each of them in turn, memorizing their names and faces. It was always best to know who a ruler was sleeping with.

"Ah, his consort? Four of them, no less. I do feel honored he trusts us so."

Lady Navus' grin grew wide as the Rexline's desire to hunt was made apparent. "Oh, I think he will have his chance."

Breydice's brevity too Baram by surprise and briefly he wondered if he had the authority to make these decisions before deciding he was being foolish, he was set to wear the laurel crown shortly and knew his father would not have been making plans to abdicate if he did not trust his son.

"That seems agreeable, I assume all the usual stipulations will be in place?" He spoke off handedly, though he was wondering if he knew what the usual stipulations were and briefly wished his mother was here. He grinned at himself, a grown man of thirty six wishing for his mother. He directed his grin at Breydice, which lit up his handsome face,

"Is there anything else the Provinces or Ambrose can do for you while I'm here?"

"I will likely give the designs to Knight-Protector Binari as well, but beyond that, we shall not trade it away without your permission. I expect the same of the League." Breydice nodded. "'Tis only fair."

"For next time, you should know that there are no 'usual stipulations' for trade agreements of this nature; that sort of thinking nearly got Berrium in trouble with the Aeldir."

"Is there anything else the Provinces or Ambrose can do for you while I'm here?"

"For Primus? No, I can't think of anything."

"For me?" She batted her eyelashes and her grin grew coy. That handsome smile had sent her mind to all the wrong places. "I will only ask that you and your companions enjoy Valkyrie."

The vessels of the Dynasty of Escaye had been long drawn out from a minor setback, which was the misunderstanding that Primus was on the sea. Having never made contact with the Emerald division, a slight bit of improvising had to be made upon arriving on the shores of the League of Allied Provinces with warships full of soldiers ready for battle. Mock battle, of course. Thankfully, the bewildered army of Zaj were guided through Blarhimminn and up through LAP land to the event, where things became much easier from then on - The addition of Skyways was something well noted and appreciated. The gift and offers showered onto the army were all graciously accepted and thoroughly enjoyed. None could deny that the people here were all exceptionally attractive, even if there was a small difference in race.

Being part of a culture without marriage helped too, of course.

Having little to bestow upon their generous hosts in return, it was universally decided to repay them by enjoying their festivities together in full. Good times were had, though the celebrations held them back yet another day - Much to the disapproval of Queen Lilia, who partook in none of it. It took her some convincing to even let her army do as they pleased, but once she did they were quite grateful. The group eventually arrived in the city of Valkyrie, entering their walls and merging with the official celebration.

The two military regiments (Land and Sea) were quickly found places to stay among the event, and were dismissed until the time to get involved in the battles came wile Lilia and her more personal entourage went to visit their hosts and announce their arrival. With the emerald queen came her most elite guard and general named Garelis, as well as a Rexline who went by Tomar. He had titles, but he cared not for them. They were both male, and adorned in light armors that still allowed for flexible movement. One could perhaps identify it as leather dyed lightish blue, with a collection of medals on each of their chests. Naturally, they had all quickly learned of the Primal custom to carry a weapon, and as such each of them held a different weapon on their person. The rexline held a tall pike, which bared the flag of his people on it's end. Galelis had a great-sword upon his back, two handed and fierce in design. Both men might be considered quite handsome, though the Zaj commander was likely old enough to retire from the army at this point. He had red eyes and scales that matched, but were somewhat faded.. As well as a scar that crossed his left cheek - Which wasn't there at the last event. Finally, Lilia had but a rapier - Which she had little idea how to use. Hitting them with the pointy part was the extent of her knowledge of combat, and as such the woman herself had no intention of getting involved in the fights to come - unless as a strategist. Which she wasn't bad at by any means. All three of them carried small round shields on their left forearms, which were light enough to maneuver in without getting tired.

The three would have approached almost casually, if it weren't for Lilia's proper way of carrying herself. The two men chatted quietly behind her, until they came to a stop in from of their host. "Apologies for being late, I am Lilia, First Emerald Queen of the Dynasty of Escaye. Our welcome has been warm indeed, and I thank you for the opportunity to compete among this tournament" She did a small curtsy in her white dress, which was modified slightly after the first person had challenged her to an honor duel. Her guard had stepped in, but it was just in case. Even though the lady smiled, there was some kind of sadness in her eyes, which she seemed to not want to reveal.. The same small green dragon rested upon her shoulders as usual, flicking it's tongue out at Breydice, and seemingly staring into her eyes. This was, of course, Lilia's beloved aspis - Of which she had received in Avonlea many years ago. It had grown a bit, but altogether not very much. "Tomar." The rexine says after his company finishes, bowing deeply in from of her. Garelis said and did nothing, waiting behind the two of them stoically. His buckler was noticeably nicer than the other two, given a level of decoration and riches that did not match with the rest of his humble attire. It was, in short, out of place.

Amal-Zaj (Known more commonly as ‘the Zaj’) appear to be humans with dragon-like features such as scales, a tail, horns, etc. Their hair is often more metallic colours such as silver, gold or brass. Most stand to be around six feet tall, with fair to tan skin. Their ‘type’ comes from the colour of their scales- Which are usually located around the kneecaps, arms, forehead, and spine. It is uncommon for one to have scales in other places, (such as the chest or face) but it does occur. Their ears tend to be pointed, and they have eye colours that correspond with their type. Amal-Zaj can grow horns and tails as well, but it is mostly genetic and they rarely grow to be very long. Within the Zaj society it has become very popular to decorate these horns and tails with jewelry and gems, which happen to be plentiful in the region. Aside from these differences they are quite similar to humans, having almost identical average body weights, strength, speed and intelligence- With one exception. The Zaj are specialists above all. They always excel at one type of thing based on their type, and each one is trained to hone their natural talents. However, each type has an element they are weak in. This leaves them less developed in some areas, and very developed in others; causing very extreme cultural differences despite being part of the same community.

Rikadime's armor and wakizashi were a royal violet, and her long silver hair hung down to her waist. Breydice wielded a pair of short swords; the moonsilver was black with a gold trim. The High Queen and her head diplomat saluted the Amal-Zaj as they arrived.

"The opening ceremonies start soon, but you're not too late."

"It is good to meet one of the Crystal Union." Lady Navus smiled. "I've heard good things. Were you here for the last tournament? I cannot recall."

2016-04-21, 02:12 PM
"I will likely give the designs to Knight-Protector Binari as well, but beyond that, we shall not trade it away without your permission. I expect the same of the League." Breydice nodded. "'Tis only fair."

"For next time, you should know that there are no 'usual stipulations' for trade agreements of this nature; that sort of thinking nearly got Berrium in trouble with the Aeldir."

"Is there anything else the Provinces or Ambrose can do for you while I'm here?"

"For Primus? No, I can't think of anything."

"For me?" She batted her eyelashes and her grin grew coy. That handsome smile had sent her mind to all the wrong places. "I will only ask that you and your companions enjoy Valkyrie."

"As long as Berrium agrees to the same conditions, we have no issue then." He was somewhat chagrined at his mistaken assumption, but overall relieved he hadn't bungled the deal any further. His grin gained a devilish glint as the Queen's grew coy.

"I am certain we will enjoy everything your city has to offer." And with that Baram solicitously took Breydice's hand in his own and kissed it, and with a wink walked off with a bit of a swagger. Though he would never seriously think of being unfaithful to his beloved wife, an innocent bit of flirting now and then could be quite amusing.

2016-04-22, 12:29 PM
Lady Della smiled politely but any warmth a smile normally brought did not reach her eyes as she listened to the human woman. While Lady Della was not herself a member of the Dagda her lordship had appointed her to interact with their order. Her lordship no doubt thinking the dispatch of a fourth consort as their liaison to his throne the perfect fit. Her lord bore no small amount of animosity for the Old Gods and the Words that had only grown greater upon his ascension to Lord Summer and she knew she was not to speak to him of what the Dagda wished. So it was that despite her lordship's disfavor towards the Old Gods and the Words his Third Consort was practically as knowledgeable as a Speaker of the Words. As such she was also aware of the political and cultural concessions made to the beliefs of the Dhuda Loka and their New God. What the Councilman was now saying did not sound in line with what she understood the agreement to be.

"I had understood a rather comprehensive agreement had already been reached?"

She spoke suddenly and turned with a practiced apology to bow her head towards Lady Rhona and then the Councilman.

"Excusing you both. I am Lady Della, Fourth Consort of Lord Summer. What I mean to say, is my understanding is an agreement between the Courts and your Union details the allowances and restrictions for the proselytizing practiced by Lifewalkers and teachers of the tenets of the Children of Earth. There shall never be a greater number of worship sites or teachers of the Children of Earth than of the Old Gods within the Demesne. The agreement concerns the permitted level of worship for followers of the New God, not the restriction of the Demesne to Old Gods and New."

"Only the Old Gods and their teachings may replace the most common beliefs of a people within the Demesne. Even if the practices of the Church of Daen have grown ever more distasteful it is the right, duty, and obligation of the Rose Courts, with consultation of our vassal King Devon, to determine when his kingdom is ready for the Old Gods to 'take root' as you put it. The current reports of Children within the Stormland Expanse already exceeds the presence of the Old Gods though we recognize these sects are small and contained to their natural size. While I cannot speak with ultimate authority being neither Lady Autumn nor Lord Winter I believe many Aeldir will feel as I do on the matter."

As she listened, Cassandra's hopes fell. Eh, it was worth the effort. Wait, they had to travel really far... It actually wasn't. "Oh well. I suppose that it was worth the suggestion..." Probably not, as the Aeldir get their way with everything. "Anyways, we'll be resting here for a while until we leave if you'd like to discuss anything else. Farewell!"

With that, the Uca Jajaka and her escort of Gnolls and record-keepers walked away, merging with the massive crowd without waiting for a response.

Lady Rhona nodded politely to Lady Devon, and excused herself. Using a back-way that Rhona knew from exploring quite a bit of the city of Valkyrie and it's surrounding areas, she quickly disappeared from sight. She soon found the small hole that allowed her to extricate herself from the unused alley, and was back in the light, inexplicably ahead of where the Uca Jajaka was walking. She grinned at the Councilwoman from Besina, and approached once again. "Uca Jajaka Councilman Cassandra Harrier. What Lady Devon said was the truth. Yet, you seem to have left... dissatisfied. May I ask why?"

Lady Sabel smiled as Lady Owena approached. She recognized the Spring Girl immediately accompanied by the Salvax companions she was well known for. The curiosity in the Spring Girl's face shone through as bright as the sun and Sabel knew she was an unknown to the Spring Girl. It had been two ages since Lord Summer had taken a consort and an age more since he had taken more than one. Lord Drustan had been poorly regarded for his keeping of Avonlean women not only for their mortality and for the danger inherent in a potential halfborn but because they had served in many ways as the consorts of old while being neither Aeldir nor even of the Demesne. Now Lord Summer reversed this, taking four consorts from among the most beautiful and most skilled women of the Summer Court.

Much as the Spring Court did not allow Boys to rule the Summer Court could not allow a woman to head a union with a man or to lead men. There were of course some who circumvented these ancient laws of the Summer Court, women in union with women or whose vassals and allies were other ladies of the court. Most however were forced to supplicate to or ally with a lord of the southern court if they desired a chance to lead. The most powerful of these women were always the Consorts of Lord Summer himself and while a single consort who monopolized the lord's attentions had great potential the most successful turned their sister-consorts to their advantage.

She nodded her head and listened as Lady Owena explained her approach and the tensed muscles of the Salvax she was tended by.

"I apologize Lady Owena, I had not been informed the Spring Court would be sending a competitor for the tournament. Lady Valdia, why was I not informed of another competitor?"

Her gaze turned towards the other Aeldir woman standing near her who froze despite the heat of Sabel's eyes upon her.

"I had not been aware-"

"Of course not," Sable interrupted her and turned her attention back to Lady Owena.

"Our apologies Lady Owena we had not been aware of Bas Pride's intention to compete. Having said as much, if you are involved with the Spring Girls upon Tir Xungla who desire the freedom of the Salvax to fight for the Demesne it may be in your ultimate best interest to allow Ser Pel to represent the Demesne."

At his name the Rexline stirred and his eyes flashed over the Spring Girl and the Salvax. His eyes met those of Bas Pride's and his hair began to rise, enlarging his form. He growled a low purr, warning the white tiger salvax not to challenge him. Though he spoke only a modest bit of Luskan and even less of the Aeldir tongue he was intimately familiar with the language of the wild.

"I see." Lady Owena did. Though she would never say it out loud, this was clearly a case of the two courts not bothering to communicate. Lady Spring, based on past experiences, had not seen any of the other courts take interest before in external affairs of entertainment, such as the tournament. That is not to say they were not interested, but it was to say that Summer, Autumn, and Winter had rarely - if ever - purposefully brought someone to one of these such events with the intent of having them compete. And though Owena could only speculate, she imagined that the Lord Summer did not even think to bother to ask Lady Spring about who would be competing, as from Lady Sable's description, this was a matter of honor and could decide the course of warriors in the Demesne moving forward.

She could have explained that to Bas Pride. She would have been able to make him see the benefits of allowing Ser Pel to compete in his place. Many among the Salvax had wanted to aid military efforts for years now; and so far, only their tactical minds had been put to use, and even then, with Lady Owena acting as commander. Yet they were fierce fighters and hunters, and the Salvax Ri had been asking many times to allow his warriors to work with the Demesne armies for the protection of the expanses. Allowing Ser Pel to compete was in the Salvax's best interests. Owena could have explained that.

...if the Rexline hadn't chosen that moment to become defensive, and growled at Bas Pride.

::Annoyance! Challenge! Pride!:: His own hackles raised, the tiger Salvax's eyes became intense, as they stared up at the black furred Rexline with dislike.

::Caution. Summer Pack. Salvax Ri Pack. Aeldir Pack.:: Warchod Prejudice attempted to calm Bas Pride by reminding him that they were all part of the same greater whole; the emotions being sent were hard for Owena to translate, as each different type of pack was like listening to different levels of intensity within a mix of devotion and loyalty and fealty.

Still, she knew this situation could not sit well with Bas Pride. The Salvax Ri controlled Tir Xungla, and each Bas oversaw a section of the island. While Owena was not sure of the political stand point between herself and Lady Sable, Bas Pride was an emissary of the Salvax Ri himself, who answered only to the Seasons. To have some Rexline fighter try to warn him off, and clearly stand in his way, was a point of... well... Pride.

Owena took a breath, and stepped in front of the Bas; a dangerous place to be, but she was one of the few that might be able to stop this before it became unmanageable. She looked over to the Consorts, and again nodded her head in respect, trying to wordlessly remind the woman in front of her that Owena knew her place. "Lady Sable. Ser Pel's manner is upsetting the Bas of the South Hunt, whom I am sure you are aware, assists the Salvax Ri in running an entire fourth of Tir Xungla. What you say regarding the competitor for the Great Hunt makes sense, but though they speak no words, the language between Ser Pel and Bas Pride is one that is disrespectful to someone of the Bas's station. I am unfamiliar with Deep Fern, so I ask for aid from the Consort of Summer, does Ser Pel have influence within Deep Fern to the degree that he can act this way?"

The vessels of the Dynasty of Escaye had been long drawn out from a minor setback, which was the misunderstanding that Primus was on the sea. Having never made contact with the Emerald division, a slight bit of improvising had to be made upon arriving on the shores of the League of Allied Provinces with warships full of soldiers ready for battle. Mock battle, of course. Thankfully, the bewildered army of Zaj were guided through Blarhimminn and up through LAP land to the event, where things became much easier from then on - The addition of Skyways was something well noted and appreciated. The gift and offers showered onto the army were all graciously accepted and thoroughly enjoyed. None could deny that the people here were all exceptionally attractive, even if there was a small difference in race.

Being part of a culture without marriage helped too, of course.

Having little to bestow upon their generous hosts in return, it was universally decided to repay them by enjoying their festivities together in full. Good times were had, though the celebrations held them back yet another day - Much to the disapproval of Queen Lilia, who partook in none of it. It took her some convincing to even let her army do as they pleased, but once she did they were quite grateful. The group eventually arrived in the city of Valkyrie, entering their walls and merging with the official celebration.

The two military regiments (Land and Sea) were quickly found places to stay among the event, and were dismissed until the time to get involved in the battles came wile Lilia and her more personal entourage went to visit their hosts and announce their arrival. With the emerald queen came her most elite guard and general named Garelis, as well as a Rexline who went by Tomar. He had titles, but he cared not for them. They were both male, and adorned in light armors that still allowed for flexible movement. One could perhaps identify it as leather dyed lightish blue, with a collection of medals on each of their chests. Naturally, they had all quickly learned of the Primal custom to carry a weapon, and as such each of them held a different weapon on their person. The rexline held a tall pike, which bared the flag of his people on it's end. Galelis had a great-sword upon his back, two handed and fierce in design. Both men might be considered quite handsome, though the Zaj commander was likely old enough to retire from the army at this point. He had red eyes and scales that matched, but were somewhat faded.. As well as a scar that crossed his left cheek - Which wasn't there at the last event. Finally, Lilia had but a rapier - Which she had little idea how to use. Hitting them with the pointy part was the extent of her knowledge of combat, and as such the woman herself had no intention of getting involved in the fights to come - unless as a strategist. Which she wasn't bad at by any means. All three of them carried small round shields on their left forearms, which were light enough to maneuver in without getting tired.

The three would have approached almost casually, if it weren't for Lilia's proper way of carrying herself. The two men chatted quietly behind her, until they came to a stop in from of their host. "Apologies for being late, I am Lilia, First Emerald Queen of the Dynasty of Escaye. Our welcome has been warm indeed, and I thank you for the opportunity to compete among this tournament" She did a small curtsy in her white dress, which was modified slightly after the first person had challenged her to an honor duel. Her guard had stepped in, but it was just in case. Even though the lady smiled, there was some kind of sadness in her eyes, which she seemed to not want to reveal.. The same small green dragon rested upon her shoulders as usual, flicking it's tongue out at Breydice, and seemingly staring into her eyes. This was, of course, Lilia's beloved aspis - Of which she had received in Avonlea many years ago. It had grown a bit, but altogether not very much. "Tomar." The rexine says after his company finishes, bowing deeply in from of her. Garelis said and did nothing, waiting behind the two of them stoically. His buckler was noticeably nicer than the other two, given a level of decoration and riches that did not match with the rest of his humble attire. It was, in short, out of place.

Lady Spring, Aleuta Kellianth, was enjoying herself. It was so good to be back on familiar ground; second only to Tir Amser, Aleuta liked Primus. She knew this place. It had perhaps changed a little in the past decade, but already, Aleuta was spotting familiar hiding places. Not because she felt she needed to hide, but because it was in the nature of those of Glaw Novo to want to have places to duck in and out of, like a dance. Except in this dance, their partner was anyone who could see them, and the dancer's job was to be seen only briefly; fleetingly, and then be gone from sight. It amused Lady Spring, and so, therefore, it amused the Spring Court.

In this manner, her eyes were fondly remembering dancing for the people of Primus while she had been here by gazing around Valkyrie, and so she spotted the Emerald Queen of the Crystal Union. A slow smile crept onto Aleuta's face, and she beckoned for Eoghan to follow her. The two of them approached Lilia of the Dynasty of Escaye, and Lady Spring greeted her warmly, "Emerald Queen Lilia! I am pleased to see you. Might I have a moment?"

I'm gonna play this out, but ultimately, I'd like to do a Curiosity Tech trade for Burch Cipher.

2016-04-22, 02:09 PM
Breydice smirked. "I shall probably not compete myself - I had my fun last time. I do hope you enjoy watching it."

"I do hope so as well. With any luck the Crystal Union will be able to win some renown for ourselves." Ava grinned, "Well ma'am it has been a pleasure to meet you." before bowing, "Come Carr, Gio, we must prepare for this hunt. Also their may be some who would wish to trade in technologies so we must keep our ears open."

2016-04-22, 02:12 PM
Rikadime's armor and wakizashi were a royal violet, and her long silver hair hung down to her waist. Breydice wielded a pair of short swords; the moonsilver was black with a gold trim. The High Queen and her head diplomat saluted the Amal-Zaj as they arrived.

"The opening ceremonies start soon, but you're not too late."

"It is good to meet one of the Crystal Union." Lady Navus smiled. "I've heard good things. Were you here for the last tournament? I cannot recall."

Queen Lilia breathed a short sigh of relief upon hearing that she was not too late. After all, first impressions were very important to her. "See? I told you we wouldn't be too late." The rexline says with a smile. He had a growl to his voice, but it was clear that he was doing his best to keep it out of his speech. The disapproval to his comment was plain on the queen's face, (not that Tomar had noticed..) but she made no direct comment in response. "Excellent." She says, recovering her usual fully composed self.

"And it is good to meet you both in return - I've heard many interesting things about your 'strategies' when it comes to war. I hope to have the opportunity to prove ourselves against such a creative army in the tournament to come. ..Speaking of which, we were not at the last great tournament, though I'm sure we can make up for it." Glancing back to Garelis, the queen beckons him forwards. With a court nod he steps forwards inbetween Tomar and Lilia, taking the decorative buckler off his forearm and kneeling in front of their hosts. Even in this position the man was still quite tall, being one of the largest in terms of height for the already tall male Zaj. He was something around 7'3 while standing, lowering himself about a third of that height as he held out the shield. It was adorned with many gemstones from Union lands, heavily associated their faith if she had bothered to look into it. Among them were spectacular emeralds and rubies, which symbolized power and faith - Together meaning divine protection. It was more of a treasure to be stored than used in battle, serving instead as a decoration.. Not that any of them explicitly mentioned it. "For our most generous hosts." Garelis says, bowing his head.


Lady Spring, Aleuta Kellianth, was enjoying herself. It was so good to be back on familiar ground; second only to Tir Amser, Aleuta liked Primus. She knew this place. It had perhaps changed a little in the past decade, but already, Aleuta was spotting familiar hiding places. Not because she felt she needed to hide, but because it was in the nature of those of Glaw Novo to want to have places to duck in and out of, like a dance. Except in this dance, their partner was anyone who could see them, and the dancer's job was to be seen only briefly; fleetingly, and then be gone from sight. It amused Lady Spring, and so, therefore, it amused the Spring Court.

In this manner, her eyes were fondly remembering dancing for the people of Primus while she had been here by gazing around Valkyrie, and so she spotted the Emerald Queen of the Crystal Union. A slow smile crept onto Aleuta's face, and she beckoned for Eoghan to follow her. The two of them approached Lilia of the Dynasty of Escaye, and Lady Spring greeted her warmly, "Emerald Queen Lilia! I am pleased to see you. Might I have a moment?"

I'm gonna play this out, but ultimately, I'd like to do a Curiosity Tech trade for Burch Cipher.

