View Full Version : Who wants to take a quick survey?

2016-04-21, 05:58 PM
Hey everyone, I'm collecting some data for a paper I'm writing on work related stress. If you have a minute, it would be a huge help if you could reply with your answers to these questions. Thanks!

1. What is the largest source of work related stress for you?
2. On a scale of 1-5, rate your average stress level.
3. How often do you experience stress at work?
4. Is there a particular event or time of the year that increases your work related stress level?
5. How does your boss/supervisor impact your stress level?
6. What do you do to cope with stress?
7. Does your personality impact the level of stress you feel?
8.Have you developed any strategies to reduce your stress in the workplace?
9. Do you feel that your stress impacts your job performance significantly?
1o. How does the stress level at your current job compare to any past jobs you have had?

Also, please identify your gender.

2016-04-21, 10:01 PM
1. What is the largest source of work related stress for you?

The lack of dependable business. Small orders for maintaining equipment come in frequently, but big orders purchasing the equipment in the first place do more to keep us afloat...and it's difficult to know how often we can really expect to have big orders.

2. On a scale of 1-5, rate your average stress level.

Assuming that 1 is very little stress and 5 is a lot of stress, I'd say I tend to hover around a 3, at least in regards to the above issue.

3. How often do you experience stress at work?

Daily, but it's a very distant kind of stress, where most of the stress comes from not knowing if we can afford a day as slow as they one we're currently having.

4. Is there a particular event or time of the year that increases your work related stress level?

January and February tend to be slower than the rest of the year, which makes me worry about staying afloat more, but it's not a huge difference as much as a noticeable one.

5. How does your boss/supervisor impact your stress level?

I'm not entirely sure they know what they're doing in regards to the finances (I had to explain the concepts of supply and demand curves to them), but it's difficult to call them out on it because they manage well enough for the most part, especially given the amount of work they take onto themselves. It doesn't help that they're family.

6. What do you do to cope with stress?

Watch reviews/Let's Play's on Youtube, watch shows I like on Netflix, browse this forum...just generally entertain myself to keep my mind off the stress.

7. Does your personality impact the level of stress you feel?

I try to keep a positive outlook on things, and that optimism means that the stress that comes with lower business isn't visible to customers (which might drive them away, which would increase the stress).

8.Have you developed any strategies to reduce your stress in the workplace?

Advertise our business whenever the opportunity arises outside the work environment.

9. Do you feel that your stress impacts your job performance significantly?

No, but it probably would if we were in imminent danger of closing.

10. How does the stress level at your current job compare to any past jobs you have had?

My previous job was much more stressful, due to fulfilling a similar retail position as part of an entertainment service; there were a lot more customers, and I much prefer delivering a more personal, individualized service.

Also, please identify your gender.

If it's all the same, I'd rather not. Deepest apologies.

2016-04-22, 12:15 AM
1. What is the largest source of work related stress for you?
Manager Indecisiveness
2. On a scale of 1-5, rate your average stress level.
3. How often do you experience stress at work?
Depends on which manager is opening for the day. Once or twice a week.
4. Is there a particular event or time of the year that increases your work related stress level?
Holidays, both family and work related.
5. How does your boss/supervisor impact your stress level?
See #1, the main manager is all over the place, sometimes forgetting his own "orders".
6. What do you do to cope with stress?
Talk to coworkers / think about things outside of work. Play RPGs :)
7. Does your personality impact the level of stress you feel?
Not really, no.
8.Have you developed any strategies to reduce your stress in the workplace?
See #6
9. Do you feel that your stress impacts your job performance significantly?
Not really, sometimes things are just expected that simply can not happen in the time specified.
1o. How does the stress level at your current job compare to any past jobs you have had?
About the same, for different reasons.

2016-04-22, 01:28 AM
Let's see... I am a "Cis Male".

1. What is the largest source of work related stress for you?
My boss. Because if I mess anything up, my boss will be down my throat. That and he's exuding his stress onto other with... more stress... he's a walking vicious cycle, and he's the reason I really want to quit my current job.

2. On a scale of 1-5, rate your average stress level.

Hm... 2 on average, easily jumping to 4 or 5 if my boss is involved.

3. How often do you experience stress at work?
I mean, I suppose stress is a constant state of sorts, and work just has that kind of environment I suppose. So... often... but the strength of the stress is variable.

4. Is there a particular event or time of the year that increases your work related stress level?
Not as far as I am aware of, no.

