View Full Version : The Coming of Lady Fierna IC

2016-04-22, 08:29 PM
He approached the high priest, his usual smiling demeanor gone replaced with a stern scowl. He explained his intentions:

"I have been denying my heritage for far too long. In light of recent events I understand Pelor's plan for me. I am to become a grey guard and seek evil where ever it shows its wicked head.

I will blend the tactics of my people and the holy church. David saw a sweet nieve boy trapped in a World of Darkness... that boy died with him. With your blessing, I wish to join the order of the grey guard...."

The priest allowed it. But first, Lotus had a few things he must do.

The drow branded their slaves with their house insignia. Lotus commissioned the local black smith with a branding iron with the sacred symbol of Pelor.

Lotus' cries of pain could be heard across the village. His devotion could no longer be denied. Pelor's holy icon was branded into both his palms, back and left peck. He passed out from the intense pain but demanded the blacksmith to tell the healer's to bound the wounds but allow it to heal naturally.

A month later, Lotus, Faith and Hope left the village. He followed the lead given to him by the high priest. His absolute conviction and devotion would be denied no longer.

"What you seek is revenge Lotus, something the house of the shining one does not condone. No matter the circumstances surrounding the ordeal, the fact you are falling back on your drow heritage as an excuse to fight evil where ever it may turn up is not comforting either child." An elderly man known as Father William, one of the five council members in this meeting says to you, it was not the first time they had tried to talk you out of your chosen path, however it was clear that the longer you fought with them the more annoyed the council became.

They were furious when you branded yourself with the symbol of Pelor, demanding for it to be magically healed. Each time however you made it clear the brand would stay as a mockery to your own people. "You are seeing the world through a red lenses child, you were to close to this situation and it shows. You branded yourself for personal beliefs without thinking of the ramifications it would hold on the house of Pelor. You claim to follow the Morning lord, yet you do not listen to any of his tenets besides those about violence. And even those are meant for the undead, not living people. Mother Leilanna says to you, she was one of the lead healers of the church and was the loudest voice when it came to healing your brands.

"So boy you think running around with a weapon killing things you see as evil will make you a good man and avenge David? I am willing to over rule the others if you take my advice Lotus. As I was David's mentor I know how you must feel, however I have the wisdom you seem to lack at this time." the youngest man on the council said as he looked to his fellow members before returning his gave to you. " The church will consider your acceptance into the holy order of the grey guards while you are out bringing evil to justice. However you will be bringing a traveling companion from the sacred house of Pelor along with you so that she may let us know if you still follow the true path of the shining one. If she deems you worthy she will give to you the scrolls you will need to become a grey guard, however if she sees darkness consuming your heart you will be denied entry and taken into custody by the house of the Archpaladin if you refuse to come willingly. You must understand your heritage mixed with the teachings of Pelor could be a dangerous weapon and if allowed into the wrong hands it could prove the death of thousands. Do you accept this compromise Lotus, or will you go against my generous offer, and the ruling of this council?" The figure says from his raised platform, the sun shining down on you from a high window as if Pelor himself were watching and listening to your answer here and now.

2016-04-22, 10:11 PM
Lotus stood as he listened to the others speak.

I will accept your terms.

My heart was born into darkness, no one can deny that. However, I chose to deny the ways of my people and step out of the shadows.

The light we all embrace will never remove the darkness, only lessen it at best. And I will not deny the fact I wish to exact vengeance upon the people who attacked us!

Pelor teaches us to shine his light where it is needed most. I wish to do so in an unorthodox manner and strike fear into those who wish to do harm to the faithful and the innocent.

2016-04-24, 10:57 PM
"The line between shadows and Darkness however is very thin Lotus, and one so newly trained could easily be tainted by the allure of the easier path. Never forget that evil is a patient thing. It does not attack at you directly, but instead waits in the shadows, constantly nipping at you and whispering until you can no longer hear anything else." Mother Leilanna warns you.

"Pain leads to vengeance.Vengeance leads to anger, and from anger breeds hate. These are forces of darkness Lotus, and while they have their place should not be used when fighting. It will make you make rash decisions and cost you dearly in the end. I will warn you if you do not let your anger go it will consume you until their is nothing left of the boy David knew, nor of the Lotus you are trying to become. Instead a monster darker then the pits you climbed out of will be born.