Lilia had just finished up with their host as Lady Spring approached her, with company of course. She looked over to her, at first not quite recognizing who she was before realization set in her eyes. "Oh..! Aleuta Kellianth, is it not? I don't recall having met you in person before.. Are the other courts treating you well? - If I have enough moments in the day to deal with all the politics of a nation surely I can spare enough to have a chat with the Queen of Spring herself. What is it you require?" The queen put on a smile for the lady of the rose courts, waiting patiently and admiring her sense of grace. Garelis moved silently behind her, seeing the girl and giving her a bow while Lilia greeted her. Tomar had managed to split from the group however, doing his own thing and likely searching for information on the great hunt; for he was ever eager to recover his honor.

Lets do some negotiating then. :smallwink:

2016-04-22, 02:55 PM
Lilia had just finished up with their host as Lady Spring approached her, with company of course. She looked over to her, at first not quite recognizing who she was before realization set in her eyes. "Oh..! Aleuta Kellianth, is it not? I don't recall having met you in person before.. Are the other courts treating you well? - If I have enough moments in the day to deal with all the politics of a nation surely I can spare enough to have a chat with the Queen of Spring herself. What is it you require?" The queen put on a smile for the lady of the rose courts, waiting patiently and admiring her sense of grace. Garelis moved silently behind her, seeing the girl and giving her a bow while Lilia greeted her. Tomar had managed to split from the group however, doing his own thing and likely searching for information on the great hunt; for he was ever eager to recover his honor.

Lets do some negotiating then. :smallwink:

Aleuta was all smiles as she met the Emerald Queen at last... until she was called the Queen of Spring. Her face became quite serious as she said, "Queen of Spring? No. There is not a King or Queen of Aeldir. That is why the Rose Throne is in pieces. I have great respect for what you have done to help prevent the misunderstanding between the Union and the Courts from becoming... something worse than it was, so let me caution you, Queen Lilia: speak not of Kings and Queens when speaking of leaders of the Aeldir. We have not had one of those since the Age of the Beginning, and it is a sore subject to broach. Imagine if, in your infant years, you were given nothing but bliss and happiness, and it was ripped away in a manner that to this day, you still do not understand. And unlike other infants, you remembered every second of that wonder and merriment, but you have done everything - everything you can - to protect what is left of the little joy available to you."

"Those feelings are nothing like what we Aeldir experience when we are reminded of our Ages past leader. Some might tell you it is worse for us." Aleuta privately wondered if Lord Winter's disposition was that he was one of the few to actually have lived through the Ages, and though she would never voice it, she was convinced that this was true. Her sudden change in moods, though, was perhaps counter to what she had set out to do when meeting with Queen Lilia, so Aleuta once again smiled. "I am Lady Spring. Lord Summer is not here, but his Consorts are. Lady Autumn has something to attend to in far off Avonlea. Lord Winter... his movements ever remain a mystery, but I suspect that he and Lord Summer are holding council concerning the liars within Pavos."

"The difference in title may seem like little to others, but - in the service to your Union - you have recently helped the Courts, so I feel no compunctions about clarifying for you: Lady and Lord of a Season is the highest title an Aeldir may earn. To seek beyond that, to try and become a King or a Queen? It is... an insult to all other Aeldir, for one of the Courts to even think it." Her voice was playful, but the matter was still serious, so Aleuta decided to bring about the truth of her intent. "Enough of that, however. I do not wish to soil our meeting; I just felt that it was important to explain, so that less misunderstandings between our two powers occur."

"Instead, let me tell you of something that is of an immediate benefit to the Crystal Union, should we come to a fair exchange. Much as the Luskan Trade Language has expanded opportunities for merchants, old methods of navigation have been unearthed by Lord Winter's Vaults, and it helps improve the lengths and speeds with which Gold Stem merchants may travel. We have dubbed this 'Celestial Navigation', and already it is being employed in the Dawnsea Route in Avonlea; but it is something that, to my knowledge, is only available to the Courts, Petravolan, and... the Crystal Union." Lady Spring pulled out a thin sheaf of paper, tucked inside the sleeves of her dress. "What you see here is Paper. I am sure that those along the Fern Ridge trade route are familiar with it, so it is likely you have seen it before. The quantities that we can produce are exceptional, and so - as Celestial Navigation requires quite a bit of numbers, figures, and sketching - is much more useful than scrolls or leather strips for writing. The way I have had it explained to me, Paper is nigh upon required for the proper methods of Celestial Navigation. And... I would like to see the Crystal Union put these methods to use."

"And all I seek is an exchange of information, much like we have done before. And this time... we shall be sure that the contracts are clear."

Approved by the Tech Czar, Celestial Navigation is an additional +2 to Trade Route length (12 without Luskan Trade Language, 14 when used together), but it requires Paper. Celestial Navigation for Burch Cipher?

2016-04-22, 03:08 PM
Lady Rhona nodded politely to Lady Devon, and excused herself. Using a back-way that Rhona knew from exploring quite a bit of the city of Valkyrie and it's surrounding areas, she quickly disappeared from sight. She soon found the small hole that allowed her to extricate herself from the unused alley, and was back in the light, inexplicably ahead of where the Uca Jajaka was walking. She grinned at the Councilwoman from Besina, and approached once again. "Uca Jajaka Councilman Cassandra Harrier. What Lady Devon said was the truth. Yet, you seem to have left... dissatisfied. May I ask why?"

"It should have been obvious that it wouldn't be allowed, but I still hoped to have at least a small amount of leniency as to conversion capabilities. We're restricted as it is, but I suppose that it will be acceptable to work with what we have. The main displeasure is coming all the way to Primus with two broken bones only to have my ideas rejected and with nobody to blame but myself. It's a temporary exasperation, I'm sure that I'll get over it..." Probably not. But it was good to hope towards things getting better.

2016-04-22, 03:22 PM
Something is wrong... keep an eye on Avonlea.

Even months after she had done all she could, Lady Navus heard her cousin's words ringing in her ears as she made her way to the gate. She was very much late, but at this point she did not truly care. Phelnia was even more late, and it was not Navus' job to attend to her work for her.

To think that useless scarface bitch was next in line to be High Queen.

Breydice wasn't anywhere near expressive enough (usually) for the role, but at least she had spine and steel. Her fight against her own lords and ladies had cost her an eye, but had cost her opponents far more, and gained her the fear of her subjects. Of course, Rikadime had not been stupid enough to question Breydice's decision to hand the Summer Court the tower of Silvanus openly.

Rikadime was a diplomat and warrior both; she was always prepared to fight, whether with words or in war. She smiled graciously (if reservedly) at the Avonlean delegation. "Avonlea and her people brighten wherever they go. We'd be honored." On seeing the couple snuggling together on their unicorn, Rikadime's smile grew genuine. Love was always nice to see.

Breydice's confused expression became a smile. "Of course. You may wish to carry weapons to avoid honor duels, but if you desire not to it should not be an issue."

"Why if anybody challenges us, we'll have our noble steeds run them through!" Landrie proclaimed boldly, her steed upon hearing this turned his head as in askance of her plot. Erik, who had looked somewhat alarmed at his companion's proclamation, chose to ignore it and instead addressed the Queen,

"Pardon me, Your Grace, but Mariya here and I wish to be wed straight away, so if you would kindly direct us to your nearest temple, we would be most grateful." First Erik spoke earnestly, though smiled as Mariya blushed and giggled at his request.

2016-04-22, 06:19 PM
The Queen's heart sank low as the second Aeldir delegation came with no sign of Phelnia. Lord Summer had brought her when he presented Primus with Quont Martelo; Though she knew the Lord Summer's animosity to her sibling, she had hoped... well, perhaps she would show up on her own, or with the Autumn Court.

Breydice nodded. "I understand; 'tis better that he oversee the war with the Pavos himself. Give him my regards; his gift is much appreciated." The Satsujin had been ordered to withdraw from the Pavos lands the moment the Imperium had heard that the Demense was coming. The Aeldir would not target them deliberately, of course, but their survival could not be guaranteed.

Lady Navus saluted each of them in turn, memorizing their names and faces. It was always best to know who a ruler was sleeping with.

"Ah, his consort? Four of them, no less. I do feel honored he trusts us so."

Lady Navus' grin grew wide as the Rexline's desire to hunt was made apparent. "Oh, I think he will have his chance."

Lady Sabel smiled politely at the Queen's presumption of intimacy with privilege. While she herself was capable of directing her sister-consorts and occasionally she might turn the head of Lord Summer she had consorted with Turien since he had been a Thyrngar Ranger and still she would not consider herself privy to the Aeldir lord's thoughts. Lord Summer ruled absolutely and independently within his Court. Though he shared his bedchambers with his consorts they would bare him no children and his successor was a stranger. Turien bottled his thoughts and spoke to no one of his ultimate plans, not even Sabel. She could glean things on occasion, she was often the first to know of what became Court knowledge, but he ruled far and removed from his indulgences as a good lord should.

"Thank you again for your invitation and hosting Lady Breydice," Lady Sabel bowed her head and departed the Primal Queen's presence. Lady Della and Lady Parisa wandered off while Sabel, Valdia, and Ser Pel remained together. The group was soon approached by Lady Owena. [Time loop closed :smalltongue:]

I'm pretty sure Phelnia is in the Winter Court with Crudice.

"I see." Lady Owena did. Though she would never say it out loud, this was clearly a case of the two courts not bothering to communicate. Lady Spring, based on past experiences, had not seen any of the other courts take interest before in external affairs of entertainment, such as the tournament. That is not to say they were not interested, but it was to say that Summer, Autumn, and Winter had rarely - if ever - purposefully brought someone to one of these such events with the intent of having them compete. And though Owena could only speculate, she imagined that the Lord Summer did not even think to bother to ask Lady Spring about who would be competing, as from Lady Sable's description, this was a matter of honor and could decide the course of warriors in the Demesne moving forward.

She could have explained that to Bas Pride. She would have been able to make him see the benefits of allowing Ser Pel to compete in his place. Many among the Salvax had wanted to aid military efforts for years now; and so far, only their tactical minds had been put to use, and even then, with Lady Owena acting as commander. Yet they were fierce fighters and hunters, and the Salvax Ri had been asking many times to allow his warriors to work with the Demesne armies for the protection of the expanses. Allowing Ser Pel to compete was in the Salvax's best interests. Owena could have explained that.

...if the Rexline hadn't chosen that moment to become defensive, and growled at Bas Pride.

::Annoyance! Challenge! Pride!:: His own hackles raised, the tiger Salvax's eyes became intense, as they stared up at the black furred Rexline with dislike.

::Caution. Summer Pack. Salvax Ri Pack. Aeldir Pack.:: Warchod Prejudice attempted to calm Bas Pride by reminding him that they were all part of the same greater whole; the emotions being sent were hard for Owena to translate, as each different type of pack was like listening to different levels of intensity within a mix of devotion and loyalty and fealty.

Still, she knew this situation could not sit well with Bas Pride. The Salvax Ri controlled Tir Xungla, and each Bas oversaw a section of the island. While Owena was not sure of the political stand point between herself and Lady Sable, Bas Pride was an emissary of the Salvax Ri himself, who answered only to the Seasons. To have some Rexline fighter try to warn him off, and clearly stand in his way, was a point of... well... Pride.

Owena took a breath, and stepped in front of the Bas; a dangerous place to be, but she was one of the few that might be able to stop this before it became unmanageable. She looked over to the Consorts, and again nodded her head in respect, trying to wordlessly remind the woman in front of her that Owena knew her place. "Lady Sable. Ser Pel's manner is upsetting the Bas of the South Hunt, whom I am sure you are aware, assists the Salvax Ri in running an entire fourth of Tir Xungla. What you say regarding the competitor for the Great Hunt makes sense, but though they speak no words, the language between Ser Pel and Bas Pride is one that is disrespectful to someone of the Bas's station. I am unfamiliar with Deep Fern, so I ask for aid from the Consort of Summer, does Ser Pel have influence within Deep Fern to the degree that he can act this way?"

Lady Sabel was preparing to explain Ser Pel's position, that as the ablest son of the current Chief of the Golden Eyes he was by all accounts heir to Deep Fern and as such sat somewhere below the Salvax Ri but above his Bas. She was about to say as much when Ser Pel stepped forward. The Rexline's head crooned downward and his yellow-green panther-like eyes locked with Bas Pride's own. He growled and purred aggressively as he began to pace, circling the Salvax tiger.

<"Challenge,"> the Rexline managed the word in the First Tongue of the Aeldir, sure the tiger could at least understand their shared Lingua Rosa.

Lady Sabel glanced towards Lady Owena. While both as Aeldir could demand their charges stand down it was Sabel's experience to allow the Demesne's various peoples to resolve things in their own way. Still, that philosophy wouldn't shield her from an unsightly incident between Courts. If the Rexline and Salvax both wished to fight and knew the risks she could not object but if Lady Owena found the idea distasteful or the Salvax declined she would ensure it went no farther.

2016-04-22, 06:40 PM
Aleuta was all smiles as she met the Emerald Queen at last... until she was called the Queen of Spring. Her face became quite serious as she said, "Queen of Spring? No. There is not a King or Queen of Aeldir. That is why the Rose Throne is in pieces. I have great respect for what you have done to help prevent the misunderstanding between the Union and the Courts from becoming... something worse than it was, so let me caution you, Queen Lilia: speak not of Kings and Queens when speaking of leaders of the Aeldir. We have not had one of those since the Age of the Beginning, and it is a sore subject to broach. Imagine if, in your infant years, you were given nothing but bliss and happiness, and it was ripped away in a manner that to this day, you still do not understand. And unlike other infants, you remembered every second of that wonder and merriment, but you have done everything - everything you can - to protect what is left of the little joy available to you."

"Those feelings are nothing like what we Aeldir experience when we are reminded of our Ages past leader. Some might tell you it is worse for us." Aleuta privately wondered if Lord Winter's disposition was that he was one of the few to actually have lived through the Ages, and though she would never voice it, she was convinced that this was true. Her sudden change in moods, though, was perhaps counter to what she had set out to do when meeting with Queen Lilia, so Aleuta once again smiled. "I am Lady Spring. Lord Summer is not here, but his Consorts are. Lady Autumn has something to attend to in far off Avonlea. Lord Winter... his movements ever remain a mystery, but I suspect that he and Lord Summer are holding council concerning the liars within Pavos."

"The difference in title may seem like little to others, but - in the service to your Union - you have recently helped the Courts, so I feel no compunctions about clarifying for you: Lady and Lord of a Season is the highest title an Aeldir may earn. To seek beyond that, to try and become a King or a Queen? It is... an insult to all other Aeldir, for one of the Courts to even think it." Her voice was playful, but the matter was still serious, so Aleuta decided to bring about the truth of her intent. "Enough of that, however. I do not wish to soil our meeting; I just felt that it was important to explain, so that less misunderstandings between our two powers occur."

"Instead, let me tell you of something that is of an immediate benefit to the Crystal Union, should we come to a fair exchange. Much as the Luskan Trade Language has expanded opportunities for merchants, old methods of navigation have been unearthed by Lord Winter's Vaults, and it helps improve the lengths and speeds with which Gold Stem merchants may travel. We have dubbed this 'Celestial Navigation', and already it is being employed in the Dawnsea Route in Avonlea; but it is something that, to my knowledge, is only available to the Courts, Petravolan, and... the Crystal Union." Lady Spring pulled out a thin sheaf of paper, tucked inside the sleeves of her dress. "What you see here is Paper. I am sure that those along the Fern Ridge trade route are familiar with it, so it is likely you have seen it before. The quantities that we can produce are exceptional, and so - as Celestial Navigation requires quite a bit of numbers, figures, and sketching - is much more useful than scrolls or leather strips for writing. The way I have had it explained to me, Paper is nigh upon required for the proper methods of Celestial Navigation. And... I would like to see the Crystal Union put these methods to use."

"And all I seek is an exchange of information, much like we have done before. And this time... we shall be sure that the contracts are clear."

Approved by the Tech Czar, Celestial Navigation is an additional +2 to Trade Route length (12 without Luskan Trade Language, 14 when used together), but it requires Paper. Celestial Navigation for Burch Cipher?

"..Oh." She said in a somewhat surprised tone, staying quiet for a good five seconds after Lady Spring was done speaking. The Queen had a forlorn expression painted on her face, almost distracted from the current topic. Garelis cleared his throat just behind her, getting her to look up to him before turning her gaze back to their ally. She corrected her frown, once again looking to her. "..Then away with titles. I will call you Aleuta, so that no more confusion be made. ..I apologize for any sour memories I may have brought up, those must have been hard times.. Being addressed as a Queen in my culture is of the highest honor, it relieves me to hear you have forgiven me for my verbal blunder. You see it's just.. I.." Lilia stops for a moment, giving Aleuta a weak smile. It was so easy to see through. "..Lets talk more of this trade, then."

The aspis upon Lilia's shoulder looked curiously at Lady Spring, flicking it's tongue and studying her with intelligent blue eyes. They shifted over to the paper, as did the Emerald Queen's. "This.. 'Paper' looks terribly fragile, what if it tears?" She asks in a somewhat concerned tone, though there was still a sad edge to it. "..No matter. If you can produce this in such vast quantities it is no doubt more efficient than tablets. It concerns me not that we would have to rely on the Rose Courts for this delicacy, so long as we have the right to distribute the method as we please. After all, even if we gave it to the world for free they would still have to acquire this paper thing from your lands. Burch ciphers on the other hand.. The issue here is that if we give the knowledge to others, the effect becomes less useful, do you understand? I've been taught to think of it a lot like.. A garden that always grows the same amount of food. While it is much for one person, and would be able to sustain them for a lifetime, sharing the password to enter garden means that both people get less food. Once the password is shared with too many different people, it is possible for the original gardener to starve on his own land, for the very folk he wished to keep out were now able to enter. If everyone can access the garden and take as they please, then there will not be enough to feed those he cares about." She looks to Lady Spring, as if to make sure she was listening. "In the same way, giving out the secret to solving this code means that it becomes less useful because everyone learns how it works, and thus the encryption method is compromised. Should the Union present this knowledge to you, may I have your word that you shall not give this to any outside of the other seasonal courts?"

The Queen locks eyes with Lady Spring, very aware of how precious their word was to the Aeldir. The current deal seemed fine to her; the protection of technological secrets for more efficient trading. One unable to be traded away, while the other was. After all, without the encryption method the courts were only that much more vulnerable of having it stolen from them and traded back to the union as a better deal, were they not? Well, assuming the ones who stole it were able to avoid the plentiful armies of the Rose Courts. The thought of one attempting to dance from their reach, only to get caught amused her much more than she would have thought. ..The aeldir were not known to be compassionate towards hostile forces. Then, she realized there was something she forgot to mention. Something important.

"Ah. One last thing - Did nobody in the courts receive my letter after we had sent the blueprints for compartment hulls? It detailed that the technology was not to be traded or given away, though we found that in the same year that it was presented to the Kingdom of Berrium through the Rose Courts. I understand that the letter was somewhat late, though I was at least expecting acknowledgement of my request, and perhaps an apology for the deal being made. Please, tell me that you did not receive it only for it to be ignored..?"

Trade accepted on the condition that Burch Ciphers do not get traded by the Rose Courts, while Celestial Navigation is able to be traded by the Union.

As for the business with the letter, I did sent Reggie a PM four - Actually five - days (because of the late round) before round end saying not to trade it. Was this just missed or ignored? I still have not gotten word back, and I find myself somewhat disappointed by it.

2016-04-22, 08:11 PM
"Why if anybody challenges us, we'll have our noble steeds run them through!" Landrie proclaimed boldly, her steed upon hearing this turned his head as in askance of her plot. Erik, who had looked somewhat alarmed at his companion's proclamation, chose to ignore it and instead addressed the QueenRikadime laughed.

"Pardon me, Your Grace, but Mariya here and I wish to be wed straight away, so if you would kindly direct us to your nearest temple, we would be most grateful." First Erik spoke earnestly, though smiled as Mariya blushed and giggled at his request.Lady Navus raised an eyebrow at that. They came all the way across the world just to get married? This man wasn't of Primus, or was his wife.

... Could it be...

Breydice held up a hand. "I'm sorry, but if you need a temple you will have to seek one elsewhere; Primus does not have any temples-"

"-of Daen."

Breydice blinked and glanced at her. "What?"

"We have no temples of Daen." Rikadime repeated. "However, we do have a newly constructed Chapter House if you wish to get married in the Berrium style, or you could find priests of Invictus, Sextus' sun god. Their people are not supposed to go out without an escort, but I'm sure Lady Nocturnus would make an exception for such a lovely occasion."

"Isn't that right, milady?"

Breydice stared at her like she'd gone mad. "... I... suppose?"

I'm pretty sure Phelnia is in the Winter Court with Crudice.
You're correct. Breydice's hope wasn't a particularly strong/smart one.

Queen Lilia breathed a short sigh of relief upon hearing that she was not too late. After all, first impressions were very important to her. "See? I told you we wouldn't be too late." The rexline says with a smile. He had a growl to his voice, but it was clear that he was doing his best to keep it out of his speech. The disapproval to his comment was plain on the queen's face, (not that Tomar had noticed..) but she made no direct comment in response. "Excellent." She says, recovering her usual fully composed self.

"And it is good to meet you both in return - I've heard many interesting things about your 'strategies' when it comes to war. I hope to have the opportunity to prove ourselves against such a creative army in the tournament to come. ..Speaking of which, we were not at the last great tournament, though I'm sure we can make up for it." Glancing back to Garelis, the queen beckons him forwards. With a court nod he steps forwards inbetween Tomar and Lilia, taking the decorative buckler off his forearm and kneeling in front of their hosts. Even in this position the man was still quite tall, being one of the largest in terms of height for the already tall male Zaj. He was something around 7'3 while standing, lowering himself about a third of that height as he held out the shield. It was adorned with many gemstones from Union lands, heavily associated their faith if she had bothered to look into it. Among them were spectacular emeralds and rubies, which symbolized power and faith - Together meaning divine protection. It was more of a treasure to be stored than used in battle, serving instead as a decoration.. Not that any of them explicitly mentioned it. "For our most generous hosts." Garelis says, bowing his head.

Lady Navus' mouth twitched into a grin. The Exalted Tournament would be taking place over the course of several days, perhaps even longer for the Hunt. She couldn't have been late if she'd tried.

Breydice accepted the gift graciously. "'Tis beautiful, thank you."

"As long as Berrium agrees to the same conditions, we have no issue then." He was somewhat chagrined at his mistaken assumption, but overall relieved he hadn't bungled the deal any further. His grin gained a devilish glint as the Queen's grew coy.

