View Full Version : [3.5e] Druid - I wish I could play Mr. Bearington

2016-04-19, 02:10 AM
so basically I wanted to make a druid based only on wild shaping and maybe persist spell on magic fang to be the most kick ass bear possible

So far all I have is
Master of Many Forms 5
Warshaper 3
Druid 12
natual spell

2016-04-19, 07:28 AM
you also have the bear warrior prestige class from complete warrior. For the class you need the rage or frenzy class ability and you turn into a bear when you rage. I don't know how good it is compared to the stuff you already listed, but you can go warshaper with it afterwards.

2016-04-19, 07:36 AM
you also have the bear warrior prestige class from complete warrior. For the class you need the rage or frenzy class ability and you turn into a bear when you rage. I don't know how good it is compared to the stuff you already listed, but you can go warshaper with it afterwards.

Druidic Avenger? Bear-shaped bear?

2016-04-19, 07:40 AM
An appropriate divine minion (http://www.realmshelps.net/faerun/lore/magicbooks13.shtml) (I suggest Anhur) fluffed as a bearshaper? It's LA +1 instead of a bunch of class levels (and with buyoff, it's worth a few thousand XP), and you can turn into a bear all you want. Then you could take any class levels you care to. Go Tashalatoran monk/psychic warrior and enhance the heck out of your natural weapons and unarmed strikes, and if you take expansion, you can fluff it as turning into bigger, nastier kung-fu bears.

2016-04-19, 08:28 AM
I'm a bit confused. Are you trying to be a really strong bear, or be really good at wild shape? Cause they're different. If you're just trying to be a great bear, then a straight druid should give you more than enough bear, and allow you to buff said bear a bunch. You don't get all that much from MoMF's various types, or Ex abilities, or what have you. You pretty much only benefit from the size thing, and that's not all that helpful. Warshaper is more helpful, but if I'm just boosting my bear rather than gaining more bearishness, I'd rather do it with spells. You could angle towards a persist deal, maybe going the DMM route, or maybe something like spelldancer, but if you just want to make magic fang longer, greater magic fang is right there, and a lesser rod of extend spell is usually gonna do the job just fine.

If you're trying to be a great wild shaper, then why all the druid? You have 12 levels of druid there, but you only need five to enter MoMF. A standard build looks like druid 5/MoMF 10/warshaper 5, or you can swap nature's warrior into warshaper's place. Last five levels aren't doing much for you no matter how you use them. Natural spell is helpful, but definitely not required, and using the druid base is better than swapping it with wild shape ranger whether you take the feat or not. You just have so many fancy long term buffs and utility spells.