"Pelor also teaches us to show compassion towards our enemies and to not force ones beliefs on another. A Loyal man will always tell the truth, while the one who lives in fear will do so until they find an escape." the youngest man says with a sigh before looking to Mother Leilanna. " Is Sister Elizabeth ready to depart Mother Leilanna as it seems we can not persuade Lotus to change his course?"

Turning from the council member who spoke, to you Mother Leilanna opened her mouth and said in a sad tone. " She is aware of the task before her, Lotus she will be waiting for you in the hospital where she has always followed the tenants of pelor and taken care of those less fortunate. I hope that with her help the shadow that has taken hold in your body will lighten in time. May Pelor's light smile on you young one." she said before all the council members dismissed you to leave the white marble council chambers to head to the hospital wing.

2016-04-25, 11:32 AM
Berg'inyon placed his right hand over his heart as he bowed.

You may not agree with my methods but I will prove to you and my new handlers that my intentions are pure... I will go to meet with my newly appointed friends.

With that, Lotus started towards the hospital.

2016-04-26, 01:17 AM
Having finished in the council chambers you depart the oldest part of the church, and walk the many twisting hallways until you come to an open courtyard with a beautiful cherry tree in bloom (http://f.tqn.com/y/brooklyn/1/W/l/6/-/-/1.BotanGardenEarlyAprilWeepingCherry.jpg), its beautiful pink leaves surrounding the tree and making a small circle around it a soft welcoming bed to any who would wish to lay down in its soft embrace. The stone walkway parting and forming a protective circle around the circumference of the tree that was slightly raised upon a hill it seemed.

Walking past the cherry tree you walk to the other side, opening two heavy aspen wood doors, which were inlaid with a golden sun depicting Pelors smiling face on the soft white background of the tree. Inside you follow the simple stone floors until you reach the hospital wing of the temple where one of the young neophytes great you. "Good morning brother Lotus, what do we owe the honor of seeing you in our halls today? Have you come to help us with the injured from the attack? I know it has been a month but the devils were rather nasty and vile, and not everyone has yet to fully recover." The young energetic boy says happily to you, not knowing that you were in fact here to meet with Sister Elizabeth so that the two of you may depart.

2016-04-26, 09:53 AM
Lotus couldn't help but smile and give the boy a firm hug.

Hello Little brother, sadly my hands are not fit for much healing today... my heart still mourns David's passing.

I am here to meet my new handlers to see if I am fit to join the Grey Guard.

If there are a few people in dire need of help, I could do a bit of magical healing.

I'll do a bit of healing if he can think of someone, I'll write a segment for after healing or just a few moments later.


Berg'inyon finished his quick duties and asked around for Sister Elizabeth.

2016-04-27, 01:03 AM
The young Neophyte is caught slightly off guard when you hug him, however it does not take long for him to return the embrace. "We all mourn those we have lost, but they are by Pelor's side now in the blessed isle." The young child says to you, trying to offer you a reassuring smile as he says this. " I know when we were attacked one of my teachers was lost to me, at first I was mad. How could we sit by and do nothing besides bury the dead and treat the wounded. Then Sister Elizabeth put it all into perspective for me." The young boy says looking for a simple stone bench to sit on to explain his story to you.

" You see for days all I wanted to do was call on the forces of the celestials and have them seek out and attack those who took my teacher and some of my fellow classmates from this world. However Sister Elizabeth wouldn't hear it. Each day she would bring me to see one of our worst patients. He was barely alive, burned from head to toe you see and needed constant attention. So every day I would spend with this single patient praying and doing what I could to ease the pain." The boy explains to you kindly as people seem to move about the entire hospital wing like a swarm of bees, moving from one flower to another.

"It was not until a week went by before I heard the person even try to croak out a few simple words. Up until then he had simply pointed to one of two pictures and we would have to guess what it was he wanted from there. After giving him a cup of water that had been blessed that morning and summoned from the heavens by myself the man asked me,"

Boy you have spent every waking moment with me for the past week why is that?

"He tried to say more you see, however he was still to week, and with a warm smile I touched his arm and told him that serving those who were left behind in pain was more important than spending more energy than was needed on those who now lived in peace on the blessed isles. It wasn't until that moment that a great weight had been lifted off of my shoulders as I came to realize what was truly important, and when I went to thank Sister Elizabeth the next day she simply shock her head.

