View Full Version : DM Help Gaining an animal companion (Beastmaster)

2016-04-21, 06:40 AM
Hello everyone,

I am unsure of how to have my player gain his animal companion as he arrive to level 3.
I've got an idea, but it seems pushed out of no where.
Can't really go into the specifics since one of the players is on this site too. :smalltongue:
Well, as spoiler isn't too bad

(still going to be vague)
The idea was that there's a magic that project an illusion in the head of those with elvish blood. They get "trapped" in their mind and have to do a certaina ction to get out.
The ranger would have to rescue a beast that's being attacked.
As he rescue the beast, they both get back out of the illusion.
Basically, the beast become a creature of the living realm though a moment before he was only an illusion projected in someone minds.

Do you think it's too much, not enough or just good?
If you have any idea to tweak the basic of my idea as to make it more... mmm... well, just better. I want the player to have a good link to the beast. I want him to love his character as much as the beast.

If you also have example of how you've done it in your session it would be nice.

Thanks everyone !

2016-04-21, 09:17 AM
Make the animal speak to him telepathically when they enter its habitat, with soft warnings or musings. After a few challenges in the forest (of wits or power), the animal recognizes the player as an extension of himself.

Or something like that.

2016-04-21, 12:51 PM
Make the animal speak to him telepathically when they enter its habitat, with soft warnings or musings. After a few challenges in the forest (of wits or power), the animal recognizes the player as an extension of himself.

Or something like that.

Mmm, that sounds good
And since it need to be in the area where the magic i spoke of is... hum... it could be a cry for help, it would still go well with the setting.
Thanks :smallsmile: