View Full Version : Secrets of the Creation Forge [IC]

PairO'Dice Lost
2016-04-21, 04:23 AM
The morning of the 4th of Nymm, 998 YK, dawns bright and sunny, as few days do in the City of Towers, and it looks like it'll be a rare wonderful day without any rain. Sure, there's some grumbling about the humidity and all those Host-damned tourists in town for the Khorvaire Exposition for the Advancement of Artificing and the Arcane, but it's really hard for most residents to complain; business is booming thanks to the influx of conference attendees, the schools and Morgrave University have all just let out for the summer, and there are quite a few festivals and galas coming up that will be sure to excite and entertain.

Not all is sunshine and roses, however. Several prominent figures left the conference prematurely, and while leaving early is hardly uncommon (most attendees have day jobs, after all), three people leaving at the same time without any notice was enough to start rumors spreading among attendees. Gossip made the rounds for a day or two afterwards, but soon they were persuaded by the conference administrators that nothing was amiss, the rumor mill ground to a halt, and all shifted their attention back to the conference proper...except for those few individuals who knew, by various means, that the cover story about them leaving safely was indeed just that, a cover.

That is what brings each of you here today, "here" being the Horse & Hearth, a tavern run by House Ghallanda in the North Market district. Whether you arrived by lift, by skycoach, by spell, or by other means, you've all come to this out-of-the-way tavern after hearing that a task force is being assembled to look into the disappearances and this is the point of contact if you want to be considered for said force.

Upon arriving and stating your business, you are ushered in by halflings in House Ghallanda livery and escorted through the large common room echoing with laughter and music, past the kitchen from which wafts the delicious aroma of roast tribex and spicy potato dumplings, and to a small waiting room in the back. Several others are here already, seated in comfortable chairs around the perimeter of the room that all face a set of double doors set in one wall. When each of you arrives, your escort tells you the same thing: "Please, have a seat. Refreshments are available on the far table. You'll be called into the back room in just a few minutes, and in the meanwhile feel free to talk amongst yourselves."

This is the IC thread for the Secrets of the Creation Forge game; the OOC thread is here.

2016-04-21, 08:00 AM
Danul nodded carefully to his escort. Obviously someone in charge had recalled his record and given him a second chance.

He sidles over to the table grabbing a medium sized pasty and a small glass of what looked like a Brelish lager. The youth sits down at the foot of the table and watches the servers carefully. He knew all too well how a person in their cups could talk.

2016-04-21, 09:22 AM

'What's the House of Healing doing organizing the posse? Probably a front for someone else.' Khaldrun nods to the servant and stands next to one of the chairs. While checking out the others in the room he unslings the waraxe on his back and lays in the seat, then sits down next to it. "I already ate, thanks." He says.

He looks over at the half-elf and nods. "I've a feeling we aren't the only ones coming. Let's save introductions til we're all here. In the meantime though..." he says with a smile that makes the scar tissue in his face scrunch up and turn into a scowl. "Feel like playing an old game? We each take turns asking the other questions indirectly related, trying to figure out a single answer without coming out and asking it. Whoever gets it right with the fewest questions wins."

"If you're game, the answer I have in mind is which of the missing three each us is here for. You can go first, of course."

2016-04-21, 10:54 AM
The days in Sharn were better than Aramil expected: the bright sun and the warm climate reminded him of his excursions in Aerenal jungles during his youth, and the manifest zones of the City of Towers made him fly with ease.

If it wasn't for his friend's disappearance the Exposition would have looked like a holiday... he was full of thoughts about what happened to him and the other missing scientists... was it a terrorist act? Another nation attack? Or maybe only a mistake? People gets worried about nothing sometimes, and he could not forget that time when half a karrnathian regiment dispatched by the king destroyed the tomb complex in wich he retired to study for some day... or months, that part always eluded him.

But this time he had a bad feeling about it, like something more sinister was at work...

Reaching the Horse & Hearth tavern, Aramil followed the Ghallanda ushers, reaching the table and sitting on one of the chair. Even if he didn't need it, he thought that taking something to drink was a good idea, so he grabbed a cup of wine "Human wine... At least I can be sure that is Ghallanda's certified" he thought to himself, while looking at the bottle with a sad smile; then started to observe his companions.
Almost all the faces were stranger to him, except for one: Cyrdas... I was right then, there is something bad on the horizon! While looking at the Karrnath solider, Aramil felt strange: he was worried by his presence but, at the same time, he felt more like... at home.

2016-04-21, 11:09 AM
The man in the guise of a noble slides into the room as if it were his own; unobtrusively, yet with a presence that cannot be denied. Cyrdas' black leather boots click against the floorboards of the Horse & Hearth with a quiet grace. Although he's not wearing his full bone plate, his dress pants and red-gold collared brocade speaks volumes as to his social standing. Behind him trails a voluminous cloak of black sable, and on his back rests a shield with the roaring wolf of Karrnath. On his right hand sits an opal ring, and at his belt is a monstrous looking sword. Cyrdas' gaze sweeps the waiting room, taking in the other inhabitants. They both appear to be warriors in their own right: the half-elf and the man with the red gauntlets both have the edge of those experienced in the art of warfare. His glance lingers on the axe, and his ears linger on the stranger's question.

"Would you call yourself a pious man?", Cyrdas asks as he settles down in the chair directly opposite. It's a simple enough question, as to his knowledge, one of the three missing figures was involved with the Sovereign Host. At the very least, it could eliminate one of the answers, and tell him a little bit about one of his possible new partners. The task force is something he's decided he will accept begrudgingly. Ever since Aldric disappeared, he hasn't been able to get anywhere on his own, and if he wants to make this right, Cyrdas recognizes that he could appreciate a little help. Besides, doesn't everyone love a team of heroes? To be honest, he's somewhat surprised that there aren't more aspirants here, but the soldier is sure that there will be others along shortly. In the meantime, this game will prove to be a pleasant distraction.

His mood changes when the officer recognizes somebody else approaching. Aramil. Would that he were rid of the elf forever, but it was only a matter of time before fate brought them together for a second time. Cyrdas sighs inwardly. There's no use getting into anything here. It would be best if he just kept matters professional. Nodding deferentially at the wizard, he gives Aramil a cool, genial smile.

2016-04-21, 12:17 PM

"No, I've never been mistaken for a church goer." Khaldrun says with a bow of his head and a chuckle. 'I bet that cloak gets in the way of drawing your sword. Stupid.' He glances at the sword and shrugs. *Do you speak Gnomish?* He asks in the Gnome language.

2016-04-21, 01:19 PM
"That is not quite the question I asked," Cyrdas replies with a mischievous grin. He likes this fellow, whoever he is. Given the chance, he'd love nothing more than to sit down and play a game of knights with him. "But I'll accept the answer nonetheless." He's already tacitly accepted the man's offer to play, so there is nothing more than to continue.

"I'm afraid I'm not familiar with that tongue," the Karrnathi continues. In truth, he's only heard it in passing a few times, and although he recognizes that it's Gnomish, but he's not fluent enough to warrant a convincing reply. "What factions, if any, did you fight for in the Last War?" The stranger has a decidedly mercenary look about him - at least, he doesn't appear to be wearing any Five Nations livery that Cyrdas recognizes, and he's seen them all.

2016-04-21, 02:47 PM
The half elven youth smiles at the mercenary. An old game but a good un

Danul raises a series of metal rings on a chain to everyone's eye level and rattles them pointedly before slipping them back under his armor.

"That should be answer enoug' I fink. What brings you to Sharn, aside from this business?"

Anyone can make a DC 10 History check and realize the rings are Brelish campaign markers, Copper for an armsman, Silver means a specialist, Bronze means he's demobilized.

2016-04-21, 03:37 PM

His eyes narrowed at the Karrnathi. Was that an insult? "I'd thought we were better known than that."He said and clinked his gauntlets together. "I fought for what the King collects...though sometimes I fight for free." Khaldrun said, letting the threat hang in the air.

"Sharn itself is reason enough to visit, isn't it? Here's my question, to all: Whose House did you last attend as more than guest? By that I mean of the dragonmarked, of course.

2016-04-21, 04:39 PM
"Yer remembered by those what recall."

Danul touches his right hand knuckle to the woven leather circlet he wears and follows up with a kiss to his ring finger. Khaldrun recognizes the gesture right away, a common Brelish armsman's salute.

"Now I could say d'Lyrandar ... But ... Well ..." the young man gestures broadly to his worn traveling leathers.

2016-04-22, 07:13 AM
The huge bull ducked low through the doorways as he entered. His height was advantageous out in the streets, able to see past the crowded hustle and bustle. Inside, not so much. Having to stoop low, it put him in a foul mood. A scowl furrowed into his brow.

That was immediately turned jovial at the mention of food and drink. Rubbing the massive hands together, he strode forward and bypassed the other people present without a word. Standing over the drink area, he pondered carefully, lifting the dainty containers and sniffing each. He put them down with a dejected sigh. "No mead..."

2016-04-24, 09:52 AM
The elven arcanist stared at the imponent creature that rushed in front of him and the others, while eyeing with desire the drinks. After the horned bipedal sighed with delusion for the lack of presence of his (probably) favourite beverage, Aramil took a glass of wine, and moved his fingers muttering an arcane phrase "Elvath, senan dahar Balché"
the drink immediately changed colour and consistence, now emanating a strong acid, woody fragrance, with a light note of anis.
"I'm surely not skilled in this work as our capable and hospitable halfling guests are," he said approaching the taurine humanoid, and offering him the glass; "but I hope that you'll like this: it's a variety of mead highly regarded in my homecountry."

2016-04-25, 01:34 PM
The minotaur snorted at the elf's comment. "Elves drink fruit juice. No mead."

He sniffed the cup suspiciously before unceremoniously dipping a thick digit directly into the liquid and holding out a saliva-coated tongue to taste a drop.

2016-04-27, 06:14 AM
The ungraceful response of the minotaur, sticking his large finger in the cup seemed to Aramil like that of a puppy eyeing suspiciously a new strange toy... except that the puppy in question looked like he was capable of tearing down the whole Horse & Heart with a single charge.
"Do not worry, It's not poisoned," said the elf, struggling to hold back laughter as I said, I'm not as good in those things as hour gentle hosts... and do not worry... I don't know what elves you met, but my elves rarely drink fruits!"

Turning his back to the minotaur and his glass, Aramil approached the chatting mercenaries, carefully ignoring Cyrdas gaze, and answered to Khaldrun's question: "I had some business with Cannith east, in past times, but I'd find it hard to say that I'm more than a guest for any of the Houses... and what about You?"

2016-04-27, 04:42 PM

Cannith east? Not just Cannith? Interesting. Maybe he's being used as an agent between the factions of the House. Khaldrun eyes the minotaur as he comes in before turning back to the elf. "As for myself, House Deneith held that honor, as they do most other honors, by taking it without asking." He says then stands and looks up at the beastman. *Your face is familiar to me but I cannot recall your name. For that I apologize.* He says in Giantish and offers a short bow. *I am Khaldrun of the Red Gauntlets, son of Velderan Tharashk.*

He turns to Cyrdas. "I'll make my guesses now. You're here for Aldric the Cannith. You don't speak Gnomish and don't look like you're from Aundair." He says then turns to Danul. "You're here for the Councilor. Who better than a Brelish veteran to recover a senior councilwoman of the the Host?"

"And you..." He says after turning to the aged elf. "I haven't figured out yet." He says and shrugs.

2016-04-27, 06:44 PM
Danul smiles at the mercenary. "An what if I told you I was here for the gnome? Maybe jest the coin. How bout you big fella?" He casts his eye over the minotaur. "Which of our captured worthies you looking fer?" Oh, by the way, he gestures to the red gauntleted man. "yer looking for the d'Cannith."

2016-04-27, 06:55 PM

"Then I'd have lost..." Khaldrun says with a shrug. "...so it's good that nothing was wagered. Though I'd not be the only one wrong, as I am not here for the Cannith." He says and shakes his head. "And the direct question is against the rules. Was I right, though, about your bounty?"

2016-04-28, 01:59 AM
"A pleasure to meet you Khaldrun of the Red Gauntlets, son of Velderan Tharashk." says Aramil, to let the mercenary know that he can understand giant's language.

"As for your doubt, I'd use a proverb from Zilargo: 'never two without three'" the elves offers a wry smile, then starts listening to the other adventurers.

2016-04-28, 07:52 AM

The corners of the young man's mouth crinkle. "The big fella came in after the rules was set. He's fair game. Grandad over there is fer the gnome; and you and I share a quarry. His lordship is fer the d'Cannith then."

The half elf leans back in his chair, looking for all the world like the cat who ate the canary.

Failed Phantasm
2016-04-28, 11:35 PM
The Horse & Hearth
North Market

Daelan turned over the tatty, roughly-torn scrap of parchment and, finding nothing new written there since the last time he checked, crumpled it in his fist as he shoved it into a pocket. What a surprise it had been to find, coming back to his room after an extremely long night and feeling it crumple beneath him as his head hit the pillow. ‘Could’ve picked a worse place, I guess.’ Closing his eyes and yawning, he lay his head against the railing and wrapped his cloak around himself just a little more tightly against the early morning chill. ‘And they did pay for the skycoach.’ Through the deck beneath him, he could feel the fidgeting of his fellow passengers like a prickly tingling against his skin, but the pilot was an old hand if the controlled smoothness with which she steered the skycoach was any indication. With the warm sunlight shining directly down on him, he slipped into a weary drowse and vaguely felt the tail he did not currently have curl contentedly behind him. He had little time to enjoy himself, however, as the vessel soon lurched to a sudden halt and the pilot announced Daelan’s stop by unceremoniously prodding him in the ribs with a pole.

Glancing over his shoulder, he shot her the most withering death glare he could manage through sleepy, half-open eyes; she replied with a shrug and a stare of her own that said pay for another trip or get out. He hesitated for a moment while glancing down at the well-worn cobbles below and then cringed ever-so-imperceptibly, but he quickly disembarked before he could receive another prod from the impatient captain. ‘Yeah, yeah. “Schedule to keep”, he thought as he watched it ascend lazily into the brightening sky. At least she’d found a drop-off point not far from the tavern itself; with a sigh, he started trudging his way down the street. Even though he kept his head down, he could feel the footfall of everyone who passed nearby as if he were hearing a deafeningly loud drumbeat or seeing a blinding flash of light each and every time. He pushed open the door to the Horse and Hearth and grimaced as the nails-on-chalkboard chorus of high-pitched halfling voices hit him like a knife to the forehead. ‘Damn hangover.’

It took all the willpower he could muster to not beg the shrill doorman to please stop talking!, but perhaps he picked up on the note of pain and exhaustion in Daelan’s voice anyway. They quickly settled the matter of why he was there, and he was waved through into a back room. He could hear voices as he walked down the hallway, thankfully deep enough as to not aggravate his headache as much, as well as feeling movement from within. One of the people in there was big — bigger than a half-orc, even. Hired muscle from Droaam? That wouldn’t be a surprise, given the circumstances. He rubbed the bridge of his nose as he entered, eyes shut tight against the light, and winced ever-so-slightly at the smell of alcohol in the air. ‘Not again, thanks.’ He fumbled his way to a chair in the corner, spun it around, and then sat down so he could rest his head against the blessedly cool, dark wall.


extended countermoon – (24 hours) Prevents voluntary shapeshifting through the alternate form ability, and involuntary shapeshifting because of afflicted lycanthropy.
primal instinct – (24 hours) +5 competence bonus to initiative and Survival. [Synergy: Gain uncanny dodge.]
primal senses – (24 hours) +5 competence bonus to Listen and Spot. [Synergy: Gain uncanny dodge.]

PairO'Dice Lost
2016-04-30, 08:56 PM
Shortly after Daelan enters the room, the door opens to reveal a halfling carrying two mugs emblazoned with the blink dog emblem of House Ghallanda. He bows his head respectfully as he enters the room and hands the larger mug to Durrak and the smaller to Daelan. To Durrak, he says in a formal tone, "Droaamish red mead, sir. Brewed in Graywall, aged eleven years, with notes of cinnamon, habanero, and toffee. Hopefully it will meet with your approval." In a slightly quieter tone he tells Daelan, "Medicinal tea, sir, which should clear up your current...sensory discomfort." He then withdraws to stand unobtrusively next to the door.

You all have a few more minutes to guess each other's connections, sample Ghallanda's wares, or take the edge off your hangover, then the double doors in the far wall open. Several figures walk out one after the other and head towards the door to the hallway: a human wearing a long coat and bandolier of wands, an elderly half-elf in elegant robes, a man with the Sentinel Marshal emblem on his jacket, a tall and muscle-bound half-orc, and two warforged, one with crystals and dragonshards studding his plating and one whose plating has been mostly removed. Once the motley group has left, the halfling at the door motions for you to enter the double doors.

The doors appear to just open onto a plain stone wall with a slight haze in the air before it, but when you walk into the haze you emerge into a lavishly-decorated meeting room that certainly could not have fit in the tavern; this, then, would be one of those fancy extradimensional mansions that bearers of the Greater Mark of Hospitality can conjure up. The room has a cozy feel, with lots of velvet and warm colors throughout the room and a small fireplace crackling happily on either side of the meeting table at the center of the room. The table has six empty chairs of various sizes arranged around it, each with a small packet of paper placed in front of it. The seventh chair at the far end of the table is occupied by a female gnome, dressed in the latest fashion and waiting with her hands steepled before her. "Welcome. Please be seated," she says with a small nod.

Knowledge (Local) DC 20 or Knowledge (Nobility) DC 15
You recognize the gnome as Tandra Sil Doras, the wife of Tasho Mol Doras, the Zilargo ambassador to Sharn. Tandra is a popular socialite and entertainer among the Sharn elite and is known for her ability to skillfully navigate the various feuds and rivalries among different factions and come out the other side having made friends on both sides of any given conflict.

Also, despite the fact that everyone knows she's an inveterate gossip and avoids sharing anything with her that they wouldn't want the entire city to know, she somehow seems to get her hands on all the juiciest news anyway. Based on her presence here, she obviously has a lot more (and more knowledgeable) sources than just trophy wives and dinner guests.
"Thank you for coming," she continues once everyone finds a seat. "Before we begin, I would like to make one thing exceptionally clear: nothing you read or hear in this room is to be repeated to anyone outside this room unless I give you explicit permission to do so. We have spent the past few days ensuring that all of the rumors surrounding the disappearances of Misters Aldric d'Cannith and Toahil Ziventi and Miss Francesca Crihne have been stamped out." She pronounces "Toahil Ziventi" with a noticeable Zil accent--toh-WAH-hill zhi-VEYN-tee--but otherwise her Common is unaccented. "As far as the public are concerned, Mister d'Cannith had always been scheduled to stay for only the first few days of the Exposition, Miss Crihne decided to leave early due to lack of interest in the talks in the latter portion of the conference, and Mister Ziventi cut his trip short due to a last-minute opportunity for a research trip to Xen'drik that he simply couldn't pass up--and none of these incidents were suspicious or related in any manner whatsoever.

"Only those few with either a personal connection to our missing persons or a connection to the few legal authorities that were informed of the matter--such as yourselves--know the truth now, and I would very much like to keep it that way. I trust I do not need to explain the consequences should word get out." She doesn't raise her voice or make any sort of threatening gesture, but the emphasis on the word "trust" tells you all you need to know about her intentions: you've all heard, one way or another, of the infamous Zilargo secret police force known as the Trust, and you know that they do not mess around when it comes to protecting Zilargo's national interests. She motions to the packets of paper in front of each of you and says, "As each of you is likely familiar with only one or perhaps two of the missing persons, we have assembled a dossier of relevant information on each of them and of the potential relationships between them. Take a minute to read through those, and then I would be happy to answer any questions you may have about them or about your objectives. Employment terms will be discussed once all of that is dealt with, and until that point you are free to back out of this arrangement at any time with no hard feelings."

The contents of the dossiers can be found in the second post in the OOC thread under "Missing Persons" in the Important People spoiler.

2016-05-01, 06:58 AM

Why spend money hiring one team when you can hire two? Khaldrun keeps quiet when the group leaves the room, his eyes lingering on the Sentinel Marshall more than the rest. Need to remember that face for later. Khaldrun walks into the room and stands behind a seat right next to the Gnome spymaster. He offers her a half-bow. "Madam Doras, it's a pleasure to finally make your acquaintance. " He says before sitting down.

He nods to her. "Yes, trust is one of those rare commodities whose true value is only known once it's missing." He says while lightly touching the folder. Before he opens it he glances at it to see if it's been recently opened or handled, such as a crease where it might open or a grease stain from a finger. While reading the documents he commits them to memory. Once finished, he keeps the papers out and rests one hand on them. "Before we discuss the papers, perhaps we should expand the non-disclosure arrangement to include the group that we saw coming out of those doors? Technically we were outside this room when we saw them."

As said in the OOC, Khaldrun will expend his focus on the knowledge check. He'll then refocus before sitting down.

Before he reads the papers he's looking to see if they've been recently handled, as if by someone reading them. Search (+12) or Spot (+10) at your discretion. He'll then manifest Object Reading, tapping the DC 17 Concentration check to hide all manifestation displays. He'll maintain Concentration on the power as long as it's giving information (anything but a null result).

Khaldrun will memorize each page of paper via Authohypnosis. The DC for each page is 15 which he taps.

PairO'Dice Lost
2016-05-01, 05:00 PM
The gnome nods politely to acknowledge Khaldrun's introduction, then grins briefly at his mention of a technicality, the first sign of emotion she's shown. "An excellent point. However, as the identities of those six individuals and the fact that they just left this tavern together are essentially public information now and we cannot rule out the presence of any potential observers, I won't hold disclosure of that information against any of you."

Khaldrun can see no stains, creases, or other signs of recent handling on the papers. All of the dossiers are perfectly clean, and perfectly aligned with each other and with the edge of the table.

Your first few minutes of concentration reveal little: the most recent owner apparently had no race, no gender, no alignment, and an age of 17 hours, and gained and lost the papers in the space of just a few minutes by picking them up somewhere and dropping them off here. The owner before that was a LN male gnome of 43 years who didn't "gain" the papers per se because he created them, and he lost them by taking them to another room in this extradimensional office.

2016-05-02, 03:11 AM
The elf reads at the dossiers, all the while listening to Tandra's words...

"Toahil' still thinking about Xen'drik? He's getting too old for this..." He thinks, while noticing the connection between the three missing persons.
As of now, the Hypotesis look too much hypotetical for the elven arcanist, who believes that the possibility of compulsion is to rule out.

"Madame Sil Doras, apart from other adventurers, how much help we will receive from authorities? The cops are not informed, I suppose, but the Inquisitives? Are we going to be on our own or, even worse, we'll have the City Watch on our backs if we ask too many questions?"
While he waits for an answer, Aramil places the dossiers back on the table, reordering them.

PairO'Dice Lost
2016-05-02, 06:30 AM
The gnome shakes her head. "You're on your own. No watchmen, no inquisitives, no Medani or Tharashk heirs. The authorities are just as ignorant of the matter as anyone else; only a handful of members of House Cannith and my own organization have been appraised of the situation. As long as you keep your activities entirely legal the Watch shouldn't pose any difficulties, they're quite used to freelancers running around in pursuit of various missions...but if you do run afoul of them, we will disavow any knowledge of your activities.

2016-05-02, 07:39 AM
Danul leans forward in his chair. "Don't worry grandad, the others ain't no trouble. Madame Doras, a pleasure ta meetcha." The gnome gets the same Brelish salute. "Any chance it was the same fella who nabbed them? Lookin' here an puttin' em all together, a nasty minded person could force em to build, well anyfing."

2016-05-02, 12:20 PM
"Mmm... " There was a content slurping of the mead. As the elf spoke, Durrak wipes his mouth on his arm. He sat awkwardly in the chair and didn't even bother to touch the papers, content on finishing the drink that had been given to him. An observant person might see that his attention was not completely consumed, his ears swiveled as to be able to listen to the conversation.

2016-05-03, 09:23 PM

"You mentioned that few other people know about the true situation. I would like to know who those people are. As we can't very well go around asking questions about the missing three as if they were missing, we'll need to be able to talk to some people who are already on the hunt. They may be useful contacts in the course of the investigation for corroborating information found in the field. They may also be suspects as well." Khaldrun says.

"Secondly..." Khaldrun says. "Do we need to bring them back alive? If these folk are as important as you're making them out to be I'd wager that you'd be willing to bring them back, once we got them back. You never know what kinds of situations you'll find yourself in, in the field. Sometimes walking out with a corpse across your shoulders is the only way both of you make it out." He shrugs. "I don't speak to shock, Madam, merely to be frank about what we may encounter."

Khaldrun glances around the table, evaluating the expressions of those around him before turning back to the gnome. "Also...is there a set of circumstances in which our primary mission might be reversed, by which I mean, make sure they stay missing?"

PairO'Dice Lost
2016-05-04, 04:21 AM
"A single faction being responsible for all three disappearances seems the most plausible," the gnome answers Danul. "For two or three different parties to want to remove three related individuals, and manage to do so at roughly the same time with no coordination among them, is unlikely at best. And yes, the potential for, shall we say, dangerous creativity resulting from the three of them working together is exceptionally high, hence our concern." She glances over at Durrak as he slurps his drink, but if she is at all bothered by his lack of etiquette (or Danul's unpolished accent), she doesn't give any sign of it.

