View Full Version : Pathfinder two weapon soulknife

Mage keeper
2016-04-22, 03:35 PM
If I have the blade skill mind dagger, and the blade skill emulate melee weapon, can I turn the two dagger into a pair of wakizashi?
If it's possible what would it be the critical range 18-20?

2016-04-22, 03:45 PM
You actually don't need mind daggers. The standard 2 weapon blade shape with emulate weapon (wakizashi) will give you a pair of 1d6 18-20 S light weapons with the deadly quality. Mind daggers is for people who want to use thrown weapons.

2016-04-22, 03:48 PM

from emulate: "The soulknife can form her mind blade to replicate any single melee weapon, chosen at the time she takes this blade skill... it functions in all ways as the chosen weapon."

from mind dagger: "The soulknife may form one or a pair of mind daggers in place of her normal forms. Mind daggers have a range increment of 30 ft when thrown, deal 1d4 points of damage (type assigned in the same manner as other forms) and have a critical range of 19-20/x2. She may switch between mind daggers and her chosen blade form at will as a free action

so both skills are altering your "chosen weapon". One changes it into a different weapon (wakizashi), the other changes it into a different weapon (1 or 2 dggers with 30' range, 1d4 dmg and 19-20/x2 crit range)

Because they are both affecting the same class feature (chosen weapon), then don't stack. You can, as a free action, switch between the two, so you can flicker between your single wakizashi and your two daggers multiple times in a round, but you can't turn on mind dagger then change the two daggers into two wakizashis.

2016-04-22, 03:54 PM
You actually don't need mind daggers. The standard 2 weapon blade shape with emulate weapon (wakizashi) will give you a pair of 1d6 18-20 S light weapons with the deadly quality. Mind daggers is for people who want to use thrown weapons.

Good point.

2016-04-23, 08:28 PM
Not sure where you're going with this build, but there's a pathfinder prestige class called dark tempest that would support dual-wielding a mind blade and a blade summoned by the "call weaponry" power. You'll actually even get the ability to apply your mind blade enhancements to the summoned weapon.