5. How does your boss/supervisor impact your stress level?
He's a walking stressaholic stress beacon McStresserson. Need I say more?

6. What do you do to cope with stress?
I've been trying to figure that one out lately... alcohol is not a good solution, and I don't like getting drunk so its not really an option... I'd say doing fun things like playing video games or doing D&D is my stress relief. Other than that, I guess getting laid or getting a massage is nice, but both kind of in a blue moon. :smalltongue:

7. Does your personality impact the level of stress you feel?
Yes. I am a very chill and calm person by default, and easily go with the flow. I don't actively try to stress about things, although my brain won't shut up sometimes, because yay depression/anxiety! But no, I just like, try to deflect and let things slide off and away as often as I can.

8.Have you developed any strategies to reduce your stress in the workplace?
...avoid my boss like the plague he is?

9. Do you feel that your stress impacts your job performance significantly?
Ayup. I don't like being stressed, it puts me in a bad mood, can make me irritable, and causes me to make more mistakes.

1o. How does the stress level at your current job compare to any past jobs you have had?
My last job was a student employment as I worked for my ex girlfriend's mother. It was surprisingly nice, thinking back on it. Very little stress to deal with as caused by work, lots of stress from school. Now though, the pay is a LOT better, but the stress is horrible. I cannot emphasize how much I hate my current job and position. I want/need a new job where I enjoy the environment I'm in.

Brother Oni
2016-04-22, 02:15 AM
May I suggest that you also record what people's occupations are, since that would significantly bias their responses? EOD technician would rate somewhat more differently than artist for example.

1. What is the largest source of work related stress for you?
Regulatory audits (FDA especially). They typically pick a batch then go over its entire history from dispensing of raw materials, blending, filling, device manufacture and release testing with a fine tooth comb, looking for any irregularities. That's 2-3 months of work involving upwards of 40 people working on very different things, looking for any errors that any of them have made.
Then they get started on training records and analytical/testing method development and validation.

2. On a scale of 1-5, rate your average stress level.
On average about 2-3.

3. How often do you experience stress at work?
My team is fairly well resourced, so it's not especially often. It gets higher when there's not enough people to do all the work or an audit is looming.

4. Is there a particular event or time of the year that increases your work related stress level?
Audits as mentioned above.

5. How does your boss/supervisor impact your stress level?
My current line manager is quite good, although there was a period where I went through ~4 managers in the space of 4 months due to the organisation being in flux.

6. What do you do to cope with stress?
Exercise (mostly weight lifting) and philosophical/religious mantras (can't go into the latter on this board).

7. Does your personality impact the level of stress you feel?
Depends on whether anything's annoyed me.

8.Have you developed any strategies to reduce your stress in the workplace?
Taking up elements of Zen Buddism.
Keeping a closer eye on potential idiots work colleagues.

9. Do you feel that your stress impacts your job performance significantly?
Yes and no. I typically work better under stress (too quiet and I end up twiddling my thumbs) up to a degree.

10. How does the stress level at your current job compare to any past jobs you have had?
Also, please identify your gender.
Not as stressful as working in a QC lab (the work was also very dull, which significantly contributed to it), definitely not as stressful as working in a takeaway (fast food joint).


2016-04-22, 04:05 AM
Male financial modeler / risk analyst here.

1. What is the largest source of work related stress for you?
Dealing with a client's untimely and (sometimes) unreasonable demands.

2. On a scale of 1-5, rate your average stress level.
About a 2 overall.

3. How often do you experience stress at work?
Once or twice in a project's lifetime. So a big spike about every 3 months, give or take.

4. Is there a particular event or time of the year that increases your work related stress level?
Usually by project's end; see above.

5. How does your boss/supervisor impact your stress level?
Pretty significantly; a good manager (like the one I'm lucky enough to have right now) will deal with the client himself and insulate us analysts from the worst of our stress-generating factors. A bad one will only compound it.

6. What do you do to cope with stress?
Go home at the end of the day! I keep work and private life separate, and I'm fairly good at compartmentalising.

7. Does your personality impact the level of stress you feel?
Yeah, I'd say so. I'm generally a calm guy; it takes a lot to really rattle me and intense emotions have a fairly short half-life with me.

8.Have you developed any strategies to reduce your stress in the workplace?
Yep, hoist it all onto my project manager - it's his job to handle the source of it after all!

