View Full Version : Quirky Adventure Ideas

2016-04-18, 10:25 PM
So, I had an unusual idea for a plot and wanted to share it, but it seems a waste to start a thread for a single idea. So does anyone else care to share their more humorous, or at least unusual, ideas for an adventure?

My adventure involves a missing dead prince, an exiled Nosoi psycopomp, a tribe of Goblins and two squabbling sects of Pharasmans. The Prince died before the beginning of the story, in fact he died honorably in battle several months ago and was sent to his homeland along with a small group of Knight's Quiescent, an order of Knights I just made up who serve Pharasma. The Knights consisting of mostly young men of humbly noble birth get drunk celebrating their success on the field. So when a group of Goblins rob them of their charge in the night they do what any self respecting nobleman would do. Lie about it, and ask the PC's to find the body while they pretend nothing has happened.

After the deal with the Goblins somewhat they learn the real reason for the theft. The leader of the tribe is a Nosoi (least of the Psycopomps, small birds who serve as scribes for the dead) who was exiled from Purgatory for a human lifetime for gross misconduct and abuse of office by smuggling relatively vast amounts of food into the afterlife. The Nosoi, who is noticeably fat, took over the tribe and ordered the body stolen on the orders of a different more established sect of Pharasmans who disliked the Knights Quiescent's intrusion onto their privileges. So have decided to take a direct approach to righting the situation.

In the second part the PC's would have to deal with the clerics, find and recover the body before the Queen returns from war to visit her son's tomb, and not raise to great of a fuss by murdering the respected holy men of the realm en masse. Probably a few would be acceptable, but not to many because that would just be overdoing it.