In response to Khaldrun's point, she nods. "A reasonable request. Baron Merrix d'Cannith and his immediate associates have been made aware of all three disappearances, as have the head of the King's Citadel and the Aundairian and Karrnathi ambassadors. Mister d'Cannith's disappearance is known to Milenka d'Cannith, his nominal supervisor in the Cannith South chain of command; to Baron Zorlan d'Cannith, the head of the research project at the Twelve to which Aldric was assigned; and to Leo Bailiff and Ostarak Narathun, the vice-coordinators of the Karrnathi Fabricators. Miss Crihne's disappearance is known to Alastair ir'Vranon, a member of the Arcane Congress who accompanied her to the Exposition; Innaesha Rhaanlight, a fellow Councilor of the Host of Khorvaire; and her childhood friend Zenmita d'Jorasco, of the Healer's Guild.

"Mister Ziventi's disappearance has gone almost entirely unnoticed, because his colleagues are used to him disappearing without warning for weeks at a time--and as far as his students are concerned," she adds with a wry smile, "all university professors simply cease to exist for the duration of the summer break. Aside from the Cannith East members, who remain in Karrnath and were notified only so that they would not ask inconvenient questions when Aldric failed to return on time, all of the others are currently still in Sharn and available for any questioning you may wish to carry out.

"I am quite difficult to shock, Mister Velderan," she continues, smile gone. "While I'd like to avoid causing Mister Ziventi's death simply due to a wish to spare him the psychological trauma involved, we are willing and able to resurrect him if necessary, and I'm confident he would understand the necessity if it came to that. However, we do not know either Mister d'Cannith's or Miss Crihne's views on resurrection nor whether they would be willing to return, so we cannot risk it in their cases. As for when ensuring their continued disappearance might be necessary...." she shrugs. "I will trust your judgment on that, since we're placing a great deal of trust in the six of you already. If you encounter a situation where their termination is necessary to ensure the continued survival of Khorvaire as we know it, don't hesitate to kill them all and let the Keeper sort them out, and I will write the necessary letters of apology to the appropriate heads of state after the fact.

"Any further questions?"

2016-05-04, 06:26 AM
When the mercenary talks about the chance that they have to kill the three missing researcher, Aramil thinks that this is one of the wisest concerns "Not only gnomes can show elven wisdom, it seems" he thinks by himself "perhaps this group is less ill-conceived than I thought"; at the same time, he doesn't let transpire any emotion, apart from a quiet snapping, coming from the mummified hand hanging from his neck.

When the gnome stops talking, the elven arcanist open his mouth again, to add some final remarks:
"I'm sure mister Ziventi will appreciate the added knowledge coming from every experience, but I understand that not everybody likes to taste the bittersweet fruits coming from walk's end. I promise that I'll try to avoid this... unfortunate implication..." Aramil stops for a moment, as if some new idea came to his mind "but there are still things that we may need to know: I would like to know what kind of divination techniques have been already used and if, especially, a list of the places they visited in this last few days is aviable. And, I believe I speak for everyone here, I'm sure you already have some theory about who may be behind this. There are many secret cults at work in Sharn." when he remarks the word 'many', Aramil turns briefly toward Cyrdas, as to be sure that the allusion is not missed.

2016-05-04, 07:39 PM

"So that's one head of House, Cannith no less, and three nations that know about all three missing." Khaldrun says holds up four fingers. "The Host, the Arcane Congress and the Twelve." He says, adding three more. "So, clearly we are the missing peoples only hope." Khaldrun says with a small smile.

"The dossier mentions a motive of working with a creation forge. Know of one that isn't being used at the moment?" Khaldrun says half in jest. "Or maybe they plan on building their own. How long does it take to make one of those?" He shrugs, tapping the table. "You mentioned employment terms earlier. What exactly did you have in mind?"

PairO'Dice Lost
2016-05-05, 12:50 AM
The gnome nods solemnly at Khaldrun's humorous remark. "You jest, but it's true, you are our primary hope for finding them. Yes, an archmage of the Arcane Congress or the Twelve or a Speaker of the Host could fly to their rescue with spells blazing, or the King's Citadel or Royal Eyes could task all of their agents with the task of finding them; I myself could flood the city with various associates and stand a good chance of getting to the bottom of this. However, an Aundairian archmage laying waste to the streets of Sharn or Zil agents using enhanced interrogation techniques on Brelish citizens is almost guaranteed to spark another War, no matter how justified the cause or how judicious the tactics used." She raises an eyebrow and adds, "The only thing worse than having multiple interested parties searching for our missing persons would be if one of those interested parties was kept in the dark, found out about the matter somehow, jumped to conclusions, and started an incident over a misunderstanding--or worse, if one party searched for and found our missing persons and made our hypothetical concerns about creation forges and shifting balances of power a reality--and every single person we have informed is well aware of that."

Looking between Aramil and Khaldrun, she sighs. "And now, apart from our missing persons' recent movements--which I will cover momentarily--we move into the realm of pure speculation. We assume that our adversaries' plans revolve around constructing a creation forge because an interest in creating and improving warforged is the only thing the missing persons share in common, but we have no hard evidence of this. Communion with neither the Host nor the Flame has revealed any information about their motives or intentions; our agents sent to petition the Undying Court have not yet returned, but I anticipate the same result from them. Diviners among my associates have tried scrying on each of them, with no success, and neither Tharashk finders nor Medani inquisitives have been able to locate them. In short, whatever they're up to and wherever they are, they are well-shielded from divinations. We've also consulted Medani prophets and students of the Draconic Prophecy, but they have been as uselessly vague and unconcerned with 'mundane' events as usual." Her lip curls in disdain at that last bit, as if displeased that she had to resort to such unreliable divinatory methods. "We haven't yet tried a Tharashk Siberys heir, with their supposed ability to penetrate anti-divination wards...but seeing as the only one alive is one of the Triumvirs of the House and the waiting list for her services is months long, that isn't an option.

"Divining for creation forges shows that the only creation forge intact enough to still qualify as a 'creation forge', the old forge in the former Cannith Central in the Mournland, is just as much a rubble-filled ruin as ever. As to how long a new one might take to build, well, if anyone in Khorvaire knew what materials, processes, and knowledge goes into making one of those beyond 'very rare materials' and 'very complex theory', it would be the three whom we seek; if anyone knew how to build one, I'm sure the Last War would still be raging, Treaty of Thronehold be damned. My best estimate is that it would take three to six months, as that was the rough time frame between the announcement of the perfection of the modern warforged creation process in 965 and the first sales of warforged regiments to Cyre--but again, for all we know these three could reduce the process from months to weeks given their expertise."

She smiles briefly as she concludes, glad to be back in the realm of hard knowledge rather than speculation. "To your earlier point," she tells Aramil, "a list of visited locations is much easier to assemble, as all three mostly stayed within the Exposition center. Mister d'Cannith visited Baron d'Cannith to pay his respects upon his arrival and spent a day working with him in a laboratory where only marked Cannith heirs are permitted to go--as I'm sure his bodyguard can tell you," she adds, nodding at Cyrdas, "so we have no way of knowing whether he left that area by other means at any point during that time--but otherwise he went only to the conference itself and to his rented quarters. Miss Crihne visited three shrines in the less reputable areas of the city on the second day of her visit to check in with their leadership and perform some charity work, before returning to the Exposition for the remainder of her stay. Mister Ziventi spent his days at the conference, his evenings at dinner with various other attendees, and the nights in his office at Morgrave instead of renting a room at a tavern or the like.

"None of them came into contact with each other at the conference, to our knowledge, which is actually helpful as it narrows down our list of suspects. The list of who might like to have a creation forge in their possession extends to every nation, every House, and almost every organization in the entire continent, but the list of those who might want that and also know of the relationship between these three and have the means and motive to disappear them behind powerful wards is, in our opinion, quite a bit shorter. The governments of Aerenal, Aundair, Breland, Droaam, Karrnath, the Mror Holds, and, yes, Zilargo have the intelligence resources to uncover their connection and the current state of their resources, the military or paramilitary resources to abduct them, and the magical resources to keep them from being found. Of the nongovernmental organizations capable of such a feat, Deneith, Phiarlan, or Thuranni are the most likely of the Dragonmarked Houses to be involved; the Cults of the Dragon Below and the Order of the Emerald Claw also have the means to carry that out, though admittedly warforged aren't exactly their style.

"And finally: terms." She is silent for a moment, apparently just sitting there, and then a side door opens and six figures walk in. All appear to be gnomes dressed in the formal attire of embassy bureaucrats, but they are translucent and difficult to see in the flickering firelight. Each carries an ivory scroll case to one of you, opens the case and retrieves a contract written on golden-brown vellum, and places it in front of you along with a quill, a vial of ink, and a small cloth bag that looks fairly heavy and clinks softly as it is laid on the table. They then depart, as silently and unobtrusively as they arrived. "The paper before you is a magically-binding contract. You can read it for yourselves, but to summarize: you agree to the nondisclosure terms stated at the beginning of this meeting, to put in your best efforts towards recovering the missing persons in priority over any other jobs or obligations you may currently hold, to return them once found without attempting to make any deals with them or otherwise put their knowledge to your personal use, to check in with me regularly--at least weekly, but no more than once daily--regarding your progress, and to turn over upon request anything related to creation forges or construction thereof that you may come across in the course of carrying out this mission. This contract has an escape clause such that if at least one missing person has not been found within one month, the Best Efforts and Regular Checkins clauses are nullified and you may withdraw; the Nondisclosure and Surrender of Relevant Materials clauses remain in force, however.

"In exchange, each of you will be paid twenty-five thousand galifars if you retrieve all three missing persons alive, unharmed, and before anything catastrophic happens due to whatever work they might be forced to do for their abductors. This reward will be reduced proportionally if any of them are not retrieved, are retrieved posthumously and must be resurrected, require outside assistance to be retrieved, and so forth. This is for the first month, and applies no matter how quickly you accomplish your mission; rates after the first month may be renegotiated at that time at the request of either party. Any sort of loot unrelated to creation forges is yours to keep. Each of you additionally receives a thousand-galifar advance upon signing the contract, divided into one hundred sovereigns for immediate usage and a letter of credit in your name for the remainder, which can be found in the bag in front of you.

"If there are no further questions, please either sign the contract or indicate that you wish to withdraw, in which case you will need to sign another contract, nondisclosure-only."

2016-05-05, 07:17 AM
The minotaur placed his now empty mug on the table with a clang, right on top of the papers in front of him. Looking down to the gnome for a moment and then out toward the main room, stretching his neck to see something before slumping back down. "Where food? Said food coming but no here."

He narrowed his eyes and snorted. "You trick. This paper no good. Durrak have to give you things even after mission all done for all seasons Durrak live." While his common seemed to be lacking, it was clear that the creature had some intelligence, seeing a binding point in the contract. "Durrak no sign until Relevant Information clause amended to end when mission done or withdrawn."

PairO'Dice Lost
2016-05-05, 02:27 PM
The gnome points at Durrak's contract, and a certain section of text begins to glow with a soft yellow light. "Note the exact wording," she says. "Only information and materials obtained during the mission need to be turned over to us, and only when requested; there will likely be some things that fall under the definition of 'pertaining to the construction of a creation forge' laid out in section 3, paragraph 2, that are only indirectly related and wouldn't be dangerous if left in your hands, and you would be allowed to retain those. Anything you find after the missing persons are returned to us are yours to keep, so there is no need for such an amendment. Does that satisfy your objection?"

2016-05-05, 04:38 PM
Aramil is liking this group more and more... a towering half-monstruosity that likes to discuss contracts? "Amazing!" he mutters: the explanation was a little too brief for the elf's tastes, but he came to understand that not all short lived creatures are capable of using their time as wisely as Aereni can.

But, seeing that his other companions could become a little impatient, he tries so add his considerations, after exchanging a brief glance with the gnome.
"Do not forget that we are the only responsable for this mission, therefore what is relevant *or* not will rest on our evaluation. And do not forget that if we reach the term of our contract we will have only two option: we are succesful, and you can be sure that all three of the rescued persons will be more than eager to add some 'bonus' to our pay, or we fail, and that means that wathever happens to this contract is not important, because we will have other things to think about."
He then takes the sheet and the pen, signing it.
"No problem for me."

PairO'Dice Lost
2016-05-06, 04:55 AM
When Aramil finishes signing his contract, he feels a brief tightness in his chest as the magic takes hold, then the sensation fades and the contract rolls itself up tightly. The other contracts do the same as they are signed one by one. Once the last is signed, the gnome once again sits motionless for a second or two before the translucent gnome servants return to gather the contracts up and take them from the room. "Thank you all," she says once they are all gone. "I have other business to attend to, and you have a mission to begin, so I will leave you be. This extradimensional space is reserved for the next hour if you wish to remain here and make plans free of any prying eyes or ears," she turns to look at Durrak, "or if you'd like to experience the finest Talenta cuisine available in Sharn. When you're done here, simply notify the employee posted outside and you will be escorted out."

She stands and reaches into a pouch on her belt. "One last thing," she says as she retrieves a segmented cylinder about a foot long, striped in spiraling gold and green and covered in tiny handwritten script, that is far too large to have fit in a normal pouch of that size. "This is what you will use to report your progress to me. I believe you two," she motions to Aramil and Cyrdas, "would be the best suited to use it, but of course the exact procedure you will follow is up to you all to decide." She places the cylinder on the table and concludes, "Good day, and may Olladra smile upon you," before taking her leave.

Spellcraft DC 24
The cylinder is a minor schema [MoE 122] of sending.

2016-05-06, 07:43 AM
Danul winces slightly as the magic takes hold. But, it didn't seem to interact with his current geas. He cross the room and fetches another mug of lager and a handful of Zilargo sweet rolls. He takes one roll for himself and sets the others down in front of the bull man. "So, we're bound, bent and determined. For those what don't know, my name is Danul Corason. I'm a ..." the youth pauses briefly. "Brelish mercenary. So, anyone got any ideas where to start?"

2016-05-06, 08:44 AM
The minotaur rubbed his hands together and looked around hopeful. "Gnome food is good food. Where is gnome food?" The question was spoken with a bit more force than expected as he stood from his chair in order to scan the entire room in case he had overlooked something or something had changed in the room while he was seated.

PairO'Dice Lost
2016-05-06, 11:52 PM
Since a handful of rolls aren't enough to sate the massive minotaur-man's appetite, the translucent gnomes return bearing many small plates of food and formal place settings; entertaining and hospitality is the primary purpose of this sort of extradimensional manse, after all, so if it's a feast Durrak wants, a feast he shall get. Each of the dishes is identified by a small card placed in front of it, as the gnomish servants appear incapable of speech. Most of the plates hold examples of the Talenta cuisine Tandra promised--spit-roasted mutton, hare and mushroom ragout, tribex in a pear sauce, a very spicy vegetable stew, and more--but for the less adventurous palates there is also the option of pork roasted with an Eldeen dry rub, chicken a la Korth, farfalle ir'Korran, or goat steaks from the Mror Holds.

2016-05-07, 08:08 PM

Magical contracts... Khaldrun shivers as the geas takes hold. "Khaldrun Velderan Tharashk." He says after Danul. "A mercenary who often fought for Breland." He says with a sly smile.

"I've an idea. Moreso a tactic, really. Whomever is behind these kidnappings has apparently hidden themselves from whatever investigations have already been completed. Trying to find out where they are, even who they are is what these unknown people expect us to do. They'll have covered their tracks, planted false clues and misleading trails that we'll waste time following, giving them more time for whatever plot they've concocted. No, trying to find these kidnappers is a fools game. What we need to do is convince them to find us."

Khaldrun stands and begins pacing behind his chair. "We can't break the cover story that our host has arranged for the victims, of course. We need to make these assailants believe that we are actually on their trail, close enough to them that it's worth the risk for them to strike out at us. We defeat their strike team and then hopefully gain some actionable intelligence that leads us to the real masterminds."

"So. Anyone have any ideas for drawing out the attentions of the kidnappers?"

2016-05-08, 12:00 AM
The elf politely presents himself "Aramil Evetius Holimion, Elven wizard and expert of life and death."
When the mercenary explains his plan, Aramil concurs with it; "Setting up an ambush, by being ambushed? A sound tactic. If we find a way to be sure that the missing persons have been kidnapped not only for something they know, but for something they were doing, we may try to convince one of their closed relatives to act as a bait, by releasing an interview to the Sharn Inquisitive talking about some breakout in the researches of one of our victims. But we still need to learn something about the kidnappers..."
The elf stops for a moment, looking at the floor, then raising his head again.

"Look, I think we should start with a classical investigative approach and collect all the news we can, after this, it will be hopefully possible to set up a trap."

"Have any of you some idea, or even some clue about what could have happened? I met many people during those days at the conference, and I'm sure that if we try to put together our findings something new may arise."

2016-05-12, 06:36 AM

"It's not much, but I did hear something about the last time the Councilor was seen in public. She was reportedly talking to a man who's most identifying feature was that he wore eight gold rings. The impression I got from this observer was that the two had just met." Khaldrun says. "It's slim, but if you have contacts with people who were at the conference we could begin by asking around for this fellow."

2016-05-12, 08:31 AM
"Mmm... Food good." The minotaur hefted one of the plates and offered it around before taking more for himself. He held out his empty mug for a refill.

2016-05-16, 06:20 AM
Politely declining Durrak's offer of food, the elf listens to Khaldrun's words, trying to connect the dots. "Eight rings? There's a... group based in the Mror Holds, the Aurum, that wears that number of rings... and golden... means he could be a powerful man into this organization...

Now that you mention it, I remember that during one of the dinners a dwarf from some clan commented about using an army of warforged to force house Kundarak into submission, or something similar, and was worried about saying it out loud. I didn't see if he had any rings on it, but asking around could be worth a shot... the Aurum is a criminal organization, and I believe them powerful enough to try a kidnapping, if they have enough to earn."

The elf looks at the others: "Something else?"

2016-05-18, 08:55 PM
Danul rubs his unshaven chin. "I dunno, muckin' about with the Aurum is risky. Did them folders say when our folks was grabbed? In my opinion, there's too many fings what could go wrong. Let's pick one target an track em till they vanish, then do the same fer each."

2016-05-21, 06:34 AM

"Aurum, right." Khaldrun said. "If they don't like to be bothered then it should be easy to get their attention. They probably have a safehouse or two here in Sharn for whatever business they take care of in the city. Thieves know the most about other thieves though, so it might be worthwhile to talk to the Boromars about the Aurum, see if we can get a location or names from them."

"Risk is what we need to leverage here, make it too risky for the assailaints to remain in the shadows. If anyone's got contacts in the Sharn underworld I say we start knocking on doors. If we look for them loudly enough I'm sure they'll find us first."

2016-05-25, 04:25 AM
"Seems like a... start. We may ask for a list of the dinner's guests to house Ghallanda, so that I may recognize the dwarf I'm talking about, then ask some questions and see what happens."

PairO'Dice Lost
2016-05-25, 01:28 PM
Having come to a consensus on what your next steps should be, you can all focus on finishing up your meal and getting to know each other better. Near the end of the hour a soft chime sounds letting you know your reservation is almost up. When you file out of the extradimensional meeting room you see another group waiting to use it, this time a mixed group of halflings and gnomes in semi-formal business attire chatting about something finance-related, who grow quiet and watch you curiously as you exit and they enter while trying not to look like they're staring.

When informed that you'd like a listing of the conference dinner guests your escort raises an eyebrow, intrigued, but as Ghallanda employees are trained to be the soul of discretion he merely says "Of course, sirs. Please wait here a moment while I fetch that." He returns about ten minutes later with a small folder under one arm and a large envelope in the other hand. "The seating arrangements for each meal of the conference, organized by date and then alphabetically by dining room," he tells you as he hands over the folder, then he holds up the envelope. "And this was waiting for your group at the front desk, so I took the liberty of retrieving it for you as well."

The envelope contains a brief letter, written on official Zil Embassy letterhead and penned in the same handwriting as the briefs you received earlier, and worded to seem innocuous to anyone who doesn't know the truth of your mission:

My friends,

As the social event which you have been hired to arrange is a large and complex one, yours was not the only group to be tasked to handle it, as you have no doubt surmised. The catering crew handling the desserts feels that one of their number is not quite as well-trained at baking and decoration as they would prefer, and they would like to know if there are any members of your crew with a steady hand and some experience with pastry knives that they could borrow. In exchange, they would like send their social secretary to join your crew, in the hopes that her talents in the area of guest outreach will suit your group better.

The other crew's members are Rokkem Axebreaker, Meira Fenton, Joremy d'Ghallanda, Tanner's Knife, Talanharath, and Lily, the last of which is the one who will be joining your crew; you can find them waiting in room 207 to hear back from you, and your escort can show your crew members there if you decide to give them a hand. Please do not hesitate to coordinate with them if you believe it will make your task easier.

Tandra Sil Doras
Event Coordinator, Zilargo Embassy

You all feel a brief tightening in your chests as the enchantment placed on you by the contract adjusts to consider the new names trusted people whom you can speak with about this case without breaking it. When you've finished reading and discussing the letter and Cyrdas, Daelan, and Durrak have volunteered to join up with the other group, your escort takes the two of them upstairs and returns shortly with a young girl in tow. She joins you as your escort takes you downstairs and out the back entrance to the tavern, which comes out on a landing below the one on which the front entrance opens, and he leaves you there with a brief bow. This landing is much less busy than the one out front, and it's sufficiently unoccupied that you can speak relatively freely here.

AramilYou flip through the folder of dinner attendees and eventually find the seating assignments for the correct afternoon, and there is indeed a Mror dwarf listed at your table, one Brannan Soldorak. Paging back to the guest registration details, you see that the address he gave is a permanent one within Sharn rather than one of the many inns that a visitor would use, so he should still be in town if you're lucky. His address is in Holdfast, the middle-class dwarven neighborhood that serves as a home-away-from-home for Mror natives living in Sharn.

2016-05-25, 02:43 PM
Something resembling a smile lights up Danul's face for the briefest of moments upon seeing Lily.

"Nightingale! Good to see you, lass! Gents, this is Lily, a performer of remarkable skill. I've no doubt she'll be able to help us. So, Nightingale, how d' ye feel about the Aurum?"

2016-05-26, 09:11 PM
"Oh hello!" Lily waves politely, before looking thoughtful as she tries to remember the Aurum.

"They are those bad guys that you sometimes hear about right? They don't sound particularly nice... Are we going to be hunting them?"

2016-05-27, 01:30 AM
Aramil reads the list with great attention, finding the man he was talking about, then turns back to his companions.
"And there it is: Brannan Soldorak! He leaves in Holdfast, here in Sharn. I believe we can start by paying him a visit! That way..."
The elf stops for a moment, looking at the new girl and noticing that Cyrdas and the Minotaur have gone away.
"Oh... I see that we have a new arrangement. Good Morning, miss." he says bowing slightly, while the mummified hand hanging from his neck gestures a salute.
"So... we start from this Brannan?" he asks to everyone's left

2016-05-28, 04:14 PM

"Seems as good as any place to start." Khaldrun says. He glances over the newcomer and shrugs, adjusts one of the buckles on his belts. "Names Khaldrun. Let's get a move on. I can't take everyone the short way so we'll need to do a bit of walking."

2016-05-28, 09:44 PM
"Mmm?" mumbles Lily as she concentrates on making some intricate gestures with her hands.

"We're going somewhere? Lead the way..." she then falls back into her symbols.

PairO'Dice Lost
2016-05-29, 03:54 PM
Holdfast is directly above North Market, fortunately, so it's only a few minutes of walking and two lifts away. The lifts aren't too full today, so you have a good view of the surrounding towers as the lifts rise. Over the course of both lift rides, you can watch as the multiracial North Market transforms into the decidedly dwarven Holdfast: the doors and windows shrink a bit, the architecture grows more blocky and angular, the color schemes of the businesses tend more towards brown and gray with gold and silver accents, and the railings on the bridges rise and thicken to accommodate the common dwarven aversion to heights.

As you walk from the second lift to your destination, you are surrounded by the distant metal-on-metal clanking of the district's many smithies, the rumbling of carts loaded down with goods of all sorts, and the quiet murmured conversation of the other pedestrians. Your group certainly stands out for your height, seeing as almost everyone here is a dwarf and those few who aren't dwarves are mostly gnomes and halflings, but aside from a few curious glances from the passers-by you don't attract too much attention.

Twenty minutes after leaving the Horse & Hearth, you find yourselves at the indicated address. Surprisingly, the address belongs to a shop rather than a private residence; a sign hanging in the window proclaims:

Foglio and Lernekh Custom Jewelry
Cannith-quality artifice and Sonorath-quality craftsmanship
without the Cannith or Sonorath price tag!

Bulk orders and installment plans available.

Wedding bands and protective amulets a specialty!

The door lets out a soft chime when you enter. The front of the shop is fairly small, containing just a sales counter to the left, several floor-to-ceiling glass display cases showing off jewelry of various sorts to the right, and a few two- and three-person tables in the back. A human and dwarf are seated at one of the tables, talking quietly; the human is wearing two or three rings on every finger and what appears to be a sculpted hand around his neck with yet more rings on its fingers, and he's sketching or writing something on a piece of paper in front of him while the dwarf points to one of several rings sitting on the table and motions with his hands.

