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View Full Version : Player Help Class choice

2016-04-19, 12:04 AM
Hi Folks,

My girlfriend is running a game starting tomorrow, and I need to change my class as one of the new players wanted to play my initial class; and with them being new I like to let them play what they wish!
The group is rp centric so I won't be min maxing a character, i just need an idea or a spark of inspiration!

Currently we have
Ranger (Hunter, but was given a wolf) (new)
Sorcerer (Storm, dipping 2 cleric later)
Cleric (Light, dipping evocation wizard and making a melee build)
Monk (new)

I am thinking maybe a druid or rogue, but really unsure. What do you guys think/recommend?

2016-04-19, 12:11 AM
Looks like you're short on melee/defense. What about Fighter or Pally?

2016-04-19, 12:14 AM
Mechanically a barbarian or a paladin seems like a good fit. Something that can go toe to toe with big targets without the need for much assistance. Since they are new they will most likely prefer to use offensive and fun spells instead of buffing and doing math.

Safety Sword
2016-04-19, 12:16 AM
Echoing Paladin. Make him the same faith as the cleric for RP goodness.

2016-04-19, 09:17 AM
Fighter or Barbarian!

You don't need the flavor of Barbarian to have a good one. Just the berserk rage bit.

With several melee members, this would be a great choice, and I would highly recommend Aspect of the Wolf for the team!

2016-04-19, 10:34 AM
Other than the Cleric/Wizard who will need 13 INT to MC, you won't have too many intelligent PCs.

I'd play an Arcane Trickster, since you said you wanted to play a Rogue.

2016-04-19, 11:55 AM
probably barbarian or paladin would be your best choices. Either way and no matter how you do it you're tanky enough to cover the party's low average tankiness as is.

2016-04-19, 12:05 PM
If the ranger is melee, him, the monk and the wolf should be able to take the front lines. Otherwise, I'd go for Fighter or Barbarian.

Since the Sorcerer and the Cleric seem to be pure blasters, seems like the group needs a magic problem solver for social and dungeon situations. If that's your thing, Bard or Wizard should do the trick. Since you suggested Rogue, maybe Arcane Trickster?

2016-04-20, 01:28 AM
You could play a valor bard urchin background as an alternate to the AT.

Bards live for RP heavy games after all, the valor bard might take over some of the demands of tanking (although arguably the monk and ranger should go toe to toe)