"I am certain we will enjoy everything your city has to offer." And with that Baram solicitously took Breydice's hand in his own and kissed it, and with a wink walked off with a bit of a swagger. Though he would never seriously think of being unfaithful to his beloved wife, an innocent bit of flirting now and then could be quite amusing.

Breydice winked right back. "I should hope so."

Monogamy was such an odd concept.

2016-04-22, 08:21 PM
Rikadime laughed.

Lady Navus raised an eyebrow at that. They came all the way across the world just to get married? This man wasn't of Primus, or was his wife.

... Could it be...

Breydice held up a hand. "I'm sorry, but if you need a temple you will have to seek one elsewhere; Primus does not have any temples-"

"-of Daen."

Breydice blinked and glanced at her. "What?"

"We have no temples of Daen." Rikadime repeated. "However, we do have a newly constructed Chapter House if you wish to get married in the Berrium style, or you could find priests of Invictus, Sextus' sun god. Their people are not supposed to go out without an escort, but I'm sure Lady Nocturnus would make an exception for such a lovely occasion."

"Isn't that right, milady?"

Breydice stared at her like she'd gone mad. "... I... suppose?"

Erik's smile grew wider at Rikadime's words kept his hope that he would be a married man before he returned home alive,

"I beg you, point us to the Chapter House straight away, there's no time to be wasted!" He spoke eagerly,

"But I'm not in suitable attire to be wed!" Mariya protested as she desperately tried to smooth her travel mussed hair.

2016-04-22, 11:27 PM
With no current connection to Primus it was thought wise by many to attend The Exalted Tournament to get acquainted with the people who seem to share the most similar culture in the world known to the Rexline, a more primal and ferocious life. With the will of the people Thalgram thought it would be appropriate to and well worth it to make the very long journey to Primus.

Thalgram was not alone on his long journey this time unlike all of the times that he had came, he brought with him his two daughters Eris and Yarie, his son Alevic and a regiment of the lands finest warriors clad in nothing but their hide and cloaks except for The Silvered a small part of the guard assigned to Thalgram who are clad in thin sheets of armor. With the large amount of people needed to be transported so far by boat and having no proper naval unit the army had to be transported by the simple boats crafted by the Igara. The large armada of ships was led The Glass Strider that carried the Alpha and his family.

The trip was rough on the Rexline but nothing outside of what the army could handle. One particularly confusing part of the journey was when they passed by the citizens of Primus who tried to mate with them, knowing that their species would not be compatible the entire regiment was ordered to pay no attention to the citizens distracting them and if they did it would be considered a challenge to the Alpha.

Arriving at the gate Thalgram knelt in front of the Queen supporting himself on his signature tri-bladed hand claw. As soon as Thalgram knelt the regiment gave a quick bow and dispersed until they were needed.

Thalgram looked up from his knee showing his many scars he had obtained on his muzzle and spoke “My Queen it is an honour to meet a warrior such as yourself. I hope that I, my children and my people can prove themselves to be fierce competitors in this tournament.” On a less serious and curious note he chuckled “I was unaware that females of races other than my own experienced heat, they are almost worse than the Rexline.”

2016-04-23, 12:17 AM
Erik's smile grew wider at Rikadime's words kept his hope that he would be a married man before he returned home alive,

"I beg you, point us to the Chapter House straight away, there's no time to be wasted!" He spoke eagerly,

"But I'm not in suitable attire to be wed!" Mariya protested as she desperately tried to smooth her travel mussed hair.

Rikadime's smirk grew sly as she gestured. "Market's on the western side of the city; you could probably find a tailor or two; Colonial silk is some of the finest in the Imperium. The Chapter House is next to the coliseum - it's the only building that is made of stone from Subprimus, you can't miss it."

"Um, Lady Navus," Breydice began. "What are you doing?"

"Do you require sovereigns for the dress? Perhaps a nice sturdy co- sorry, ring for your man?! I might be able to get moonsilver for both of you if I pull some strings!" Her eyes were sparkling bright now. "I'll have to inform the chapter master immediately, maybe get some nice silk streamers... too late to get an elephant, but perhaps "

"Oh gods, you've been talking to Rhona, haven't you?" Breydice rubbed her eyes. "Please tell me she didn't say what she planned for me..."

Rikadime giggled. "She was right, you know - you'd look damn good in a corset."

"You still haven't explained to me what that is and you can't just appropriate military resources for a stranger's wedding!"

"Accipio challenge." Lady Navus grinned. Challenge accepted. She turned back to the group. "So?! Wedding! Go! I'll find the chapter master, go find some proper garments and we can get this done within the day!"

Breydice scowled at Lady Navus. "I said-"

Navus glared right back. "Magnume Reginae, Habeo consilium. Mihi crede."

Breydice's protest died her throat. "...... Oh very well." She sighed and stepped out of the rider's way. "Go. Be happy. You and I will speak of this later, Rikadime."

With no current connection to Primus it was thought wise by many to attend The Exalted Tournament to get acquainted with the people who seem to share the most similar culture in the world known to the Rexline, a more primal and ferocious life. With the will of the people Thalgram thought it would be appropriate to and well worth it to make the very long journey to Primus.

Thalgram was not alone on his long journey this time unlike all of the times that he had came, he brought with him his two daughters Eris and Yarie, his son Alevic and a regiment of the lands finest warriors clad in nothing but their hide and cloaks except for The Silvered a small part of the guard assigned to Thalgram who are clad in thin sheets of armor. With the large amount of people needed to be transported so far by boat and having no proper naval unit the army had to be transported by the simple boats crafted by the Igara. The large armada of ships was led The Glass Strider that carried the Alpha and his family.

The trip was rough on the Rexline but nothing outside of what the army could handle. One particularly confusing part of the journey was when they passed by the citizens of Primus who tried to mate with them, knowing that their species would not be compatible the entire regiment was ordered to pay no attention to the citizens distracting them and if they did it would be considered a challenge to the Alpha.

Arriving at the gate Thalgram knelt in front of the Queen supporting himself on his signature tri-bladed hand claw. As soon as Thalgram knelt the regiment gave a quick bow and dispersed until they were needed.

Thalgram looked up from his knee showing his many scars he had obtained on his muzzle and spoke “My Queen it is an honour to meet a warrior such as yourself. I hope that I, my children and my people can prove themselves to be fierce competitors in this tournament.” On a less serious and curious note he chuckled “I was unaware that females of races other than my own experienced heat, they are almost worse than the Rexline.”

"We don't." Breydice smirked, eyes sparkling, and let the implication hang in the air. "Rise, and be welcome. Your scars more than prove your worth to me, and I would have us as friends, at least while you are in my city."

Lady Navus nodded. "Alpha Thalgram, if I'm not mistaken. An impressive showing from you and your kin."

"It is good to meet you at last. I've heard things of your people that make me hopeful; ferocious, proud, and strong, to name a few."

Though it seemed they were led by a man; What a shame. Perhaps he would have a daughter.

2016-04-23, 10:13 AM
"It should have been obvious that it wouldn't be allowed, but I still hoped to have at least a small amount of leniency as to conversion capabilities. We're restricted as it is, but I suppose that it will be acceptable to work with what we have. The main displeasure is coming all the way to Primus with two broken bones only to have my ideas rejected and with nobody to blame but myself. It's a temporary exasperation, I'm sure that I'll get over it..." Probably not. But it was good to hope towards things getting better.

"I cannot begin to say that I understand such delicate matters of faith." Lady Rhona said carefully. "If, however, you will accept that, I do have other wisdoms. I hear things. Rumors. Speculation. I cannot speak lies - you know such things are anathema to Aeldir - but I can pass along things to think about. And consider. I hold no illusions about them healing broken bones, but I've often found that the right word, in the right place, said at the right time, can be... worthwhile."

"..Oh." She said in a somewhat surprised tone, staying quiet for a good five seconds after Lady Spring was done speaking. The Queen had a forlorn expression painted on her face, almost distracted from the current topic. Garelis cleared his throat just behind her, getting her to look up to him before turning her gaze back to their ally. She corrected her frown, once again looking to her. "..Then away with titles. I will call you Aleuta, so that no more confusion be made. ..I apologize for any sour memories I may have brought up, those must have been hard times.. Being addressed as a Queen in my culture is of the highest honor, it relieves me to hear you have forgiven me for my verbal blunder. You see it's just.. I.." Lilia stops for a moment, giving Aleuta a weak smile. It was so easy to see through. "..Lets talk more of this trade, then."

The aspis upon Lilia's shoulder looked curiously at Lady Spring, flicking it's tongue and studying her with intelligent blue eyes. They shifted over to the paper, as did the Emerald Queen's. "This.. 'Paper' looks terribly fragile, what if it tears?" She asks in a somewhat concerned tone, though there was still a sad edge to it. "..No matter. If you can produce this in such vast quantities it is no doubt more efficient than tablets. It concerns me not that we would have to rely on the Rose Courts for this delicacy, so long as we have the right to distribute the method as we please. After all, even if we gave it to the world for free they would still have to acquire this paper thing from your lands. Burch ciphers on the other hand.. The issue here is that if we give the knowledge to others, the effect becomes less useful, do you understand? I've been taught to think of it a lot like.. A garden that always grows the same amount of food. While it is much for one person, and would be able to sustain them for a lifetime, sharing the password to enter garden means that both people get less food. Once the password is shared with too many different people, it is possible for the original gardener to starve on his own land, for the very folk he wished to keep out were now able to enter. If everyone can access the garden and take as they please, then there will not be enough to feed those he cares about." She looks to Lady Spring, as if to make sure she was listening. "In the same way, giving out the secret to solving this code means that it becomes less useful because everyone learns how it works, and thus the encryption method is compromised. Should the Union present this knowledge to you, may I have your word that you shall not give this to any outside of the other seasonal courts?"

The Queen locks eyes with Lady Spring, very aware of how precious their word was to the Aeldir. The current deal seemed fine to her; the protection of technological secrets for more efficient trading. One unable to be traded away, while the other was. After all, without the encryption method the courts were only that much more vulnerable of having it stolen from them and traded back to the union as a better deal, were they not? Well, assuming the ones who stole it were able to avoid the plentiful armies of the Rose Courts. The thought of one attempting to dance from their reach, only to get caught amused her much more than she would have thought. ..The aeldir were not known to be compassionate towards hostile forces. Then, she realized there was something she forgot to mention. Something important.

"Ah. One last thing - Did nobody in the courts receive my letter after we had sent the blueprints for compartment hulls? It detailed that the technology was not to be traded or given away, though we found that in the same year that it was presented to the Kingdom of Berrium through the Rose Courts. I understand that the letter was somewhat late, though I was at least expecting acknowledgement of my request, and perhaps an apology for the deal being made. Please, tell me that you did not receive it only for it to be ignored..?"

Aleuta didn't know how to feel about doing away with all titles, but... Lilia seems to be more confident because of it, so it was acceptable, and neatly subverted a topic that was no longer relevant. "This Birch Cipher interests me. If you can create one, however, why cannot your Union create others? Or at least, one that is complex and in use of the Crystal Union, and one that is simple and not in use? One you can utilize as the simplest form of explanation for how the Cipher works, and then educate others on the creation of a more complex system? I assure you, were such a method in the hands of the Courts, that is what we would do. It would complicate things, yes... but is that not to the benefit of the 'gardeners'? If I had my own garden, and you had yours, but it was the same password to enter both, that would be unwise. Yet, if I had my garden and my own password, and you had your garden and your password, both of our crops would be safe. The method of creating the password may be the same, but the passwords themselves would be different."

"I would not ask for your password. I would ask for the Crystal Union to send teachers to allow the Courts to create our own version of the Burch Cipher. We would then have our own 'password', to which I can agree will only be shared within the boundaries of the Demesne, and you would have yours; the cipher of the Union would remain in the Union. The cipher of the Courts would remain in the Demesne. And just between you and I, Lilia... I think the Spring Court will be changing it's password frequently, once we know the method of creating them. The more confusion sown, the more effective the Cipher, yes?" Aleuta grinned, sure of the truth of the matter.

"As to your letter..." Lady Spring's grin disappeared, as she gazed upon the aspis. She spoke again, and it was slowly, carefully, and her eyes were still on the little drake, as though her words were for it, and the Emerald Queen just happened to be standing nearby.

"Do you know, little one, that non-Aeldir sometimes confuse me? That they can become upset when well written terms and agreements inside contracts are not in their favor? Yet, they agreed to the terms all the same? I have learned that if I try to work even the tiniest advantage for my people into a contract, I am seen as a villain. As in the wrong. I could rage and press matters. I could explain that terms are terms, and if there is something that they missed, well, that is not my fault, surely? Yet, I do not. I try to be friendly. That is the way of the Lady Spring. Where other courts are chill winds or deadly heats, Spring is a promise of warmth. And so, I instead try to fix matters."

Here, though her eyes were an unblinking amber, Aleuta's hand waved towards the north. It was the only part of her body that seemed to move, as she continued to speak, "Take the Kingdom of Berrium for example. They felt that the written word of our first contract gave them the right to break it, should I even deign to consider trading away their Courier System method; yet there was no such clause in the agreement, only one for our own Clinker Wood Ship method. And had I not sought the aid of Primus, to help us re-draft an agreement promising to Berrium any technologies we would get from the trades and contracts made with their Courier System, Berrium would have been Oathbreakers... and so would I. I could not abide that. I would not abide that."

"And now, little one, your life so young compared to mine, your time so short compared to mine," Aleuta continued to stare upon the aspis, and held it's gaze, "consider your mistress. She is wise and powerful, unlike her counterpart within the Ruby Legion, who is only powerful. She helped us make sense of another contract. And because of her, I will be honoring the Crystal Union's wishes in regards to their clever compartmentalized ship building methods. But I think she has also learned something about why the Aeldir must honor their contracts. All of them. Always."

"Lilia," For the first time in some moments, Lady Spring turned her eyes back upon the Emerald Queen, and it was like the dawning of a sun; so quick was the change in mood and countenance. Aleuta smiled her slow, cute smile, and said, "I would like to be your friend. Friendship means quite a lot to an Aeldir. We are slow to trust, even amongst ourselves, so it is with considerable effort that every Lady Spring tries to make friends. Both outside and inside the Demesne, there are those whom are slow to trust Aeldir, though I can think of no reason why; once we give our word, we our bound more tightly than rope or chains ever could hold us. The trick for us, you see, is to remain free of our bonds by ensuring that they only wrap around us when we are ready for them. Yet, when they tug and pull at us in ways that choke and crush in upon us, what can we do but follow them? If any such letter reached me, I know what I would have written back: We will follow our agreements."

"But... if it some acknowledgement you wish for? All matters of trade are in my purview. And as I have said, once an Aeldir gives their word, it is binding. I, Aleuta Kellianth, will not trade away the Crystal Union's Compartment Hulls without taking the Union's best interests into consideration. I do this for you. And perhaps, as well, for the new Niran of the Five Tribes."

"In the same manner, though, that you should have a care of who among the Aeldir you call King or Queen, might I advise you - as a friend - to not press us for an apology? I still struggle to understand the non-Aeldir concept of 'being wrong', when that concept changes from culture to culture. You help lead the Order of the Eternal Soul. Avonlea assists in leading the Church of Daen. The Pale Lady in the north east has her own Empyrium. Who is wrong? Who should apologize to the others? Is it me? I think not. I follow the Old Gods. In the Spring Court, we learn of science, mathematics, and unquestionable evidence. Babdi herself could come from the ocean depths and tell me that two plus two equaled five, and I would refute her."

Hastily, Aleuta added, "Respectfully. I would refute her, respectfully. Until she explained her meaning, and then - only then - would I apologize for being wrong. Provide an Aeldir with unquestionable evidence of wrong doing that aligns with our culture, and you will hear them say apologies. Try to press upon them other culture's concepts for wrong doing, and most Aeldir will give you a blank stare. And that is them being polite. Press too hard, and, well... we were at conflict with each other for many Ages. And our memories are long. Our patience is shorter."

I'm sorry, I can't accept allowing Celestial Navigation to be traded away when the Courts are restricted from trading Burch Ciphers. Equal treatment, or none at all. As was discussed in the OOC - and pointed out by you - the restrictions of 'Paper' will only last as long as someone doesn't use a C5. When that happens (as I'm nearly certain it will), a 'free to trade' deal with someone else will lessen Celestial Navigation's value to the Courts. I can agree to not trading Birch Ciphers without permission from the Union, if the Union can agree to the same for Celestial Navigation and the Courts.

As to your letter, well, I hope my post explained: we were beholden to providing whatever trade we got out of you to Berrium. It was another contract, regarding Courier System; we thought it was unrestricted trade, when it was not. The stipulations to correct that was to be sure to provide any techs we got because of Courier System to Berrium. Originally, we were beholden to gift Berrium Lanteen Sails, the initial tech we expected to trade; however, when we were unable to gift it to them because we didn't get it, whatever tech we did get - if any - was understood to be what we would provide them. We were not ignoring you. Other trades of Compartment Hulls will be mindful of your request, even if no formal contract states it to that effect. Aleuta has given her word.

Lady Sabel was preparing to explain Ser Pel's position, that as the ablest son of the current Chief of the Golden Eyes he was by all accounts heir to Deep Fern and as such sat somewhere below the Salvax Ri but above his Bas. She was about to say as much when Ser Pel stepped forward. The Rexline's head crooned downward and his yellow-green panther-like eyes locked with Bas Pride's own. He growled and purred aggressively as he began to pace, circling the Salvax tiger.

<"Challenge,"> the Rexline managed the word in the First Tongue of the Aeldir, sure the tiger could at least understand their shared Lingua Rosa.

Lady Sabel glanced towards Lady Owena. While both as Aeldir could demand their charges stand down it was Sabel's experience to allow the Demesne's various peoples to resolve things in their own way. Still, that philosophy wouldn't shield her from an unsightly incident between Courts. If the Rexline and Salvax both wished to fight and knew the risks she could not object but if Lady Owena found the idea distasteful or the Salvax declined she would ensure it went no farther.

Well. That was that. Owena could see no way to stop Bas Pride now, not without hurting his station. It was foolish. It was unneeded. It might very well hurt their chances of either Salvax or Rexline being accepted by Lord Summer, but so too could hearing about this escalating to such a degree, and then one of them backing down. It would be akin to admitting to Lord Summer that one race was not up to being warriors.

Owena had no doubt that Lord Summer would hear of this, regardless of the outcome. Lord Turien Drustan struck Owena as someone whom would very much encourage this conflict. So, short of another Season stepping in and demanding the fight be forestalled, this was going to happen.

...and Lady Spring was otherwise occupied. So Owena did the only thing she could. She set terms. "To first blood only. Anything beyond that will hurt the reputation of both fighters. We shall use a section of the city where we will be less likely to be observed. This is an internal matter, among the Courts, and is not a festivity. Would you not agree, Lady Sabel?"

1d10, no modifiers? Highest roll wins the fight? Normally, I'd say Military scores, but we're both a '8' and in the same Federation anyways :smalltongue:

2016-04-23, 12:51 PM
Rikadime's smirk grew sly as she gestured. "Market's on the western side of the city; you could probably find a tailor or two; Colonial silk is some of the finest in the Imperium. The Chapter House is next to the coliseum - it's the only building that is made of stone from Subprimus, you can't miss it."

"Um, Lady Navus," Breydice began. "What are you doing?"

"Do you require sovereigns for the dress? Perhaps a nice sturdy co- sorry, ring for your man?! I might be able to get moonsilver for both of you if I pull some strings!" Her eyes were sparkling bright now. "I'll have to inform the chapter master immediately, maybe get some nice silk streamers... too late to get an elephant, but perhaps "

"Oh gods, you've been talking to Rhona, haven't you?" Breydice rubbed her eyes. "Please tell me she didn't say what she planned for me..."

Rikadime giggled. "She was right, you know - you'd look damn good in a corset."

"You still haven't explained to me what that is and you can't just appropriate military resources for a stranger's wedding!"

"Accipio challenge." Lady Navus grinned. Challenge accepted. She turned back to the group. "So?! Wedding! Go! I'll find the chapter master, go find some proper garments and we can get this done within the day!"

Breydice scowled at Lady Navus. "I said-"

Navus glared right back. "Magnume Reginae, Habeo consilium. Mihi crede."

Breydice's protest died her throat. "...... Oh very well." She sighed and stepped out of the rider's way. "Go. Be happy. You and I will speak of this later, Rikadime."

"Oh thank you My Lady!" Mariya bowed as well as she could from the back of Strideheart.

"We will be at the Chapter House as quickly as can!" Erik favoured the women with a grateful smile and the three unicorns set off with their passengers on their merry errand. The group found the tailor in question, and though it was a simple garment (http://thumbs4.ebaystatic.com/d/l225/m/mg8gSiVtBulSYvW9jvgA0Zw.jpg) due to time restrictions, he had made Mariya a suitable gown within a few hours and the group set off once again to meet Lady Navus at the Chapter House.

Enyd Starhollow for the Great Hunt
Landrie for the Duel
Participant: Landrie Darkthorne
Realm: Avonlea
Regions: 12
GK: Yes

Event results (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=20701031&postcount=731)
Melee 9
Naval 14
Simurghs 15
War Chess 14

2016-04-23, 01:36 PM
OOC Post

Duel Participant:

Participant: Antistrategos Vale Barberis
Realm: League of Allied Provinces
Regions in Realm: 32
GK/Federation?: Yes.

+1 per region your nation currently controls
+2 if you're in a federation, GK, or an Empire's vassal.

The Great Hunt participant:

Polemarchos Arsen Rosso

HT: Do we roll for the other events ourselves?

2016-04-23, 01:50 PM
HT: Do we roll for the other events ourselves?

((Yes. Roll for everything except the hunt and the Duels yourselves and link, I'll handle rankings, the duels and the hunt))

2016-04-23, 02:20 PM
((Yes. Roll for everything except the hunt and the Duels yourselves and link, I'll handle rankings, the duels and the hunt))

ooc: thanks HT!

Event results (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=20700973&postcount=729):

Melee 16
Naval 24
Simurghs 28
War Chess 11

2016-04-23, 02:57 PM
"Oh thank you My Lady!" Mariya bowed as well as she could from the back of Strideheart.

"We will be at the Chapter House as quickly as can!" Erik favoured the women with a grateful smile and the three unicorns set off with their passengers on their merry errand. The group found the tailor in question, and though it was a simple garment (http://thumbs4.ebaystatic.com/d/l225/m/mg8gSiVtBulSYvW9jvgA0Zw.jpg) due to time restrictions, he had made Mariya a suitable gown within a few hours and the group set off once again to meet Lady Navus at the Chapter House.