A younger human is sitting behind the counter, and this one looks like the unfortunate victim of a jewelry store explosion: he has two or three rings on each finger, five or six bracelets on each wrist, two or three armbands on his upper arms, at least a dozen amulets and necklaces around his neck, and several earrings on each ear. He looks over when you walk in the door and apparently marks your motley group as rich adventurers on a shopping spree, since his expression transforms from the sullen frown of a bored teenager to the slightly-too-enthusiastic smile of a salesman who works on commission as he hops off his stool and walks over. "Hi there! Welcome to Foglio and Lernekh!" he says with a wave that sets all his bracelets jangling. "What can we do for you today, sirs and madams? Perhaps arming rings or weapon bracelets for the gentlemen," he suggests, indicating Aramil's, Danul's, and Khaldrun's sheathed weapons, "or a turquoise necklace or sapphire ring to complement the lady's eyes? We're offering a deal on rings at the moment, buy three and get the fourth 20% off, so if you're all looking for rings you've come at just the right time!"

2016-05-29, 04:18 PM

"That sounds like a good deal, but I'm going to need more than four rings." Khaldrun says and holds up his hands, showing the two rings on his left hand. "I saw a gentlemen a few days ago that was sporting quite a number of gold rings. Eight of them, actually. It was quite the fashion statement." He taps his fingers on the counter and smiles. "I wanted to talk to him about his rings but he left before I got the chance. I figured this would be a good place to start if I wanted to find eight gold rings of my own."

"What kind of deal can you get me on gold rings, eight of them? I'd really like to add them to my personal collection."

2016-05-29, 04:41 PM
Aramil appreciate the brief voyage, looking around Sharn: during the meeting's days, he was busy and didn't have time to take a look at the greatest city of Khorvaire.

Reaching the shop, they enter and the elf starts looking around, to see if he can find Brannan sitting by one of the tables.
He observes with interest and curiosity the jewelry people around him wear, comparing their use of rings, necklaces and bracelets as status symbols with his culture's use of deathless grafts and tattoos.
Near to Danul, he whispers to him:
"at least in this place nobody will pay attention to the creepy elf with a mummified hand hanging from his neck."

PairO'Dice Lost
2016-05-29, 05:08 PM
If the salesman overhears Aramil's crack about his excessive amounts of jewelry, he gives no sign of it. "Just plain gold rings? No stones, settings, or enchantments?" he clarifies, his smile dimming slightly as he senses an expensive commission slipping away. "Yes sir, we can certainly do that here, and if those rings of yours are already enchanted we can also transfer their enchantments to the new rings for a nominal fee. Eight pieces doesn't qualify for the bulk discount, but we can give you the fourth ring discount twice. The final price would of course depend on size, shape, purity, and a variety of other factors; let me go get our craftsman and he can work out the exact details with you." He heads over to a door next to one of the display cases and disappears into the back for a few minutes.

He returns with a dwarf in tow who has many tiny gems and decorative silver trinkets woven into his beard and eight copper rings on his fingers. "Unfortunately, our craftsman isn't here at the moment, he's visiting with a client," the salesman says apologetically, "but his son is, and Brannan is a fully licensed apprentice, so he'll be able to sort you out." With that, the salesman heads back behind the counter while the dwarf--who Aramil recognizes is, indeed, the same one he spoke with at the conference--narrows his eyes thoughtfully and looks between Aramil and Khaldrun.

"Nice to see you again, Mister Holimion. Eight rings, huh?" he says. "That's quite a few rings, working out the details could take a while. Why don't you all come to the back, we have some more comfortable seats back there where your friends can wait while we talk. This way, please." He leads you all through the door to the back, past a few tables holding jewelry in various states of completion, and into a small office; it's pretty cramped for six people, but the chairs do look more comfortable than the ones in front. He takes a seat behind the desk, folds his hands in front of him, and says, "All right, Amos said you were pretty insistent about 'eight gold rings' and people don't usually bring four friends to go ring shopping unless they're getting married and the bride is really particular, so I'm guessing you're not actually here to buy some jewelry. What is this actually about?"

2016-05-29, 05:58 PM
"Maybe I'm just a really popular girl..." Lily mumbles quietly to herself, out of Brannan's earshot.

For now though, she lets Khaldrun be the one who questions the dwarf.

2016-05-30, 03:41 AM
Aramil answers the dwarf's greets, following him in the room.
"My dear master Soldorak, I fear that you're right, maybe we are not here for shopping, even if I believe that this occurrence may change, if we all get what we're searching for."

"I'm sure you remember our dinner at the Exposition, when you said something... interesting about some use for the warforged. Sadly we could not discuss the matter more thoroughly, but now me and my friends here, would really like to hear something more about what you think."

Before the dwarf can answer, Aramil leans on the desk with both his arms, approaching the apprentice crafter, while the hand hanging from his neck quitely snaps its fingers.

"You surely know of my friendship with some people in Karrnath and in Cannith East, and know that many there are wary of the Mror Holds dwarf and their perceived betrayal, especially that of house Kundarak; but when you live for centuries, you get to understand that almost nothing lasts forever, and when things are meant to change, it is better being on the changing side...
The friend of a friend said I should speak with the eight-ringed dwarf to receive some light on... future events."

PairO'Dice Lost
2016-05-30, 03:22 PM
Brannan leans back and idly scratches his beard, avoiding Aramil's gaze. "Yes, I remember our conversation, and our discussion of your sponsors." He stops scratching his beard and begins fiddling with the rings on his right hand. "But I really didn't mean anything by mentioning an army of warforged. It was just an expression--y'know, like 'by Kol Korran that man is annoying, what I wouldn't give for a window and a Ring of the Ram right about now', heh heh....I wouldn't say I know any more about future events than any other dwarf, if you want to know about future events you should talk to the Medani, right? They're the experts on that sort of thing, right?"

There is a moment's pause as he notices he's fiddling with his rings and deliberately folds his hands together rather tightly. "Which, ah, which friend of a friend mentioned this to you, exactly?"

2016-05-30, 04:27 PM

"That person's name isn't the name that's important right now." Khaldrun says. "What we're most interested in is the names you might be able to mention. As I said to your clerk I'd very much like to meet with a certain man, one noted for wearing those eight gold rings. Now, I happen to know this fellow also attended the recent conference but I've been having the hardest time finding him since then."

"Oh, pardon me for not introducing myself. Lieutenant Velderan, of the Red Gauntlets. This is a personal matter, something the rest of the Regiment isn't involved with...yet. We're in between at the moment, and you know how soldiers on leave can get. Either they swarm a shop and buy up everything that isn't bolted down or they decide to redecorate it. I was impressed with the craftsmanship of your work on display on the clerk, thinking about recommending this place to some of my comrades." He says with a not very sincere smile. "Think your clerks could handle that volume of soldiers at once? It might be quite a few orders to fill."

2016-05-30, 05:17 PM
"Wont you please help us out? We wont tell anyone that you helped us. Please?"
Asks Lily, putting on her best smile and looking hopefully at the dwarf.



PairO'Dice Lost
2016-05-30, 06:18 PM
Brannan shrinks into his chair when Khaldrun introduces himself and holds out his hands protectively in front of him. "Now, just hold on, now, let's not be hasty," he says, "no need to do any redecorating, I think the shopfront looks just fine the way it is." Looking between Aramil, Khaldrun, and Lily, and still refusing to meet anyone's eyes, he apparently decides that Lily is the one least likely to redecorate anything and turns to her. "I'd love to help you, miss, but 'a man with eight gold rings' really isn't specific enough. I mean, there are so very many other jewelers in this city--though we're the best, of course--so there's no way of knowing whether this man you're all looking for actually bought his rings here, and even if he did, so many people buy rings from us every day, I couldn't possibly remember everyone who bought gold rings--I mean, there are so many kinds of gold rings, you know, pure gold, gold-majority electrum, gold-covered copper--and that's assuming he bought them all here, at the same time--what if he bought some rings from us and some from somewhere else? or already had two rings and bought three here at one time and three some other time? or--and, I mean...."

He apparently realizes that he's babbling and stops himself, takes a deep breath, and gathers his wits. "You know, sirs and ma'am," he says more calmly, "I'm feeling fairly well threatened right now. Mercenaries don't have any legal rights to question people like this, and even if they did you have no right to come into a private establishment and threaten destruction of property. I must ask you to leave now, and if you don't I'm going to have to call the Watch to have you removed from the premises."

Sense Motive DC 20
As far as you can tell, Brannan reacted nervously to Khaldrun's mention of his name, before he even got to mentioning the Red Gauntlets or threatening to use them.

2016-05-30, 07:05 PM

"No legal right...?" Khaldrun says and laughs loud, a not entirely pleasant sounding laugh. He stands up and takes walks over to the door and press one hand against it. "A front for the Aurum is going to lecture me about legal rights? Listen. I didn't come looking for blood, just names. You tell us what we need and we'll leave none too soon." He says and then shrugs. "I'm not above paying, if that'll make it easier. Hell, I don't even care if you let him know we're coming for him after we leave here. It'll be okay. You can tell your boss that we threatened you and were going to wreck your shop, which would probably look really bad for business."

"But if you go running to the guard..." Khaldrun says and shakes his head slowly. "That'd be most unfortunate, for everyone involved. Make the right choice here. You make a little profit now and get to tell your bosses early about who's coming after them."

"You know...I bet you're a horrible card player." Khaldrun says. "You just about jumped out of your chair at the mention of my name. You got some grudge against my clan?" He says then narrows his eyes. "Or maybe me personally. I never met you before but you clearly know something about me."

2016-05-30, 07:05 PM
Lily pats down her skirt as she looks slightly disappointed at the outcome.

"I guess he doesn't know anything..."

As Khaldrun continues, she waves her hands apprehensively.

"Lets not start a fight quite so soon... Please?"

Sense Motive

Lily tries to pacify the dwarf. DC 19 will save against charm person

PairO'Dice Lost
2016-05-30, 08:16 PM
"Keep it down!" Brannan hisses when Khaldrun mentions the Aurum. "This isn't a front for...that organization. It's just me," he admits. "Much easier when the owners can honestly say they're not involved." He listens tensely as Khaldrun continues his threats, eyes flicking repeatedly to the door as if worried someone is listening in and continually looking like he wants to say something but isn't sure whether it's the best idea to do so.

When Lily casts her spell, his eye twitches and he throws up his hands. "Fine, all right, no compulsions, I'll talk! I honestly don't know who would have been the man you saw at the conference; I'm only a Copper Concordian," he says, waggling his fingers to draw attention to the copper rings there, "so I don't know what all the Gold Concordians are up to, and I don't know more than a handful of them anyway. If I had to guess, though, it'd probably be one of two Concordians who I know were in town during the conference.

"There's Kassan Soldorak, he has a residence up in Highhold when he's not overseeing things at Goradra Gap, and there's..." he takes a deep breath and braces himself "...Gavril'aashta d'Tharashk, who has a residence on the border between Dragon Towers and Sword Point." He shrugs. "Nothing against you personally, Lieutenant, or your clan, just...you can see why I'd be reluctant to get in the middle of something like this."

Knowledge (Dungeoneering, History, or Nobility) 25
Goradra Gap, the miles-long and miles-deep gorge in the Mror Holds near the Karrnath and Talenta borders, isn't known for much aside from being "that place in the Holds where adventurers with more greed than sense like to go spelunking." If this Kassan Soldorak is overseeing anything there, Brannan is probably talking about the Soldorak clan's Glitterdeep Mine (http://archive.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/ebsi/20070806a).

2016-05-30, 08:31 PM
Danul wasn't sure who the dwarf was talking about. He settles for standing behind the others and looking as menacing as possible.

2016-05-30, 09:04 PM
"Sorry... reflex..." mumbles Lily, both upset that she failed, and that she again tried to charm someone. Fey blood made it quite difficult to avoid reflexively trying to charm everyone she met. Still, points for feeling bad about it.

When she hears about Kassan, she gets the looks of recognition on her face.
"The Soldoraks own the Glitterdeep Mine. If we go looking for him, we better hope he is in is residence... The mine's said to have some... infestation problems, not a nice place to be at."

Knowledge Nobility

PairO'Dice Lost
2016-05-31, 01:45 AM
"It's not an 'infestation'," Brannan snaps, sitting up straight as he feels obligated to defend his clan's pride. "Those are just rumors spread by the Kundaraks and Doldaruns to make us look bad. Everything is completely under control, there haven't been any deaths or work stoppages due to any of the minor, easily-contained incursions, much as the other clans wish they could claim otherwise." He slumps back down, admitting, "But, erm, yes, it would be safer if you catch him at his residence here, regardless. All mines are dangerous, you know."

2016-05-31, 04:40 AM
"Well then," says Aramil, standing up from the desk and approaching the door,
"You were really helpful master Soldorak, thanks for this. I'll be sure to speak highly of you whenever asked..."
He stops for a moment, glancing at the worried dwarf.
"Or to not speak of you at all, maybe that would better, right?"

PairO'Dice Lost
2016-05-31, 02:49 PM
Brannan nods vigorously at Aramil's second statement. "It would really be much better for everyone involved if you didn't mention me to whichever of them you talk to next."

2016-05-31, 08:39 PM

"Not my clan." Khaldrun says. "One House, many families. I'm sure a dwarf can appreciate the difference." He steps away from the door and puts his hand on the knob to open it. "Thanks for being honest with us. I will put in a good word with my comrades, as I said. A little extra gold this month from sales couldn't hurt to ease this memory, I'm sure." He opens the door, holding it for the others. "One last thing. Do you know where we can find them?"

Once away from the dwarf and out of the shop Khalrdun turns back to his teammates. "I say we go visit the dwarf first. We may learn something else, something that'll give us an edge when we do go speak to Gavril. I've a feeling we'll need it, he's a hard man to pin down."

2016-06-01, 02:20 AM
"It is clear that this is your area of expertise. And... Who's this Gavril?"

2016-06-01, 09:12 PM
"Before we go... I'd like to setup a little precaution, just in case we are separated."
She says, as she takes out four small wooden arrows.

"This'll make me able to find you in case someone gets separated from the group, or kidnapped. Which would be rather funny really, if you think about the case we are working."

If no one objects, she pokes each other team member with an arrow, doing 1 point of damage. A small rune glows on their skin before fading.

Everyone who doesn't object in their IC post is now a proud owner of a Dragoneye Rune, and has 1 HP less. No pain no gain and all that...

2016-06-02, 11:13 AM
Aramil looks with interest while the young enchantress pierces his skin with the arrow's point.
"Oh, a simple, but effective, rune of draconic derivation. It is said it was first concieved by a Red Dragon of Argonessen, obsessed with the desire to control all of the dragonmarks. While others believe that this kind of spells are a minor manifestation of some ancient Mark now lost in the flows of time... speculation, if you'd ask me."

PairO'Dice Lost
2016-06-04, 01:21 PM
"I know he's not your clan, but with the clan politics and how I thought Velderan is sort of caught in the middle..." Brannan says, making some hand gestures to try to explain his point, then throws his hands up and says "Whatever. Maybe I heard wrong, and anyway how you deal with your house's politics aren't my problem." He grabs a scrap of paper and a pen and starts writing something, then stops, crumples the paper up, grabs a different piece of paper, switches the pen from his right hand to his left, and writes again.

"Sorry if it's less legible," he explains when he finishes and hands over the paper, "but neither of them will recognize my handwriting that way." The handwriting on the paper certainly is pretty terrible, but you can still make out the two addresses written on it without too much difficulty. The dwarf stands and escorts you out without a further word, but the salesman behind the counter calls out "Thank you for shopping at Foglio and Lernekh! We look forward to seeing you next time!" as you leave.

2016-06-04, 09:59 PM
Lily happily followed the group, though she did take the time to prepare a few spells to protect the group, in case they meet with some resistance.

Lily grabs the following spells:

Silent Image
Improved Mage Armor*

Spells with a * are loaded into her weave

2016-06-04, 10:06 PM

"They'll know we're coming for them now." Khaldrun says as they start to walk. "Best be prepared." As he says that his hands transform into wicked claws and he then channels more energy into them to be unleashed later. "Shall we go?"

Claws of the Beast, Augmented for 7pp. Manifest Forced Share Pain twice (5pp), storing them in his claws via Necklace of Natural Weapons.

2016-06-05, 03:14 AM
Aramil stops for a moment, moving his hands quickly as if writing some form in the air, while he mutters incomprehensible words.
for a brief moment, a magic aura manifests around him, in the form of an elegant, laminated armor, looking like it was fabricated with many different types of leaves and roots; the image seems alive, almost moving with the elf gestures, then, as quikly as it became manifest, it disappears, leaving only a faint trace of magic around Aramil.

"Wait a little more, please" He says. After this, he takes a vial full of alcohol, pours it on its fingers, and starts tracing his veins, quickly following intricate patterns on his arms.

After that he looks at his companions:
"I'm fine thanks, we can go."

Casting Mage Armor; False Life

PairO'Dice Lost
2016-06-22, 03:33 AM
It takes a good ten minutes or so to flag down a ride, since the stereotypical dwarven fear of heights (and the corresponding dwarven preference for lifts over skycoaches) means that the skycoach density in Holdfast is lower than in other districts, and of the skycoaches that can be found in the area most are two- or three-seaters that aren't large enough to carry all of you. You eventually manage to flag one down, though, and it's a quite comfortable one, with freshly upholstered seats and a canvas awning "roof" over the rear half of the coach to keep any rain and tower run-off from soaking your clothes.

The skycoach pilot is a cheerful halfling who introduces himself as Kaleb Torish--"That's 'Kaleb' with a K, by the by. Here's my card; I usually operate out of Upper Dura, if you like the trip and think you might want to hire me again...."--and keeps up a constant patter about the recent weather--"Ain't this just a loverly summer? Hotter than the last few summers, though--and thank Arawai for that! Business is much better when it's hotter, see, since you get a nice breeze zipping through the air instead of waiting for the lifts with all that dratted humidity...."--and upcoming events in the city--"I'm looking forward to Brightblade next week. My sons are competing, one's a wrestler in the featherweight division, the other's an archer, and they're damn good, if I do say so myself. I bet on them every year and make a killing on it, so if you're looking to earn some coin, look for the Torish name, they won't disappoint...."--as your 'coach zigs and zags under bridges, over parapets, and between towers on its trip across the city.

Once you leave Holdfast, the aerial traffic thickens, and you find yourselves surrounded by (and almost colliding with) lots of other skycoaches, as is to be expected at this time of day in Sharn.

Danul and LilyAbout twenty minutes into your trip, shortly before you would pass from the Korran-Thiven finance district into Skysedge Park, the two of you notice some odd behavior from a couple of skycoaches. They're both on the larger side, eight- or ten-seaters, and both are fully occupied by figures wearing heavy cloaks, thick scarves, high-collared jackets, and other sorts of face-concealing clothing. While both have weaved in and out of traffic like the rest of the skycoaches in the area, one of them has stayed ahead of you and to the right, while the other has stayed behind and to your left, and slightly above you...and they're slowly getting closer.

[You two each have a surprise round, and can go in either order. The skycoaches are roughly 60 feet away and you estimate that they're approaching at between 20 feet and 40 feet per round. I'll post a map tonight, if you need one for your intended actions.]

2016-06-22, 03:44 PM
For once, Lily notices something first. She is quite happy until she realizes that she needs to make preparations for battle. Though she makes a quick mental note to herself. Usually she is one if the last in the group to notice ambushes and attacks.

Whispering something unintelligible into her collar, she sends off her familiar to get her one more spell.

Then, she begins to sing. An upbeat lively song, accompanied by some chords on a small lute carried by Lily.

Lily send her familiar to get her a spell. It will take [roll0] rounds.

Lily activates the buffs in her weave. Everyone is now under the effect of Improved Mage Armor, Haste, and Heroism.

She starts her Inspire Courage song. Due to the boosts she has to her bard music level, she sings as a level 18 bard. She also uses words of creation. That's a +6 boost to defence against fear and charm, as well as to damage and to hit.
She takes [roll1] non lethal damage from using words of creation.

PairO'Dice Lost
2016-06-23, 01:35 AM
Kaleb glances back at Lily quizzically as she begins to sing, but soon smiles and exclaims, "Ah, the young lass is a singer! What a loverly accomp'niment to this fine day of ours!" He begins humming along (badly; he should definitely stick to his day job) and tapping his fingers in rhythm with her song on his steering yoke.

Map--Surprise Round
The black oval in the center is your skycoach, with the P being the pilot. The red and green skycoaches are the ones Danul and Lily spotted, with P's for the pilots of each and F's for the suspicious figures with their features covered. The gray skycoaches are above you and the brown ones are below you, to help figure out any fancy maneuvers you might want to try, and the brown and green half-oval on the right side is a large garden balcony that you're currently passing; there will be more of those coming up, since you're now flying over the Skysedge Park district.

2016-06-23, 02:18 PM
Danul's follows Lily's eyeline. Yup, baddies

He glances around at his companions. "Folks, looks like we got some troubles, keep yer head down, boyo" he indicates the driver.

He mutters a quick incantation in Elvish and suddenly there is a glowing purple javelin in his hand. "Taking out the driver to the north!

Full round Attack action if possible.
Attack 1: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]
Sneak Attack: [roll2]
Attack 2: [roll3]
Damage: [roll4]
Attack 2: [roll5]
Damage: [roll6]

PairO'Dice Lost
2016-06-25, 07:24 PM
"Hmm?" Kaleb says, stopping his singing and glancing back at Danul just as he throws his javelin. "Why should I keep my head--by Balnor's beard, man, what in Dolurrh are you doing!?" Your skycoach dips suddenly as the shocked pilot momentarily loses concentration, but that doesn't spoil Danul's aim, and his javelin flies straight as an arrow to impale his target through the stomach. The pilot of the other skycoach jerks in surprise, looks down at the new hole in his torso, and slumps over unconscious or dead, only supported by the javelin pinning him to the side of the skycoach--until the javelin winks out of existence a moment later, and the pilot plops to the floor of the 'coach and out of sight.

There are shouts of alarm from some of the skycoaches behind you who saw what just happened, and the pilots of those skycoaches start scrambling to get away from the crazy man with the javelins. The passengers of the two 'coaches Danul and Lily spotted, however, don't look surprised or scared. The figure behind the fallen pilot in the rightmost skycoach leans down to check on him, but the rest of them stand up or reach into pockets and backpacks to retrieve various things, obviously preparing for something.

PairO'Dice Lost
2016-06-25, 08:32 PM
One of the figures on the skycoach to the left leans over and says something to the pilot, then makes a few hand gestures in the air to the other skycoach. Suddenly, the left skycoach abandons all subtlety and accelerates closer to you. As it does so, the skycoaches behind you who saw Danul's attack and are now seeing this apparent ram attempt slow down and increase or decrease altitude to avoid getting entangled in whatever is going on. Kaleb notices the other 'coach approaching and calls out, "Sovereigns, is that son of a goblin trying to hit us? What is he thinking?", but the skycoach stops its approach a few yards away before it's in any danger of a collision and goes back to merely pacing you. The figure making hand gestures drops his hand in a decisive chopping motion and three of the others raise their own hands in response to point at your 'coach.

Bolts of sickly bluish-green light erupt from the figures' pointing fingers and streak towards Danul. A moment later, three figures on the other skycoach--which is still traveling in the same course it was before, given that it is currently unpiloted, but has started descending slowly--also raise their hands and send similar bolts at him, these a bit brighter than the first set; the skycoaches between yours and the second hostile 'coach also begin maneuvering out of the way of the conflict as best they can. Most of the bolts miss, which isn't surprising given all the relative movement of skycoaches and Danul's excellent reflexes, but two of them strike home, impacting his arm and shoulder with a sizzling sound and a momentary painful burning sensation.

Group from the left skycoach
Attack: [roll0] vs. touch AC 18; Damage: [roll1]; on a hit, Will save [roll2] vs. DC 15 or be shaken for 1 minute
Attack: [roll3] vs. touch AC 18; Damage: [roll4]; on a hit, Will save [roll5] vs. DC 15 or be shaken for 1 minute
Attack: [roll6] vs. touch AC 18; Damage: [roll7]; on a hit, Will save [roll8] vs. DC 15 or be shaken for 1 minute

Group from the right skycoach
Attack: [roll9] vs. touch AC 18; Damage: [roll10]; on a hit, Fort save [roll11] vs. DC 15 or be sickened for 1 minute
Attack: [roll12] vs. touch AC 18; Damage: [roll13]; on a hit, Fort save [roll14] vs. DC 15 or be sickened for 1 minute
Attack: [roll15] vs. touch AC 18; Damage: [roll16]; on a hit, Fort save [roll17] vs. DC 15 or be sickened for 1 minute

EDIT: Danul takes 23 damage total and is not shaken or sickened.

Map--Round 1

2016-06-25, 09:27 PM
Lily passes her hand through the air in front of her, as if strumming a lyre. Then, as if catching an invisible string, she pulls with two of her fingers swapped around thin air. A quiet snapping sound can be heard.

She keeps singing, but in her song mixed in are some additional high and low notes. She points at the side of the skycoach, where seconds later a solid wall appears.

Lily does the above unless something totally unexpected happens. Like a random dragon appearing. (Oh god I jinxed it)

1) She finally triggers her weave.
2) She keeps singing.
3) She casts silent image on the right side of the coach, putting up a wall between then and the skycoach that now has 1 more Shish kebab.

