View Full Version : SCP themed campaign. Is it possible?

2016-04-18, 11:11 PM
Is an SCP themed campaign possible, and how would you guys go about running it?

The Glyphstone
2016-04-18, 11:16 PM
An endless supply of 1st-level warriors and Experts trying to figure out to bypass the Tarrasque's regeneration?

Though why would you try and shoehorn a modern-day horror setting into a high-fantasy ruleset? 3.5 is hideously inflexible outside of its paradigm...at least use something generic-d20 like a Mutants and Masterminds hack.

2016-04-18, 11:42 PM
I'd probably go with something like Shadowrun or d20 Modern with bits of other d20 systems sprinkled in to taste.

3.X or Pathfinder with firearms rules in play might be a little bit too robust and heroic for most SCPs, though I suppose you could have the PCs be the special agents who survive and have better clearance and requisitioning abilities or who are ...altered by their experiences but kept in service.

2016-04-18, 11:49 PM
I just kind of assumed that you'd have to make it a low magic, d20 modern campaign. I was more curious about how to build the campaign itself if that makes any sense.

2016-04-19, 12:08 AM
It's definitely possible, but how you'd do it is up completely to the GM and players.

You could do it as special forces, only going in when the **** has hit the fan and the gribblies are out in force and it's a bloodbath and mass carnage.

You could do it as a team of special investigators looking into mysterious phenomena, akin to the X-Files, except that ideally they'd deal with the problem ala Call of Cthulhu or Dark Heresy or kick it up to the extraction or hunter-killer teams.

You could do it as a group of monster hunters tracking and fighting a new Monster of the Week each adventure.

2016-04-19, 12:11 AM
The primary focus would almost have to be finding new bizarre objects and creatures, and finding ways to capture and contain them. Each one would have its own fantastic and unique rules, paying little or no respect to the normal assumptions of the game system, which the players would have to puzzle out experimentally.

2016-04-19, 12:18 AM
Forgive the newb here, but what's "SCP?"

As for "a bunch of commoners take on a large, regenerating monster" I know how I'd run it:


2016-04-19, 12:25 AM
Forgive the newb here, but what's "SCP?"
The SCP Foundation (http://www.scp-wiki.net/). The basic idea is a fictional organization that finds, catalogs, and contains fantastical things (especially the dangerous ones) to protect the general public. There's a rather large and creative list of such things on the site, and the organization seems to have an endless supply of expendable personnel, among other extraordinary resources, and makes extensive use of information security classification systems.

2016-04-19, 12:46 AM
low magic high lethality; cap PC spells at 3rd, have other spells be ritualistic things
it is possible for 3.5 to do it; i'd expect other systems to be better suited. WoD might be a good choice or Shadowrun or Call of Cthulhu (which does have a d20 adaptation)
i'd split party rolewise: 4-5 person team covering the following roles
2 brawn types, 2 brain types, 1 leader/face type, 1 infiltration type.
keep classes to tier 4-5

optional: the odd man in the party touched a bit too much by eldritch forces: spirit shaman, meldshaper, or binder

2016-04-19, 12:49 PM
d20 Call of Cthulhu for the system. As the PCs grow more powerful, and are exposed to more strange things, they become ever more detached from reality. If (when) they gain too many otherworldly powers of their own, suddenly their own organization starts hunting them.