The news of a wedding at the Exalted Tournament didn't spread all that quickly. There was, after all, plenty of other things to do as distractions. Igwana Twinblades, Anchor of Free-Men's Beach, was here with the Spring Court, sharpening her namesakes for the dueling tournament. Several members of the Spring Court and Summer Courts were working together to prepare for the Mass Melee and Naval events, with Bansuko of the Boar Tribe, Governor of Gullinbursti, very tactfully not supervising in the way that someone who works with Aeldir daily and is in charge of a region where Aeldir interests are growing is used to 'not' supervising. Lady Blayne, a Spring Girl, was reviewing a scroll again that held the rules for War Chess. Lady Spring was being a social butterfly, working out deals and exchanges, and various other Spring Girls had their tasks and chores to address in her name.

So it might have been somewhat surprising that, right before First Erik Wilheim and his soon-to-be bride arrived at the Chapter House, Lady Rhona - tasked with talking to the Councilwoman from Besina - still managed to show up in time with a bouquet of flowers to hand to Mariya with a smile. The flowers were a mix of colors - purple and deep red and soft orange and light blue - and how Rhona had managed them, in so quick a time, with so little preparation, in the realm of Primus which was not exactly known for it's soft and tender gardeners (tough, womanly, beat-the-crops-with-sharp-objects gardeners, perhaps) was a mystery all of it's own. Much less how she had even heard about the wedding.

"First Erik. Lady Mariya. Blessings upon your wedding day." Lady Rhona said as her smile grew. She fidgeted a little in place, and her next words had the ring of truth to them, but it was clear from the way she kept gawking at the lovely wedding dress that she was enamored with the idea of weddings, "It would be extremely remiss of the Courts to not have someone in attendance for the wedding of the soon to be First of Firsts of Inorog and a well respected Lady of our Friend, Avonlea."

Though it wasn't really a question, the way Lady Rhona said, "I will observe," was still hopeful. She might be able to be persuaded to be seen at the wedding, though whether or not she could also be dissuaded from being unseen and still at the wedding was also a mystery all of it's own. From the way she held paper and quill behind her back in order to take notes? It was doubtful.


Mass Melee
+2 for land army, 8 Military

+2 for navy, 8 Military

Simurgh Track
+2 for Simurghs, 8 Military (+4), 6 Diplomacy (+3)

War Chess
10 Curiosity (+5) + 8 Luck (+4)
Link! (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?441543-EMPIRE2!-Dice-Rolling&p=20701003#post20701003)

Participant: Igwana Twinblades, of Tir Corryn (The Dullahan of Winter and Lord Summer himself were... otherwise occupied)
Realm: The Rose Demesne
Regions in Realm: 28
GK/Federation?: Yes

Participation: Yes
Participant: Either Bas Pride of Tir Xungla or Ser Pel of Deep Fern (TBD)

Bas Pride rolled a 3.

2016-04-23, 03:23 PM
The news of a wedding at the Exalted Tournament didn't spread all that quickly. There was, after all, plenty of other things to do as distractions. Igwana Twinblades, Anchor of Free-Men's Beach, was here with the Spring Court, sharpening her namesakes for the dueling tournament. Several members of the Spring Court and Summer Courts were working together to prepare for the Mass Melee and Naval events, with Bansuko of the Boar Tribe, Governor of Gullinbursti, very tactfully not supervising in the way that someone who works with Aeldir daily and is in charge of a region where Aeldir interests are growing is used to 'not' supervising. Lady Blayne, a Spring Girl, was reviewing a scroll again that held the rules for War Chess. Lady Spring was being a social butterfly, working out deals and exchanges, and various other Spring Girls had their tasks and chores to address in her name.

So it might have been somewhat surprising that, right before First Erik Wilheim and his soon-to-be bride arrived at the Chapter House, Lady Rhona - tasked with talking to the Councilwoman from Besina - still managed to show up in time with a bouquet of flowers to hand to Mariya with a smile. The flowers were a mix of colors - purple and deep red and soft orange and light blue - and how Rhona had managed them, in so quick a time, with so little preparation, in the realm of Primus which was not exactly known for it's soft and tender gardeners (tough, womanly, beat-the-crops-with-sharp-objects gardeners, perhaps) was a mystery all of it's own. Much less how she had even heard about the wedding.

"First Erik. Lady Mariya. Blessings upon your wedding day." Lady Rhona said as her smile grew. She fidgeted a little in place, and her next words had the ring of truth to them, but it was clear from the way she kept gawking at the lovely wedding dress that she was enamored with the idea of weddings, "It would be extremely remiss of the Courts to not have someone in attendance for the wedding of the soon to be First of Firsts of Inorog and a well respected Lady of our Friend, Avonlea."

Though it wasn't really a question, the way Lady Rhona said, "I will observe," was still hopeful. She might be able to be persuaded to be seen at the wedding, though whether or not she could also be dissuaded from being unseen and still at the wedding was also a mystery all of it's own. From the way she held paper and quill behind her back in order to take notes? It was doubtful.

As Lady Rhona spoke, Lady Mariya became a bit embarrassed that she had not thought to invite other delegate's representatives to her wedding, so involved she had been with the last minute preparations.

"Of course you may observe! Any Aeldir in attendance would be most welcome!" Mariya leaned down to kiss the Spring Girl on both cheeks warmly and took the proferred bouquet.

"They're so lovely! Wherever did you find these?" Mariya said, laughing delightedly as the other Avonlean Ladies gathered around and plucked one of the lovely blooms from the bouquet and fastened them in each other's hair.

"Lady Rhona, it is good to see a friend from the Spring Court, and you've arrived just in time." First Erik was clearly in unsurpassed good spirits as he awaited his impending marriage rites.

OOC: Half, would Primus make an announcement of the wedding, please?

2016-04-23, 05:13 PM
OOC: Half, would Primus make an announcement of the wedding, please?

[All corners of the city]

Town Criers, Satsujin, and occasionally Princess Krisnia are heard yelling the following:

"Hear ye, hear ye!"

"Today at the Chapter House of the city of Primus, Mariya Stoutheart of Avonlea and Erik the First of Firsts of Inorog are to be wed by Chapter Master Faunus! The Lady Navus and your High Queen Breydice have personally approved and blessed this most auspiscious union of the happy couple!"

"This is to be the first of the Chapter House's wedding ceremonies, and so shall it be one of the grandest we can muster on such short notice! All are asked to assist in labors where you can, and foreign dignitaries are invited! Keep in mind this wedding is to be in Berrium style; formal attire is required."

"The ceremony shall commence after the mass melee this afternoon!"

"Primal ego vos!"

2016-04-23, 08:22 PM
Great Hunt entry: Carr, Ava, Gio of the Ruby Legion shall represent the Crystal Union

They had already planned their specific roles. Carr was an investigation expert, trained to track down criminals for most of his life. He would begin the search for the Qount and hopefully find them. Gio was one of the top Sasu Masters within the entire Crystal Union and would kill the Qount as soon as he could see him. An arsenal of spears, blowguns, daggers and other goodies had been stored on the back of their riding lizard and he was eager to use it. Ava, on the other hand, was mainly there to make trade deals and guide the previously mentioned lizard. She had seen, however, that the courts had approached Lilia for trade purposes instead and so she opted to tag along. With any luck she'd even be able to help them with the hunt.

Gio is the official entrant and party Leader as he will be the one to actually finish the Qount and he had been elected by the group to bear the name of the knights chapter, though, they would prefer if their three names were added together to make the knights of Caravaggio. :smallsmile:

rolls (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=20702107&postcount=734) total score: 52 51 (luck caps at 10)

2016-04-23, 08:47 PM
[The Opening Speech]
On the hunt

The High Queen stood and motioned with one hand to the coliseum. The crowd began to quiet, and attention turned towards her.

“Friends, guests, subjects.” Breydice called out to them. “I am High Queen Breydice. Magnum Reginae, High Queen of the Primus Imperium, Ruler of the Highback Mountains, Regnator Valkyrie, Barbarian Queen, and many other titles besides.

“Allow me to welcome you all to the Exalted Tournament. Before you today are some of the greatest warriors that the known world has to offer, proving their mettle, and earning glory for their nations and their host.”

Breydice grinned. “I don’t like to brag, but I think our people throw quite the party. We're very... friendly with our guests.”

A polite chuckle ran through the crowd.

“If you will indulge me, I wish to tell you all a bit of a story before we begin.”

“For the last several years, we have been at war with one of those realms: the Pavos Republic, within… I believe it’s called ‘the Sea of Coin’ in this tongue? They declared war on us with no apparent attempt to actually follow through; they were beyond the reach of our regular troops, of course, but I believe we made up for that in sabotage. The Qount - the ruler of the Pavos, essentially - went missing in one of the rebel uprisings in the area, and their armies were under heavy strain attempting to suppress rebellion. There are many wars to fight a war, after all, and not all of them require troops. We made a fair bit of progress, but it was slow.”

“Then, Lord Summer came to me with their ruler in chains, and gave him to me as a sign of good will.”

Murmurs sprung up in the crowd.

She shook her head. “Oh, believe me, I shared your confusion; I very nearly asked if he had taken ill. It was a surprise, though I cannot say I am not grateful.”

“In fact, the generosity and good will of the Aeldir has proven great in recent years. They have trained Crudice, your future Queen, in arts both ancient and powerful. The Lord Winter allowed High Princess Phelnia to stay in his lands and learn of their Old Gods-” There was some snickering in the crowd “-and much of their ways. The Lady Spring has treated the Aima Carius well in his time in her lands, and shared knowledge with me that she had no obligation to. Lady Autumn has ensured the Aeldir deal honestly and fairly with the Imperium, albeit rarely – in particular, the… well, most of you don’t know or care about the incident at the Karnavali and those who do know why that was particularly stressful.”

“In this and all other things, the Aeldir have been open. Disdain, amusement, arrogance, friendship… However alien they may seem to us, they have dealt with us in good faith.”

She sighed. “And before I took this throne, I did not think that was a high hill to climb.”

“Do not misunderstand me: The Imperium has dealt with many honest and good powers since that fateful first expansion by my mother. The Kingdom of Berrium has been a staunch ally and friend, for which I am eternally grateful. Ambrose is responsible for almost all of our nation’s imports – in particular, the Simurghs that many of you rode along the Skyways to get here – and have always been open and kind.”

“Avonlea, Nand, the Rexline, the Crystal Union, Carraig Dun, and many others have been invited to this tournament. Some have shown, some have not. They are but a few of the realms in the world worthy of our respect.”

“I cannot say the same…” Her eyes narrowed. “… of Quont Martelo, of the Pavos Republic.”

The last murmurs died.

“This man abused his power as a regnator – sorry, as a ruler – and slaughtered his own people en masse for following a sect of the Doctrine of the Nine Candles – a religion many of our guests follow – for no apparent purpose. As far as I am aware, the Doctrine did nothing to him or his people on a scale that warrants genocide, nor did he replace it with any legitimate faith of his own. He planted spies in Primus lands to kidnap and kill the Princess second in line to my throne. He has lied about the nature of the followers of Kan in an attempt to gain public approval for his genocide campaign.

“Recently, I learned from revolutionaries in Pavos that he has even broken his own nation’s laws in order to advance his agenda as Quont by bypassing the senate to enact numerous reforms. And perhaps worst of all,” She pointed down at the arena, rage all across her features. “When his brother came to him in truce to negotiate, he broke that truce and killed him.

“I’m sure I’ve missed a few of his numerous lies and crimes, but I think that will suffice for my point; this man is barely deserving of his life, much less his title.

“The best thing he can yet do is die in an entertaining fashion.” She sat and leaned back into her throne. “High Princess Phelnia requested she be allowed to put together this particular… shall we say, amusement. I thought long and hard about what I would do to this man if I ever caught him.”

“But nothing I came up with,” She grinned wickedly. “Even compared to what Phelnia suggested. This morning, I had the Custodia Alta take the Quont Martelo into the valleys at the base of the mountain, and release him there. They have the area blocked off, so that he cannot escape.”

Murmurs arose again, this time angrier. After all that, she was just going to let him go?

“And to all our participants in the Great Hunt...”

The murmurs continued, with a bit more confusion.

“Your target is the former Quont Martelo of the Pavos Republic.” Breydice’s grin turned maniacal as the crowd fell completely silent. “A day or a year, I care not how long it takes. Be the first to bring me his head, and you will be presented as the victor in this Great Hunt. If you have a problem with killing a human that is beyond hope for life, feel free to stay sitting.”

The silence in the crowd was deafening. Breydice was already offering an extravagant gift to those who hunted this beast; their name would be immortalized through the Imperium’s first official knight chapter. They were being granted a personal effect of a now exceedingly rare material that few knew how to forge. They would be knighted (albeit ceremonially, since a foreigner would probably have responsibilities back home that would prevent them from taking the necessary oaths to the Chapter) and their name would forever be tied to the Exalted Tournament.

But to kill a ruler? There was prestige there that hardly anyone could make a direct claim to.

Moreover, the Quont was not much of a fighter. The hunters’ main competition, then, would be each other.

“I have told him of the Aeldir’s invasion of Pavos, and assured him that by the time he gets back there will be no safe haven for him there, nor will anyone come to save him.” She said calmly. “An execution is too good for his crimes. Quont Martelo will spend the last hours of his miserable life running in terror like the coward he is. There will be no quarter for this madman. Even if he sneaks out of the valley – which I doubt he can do – he will never make it out of the country.”

“Do enjoy yourselves, my good hunters…” She grinned. “Oh, and an amusement: I’m changing the title of ‘court fool’ to Qount.”

There was laughter at that.

Breydice raised her fist. “Now, enough boring speeches for today! Hunters, get moving! The rest of us, to the mass melee! SHOW US YOUR FURY!!!”

A chant began to rise as the contenders made their way into the arena.

I’ll get to rankings, duelists and hunters soon, as well as my own rolls. But I have a history assignment that needs at least SOME doing tonight.

FTR, there'll be a TN to capture the Qount before the hunt is actually over, but whoever ends up winning the actual rolls will still get him, unless someone wants a chance that he gets away.

TN: 14 on at least one roll to capture the Qount before the Tournament ends. Roll the following:


Highest cumulative result wins.
Good luck~

[The Chapter House]
Here comes the bride (and groom)

Mariya and Erik had been told that the building was made of stone from Subprimus and could not be missed; when they saw it, it became obvious why.

The building's architecture was of Berrium rather than Primal, a grand and imposing structure that was more monastery than House. Its stone was a polished white almost like marble, as opposed to the dark gray of the surrounding buildings. It seemed a fairly long, rectangular building, especially for such a new chapter. As they arrived, they would be welcomed by a man in his early 40s, in polished steel and moonsilver armor. Lady Navus stood next to him, beaming and bouncing on her heels with excitement. (Dang, the woman had some endurance if she could do that in armor)

"Ah, judging from Lady Navus' smile, this is the happy couple, welcome, welcome. I am Chapter Master Faunus, of the as-yet unnamed Chapter of this House. The Hall is being prepared for your ceremony, per tradition, but if you have anything in particular you still require? I understand you wish to be married as quickly as possible..."

"RHONA!" Lady Navus' smile grew wider. "I'm so excited I could f#@$ an ambassador! It's a wedding! With no sarcasm this time! I've sent word to all the town criers and the Satsujin! Weddings are such strange foreigner ceremonies, but so very important, I'm so honored to help arrange one! Are you going to do that flower girl thing you told me about? I'm sure you'll be a wonderful flower girl! The cutest flower girl unless I guess if Lady Spring has been one once I don't remember! I got them both moonsilver rings at a F#@$ING BARGAIN WHY AM I BOUNCING I CAN'T FEEL MY ANKLES OH GODS!!!"

"'No sarcasm this time'?"

2016-04-23, 09:19 PM
After Thalgram arose from his knee his regiment dispersed from the road to settle for the time being before they started to prepare for the Mass Melee and his three children stepped forward. Thalgram introduced them "These are my my two daughters Eris and Yarie and my only son Alevic.

I am very pleased to meet such a strong female leader in this unfortunately male dominated world, I hope that I can learn a lot from such a great role model.

After all of the pleasantries were out of the way Thalgram wanted to see if Bas Pride had decided to come to this event as it had been rumored that The Spring Court was coming to the event. After searching long and hard through the mazes of blocky buildings and asking many people if they had seen Bas Pride(Who conveniently stands out quite a bit), he saw him in the distance with Owena and some others he did not recognized. As he approached he saw that they were not just simply conversing, but Bas Pride and the black Rexline were fighting. Making sure not to show himself to them until their conflict was resolved he stood in the shadows. After the conflict was done he approached.


Mass Melee
+2 for land army, 8 Military

Simurgh Track
8 Military (+4), 10 Diplomacy (+5)

War Chess
8 Curiosity (+4) + 5 Luck (+2)
Link 1 (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=20701902&postcount=732)
Link 2 (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=20701902&postcount=732)

Participant: Yarie Dunadrad
Realm: Petravolan
Regions in Realm:5
GK/Federation?: No
I know I am setting myself up for failure, but hey why not try:smalltongue:
Participant:Eris Dunadrad

2016-04-23, 09:40 PM
Eris had no hesitation at leaping from her seat and breaking into a four legged sprint towards the valley to get move on in this hunt. Thalgram tried to stop her and make her consider what she was doing, but he was too late, she had already gotten too far away from him. He understood of course why she wanted to this as she has always wanted to prove to herself and others how strong she was, although that was not the only reason this particular hunt was so appealing. It greatly resembled the afterlife of the believers of Venaton, a hunt of the weak conducted by the strong. The hunt would never show mercy and Thalgram knew that Eris would not rest until her teeth were sunk into her prey's throat.
Eris Dunadrad's Total Role for The Great Hunt 30 (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=20702210&postcount=735)

2016-04-23, 10:37 PM
"I cannot begin to say that I understand such delicate matters of faith." Lady Rhona said carefully. "If, however, you will accept that, I do have other wisdoms. I hear things. Rumors. Speculation. I cannot speak lies - you know such things are anathema to Aeldir - but I can pass along things to think about. And consider. I hold no illusions about them healing broken bones, but I've often found that the right word, in the right place, said at the right time, can be... worthwhile."

"I apologize, but I'm afraid that I don't understand. What exactly are you suggesting here?"

2016-04-23, 11:42 PM
[The Opening Speech]
On the hunt

The High Queen stood and motioned with one hand to the coliseum. The crowd began to quiet, and attention turned towards her.

“Friends, guests, subjects.” Breydice called out to them. “I am High Queen Breydice. Magnum Reginae, High Queen of the Primus Imperium, Ruler of the Highback Mountains, Regnator Valkyrie, Barbarian Queen, and many other titles besides.

“Allow me to welcome you all to the Exalted Tournament. Before you today are some of the greatest warriors that the known world has to offer, proving their mettle, and earning glory for their nations and their host.”

Breydice grinned. “I don’t like to brag, but I think our people throw quite the party. We're very... friendly with our guests.”

A polite chuckle ran through the crowd.

“If you will indulge me, I wish to tell you all a bit of a story before we begin.”

“For the last several years, we have been at war with one of those realms: the Pavos Republic, within… I believe it’s called ‘the Sea of Coin’ in this tongue? They declared war on us with no apparent attempt to actually follow through; they were beyond the reach of our regular troops, of course, but I believe we made up for that in sabotage. The Qount - the ruler of the Pavos, essentially - went missing in one of the rebel uprisings in the area, and their armies were under heavy strain attempting to suppress rebellion. There are many wars to fight a war, after all, and not all of them require troops. We made a fair bit of progress, but it was slow.”

“Then, Lord Summer came to me with their ruler in chains, and gave him to me as a sign of good will.”

Murmurs sprung up in the crowd.

She shook her head. “Oh, believe me, I shared your confusion; I very nearly asked if he had taken ill. It was a surprise, though I cannot say I am not grateful.”

“In fact, the generosity and good will of the Aeldir has proven great in recent years. They have trained Crudice, your future Queen, in arts both ancient and powerful. The Lord Winter allowed High Princess Phelnia to stay in his lands and learn of their Old Gods-” There was some snickering in the crowd “-and much of their ways. The Lady Spring has treated the Aima Carius well in his time in her lands, and shared knowledge with me that she had no obligation to. Lady Autumn has ensured the Aeldir deal honestly and fairly with the Imperium, albeit rarely – in particular, the… well, most of you don’t know or care about the incident at the Karnavali and those who do know why that was particularly stressful.”

“In this and all other things, the Aeldir have been open. Disdain, amusement, arrogance, friendship… However alien they may seem to us, they have dealt with us in good faith.”

She sighed. “And before I took this throne, I did not think that was a high hill to climb.”

“Do not misunderstand me: The Imperium has dealt with many honest and good powers since that fateful first expansion by my mother. The Kingdom of Berrium has been a staunch ally and friend, for which I am eternally grateful. Ambrose is responsible for almost all of our nation’s imports – in particular, the Simurghs that many of you rode along the Skyways to get here – and have always been open and kind.”

“Avonlea, Nand, the Rexline, the Crystal Union, Carraig Dun, and many others have been invited to this tournament. Some have shown, some have not. They are but a few of the realms in the world worthy of our respect.”

“I cannot say the same…” Her eyes narrowed. “… of Quont Martelo, of the Pavos Republic.”

The last murmurs died.

“This man abused his power as a regnator – sorry, as a ruler – and slaughtered his own people en masse for following a sect of the Doctrine of the Nine Candles – a religion many of our guests follow – for no apparent purpose. As far as I am aware, the Doctrine did nothing to him or his people on a scale that warrants genocide, nor did he replace it with any legitimate faith of his own. He planted spies in Primus lands to kidnap and kill the Princess second in line to my throne. He has lied about the nature of the followers of Kan in an attempt to gain public approval for his genocide campaign.

“Recently, I learned from revolutionaries in Pavos that he has even broken his own nation’s laws in order to advance his agenda as Quont by bypassing the senate to enact numerous reforms. And perhaps worst of all,” She pointed down at the arena, rage all across her features. “When his brother came to him in truce to negotiate, he broke that truce and killed him.

“I’m sure I’ve missed a few of his numerous lies and crimes, but I think that will suffice for my point; this man is barely deserving of his life, much less his title.

“The best thing he can yet do is die in an entertaining fashion.” She sat and leaned back into her throne. “High Princess Phelnia requested she be allowed to put together this particular… shall we say, amusement. I thought long and hard about what I would do to this man if I ever caught him.”

“But nothing I came up with,” She grinned wickedly. “Even compared to what Phelnia suggested. This morning, I had the Custodia Alta take the Quont Martelo into the valleys at the base of the mountain, and release him there. They have the area blocked off, so that he cannot escape.”

Murmurs arose again, this time angrier. After all that, she was just going to let him go?

“And to all our participants in the Great Hunt...”

The murmurs continued, with a bit more confusion.

“Your target is the former Quont Martelo of the Pavos Republic.” Breydice’s grin turned maniacal as the crowd fell completely silent. “A day or a year, I care not how long it takes. Be the first to bring me his head, and you will be presented as the victor in this Great Hunt. If you have a problem with killing a human that is beyond hope for life, feel free to stay sitting.”