The wall obviously wont stop jack, but it should technically provide some sort of concealment. To make it harder to just "math it out" for the enemy archers, the wall is misshapen, and moves around abit, using the skycoach as its focal point. Basically the other coach has to fly either in front, or behind, or all around to see past the wall (they can disbelieve it, though they'd have to do without being able to touch it, unless they are stupid enough to jump onto it)

2016-06-26, 05:05 AM
For once, Aramil is eager to amiably chat with the skycoach, relieving himself.
"You are right, my friend, I'm used to hot environments, but I didn't think Sharn could be that warm!"-- "Brightblade you say? Never seen something like this! I'll be sure to take a look if I have the free time, I love to see, some archery contest."--
"And tell me, what about that odd looking tower there in the midd... What the?"

The elf hears Lily singing, and immediately feels the supernatural compelling of a bardic work. Turning to the girl to see what happens, Aramil hears Danul's words, and witness him launching his javelin at the enemies. By quickly looking around, he sees the two skycoaches, and concentrates on the one with the pilot, that is now approaching them.

The enchanter closes his eyes for a brief moment, and when he opens them again, a faint blue-green light blinks on his face;

Concentrating, Aramil takes a little pinch of butter from his pouch, and throws it toward the enemy vessel, while he speaks some arcane words. The butter instantly disappeares and a greasy coating appears under the feet of four of the occupants.

After this, he flies up and joins the halfling pilot.
"Mr. Torish, can you get nearer to the front of that skycoach?"

Swift Action to reallocate Essentia: 3 on Illusion Veil, 3 on Airstep Sandals and 3 on Adamant Pauldrons.
Adamant Pauldrons: DR 3/Chaos, light fortification
Airstep Sandals: 30 feet fly; good
Illusion Veil: +3 round duration illusion, +1 Insight bonus DC
2 free essentia.

Standard Action: Casting grease on the left skycoach: pointing to the three people sending bolts (if possible) refl. DC 17

Move Action: flying up and down and ending near Kaleb

2016-06-27, 01:54 PM
Danul feels the first bolt of magic strike home and as the second one hits he gives a yelp of pain, slumping to the bottom of the skycoach. He gives his companions a wink to let them know he's trying to fake out their attackers. He glares up at the driver. "I'm gettin' meself shot. What's it look like?"

He pops up from the floor of the coach and looses another volley of javelins at the fools who were spell blasting him.

Immediate Action at the end of their turn to play dead
Bluff: [roll0]
I'll take Improved Critical naming javelins if Lily is still casting Heroics.
Targeting the guy directly across from me on the left side of our coach.
Activating Deadeye Shot, damage x3 on a successful crit.
Attack: [roll1]
Damage: [roll2]
Not sure if playing dead reactivates sneak attack or not. Disregard if it doesn't.
Sneak Attack: [roll3]
Attack: [roll4]
Damage: [roll5]

PairO'Dice Lost
2016-06-29, 12:36 AM
The pointing figures' expressions are hard to read behind their makeshift disguises, but as one of the two who struck him calls out "Got 'im!" in a smug voice, the rest seem to relax as Danul apparently goes down hard thanks to their eldritch volley. Before they can let off another one, though, the three on the left skycoach shuffle around comically as their footing suddenly becomes very slippery; two of them manage to hold their footing, but the third falls over and knocks over a fourth as he does so. The figure who signaled them to attack turns his head to the side for a moment as if saying something to the others, then several more figures raise their arms, two of them holding empty hands with palms out in spellcasting poses and three lifting shortbows with arrows nocked.

The empty-handed figures launch a quartet of bright blue bolts from their palms that zigzag in to strike their targets; the one on the left skycoach targets Aramil, while the one on the right 'coach targets Lily. Then, viewing Aramil as the most dangerous target remaining, the three figures with shortbows loose a trio of arrows at the wizard. Any further assaults from the right skycoach are swiftly cut off as Lily raises her illusory wall.

While Aramil and Lily are spellcasting, Kaleb is worrying. "You want to get closer? But, they just--! And he just--!" he says in reply to Aramil's request, waving vaguely in Danul's direction. When Danul rises, apparently unharmed, and sends a javelin straight through the chest of the figure on the left 'coach who'd struck him and dropping the figure like a stone, Kaleb appears to think it over. You all seem quite capable with your strange assortment of powers, and your enemies seem outmatched...and Aramil did chat with him all friendly-like.... With an uncertain nod, the halfling puts on a quick burst of speed and steers your coach nearer to the other skycoach as requested.

With no wall to block him, one of the figures on the now-very-close left skycoach who has not yet acted raises a small pendant resembling a holy symbol of some sort and intones something while pointing at Kaleb. A small bubble of shadow fades into existence around the pilot's torso, causing him to slap at it in a panic in an attempt to get it off him, then the bubble bursts outwards in a silent explosion...and suddenly you are enveloped in utter darkness.

Ref saves for the targets of Aramil's grease
Eldritch Blaster 1: [roll0]
Eldritch Blaster 2: [roll1]
Eldritch Blaster 3: [roll2]
Other Baddie 1: [roll3]

Lily and Aramil each take 20 force damage from the magical bolts. They both identify the spells that hit them as maximized magic missiles.

Attacks vs. Aramil
Shortbow: [roll4] vs. AC 26; Damage: [roll5]; Crit Confirm: [roll6]
Shortbow: [roll7] vs. AC 26; Damage: [roll8]; Crit Confirm: [roll9]
Shortbow: [roll10] vs. AC 26; Damage: [roll11]; Crit Confirm: [roll12]

EDIT: The enemy hits! He threatens! He...fails to confirm. :smallfrown: Aramil takes 6 damage after his DR.

Sense Motive for the eldritch blasters who hit Danul: [roll13] for the left one, [roll14] for the right one.

Sense Motive for Danul's target: [roll15]
If Danul's Bluff is successful, it counts as a diversion to hide: Danul's Hide [roll16] vs. target's Spot [roll17]
If Danul's Hide is successful, his target is denied Dex to AC and takes sneak attack damage.

EDIT: Sneak Attack success! One shot, one kill!

Kaleb's Will save vs. spell: [roll18] vs. DC 22

Spellcraft DC 21The spell of darkness is a widened blacklight (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/divine/spells/blacklight.htm)

2016-06-29, 07:26 PM

"I hope you're insured Kaleb." Khaldrun says as the ambush happens. "Things are about to get messy." He says with a tight lipped smile. As arrows and magical blasts pour out from the coaches Khaldrun keeps his attention divided between his team to make sure none of them are seriously injured and the attackers. He snaps his head towards Danul when he drops only to pop up moments later but the distraction is long enough for him to miss seeing whomever cast the darkness. "Damn! I'm heading over!" He shouts as he stands up and kicks open the door of the coach, one hand reaching up to grab the edge of the ceiling as he holds himself half in and half out. He takes a deep breath and expels it in a blast and the air carries a surge of raw psionic energy towards the other coach.

Closing his eyes in an instinctual response to vertigo that can only be felt, not seen, he hesitates as the wind rushes past him. "Always hated flying." He says as he draws more psychic energy into himself and making it ready for later. "Someone get rid of this darkness." He says to whomever is listening and then throws himself out into the darkness, reaching for the other coach.

Manifesting Psionic Blast (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/psionic/powers/psionicBlast.htm), Augmented with 4 power points. He's aiming in the direction of the coach and it's a 30ft cone; I'll leave it to you to determine who's exactly hit given the darkness. DC 18 Will Save [Mind-Affecting, Telepathy] or be Stunned for 3 rounds. He will manifest it without any displays (taps the Concentration check).

He'll then manifest (without any displays) Hustle Linked to Claws of the Vampire. He'll use the Move Action granted by Hustle to refocus his Psionic Focus (which he expended to use the Metapsionic feat). He taps the Concentration DC to refocus. Claws of the Vampire will manifest at the start of his next turn.

His Jump modifier is +22 (+16 from increased speed, +4 from strength, +2 from synergy). If he makes the jump he'll then try and clamber over the coach to the drivers seat. He'll probably still be in darkness, so only moving at 1/2 speed. After the jump he'll have (70 - 15) 55ft of movement left, so 25ft moving at half speed. I would try and aim for a particular square but given the darkness that's out of the window (much like himself).

Jump! [roll0]

Important Note! As he is moving more than 10ft this round his Ring of Entropic Deflection will activate (as Entropic Shield (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/entropicShield.htm) spell, except the miss chance is 50%).

PairO'Dice Lost
2016-07-01, 01:54 AM
In response to Khaldrun's comment about insurance, your pilot lets out a few choice words in the tongue of the Talenta Plains that are foul enough to scorch Aramil's ears, apparently either assuming that none of you speak Halfling or just not caring about propriety at the moment. Obviously deciding that flying at full tilt while unable to see anything is incredibly unsafe, he slows the skycoach to barely more than a walking pace, and from the lack of a whooshing sound of a skycoach overtaking you, it seems the skycoach to the left slowed down as well.

Shortly after that, you hear Khaldrun kick a door open, and then you can all hear some yelps of surprise from several voices on the other skycoach, so he must have hit some of them with his psychic assault. The sound of creaking wood and flexing canvas accompanies his leap of faith over the gap between your coach and the enemy one, then with a sound somewhere between a sproing! and a thud! he lands on the other skycoach's canvas roof and slides down to end up on the solid floor of the 'coach.

Khaldrun hears a rustling of cloth close by, then feels the air move and hears some quick exhalations of breath as one of the figures attempts to strike him with something, probably a fist; however, the small warning that the moving air gives him is enough to let him avoid the attacks despite being unable to see them.

Suddenly, your skycoach rocks backwards as the skycoach to the right slams into it at high speed with a loud CRUNCH, then comes to a just-as-sudden halt as it is slammed into the skycoach on the left and finds itself caught between the two 'coaches. No sooner has the shuddering stopped than Lily feels a sudden burst of burning pain as a bolt like the ones that struck Danul earlier hits her in the upper arm, but she is fortunately able to ignore the pain without too much effort.

The psionic blast is wide enough to encompass everyone on the other 'coach, luckily for him.

Will saves vs. stun:
Eldritch Blaster 2: [roll1]
Eldritch Blaster 3: [roll2]
Other Figure 1: [roll3]
Other Figure 2: [roll4]
Other Figure 3: [roll5]
Other Figure 4: [roll6]
Other Figure 5: [roll7]
EDIT: Looks like everyone but the pilot and figures 3 and 4 are stunned for 3 rounds.

The downed figures in the grease don't attempt to stand this round, so they don't need to make a Balance check or Ref save.

If the eldritch blasters aren't stunned, they attack Khaldrun
Attack: [1d20+6 vs. touch AC 21; Miss Chance: (miss if 50 or below); Damage: [roll9]; on a hit, Will save [roll10] vs. DC 15 or be shaken for 1 minute
Attack: [1d20+6 vs. touch AC 21; Miss Chance: (miss if 50 or below); Damage: [roll12]; on a hit, Will save [roll13] vs. DC 15 or be shaken for 1 minute

EDIT: Whoops, screwed up the syntax, but that's okay because they're stunned anyway.

Melee Attacks vs. Khaldrun
Unarmed Strike: [roll14] vs. flat-footed AC 26; Damage: [roll15]
Unarmed Strike: [roll16] vs. flat-footed AC 26; Damage: [roll17]

Ram damage from right skycoach: [roll18]
I've added the stats I'm using for the skycoaches to the second post of the OOC thread, under Helpful Rules, if you're interested.

Eldritch Blasts vs. Lily
Attack: [1d20+6 24 vs. touch AC 23; Damage: ; on a hit, Fort save [roll20] vs. DC 15 or be sickened for 1 minute
Attack: [1d20+6 9 vs. touch AC 23; Damage: ; on a hit, Fort save [roll22] vs. DC 15 or be sickened for 1 minute
Attack: [1d20+6 21 vs. touch AC 23; Damage: [roll23]; on a hit, Fort save [roll24] vs. DC 15 or be sickened for 1 minute
EDIT: Rerolled the attack rolls in the OOC, see above edits. Lily is hit by the first blast and takes 6 damage.

Map--Round 1

2016-07-01, 06:55 AM
When the bubble of darkness erupts, Aramil immediately identifies the spell, reminding him of a group of clerics of Vol.
Unfortunately, he even identifies the stream of words from Kaleb's mouth, that seem more angered than worried
"Good, he has more chances to make it out alive" thinks the mage.

"Don't worry," he says to the pilot in his language, "the spell is just a simple trickery with no ill effects besides the darkness, I can d..."

The elf interrupts himself when a loud rumor distracts him, just as the skycoach rolls and he almost lose his balance, then he is thrown again in the opposite direction.
Aramil looks into the darkness for a moment, realizing what happened.

"Now, that's enough!" Says the elf, for the first time seeming enraged by the current course of events.

He points in the direction where he percieved the first contact, takes a feather in his hands, breaks it in half and suddenly starts to mutter something, while a strange shiver emanates in front of him.

After this, Aramil unsheathes his sword and waits to see if the darkness gets away.

Standard Action
Casting Fear, directed as the first cone in the image.

DC 20 succeded: shaken/1 round; failed, panicked/8 rounds

Move Action retrieving the sword.

PairO'Dice Lost
2016-07-08, 10:10 PM
The reaction to Aramil's spell is immediate: the skycoach that just rammed your vessel makes a loud scraping sound as it begins to pull away from you, accompanied by some quiet cursing from someone who's probably the pilot. More volleys of magical darts strike Aramil from sources unseen before the skycoach can fully disengage.

Over on the other skycoach, Khaldrun hears three voices shout something in a language he doesn't understand, then feels a concerted assault upon his mind trying to compel him to flee back to his own skycoach. He is able to resist the compulsion for a few moments, but the combined force is too much, and a tendril of fear worms its way into a crack in his mental armor.

Aramil takes 40 damage from another 2 sets of maximized magic missile.

Knaldrun's Will saves (DC 15):
If he fails any of those saves, Khaldrun must moves away from the figures on his skycoach as quickly as possible for 1 round, doing nothing but moving on his turn and provoking AoOs as normal.

2016-07-09, 12:14 PM
Realizing the problem the darkness posed, Lily decided to take a what she hoped would look like a rather heroic action. Stopping her song, she gets to her feet, addressing Kaleb as she does so.
"Kaleb, please don't move. I need to get over to you."

As she reaches Kaleb, she touches her palm on his stomach, not really seeing much for any better targeting.

"Tag... Im it!" she laughs, and the darkness suddenly disappears from the ship, though Lily is nowhere to be found.

Lily stops her song, walks over to Kaleb, and steals the darkness spell on him. She then activates her anklet of translocation to teleport herself off the ship, and falls below.
She falls for a few seconds, before stabilizing herself with her flight.

Those on the ship (if they have fast perception) would notice the darkness has disappeared through the bottom of the ship.

PairO'Dice Lost
2016-07-09, 01:13 PM
When the bubble of darkness suddenly seems to plunge through the floor of your skycoach along with Lily, you all notice a few things. First, Kaleb is no longer hyperventilating and slapping at his chest to get the evil magic off of himself, so now he might be some help in getting you away from here. Second, there's not a single other skycoach anywhere near you, all of their pilots apparently having sensibly decided that avoiding the mysterious black blob in the air is a very good idea.

Third, the pilot of the right skycoach is frantically working his steering yoke back and forth to dislodge his skycoach from yours and retreat, and most of the others on that skycoach look like they agree with his plan; two of them look like they'd rather continue the attack, but they're towards the back of the 'coach and in no position to stop the pilot at the moment. Finally, the pilot of the left skycoach has one hand resting lazily on the steering yoke and the other raised in front of him in a defensive posture against anything Khaldrun might try.

Map--Round 2

2016-07-11, 02:30 PM
Danul cursed under his breath as the darkness vanished. He knew full well what his Nightingale was up to. Not that he could do much.

He turns his attention to the fools threatening the soldier. Not paying attention to him.

He spins a javelin in his hands and throws at the nearest one.

Deadeye Shot, Point Blank Shot
Full Round Attack
Attack: [roll0]
Sneak Attack: [roll1] disregard if no sneak attack
Damage [roll2]
Attack: [roll3]
Damage [roll4]
Attack: [roll5]
Damage [roll6]

PairO'Dice Lost
2016-07-20, 02:59 AM
Danul's first javelin streaks toward one of the figures crouching in the patch of grease Aramil laid down, whose face bears a slightly vacant expression after Khaldrun's mental assault; between his lack of awareness and the grease below his feet the figure finds dodging projectiles rather difficult, and he goes down hard with a javelin-sized hole in his chest. The second and third figures on the grease patch are downed in the same way, removing the threat of more magical blasts from that skycoach.

The figure on the left skycoach who created the globe of darkness looks over to the figure who was giving hand-signal commands earlier, but the latter is in no position to give commands now, as he's also wearing a somewhat vacant expression and blinking rapidly to try to clear his head. The former figure frowns, looking annoyed, and waves a signal over to one of the two figures on the right skycoach who aren't fearfully urging the pilot to escape faster. That figure nods at the signal and jogs toward the spot where the two skycoaches are still pressed together, and as he uses his right arm to boost himself over the side of his 'coach and onto yours, he draws a scimitar from a sheath on his back with his left hand. He rolls over the railings and lands in a crouch, so Aramil doesn't see a good opening to strike at the figure with his longsword as the figure passes him.

When the figure lands, he barks an arcane word then whips his scimitar between Aramil and Danul to strike at Kaleb with a two-handed overhand chop. The pilot lifts his arms to try to cover his face, so instead of nearly taking his head off it merely slices deep into his arm all the way to the bone, and then there is a sizzling discharge of magic from the blade. "What in Kol--" Kaleb starts to curse, before vanishing. He reappears with a pop of displaced air about ten feet away...outside the skycoach. "--Korran's name was that...gah!" Kaleb completes his curse, then starts to fall, frantically waving his arms and legs in a futile attempt to fight gravity.

The figure then looks down and says another few arcane words, and he disappears with another quiet pop to reappear on the left skycoach, next to Khaldrun and the pilot. Meanwhile, the figure who ordered that attack has simply raised his hands into a ready posture and is watching Aramil and Lily closely.

Stunned creatures are denied their Dex to AC, so all of Danul's attacks get sneak attack damage on top of Lily's damage bonuses, and between both of those none of the three figures in the grease stand a chance. Yay teamwork!

Tumble check for figure from the right skycoach to avoid AoOs: [roll0] vs. DC 15
If he fails, Aramil's AoO against the figure: [roll1] vs. AC 16; Damage: [roll2]

Figure's attack vs. Kaleb: [roll3] vs. AC 11; Damage: [roll4]
If the attack hits, Kaleb must make a Will save [roll5] vs. DC 19 or be affected by a spell.

Spellcraft DC 17The spell the figure used on Kaleb was dimension hop.

The "bad cleric" figure readies an action.

Map--Round 2
For ease of targeting, I've replaced some of the Fs with numbers to designate specific figures. The 1 is the figure who was giving commands (currently stunned), the 2 is the "bad cleric," and the 3 is the figure who attacked Kaleb. The P hanging in midair is, of course, your rather unfortunate soon-to-be-ex pilot.

2016-07-20, 06:13 PM

"Good job Lily!" Khaldrun says as the darkness suddenly disappears, then with his next breath he curses the arcane swordsman who stole away their driver. "Nice swordwork." Khaldrun says as his sharp claws take on a silver gleam. "Needing a weapon, that's your first weakness. I am a weapon." Khaldrun stomps his foot and his body surges in size, expanding to tower over the coach and his enemies. He swipes at the swordsman with a massive claw trying to get a hold of the warrior.

Start of his turn Claws of the Vampire manifests from the previous round.
Swift Action: Expansion [Large size, 7pp].
Full Attack: Attack Figure 3.

1st Attack: Grapple Attempt (does not provoke AoO)
Melee Touch Attack [roll0]
Free Action: Release Forced Shared Pain (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/psionic/powers/sharePainForced.htm) from one gauntlet onto the target. Fortitude DC 18 to Negate.
Grapple Check [roll1]
Damage [roll2]

2nd Attack: If the 1st attack hits and the grapple check succeeds, this attack will be a grapple check to Pin.
Pin Grapple Check [roll3]
At Khaldrun's choice the target will be unable to speak.

If the 1st Attack misses or the grapple check fails he will try again to grapple.
Melee Touch Attack (if needed) [roll4]
Free Action: Release Forced Shared Pain (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/psionic/powers/sharePainForced.htm) from his other gauntlet onto the target. Fortitude DC 18 to Negate.
Grapple Check [roll5]
Damage [roll6]

Powers Manifested this Combat (currently active): Expansion, Claws of the Vampire.

PairO'Dice Lost
2016-07-27, 02:07 AM
The sword-wielding figure has just enough time to yelp "Oh, holy sh--!" before he finds his head and neck completely enveloped by Khaldrun's massive claw; the rest of the figure's cursing is muffled as he tries to pry himself free of Khaldrun's unyielding grip, with little success.

Over on the other skycoach, the pilot finally manages to get it free of your skycoach by attempting to go up and over it, and the two skycoaches disengage with an ear-piercing grinding sound as the enemy skycoach scrapes most of its keel along the side railings of your 'coach. That done, he turns the ponderous craft as quickly and gracefully as he can (which is to say, not very) and speeds away, descending slowly to get closer to the tower tops below.

The pilot on the left skycoach scowls as he sees his allies' skycoach fleeing the fight, then looks up at Khaldrun mauling another ally of his with a considering expression. Coming to a decision, he presses the steering yoke forward and gives it a funny little half-twist...and suddenly Khaldrun feels his stomach lurch as the skycoach seems to go into a controlled freefall. Within seconds the skycoach is inside the bubble of darkness that Lily took below, and just before the darkness consumes him Khaldrun sees the pilot take his hands off the steering yoke and pivot toward the back of the 'coach. He hears a few footsteps, then a voice say "Everyone grab hold," then silence.

Silence from his own coach, at least. Everyone can hear Kaleb wailing as he falls: "OH GODS SOMEBODY HELP ME I'M GONNA DIE I HATE FALLING OH GODS OH GODS OH GODS AAAAAHHHHH!" He too falls into the bubble of darkness, which does nothing to quiet his cries for help, and is lost to sight for now.

Map--Round 3

2016-07-29, 08:33 AM
For a moment, the elf ponders his options, asking himself if he need to immediately save poor Kaleb.

Seeing that the situation was still undecided, and that they'll need to finish their enemies (at least the visible ones, Aramil hopes that someone else will take the halfling, that now is not even visible, and decides for another course of action.

He places himself near Danul then, remembering an ancient martial move of his people, he concentrates himself, briefly spins on his feets, and a silent whirlwind of shadows arise from the floor, apparently devouring him before disappearing.

Now that he is invisible to the eyes, he looks at the esaping group and concentrates on the back of their skycoach: immediately, Aramil seems to arise from the same silent darkness that devoured him, placed on the back of the skycoach, and preparing to cast a silent incantation.

The elf hopes that this is enough to distract the attackers before they get too far away.

Move Action: down two squares, near Danul
Swift Action: Cloak of Shadows (thanks to the bonus feat!)
Standard Action: Casting Silent Image on the back of right skycoach, with the image being Aramil appearing as if Cloak of Shadows was a teleporting spell (for those who seen him disappear) and acting as if concentrating on another spell to cast.
Will to disbelief DC18

PairO'Dice Lost
2016-08-01, 03:05 AM
The figures on the fleeing skycoach don't take any notice of Aramil's theatrics, as they're too busy dealing with the fear clawing at their minds saying get away get away GET AWAY to focus on anything else. Until, that is, one of them glances back to see if they're out of sight of your skycoach yet and sees "Aramil" mere feet away. "By the Six, he's here! Right here!" the figure yelps, causing all the others to cringe away. "What's he casting!? I can't tell!" one calls out, terror tinging his voice. "Me neither! We're doomed!" cries another histrionically. "What's the use!? If he can teleport that far, we'll never make it out alive!" sobs yet another.

All the figures but the pilot press themselves together to get as far away from the source of their fear as possible, cowering away from the illusory Aramil, while the pilot stares fixedly ahead and causes the skycoach to accelerate to an even more unsafe speed.

Map--Round 3

2016-08-02, 06:44 PM
Flying blind is rather unsafe. As a rule, Lily tries to avoid unsafe things whenever possible. Finding herself flying and blinded, she naturally tries to solve the problem as soon as she can.

Reaching into the bag hanging off her shoulder, she retrieves one of her small arrows, and jabs it into her thigh with just enough force to feel it sting.

Suddenly her vision is cleared, and the first thing she sees is Kaleb falling past her, flailing helplessly. Not a thing easy to miss, or to dismiss. With a sigh, and some muttering under her breath about helpless civilians, Lily folds her wings, falling alongside Kaleb, her arms reaching to grab gold.

Lily used a move and a standard action to retrieve a spell storing arrow, and stab herself with it. The arrow was busy storing the Ebon Eyes spell. Said arrow has now much more free time on it's hands and has taken up numerous hobbies.

Now being able to see within the darkness, Lily stops flying as a free action, to fall along side Kaleb to catch him next turn.

PairO'Dice Lost
2016-08-05, 08:25 PM
Kaleb whips his head around blindly as he hears something get much closer to him than he'd like anything to get in his current circumstances. His wailing cuts off suddenly, as if he thinks that whoever is coming after him is tracking him by sound, and he squeezes his eyes shut as if he thinks that would help. Not the smartest reaction, but then this isn't a situation in which the average skycoach pilot often finds himself.