9. Do you feel that your stress impacts your job performance significantly?
Sure - but not in a bad way. It lets me focus and double down until the job is done.

10. How does the stress level at your current job compare to any past jobs you have had?
Slightly less, but mostly about similar. It's mostly the same thing in my line of work all over.

2016-04-22, 05:35 AM
1. What is the largest source of work related stress for you?
Old technology
2. On a scale of 1-5, rate your average stress level.
3. How often do you experience stress at work?
4. Is there a particular event or time of the year that increases your work related stress level?
5. How does your boss/supervisor impact your stress level?
She only shows up when something is wrong, so that's stressful
6. What do you do to cope with stress?
I smoke and play phone games on my breaks
7. Does your personality impact the level of stress you feel?
Oh, yeah. I'm a very efficient, passionate person, and when processes are antiquated and dumb, I get frustrated.
8.Have you developed any strategies to reduce your stress in the workplace?
I job hunt....
9. Do you feel that your stress impacts your job performance significantly?
No. I'm pretty great at my job even when I want to murder all our clients and half my co-workers and all of management.
1o. How does the stress level at your current job compare to any past jobs you have had?
This is the worst job I've ever had with regard to stress, and I've worked in schools.

Also, please identify your gender.
I am a woman.

2016-04-22, 06:16 AM
Hey everyone, I'm collecting some data for a paper I'm writing on work related stress. If you have a minute, it would be a huge help if you could reply with your answers to these questions. Thanks!

1. What is the largest source of work related stress for you?
2. On a scale of 1-5, rate your average stress level.
3. How often do you experience stress at work?
4. Is there a particular event or time of the year that increases your work related stress level?
5. How does your boss/supervisor impact your stress level?
6. What do you do to cope with stress?
7. Does your personality impact the level of stress you feel?
8.Have you developed any strategies to reduce your stress in the workplace?
9. Do you feel that your stress impacts your job performance significantly?
1o. How does the stress level at your current job compare to any past jobs you have had?

Also, please identify your gender.

You'd get the data more easily if you made e.g. a Google questionnaire. That said:

1. A simple lack of time/work overload (though it's completely self-inflicted due to my enthusiasm towards my hobbies). My schedule is generally overbooked so I have to play the constant game of extending deadlines and taking time from every which place. However, my personality is such that as long as there are things left undone I experience stress so reducing the amount of stuff on my calendar wouldn't really fix the issue, but it'd weaken my coping mechanisms so I choose to deal with this instead of the alternatives.
2. 3
3. I work from home. That said, I have a clear distinction between the times when I'm working and when I'm enjoying free time. During my work hours, daily.
4. The winter months are the hardest. Also the ones that overlap with intensive periods in studies.
5. I'm self-employed.
6. Partner dance, dance choreographies, bouldering, various social activities (beverage tasting for instance, be it wine, beer, whiskey, tea or coffee).
7. I'd go on record saying it does for everybody. The better question is "how?" In my case, I'm a perfectionist at heart and take a lot of responsibilities for myself. A fear/dislike of failure is associated with this. All of that contributes towards me experiencing a lot of stress and without my hobbies I don't really remain functional.
8. Again, not really applicable since I work from home. Sometimes I enjoy some good tea or wine while working. I also like to listen to some background pieces of classical music.
9. Stress makes it hard to get started sometimes. A real problem given my schedule doesn't include many free hours. It's a good way to motivate myself to get started though, but I do more mistakes when I feel very pressed.
10. Self-employed so much less so (used to work as a teacher/school assistant). Though my life is busy enough to counteract the freedom somewhat.

I'm a male.

Scarlet Knight
2016-04-22, 10:35 PM
1. What is the largest source of work related stress for you?
Deadlines, fear of errors.

2. On a scale of 1-5, rate your average stress level.

3. How often do you experience stress at work?
3 x week

4. Is there a particular event or time of the year that increases your work related stress level?
Nov through Feb. - short staffed with major deadlines

5. How does your boss/supervisor impact your stress level?
She often will drop it with support but sometimes increase it with demands

6. What do you do to cope with stress?
music, venting to my wife

7. Does your personality impact the level of stress you feel?
Yes, my stress often is self made

8.Have you developed any strategies to reduce your stress in the workplace?
Headphones, talking things out with trusted co-workers

9. Do you feel that your stress impacts your job performance significantly?
not significantly, but afraid to take on new tasks

1o. How does the stress level at your current job compare to any past jobs you have had?

Also, please identify your gender.