The silence in the crowd was deafening. Breydice was already offering an extravagant gift to those who hunted this beast; their name would be immortalized through the Imperium’s first official knight chapter. They were being granted a personal effect of a now exceedingly rare material that few knew how to forge. They would be knighted (albeit ceremonially, since a foreigner would probably have responsibilities back home that would prevent them from taking the necessary oaths to the Chapter) and their name would forever be tied to the Exalted Tournament.

But to kill a ruler? There was prestige there that hardly anyone could make a direct claim to.

Moreover, the Quont was not much of a fighter. The hunters’ main competition, then, would be each other.

“I have told him of the Aeldir’s invasion of Pavos, and assured him that by the time he gets back there will be no safe haven for him there, nor will anyone come to save him.” She said calmly. “An execution is too good for his crimes. Quont Martelo will spend the last hours of his miserable life running in terror like the coward he is. There will be no quarter for this madman. Even if he sneaks out of the valley – which I doubt he can do – he will never make it out of the country.”

“Do enjoy yourselves, my good hunters…” She grinned. “Oh, and an amusement: I’m changing the title of ‘court fool’ to Qount.”

There was laughter at that.

Breydice raised her fist. “Now, enough boring speeches for today! Hunters, get moving! The rest of us, to the mass melee! SHOW US YOUR FURY!!!”

A chant began to rise as the contenders made their way into the arena.

I’ll get to rankings, duelists and hunters soon, as well as my own rolls. But I have a history assignment that needs at least SOME doing tonight.

FTR, there'll be a TN to capture the Qount before the hunt is actually over, but whoever ends up winning the actual rolls will still get him, unless someone wants a chance that he gets away.

TN: 14 on at least one roll to capture the Qount before the Tournament ends. Roll the following:


Highest cumulative result wins.
Good luck~

[The Chapter House]
Here comes the bride (and groom)

Mariya and Erik had been told that the building was made of stone from Subprimus and could not be missed; when they saw it, it became obvious why.

The building's architecture was of Berrium rather than Primal, a grand and imposing structure that was more monastery than House. Its stone was a polished white almost like marble, as opposed to the dark gray of the surrounding buildings. It seemed a fairly long, rectangular building, especially for such a new chapter. As they arrived, they would be welcomed by a man in his early 40s, in polished steel and moonsilver armor. Lady Navus stood next to him, beaming and bouncing on her heels with excitement. (Dang, the woman had some endurance if she could do that in armor)

"Ah, judging from Lady Navus' smile, this is the happy couple, welcome, welcome. I am Chapter Master Faunus, of the as-yet unnamed Chapter of this House. The Hall is being prepared for your ceremony, per tradition, but if you have anything in particular you still require? I understand you wish to be married as quickly as possible..."

"RHONA!" Lady Navus' smile grew wider. "I'm so excited I could f#@$ an ambassador! It's a wedding! With no sarcasm this time! I've sent word to all the town criers and the Satsujin! Weddings are such strange foreigner ceremonies, but so very important, I'm so honored to help arrange one! Are you going to do that flower girl thing you told me about? I'm sure you'll be a wonderful flower girl! The cutest flower girl unless I guess if Lady Spring has been one once I don't remember! I got them both moonsilver rings at a F#@$ING BARGAIN WHY AM I BOUNCING I CAN'T FEEL MY ANKLES OH GODS!!!"

"'No sarcasm this time'?"

Baram had stood in mute surprise as the crowd grew raucous around upon hearing who their quarry was to be for the Great Hunt. Before he could decide what he thought of hunting a man, and whether he wished his countrymen to participate, Polemarchos Arsen Rosso had left his seat and had loped away at a steady trot and was quickly out of sight. Baram cursed under his breath, but his frustrations went unheard amidst the din of the assembled throng.

Upon leaving the coliseum, Baram had been beset by voices crying of an Avonlean wedding in Primus's new chapter house. Well pleased to have something with which to busy his mind, he got directions and was soon heading towards the temple. It had taken weeks to travel to the Primal capital, and with his father held up at The Winter Court with Maldarr, nobody had thought to send word to him of the impending hostilities with Avonlea, and so he entered the chapter house with innocent intent.

"This must be the bride." He spoke, addressing the lovely blonde woman in the white gown.

"I am the Archon and heir of Ambrose, Baram Asker." Baram took the young woman's hand in his own and kissed it.

2016-04-24, 12:02 AM
[The Chapter House]
Here comes the bride (and groom)

Mariya and Erik had been told that the building was made of stone from Subprimus and could not be missed; when they saw it, it became obvious why.

The building's architecture was of Berrium rather than Primal, a grand and imposing structure that was more monastery than House. Its stone was a polished white almost like marble, as opposed to the dark gray of the surrounding buildings. It seemed a fairly long, rectangular building, especially for such a new chapter. As they arrived, they would be welcomed by a man in his early 40s, in polished steel and moonsilver armor. Lady Navus stood next to him, beaming and bouncing on her heels with excitement. (Dang, the woman had some endurance if she could do that in armor)

"Ah, judging from Lady Navus' smile, this is the happy couple, welcome, welcome. I am Chapter Master Faunus, of the as-yet unnamed Chapter of this House. The Hall is being prepared for your ceremony, per tradition, but if you have anything in particular you still require? I understand you wish to be married as quickly as possible..."

"RHONA!" Lady Navus' smile grew wider. "I'm so excited I could f#@$ an ambassador! It's a wedding! With no sarcasm this time! I've sent word to all the town criers and the Satsujin! Weddings are such strange foreigner ceremonies, but so very important, I'm so honored to help arrange one! Are you going to do that flower girl thing you told me about? I'm sure you'll be a wonderful flower girl! The cutest flower girl unless I guess if Lady Spring has been one once I don't remember! I got them both moonsilver rings at a F#@$ING BARGAIN WHY AM I BOUNCING I CAN'T FEEL MY ANKLES OH GODS!!!"

"'No sarcasm this time'?"

Upon leaving the coliseum, Baram had been beset by voices crying of an Avonlean wedding in Primus's new chapter house. Well pleased to have something with which to busy his mind, he got directions and was soon heading towards the temple. It had taken weeks to travel to the Primal capital, and with his father held up at The Winter Court with Maldarr, nobody had thought to send word to him of the impending hostilities with Avonlea, and so he entered the chapter house with innocent intent.

"This must be the bride." He spoke, addressing the lovely blonde woman in the white gown.

"I am the Archon and heir of Ambrose, Baram Asker." Baram took the young woman's hand in his own and kissed it.

Lady Navus's excitement was infectious, not that Mariya and Erik needed more reason to be happy upon their wedding day.

"It is a pleasure to meet you, Chapter Master Faunus." Mariya curtsied gracefully and Erik bowed to the man respectfully.

"Quite an honour, Sir. We are very grateful to you for being so very accommodating, I could not stand remaining unwed for one more day!" Erik spoke sincerely though Mariya giggled as if he made a jest.

Mariya heard a voice addressing the bride and turned to see Baram in front of her.

"Oh My Lord, I remember seeing you at the Karnavali, though I do not believe we had the chance to meet. It is an honour to meet you properly, thank you for taking the time out of the festivities to attend my wedding." Mariya cast her eyes down modestly as the handsome future Protos kissed her hand. Erik, who had been standing behind her had been somewhat jealous to hear that Mariya had noticed another man at the Ambrosan Festival, and he pulled her back to him only slightly possessively.

"It is a pleasure, My Lord. I am First Erik Wilheim of Inorog. The Groom." His tone was civil however as he greeted the charismatic newcomer though his arm stayed firmly around his bride's waist.

2016-04-24, 10:22 AM
Lady Navus' mouth twitched into a grin. The Exalted Tournament would be taking place over the course of several days, perhaps even longer for the Hunt. She couldn't have been late if she'd tried.

Breydice accepted the gift graciously. "'Tis beautiful, thank you."

"It is our greatest honor to be able to present it to you, Queen Breydice. Thank you for your time, and your effort in planning this event." She looks to her two followers, nodding. "I know that I can say that my own people are eager to enjoy it, though perhaps it might be wise if they had had their Queen making sure they didn't get into too much trouble. Until next time." Lilia gives the two of them a smile, nodding her head as she dismissed herself.

Aleuta didn't know how to feel about doing away with all titles, but... Lilia seems to be more confident because of it, so it was acceptable, and neatly subverted a topic that was no longer relevant. "This Birch Cipher interests me. If you can create one, however, why cannot your Union create others? Or at least, one that is complex and in use of the Crystal Union, and one that is simple and not in use? One you can utilize as the simplest form of explanation for how the Cipher works, and then educate others on the creation of a more complex system? I assure you, were such a method in the hands of the Courts, that is what we would do. It would complicate things, yes... but is that not to the benefit of the 'gardeners'? If I had my own garden, and you had yours, but it was the same password to enter both, that would be unwise. Yet, if I had my garden and my own password, and you had your garden and your password, both of our crops would be safe. The method of creating the password may be the same, but the passwords themselves would be different."

"I would not ask for your password. I would ask for the Crystal Union to send teachers to allow the Courts to create our own version of the Burch Cipher. We would then have our own 'password', to which I can agree will only be shared within the boundaries of the Demesne, and you would have yours; the cipher of the Union would remain in the Union. The cipher of the Courts would remain in the Demesne. And just between you and I, Lilia... I think the Spring Court will be changing it's password frequently, once we know the method of creating them. The more confusion sown, the more effective the Cipher, yes?" Aleuta grinned, sure of the truth of the matter.

"As to your letter..." Lady Spring's grin disappeared, as she gazed upon the aspis. She spoke again, and it was slowly, carefully, and her eyes were still on the little drake, as though her words were for it, and the Emerald Queen just happened to be standing nearby.

"Do you know, little one, that non-Aeldir sometimes confuse me? That they can become upset when well written terms and agreements inside contracts are not in their favor? Yet, they agreed to the terms all the same? I have learned that if I try to work even the tiniest advantage for my people into a contract, I am seen as a villain. As in the wrong. I could rage and press matters. I could explain that terms are terms, and if there is something that they missed, well, that is not my fault, surely? Yet, I do not. I try to be friendly. That is the way of the Lady Spring. Where other courts are chill winds or deadly heats, Spring is a promise of warmth. And so, I instead try to fix matters."

Here, though her eyes were an unblinking amber, Aleuta's hand waved towards the north. It was the only part of her body that seemed to move, as she continued to speak, "Take the Kingdom of Berrium for example. They felt that the written word of our first contract gave them the right to break it, should I even deign to consider trading away their Courier System method; yet there was no such clause in the agreement, only one for our own Clinker Wood Ship method. And had I not sought the aid of Primus, to help us re-draft an agreement promising to Berrium any technologies we would get from the trades and contracts made with their Courier System, Berrium would have been Oathbreakers... and so would I. I could not abide that. I would not abide that."

"And now, little one, your life so young compared to mine, your time so short compared to mine," Aleuta continued to stare upon the aspis, and held it's gaze, "consider your mistress. She is wise and powerful, unlike her counterpart within the Ruby Legion, who is only powerful. She helped us make sense of another contract. And because of her, I will be honoring the Crystal Union's wishes in regards to their clever compartmentalized ship building methods. But I think she has also learned something about why the Aeldir must honor their contracts. All of them. Always."

"Lilia," For the first time in some moments, Lady Spring turned her eyes back upon the Emerald Queen, and it was like the dawning of a sun; so quick was the change in mood and countenance. Aleuta smiled her slow, cute smile, and said, "I would like to be your friend. Friendship means quite a lot to an Aeldir. We are slow to trust, even amongst ourselves, so it is with considerable effort that every Lady Spring tries to make friends. Both outside and inside the Demesne, there are those whom are slow to trust Aeldir, though I can think of no reason why; once we give our word, we our bound more tightly than rope or chains ever could hold us. The trick for us, you see, is to remain free of our bonds by ensuring that they only wrap around us when we are ready for them. Yet, when they tug and pull at us in ways that choke and crush in upon us, what can we do but follow them? If any such letter reached me, I know what I would have written back: We will follow our agreements."

"But... if it some acknowledgement you wish for? All matters of trade are in my purview. And as I have said, once an Aeldir gives their word, it is binding. I, Aleuta Kellianth, will not trade away the Crystal Union's Compartment Hulls without taking the Union's best interests into consideration. I do this for you. And perhaps, as well, for the new Niran of the Five Tribes."

"In the same manner, though, that you should have a care of who among the Aeldir you call King or Queen, might I advise you - as a friend - to not press us for an apology? I still struggle to understand the non-Aeldir concept of 'being wrong', when that concept changes from culture to culture. You help lead the Order of the Eternal Soul. Avonlea assists in leading the Church of Daen. The Pale Lady in the north east has her own Empyrium. Who is wrong? Who should apologize to the others? Is it me? I think not. I follow the Old Gods. In the Spring Court, we learn of science, mathematics, and unquestionable evidence. Babdi herself could come from the ocean depths and tell me that two plus two equaled five, and I would refute her."

Hastily, Aleuta added, "Respectfully. I would refute her, respectfully. Until she explained her meaning, and then - only then - would I apologize for being wrong. Provide an Aeldir with unquestionable evidence of wrong doing that aligns with our culture, and you will hear them say apologies. Try to press upon them other culture's concepts for wrong doing, and most Aeldir will give you a blank stare. And that is them being polite. Press too hard, and, well... we were at conflict with each other for many Ages. And our memories are long. Our patience is shorter."

I'm sorry, I can't accept allowing Celestial Navigation to be traded away when the Courts are restricted from trading Burch Ciphers. Equal treatment, or none at all. As was discussed in the OOC - and pointed out by you - the restrictions of 'Paper' will only last as long as someone doesn't use a C5. When that happens (as I'm nearly certain it will), a 'free to trade' deal with someone else will lessen Celestial Navigation's value to the Courts. I can agree to not trading Birch Ciphers without permission from the Union, if the Union can agree to the same for Celestial Navigation and the Courts.

As to your letter, well, I hope my post explained: we were beholden to providing whatever trade we got out of you to Berrium. It was another contract, regarding Courier System; we thought it was unrestricted trade, when it was not. The stipulations to correct that was to be sure to provide any techs we got because of Courier System to Berrium. Originally, we were beholden to gift Berrium Lanteen Sails, the initial tech we expected to trade; however, when we were unable to gift it to them because we didn't get it, whatever tech we did get - if any - was understood to be what we would provide them. We were not ignoring you. Other trades of Compartment Hulls will be mindful of your request, even if no formal contract states it to that effect. Aleuta has given her word.

Lilia marveled at Lady Spring's understanding of Burch Ciphers. In truth, she didn't really understand them herself.. But if what she said was true, then they were much, much more effective than she had given them credit for. They were still new, after all. The only thing she needed to know was not to give away the password for the union; which seemed to have translated into her understanding of the technology overall. "Oh, well that's much more logical. I.. Really didn't know it worked that way." Aleuta might realize that Lilia was about to trade them the 'password' for all the crystal union technology - Effectively giving them every technological advantage they would have had. It might do Lilia well to brush up on her academics. "You just saved me a lot of grief back home.. Shall we correct this deal then..? Burch Ciphers for Celestial Navigation? Perhaps a no retrade condition on them both? I think that would make both technologies more valuable to the both of us, if we did so." The Queen nodded, relieved to hear that her near misstep had been corrected.

Throughout the girl's small speech, Lilia remained quiet - Listening intently and absorbing all that she said. Lady Spring was remarkably wise, though she wasn't sure if that was a product of age or culture. Perhaps both. "Aleuta.." She says slowly, forming her words in her head. "Please know that the warmth of Spring is both appreciated and respected. I find that understanding is what paves the way for peace, and in these last few years I feel that I have come to understand you and your people in a way that has not been accomplished in my culture perhaps ever. And maybe never again. In the same way that you don't need to apologize for being who you are, I shall not apologize for my worry in seeing the technology gifted away. However, I will thank you, for being so true to your word and maintaining the promises of your every breath that bind your feet to the ground. I can think of no word to describe it other than admirable, and I will strive to be regarded in an equal light of truth." She paused for a moment, the aspis curling onto her other shoulder and closing its eyes.

"I would be honored to be your friend, Aleuta. I cannot promise political mercy by it, or better trade agreements, but for where it counts I will treat you not as an ally, but as a friend. I may not always be able to send help on a whim to aid you in whatever struggles you face, alas, that is the disadvantage of being in a federation is it not? I've got two others to help keep me in my place." She smiled, though it seemed more honest this time. "But wherever my influence can help, I will to my best to apply it. Naturally, I believe that as both of us would be friends that the feeling should be mutual. ..As for the Ruby Legion, I understand your discontent with them in the moment, though I beg of you not to look upon them too poorly. For even if their direction seemed unwise, they strive to protect our pride as a nation, and have done a great many things on their own for the good of our people. When our first king; Hilden, my predecessor, decided he wanted to aid the Nevarri league in their war it was both foolish and impossible. We had the Ruby Legion to thank for guiding us to wisdom in that time, and their deed has not been forgotten. I find that they think of results perhaps, more so than the process. It makes them seem unreasonable at times perhaps, but altogether more effective. We tend to balance eachother out in this way, and often we are all the better for it. You needn't forgive them for their haste, though I know I have. Holding onto grudges for too long tends to eat at my head.. Hilden died just yesterday, and still I had not forgiven him, nor had I elected to visit him in years.. I feel awful for it. ..My guilt has made most things this day impossible to enjoy."

"In matters of faith, nobody can truly and honestly say that they are correct. At least, not in a way that proves their correctness to the others. You may or may not know this, but I am actually going to be hosting a gathering of global faiths within the next three years. The representatives of the Old Gods are more than welcome to attend, and I would be content to see their beliefs brought up to equal status of the other three major faiths that seem to be present in most places around the world."

I understand completely - We can do Burch Ciphers for Celestial navigation with a no trade condition on both of them. Sorry for my attempt to get a better deal there, I felt like I should at least try for it. :smalltongue:

And the trade with Berrium makes sense; so think nothing of it. I think the Union would have done the same. :smallsmile:

[The Opening Speech]
On the hunt
-Snippity Snip-

Lilia found herself shocked by the proposal to hunt this man - But even more so by the enthusiasm of the crowd. She could even see it in her own people. She.. Could not allow this to happen. Tomar was supposed to prove himself by hunting a beast, not a man. A helpless man. Was this the Queen's justice? She forbade him from going. None would stain the reputation of her people on this day. ..Though she had to admit, that was one hell of a speech. Had the subject not been so appalling, no doubt she herself would have been into it as well. ..Even though her mood didn't help at all. "Garelis, go sign us up for the other events. Before we miss them." She ordered, seeing him walk off to do just that.

Participant: Garelis of Xeroas
Realm: The Crystal Union (Dynasty of Escaye)
Regions in Realm: 27 (Including polar region 18, which we just got but has no writeup)
GK/Federation/Empire?: Yes

Tournament Rolls (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=20703428&postcount=741):
Melee: 18
Navy: 20
Simurgh Track: 10
War Chess: 17

2016-04-24, 11:27 AM
“Your target is the former Quont Martelo of the Pavos Republic.” Breydice’s grin turned maniacal as the crowd fell completely silent. “A day or a year, I care not how long it takes. Be the first to bring me his head, and you will be presented as the victor in this Great Hunt. If you have a problem with killing a human that is beyond hope for life, feel free to stay sitting.”

The silence in the crowd was deafening. Breydice was already offering an extravagant gift to those who hunted this beast; their name would be immortalized through the Imperium’s first official knight chapter. They were being granted a personal effect of a now exceedingly rare material that few knew how to forge. They would be knighted (albeit ceremonially, since a foreigner would probably have responsibilities back home that would prevent them from taking the necessary oaths to the Chapter) and their name would forever be tied to the Exalted Tournament.

But to kill a ruler? There was prestige there that hardly anyone could make a direct claim to.

Moreover, the Quont was not much of a fighter. The hunters’ main competition, then, would be each other.

“I have told him of the Aeldir’s invasion of Pavos, and assured him that by the time he gets back there will be no safe haven for him there, nor will anyone come to save him.” She said calmly. “An execution is too good for his crimes. Quont Martelo will spend the last hours of his miserable life running in terror like the coward he is. There will be no quarter for this madman. Even if he sneaks out of the valley – which I doubt he can do – he will never make it out of the country.”

“Do enjoy yourselves, my good hunters…” She grinned. “Oh, and an amusement: I’m changing the title of ‘court fool’ to Qount.”

There was laughter at that.

Breydice raised her fist. “Now, enough boring speeches for today! Hunters, get moving! The rest of us, to the mass melee! SHOW US YOUR FURY!!!”

A chant began to rise as the contenders made their way into the arena.

I’ll get to rankings, duelists and hunters soon, as well as my own rolls. But I have a history assignment that needs at least SOME doing tonight.

FTR, there'll be a TN to capture the Qount before the hunt is actually over, but whoever ends up winning the actual rolls will still get him, unless someone wants a chance that he gets away.

TN: 14 on at least one roll to capture the Qount before the Tournament ends. Roll the following:


Highest cumulative result wins.
Good luck~

Sweat plastered the Qount's hair to his head as he reflexively clutched the heavy rock in his hand. This was some demonic hell. He had been killed by that evil creature just as his brother had been and now he was being tormented. The recent years had not been kind to the former Pavosi ruler. Snatched from his camp and imprisoned for what felt like years but no seasons passed and his captors never aged he had only recently been moved to another prison.

Here he had been an object of derision and he had come to understand himself to be in Primus by the language and words of his captors. The demon worshipers from the far west. Foul women who castrated their men and danced with horned demons in the firelight. He had feared for his own manhood and frequently wondered when his punishment would come. Then he was released.

Now he stood in some valley trench. He suspected the truth, that he was to be hunted. Though his mind still dreamed of some hell-dog or other cruel beast to be set upon him he prepared to deal with whatever creature sought to end him. As soon as he had discovered a pass to have been blocked by the efforts of man he had set instead to turning his graveyard to his advantage. If he was to die he would certainly take some with him.

Total: 38 (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=20703540&postcount=743)

Roll less and die!

2016-04-24, 12:10 PM
As Lady Rhona spoke, Lady Mariya became a bit embarrassed that she had not thought to invite other delegate's representatives to her wedding, so involved she had been with the last minute preparations.

"Of course you may observe! Any Aeldir in attendance would be most welcome!" Mariya leaned down to kiss the Spring Girl on both cheeks warmly and took the proferred bouquet.

"They're so lovely! Wherever did you find these?" Mariya said, laughing delightedly as the other Avonlean Ladies gathered around and plucked one of the lovely blooms from the bouquet and fastened them in each other's hair.