Now that she can see through the darkness, Lily has a clear view of the left skycoach. She sees the extra large Khaldrun with his claws, the figure held in his claws...and nothing else, as it seems that the other figures that were on board the skycoach are now elsewhere. As soon as she moves far enough away from your skycoach that the bubble of darkness no longer reaches the rest of you, you can all see the same thing.

Map--Round 3

2016-08-08, 02:34 PM
Danul growls deep in his throat. He rushes to the front of the skycoach and starts wrestling with the controls.

"Will someone tell me what's going on?!" he yells into the wind.

Move to the front of the coach.
UMD: [roll0]
Chase the escaping skycoach.

PairO'Dice Lost
2016-08-10, 02:56 AM
The steering yoke resists Danul's movements with a hum of arcane power at first as he fiddles with the controls. Your skycoach jerks forward a foot or so, then stops, then slowly glides another few feet, then jerks forward again, then stops again. With a few moments' practice, though, he is able to get the hang of it and apply the right amount of pressure at the right angle, and at that point the skycoach begins flying forward smoothly. Danul maneuvers the skycoach through Lily's illusory wall and is quickly able to catch up to the still-accelerating enemy skycoach, pulling up along their port side.

Over on the other skycoach, the figure in Khaldrun's grip wriggles and writhes in an attempt to free himself. His attempt is just as futile as his initial resistance to Khaldrun's crushing grip, and all he manages to accomplish is to tilt his head slightly into what looks to be an even less comfortable position than before.

Grapple check to escape the pin:
Figure: [roll0]
Khaldrun: [roll1]

Map--Round 3

2016-08-10, 02:39 PM

"No...you stay there." Khaldrun says to the struggling swordsman. "Doing well people!" He shouts to the other coach then looks at the empty seats on his own coach, trying to focus his mind while his body keeps hold of his enemy. He glances at the fleeing skycoach and tries to burn it into his memory, then hefts his weight up and tries to roll over the edge of the coach with his captive. "Be right back!" He shouts.

Standard Action. Manifest Trace Teleport. Concentration DC 24 [roll0]
Move Action: Grapple check to move [roll]1d20+19[\roll]

PairO'Dice Lost
2016-08-12, 01:34 AM
The left skycoach continues to plummet downwards, but Khaldrun plummets just a little bit faster as he easily heaves himself and his captive overboard. The figure lets out a muffled Mmrrf! of surprise at the sudden motion but yet again fails to make any progress towards escaping.

The pilot of the right skycoach continues pouring on the speed with single-minded determination while ignoring the fact that Danul has maneuvered up to it, because of course the only way to get such a powerful arcanist like Aramil off his 'coach is to get far enough away from the rest of you that Aramil leaves on his own.

Once again, pay no attention to the rolls behind the curtain:

Map--Round 4

2016-08-12, 02:24 AM
In a brief moment, Aramil, knowing that his short-working illusion is finished, runs to Danul and crouches himself behind the coachseat, hoping that the enemies they are pursuing are too worried to pay attention to him.

All the while, he briefly sends a mental command to his image, having it continue it's "casting" and adding a little bit of whirling colours around the hands, as if the "spell" was slowly turning up.

Seeing that the daring Half-Elf guard has taken control of the skycoach, Aramil turns his attention to the now distancing skycoach from where Khaldrun has fallen and from where people seems to have been porting away.

Not convinced that they have really escaped, and suspecting a simpler trick, the elf looks closely to the zone, while his arcane senses attune with it. He starts to scan the zone behind his grease, to see if there are still lingering magic auras, indicating the possible presence of an illusion.

move action to reach Danul and take cover behind his seat to not attract attention.
If needed:
Hide [roll0]
Move Silently [roll1]
Swift action using the swift concentration skill trick to keep the silent image working.
Standard action to cast Detect Magic on the red skycoach, hoping to find a magic aura

PairO'Dice Lost
2016-08-12, 02:59 AM
Aramil is completely out of view of the other skycoach by the time he fades into visibility, as far as he can tell. The other skycoach is now too far away for him or Danul to easily hear anything the figures on it are saying, but the long and flashy casting time for "his" spell certainly seems to have them concerned.

When your spell is completed, many glowing auras suddenly appear in your vision. Once you make note of and then filter out the pulsing auras of psionic power around Khaldrun himself, the twinkling auras around the various magic items worn by Khaldrun and the figure he's grappling, and the steady aura of your own grease, you see only one other aura: a Dim Illusion aura emanating from a point in the rear half of the skycoach.

2016-08-17, 08:31 PM
Grabbing hold of Kaleb, Lily closes her eyes, and mutters a spell. One her familiar just brought back. A split second later, the pair finds themselves back aboard their sky coach. As not to impede her allies' vision, Lily takes off again, this time heading for the departing skycoach carrying the remainder of the attackers.

If im not mistaken, Lily finally gets her familiar back with the spell she asked for. She uses it to teleport back.

Mishap: [roll0]

2016-08-22, 08:26 PM
Danul gritted his teeth and drove the skycoach forward. These idiots would not get away.

He threw another javelin at them.

UMD: [roll0]
Attack: [roll1]
Damage: [roll2]

PairO'Dice Lost
2016-08-22, 09:07 PM
"...AARRGH--oh, thank the Host!" Kaleb gasps gratefully as he finds himself suddenly standing back on his skycoach instead of plummeting through the air. He blinks away the sudden brightness as Lily's flight takes the darkness away, then begins patting himself down as if he doesn't quite believe that he survived. He looks around in confusion to figure out what's been going on, and focuses on the most important thing: the fact that Danul is piloting his skycoach!

"Now, sonny," he says sternly, "you'd better get away from that yoke! I don't think you have the slightest idea--" He attempts to take a step forward to relieve Danul of piloting duty, but his knees buckle beneath him and he collapses into the nearest seat, looking a little green around the gills. "Er, actually...you haven't crashed her yet, so...you go ahead and steer for now," he says weakly as he rests his head on the back of the seat, closes his eyes, and takes a few deep breaths. "Never thought I'd see the day that I got airsick...."

The pilot's distress isn't helped any as Danul sends the 'coach zooming forward. The javelin he throws impales the nearest figure on the other skycoach just as the 'coach is engulfed by the globe of darkness around Lily, and with a very short cry of pain he or she crumples to the floor. From where she is, slightly ahead of and to the right of the other skycoach, Lily can see a large bloodstain bloom on the figure's chest; they're not getting up any time soon.

Map--Round 4

2016-08-26, 09:10 PM

"I was hoping we'd have more time..." Khaldrun shouts above the rushing wind as he and the captured swordsman accelerate towards the ground. Khaldrun releases his hands from the man and says "I've got to go...but if you survive the fall...SERGEANT REDFEL IN DRAGON TOWERS HAS ADVICE ON HOW TO DEFEAT ME. SEEK HIM AND SAY 'BLUNTED BLADES STILL BRUISE'." Without waiting to see if the enchantment took hold, Khaldrun turns his head up to look at where the lead coach should be, currently cloaked in shadows. A moment later and the swordsman was falling by himself.

Free Action, end the grapple.
Swift Action, expend his psionic focus and manifest a Quickened Psionic Suggestion. The ALL CAPS text is the Suggestion. DC 17 Will Save.
Standard Action, manifest Psionic Teleport, aiming for the lead coach.

Teleport roll [roll0]

'Blunted blades still bruise' is of course Red Gauntlet code for 'I am a mind-controlled enemy.' :smallwink:

PairO'Dice Lost
2016-08-29, 01:35 AM
The figure Khaldrun was grappling seemingly wasn't expecting to be released; when Khaldrun lets go he--Khaldrun is pretty sure this figure is a "he"--just freezes for a moment, before looking around wildly to see whether Khaldrun is planning to do something worse than put him in a headlock and send him hurtling towards the towers below. The figure's eyes are all that can be seen through his mask, and Khaldrun sees them go cross-eyed for a second as his mental attack strikes the figure...but the figure shakes his head and blinks a few times, and Khaldrun can tell that the compulsion failed to take hold, though it doesn't seem like the figure realizes what just happened. The last thing Khaldrun sees before he teleports away is the figure reaching into a pocket in his overcoat to grab something.

When Khaldrun pops back into existence, he feels something solid under his feet and can't see a thing, so it's a pretty good bet he managed to make it onto the skycoach he was aiming for. He hears a quiet scuffling of feet, then nothing, as though the figures on this 'coach have noticed his presence and are trying to avoid giving away their positions.

Will save vs. suggestion: [roll0] vs. DC 17

Aramil is up.

Map--Round 5

LilyWith your ability to see through the magical darkness, you see Khaldrun appear in the open space between the illusion of Aramil and the mass of frightened figures. You then see one of the figures lift its arm rapidly and awkwardly, as if some invisible force is lifting its arm for it--and since the figure jerks in surprise when this happens and looks over to see what did that, maybe there is something invisible moving its arm around. The figure settles down, leans in that direction as if listening to someone whispering, turns and waves its other arm in the air to get the other figures' attention, puts a finger to its lips exaggeratedly to signal for quiet, makes a circling gesture to encompass everyone there, and finally grabs the hand of the figure closest to it.

The other figures quickly get the idea and grab hands, including the pilot, as quietly as they can. When they're done, the figure who called for the hand-linking looks over at the empty space next to it and nods at whatever is holding its seemingly empty hand. With that, the figures all blur around the edges, and they seem to recede into the far distance while simultaneously not seeming to move at all. You recognize this paradoxical effect to be the visual signature of a Shadow Walk spell.

A moment later they've all disappeared, leaving only Khaldrun on the skycoach, none the wiser to what has happened just a few feet away.

2016-08-29, 02:19 AM
"An illusion pattern... maybe they turned invisible?"
The elf looks around himself, while Danul drives and Kaleb sits breating heavily; not knowing what's happening on the nearest skycoach, but sure that the frightened crew is not a immediate problem, he stops to evaluate the situation.

Khaldrun popped away and, since the apparently empty skycoach is still in the air and Lily obscured everything else, Aramil takes the moment to cure himself and add some more protections; then, he shouts at the not easily detectable bard, hoping that her flying powers have still time to work.
"Miss Lily, they may be invisible but still on the coach, can you disrupt their magic?"

Standard Action Expending the healing belt charges to heal som HP
Move Action Retrieving the Wand of Entropic Shield

2016-09-02, 12:08 AM
Landing on the deck of the coach, Lily's shoes click against the deck, as she pats herself down for any injuries, and fixes her dress. It really wasnt made for flying. Thank god she was in a darkness bubble the whole time.

"They're gone. Good riddance too. On the bright side, we now have two sky coaches to sell."

She turns towards Kaleb, on the other sky coach.

"Kaleb, have you considered expanding the business with two more sky coaches?"

Lily is all for grabbing all the loot possible, and not forgetting the two bonus sky coaches we just picked up :smalltongue:

PairO'Dice Lost
2016-09-07, 03:39 PM
"Uh...expanding the business? Uh...I, uh...." It takes Kaleb a moment to adjust mentally from "Oh gods oh gods we're gonna die!" to calmly discussing small business economics. When he does, though, his eyes widen in an almost comical deer-in-the-everbright-lanterns expression. "Kol Korran's scales...two new skycoaches! Very new--those can't be more than a year old, they came out with the eight-seaters in the spring of '97, you know--and just one of those would take me almost three years to save up for! I could hire some new employees to--no, no, I should start with my daughters, better to keep things in the family at first, and they'll need the experience if they're going to take over from me when I retire...."

The pilot stops rambling, and his happy expression is slowly replaced by a disappointed frown. "Oh, but that isn't going to work," he says, sighing morosely. "I couldn't just take them; when I went to get them registered with the Council, the Watch would start asking pointed questions about where I got them, and they'd never believe me if I said--" he puffs out his chest and puts on his best "pompous bureaucrat" impression "--'Oh, you know, some strangers ambushed me and my clients in a dramatic aerial fight straight out of the trade paperbacks, but they all suddenly vanished and just left their coaches behind, so I took them for myself'. I'd be laughed out of the room, and then arrested. And even if they did believe me, they'd confiscate the coaches to give back to whoever they're registered to anyway."

He slowly stands up and steadies himself with a hand on the armrest for a moment, then when he's sure he won't get airsick he walks over to the front and leans over the edge to look at the crumpled mass of bent steel and splinters marking the spot on the hull where the other skycoach struck it. "Keeper take them," he grumbles. "My insurance had better cover something like this, 'cause I damn sure don't have a few hundred spare galifars lying around and I've never known the Tinker's Guild to give discounts."

Still leaning over the side, Kaleb gasps and points downwards. "Oh! The other skycoach--it's still falling! I completely forgot!" he says as he straightens up in a panic. "Can you--uh, where is...?" He looks around and, not seeing Khaldrun on the coach, squints over into the darkness globe. "Sorry, I didn't get your names, both of you in the darkness can teleport, right? Please tell me you can do something about the other 'coach! People could die if that fell on them!"

The falling skycoach has been falling for 3 rounds and is about 750 feet away. You have at least 1 round but probably no more than 2 or 3 before it's likely to crash into the parks below.

2016-09-07, 05:41 PM
Aramil looks around unconvinced, but fail to notice any new magical aura.

"That's a disgrace... I would have like to catch at least one of them alive."

While he talks, almost all his words are covered by Kaleb costant blabbering, while his emotions turn faster than a spell-stitched Zombie in front of an Undying Councilor.

"You could just sell the two skycoaches, I suppose." He says, while Kaleb remarks that one of them is going to crash on the street below; the elf controls the distance, then let go his precedent concentration on searching magical auras, and starts to cast another spell.

"I'll take care of it, there is no meaning in dying crushed under a falling skycoach."
Aramil looks at the skycoach and moves his hands in a semicirlce. Immediately, a greenish door appears in front of him, opening by itself and showing on the other side the cabin of the falling coach, exactly before the pilot seat.
The elf turns to Kaleb and says: "I imagine it would be better to stop somewhere near, if you know the right place" He then enters the door, which immediately slams and disappears.

Casting Dimensional Door (range is 760) and UMD to drive the skycoach [roll0]

2016-09-07, 07:56 PM

"Just bring it up to us here if you're able for now." Khaldrun shouts. "We can wait." Stumbling about in the darkness for a mooring line, Khaldrun finds one and tosses it in the direction of the other voices. "We can't really go anywhere tactically with this darkness still about. Lily, how are we on getting rid of it for good?"

"Registration, that's right! Let's wait here for the Watch to arrive, we were not the aggressors here. Kaleb, if you can help us find out who these two coaches are registered to I'll help you with the costs of repairs to yours." He says from somewhere in the darkness. "Oh, and my name is Khaldrun Velderan Tharashk, Lieutenant of the Red Gauntlet. If someone that knows how to fly one of these coaches could come over here and prevent it from crashing as well, that'd be great."

2016-09-07, 09:33 PM
Lily watches happily as Aramil disappears off to catch the last sky coach. Good thing too. She decided not to mention her present lack of teleportation spells.

"I do quite love ambushes. There's usually some loot involved..."

Gathering up free stuff from people who tried to kill her was Lily's favorite thing about someone trying to kill her. The only favorite thing really. When asked about the darkness, she was taken by surprise as she almost forgot it was still around her, even though if she looked she could still see the shadowy outline in a sphere around herself.

"Oh that stuff... it should be gone in a few moments. Just your generic darkness spell. By the way..." she said rubbing her shoulder where she was hit with the magic missiles.

"Anyone got some healing spells? I could probably get everyone patched up at once..."

Is our pilot hurt any?

PairO'Dice Lost
2016-09-10, 10:45 AM
Kaleb just nods at Aramil's suggestion, as he's too busy staring at the exotic Aereni teleportation-gate-thingy that the elf just created to reply. He misses the mooring line thrown in his direction out of the darkness bubble due to his distraction, but catches it on the second attempt, then calls out, "Pleased to meet you, Mr. Velderan-Tharashk, I really appreciate the offer. If you go up to the pilot's chair and feel around, you should find a small set of drawers, and the top one will have all the pilot's registration paperwork in it; I think that model has them to the left of the seat, near the top of the side wall right under the safety railing. Oh, and it looks like whoever was piloting that one set it in docking mode before they left, so it's just going to hover there until someone moves it, don't worry."

Once on the falling skycoach, it takes Aramil but a few moments to determine the physical motions and command thoughts needed to stop the coach. He brings it to a smooth halt mere seconds before it would have crashed; a few hundred feet below, he can see dozens of park-goers running every which way in an attempt to avoid getting crushed, at least four or five of which he's fairly certain wouldn't have made it out of the way in time. Lifting the coach upwards is a simple matter as well, and at about the same time he takes it back up to the same altitude with the other two coaches, the darkness bubble around Lily vanishes, allowing everyone to see everyone else once again.

Kaleb explains to Aramil where to find the registration for that skycoach, then says, "You mentioned moving somewhere nearby, right? Well, the main landmark around here is the Iron Guardian, a huge statue at the entrance to Skysedge Park. Right over there, actually." He points, and you all can see the upper half of the massive status poking out above the trees. "If we moor these over there, it hopefully shouldn't look like we were trying to escape the scene of the crime or anything; I imagine the Watch wouldn't like that."

To Lily's question, the pilot responds, "No need to patch me up, Miss. I'm not hurt. Just shaken up, is all."

AramilThere is indeed a set of drawers to your left, just as Kaleb said. The top drawer, however, is empty, and so are the other drawers beneath it. There's no sign of any other compartments that might hold paperwork, and there aren't any pouches or anything out in the open that might hold them either.

KhaldrunYou manage to make your way up to the pilot's chair in the darkness without tripping over anything, fortunately. The darkness clears up shortly thereafter, and finding the drawer Kaleb mentioned is easy enough. Within the drawer, you find commercial identification papers for the pilot--one Rhys Colworth, a tall and friendly-looking (assuming the illustration is accurate) male human--and some papers registering this skycoach to the Silverstreak Skycoach Rental Company. You also find a small pouch holding around fifty sovereigns and a small logbook recording each day's passengers and pickup times.

2016-09-10, 04:45 PM

"Nice work Aramil. Let's get them moved over there." He says after he hops back over to Kaleb's skycoach. "Here, I found this with some paperwork. Should be a start towards covering your repairs." He says and hands the bag of sovereigns to Kaleb. "The Red Gauntlets always pay their debts." He says.

"You familiar with..." He asks and reads the registration again. "...Silverstreak Skycoach? That's the owning company, this one operated by a Rhys Colworth. Know him?" He asks, showing Kaleb the papers.

2016-09-16, 02:27 PM
Having dispatched with the niceties, Lily started carefully and expertly rummaging through the pockets of the fine lads that attacked the group, moving between the coaches as needed.

Some girls go shopping, and ask their husbands for jewelry. Lily did her own shopping. Mercenaries get paid rather well, but you'd need to be an idiot or a saint to not get the extra loot on the side. You got paid most often to escort the client somewhere. Fighting was paid for separately, by the ones you had to fight ofcourse.

PairO'Dice Lost
2016-09-25, 12:48 PM
Kaleb freezes in the middle of taking the offered sovereigns from Khaldrun. "That's a Silverstreak 'coach? Uh...." He withdraws his hand, looking disappointed and more than a bit apprehensive. "I shouldn't take the money, then. They, uh, they wouldn't be happy about that." He puts his hand back on the steering yoke and begins slowly flying over to the Iron Guardian, keeping an eye out to make sure both that Danul and Arami aren't having any trouble handling their skycoaches and that the damage to his own 'coach hasn't impaired its mobility.

"You folks have heard of the Silverstreak Company, right?" he calls out, raising his voice to include everyone in the conversation. Looking around at your expressions, the pilot can tell that three of you don't recognize the name (Danul does know of them, as his Citadel Elite duties have given him cause to interview their pilots a few times) so he explains: "Silverstreak is an independent company that has basically monopolized the skycoach rental biz...which is sort of surprising given how small their fleet is, if you ask me, not unless they've got some pretty damn good connections, but then I'm no businessman, so who knows? They've managed to royally piss off Lyrandar, Orien, and Cannith in the process, if you can believe that; the Houses don't really like it when some non-dragonmarked nobody muscles them out of things, you know, and the Lyrandars especially hate it that a 'mere human' managed to out-flying-transport them. If Ms. Narim didn't have galifars coming out of her ears and wasn't bedding that Kundarak chap who--but, ah, I probably shouldn't repeat gossip like that," he quickly adds, lowering his voice a bit, "not where a young lady can hear."

"So, anyway, I have no idea who this Rhys fellow is, but they rotate pilots instead of giving each one their own 'coach, so he'd have just been the last pilot to use that particular one. Either whoever the people who attacked us were stole it, in which case Rhys is probably a big red splat down in Tavick's Landing and Silverstreak has people out looking for it already, or they rented it long-term, in which case Rhys'd be expected back at their headquarters soon for their daily check-in and pilot swap. Either way, a bag of sovereigns isn't worth the trouble of having them after me for taking what's theirs; we smaller operators generally fly under the scrying sensors of the big boys, and I'd like to keep it that way. Thanks for the offer anyway, though."

While the talkative halfling rambles on, Lily is able to examine your erstwhile attackers in detail. What few of them remain, that is--only four bodies were left behind, the rest of the figures having escaped the scene either by magical transit courtesy of one of their leaders or rapid downward acceleration courtesy of Khaldrun. All of them are clad in head-to-toe black or near-black garments with sufficient facial covering to obscure all of their features, but up close she can see that they aren't wearing any sort of uniform; rather, it looks like they all just grabbed whatever dark-colored cloaks, scarves, hats, and other clothing they could throw together on short notice.

One of the figures, a male half-orc probably in his forties, is wearing a thick, warm scarf and a long cloak over a slightly-out-of-fashion tunic and pants. The inside collar of the cloak bears a row of five large runes stitched in thick silver thread, each of which Lily recognizes as an alchemical symbol representing a different energy type. The figure's pockets are empty except for a small bundle of gray and white feathers tied together with dark blue twine and a stubby dagger that feels painfully cold to the touch when Lily pulls it out but doesn't appear to deal any actual damage. From a silver chain around the figure's neck dangles a strange metal contraption a few inches in diameter that looks like what a blacksmith might churn out on a late-night bender after a few too many mugs of whiskey: the outside is an intricate and chaotic cage of slightly-tarnished silver filigree that looks like it's exploding outwards from the center piece, a small sphere of lightly-rusted iron with a concave depression in one side which is studded with twelve smaller spheres in an irregular circle with similar concave depressions in each.

The second figure, a male human probably in his thirties, is wearing a wide-brimmed hat and a rather expensive-looking high-necked overcoat that seems to change in texture under Lily's fingers, from silky coolness to velvety smoothness to leathery slickness and back. In its many and capacious pockets she finds two small feather talismans--one the same white, gray, and blue one the first figure had, the second a clump of yellow, green, and brown feathers--as well as three slim vials of shimmering orange liquid that resemble healing potions and five small neatly-tied bundles of cloth that are all stamped with Jorasco seals. There is a silver chain around this figure's neck as well, from which hang a small mummified hand as well as the same metal contraption the first figure wore.

The third and fourth figures are a male and female human of similar young age and some family resemblance, both wearing threadbare headbands and scarves over their faces and well-worn leather jackets and laborers' trousers; the jackets have bare spots where patches or insignia of some sort might once have lay before being torn off. Both have the same metal device on necklaces and feather talismans in their pockets, and each also wears a ring of tarnished silver with a dozen tiny carvings of closed eyes on it.

Perhaps unsurprisingly, none of the figures have any wallets, personal effects, traveling papers, or even pocket change; someone certainly took care to ensure that any casualties wouldn't provide any useful identifying information.

Assuming someone uses detect magic on the lootFigure 1: Faint Abjuration from the cloak, moderate Conjuration from the dagger, faint Transmutation from the talisman
Figure 2: Faint Transmutation from the overcoat, faint Transmutation from one talisman, moderate Conjuration from the other talisman, faint Conjuration from the bundles of cloth and potions, faint Transmutation from the mummified hand
Figures 3 and 4: Faint Transmutation from the talismans, faint Illusion from the rings

2016-09-29, 03:23 PM
Lily relieves the figures of any items in their possession that are even remotely magical, stuffing them all into her seemingly bottomless bag. Distribution can take place when they figure out what they got. She does take care in touching the objects, especially the wonky talismans they all seem to wear. Just in case...

As she is fiddling with the bag, she seems to remember something, and pulls out some small wooden needles.

"Might as well give these out just in case..."
She offers the needle so the rest of the party. They aren't quite as thin as a needle, at closer inspection looking more like miniature arrows. Scribbled on each is a name of the spell.

"Price yourselves with them to activate the spell. Don't want to go blind again if we encounter these folks in the future... "

Having gathered everything, she sits back on one of the seats, looking abit tired, now that all the excitement has finally ended.

Lily gives each person small spell storing arrows.

One of each per person: Ebon eyes, improved mage armor, and invisibility.

She also wonders if she knows what the items are off hand, via having seen similar things, or being familiar with effects exhibited (like knowing why a weapon might be really cold)
Knowledge Arcana (aided by familiar, who due to same bonus of +14, auto succeeds. If you disagree, lower each roll by 2)


2016-09-29, 03:59 PM
As Kaleb speaks with Khaldrun, Aramil exits the skycoach emptyhanded, and waits for the pilot to finish his story.

