View Full Version : 3rd Ed Need help with an epic-level gestalt character for a friend (Core+Completes+PHB2+ELH)

2016-04-19, 03:53 PM
Precisely none of these (between epic, core-limited, and gestalt) are on my list of things I know, but she asked me for help, so I figured I'd see what the Playground thinks.

The character is to be level 30. One prestige class per side, no dual progressions working with both sides as per usual. Allowed books are PHB, DMG, PHBII, CW, CDiv, CAdv. Epic spells are allowed, but spell development costs in XP will be deducted as per normal and ditto for other spells with XP costs used during chargen such as Wish (with no XP buffer above 30, so you'll be dropping levels) and there's a limit of two epic spells per player. Stats will probably be pretty good - I believe it's 7 4d6s drop lowest, and you can scrap the whole set and roll a new one four times.

I have literally no idea what I'm doing with this, but I figured the Playground might have some useful input.

Mr Adventurer
2016-04-19, 03:59 PM
Druid 10/Master of Many Forms 20//Wizard 25/Archmage 5

2016-04-19, 04:05 PM
Epic levels are absurd and broken. Exactly how absurd and broken is hard to say, because the ceilings are so high that you'll see wildly different benchmarks at different optimization levels.

But one thing is definitely certain, and that's that full spellcasters are still the most powerful classes in the game. So one half of the gestalt should be a full spellcaster, basically no matter what.

For the other half, it depends on what the rest of the group is doing. I'm guessing most of you don't really know what you're doing with characters this high-level? In that case, put something cool and fun on the other side and just test it out and see how it plays. It's a good chance to try out a late-blooming strategy that you wouldn't normally get to play, like something that relies on a high-level capstone ability, or a multiclass combo that would normally come online too late to be efficient, or a powerful partial-casting prestige class like Master Transmogrifist that suddenly isn't suffering from losing caster levels anymore.