"Lady Rhona, it is good to see a friend from the Spring Court, and you've arrived just in time." First Erik was clearly in unsurpassed good spirits as he awaited his impending marriage rites.

[The Chapter House]
Here comes the bride (and groom)

Mariya and Erik had been told that the building was made of stone from Subprimus and could not be missed; when they saw it, it became obvious why.

The building's architecture was of Berrium rather than Primal, a grand and imposing structure that was more monastery than House. Its stone was a polished white almost like marble, as opposed to the dark gray of the surrounding buildings. It seemed a fairly long, rectangular building, especially for such a new chapter. As they arrived, they would be welcomed by a man in his early 40s, in polished steel and moonsilver armor. Lady Navus stood next to him, beaming and bouncing on her heels with excitement. (Dang, the woman had some endurance if she could do that in armor)

"Ah, judging from Lady Navus' smile, this is the happy couple, welcome, welcome. I am Chapter Master Faunus, of the as-yet unnamed Chapter of this House. The Hall is being prepared for your ceremony, per tradition, but if you have anything in particular you still require? I understand you wish to be married as quickly as possible..."

"RHONA!" Lady Navus' smile grew wider. "I'm so excited I could f#@$ an ambassador! It's a wedding! With no sarcasm this time! I've sent word to all the town criers and the Satsujin! Weddings are such strange foreigner ceremonies, but so very important, I'm so honored to help arrange one! Are you going to do that flower girl thing you told me about? I'm sure you'll be a wonderful flower girl! The cutest flower girl unless I guess if Lady Spring has been one once I don't remember! I got them both moonsilver rings at a F#@$ING BARGAIN WHY AM I BOUNCING I CAN'T FEEL MY ANKLES OH GODS!!!"

"'No sarcasm this time'?"

Lady Rhona kept her own composure with a mask of barely contained excitement. She knew Lady Navus would be and easy buffer to distract others from the obvious, and allowed her own emotions to be more subdued; though it was a struggle. Before finding a seat near Navus, Rhona had told the bride, "I like to be prepared."

Whether this means that the Spring Girl knew where to find the flowers, had arranged for someone to keep flowers ready for her at all times, or had grown the flowers themselves on her own was impossible to tell. Lady Rhona knew. Some secrets, though, Aeldir like to keep.

She turned to Lady Navus, "If Lady Spring herself is in attendance and deigns to proceed them with flowers, it would be a... great honor for the bride and groom. I would not deny them such a boon. However, in Lady Spring's place, I will do 'the flower girl thing', should the happy couple want it. We must remember that the bride in her wedding is perhaps more important than even a High Queen or a Season, for as long as the wedding lasts. Lady Mariya will make wise decisions, because she will recall all the happy moments for Ages to come."

[The Opening Speech]
On the hunt

The High Queen stood and motioned with one hand to the coliseum. The crowd began to quiet, and attention turned towards her.

“Friends, guests, subjects.” Breydice called out to them. “I am High Queen Breydice. Magnum Reginae, High Queen of the Primus Imperium, Ruler of the Highback Mountains, Regnator Valkyrie, Barbarian Queen, and many other titles besides.

“Allow me to welcome you all to the Exalted Tournament. Before you today are some of the greatest warriors that the known world has to offer, proving their mettle, and earning glory for their nations and their host.”

Breydice grinned. “I don’t like to brag, but I think our people throw quite the party. We're very... friendly with our guests.”

A polite chuckle ran through the crowd.

“If you will indulge me, I wish to tell you all a bit of a story before we begin.”

“For the last several years, we have been at war with one of those realms: the Pavos Republic, within… I believe it’s called ‘the Sea of Coin’ in this tongue? They declared war on us with no apparent attempt to actually follow through; they were beyond the reach of our regular troops, of course, but I believe we made up for that in sabotage. The Qount - the ruler of the Pavos, essentially - went missing in one of the rebel uprisings in the area, and their armies were under heavy strain attempting to suppress rebellion. There are many wars to fight a war, after all, and not all of them require troops. We made a fair bit of progress, but it was slow.”

“Then, Lord Summer came to me with their ruler in chains, and gave him to me as a sign of good will.”

Murmurs sprung up in the crowd.

She shook her head. “Oh, believe me, I shared your confusion; I very nearly asked if he had taken ill. It was a surprise, though I cannot say I am not grateful.”

“In fact, the generosity and good will of the Aeldir has proven great in recent years. They have trained Crudice, your future Queen, in arts both ancient and powerful. The Lord Winter allowed High Princess Phelnia to stay in his lands and learn of their Old Gods-” There was some snickering in the crowd “-and much of their ways. The Lady Spring has treated the Aima Carius well in his time in her lands, and shared knowledge with me that she had no obligation to. Lady Autumn has ensured the Aeldir deal honestly and fairly with the Imperium, albeit rarely – in particular, the… well, most of you don’t know or care about the incident at the Karnavali and those who do know why that was particularly stressful.”

“In this and all other things, the Aeldir have been open. Disdain, amusement, arrogance, friendship… However alien they may seem to us, they have dealt with us in good faith.”

She sighed. “And before I took this throne, I did not think that was a high hill to climb.”

“Do not misunderstand me: The Imperium has dealt with many honest and good powers since that fateful first expansion by my mother. The Kingdom of Berrium has been a staunch ally and friend, for which I am eternally grateful. Ambrose is responsible for almost all of our nation’s imports – in particular, the Simurghs that many of you rode along the Skyways to get here – and have always been open and kind.”

“Avonlea, Nand, the Rexline, the Crystal Union, Carraig Dun, and many others have been invited to this tournament. Some have shown, some have not. They are but a few of the realms in the world worthy of our respect.”

“I cannot say the same…” Her eyes narrowed. “… of Quont Martelo, of the Pavos Republic.”

The last murmurs died.

“This man abused his power as a regnator – sorry, as a ruler – and slaughtered his own people en masse for following a sect of the Doctrine of the Nine Candles – a religion many of our guests follow – for no apparent purpose. As far as I am aware, the Doctrine did nothing to him or his people on a scale that warrants genocide, nor did he replace it with any legitimate faith of his own. He planted spies in Primus lands to kidnap and kill the Princess second in line to my throne. He has lied about the nature of the followers of Kan in an attempt to gain public approval for his genocide campaign.

“Recently, I learned from revolutionaries in Pavos that he has even broken his own nation’s laws in order to advance his agenda as Quont by bypassing the senate to enact numerous reforms. And perhaps worst of all,” She pointed down at the arena, rage all across her features. “When his brother came to him in truce to negotiate, he broke that truce and killed him.

“I’m sure I’ve missed a few of his numerous lies and crimes, but I think that will suffice for my point; this man is barely deserving of his life, much less his title.

“The best thing he can yet do is die in an entertaining fashion.” She sat and leaned back into her throne. “High Princess Phelnia requested she be allowed to put together this particular… shall we say, amusement. I thought long and hard about what I would do to this man if I ever caught him.”

“But nothing I came up with,” She grinned wickedly. “Even compared to what Phelnia suggested. This morning, I had the Custodia Alta take the Quont Martelo into the valleys at the base of the mountain, and release him there. They have the area blocked off, so that he cannot escape.”

Murmurs arose again, this time angrier. After all that, she was just going to let him go?

“And to all our participants in the Great Hunt...”

The murmurs continued, with a bit more confusion.

“Your target is the former Quont Martelo of the Pavos Republic.” Breydice’s grin turned maniacal as the crowd fell completely silent. “A day or a year, I care not how long it takes. Be the first to bring me his head, and you will be presented as the victor in this Great Hunt. If you have a problem with killing a human that is beyond hope for life, feel free to stay sitting.”

The silence in the crowd was deafening. Breydice was already offering an extravagant gift to those who hunted this beast; their name would be immortalized through the Imperium’s first official knight chapter. They were being granted a personal effect of a now exceedingly rare material that few knew how to forge. They would be knighted (albeit ceremonially, since a foreigner would probably have responsibilities back home that would prevent them from taking the necessary oaths to the Chapter) and their name would forever be tied to the Exalted Tournament.

But to kill a ruler? There was prestige there that hardly anyone could make a direct claim to.

Moreover, the Quont was not much of a fighter. The hunters’ main competition, then, would be each other.

“I have told him of the Aeldir’s invasion of Pavos, and assured him that by the time he gets back there will be no safe haven for him there, nor will anyone come to save him.” She said calmly. “An execution is too good for his crimes. Quont Martelo will spend the last hours of his miserable life running in terror like the coward he is. There will be no quarter for this madman. Even if he sneaks out of the valley – which I doubt he can do – he will never make it out of the country.”

“Do enjoy yourselves, my good hunters…” She grinned. “Oh, and an amusement: I’m changing the title of ‘court fool’ to Qount.”

There was laughter at that.

Breydice raised her fist. “Now, enough boring speeches for today! Hunters, get moving! The rest of us, to the mass melee! SHOW US YOUR FURY!!!”

A chant began to rise as the contenders made their way into the arena.

Lady Spring listened to Breydice's opening ceremony and announcement, with Eoghan nearby her side. She said nothing. Nothing about Breydice finding the Aeldir to be friendlier than first thought. Nothing to the revelation of the quarry of the hunt. She offered no comment - even to her trusted bodyguard - and to those watching the Season and knew her very little, it would seem she had no reaction at all.

To Eoghan, however, who knew Aleuta Kellianth's mannerisms and moods perhaps more than any other, he could see she was conflicted. He would never voice his opinion, but he privately speculated that his Lady Spring was pleased with the decision to use the Quont in this manner. Oathbreakers deserve such treatment, and much like the stories, Lord Summer had done as he had seen fit to do with an Oathbreaker before passing the once-leader of Pavos to another member of recognized authority. Eoghan imagined, though, that Lady Spring was also upset, in her own quiet way.

After all... She would not have her turn.

Eoghan hoped, dearly, for the sake of his Lady, that the Demesne Hunter was the one whom caught up with the Quont first. It would make all the Seasons feel better. But, Eoghan thought, it would make Lady Spring feel exceptionally pleased. And he liked to see her happy.

Lilia marveled at Lady Spring's understanding of Burch Ciphers. In truth, she didn't really understand them herself.. But if what she said was true, then they were much, much more effective than she had given them credit for. They were still new, after all. The only thing she needed to know was not to give away the password for the union; which seemed to have translated into her understanding of the technology overall. "Oh, well that's much more logical. I.. Really didn't know it worked that way." Aleuta might realize that Lilia was about to trade them the 'password' for all the crystal union technology - Effectively giving them every technological advantage they would have had. It might do Lilia well to brush up on her academics. "You just saved me a lot of grief back home.. Shall we correct this deal then..? Burch Ciphers for Celestial Navigation? Perhaps a no retrade condition on them both? I think that would make both technologies more valuable to the both of us, if we did so." The Queen nodded, relieved to hear that her near misstep had been corrected.

Throughout the girl's small speech, Lilia remained quiet - Listening intently and absorbing all that she said. Lady Spring was remarkably wise, though she wasn't sure if that was a product of age or culture. Perhaps both. "Aleuta.." She says slowly, forming her words in her head. "Please know that the warmth of Spring is both appreciated and respected. I find that understanding is what paves the way for peace, and in these last few years I feel that I have come to understand you and your people in a way that has not been accomplished in my culture perhaps ever. And maybe never again. In the same way that you don't need to apologize for being who you are, I shall not apologize for my worry in seeing the technology gifted away. However, I will thank you, for being so true to your word and maintaining the promises of your every breath that bind your feet to the ground. I can think of no word to describe it other than admirable, and I will strive to be regarded in an equal light of truth." She paused for a moment, the aspis curling onto her other shoulder and closing its eyes.

"I would be honored to be your friend, Aleuta. I cannot promise political mercy by it, or better trade agreements, but for where it counts I will treat you not as an ally, but as a friend. I may not always be able to send help on a whim to aid you in whatever struggles you face, alas, that is the disadvantage of being in a federation is it not? I've got two others to help keep me in my place." She smiled, though it seemed more honest this time. "But wherever my influence can help, I will to my best to apply it. Naturally, I believe that as both of us would be friends that the feeling should be mutual. ..As for the Ruby Legion, I understand your discontent with them in the moment, though I beg of you not to look upon them too poorly. For even if their direction seemed unwise, they strive to protect our pride as a nation, and have done a great many things on their own for the good of our people. When our first king; Hilden, my predecessor, decided he wanted to aid the Nevarri league in their war it was both foolish and impossible. We had the Ruby Legion to thank for guiding us to wisdom in that time, and their deed has not been forgotten. I find that they think of results perhaps, more so than the process. It makes them seem unreasonable at times perhaps, but altogether more effective. We tend to balance eachother out in this way, and often we are all the better for it. You needn't forgive them for their haste, though I know I have. Holding onto grudges for too long tends to eat at my head.. Hilden died just yesterday, and still I had not forgiven him, nor had I elected to visit him in years.. I feel awful for it. ..My guilt has made most things this day impossible to enjoy."

"In matters of faith, nobody can truly and honestly say that they are correct. At least, not in a way that proves their correctness to the others. You may or may not know this, but I am actually going to be hosting a gathering of global faiths within the next three years. The representatives of the Old Gods are more than welcome to attend, and I would be content to see their beliefs brought up to equal status of the other three major faiths that seem to be present in most places around the world."

"I shall be certain to inform Lord Winter of your intent. I must confess that though I hold great respect for the Word and the Old Gods, religions as a whole hold for me far too many questions with not enough answers. Faith is accepting the mysteries." Aleuta said this as though repeating some great wisdom she had heard many times. She offered nothing by way of explanation, however, and continued, "For my part, I accept your friendship, and understand your position. We shall strive to be friends, even if our two political powers cannot always agree. To that end, I shall see draft a new contract for the exchange of the method of creating new Burch Ciphers and the Celestial Navigation method our merchants use. A fair - and explicitly worded - clause regarding exchanges of our respective methods by the other will be included. And... another offer. Something that Lady Spring does, as she seeks to make friends: I would like to recommend a Spring Girl live within your court."

"You might see her as an ambassador, but you would be doing me a favor, really, if you accepted. The Girl I have in mind has been... learning about other cultures in a very unique environment. Her name is Gwyndulin, and for the past twenty-five or so years, she has lived underground with the the Prevaz. Her eyesight has been affected, and she has taken to wearing a cloth around her head, as the sunlight hurts her. She needs a quiet place to recover, and though I'd like to think that would be in Tir Amser, Gwyndulin is also among the most honorable of my Court. She would insist upon aiding in my works. If, however, she were already in the company of another world leader, she would be working. If that world leader perhaps was also my friend, and had little for Gwyndulin to actually do except partake of the occasional conversation, then the Girl would have the time to heal that she needs."

Aleuta's smile widened, as she thought of how neatly this all worked together, "And Gwyndulin would do her job well. She would learn of your culture by listening, and you, in turn, could seek her out to continue to ask about the Aeldir and our own culture. In those matters, she would be happy to advise you. But... do not ask her to be near should Queen Eleanor come to call. I will take what you have said into advisement regarding the Ruby Legion, and perhaps, one day, I may forgive them as a whole; but the Courts hold grudges like small flames. They warm our thoughts in deepest cold, and having trouble releasing our hold of them was much of what caused the Age of Conflict. So while I might forgive the Ruby Legion, I think it will be quite some time before any of the Courts willingly reach out to speak with Queen Eleanor."

2016-04-24, 12:23 PM
Well. That was that. Owena could see no way to stop Bas Pride now, not without hurting his station. It was foolish. It was unneeded. It might very well hurt their chances of either Salvax or Rexline being accepted by Lord Summer, but so too could hearing about this escalating to such a degree, and then one of them backing down. It would be akin to admitting to Lord Summer that one race was not up to being warriors.

Owena had no doubt that Lord Summer would hear of this, regardless of the outcome. Lord Turien Drustan struck Owena as someone whom would very much encourage this conflict. So, short of another Season stepping in and demanding the fight be forestalled, this was going to happen.

...and Lady Spring was otherwise occupied. So Owena did the only thing she could. She set terms. "To first blood only. Anything beyond that will hurt the reputation of both fighters. We shall use a section of the city where we will be less likely to be observed. This is an internal matter, among the Courts, and is not a festivity. Would you not agree, Lady Sabel?"

1d10, no modifiers? Highest roll wins the fight? Normally, I'd say Military scores, but we're both a '8' and in the same Federation anyways :smalltongue:

Bas Pride rolled a 3.

Lady Sabel wasn't sure she did agree with Lady Owena. An internal matter between Courts? The Rexline and Salvax may have pledged themselves to one Court or another as Ser Pel's father had with the Autumn Court but they certainly were not of those Courts. They were members of the Demesne and certainly represented it as such, making discretion important but as non-Aeldir they could never truly represent the Courts. Nonetheless she felt no desire to argue and managed to guide Ser Pel to a quieter corner of Valkyrie, defaulting to the Spring Girl's more natural senses in discovering an appropriate location. Lady Sabel repeated the terms Owena had set forth and stepped back to allow the fighters their space.

Rolled a 10 (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=20703636&postcount=744) :smalltongue:

After all of the pleasantries were out of the way Thalgram wanted to see if Bas Pride had decided to come to this event as it had been rumored that The Spring Court was coming to the event. After searching long and hard through the mazes of blocky buildings and asking many people if they had seen Bas Pride(Who conveniently stands out quite a bit), he saw him in the distance with Owena and some others he did not recognized. As he approached he saw that they were not just simply conversing, but Bas Pride and the black Rexline were fighting. Making sure not to show himself to them until their conflict was resolved he stood in the shadows. After the conflict was done he approached.

The short black fur along Ser Pel's face and neck stood on end as he circled Bas Pride. He did not reach for his ax but instead extended his claws. One inch of sharp, flesh-cutting bone protruded from the tip of each finger. Ser Pel growled a low threatening purr and lunged at Bas Pride. The tiger was equally fast and dodged the Rexline's first lunge but was taken by surprise as Ser Pel swept backwards with his claws and caught the white tiger's hindquarters. Blood sprang from the wound but the two combatants were too focused to notice and before either Owena or Sabel could call for a stop the two sprung at each other once more.

In this pass Ser Pel raked his claws along Pride's right flank opening him up with three deep cuts but paying for the wound with two of his own raked down his chest by Bas Pride. This time when they separated Lady Sabel's firm hand gripped Ser Pel's arm and pulled him away. Slowly his head began to clear of battle and he could hear the world again as Lady Sabel told him he had won. He looked over towards Bas Pride and saw the white tiger was now missing a good portion of his tail which lay lifeless on the ground. The tiger's wounds were bleeding well though Pel could see they were not fatal. He looked to his own wound. He could feel the burning pain but it was still dulled by the heightened state battle had brought him to. He admired his wound's natural redness and smelled the metallic twang of fresh blood.

His nose twitched in the air at an unfamiliar scent and he turned just to see another Rexline. Though not a Blackfur Ser Pel recognized him as some distant kin perhaps from the Crystal Union or the free Rexline kingdom of Petravolan. Ser Pel eyed the newcomer warily half expecting another challenger.

2016-04-24, 05:03 PM
Mariya heard a voice addressing the bride and turned to see Baram in front of her.

"Oh My Lord, I remember seeing you at the Karnavali, though I do not believe we had the chance to meet. It is an honour to meet you properly, thank you for taking the time out of the festivities to attend my wedding." Mariya cast her eyes down modestly as the handsome future Protos kissed her hand. Erik, who had been standing behind her had been somewhat jealous to hear that Mariya had noticed another man at the Ambrosan Festival, and he pulled her back to him only slightly possessively.

"It is a pleasure, My Lord. I am First Erik Wilheim of Inorog. The Groom." His tone was civil however as he greeted the charismatic newcomer though his arm stayed firmly around his bride's waist.

Baram grinned as Erik introduced himself,

"Greetings and congratulations on your joyous day." Baram spoke to the other man carefully and with respect, not wishing to push the man any more than was seemly.

"I apologize that your wedding has caught me quite unprepared, I am afraid that I do not have a proper gift. I will be sure to have something sent to Inorog as soon as I return to Ambrose." Baram took his leave of the couple and found a seat among the other guests.

2016-04-25, 08:20 AM
"I apologize, but I'm afraid that I don't understand. What exactly are you suggesting here?"

Rhona had to be careful here. Technically, what she was considering doing was within her station, but she did not carry the same weight or authority as Lady Spring herself did. "The Spring Court makes it it's business to know a few things. Some of them end up being no more than rumors, and some are truths. I suppose what I am suggesting is that, if Uca Jajaka Councilman Cassandra Harrier wished it of me, I could... speculate on the answer to a question for her. The price for such speculation, would be quite cheap: only to continue to think of the Courts fondly."

"Might I recommend you wonder aloud about what occurs within Avonlea? It is after all, a major seat of power for those whom follow the Grand Church of Daen."

Lady Sabel wasn't sure she did agree with Lady Owena. An internal matter between Courts? The Rexline and Salvax may have pledged themselves to one Court or another as Ser Pel's father had with the Autumn Court but they certainly were not of those Courts. They were members of the Demesne and certainly represented it as such, making discretion important but as non-Aeldir they could never truly represent the Courts. Nonetheless she felt no desire to argue and managed to guide Ser Pel to a quieter corner of Valkyrie, defaulting to the Spring Girl's more natural senses in discovering an appropriate location. Lady Sabel repeated the terms Owena had set forth and stepped back to allow the fighters their space.

The short black fur along Ser Pel's face and neck stood on end as he circled Bas Pride. He did not reach for his ax but instead extended his claws. One inch of sharp, flesh-cutting bone protruded from the tip of each finger. Ser Pel growled a low threatening purr and lunged at Bas Pride. The tiger was equally fast and dodged the Rexline's first lunge but was taken by surprise as Ser Pel swept backwards with his claws and caught the white tiger's hindquarters. Blood sprang from the wound but the two combatants were too focused to notice and before either Owena or Sabel could call for a stop the two sprung at each other once more.

In this pass Ser Pel raked his claws along Pride's right flank opening him up with three deep cuts but paying for the wound with two of his own raked down his chest by Bas Pride. This time when they separated Lady Sabel's firm hand gripped Ser Pel's arm and pulled him away. Slowly his head began to clear of battle and he could hear the world again as Lady Sabel told him he had won. He looked over towards Bas Pride and saw the white tiger was now missing a good portion of his tail which lay lifeless on the ground. The tiger's wounds were bleeding well though Pel could see they were not fatal. He looked to his own wound. He could feel the burning pain but it was still dulled by the heightened state battle had brought him to. He admired his wound's natural redness and smelled the metallic twang of fresh blood.

His nose twitched in the air at an unfamiliar scent and he turned just to see another Rexline. Though not a Blackfur Ser Pel recognized him as some distant kin perhaps from the Crystal Union or the free Rexline kingdom of Petravolan. Ser Pel eyed the newcomer warily half expecting another challenger.