When Lily offers a magic arrow to each of them, he takes one, observing the young arcanist's work.

"An interesting way of setting up magical empowerments. Having to wound ourselves to obtain more power, it is sure that we will do it when it is really needed.

Speaking of wich" He says, turning to Khaldrun and Danul

"It seems clear that you two are the expert on this city and its inhabitants; what's your counsel? Should we go along with our business and ignore those attackers, for now, or do you prefer a deviation to this skycoach company?"

2016-09-30, 07:55 PM

"Sounds like they like to establish plausible deniability." Khaldrun says of Silverstreak's rental operation. "That'll be a matter for the Guard, Aramil, but it does give us some more names to pin down. Either our jeweler contacted the coach company himself after we left or whomever he reported to decided to use them. In either case, their hasty attack only benefited us." He says with a slightly sadistic gleam in his eye. "They have causalities, and we have actionable intelligence...and they left behind more clues to who they are." He says to Lily. "Some time later I'd like to examine what you gleaned from them."

Taking a knife from his pouch Khaldrun went to each of the corpses and cut a lock of hair from each. "Our mission objectives remain the same; pursue our target. The enemy have played their first hand and it failed." He says and pauses while to carefully wraps the different locks of hair in a handkerchief and puts it in the pouch. "By the time we get there they're likely to have fled, or prepared some other form of obstacle."
He looks up and glances around. "I assume that it goes without saying that we don't mention any of this to the guard." He says with a raise eyebrow. "Mr. Torish...can we count on your help with this?"

2016-10-03, 02:15 PM
Danul stands up from his examination of the bodies. "Speakin' of the Guard. Are we gonna scarper off er what? No offense to anyone, but I'd rather not be hereabouts when they do show up."

2016-10-03, 04:26 PM
Aramil looks at Danul with a curious face "Aren't we supposed to work with the guards? But you are right, we already lost a lot of time, and we still have a meeting. Master Torish, You intend to stay there, or are you still able to bring us to our intended destination?"

2016-10-03, 08:18 PM

"Unless we teleport right now, I don't see that it matters much if we arrive five minutes from now or an hour. They've had time enough already to escape. The Guard can be useful to us though." He says. "With the right nudge, they'll investigate this attack on their own, and any resources that our enemy spends dealing with the Guard are resources that aren't being spent on us."

2016-10-05, 02:58 PM
"That makes sense, I suppose. After all, you are the experts on this city, not me."

Aramil turns around, observing the place where they are; the sun is still warm, and the bodies of their more unfortunate enemies look like they are peacefully bathing in the sunrays.

"Lets wait, then,, I believe miss Lily will appreciate a moment of relax" says the elf, gesturing toward the young arcanist, who is sitting on their skycoach.

PairO'Dice Lost
2016-10-08, 01:33 PM
You quickly reach the Iron Guardian, and when you finally get close enough Kaleb guides Aramil and Danul in the landing procedures--which don't technically involve "landing" so much as "hovering an inch or two above the ground so as not to crush any grass or flowers because the park wardens hate that sort of thing and, by the Hosts, I don't want to deal with any more trouble today"--while listening in on your discussion. The pilot looks a touch scandalized at the thought of not cooperating with the Sharn Watch, and he blows out a relieved sigh when Khaldrun suggests sticking around. "Thanks, Mr. Velderan-Tharashk. Not that I wouldn't have taken you where you needed to go if you did want to leave, since, I mean, you're still paying customers, after all. But I'm much happier staying here and not getting caught fleeing a crime scene.

"And don't worry, when the Watch get here, as far as they're concerned I don't know anything and I didn't see anything." He pauses, makes a contemplative face, and says, "Which will be pretty easy to sell, actually, seeing as I don't actually know anything about these people and I did spend the whole time falling in magical darkness, so...." He grabs a small boarding ramp from its location near the front railing and sets it up on the side so Khaldrun and Lily can disembark, then follows them down to start looking over the damage to his skycoach.

The area of Skysedge Park in which you've landed, just inside the main entrance, is mostly unoccupied; you can see a handful of people strolling around some distance away, but they're definitely giving you a wide berth. The relative privacy gives you all a chance to talk fairly freely, and also a chance for Lily to look over your attackers' effects more carefully. Knowing exactly what they all can do will require a more thorough magical inspection later, but she does recognize a few things offhand. The bundle of gray and white feathers that each one is carrying is most likely a feather fall talisman, a relatively cheap (compared to dying, at any rate) one-use emergency landing item that can be found in many shops throughout the city. The texture-changing overcoat is woven from shiftweave, a very popular material among fashion-conscious socialites, meaning that the overcoat is only one of several forms that the garment can take on if the appropriate command words are known.

The cloth bundles bearing the Jorasco seal are blessed bandages, a common sight in Jorasco enclaves where they're used to stabilize patients in critical conditions while a healer can be summoned. The ring with a dozen eye symbols is, as she recalls, an item that allows the wearer to hide from darkvision like that possessed by dwarves and half-orcs, but not from normal sight. On the less pleasant end of things, the painful cold she feels from the dagger could mean many things, but it's most likely one of two possibilities: it's either the physical heat-sucking sensation characteristic of a life-draining weapon of some variety, or a metaphysical chilling sensation of a weapon made to kill certain kinds of creatures, like a sanctified blade or a goblin-slaying bow, and she falls into the group of beings it was made to kill.

While Lily is inspecting the figures' items, Danul can inspect the figures themselves. Once their makeshift disguises are removed, the figures are revealed to be...no one in particular, as far as Danul can tell. None of them are criminals he's run into before or infamous people he'd recognize and none of them have any visible tattoos, piercings, or other visible markings. Perhaps the identifying patches that had once been sewn onto the two figures' jackets could have provided some clues, but without fetching a priest capable of speaking with the dead it's unlikely you'll be able to learn anything else from them.

AramilYou don't have much to add to Lily's efforts regarding the magical items, but you do have something to add regarding the non-magical ones, specifically the strange metal contraptions each of the figures was wearing around their neck. The shape of the outer silver filigree layer nags at you, and after looking at it from a few angles you recognize what it is intended to be: a three-dimensional model of an aberrant dragonmark, which would make the contraption an unholy symbol of the Cults of the Dragon Below.

You don't immediately recognize the cluster of iron spheres within it, but that's not surprising, as every Cult likes to put its own spin on the standard unholy symbol based on what their goals are, who their patron is, or some sort of hidden knowledge binding together all the members of that cult--or even just what the cult leader had for breakfast that day; Cult members are generally insane, after all. Figuring out what exactly the symbol is supposed to represent could give you a key insight into who your attackers were.

2016-10-08, 09:44 PM
Lily waves the dagger at the rest of the party.

"Any of you find anything different about this dagger than any ordinary dagger you can find in a weapons shop?"

She spends the rest of her time humming a complex tune, and looking around, slowly regaining the energy she spent flying around during the battle.

The rest of the party are shown the dagger, to see what they might see in it

2016-10-12, 02:11 AM
Aramil turns to his companions, showing them the "holy" symbol.

"Aberrant Cults. Look at this," he says, pointing at the silver filigree, "It's the reproduction of an aberrant dragonmark. I don't know if any of you knows about them: they are magical mutation of the normal dragonmark, highly dangerous and difficult to predict in how they work. This is she symbol of one of the so called cults of the Dragon Below, and that could be both a good news and a bad news..."

Aramil stops speaking for a moment, as if he was lost in thought, while the mummified hand hanging from his neck snaps his fingers and touches one of the necklace's angles; then he speaks again, with the intention of obtaining more information on Sharn.

"Do you know of any such groups in this city? They try to be secretive, but they fail in it more often than not, and..."

Before he can end his sentence, Lily asks for help in looking at the dagger she's holding. Aramil turns toward her, looks at the dagger, and slowly passes his finger on the broad side of the blade.

PairO'Dice Lost
2016-10-13, 06:42 PM
Aramil feels a painful cold sensation as he touches the blade. It reminds him of the metaphysical pain a living creature feels when exposed to negative energy or whatever pain-equivalent an undead creature feels when exposed to positive energy...not necessarily a "life-draining" feeling, but the same sensation of opposed energies.

If Danul also touches the daggerYou feel a sudden uncomfortably cold sensation when grasping the blade, almost the opposite of the sudden uncomfortably warm sensation that you feel when you use your dragonmark's powers.

If Khaldrun also touches the daggerThe dagger's blade feels like an ordinary metal blade to you. You judge that the dagger must be a mostly ceremonial one, since its blade is shorter than normal and probably less than useful in a brawl, and it feels poorly balanced for throwing.

2016-10-14, 06:23 AM

"Those bandages might be useful later. Here, I'll look at the dagger." Khalrdun says once they've landed. He weighs it in his hand and takes a few swipes with it. "Seems like a ritual knife, not well suited for combat. I didn't feel any mystical energies." He says, handing it back. He grimaces at the mention of the Dragon Below. "Aberrants...I've fought them before. Unhinged minds, unstable people."

He stops for a moment to recenter, focusing on himself in relation to the world around him. "I think I've heard about aberrants cutting for coin in the city before..."

Knowledge (Local) check for Aberrant Dragonmark assassins in Sharn related to the Dragon Below. [roll0]. If that fails he will manifest Call to Mind (+4 Competence), Expend his psionic focus (+5) and Take 10 on the same check for a result of 22.

PairO'Dice Lost
2016-10-14, 12:41 PM
Khaldrun can't recall any particular link between the cults and aberrant dragonmarks; certainly, the common perception is that those with aberrant dragonmarks are Khyber-touched and cultists of the Dragon Below would likely view a bearer of an aberrant 'mark as being especially blessed by their patron(s), but there isn't any sort of formal organization of dragonmarked cultists or the like.

Oh, wait, hold on...the name House Tarkanan bubbles up from Khaldrun's subconscious after another moment's thought. It's a small-time gang (though they'd probably term themselves a "guild") of thieves and assassins whose leader styles herself as a noble on par with the matriarch of a Dragonmarked House, hence the gang's pretentious name. There are rumors that Tarkanan has quite a few members with aberrant 'marks and that their leader bears a particularly powerful one, but it's anyone's guess whether that's actually true or it's just a story spread around to make them seem more fearsome and powerful than other gangs of similar size.

Tarkanan has no association with any cults of the Dragon Below that Khaldrun knows of, but such a cult hiring a bunch of aberrant-'marked assassins would be like the Thranish military hiring a bunch of Flamite paladins, so it's quite reasonable that Tarkanan would be a cult's first choice for some extra muscle.

2016-10-15, 06:21 AM
Danul purses his lips and scratches the back of his neck at the mention of aberrants. He accepts the dagger from Khaldrun.

"Hate ta argue with you soldier boy, but I've seen enough magical geegaws to tell you this is one of em. I didn't see any 'marks on em. I can check again if you like. But I'm gonna say this was whoever snatched our primaries gettin' antsy. Grandad, Nightingale? Any thoughts?"

2016-10-15, 08:31 AM
While Khaldrun's reaction to the dagger does not surprise Aramil, who has suspects about the possible kind of enchantment on the blade, seeing Danul reacting exactly like him and Lily.

"Turns up I was wrong..." he thinks to himself, while the young half-elf talks.

"I don't believe we will be able to learn anything more from them, unless you have a mean to contact their departed souls."

2016-10-15, 09:21 PM

"There's an assassins guild goes by the name of House Tarkanan. They've got a rep for using cutters with Aberrant dragonmarks. Don't know of any link between them and the cult, but if the cult is looking for some blades and no questions asked they could probably find that that there. Someone else to our growing list of suspects." He says and smiles. "See, you learn all sorts of information when you trick your enemy into making a bad move. First rule of warfare; choose the battlefield."

PairO'Dice Lost
2016-10-17, 05:56 AM
Kaleb has taken out a small rubber mallet and is gently tapping the hull of his skycoach around the damaged area, presumably testing its structural integrity. He appears to be entirely consumed with this task and not listening in to your conversation at all, until he drops the mallet with an eep! of surprise right after Khaldrun mentions an assassin's guild, then tries to pick it up nonchalantly and promptly drops it again. He sighs and looks over at you, giving up on the charade, then takes a deep breath, picks up his mallet more carefully, and returns to his work. He mutters something under his breath about wishing he'd decided to work in a different part of the city that morning, and something about "worse than the time I picked up those Host-damned 'shard prospectors."

Since you've decided to wait for the proper authorities to turn up, you do so. Not for all that long, as it turns out: ten minutes or so after your unconventional landing, a group of Watch patrollers hustle over to you with loaded crossbows in hand, arrange themselves in a rough semicircle facing you, and lift their weapons to point threateningly in your direction, though they keep their fingers off the triggers for the moment. "Sharn Watch!" one of them calls out. "Hands away from weapons and spell components! You, drop the hammer and get over here!" Kaleb scrambles to comply. Shortly thereafter, a woman in a Watch officer's uniform walks up behind the others with a civilian in tow. "These are them?" the officer asks, and the civilian, an elderly human, nods his head vigorously. "Yes'm, that they are. Saw 'em fightin' in the air myself, I did, and kept my eyes on 'em until they landed after that." "Thank you, sir. You can go back to your business, we'll take it from here," the officer replies in a polite but firm dismissal, and the man shuffles off.

"Well, now," the officer says coolly, returning her attention to you. "Let's see what we have here, based on the eyewitness reports." She begins ticking points off on her fingers. "Disruption of air traffic, two counts. Violations of local flight ordinances, at least six counts. Piloting stolen vehicles, either two or three counts. Landing a vehicle outside of designated docking areas, three counts. Open carry of a weapon without a permit, at least one count. Casting spells without a permit, I'm guessing at least two counts. Assault with a lethal weapon, several counts. Assault with lethal spells, several more counts. Endangering the public, three counts. Ejecting a person from a vehicle in flight, one count. And also, apparently," she adds, looking down at the corpses you retrieved, "four counts of what is at least humanoid-slaughter, maybe murder second, maybe even murder first, who knows."

She looks around, giving each of you a piercing stare. "I'd better start hearing a really convincing explanation in the next three seconds, or I'm going to put you people away for so long even the elf's going to grow a beard." She shifts her weight to one side and crosses her arms. "So let's hear it."

2016-10-17, 06:44 AM

When the Watch arrive Khaldrun holds his hands in the air. "The explanation is simple, Ma'am." He says, hands still in the air. "We we're attacked by people in these other two skycoaches. We defended ourselves with lethal force as appropriate to the threat, defeated them with zero civilian casualties and piloted their ababandoned coaches to a safe spot while we waited for the Watch to arrive."

He nods down to the pouch at his belt. "I am Lieutenant Khaldrun Velderan Tharashk of the Red Gauntlets and have identification papers, if you'll allow me to retrieve them. "

2016-10-17, 01:05 PM

Danul spreads his hands in a manner of someone who had been arrested before. He was just about to take the Commander aside and flash the Citadel's sigil when soldier boy had stepped up. Now let's see where this goes.

2016-10-19, 12:22 PM
Lily adopts a rather scared look, and nods as Khaldrun is talking.

"We were just travelling in this skycoach..." she mumbles pointing at their transport "When these men came out of nowhere and just attacked us! Thanks the gods that lieutenant Khaldrun protected me! You must know how dangerous it can be for a lady, to be attacked by bandits! Who knows what would have happened if these brave men weren't there to protect me!" she continues, looking far more upset than she was a few minutes ago.

"I hope you are here to properly investigate this incident."

You can roll my diplomacy at +22 bonus if it is needed :-)

PairO'Dice Lost
2016-10-22, 04:07 AM
The officer's hard expression softens at Lily's performance, but only slightly, like running some sandpaper over the edges of a block of wood a few times. Watch officers are no strangers to sob stories, after all--real, exaggerated, or entirely false--so she isn't overly moved. She does, however, wave the patrollers back a few paces so as not to further traumatize the poor girl.

"Even if it was self-defense," she replies to Khaldrun, "that would only mitigate the assault and humanoid-slaughter charges. You can go ahead and retrieve your papers. Very slowly." When he does so, she has one of the patrollers grab them from his hand and hand them over to her, taking no chances as to what Khaldrun's intentions might be, and reads them over while keeping one eye on the rest of you. She looks up and gives him a nod of respect from one officer to another as she hands them back, satisfied with their authenticity and somewhat impressed by his credentials. "Very good, Lieutenant. Your rank takes care of the open carry and assault with a weapon charges for yourself and your associates, assuming they actually are your associates and not just some other passengers your pilot picked up.

"Speaking of, I'm going to need papers for the rest of you, too," she adds, "and an explanation of who was responsible for the piss-poor piloting on display." Kaleb draws himself up to his full three-foot height at that remark, looking professionally offended. "I was the pilot, Officer," he says, his voice quavering a bit in nervousness at all the crossbows pointed his way as he slowly retrieves his own papers and hands them over. "It's Host-damned hard, pardon my Orcish, to pilot a skycoach safely and legally when there are two other skycoaches crashing into you and knocking you out of approved skylanes, and with the damage my 'coach sustained," he waves back at the massive concave indentation in his skycoach's hull, easily visible at this distance, "I was much more concerned about protecting the integrity of my skycoach and the safety of my passengers than I was about finding the nearest Host-damned docking tower. Ma'am."

The officer raises an eyebrow at Kaleb's tone, but quickly verifies Kaleb's papers and passes them back. "Assuming a full investigation bears out your claims, Mr. Torish, that takes care of the issues with one of the skycoaches, and you might just get to keep your license." She looks back at you all, frowns, and snaps her fingers. "Papers, please. I don't have all day. And an explanation of what exactly each of you was responsible for up there."

Danul doesn't recognize these specific guards, but he definitely knows their type. Well-coordinated, but not overly disciplined; well-maintained but not high-quality uniforms; a harsh and cynical commanding officer who is still willing to hear out suspects; these are all good signs. They point to a Watch unit that will happily take bribes but will not coerce suspects for them, and that will gladly take the side of the rich and powerful in disputes but will just as gladly uphold the rights of common persons if the rich and powerful aren't involved. They aren't up to the standards of the Lower Tavick's Watch, that's for sure, but their officer seems like she's not going to march you all off to prison if you don't give her a reason to.

2016-10-22, 06:15 PM

Danul very slowly reaches into his pouch and produces his papers. The original ones that don't have the Citadel's stamp on them. Identifying one Private First Class, Danul Corason. Acquisitions Specialist. He hands them very deliberately to the closest officer.

"To be fair they had quite a bit o magic on em. More than one of em was casting some kinda darkness. Here, this dagger came offa one of em, the big feller with the blonde hair, I fink."

OOC: Sorry if we lose the dagger guys. But Danul doesn't want to go to jail.

2016-10-23, 02:18 AM
Aramil, leaning on his staff, walks slowly toward the officer, trying to look as grampa-ish as Danul nickname makes him feel it; his hanging hand retrieves a document from a hidden pocket in his vest, and he presents his identification paper.

"Aramil Evetius Holimion, I came here for the Exposition, but it turns out your beautiful city has many... distractions."

2016-10-23, 01:37 PM
Lily sighs, and ruffles through her bag, finally taking out a scroll with a red ribbon on it, and handing it to the authorities with a mixed expression on her face.

"Here... though I could never understand why the guard always want everyone's papers at every introduction. Most people are happy with a handshake..."

PairO'Dice Lost
2016-10-24, 02:49 AM
Danuls and then Aramil's papers are accepted, given a cursory glance, and returned. The patroller who takes Danul's papers also accepts the dagger, holding it carefully and giving it a quick once-over. "Yes, we heard about the darkness spells," he says absently. "Pretty fancy dagger, huh? Don't recognize anything special on it, but it'll probably help us narrow down who these alleged attackers were." He didn't seem to to notice any of the same strange sensations three of you felt when touching it, and he sticks it in a belt pouch without issue.

The officer just gives a polite smile to Aramil's and Lily's remarks when they hand over their papers, trying and failing to hide her impatience. When she unrolls Lily's scroll, though, she straightens into a more respectful posture. "It's just standard procedure, Miss, I hope you understand," she says with a much more professional smile. "And since I'm sure a lady such as yourself would never cast any offensive spells within the city limits without due cause, I think we can discount the charges for unlawful spellcasting and magical assault." The patroller who has been passing papers back and forth gives his officer a funny look at how she's suddenly being much more friendly to Lily, so when the officer hands him her papers he unrolls the scroll a bit and sneaks a peek. His eyebrows shoot up when he does so, and he hands the papers back to Lily with a little flourish and a deep nod of his head.

The officer stands there silently for a few moments appraising you all, paying particular attention to Khaldrun and Lily and obviously debating how she wants to proceed from here. Coming to a decision, she makes another gesture to the patrollers behind her and they all lower their crossbows. "Between eyewitness reports and what you've said here," she explains in a much more accommodating tone than before, "I agree that this incident sounds like self-defense. Since the other party is not here to press charges, I think we can chalk all of the unpleasantness with the air traffic up to their pilots' mistakes, and not any fault of your own pilot." Kaleb lets out a held breath and drops his upheld arms, sounding very relieved at the fact that his livelihood isn't going to be in jeopardy. "And it's rather unfortunate that one of their number tripped and fell off his 'coach," she adds blandly with a look at Khaldrun, "but I'm sure one of the bridge safety wards would have caught him as he fell past and he'll be just fine. We'll send word to the lower districts to keep an eye out for him.

"That just leaves the matter of the bodies and the other skycoaches, I think. I see that none of the 'coaches have landed, technically," the officer says, unknowingly echoing Kaleb's rationale from earlier, "so we can waive that fee. Sorakhad, Gareth, check their registrations, please. The rest of you, gather the evidence." The two named patrollers hustle over to the skycoaches, clamber on board, and look for the registrations in the same places Aramil and Khaldrun did earlier, while the other six grab the bodies of your attackers and begin taking off and categorizing anything that might serve as evidence; it's a quick search, since you've already taken away and secreted everything of value. "No regs for this one," the one on the unmarked skycoach calls. "Guess we got us a private ride."

"Hey, Sarge!" the other calls, "This is the missing Silverstreak they called in from Lower Tavick's!" "I see," the officer says, tapping a finger against her chin. "I'm sure they'll be happy to hear it's been found. Any of you can come by headquarters tomorrow to pick up the reward money for that," she tells you all, and gives you the address of the Skysedge Watch garrison. Once all of the bodies are safely in their possession, the patrollers on the skycoaches get on the steering yokes and take off with all the grace of a drunk hippogriff; they obviously haven't had more than a few flying lessons, and it's all they can do to slowly drift them over the gateway and leave them hovering behind their patrol.

The sergeant flashes another professional smile. "I think we're done here, sirs and ma'am. If you want to get any further information on this attack, you can give your contact information to the secretary when you stop by tomorrow. They'll give you the case number and inform you when and if we apprehend those responsible. Enjoy the rest of your day." With that, the Watch patrol leaves the way they came, lumbering skycoaches in tow.

2016-10-24, 01:28 PM

Danul lets out the breath he was semi consciously holding. "Woof! That's why you don't want ta muck about wif the Guard. Told y'all we should scarper. So, where to next?"

2016-10-24, 01:34 PM

The elven arcanist is quite surprised by the guards reaction to Lily, but doesn't let it show.
When the officers finally get away with the damaged skycoaches (and they are even worse pilots than him!) Aramil tries to recount all that happened, than, after Danul comment, he speaks to his companions.

"It looks like we have one magical sword less, and some more 'friends', wich is a good deal." He puts a strong emphasis on magical, while glancing at Danul.

"But we still have an appointment... Master Kaleb, I imagine you would prefer to repair your coach rather than accompany us to our intended destination... if that's the case, would you be so kind to give us the best directions?"

PairO'Dice Lost
2016-10-24, 03:55 PM
"Oh, no, no, I can't just leave you here," Kaleb protests. "You've already paid your fare, and it wouldn't be right of me not to get you where you want to go." He smiles sheepishly. "Besides, I have to stop by Kundarak Bank for the insurance appraisal before I can get any repairs done, there's a major branch office in Highhold, and the main Kundarak Enclave branch is appointment-only, so I'll be going in that direction anyway. Is everyone set to go?"

Once you're all on board and seated, the halfling carefully maneuvers the skycoach up and over the Iron Guardian and very slowly flies back towards Highhold. After a few minutes he determines that the damage is mostly affecting his steering and doesn't look like it would be exacerbated by flying at normal velocities, so he accelerates back up to a steady cruising speed and you're quickly on your way.

The pilot is uncharacteristically quiet on this second leg of your trip, focusing most of his attention on his surroundings. His head continuously swivels side to side fast enough to make your necks feel sore just watching him, and whenever another skycoach begins getting close to yours he makes sure to give it a very wide berth. Fortunately, you reach Highhold withour further incident, and soon enough you come to a stop at a suitable landing area...and Kaleb realizes that he's docked with the more damaged side facing the platform, so he back the skycoach out, turns it around, and docks again.

"This is normally where I would say 'I hope you enjoyed your trip', but, well...." he remarks as he sets up the boarding ramp for you. "Let me give you my card--wait, I already gave you one, didn't I? Nevermind, still a bit distracted, sorry. Anyway, I look forward to seeing you on your next trip, just, do me a favor and don't bring a crazy assassin cult with you next time, okay?" He lifts off again with a cheery wave and you're left alone on your platform.

