View Full Version : Player Help Sources of Temporary Hit Points

2016-04-21, 08:56 AM
Hey all new(ish) player wondering about sources of temporary hit points.

I'm interested in making a warlock who is interested in eternal life not from raising the dead but avoiding death in the first place. So far there's Dark One's Blessing, False Life, and Armour of Agathys for Warlocks and Inspiring Presence Feat generally but I can't find any others yet.

What other sources are there in general and/or for warlocks specifically?


Demonic Spoon
2016-04-21, 09:06 AM
Just to be clear, temporary hitpoints don't stack, so you can't just take all of those features and be unkillable.

2016-04-21, 09:07 AM
What other sources are there in general and/or for warlocks specifically?

Important point to remember:

Unless a feature that grants you temporary hit points has a duration, they last until they’re depleted or you finish a long rest.
a. The sixth level spell Heroe's Feast provides 2d10 HP for 24 hours, and makes Max HP go up for the same duration.

b. Sword of Life Stealing gives you temp HP when you hit something that isn't undead or a construct. Seems a nice item for a Pact of the Blade Warlock. Hmm, maybe not so reliable, though: the version in the SRD is like this:

Sword of Life Stealing // Weapon (any sword), rare (requires attunement)
When you attack a creature with this magic weapon and roll a 20 on the attack roll, that target takes an extra 3d6 necrotic damage, provided that the target isn’t a construct or an undead. You gain temporary hit points equal to the extra damage dealt.
c. Arcane Ward: AFB, but I think it gives temp HP.

d. False Life

e. Bear's Endurance (Enhance Ability spell, 2d lvl) provides 2d6 temp HP

f. Potion of Heroism grants 10 Temp HP for an hour.

g. (Unreliable) Bag of Beans, roll a 01, and the eater on an even roll gets 5d6 Temp HP for an hour. On an odd roll you get poisoned and take 5d6 poison damage. I'd not use it without the Lucky feat.

h. Spell Heroism. Offers Temp HP based on spell caster's ability modifier but they expire when the spell expires.


2016-04-21, 09:12 AM
Dw I know that thp don't stack I just want a couple sources for it since Warlocks have a pretty small number of spell slots. I'm currrently thinking of taking the Undying Patron for the ability to get back up on a successful death save and combat wise use False Life (from Fiendish Vigour) for a free 8hps then when they are used cast Armour of Agathys.

2016-04-21, 09:27 AM
No, that pretty much covers it. There are other sources of temp hit points, but they cost the same resources you are already using (spell slots) and do it less effectively than what you have access to via Armor of Agathys.
The only spell that would be worth gaining via multiclassing would be Heroism, but it doesn't really play well with your other abilities and isn't really so good in the late game.
There are other avenues you could pursue for the same effect however. Two levels of Necromancer will get you Grim Harvest, which is a very nice supplement to Dark One's Blessing. The fact that it isn't temporary hit points is an asset - that means it can effectively proc at the same time as Dark One's Blessing.
You could take the Abjuration route also for Arcane Ward which also stacks with temporary hit points.

Rather than find new sources of temp hit points, you are better off finding ways of having Dark One's Blessing proc more reliably. Getting your hands on solid, well-spread, long-duration, passive damage sources from level 1 or higher spells is a huge boon to the combination. Fire Shield (which you already have access to as a Fiend Warlock) is a must for larger confrontations due to it triggering your Dark One's Blessing (and Grim Harvest if you multi's necromancer) as a response to enemy attacks. If the enemys are weak enough, they will splatter themselves all over the place and your healing will outpace their damage. You could walk away with more hit points than you started with and that would remain true whether you faced one, ten, or ten-million enemies.
The other option is Spirit Guardians (from a 5 level Cleric dip, or 6 level Bard dip if you haven't rolled well enough to not suffer from being MAD as hell). It is reactive, but not as much as Fire Shield. The other drawback is that it requires concentration, so it is much less reliable. It is AOE however, so it is more effective in a team environment where there are other targets for the enemies that won't splatter them across the floor as a result.
If you enjoy a little overkill, you could easily accomplish both. Lore Bard 6/Necromancer 2/Fiend Warlock X would be a solid build for your needs, but personally, I don't really like it.
Warlocks aren't as effective at this technique as they would seem, due to their inability to cast their key spells with slots higher than 5th level. That means that it is going to be hard to pull off enough damage to trigger deaths against stronger enemies in the late game. A build with a little more longevity would be Warlock 2/Necromancer 2/Bard X, but even that longevity comes at the expense of the now as you would need 10 Bard levels in order to pick up Fire Shield. Depending on what order you took those levels, that could be as late as 15th level.

Remover of Obst
2019-08-04, 09:35 PM
Feat wise you can get some survival mileage out of Toughness or Lucky and I think you already mentioned Inspiring Leader for Temporary HP.

A cleric or paladin dip would get healing and Aid which does stack with THP.

2019-08-04, 09:45 PM
Needs updating but


2019-08-04, 10:34 PM
My favorite source of temp HP (as a Warlock) is the Tomb of Levistus Invocation. The thp it grants don't last very long, but they're available on a Reaction basis, they apply against the triggering damage, and it grants a massive amount: 10 thp per Warlock level. Incapacitation for one turn is a small price to pay....

2019-08-04, 10:44 PM
Mystic has a power that grants 20 temph hp for the low cost of 3 psi points. You can invoke that a whole lot during your day.

2019-08-05, 01:54 AM
The Mod Life Crisis: Thread Necromancy is frowned upon.