Owena had found a clearing, close to the edge of town. She mused, from the smell, that it was perhaps used for allowing those that lived within the nearby stables to stretch their legs a little under the care of a groom. With so many animals being needed to transport guests, however, neither grooms nor stable-dwellers were nearby.

...it did not take but a moment. In a flash, it was done. Ser Pel had drawn first blood, and Bas Pride had lost. Owena was about to move forward, when she realized that neither of the combatants were stopping. She looked quickly upon Warchod Prejudice, perhaps the only one here whom could wade into the fray and get both of Ser Pel and Bas Pride's notice. The Elephant Salvax was already moving. For someone usually so lumbering, she was moving with uncanny grace and speed... but she was too late. Another exchange occurred, and Lady Sabel was at Ser Pel's side at the same time that Lady Owena was leaping towards Bas Pride, whom was screaming emotions of pain and anger. If Prejudice had not taken her trunk and looped it around the Tiger's body, Owena was sure that Pride would want to continue the fight.

He calmed only when he finally noticed his tail was gone; a stump of it's former self. It should have made him angrier, and Owena noted that there was a brief flash of roiling disdain, to a level she'd never felt before from the Bas of the South Hunt, but it was quickly replaced by a mixture of respect, shame, and honor. Prejudice felt it too, and released the Bas, who began to radiate disinterest, though his eyes locked upon the Warchod, and a conversation was held so quickly, that Lady Owena struggled to follow it; she doubted even the Salvax Ri would have been able to follow the exchange.

While Pride stretched and lay down, still in pain, but trying not to show it, Prejudice looked over at Owena, and tried to explain, ::Honor. Shame. Fear. Loyalty. Regret. Pain. Pride.::

It was extremely complex, to the level that Owena had not had to translate before, but she got the gist of it. It made more sense as Owena watched Warchod Prejudice walk over and grasp the discarded tail on the ground in her trunk, and bring it not back to Bas Pride, but to the feet of Ser Pel. Owena made her mouth work with effort, and said, "Ser Pel, Bas Pride acknowledges your skill as a hunter, and to his shame, did not notice after being struck by first blood. Had he noticed, his honor would have compelled him to stop, but he thanks you for continuing when you did not have to; he fears that he might have done something much worse, had you not continued to defend yourself. He accepts the shame of this combat going beyond it's agreed upon point entirely on himself, and regrets that his price is the loss of his tail. Though he is in pain and will need to be treated, he still wants... a part of him to go upon the hunt. Will you accept and carry what once was his tail with you?"

Owena hoped that Lady Sabel would see the inconsistencies in the words and the earlier actions. Owena's own account of the fight would have sworn that it was both fighters whom had continued, and not just Pride whom had battled with his wound unnoticed. Yet, she speculated, if both fighters were accused of not stopping, repercussions would be certain; it could even effect Lord Summer's decision. If the loser accepted defeat, however, and any blame along with the loss of a body part, Bas Pride would lose face, but Ser Pel could go into the Great Hunt with honor intact. For the benefit of them both, Pride was sacrificing more than his tail.

If you would like to roll for the Great Hunt, I've just checked our collective stats. 8 Mil, 10 Cur, and 8 Luck are our highest.

2016-04-25, 10:08 AM
Rhona had to be careful here. Technically, what she was considering doing was within her station, but she did not carry the same weight or authority as Lady Spring herself did. "The Spring Court makes it it's business to know a few things. Some of them end up being no more than rumors, and some are truths. I suppose what I am suggesting is that, if Uca Jajaka Councilman Cassandra Harrier wished it of me, I could... speculate on the answer to a question for her. The price for such speculation, would be quite cheap: only to continue to think of the Courts fondly."

"Might I recommend you wonder aloud about what occurs within Avonlea? It is after all, a major seat of power for those whom follow the Grand Church of Daen."

Cassandra raised an eyebrow, as Avonlea was an odd topic within the Union. They were neighbors, but the only interaction was shortly before Pralkemiri was murdered, so the Daenic kingdom got a bit overshadowed by other current events. "Interesting. Why would Avonlea be worthy of discussion? We know that they are humans and we know that they are idiots.* What else is there that would be worth knowing?"

*[OOC] No offence to you Mary; these are just IC musings of my ruler based on your sky-deity. We can still be friends OOC.

2016-04-25, 12:35 PM
"Please have a care, Uca Jajaka Councilman Cassandra Harrier. Just as I would not wish to disrespect you or your station, so to do I caution you against disrespecting the Friends of the Aeldir as recognized by the Courts." Lady Rhona said cautiously. "Avonlea comes to mind because of that fact: they are the first confirmed Friend outside the Courts. This is an irrefutable truth. Other such truths I would like to present for your consideration."

"Truth: High Queen Thalia Darkthorne went missing some years ago. Yet, she was never found, either alive or dead. She was quite involved with the League of Allied Provinces, baring children that still live in Ambrose. Truth: High Queen Aris Morningsworn became more involved with the Rose Courts than any could anticipate, even swaying Lord Winter to allow her to bare not one, but two children of," here Lady Rhona shuddered, and it was clearly involuntary on her part, "the Dullahan Lugh Annan. This tied Avonlea to Balor Morrig in ways that have never before been considered, and even now are widely speculated upon within Tir Amser. Truth: those same two children recently arrived to Tir Amser, as guests of the Winter Court. Their mother's precise whereabouts are unknown to me. Perhaps Lady Spring has been told, or perhaps not. Queen Aris Morningsworn is queen no more in Avonlea. Truth: The Prophetess Council has long been the - some might say shadowy - support for both Avonlea and the new Church of Daen. While they may not be the face of these two powers, it is speculated that the Council has been known to move the hands and feet of those political bodies more than once. And finally, truth: the new leader of Avonlea is referred to not as 'High Queen', but 'High Priestess'."

"These are all truths. Things not just for consideration, but as a matter of confirm-able fact. I make no assumptions regarding the Union of Besina's capabilities, but I assure you, if you were not already aware of these facts personally, it is a matter of ease to determine them." Rhona bowed her head respectfully, before she continued, "What I say next, however, is my own speculation. Things that, like a Satyr's Puzzle-game, I have pieced together. I admit freely that they have not been confirmed, but I suspect they hold truth. Firstly, I believe that Lord Winter knows more about Avonlea's inner workings than he is saying to others, even other Seasons. His purview is not just the head of our faith, but the holder of our secrets. I personally think he has begun a secret game, and the pieces move within Avonlea. Even now, I have heard whispers that Lady Autumn and the Dullahan-" again, another shudder, "-sail for Avonlean shores."

"If this is true, then I further suspect that many non-Aeldir may soon find out the reasons that we within the Courts have a healthy... respect... for the Dullahan Lugh Annan. I could also speculate that it might be better - and perhaps more enjoyable? - to sit back and watch things unfold." Lady Rhona looked back upon the city, gazing upon nothing in particular, her face a mask of careful thought.

"Just some things to consider, Uca Jajaka Councilman Cassandra Harrier." Rhona finished saying before she suddenly bowed formally, and her head down, her voice became a whisper. It was so soft, it could almost have been the wind speaking, "Truth: We will support our Friends."

When she spoke again, a smile was on her face, as she backed away respectfully, "I hope that this information might, in some small way, have changed your mood. If you will excuse me."

With that, Lady Rhona ducked into a small moving crowd, and was gone.

2016-04-25, 01:56 PM
Ser Cadwy had learned to be ever vigilant. It was why he spotted the Nihoni delegates before Aures, and thus was prepared when she ran barreling towards her older brother.

Aures Penddraig, now many years a fully grown woman, drove straight into the chest of the First Nihonwyr, wrapping her arms around her brother's torso with a loud squee. She buried her face into the Margrave's chest, hiding under her long blonde mane, in which she wore flowers in a manner similar to members of the Spring Court.

It was then that a rare thing happened. For the first time in many years, a true smile crossed the First Nihonwyr's face.

"Little Pip. You seem well."

Aures released her brother, looking up at him with a huge, toothy grin. "How are things back home, brother? How is Llywe?"

"Good. Things are good. And Lywe is the same pain-in-the-arse melodramatist as always."

"And my mother?"

"As mettlesome as always," the Margrave responded, his smile dying.

Aures' eyes wandered, settling on Raj Achten and growing large at the sight of the behemoth. "Mr. Achten!"

The giant crouched down to his knees to bring his face closer to the young Nihoni as she approached. Even then, she had to reach up to tuck the flower she had removed from her hair into the Awladal'ardi's cowl.

"Lovely," the Raj said, what expression his scarred face could muster indicating that his actual option was much to the contrary.

"You should meet Bas Pride, Mister Achten. You two would get on swimmingly. He has stripes, just like your cat."

"And where might the Salvax be, Pip?"

"He got challenged by a Rexline. They went somewhere to fight."

The First Nihowyr looked incredulously to Ser Cadwy. The bodyguard simply shrugged.

Bas Pride's tail was rated a "Deadly" (the highest rating) on the Aures Penddraig Scale of FluffinessTM. She will likely be devastated by its demise.

As a general note, Aures and the First Nihonwyr aren't getting any younger. So if anyone is interested in finding out what races can successfully bred with the Nihoni, they do need spouses. And while on the subject, both the Raj and Ser Cadwy are single and looking to mingle.

2016-04-25, 03:15 PM
Among the throng of foreigners crowding Valkyrie, even one in the robes of a Lord Magister could pass largely unnoticed, and he had never liked such formal and awkward costume anyway. To any of these onlookers, save those who knew him by sight (a small, though significant, group in this part of the world) he was likely just another Ambrosan dignitary, albeit one with a curious and old-fashioned sense of style.

So much war. Toja was not afraid to fight when necessary, though for years now he had preferred almost any alternative that did not involve loss of life. But Primus seemed to revel in it. Mass melees, duels, naval combats, all of it to glorify individual strength and muscle. He had a degree of admiration for the military of Nand, which prioritised strategy, manoeuvre and tactics over personal prowess, but Primus seemed to reverse that trend almost entirely. There was no room in the arena for anything beyond brute force. Even their version of chess was a testament to their focus on the local at the expense of the strategic: they had taken a game made great by its independence from chance, and decided that the best way to improve it was to add an element of random luck. He had to smile.

And this is the land to which my people so nearly found themselves bound, he thought.

Then the High Queen made her announcement regarding the hunt, and something twisted in his stomach. For a few moments - just that - he stood still, as the implications settled in, and his mind scrambled for options. There was none other of magisterial rank here, which made him the senior Puldine and empowered to take action on behalf of his homeland. But there were none here who knew him, and he was not wearing any insignia which identified him as such; even were he to compromise the anonymity he had sought, the chances were he would be ignored or, at worst, sent to join Martelo as the "game". Independent action, his preferred modus operandi, was fraught with risk, both to himself and to the overall chances of success. The Limnis was hundreds of miles away, and Valkyrie an isolated fortress. That left him with one principal option, which he disliked on general principle, but was nevertheless his best chance.

He threaded his way through the crowd until he reached Baram. "This is an outrage," he said, without preamble.

2016-04-25, 03:17 PM
[Rhona and Navus]

"I suppose." Rikadime shrugged. "But they're in quite a hurry, so I'm putting most of it together right now." She winked at Rhona. "And I imagine the other Avonlean maids are here to serve as bridesmaids. The position is probably open."

[My Big Fat Primal Wedding]

The Hall of Heroes was a place that a chapter reserved for its greatest champions; primarily, the founder of the chapter, the founder of knight chapters in general, and those who died performing some great deed. However, no one had yet died in the nameless chapter's service, and so the only statues were of the first Knight-Protector and High Queen Breydice, at the front of the hall. The remainder had been cleared, and some seats prepared. Silk in Avonlean colors (as well as the blacks and reds of the Primal) draped from the stone columns that strongly contrasted the architecture outside.

Mariya and Erik's union would be witnessed by a greater assortment of powers than they could perhaps have dreamed; foreign dignitaries and nobles had been invited to attend the wedding. The High Queen of Primus and hear head diplomat attended (the latter even providing marvelous rings of moonsilver) as well as several of the guests' higher ranking officials. News of the wedding had spread throughout all of Valkyrie, and several citizens had attempted to enter as well.

"Friends, guests, and countrymen; We are gathered today to bear witness to the wedding of Mariya Stoutheart of Avonlea and Erik Wilheim of Inorog." Chapter Master Faunus opened a book on his pedestal. "They are to be the first wedded within these halls. An auspicious sign." (Lady Navus snickered and Breydice rolled her eyes. Religious people, amiright?) Faunus looked up to the crowd. "To be wedded by love is a treasure beyond any other the gods have granted us. Eternal youth, prophecy, scripture, even magic, what is that compared to the purity of the heart and the touch of another's soul? Hold on tightly to each other, and do not let go for anything. May the stars themselves sing of your union for all eternity."

"Now, before we begin the ceremony proper," He turned the book to its first pages, which were entirely blank. "Is there any among our witnesses who can attest to a reason these two should not be wed?" He held up a hand. "A practical reason. Anyone who stands up to shout about how they're not actually in love like a bad play is going to be introduced to the flat side of my broadsword."

2016-04-25, 03:47 PM
Among the throng of foreigners crowding Valkyrie, even one in the robes of a Lord Magister could pass largely unnoticed, and he had never liked such formal and awkward costume anyway. To any of these onlookers, save those who knew him by sight (a small, though significant, group in this part of the world) he was likely just another Ambrosan dignitary, albeit one with a curious and old-fashioned sense of style.

So much war. Toja was not afraid to fight when necessary, though for years now he had preferred almost any alternative that did not involve loss of life. But Primus seemed to revel in it. Mass melees, duels, naval combats, all of it to glorify individual strength and muscle. He had a degree of admiration for the military of Nand, which prioritised strategy, manoeuvre and tactics over personal prowess, but Primus seemed to reverse that trend almost entirely. There was no room in the arena for anything beyond brute force. Even their version of chess was a testament to their focus on the local at the expense of the strategic: they had taken a game made great by its independence from chance, and decided that the best way to improve it was to add an element of random luck. He had to smile.

And this is the land to which my people so nearly found themselves bound, he thought.

Then the High Queen made her announcement regarding the hunt, and something twisted in his stomach. For a few moments - just that - he stood still, as the implications settled in, and his mind scrambled for options. There was none other of magisterial rank here, which made him the senior Puldine and empowered to take action on behalf of his homeland. But there were none here who knew him, and he was not wearing any insignia which identified him as such; even were he to compromise the anonymity he had sought, the chances were he would be ignored or, at worst, sent to join Martelo as the "game". Independent action, his preferred modus operandi, was fraught with risk, both to himself and to the overall chances of success. The Limnis was hundreds of miles away, and Valkyrie an isolated fortress. That left him with one principal option, which he disliked on general principle, but was nevertheless his best chance.

He threaded his way through the crowd until he reached Baram. "This is an outrage," he said, without preamble.

"Quite so." Baram spoke without hesitation, though he cursed inwardly. Damn he had been afraid this was an outrage. He cursed again, silently this time, his father would be angry that he had not been able to stop Arsen from participating in this distasteful hunt.

2016-04-25, 04:00 PM
[Rhona and Navus]

"I suppose." Rikadime shrugged. "But they're in quite a hurry, so I'm putting most of it together right now." She winked at Rhona. "And I imagine the other Avonlean maids are here to serve as bridesmaids. The position is probably open."

[My Big Fat Primal Wedding]

The Hall of Heroes was a place that a chapter reserved for its greatest champions; primarily, the founder of the chapter, the founder of knight chapters in general, and those who died performing some great deed. However, no one had yet died in the nameless chapter's service, and so the only statues were of the first Knight-Protector and High Queen Breydice, at the front of the hall. The remainder had been cleared, and some seats prepared. Silk in Avonlean colors (as well as the blacks and reds of the Primal) draped from the stone columns that strongly contrasted the architecture outside.

Mariya and Erik's union would be witnessed by a greater assortment of powers than they could perhaps have dreamed; foreign dignitaries and nobles had been invited to attend the wedding. The High Queen of Primus and hear head diplomat attended (the latter even providing marvelous rings of moonsilver) as well as several of the guests' higher ranking officials. News of the wedding had spread throughout all of Valkyrie, and several citizens had attempted to enter as well.

"Friends, guests, and countrymen; We are gathered today to bear witness to the wedding of Mariya Stoutheart of Avonlea and Erik Wilheim of Inorog." Chapter Master Faunus opened a book on his pedestal. "They are to be the first wedded within these halls. An auspicious sign." (Lady Navus snickered and Breydice rolled her eyes. Religious people, amiright?) Faunus looked up to the crowd. "To be wedded by love is a treasure beyond any other the gods have granted us. Eternal youth, prophecy, scripture, even magic, what is that compared to the purity of the heart and the touch of another's soul? Hold on tightly to each other, and do not let go for anything. May the stars themselves sing of your union for all eternity."

"Now, before we begin the ceremony proper," He turned the book to its first pages, which were entirely blank. "Is there any among our witnesses who can attest to a reason these two should not be wed?" He held up a hand. "A practical reason. Anyone who stands up to shout about how they're not actually in love like a bad play is going to be introduced to the flat side of my broadsword."

Erik and Mariya awaited almost nervously to see if anybody might speak against them. Erik smiled sheepishly at Mariya, trying to ease the tension that had built upon the long silence of their wait. After a few silent moments had passed, they turned back to Faunus expectantly, relief in their eyes as they clasped hands and prepared to be wed.

2016-04-25, 04:26 PM
Erik and Mariya awaited almost nervously to see if anybody might speak against them. Erik smiled sheepishly at Mariya, trying to ease the tension that had built upon the long silence of their wait. After a few silent moments had passed, they turned back to Faunus expectantly, relief in their eyes as they clasped hands and prepared to be wed.

Ella Frostmoor had been little more than a girl when she had run away to escape an undesirable arranged marriage. Her family likely assumed her long dead, though she had few regrets on that score. How could she, when it was they who had driven her away - and, oh! what excitement Toja had offered her to make up for any homesickness! How many foreign lands, exotic peoples, insights into events she could only have dreamed of witnessing had she stayed at home in Avonlea. It had not all been unalloyed bliss, of course. Her voluptuous figure and honey-coloured hair had been of no remark in Avonlea, where it was utterly typical of a large swathe of the population, but there were those in foreign lands who paid rather more attention to such attributes, and the gawping, whistling, even groping, in more uncivilised regions, had become tiresome, to say the least. As too had the snide remarks about Toja and his "companions" among those who had known him longer than she, for she was aware that, for all that his relationship with her was never more than respectful and avuncular, he did tend to favour attractive young women. But then if a weakness for beauty and innocence was the worst that could be said of him, that spoke to his other enduring qualities.

He had left her to explore the city on her own, and she had to admit that, while the Primal were far from the most refined people she had encountered, it was refreshing to be able to walk around in relative peace and quiet without the molestation she had had to endure elsewhere (especially in the port cities where the Lismis often called. Nevertheless, like Toja himself, she fairly quickly became bored of the entertainments on offer. There was only so long she could watch people bashing away at each other before she began to feel slightly ill, especially if their armour proved insufficient. And the streets were not so much better: there was a filth to them in both senses that didn't help her stomach at all. More than once she had to avert her eyes from something she would rather not have seen: the Primal, it seemed, turned sexual liberation into a vice.

But oh! A wedding! Having escaped an unwanted marriage herself, weddings had taken on a curious fascination for Ella, who couldn't help herself from wanting to see both what she had managed to elude, and what she might be missing out on. She made her way through the crowds around the Hall of Heroes and up the steps, flashing her diplomatic credentials at any who might move across to stop her. She had no idea what gibberish Toja had actually scrawled on the scroll, but nor did anyone who might be interested in it, and it was a rare guard who would run the risk of upsetting a dignitary (and, by extension, his own masters) for the sake of admitting they couldn't read, especially with a large shiny seal of the Academy gracing it.

Unfortunately, she managed to enter the hall only a few moments after the call for objections, and before the ceremony had properly resumed.

2016-04-25, 04:36 PM
Owena had found a clearing, close to the edge of town. She mused, from the smell, that it was perhaps used for allowing those that lived within the nearby stables to stretch their legs a little under the care of a groom. With so many animals being needed to transport guests, however, neither grooms nor stable-dwellers were nearby.

...it did not take but a moment. In a flash, it was done. Ser Pel had drawn first blood, and Bas Pride had lost. Owena was about to move forward, when she realized that neither of the combatants were stopping. She looked quickly upon Warchod Prejudice, perhaps the only one here whom could wade into the fray and get both of Ser Pel and Bas Pride's notice. The Elephant Salvax was already moving. For someone usually so lumbering, she was moving with uncanny grace and speed... but she was too late. Another exchange occurred, and Lady Sabel was at Ser Pel's side at the same time that Lady Owena was leaping towards Bas Pride, whom was screaming emotions of pain and anger. If Prejudice had not taken her trunk and looped it around the Tiger's body, Owena was sure that Pride would want to continue the fight.

He calmed only when he finally noticed his tail was gone; a stump of it's former self. It should have made him angrier, and Owena noted that there was a brief flash of roiling disdain, to a level she'd never felt before from the Bas of the South Hunt, but it was quickly replaced by a mixture of respect, shame, and honor. Prejudice felt it too, and released the Bas, who began to radiate disinterest, though his eyes locked upon the Warchod, and a conversation was held so quickly, that Lady Owena struggled to follow it; she doubted even the Salvax Ri would have been able to follow the exchange.

While Pride stretched and lay down, still in pain, but trying not to show it, Prejudice looked over at Owena, and tried to explain, ::Honor. Shame. Fear. Loyalty. Regret. Pain. Pride.::

It was extremely complex, to the level that Owena had not had to translate before, but she got the gist of it. It made more sense as Owena watched Warchod Prejudice walk over and grasp the discarded tail on the ground in her trunk, and bring it not back to Bas Pride, but to the feet of Ser Pel. Owena made her mouth work with effort, and said, "Ser Pel, Bas Pride acknowledges your skill as a hunter, and to his shame, did not notice after being struck by first blood. Had he noticed, his honor would have compelled him to stop, but he thanks you for continuing when you did not have to; he fears that he might have done something much worse, had you not continued to defend yourself. He accepts the shame of this combat going beyond it's agreed upon point entirely on himself, and regrets that his price is the loss of his tail. Though he is in pain and will need to be treated, he still wants... a part of him to go upon the hunt. Will you accept and carry what once was his tail with you?"

Owena hoped that Lady Sabel would see the inconsistencies in the words and the earlier actions. Owena's own account of the fight would have sworn that it was both fighters whom had continued, and not just Pride whom had battled with his wound unnoticed. Yet, she speculated, if both fighters were accused of not stopping, repercussions would be certain; it could even effect Lord Summer's decision. If the loser accepted defeat, however, and any blame along with the loss of a body part, Bas Pride would lose face, but Ser Pel could go into the Great Hunt with honor intact. For the benefit of them both, Pride was sacrificing more than his tail.