Well, not alone, exactly. Like Holdfast, everything in this district from the architecture to the street layout to the shops to the decor says "made by dwarves, for dwarves," and like Holdfast, the residents much prefer lifts to skycoaches, so you've just been dropped off on a convenient plaza rather than a separate skycoach platform and are surrounded by dwarves at the moment. Also as in Holdfast, you attract a few initial looks for your height but are otherwise ignored. Really, the main differences between Highhold and Holdfast seem to be that there's no omnipresent background ringing of hammers on forges and clanking of stone on stone--the artisans here tend more towards weavers, architects, carpenters, and other more prestigious occupations than smithing or masonry--and that most of the residents have the accents and wear the fashions of the Mror Holds where most Holdfast residents are definitely more Brelish in character.

Finding your way to the address Brannan gave you is straightforward, as the district is well-organized and signposts are plentiful. Shops give way to cozy residential streets as you leave the main thoroughfare, which in turn give way to large manors (large by dwarf standards, at least). The manor at the indicated address is surrounded by a high hedge topped with topiaries of hippogriffs and wyverns, with a sturdy iron gate in the center leading to a flagstone path up to the door. An intricately carved plaque beside the gate proclaims that this is the residence of Mr. Kassan and Mrs. Gertha Soldorak and indicates that if one wishes entry one should pull the small chain next to the plaque.

There is a short wait after one of you pulls the chain, and then a cultured dwarven voice seems to emanate from the plaque: "Good afternoon. What is your business with Master or Mistress Soldorak, and whom may I say is calling upon them?"

2016-10-24, 05:21 PM

"We have had a disagreement with agents representing Master Soldorak interest's and have come directly to have it sorted out." Khaldrun says to the door. "We seek a peaceful resolution, if possible, and wish to trade information with Master Soldorak regarding rings of a certain color." Khaldrun takes a step back and scans the hedges, keeping an eye out for hidden assailants.

Listen [roll0] and Spot [roll1] for anything hiding in the garden.

PairO'Dice Lost
2016-10-24, 07:35 PM
"You have been misinformed, I'm afraid, as Master Soldorak does not deal in jewelry of any sort," the voice says smoothly. "If the 'agents' of which you speak are merchants with whose products you are dissatisfied, let me assure you they do not represent Master Soldorak in any capacity, and any claim that they do is simply an attempt to shift blame for the defects in their merchandise. What sort of resolution in this matter were you seeking, Mister...?" The voice trails off, obviously inviting Khaldrun to give his name.

Other than the voice, Khaldrun hears nothing out of the ordinary, and the plants don't seem to be concealing anyone or anything either as far as he can tell.

2016-10-28, 02:26 PM
Moving closer to the device, Lily lowers her voice so that no one but the dwarf on the other end can hear.

"An ir'Darrington is here to see Master Soldorak. Please tell him its quite important..."

PairO'Dice Lost
2016-10-29, 05:02 AM
"A moment, please," the voice says. A few minutes pass. Then, one of the ornate double doors at the end of the path opens to reveal a small floating globe of light. The globe slowly shifts back and forth between a warm golden yellow and a deep emerald green as it hovers out to the gate, which unlatches and swings open by itself with barely a whisper of sound. "Please follow the light," the voice says as you pass through the gate, "and once you are within I will escort you to the Master's study."

The gate closes and latches behind you as you follow the light up the long and winding path to the door, and the door does the same. Once inside, you find yourselves in a foyer that could quite easily pass for a small museum: portraits of various dwarves that Aramil, Danul, and Lily recognize as famous figures from Mror history line the left wall, sculptures both representative and abstract stand proudly on pedestals along the center of the hall, elegant crystal chandeliers hang overhead (or more accurately next-to-head, given the relatively short ceilings), and the entire right wall is a beautifully lifelike mural depicting what Aramil believes is a scene from the Iron Council of 914 wherein the Mror Holds declared its independence. Aramil and Lily can sense the subtle pulsing of minor wards around all of the art pieces--abjurations against dampness, heat, dust, scratches, and the like--and a few more powerful wards that would turn any thieves foolish enough to break into this manor into ex-thieves very effectively.

As soon as the door closes, the light winks out and a sharply-dressed dwarf steps away from a magical device of some sort next to the door--probably what let him communicate with you remotely--and bows briefly. He is dressed in simple but high quality servant's clothes, all in black with gold and emerald highlights on the chest and down the sleeves. He silently indicates that you should follow him, and Lily is the only one who doesn't have to hunch their shoulders to avoid banging their heads on things as he leads you past the displays and to a small patch of wall, which reveals itself to be a cleverly hidden door as the wall section depresses slightly and smoothly glides to the side. Everburning torches and silver sconces holding globes of green and yellow light are set into the wall every few feet to light the way down a spiral staircase carved of marble and covered with wonderfully soft and thick carpeting.

The dwarf leads you down the staircase and through a normal door into another richly carpeted room decked out with portraits, though this room feels more like a study than a museum; a solid stone desk with a massive Soldorak seal carved into the front fills the center of the room while bookshelves line one wall and a warmly crackling fireplace occupies the other. Four comfortable-looking human-sized easy chairs are arranged to face the desk, and a silver tray sits on a small table between them holding mugs of water and glasses of wine. On a dwarven scale, the room has a soaring arched ceiling, but for you it's just high enough that you all can stand up to your full heights again. The dwarf bows once again before closing the door behind you.

Between the endless art, the conspicuous luxury, and the ubiquitous magic, the manor definitely conveys that its owner is obscenely wealthy, a staunch Soldorak patriot, and not apologetic about those two facts in the slightest. This observation is borne out by the smiling dwarf seated behind the desk: his shirt looks to be a custom-tailored silk tunic (in emerald green and golden yellow, of course, to match the manor's color scheme), his hands are covered with immaculately fitted leather gloves with the Soldorak seal stitched into their backs, and his beard is woven with gold and silver threads and chains. He is slightly on the older side, probably most of the way through his second century of life, and he carries around the little bit of extra weight that says he eats a lot of rich food but only in small portions on very fancy plates.

"Please, sit," the dwarf says warmly, gesturing to the chairs. "I am, of course, Kassan Soldorak, and it is a pleasure to welcome you to my humble abode, Miss ir'Darrington, Mister Tharashk, and...honored companions. Do feel free to take refreshment; the water is infused with kuryeva berries, freshly imported from Xen'drik, and the wine is a '73 Basiran Gold, one of my personal favorites," he says, indicating a glass of the same wine sitting by his elbow. "And while we refresh ourselves," he continues, leaning back in his own chair, "I would rather enjoy hearing the tale of the quite important matter that has persuaded you to call upon me."

2016-10-30, 05:08 AM

Observing with interest and fascination the works of artistry, Aramil considers that some of the dwarves are really eager to display their opulence in a way that, both for the elves and for many humans, would be almost impossible to think about: probably, this house alone has more valuable sculptures than all of King Kaius court.

The elf bows at Kassan, "My name is Aramil Holimion, elven wizard and expert of life and death." He says before sitting, deciding to present himself without his Karrnish name.

"You see, we came here because we may need you help in some matters that only a man of your importance and stature could be able to resolve: We are conducting a research on some... important matters, and we heard your name as that of a honourable Soldorak noble, that could help us in clearing some doubts on the unfolding of recent events."

As he speaks, Aramil pours some wine in a glass and stops for a moment to sip it, then nodding in appreciation.

"Sadly, I must admit that meeting you was really difficult: we accidentaly stumbled in an ambush from some assassins on our way to this beautiful mansion, but were lucky enough to pass it almost unscathed."

PairO'Dice Lost
2016-10-30, 04:46 PM
"A pleasure to meet you, Mister Holimion," Kassan says. Aramil's flattery seems to go over quite well, adding a note of self-satisfaction to the dwarf's smile that only grows as Aramil compliments his favorite wine.

At the mention of the ambush, he clucks disapprovingly. "Assassins, you say? How very...distasteful. I'm no stranger to assassination, kidnappings, and other such sordid schemes, myself; when one reaches a certain level of power and influence, the dregs of society start coming out of the stonework, as if they are entitled to even a single crown of the wealth I have spent a lifetime accumulating. But I must say, this is the first I've heard of assassins coming after persons I have never met, who merely wish to visit me."

Kassan grasps his wine glass with both hands and leans forward, like a socialite eager to hear the latest gossip. "Do go on--these 'recent events' must be very important indeed if your attackers were so eager to keep you from speaking with me."

2016-11-02, 06:25 PM

Following the others inside Khaldrun nods to Lily. "Well done, whatever you said." He says softly. He glances over the riches displayed and focuses his attention on the dwarf behind the desk. "Lieutenant Khaldrun Velderan Tharashk." He says to Soldorak and briefly holds up his hands, showing both his red gauntlets and his claws. Standing at ease while the others sit he looks at the dwarfs hands to check for rings. "The assassins were likely contracted out from House Tarkanan, based on the aberrant dragonmarks we found on the corpses. They fought well, familiar with each others tactics and employed strategies worked out before, but they were hasty." He says. "It was a last minute ambush with little to no forethought or planning for the assault. That tells me a few things about our adversary."

"One." He says, holding up a clawed finger. "They are wealthy enough to either have a group of assassins on retainer or have enough cash on hand to buy such a group at a moments notice. Two. They have significant contacts in the underworld, placed deep enough to command the services of House Tarkanan...and other vile groups such as them." He ticks up a third finger. "Three. They are desperate. Desperate enough to risk sending a reckless killsquad after us in broad daylight mere hours after learning of the threat we pose."

"Four." He says with a smile. "We are on the right track. We have our foes blood running cold, for we are an unknown threat to them, one they correctly identify as lethal." He glances down at his claws and flexes his hand, then returns them behind his back.

2016-11-10, 01:55 PM
Not entirely sure what to add to the conversation Danul settles for standing behind Lily and looking as professional as possible.

Aid Another on Lily

2016-11-20, 07:43 PM
Lily smiles prettily at the noble.

"We are currently looking into the disappearance of some prominent researchers... One of the men who might be able to shed light on the situation seems to be running in the same circles you are." she says motioning at his golden rings.

"Im sure you had nothing to do with the disappearance, but if you could provide us with some information I will be in your debt. If you like, we wont even mention your name in this while incident."

I'm assuming he is wearing the concordian rings?

37 (including +2 from aid another) (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=21413408&postcount=2394)

PairO'Dice Lost
2016-11-25, 03:55 PM
The dwarf leans back and strokes his beard contemplatively, considering the information you've given him. You can see no rings on his gloved fingers, but there are bulges around the base of each finger that you're fairly certain indicate where eight telltale rings would be visible if he took those gloves off. "Researchers have disappeared, and as soon as you looked into the issue some force wanted to disappear you as well. And House Tarkanan is involved somehow. How intriguing."

"I'm afraid, my dear, that I'm not sure what you mean by 'my circles'," he continues, leaning forward again to look Lily in the eye--and dropping his hands to his lap and out of sight as he does so. "I move in so many circles, you see. I am a shipping magnate, a mining tycoon, a minor noble, a guildmaster, a financier, a relic collector, an amateur historian, and an art connoisseur...and a dabbler in painting and sculpture, though none of my works yet compare to the rare treasures you saw in the main hall," he adds, attempting to be self-deprecating but unable to resist the opportunity to brag a little bit. "So while I would love nothing more than to assist you with your investigation, I'm afraid you'll have to be a bit more specific. Are these researchers anyone whose work I would be familiar with, and what sort of information might I have that could shed said light on said situation?"

2016-12-08, 11:42 AM
Observing the dwarf behavior, Aramil tries to understand what, and how, to tell him about their mission.

Approaching the desk, he calmly smiles and speaks: "As you said, wise master, you move in so many important circles, I suppose both metaphorically and materially, that you are bound to know about everything that matters.

Sadly, our contractors have gently asked to us that we do not discolse informations about our investigations, therefore I'm not sure we can tell you their names; an annoying circumstance, and a burden on all of us, but You will surely recognize the validity of this course of action.

Let's just say that maybe, in your works as a financier you may have met some of those people, especially if you are an expert in international financial relations. And some of those people could have been of help in your mining expeditions. After all, you never know wich borders are crossed in the depths of earth, and a man, or a woman of great expertise and with knowledge about ancient relics could be of help in your endeavors."

The elf stops for a moment, trying to see if Kassan understood some of his allusions, then, putting himself back on the chair, he tries a more direct approach.

"To be honest, I know that many notable dwarves are interested in advancing their forging technologies, sometimes even beyond what is permitted; some of the people missing are, in their own peculiar ways, experts in this field, and this may be where you can help us.
I'm sure you have enough wealth and wisdom to know when to risk and when to stand, regarding international regulamentations, but do you think there may be a... business partner of yours that is not gifted as yourself in the rare art of carefulness?"

PairO'Dice Lost
2016-12-26, 12:01 AM
"Ahhh," Kassan says, reaching up to idly stroke one corner of his moustache. "I had assumed you were agents of the Crown, given the identities of your compatriots," he says, indicating Lily and Khaldrun, "but if you are independent agents, your circumspection makes much more sense. And it means this matter is more interesting than I had assumed. I do so love puzzles." He rubs his hands together in satisfaction, then drops them out of view once again.

"Let's see, let's see, prominent researchers who are interested in finance and subterranean exploration, knowledgeable about ancient relics, and--ooh, crossing borders and international finance, you said, so I'd wager that rules out any Brelish researchers. And dealing in advanced and forbidden research regarding crafting or construction, hmm; surely this has something to do with the recently-concluded Khorvaire Exposition, the timing is just too coincidental, so these persons must have published at least some of their findings in the past few years," he concludes. "Now, I may be getting a bit old to make any trips to Xen'drik myself, and I haven't made it to any Expositions since the one in '73, but I do keep current with the who's-who of the relic-hunting world. I'm familiar with all of the best ones, as I've commissioned them all to retrieve some items for my collection at one time or another, you see," he continues with all of the false modesty he can muster after taking a large sip of his wine, "so if I don't miss my guess, those criteria would narrow the possibilities down to, let's see, let's see, Tanila Robideur, Lycia Velencor, or Toahil Ziventi. Unless they didn't attend the Exposition because they disappeared beforehand, which would mean it might also be Ulina Pyranim or Roram...Roram What's-his-name, the one who found the cache of schemas in the Caverns of Coatlapec last Lharvion.

"No, you don't need to confirm my guesses," he holds up a hand to forestall an answer, "I know you can't betray your employer's trust...but I'm quite certain I'm right. And on the subject of business associates...yes, I may have one or two that might prove useful to you."

The dwarf opens a drawer in his desk, takes out a pen and a sheet of paper, and scribbles down some names and addresses. "The first gentleman on this list," he explains as he does so, "is a, shall we say, talent manager for certain niche organizations. He could most likely give you some more information regarding your Tarkanan friends. The next gentleman is invaluable when it comes to arranging international trips, particularly if one wishes to save Brelish customs the trouble of inspecting any recent acquisitions. If your researchers went missing due to something rare and valuable that they possessed instead of something they knew, he may be able to shed some light on that. And finally, the lady on this list is an expert in entering buildings by ways other than the front door, in case there is a particular home, office, or other locale belonging to one of your researchers that you want to investigate without going through proper channels.

"Normally, I would charge an appropriate finder's fee for this contact information, but the news that you've brought me, even vague as it is, should prove profitable enough on its own." Kassan folds the paper in half and slides it across the desk. "You understand, of course, that if any hint of my assistance is made known to anyone in a position of authority, I will deny everything," he adds conversationally. "And I might have to call upon a few other business associates to help protect my privacy and that of those associates I've named for you, which would really be quite unpleasant for everyone involved. Keep my assistance just between us, though, and I'm sure we will be able to make more such mutually-beneficial arrangements in the future."

He finishes off the last of his wine and holds up the empty glass. "Now, is there anything else I can do for you today? More wine, perhaps?"

The sheet Kassan passes to you is paper of the finest quality, with From the Desk of Baron Kassan Soldorak, Esquire, MF, MHist, MMa, and Fellow of the Morgrave Historical Society written in an elegant and embellished script near the top of the page, just under what appears to be his personal arcane mark.

The names written on it are as follows:
Joramy Kannatil, with an address in Lower Tavick's Landing.
Schowan Rynek, with an address in Clifftop.
Gerta Kundarak, with an address in Silvergate.

2017-02-18, 08:37 AM

"The assistance you have provided is surely more than we had any right to expect." Khaldrun says, a touch of respect in his tone. "We have other leads to run down before the day is ended, so we'll take our leave." He smiles at the dwarf, then intentionally glances down at the ring-shaped bulges on Kassan's fingers for more time than would be polite, returning his attention back to Kassan with the same smile. "The hunt is on, Master Kassan, and a Tharashk always finds his prey. Good day to you, sir."

Shall we go visit Gavril'aashta d'Tharashk, near Dragon Towers and Sword Point?

PairO'Dice Lost
2017-02-20, 09:19 PM
"Of course, Master Khaldrun, it was my pleasure. I wish you the absolute best of luck in your hunt," the dwarf says with a smile, leaning forward with his elbows on his desk and fingers interlaced, deliberately keeping his fingers in view as though to prove he's not afraid of Khaldrun's threat. "I'll have my butler show you out." At that, the dwarf who showed you in enters the room without needing to be prompted and clears your glasses away before ushering you back upstairs and through the ostentatious gallery.

The butler steps aside once you get to the door and fiddles with the device he was using when you came in, then holds the door open with a courteous bow as you exit. The gate at the end of the walkway opens on its own when you approach and closes softly behind you once you are safely back on the sidewalk.

2017-02-24, 10:17 PM
Lily bows to Kassan before heading out. It seems that her name had the desired effect, however much she did not like using it. Being known for one's achievements was significantly easier when you weren't being associated with your family during every single encounter.

"Right then, where to next? It was very fortunate to come across additional resources, but if I remember correctly we still have one "older" lead to follow up on?"

2017-02-25, 02:09 PM

After exchanging a brief farewell gesture to their guest, Aramil finds himself out with his companions, deciding on where to go next, when Lily brings up again that d'Tharashk.
"You are right, miss Lily, we still have time for another visit today, possibly without interruptions along the road. After all, 'Master' Khaldrun, I suppose you can more easily introduce us to another one of your clan, and maybe even this encounter will go smoothly."

2017-04-09, 10:38 PM

Danul picks something from his teeth. "Iffen you ask me, maybe jest prowl around the lower docks and see who comes sniffin."

PairO'Dice Lost
2017-06-06, 03:09 AM
Everyone But Rhulgarr

Having decided to drop in on your second Gold Concordian of the day, Aramil retrieves the cylinder that he received at the meeting to report your progress to Tandra. Once he lines up the appropriate glyphs and presses the segments of the cylinder together the schema briefly glows a dull green and he speaks to the air, summarizing your investigation in the twenty-five words the device allows: "Tracking down a lead in Highhold, got ambushed earlier--maybe House Tarkanan?--dealt with the Watch, are en route to our next lead. Any news?" After a brief pause, the gnome's voice emanates calmly from the air next to him: "Worrying, but not unexpected. Other parties also attacked, plans somewhat changed. Remain in current location, expect letter by Vadalis courier. Password to letter is 'illustrious'."

You wait as directed, stepping off the sidewalk to avoid impeding pedestrian traffic, and after ten minutes or so you see a winged figure approach Highhold in the distance, gliding back and forth as if searching for something. Its horned head swivels side to side as it scans the area, then its glowing red eyes lock onto Aramil when it catches sight of the elf and it changes course toward you. It lands with only slightly more grace than a tap-dancing owlbear and folds its wings behind it, giving you all an unobstructed view of the thick leather harness across its chest emblazoned with the spears-and-hippogriff emblem of House Vadalis. Rummaging in one of the many large pouches in its harness, the gargoyle extracts a small lens which it holds to its eye and uses to keenly examine Aramil; the sight of a monocled gargoyle is both bizarre and amusing, and passing dwarves give it curious looks.

Seemingly satisfied, the gargoyle returns the lens to its pouch and pulls a sealed and unmarked envelope from a different pouch, which he extends to Aramil expectantly. "Message for Aramil Holimion from an anonymous sender," it says in a bored tone, its voice sounding like someone gargling a mouthful of gravel. "Secure delivery, so sign this," it continues once Aramil takes the envelope, pulling out a sheet of parchment and a stick of charcoal; the parchment is a brief note acknowledging that Aramil has taken possession of the package, and as soon as he signs it the gargoyle rattles off a quick "Thank-you-for-using-Vadalis-couriers-Vadalis-for-all-your-airborne-transportation-needs" and takes off.

Inside the envelope is a letter written in Tandra's neat but flowing hand. It appears to be gossipy letter describing matters of no importance, but when he speaks the password the Zil Embassy letterhead appears at the top of the page and the ink of the text wriggles and flows, rearranging itself into a different message:

My friends,

As I mentioned earlier, the three parties of investigators I briefed before you were also attacked, and your mention of House Tarkanan leads me to believe that you were attacked by the same faction they were, black-robed figures that attack in darkness and wear some sort of unholy symbol resembling a dragonmark--and, I would assume from their reports, at roughly the same time. Regardless, I regret that I was unable to give you any warning about them, but the other parties only checked in recently: the first party needed to get to a healer urgently and could not immediately report in; the third party's member bearing their schema was knocked off a tower, forcing them to spend time retrieving it; and I have not been able to make contact with any members of the second party, so they are missing, presumed dead.

Given this incident, instead of forming the fifth and final group, which I've just finished briefing, into their own investigative party as originally intended, I find it prudent to instead assign them to reinforce your party and the other two that remain. In that light, please expect to be joined shortly by one Rhulgarr of Droaam; he comes as highly recommended as yourselves, and we have worked with him before. He is aware of the nature of your attackers, in general terms, but will need to be appraised of anything specific you've discovered about them and of your current line of inquiry. Please use your schema to confirm receipt of this letter and tell me your destination, and I will direct Rhulgarr to meet you there.

Tandra Sil Doras

When you all finish reading the letter, you each feel a familiar brief tightening in your chest as the magical contracts binding you adjust to consider this "Rhulgarr" someone with whom you can share the details of your mission. You make your way over to the skycoach station after informing Tandra of your destination and catch a relatively short and thankfully uneventful ride to Dragon Towers. You are dropped off at a balcony on the eastern edge of the district to find a gnoll already waiting for you there, and he joins you as you walk to the address Brannan gave you.


Your briefing on the matter of the missing researchers takes an interesting turn as Tandra, your recruiter, excuses herself briefly to respond to a message. When she returns, she explains to the six of you in the room that there has been a change of plans: instead of tracking your targets down as a single party, each of you will be joining one of three existing parties already out in the field. You are each pulled aside and told the names of your new associates, then sent on your way once any questions you have are answered.

A two-seater skycoach is waiting for you when you depart the Horse & Hearth. Its pilot, a youngish human with a breezy air and cheeky grin, informs you that she's already been paid and was given a bonus to get you there as fast as possible, so buckle in--and the skycoach zooms off before you can follow her advice. The pilot couldn't be skimming closer to the buildings on either side of the central skyways if she were playing a game of "Can you give a gnoll a haircut with the side of a tower?", but she definitely gets you to your destination quickly. You are dropped off at an address somewhere in the Middle Wards of the Central Plateau, and you only have to wait a few minutes before your new associates arrive in a much more sedate skycoach and indicate that you should follow them to their destination.

Whole Party

The crowded streets here are full of humanoids of all kinds, dressed in all sorts of expensive and fashionable clothing as befits the members of, and petitioners to, the Dragonmarked Houses. Banners in the Houses' colors hang from every other window, and statues of the creatures used in the Houses' emblems can be found on practically every building corner and intersection.

As you come upon Tharashk Enclave, the crowd begins to be dominated by half orcs and humans and everything from the pennants atop the towers to the stained-glass windows in the higher levels take on shades of red, yellow, and gold. The Enclave takes up a good ten stories or so in each of three towers, one of the larger Enclaves in the district, and though each tower has slightly different decorations and architectural flair, the dragonne-and-vines emblem of the House is omnipresent. (Khaldrun knows that the variation in theme is due to the fact that one tower was constructed by Clan Aashta, one by Clan Torrn, and one by Clan Velderan, the three major clans composing the House, because they couldn't agree on a single unifying design.)

Your destination is in the rightmost tower, Clan Aashta's, near the bottom-most level that the House occupies; a helpful signpost nearby informs you that that area of the tower is for ranking Tharashk officials' private offices. The door of Gavril'aashta's office has a brass doorknocker in the shape of a roaring lion set in its center and carvings of flowering vines engraved along the doorframe.

2017-06-06, 05:01 PM

Those gnomes aren't playing around... Khaldrun nods to the messenger and stands back, keeping an eye on the passerby's until the gargoyle is gone. Once the letter has been passed around he asks for it and studies it for a minute. "Unless anyone wants to leave evidence behind, we should destroy this. I can recite it for you later, if you want to read it again." He nods to the newest recruit. "Not much time for debriefing now, I hope she's filled you in."

Khaldruns face tightens as they enter the Tharashk Enclave. "Family..." He says out loud without realizing it and grimaces. "Be on your guard." He says to the group as he picks up the knocker and bangs it three times.

Autohypnosis to memorize the letter and then tear it up, if no one objects. If someone can set it afire easily that'd be better. If not he'll pocket the pieces for later burning.