If you would like to roll for the Great Hunt, I've just checked our collective stats. 8 Mil, 10 Cur, and 8 Luck are our highest.

Ser Pel's nose twitched as the Spring Aeldir presented the Salvax's tail to him. He reached out and grabbed the blood-stained length of furry flesh. He wrapped it around his wrist securely and looked over towards Bas Pride with a stern look. Perhaps the respect of one hunter to another or perhaps simply an expression of dominance it was unclear. Lady Sabel watched the exchange and noted Owena's careful words. Now the results of hunt alone would determine Lord Summer's decision.

If I'm reading the revised rulings Ser Pel is dead? Rolls

2016-04-25, 05:01 PM
Ella Frostmoor had been little more than a girl when she had run away to escape an undesirable arranged marriage. Her family likely assumed her long dead, though she had few regrets on that score. How could she, when it was they who had driven her away - and, oh! what excitement Toja had offered her to make up for any homesickness! How many foreign lands, exotic peoples, insights into events she could only have dreamed of witnessing had she stayed at home in Avonlea. It had not all been unalloyed bliss, of course. Her voluptuous figure and honey-coloured hair had been of no remark in Avonlea, where it was utterly typical of a large swathe of the population, but there were those in foreign lands who paid rather more attention to such attributes, and the gawping, whistling, even groping, in more uncivilised regions, had become tiresome, to say the least. As too had the snide remarks about Toja and his "companions" among those who had known him longer than she, for she was aware that, for all that his relationship with her was never more than respectful and avuncular, he did tend to favour attractive young women. But then if a weakness for beauty and innocence was the worst that could be said of him, that spoke to his other enduring qualities.

He had left her to explore the city on her own, and she had to admit that, while the Primal were far from the most refined people she had encountered, it was refreshing to be able to walk around in relative peace and quiet without the molestation she had had to endure elsewhere (especially in the port cities where the Lismis often called. Nevertheless, like Toja himself, she fairly quickly became bored of the entertainments on offer. There was only so long she could watch people bashing away at each other before she began to feel slightly ill, especially if their armour proved insufficient. And the streets were not so much better: there was a filth to them in both senses that didn't help her stomach at all. More than once she had to avert her eyes from something she would rather not have seen: the Primal, it seemed, turned sexual liberation into a vice.

But oh! A wedding! Having escaped an unwanted marriage herself, weddings had taken on a curious fascination for Nissa, who couldn't help herself from wanting to see both what she had managed to elude, and what she might be missing out on. She made her way through the crowds around the Hall of Heroes and up the steps, flashing her diplomatic credentials at any who might move across to stop her. She had no idea what gibberish Toja had actually scrawled on the scroll, but nor did anyone who might be interested in it, and it was a rare guard who would run the risk of upsetting a dignitary (and, by extension, his own masters) for the sake of admitting they couldn't read, especially with a large shiny seal of the Academy gracing it.

Unfortunately, she managed to enter the hall only a few moments after the call for objections, and before the ceremony had properly resumed.

Mariya and Erik turned as one to the newcomer who had barged in late into their wedding. Erik looked quite perturbed while Mariya looked askance at well anybody who would help the woman find the strange woman find a seat so that their wedding may conclude at last.

ooc: an arranged marriage would be quite the odd thing to run away from in Avonlea. :smalltongue:

2016-04-25, 05:38 PM
Erik and Mariya awaited almost nervously to see if anybody might speak against them. Erik smiled sheepishly at Mariya, trying to ease the tension that had built upon the long silence of their wait. After a few silent moments had passed, they turned back to Faunus expectantly, relief in their eyes as they clasped hands and prepared to be wed.

"...Very well. No objections have been raised." Faunus smiled. "Despite the length of this interruption." He teased the new arrival.

From his podium, he took a ribbon of silk, and gave each of the couple a ring of moonsilver. "Exchange your rings, and put them on - Mariya on your left hand, Erik on your right. Then clasp your other hand together with your fiance."

As they did so, he took the ribbon and tied their hands together. "What I am about to say has been said since the first chapter, and will be said at the last. Listen well."

"Marriage is a commitment to the well-being of your partner, and an eternal oath of love. Your life will now be shared with another from now, unto eternity. Beauty and strength fade with the seasons, youth is rubbed down by time. But your love and oath will endure. Celebrate your joys and endure your trials, for this bond shall never fade."

Breydice frowned. Berrium had very odd ideas about marriage, it seemed. She had her own man, and as their wedding had promised she took care of him. He had brought her other men to satisfy her when he was unavailable, what good husband would not? She had grown quite fond of him over the years, to be certain. Maybe even loved him. But to suggest that she had even before they wed? That was baffling, she'd barely known him.

And Lady Aske? Feh. She'd had a wife, once, and look how that turned out. She'd murdered her (allegedly, Melani had always insisted) just to get away. Breydice doubted that Astra Aske awaited her former wife in whatever hells there were.

She hoped that Mariya and Erik would love each other more with time, not 'the same'. How else could they be satisfied with their choice?

"Say whatever other vows you will." He wrote down whatever they said in the book.

When that was complete, he smiled. "Mariya Stoutheart, and Erik Wilheim. You were tied together as fiances. I untie you now..." He removed the ribbon. "...as husband and wife." He then turned the book to them, and handed them a quill dipped in ink.

"Enter your names here, newlyweds. Go forth, bring joy to all who see you, and love each other forevermore."

"You may kiss your groom."

2016-04-25, 05:48 PM
ooc: an arranged marriage would be quite the odd thing to run away from in Avonlea. :smalltongue:

OOC: It was probably to some foreigner. Or some other totally plausible reason that makes sense with the backstory I totally didn't come up with in five minutes :smallwink:

2016-04-25, 06:11 PM
OOC: It was probably to some foreigner. Or some other totally plausible reason that makes sense with the backstory I totally didn't come up with in five minutes :smallwink:

OOC: Maybe Ella's just really weird.

2016-04-26, 11:28 AM
Eris Rolled
Total of 31 (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=20711594&postcount=754)

2016-04-26, 12:32 PM
[Lady Navus' Private Study]

Rikadime sighed as she entered her study in the palace. It'd been a long day. All she had to do now was finish up some last coorespondence - announce the happy news of the marriage to the Prophetess Council (she could barely contain her sniggering) and then turn in for the night. All that was left was some proper stationary. It had been a very good d-


Lady Navus' eye twitched. Today was awful and she felt awful. "... What. The f#@$. Are you two doing. On my desk. NAKED?!"

"Each other, what's it look like?" Oronara grinned, continuing to kiss the man beneath her, even as Colson looked up wildly to see who had come in. "You wanna join in or are you just feelin' prudish?"


2016-04-26, 01:11 PM
[Lady Navus' Private Study]

Rikadime sighed as she entered her study in the palace. It'd been a long day. All she had to do now was finish up some last coorespondence - announce the happy news of the marriage to the Prophetess Council (she could barely contain her sniggering) and then turn in for the night. All that was left was some proper stationary. It had been a very good d-


Lady Navus' eye twitched. Today was awful and she felt awful. "... What. The f#@$. Are you two doing. On my desk. NAKED?!"

"Each other, what's it look like?" Oronara grinned, continuing to kiss the man beneath her, even as Colson looked up wildly to see who had come in. "You wanna join in or are you just feelin' prudish?"


Colson unashamedly arose from the desk.

"As you wish, Your Grace, we were just finishing up anyway." He spoke with a smirk and began to slowly get dressed.

2016-04-26, 01:47 PM
Colson unashamedly arose from the desk.

"As you wish, Your Grace, we were just finishing up anyway." He spoke with a smirk and began to slowly get dressed.

"It's 'my lady', I'm no Queen." Navus glared as he got dressed, her face crimson. She tried not to think about how slowly he was pulling that armor onto his lithe, muscled body... Oronara really got him into shape, didn't she? He was once quite the womanly little man, but now-

"Oh-ho," Oronara grinned as she finished putting her armor on. "I think she likes what she sees~"

"Shut up and get out."

2016-04-26, 03:29 PM
"I shall be certain to inform Lord Winter of your intent. I must confess that though I hold great respect for the Word and the Old Gods, religions as a whole hold for me far too many questions with not enough answers. Faith is accepting the mysteries." Aleuta said this as though repeating some great wisdom she had heard many times. She offered nothing by way of explanation, however, and continued, "For my part, I accept your friendship, and understand your position. We shall strive to be friends, even if our two political powers cannot always agree. To that end, I shall see draft a new contract for the exchange of the method of creating new Burch Ciphers and the Celestial Navigation method our merchants use. A fair - and explicitly worded - clause regarding exchanges of our respective methods by the other will be included. And... another offer. Something that Lady Spring does, as she seeks to make friends: I would like to recommend a Spring Girl live within your court."

"You might see her as an ambassador, but you would be doing me a favor, really, if you accepted. The Girl I have in mind has been... learning about other cultures in a very unique environment. Her name is Gwyndulin, and for the past twenty-five or so years, she has lived underground with the the Prevaz. Her eyesight has been affected, and she has taken to wearing a cloth around her head, as the sunlight hurts her. She needs a quiet place to recover, and though I'd like to think that would be in Tir Amser, Gwyndulin is also among the most honorable of my Court. She would insist upon aiding in my works. If, however, she were already in the company of another world leader, she would be working. If that world leader perhaps was also my friend, and had little for Gwyndulin to actually do except partake of the occasional conversation, then the Girl would have the time to heal that she needs."

Aleuta's smile widened, as she thought of how neatly this all worked together, "And Gwyndulin would do her job well. She would learn of your culture by listening, and you, in turn, could seek her out to continue to ask about the Aeldir and our own culture. In those matters, she would be happy to advise you. But... do not ask her to be near should Queen Eleanor come to call. I will take what you have said into advisement regarding the Ruby Legion, and perhaps, one day, I may forgive them as a whole; but the Courts hold grudges like small flames. They warm our thoughts in deepest cold, and having trouble releasing our hold of them was much of what caused the Age of Conflict. So while I might forgive the Ruby Legion, I think it will be quite some time before any of the Courts willingly reach out to speak with Queen Eleanor."

"An ambassador of sorts then? I'm sure that would be a lovely opportunity, and perhaps our temple healers would even be able to hasten the recovery. She sounds like the ideal person for the job anyways, especially considering her experience in other places.. I might suggest that the Union installs an ambassador in the Rose Courts, if I felt it would do us any good. I fear that it may not exactly be welcome at the moment, considering." Lilia looks away thoughtfully, as if considering something. "When might she arrive?" She asks. "I can have a room and the proper services prepared to her within two days, and other temporary ones until then. You need not fear being too early in sending her. ..With that being said, I'm afraid I must get my bodyguard to the duels tournament. Is there anything else before we depart?" Lilia looked fortunately on her new friend, happy that things were able to turn out so pleasantly. Behind her, Garelis shifted in his armor upon hearing his name. He seemed to have a talent for fading into the background.

2016-04-26, 04:03 PM
"An ambassador of sorts then? I'm sure that would be a lovely opportunity, and perhaps our temple healers would even be able to hasten the recovery. She sounds like the ideal person for the job anyways, especially considering her experience in other places.. I might suggest that the Union installs an ambassador in the Rose Courts, if I felt it would do us any good. I fear that it may not exactly be welcome at the moment, considering." Lilia looks away thoughtfully, as if considering something. "When might she arrive?" She asks. "I can have a room and the proper services prepared to her within two days, and other temporary ones until then. You need not fear being too early in sending her. ..With that being said, I'm afraid I must get my bodyguard to the duels tournament. Is there anything else before we depart?" Lilia looked fortunately on her new friend, happy that things were able to turn out so pleasantly. Behind her, Garelis shifted in his armor upon hearing his name. He seemed to have a talent for fading into the background.

"I think not. I shall have a draft of the agreement to you soon. And... Gwyndulin will likely begin her travels just as soon as I return to Tir Amser to assign her the new post. In her condition, I did not feel it wise to allow her to travel with me to the festivities, though she continues to insist in aiding other Girls. As to the Union reciprocating?" Aleuta looked pensive for a moment, and then her slow smile broadened her face. "Glaw Novo is always willing to host the friend of a friend. If you sent someone whom was there to learn, say, about the flora and fauna of my domain, there would be few objections. There are so few... purple colored leaves in the world, after all. Ambassadors, though, would have to be brought to the attention of Lady Autumn."

With that, Lady Spring bobbed her head in respect, and she and Eoghan moved out of the way so that the Emerald Queen and her bodyguard might pass. "Give my regards to the new Niran, when next you see him."

In furthering relations with the Crystal Union, the Rose Courts agree to the following:

- The technologies, Burch Cipher and Celestial Navigation, will be traded between the two political powers. The knowledge of how to make their own Burch Cipher will be shared with the Spring Court, and the method to using Celestial Navigation will be taught to the Dynasty of Escaye.
- The Crystal Union swears to guard and protect the method of Celestial Navigation, and it shall not be gifted or traded away without permission from the Rose Courts.
- The Rose Demesne swears to guard and protect the method of Burch Ciphers, and it shall not be gifted or traded away without taking the Crystal Union's wishes in mind.
- The Rose Courts sends Lady Gwyndulin of the Spring Court to the Emerald Queen, to act as an ambassador. The standard agreement for Aeldir acting within a foreign court applies, and may be found below.
- Lady Spring deigns to allow a researcher from the Emerald Court to visit Glaw Novo. The researcher will be given the same respect as any other visiting dignitary from a foreign political power.
In agreeing to sponsor an Aeldir among this mortal court the court agrees not to interfere in the Aeldir's autonomy, expression, or pursuits so long as these do not run contrary to local law. If found in disagreement with local law the Aeldir shall be imprisoned comfortably and returned to the Rose Demesne at the nearest opportunity. The Aeldir in turn agrees not to pursue such actions as might break or disrespect local custom or law so as to avoid such situations and to surrender immediately if accused for extradition.

The Aeldir shall be representative of the Rose Courts and shall act as the primary means of conveying diplomatic messages and advice outside of direct engagement in letter writing between Lords and Ladies. The Aeldir shall act in accordance with the natural customs of the engaged court and shall not interfere in the governance of the court's associated kingdom. The Aeldir shall not become of the kingdom in which they reside and shall not be subject to its law or culture above the law and culture of the Aeldir.

2016-04-26, 07:07 PM
The short black fur along Ser Pel's face and neck stood on end as he circled Bas Pride. He did not reach for his ax but instead extended his claws. One inch of sharp, flesh-cutting bone protruded from the tip of each finger. Ser Pel growled a low threatening purr and lunged at Bas Pride. The tiger was equally fast and dodged the Rexline's first lunge but was taken by surprise as Ser Pel swept backwards with his claws and caught the white tiger's hindquarters. Blood sprang from the wound but the two combatants were too focused to notice and before either Owena or Sabel could call for a stop the two sprung at each other once more.

In this pass Ser Pel raked his claws along Pride's right flank opening him up with three deep cuts but paying for the wound with two of his own raked down his chest by Bas Pride. This time when they separated Lady Sabel's firm hand gripped Ser Pel's arm and pulled him away. Slowly his head began to clear of battle and he could hear the world again as Lady Sabel told him he had won. He looked over towards Bas Pride and saw the white tiger was now missing a good portion of his tail which lay lifeless on the ground. The tiger's wounds were bleeding well though Pel could see they were not fatal. He looked to his own wound. He could feel the burning pain but it was still dulled by the heightened state battle had brought him to. He admired his wound's natural redness and smelled the metallic twang of fresh blood.

His nose twitched in the air at an unfamiliar scent and he turned just to see another Rexline. Though not a Blackfur Ser Pel recognized him as some distant kin perhaps from the Crystal Union or the free Rexline kingdom of Petravolan. Ser Pel eyed the newcomer warily half expecting another challenger.

Thalgram realised the aggressive body language that this black furred Rexline was using and snarled in retort and flexed his claws to show he was not to trifled with. “Who are you to not only think it wise to attack someone of The Great Hunt of my homeland such as Bas Pride? Then again you did defeat him in combat, I wish to know your name foreigner, you are not from my lands that is clear ” Thalgram did start to lower his chops to cover his teeth but did not retract his claws… this Rexline was dangerous.
Sorry for the wait RandoMan, I have been busy

2016-04-27, 07:18 PM
Thalgram realised the aggressive body language that this black furred Rexline was using and snarled in retort and flexed his claws to show he was not to trifled with. “Who are you to not only think it wise to attack someone of The Great Hunt of my homeland such as Bas Pride? Then again you did defeat him in combat, I wish to know your name foreigner, you are not from my lands that is clear ” Thalgram did start to lower his chops to cover his teeth but did not retract his claws… this Rexline was dangerous.
Sorry for the wait RandoMan, I have been busy

Ser Pel could understand fragments of the foreigner's speech. The newcomer seemed offended by his victory over Bas Pride though he was not sure why. He turned to Lady Sabel for some indication of a proper response.

"I'm afraid Ser Pel only speaks a smattering of Luskan Trade," she said apologetically to the Petravolan Alpha, "He is of the Blackfur tribe of Rexline who make their home in Deep Fern. This recent trial of combat between Ser Pel and Bas Pride was had over the honor of hunting in the Primal hunt here at the Tournament."

"What tribe?" Ser Pel growled, gesturing towards the newly arrived rexline.

2016-04-28, 09:37 PM
Ser Pel could understand fragments of the foreigner's speech. The newcomer seemed offended by his victory over Bas Pride though he was not sure why. He turned to Lady Sabel for some indication of a proper response.

"I'm afraid Ser Pel only speaks a smattering of Luskan Trade," she said apologetically to the Petravolan Alpha, "He is of the Blackfur tribe of Rexline who make their home in Deep Fern. This recent trial of combat between Ser Pel and Bas Pride was had over the honor of hunting in the Primal hunt here at the Tournament."

"What tribe?" Ser Pel growled, gesturing towards the newly arrived rexline.
Thalgram knew of Deep Fern and should have guessed that this Rexline was from there. He rarely ever saw a dark furred Rex and considered them to relatively savage, living in caves and are apparently poorly educated as well; all respectable people learn Luskan trade tongue when possible especially when going to a great event like The Exalted Tournament.

Thalgram bowed to Lady Sabel as he respected the courts and stated" It should not be a problem, I assume he can speak the native tongue of the Rexline." Tuning his attention to the honored winner of the duel, Ser Pel, he answered in rex toungue"I am Alpha of the Lands of Petravolan, Thalgram Dunadrad of The True Crown. It is quite impressive that you beat Bas Pride, granted I am not happy about it but it remains to be impressive. I will be very interested to see how you do in The Great Hunt."

2016-04-29, 02:02 PM
Ser Pel looked at the Alpha a look of confusion apparent in his feline features. Whatever language the other rexline now spoke while it sounded vaguely similar to his home tongue the words were all wrong and the inflections were strange. Ser Pel supposed the other rexline assumed he spoke his language, an odd assumption given their tribes had had no contact for at least a century. As he had felt upon hearing of Bas Pride's challenge to his right as hunter a strong sense of discomfort welled in the pit of his stomach. He was a warrior and a hunter he had not expected when he had been invited to participate in a hunt that there would be so much talking and so much demand on him to know these foreigner's languages.

As if sensing his discomfort Lady Sabel stepped forward to translate for the Alpha. She had spent the better part of a year studying rexline linguistics and though her accent was heavy in the guttural tongue she spoke it understandably well. She relayed what the Alpha had said and translated Ser Pel's response.

"Ser Pel, Goldeneyes Blackfur of Deep Fern is honored to meet the Alpha of Petravolan. The mighty power of Petravolan has inspired many of his tribe and clan," Lady Sabel's eyes narrowed as she said this half in concentration on proper translation but there was something else as well, "Ser Pel thanks you for your interest in his hunt and asks if the Alpha plans to compete."

Ser Pel looked at Lady Sabel quizzically. Perhaps the Petravolan language was more abbreviated for he had not heard sounds matching his question as to whether the Alpha sought to unite all rexline in a free kingdom. Ser Pel knew there were many Blackfur who strained under the yoke of the Aeldir, himself included. Many of those dissatisfied desired union with the idealized kingdom of Petravolan where rexline ruled rexline.

2016-04-29, 03:23 PM
The returning Furfolk could be heard before they could be seen. First came the low rumble of a drum, resembling a heart beat in pattern. Then as they came out of the woods their voices could be heard. They sang a song in their home language that was simple enough but still portrayed great sadness. Only Queen Lilia would recognize this song. She had heard it mere days ago at the funeral of her father. It was the "Heroes Song" sung to honor the dead and wish their souls fair travel into the next life.

They stood in a line, Gio at the front beating the drum, followed by Carr with his arm in a sling and Ava leading the lizard on a rope. The Lizard pulled two hastily made sleds with blankets covering them but it did not take a detective to recognize three bodies underneath them.

First they approached the High Queen of Primus. They stopped their singing and detached the further back sled. With some difficulty they pulled it towards the Queen and removed the blankets. There lay the villainous Qount.

He had several wounds all over his body including the end of a spear still protruding from his throat. His head had been scalped and his body removed of hair for such was a great dishonor among the Furfolk. His ears had also been stuffed so he would not hear the Heroes Song.

"Here is the man you wanted dead." said Carr bowing before stepping back so that the body was between the three of the Ruby Legion and the Queen of Primus.

Then Carr remained behind while the others approached the Aeldir party. Ava took a bag from the hut on the Lizards back before approaching the Aeldir of Spring and Bas Pride, "I know that your people does not trust my own Queen but still I would like to return this." As she said this she slowly and carefully pulled Bas Prides tail from the bag, "As a race that wears fur, not by choice but by birth, I know the importance of a tail and value my own very much. The entire Crystal Union has heard of your hunting prowess from the Rexline and so I deeply regretted that you did not participate in this hunt but still here is your tail a gift given to the other hunter whose name I do not even know. By my returning this gift I hope you understand what has happened." she kneeled on the ground while holding the tail forwards in both hands and averted her eyes out of respect for the superior hunter who simply had bad luck.

Then Gio removed the blanket from the other sled to reveal two Rexline lying side by side on their backs with arms at their sides. Their fur had been washed and trimmed and their sadly deformed heads decorated with a crown of plants.
"We found these both with skulls crushed by rocks and tied their bodies up in a tree so they would not be eaten by some wild beast. We then killed the Qount and came back. Our religion would dictate that their bodies be burned but we did not wish to interfere with your customs in case they were different and so we cleaned their wounds and made the bodies as presentable as we could before resting and then returning here. The other is of Thalgram's country and so I run to retrieve him now." said Gio before doing so.