2017-06-16, 02:58 AM

As he looks at the letter, Aramil gives it to his companion, and concurs with Khaldrun decision to destroy it. Another helper, sure the day was full of surprises. The elf still wasn't sure if it was better to worry about the gnome indecisiveness or commend her for her adaptableness. Either way, another couple of arms will sure be of help.

As they meet their new companion, the elven arcanist greets him, and makes a mental note to ask him later how a Gnoll ended up worshipping the Sovereign Host.

Reaching the Tharashk Enclave, Aramil follows Khaldrun's lead.

"Any ideas on what to expect here from your people?"

PairO'Dice Lost
2017-07-09, 06:07 PM
[Post reserved for Rhulgarr's introduction.]

PairO'Dice Lost
2017-07-09, 06:10 PM
Before Khaldrun can share any thoughts on "his people" with Aramil, the door opens swiftly and silently on well-oiled hinges. Standing in the doorway with one hand on the doorknob is a half-orc impeccably dressed in what Khaldrun recognizes as the uniform of a high-ranking House steward or secretary: a bright red doublet and darker red trousers, with a bright yellow sash running from his left shoulder to his right hip and golden-yellow trim on his cuffs and around his pockets, finished off with a small stylized Tharashk emblem on his right chest pocket and the Clan Aashta motto embroidered in both Common and Orcish on his left chest pocket.

The half-orc's expression is one of mild exasperation, and he says, in the tone of one reciting a well-rehearsed speech, "Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen, and welcome to Aashta Tower. Unfortunately, while House Tharashk always welcomes your business, Chief Acquisitor Gavril'aashta is not accepting appointments with outside visitors at this time..." At that point in his speech, he pauses, seeming to finally pay attention to who he's talking to. He looks at Khaldrun with a slight squint and a raised eyebrow as if he's trying to place where he's seen Khaldrun before, then nods slightly and continues smoothly in a more polite tone, "...but, ahem, visitors from our fellow clans are always welcome to call upon him. Please, come inside, Master Velderan and...guests."

The steward ushers you inside where you find yourselves in a large waiting room that could easily seat twenty or so people but is currently unoccupied. The decor continues the shades-of-red-and-yellow theme with chairs upholstered in a burgundy fabric with lines of golden rivets along the armrests, crimson curtains framing the shuttered windows with dandelion-yellow ropes tying them back, and amber-and-scarlet floral-patterned wallpaper. The room is lit by a triangular brass chandelier holding numerous small Eberron dragonshards giving off a warm glow that is closer to natural sunlight than the usual flame-colored glow of magical interior lighting. All in all, the room's appearance looks as if it's trying a bit too hard to fit the stereotypical "grand opulence in House colors" image that the other Houses maintain but that isn't really Tharashk's style.

The steward shuts the door behind you and asks, "Now, is it Clan business, House business, or a personal matter that brings you here today, Master...Kholdran, was it?"

2017-07-09, 08:58 PM

Khaldrun takes a moment to look around and appreciate the money that went into maintaining appearances. "Yes, Khaldrun. Lieutenant, of the Red Gauntlets. And of House Velderan." He says, adding his House almost as an afterthought. "Nice place you've got here. Of the three...a personal matter, I suppose. My companions can introduce themselves, if they wish."

"You may have heard of a certain skycoach to skycoach altercation that took place earlier in the day. It's unfortunate, but the Chief Acquisitors name was brought up in relation to that incident." He says and pauses to let the steward make his own misinterpretations. "Now, the Guard don't have his name at the moment - and I plan to keep it that way, don't worry about that - but my comrades here and I are here to privately investigate that incident and a related matter, and if we could speak with him it could go a long ways towards dropping his name from the investigation."

PairO'Dice Lost
2017-07-10, 01:45 AM
"Yes, Khaldrun, of course, my apologies," the steward says, accepting the correction gracefully; minor House officials are supposed to stay up-to-date with all the powerful and important members among the three major and various minor clans involved with Tharashk, but in practice most only keep track of non-clanmates if they work in the same enclave. He doesn't seem to care about getting the rest of your names.

When the skycoach incident is mentioned, he tilts his head quizzically. "I'm afraid I hadn't heard of such an altercation; the Chief Acquisitor has not seen any messengers today, and we haven't yet received the evening edition of the Chronicle. The Chief Acquisitor would, I'm sure, be happy to assist with any sort of investigation, seeing that you're keeping everything in the family." If the half-orc knows anything about the incident, he's hiding it well, but there's a definite edge in his voice when he mentions keeping things "in the family" that implies Khaldrun changing his mind and going to the authorities could turn out poorly for him.

"Please have a seat while I see whether the Chief Acquisitor is available. I'll just be a moment." The steward exits through a door in the opposite wall, and is gone for around five minutes before returning to say "The Chief Acquisitor says he'll see you once his current meeting concludes, it only should be another ten minutes or so," and then ducking back through the door. Another fifteen minutes go by before the door opens once again and the steward beckons you to follow him. Behind the door is a hallway decorated much more sensibly with beige wallpaper, soft lighting, and mahogany paneling; the hallway is a short one, only three yards or so, probably just there so that conversations from the room beyond can't be heard from the waiting room. The steward knocks softly, waits a moment, then opens the door and motions you through.

The Chief Acquisitor's room looks to be a cross between a private office and a meeting room. It has the rows of bookshelves, maps and paintings on the walls, and assorted personal knickknacks on various shelves and end tables that one would expect from an office, but there is an eight-person table taking up about two-thirds of the room instead of a desk at the far end, the ceiling is quite high and vaulted, and there is a table of refreshments off to one side. More unusual still, the room is decorated to look almost like part of the wilderness, with all-wood walls and floors, dark green carpeting resembling grass or moss, curtains decorated like tree trunks held back by vinelike ropes, tiny twinkling magical lights in the ceiling that make it resemble the sky at dusk, and two living trees over a dozen feet tall standing in opposite corners.

All but one of the chairs around the table are already pulled out as though the people who just left didn't bother to push them back in, and the remaining chair is occupied by an elderly half-orc who is currently rolling up maps and stacking notebooks and boxes off to one side. Like his office, the half-orc looks like he just stepped out of the wilderness, with a many-pocketed outfit in several shades of brown and dark green that wouldn't look out of place on an Eldeen guide or Xen'drik adventurer, though he does have a crimson and gold sash bearing the Tharashk and Aashta emblems as a concession to his official duties. His face is wrinkled with age, a pair of reading glasses are perched on his nose, and his hairline is in full retreat, but his eyes are sharp and he has more muscle than one would expect of a House functionary of his years.

"Grab a chair," he says brusquely as he slips the last map into its case, puts it with the others, pushes his glasses up onto his forehead, and leans back in his chair with his elbows perched on the armrests and his fingers crossed over his sash; you can see rings on his fingers as he does so, but there are only three of them, all with different metals in the bands and different inset gems unlike a Concordian's typical matched set of eight plain bands. He seems to be somewhat distracted and in a foul mood; not one directed at you as far as any of you can tell, but just in general, possibly related to the meeting that just concluded. "Kalhash tells me you folks are here looking to investigate something you think I'm involved with, and being vague and possibly threatening about it. Now, we could dance around making veiled accusations for a while if that's what you want, but I've had a very frustrating morning and I'm only seeing you without an appointment because I don't want to give Thava d'Velderan another excuse to claim I'm snubbing her clanmates. So let's put all our cards on the table, you tell me what it is you want from me, I'll do what I can to give it to you, and if I'm lucky I'll have you out of here in time for my afternoon nap. Deal?"

2017-07-10, 05:56 PM

"A fairer deal than most would offer, and I'll give a good report next time I see one of my cousins, whether you can help us or not." Khaldrun says with a short bow and genuine smile, caught pleasantly off-guard by the brusque manner of Tharashk hospitality. Maybe I've been away too long. Khaldrun takes a seat and a moment to set his composure before continuing. His eyes gleam for a moment and his smile returns, just a quirk of the mouth this time. To Khyber with subtly! "We represent a private concern that is investigating a matter of high security. Presently after beginning our investigation into a possible link between this threat and your group..." He says and wiggles eight fingers. "...we were attacked by mystical assailants, probably hired out of House Tarkanan. Our task is not to harass the Aurum, but at present that's where our leads are taking us, and we'll be glad to get out of your house if you can speak with some knowledge on these matters."

"Did the Aurum, or one of the other Gold Concordians acting alone, order the attacks on our group?" He holds one hand up, palm out. "I've no intention of spreading talk about your business to the rest of the House. What you do is your business, we're just trying to get ours done."

PairO'Dice Lost
2017-07-11, 03:31 PM
Gavril frowns slightly at the Khaldrun's finger-wiggling implications and remains silent after the lieutenant finishes, looking as though he's debating internally whether to pretend ignorance of the Aurum, but given Khaldruns's matter-of-fact knowledge of his membership in the organization he seems to decide not to bother. He heaves a deep sigh, sits up straight, and reaches into his pockets to pull out eight gold rings, which he slips on his fingers one by one. "Guess I didn't need to bother taking these off, then, but I'm going to want to know how you found out about me," he says, then holds up three ringed fingers. "Let me set three things straight first. One," he says, touching his thumb to his first finger, "there is no 'the Aurum' when it comes to doing...well, anything, really. 'The Aurum' doesn't have any goals or funds, it's just a network of contacts and resources for all the individual members. So no, 'the Aurum' didn't order a hit.

"Two," he continues, tapping his second finger, "We don't all know what the others are up to. We like to stay out of each others' business if it doesn't concern us, and someone hiring assassins obviously wouldn't shout it from Upper Menthis. So if I say I don't have any idea who it might be, don't think I'm hiding something because of some Concordian code of silence. Dolurrh, I don't even like all the other Concordians, and I can think of a few I'd happily shove off a balcony to enjoy their screams on the way down," he adds with a chuckle.

"And three...I really hope you're not asking me in particular because of the House Tarkanan connection. Everyone always say 'Oh, Clan Aashta, they're a bunch of Khyber-worshiping maniacs!' and pins anything remotely related to Khyber on us if there's even a hint of orcish and/or or human involvement. I've spent longer trying to rehabilitate Clan Aashta's reputation than you've been alive, unless you look very young for your age, and if I hear one more dholec aruul'daan make any accusations about that...." he grumbles, using a particularly uncomplimentary Goblinoid term. "Well. Anyway. I'm sure you know better than to do that."

The half-orc closes his hand into a fist. "So. With that out of the way...I have no idea who it might be. But," he extends one finger to forestall objections, "I might have some idea of what's going on. First of all, are you sure it's House Tarkanan? And second, how and where did they attack you?"

2017-07-11, 04:50 PM

That went better than expected. Khaldrun shakes his head. "I told our source that we wouldn't reveal the source's name. I'd wager that just by knowing that there is someone among the lower ranks of your group that is in Sharn today and willing to give up Golds such as yourself when threatened...those simple truths should be enough clues for a hunter to track down their quarry." He shifts in his seat and glances at the rest of his comrades, motioning with a nod of his head for them to jump in anytime they felt like it.

"I've no intent to cause strife between our clans...the Tarkanan connection was nothing personal. That's just who we figure them to be, by way of their aberrant marks and hit-squad style tactics, and you just happened to be on the list of Golds. They hit us in mid-air while we traveled by skycoach. Two skycoaches, working with fairly precise magical tactics. Darkness, eldritch bolts, enchantments, and so on. We dispatched both teams with no casualties." Kahldrun says with a wide grin.

He taps his fingers on the table and frowns. "I'll say more about our task, because I believe that you weren't involved. Call it a hunch." he says and shrugs. "We can't tell you all, so don't ask, but I wasn't bluffing when I said we are investigating a matter of high security, with possible implications that range from merely restarting the Last War to...well, I suppose that's one of the worst things that could happen." He pauses to let that sink in. "We've got a lot of ground to cover during our investigation, and Khyber knows what secrets we're going to dig up...secrets and information that aren't restricted from being shared." He says. "I've no compunction about sharing such intelligence with you. I realize that we walked in here with little to offer to secure your help...call this an offer of future intelligence, whichever it happens to be."

PairO'Dice Lost
2017-07-12, 04:04 AM
Gavril bares his teeth briefly at the hunter-and-quarry metaphor, obviously looking forward to rather forcefully plugging the leak in his network of contacts. He retrieves a small notebook and charcoal pencil from yet another one of his many pockets and makes a note of that, then continues taking notes as Khaldrun explains what you all ran into. He frowns at the mention of aberrant dragonmarks, plural, and his frown deepens with every bit of information he's given. He ignores the subject of repayment for the moment as he sits in silence, tapping his lips with his pencil.

The half-orc stands, limps over to one of the bookshelves, and begins pulling a few of the smaller volumes out and flipping through them. As he does, he talks to you over his shoulder, interrupting himself occasionally to move on to a new book: "An offer of future intelligence is a bit vague, especially since I have no assurance that what you're involved in has anything to...now was that the one with the...ah, yes...anyway, that what you're involved in has anything to do with my interests or Clan Aashta's. But the information about your Aurum source is definitely worth something, and I could always trade for something else, so...hmm, not that one, maybe...so you owing me one should be fine; we might even be square by the time you leave. Now, I'm fairly sure...damn it, wasn't it Eyre? Could've sworn it was...I'm fairly sure the band you ran into isn't...ha, here we go!"

He walks back over, eases himself down into his chair, and slaps down the book he retrieved. It's a simple black leather-bound notebook stamped with a pair of dates from about a month ago and a few symbols in the Orcish script that don't mean anything to you, possibly abbreviations or a Tharashk or Aashta code of some sort. "So: some background. For those of you who don't know what a Chief Acquisitor does," he begins, looking around at everyone but Khaldrun, "an acquisitor is the ranking guild member in charge of a major category of Finder's Guild operations in a given area--most enclaves have an acquisitor for bounty hunting, one for private inquisitive work, one for government inquisitive work, one for wilderness exploration, and so on, and then we have ones for mercenary recruitment in Droaam, ones for Xen'drik explorers in Zilargo and here in Sharn, ones for dragonshard prospecting in the Eldeen Reaches and the Shadow Marches, ones for item retrieval near the Mournland, and so on. Acquisitors report to Regional Acquisitors in the nearest major city, who report to Chief Acquisitors for entire regions, who report to Master Acquisitors who oversee operations House-wide. I'm the Chief Acquisitor of Dragonshard Prospecting for the region covering the southeast Eldeen Reaches, part of Droaam down to Graywall, and part of Breland including most of Silver Lake, so I get reports on everything that happens there in the course of finding 'shards. Used to run things out of Greenheart so I could do a lot of field work, but, well," he shrugs, indicating his bad leg, "I tangled with the wrong demon and decided to sit myself behind a desk instead of pressing my luck." He thumps the notebook once. "This here is all the reports from mid-Eyre through mid-Dravago. Tell me if you hear anything familiar."

Gavril flips the notebook open, finds a particular page, clears his throat, and begins reciting part of a report: "Zor, nineteenth of Eyre, third watch: Casualty report: two prospectors, one guide, one navigator, four outriders, two wands. Expedition was attacked near...can't say where exactly, it's restricted information, but somewhere in the Gloaming. Ahem...attacked near Blank by multiple assailants, estimate between six and fifteen. Expedition was blanketed in darkness globes and picked off one by one. Assailants largely used bows and single-target ray and projectile spells; several of the fallen also exhibited wounds consistent with small blades or claws. One wand was targeted when she declared intent to dispel the darkness globes; another wand dispelled the darkness globes one at a time, but by the time the last globes were dispelled, assailants had retreated." Gavril looks up, raises an eyebrow meaningfully, and flips to another report. "This one's near the Eldeen-Brelish border. Wir, fourth of Dravago, fifth watch: Casualty report: three prospectors, six guards, one heir. Expedition was attacked near Blank shortly before dusk. Camp crew had already set up magical and nonmagical lighting, but all were extinguished by darkness globes. Assailants flanked the encampment, firing ranged weapons and spells from high ground and blocking off retreat into the tree cover. Assailants seemed to have no difficulty in operating in magical darkness. Several assailants slain, but bodies were removed before examination could be made; assailants definitely humanoid, of various races, possibly accompanied by non-humanoids."

He flips the page again. "Last one, this one from the Byeshk Mountains. Far, twentieth of Dravago, second watch: Incident report: no deaths, several wounded, healing items drained. Expedition was attacked shortly after dawn. Expedition was totally covered by darkness globes, but So-And-So prepared extra light spells and dispels after last engagement. So-And-So dispelled enough darkness to split assailant forces, and Such-And-Such led the counterattack. Assailants exhibited similar tactics and coordination from previous engagement. Several assailants slain, bodies retrieved; aside from two Blank from Blank, assailants were all humanoid dressed in concealing clothing, but some possessed distinctly non-humanoid features: some grafts and symbionts typical of Dragon Below cults, some unfamiliar grafts, some unknown body modifications involving grafted wood and metal. Please advise on schedule of reinforcements and resupply."

The notebook flips shut decisively. "There are a few more along those lines, but those are the only ones with any real helpful detail. So...a bunch of crazies with the same tactics as the ones you ran into, operating all the way from Eldeen to northern Breland, and apparently now in Sharn. Much more direct than Tarkanan usually is, much more organized and capable than your run-of-the-waterwheel Khyber cult. If you can tell me anything at all about what in Mabar my dragonshard prospecting and your top-secret mission might have in common so we can get a leg up on these attacks, I'd be mighty appreciative, and might even consider us even."

2017-07-14, 12:35 PM
Danul looks around the room. He had been considering making off with something. But... He makes a noise somewhere in the back of his throat. "Beggin' yer pardon, but there weren't any non humanoids amongst the ones what hit us. Leastways none that I saw. As fer dragonshards, you willin' to tell us what kind yer looking for or jest shards in general?"

PairO'Dice Lost
2017-07-14, 07:49 PM
"Can't say, I'm afraid," Gavril replies with a shrug. "I'm not at liberty to discuss the quantity, quality, size, type, color, clarity, magical properties, distribution, or location of any 'shards or 'shard deposits with anyone outside the Prospecting branch of the Guild. Although, hmm..." he rubs his chin, considering, "...if you're wondering whether they were looking for something specific in the way of 'shards, I suppose it wouldn't hurt to say that if I were to rank our expeditions informally--a 'really good haul' versus a 'good haul' versus an 'okay haul' and suchlike--I'd judge that all of the ones that were attacked were in the 'really good haul' category, but not all for the same reason. So I doubt they're looking for something very specific, but they do seem to be fairly choosy, and they have enough information on our expeditions to make good on that."

2017-07-14, 10:21 PM

"That's..." Khaldrun says, then shakes his head. "I didn't think this whole thing could get more complicated...." He sighs. "I almost feel professionally insulted that there's a band of hitters of these peoples caliber operating across borders and I've never heard of them before today." He says with a weak smile that quickly fades. "I'm not trying to be vague for vagueness sense. Just...try and think of things you might consider important enough so as you'd pay for a group of folk like us...hypothetically...and then magically bind them against telling others what you hired them to do. I'm sure that's a short list of things."

He taps his fingers on the table in frustration then brightens up. "Those dragonshards that were stolen. You have any idea of where they were taken? I feel pretty sure that if we were able to find them, that'd help both of us out. Wait." Khaldrun reaches into one of the pouches on his belt and takes out a handful of small wrapped up papers, then puts them on the table. "Hair from some of our attackers. I may not be duraak'ash but I'm still a Tharashk." He says with a wide smile. "These fellas are dead, but maybe they can help in some other way."

2017-07-24, 12:20 PM
"Can't say, I'm afraid," Gavril replies with a shrug. "I'm not at liberty to discuss the quantity, quality, size, type, color, clarity, magical properties, distribution, or location of any 'shards or 'shard deposits with anyone outside the Prospecting branch of the Guild. Although, hmm..." he rubs his chin, considering, "...if you're wondering whether they were looking for something specific in the way of 'shards, I suppose it wouldn't hurt to say that if I were to rank our expeditions informally--a 'really good haul' versus a 'good haul' versus an 'okay haul' and suchlike--I'd judge that all of the ones that were attacked were in the 'really good haul' category, but not all for the same reason. So I doubt they're looking for something very specific, but they do seem to be fairly choosy, and they have enough information on our expeditions to make good on that."

Danul nods knowingly. "Didn't expect you ta tell us. I've been in 'aquisitions' long enough to know the score. But yeah hitting the high quality hauls and know when ta do it. That's some high end robbery right there. Yes or no question then. Did anyone ever see if they left any of the shards behind?"


"That's..." Khaldrun says, then shakes his head. "I didn't think this whole thing could get more complicated...." He sighs. "I almost feel professionally insulted that there's a band of hitters of these peoples caliber operating across borders and I've never heard of them before today." He says with a weak smile that quickly fades. "I'm not trying to be vague for vagueness sense. Just...try and think of things you might consider important enough so as you'd pay for a group of folk like us...hypothetically...and then magically bind them against telling others what you hired them to do. I'm sure that's a short list of things."

He taps his fingers on the table in frustration then brightens up. "Those dragonshards that were stolen. You have any idea of where they were taken? I feel pretty sure that if we were able to find them, that'd help both of us out. Wait." Khaldrun reaches into one of the pouches on his belt and takes out a handful of small wrapped up papers, then puts them on the table. "Hair from some of our attackers. I may not be duraak'ash but I'm still a Tharashk." He says with a wide smile. "These fellas are dead, but maybe they can help in some other way."

Danul shakes his head. "That's outta my wheel house soldier boy. I can run em down if we kin get closer though."

PairO'Dice Lost
2017-08-18, 06:52 AM
Gavril grunts in sympathy with Khaldrun's affronted feeling. "Well, Dolurrh, my profession involves finding things and I can't find these people. How do you think I feel about this whole mess? And...magically bound, eh?" He begins muttering under his breath, tapping his fingers in the air to count off ideas. "Not so short a list, I can think of about fourteen things offhand," he says eventually with a note of grim humor in his voice, "but not a one of them is encouraging. Makes sense, though; whatever it is, it's got to be Khyber-damned big, and anyone who can run a band of professional international assassins that can hide from a Tharashk has got to be just as big. Like, House-backed big, or nation-backed big. Or if we're really unlucky, House- and nation-backed big."

The half-orc reaches across the table to take the hairs from Khaldrun with a toothy grin. "Daach tuuk'häl," he says approvingly, a Goblin expression equivalent to Good idea! or Well done! with an added connotation of Your elders must have taught you well. "Can't do squat with these with a 'mark if they're dead, but I'll pass them over to one of my inquisitives; with the right alchemical treatments, my boys and girls will have 'em singing like a canary."

His grin fades and he shakes his head at Khaldrun and Danul. "Nothing left behind, 'shards or otherwise, and no luck tracking any down. Probably have their hideouts warded seven ways to Sul, I'd wager. Just another point in favor of some major backing from some powerful people; wizards and wands don't grow on trees. But I think we'll have their number soon, 'cause I've gathered up some of our best 'shards from existing hauls, given them to the Bloodhound--sorry, that's her nickname, I mean Sheska d'Torrn--and then sent them out to be planted in hauls we think these people might hit. If they even look at one of those 'shards funny, we'll have them." Khaldrun has heard of Sheska "the Bloodhound" d'Torrn, and Danul has probably come across her name as well, since she's an orc inquisitive with extensive tracking and alchemy experience and is one of House Tharashk's two living Siberys heirs, who can find anything they've touched through all but the strongest anti-divination wards.

"I don't know if there's much else I can tell you that'd be useful; where these mystery thugs are concerned, my answers are a whole lot of nos and we haven'ts and we can'ts across the board, I'm afraid. But hopefully what I've told you has helped, 'cause you sure as silver have given me some good information. How about you check back in a few days or so and I'll let you know if anything has turned up, just send a messenger and I'll clear my schedule. So if there's nothing else...?"

2017-08-24, 06:40 PM

"If nothing else I feel a hell of a lot better knowing that you're on their trail too." Khalrdun says and stands up, offering his grip for a handshake. "Once this is all over how'd you like to get together and share Tornn jokes over a few drinks?" He asks with a sly grin. "If you think of something else, Sergent Redfel in Dragon Towers can get a message to me, eventually. Or..." He says and pauses a moment to size up Gavril once more and nods. "This might be faster." He says, reaching up to pluck a strand of hair from his head and placing it on the table. The gift of his hair was both a symbol of trust between Khaldrun and Gavril and also a warning that he didn't fear any threat of retaliation; a showing of friendship and threat that was very much a Tharashk thing.

"Thanks for your help. Hopefully I can return the favor some day." He says as he prepares to leave.

2017-08-25, 12:22 PM
Danul nods along. "I don't fink we need any more help. Personal question though, out side o' this. How much would it cost to hire one o' yer investigatives to find someone? I don't know name er nothing mind you."

2017-08-31, 04:02 PM

During the exchange between the two Tharashk and Danul, the elven wizard decides to stay silent, and to take a look at the room. Especially interested in the living trees, Aramil appreciates this kind of mixed style, that reminds him of Aerenal; he keeps listening at the three discussing, making mental notes on the most interesting names that come up, and reflecting on the new informations.

"If there's a link between those thieveries and the disappearances, that thing may become more complicated than I thought." He thinks, while the others are talking.

As Khaldrun offers his hairs, Aramil looks with great interest: after all, even in his long life, he had neve been able to look at Tharashk intrafamiliar protocols so closely.

When the others decide to leave, Aramil gently bows and prepares to follow them.