"You had the power inside you the whole time to mend your own heart, you just had to open yourself up to Pelor's touch."

The boy finishes looking at you with a warm light smile, clearly he was not lying for the boy seemed to shine as bright as the sun with joy. However when you mention that you are trying to become a grey guard the look on his face becomes a bit more pale, and shines just a little less as he looks at you. "There are none here who know the path of the Grey Guard Lotus, we are healers and wish only to make sure everyone is okay. The order of the Grey Guard, if you want to call them by their real name and not what they truly are, is about violence and walking that line between good and evil. Jumping out of the light often to get what they want. None here would know such a talent Lotus, and I am not sure why you would want to become such a thing if you truly had given up on your people's ways." the boy says with a little concern, a simple boy who had not even been here over two months, yet he was more worried about you now it seemed than his patients who may be hurt or dying as he tried to save your soul.

Mentioning that you could help a few people in dire need however seems to bring some of the glow back to his face, perhaps he thinks he will be able to show you the same wisdom he himself learned. Walking you through the stone walls of the hospital wing, it takes about five minutes for you to reach a room with a large stained glass window depicting Pelor's smiling face in the sun that the morning light would shine through each day to great the lone occupant of the room. But they were not in bed you notice immediately as your eyes spot the woman before the boy does. Sitting in a dark corner, one of her arms missing, and her face hidden from view.

2016-04-27, 10:11 AM
Is this the woman you had in mind little brother? Berg'inyon gestured towards the woman missing an arm.

I can heal wounds but a missing limb is beyond my skills and talents....

2016-04-27, 09:09 PM
"Patience Lotus, not everything is always as it appears." the young boy says as he walks over with a empty pitcher and empty cup as he sits in a chair besides the woman. "Good morning Lisa I hope you are doing well this morning." the boy says kindly to the woman, moving and speaking slowly as to not startle her. " I have brought a friend with me today, he also lost something dear to him that day, and has offered to help you if you will let him." He says kindly to the woman before chanting over the pitcher and allowing it to fill with water and pouring her a glass, waiting for her answer.

It takes a few moments as the woman, still hiding in the corner gulps down the water, as if drinking it will prolong her needing to answer, however after two full cups she nods to him and he waves you over. "Lotus this young woman has suffered burns when she tried saving a child from a burning house that day, and while our magic has been able to heal most of her body, her face still remains scared by the experience, I am sure someone with your talents could do much more help than those of us still learning could to help this woman." he says to you, getting up and offering you the chair if you would like it.

2016-04-27, 10:01 PM
Berg'inyon gladly accepted the chair as he sat down in front of the woman.

Hello darling, I'm going to place my hands on the sides of your face in attempt to heal you magically.

Very slowly and gently, Berg'inyon places the palms of his hands against the woman's cheeks and placed his fingers on her ears. He took in a deep breath as he slowly started to pray aloud.

"I am merciful, just as the Sun of Mercy shines on me. I am merciful, just as the Sun of Mercy shines on me..."

lay on hands, up to 12 points :)

2016-04-27, 10:14 PM
My pet project is killing me lol, I am copying all of the feats from all the dragon magazines for 3rd edition that I have (270-335) and I have only done like 12 and already have 9,664 words (30 pages in Microsoft word) of work done.....I have to look at the long term though of how much time it will save me though lol.

Berg'inyon as the woman looks at your black hands she slowly backs away into the corner, thinking you another devil come to harm her it seems. However with the help of the young boy who explains to her who you are, she slowly allows you to place your hands on each side of her face. As you chant over and over again you watch as a golden light begins to surround your hands, and it feels like water is flowing from your hands, as the magic within is released to wash over this woman's face as it slowly begins to heal, the old dead skin flanking off to reveal a face with no flaws or wrinkles in it. " Why don't you come look in the mirror so you can see." the boy says to the woman who you had just healed as a cough can be heard from the entrance to the room.

There standing in a simple white dress made of wool, clearly hand made even if done well stood Sister Elizabeth. Her flowing red hair a clear give away of who she was as she smiled at what you had done. " It is good to see anger has not filled your heart Berg'inyon and that you still hold true to some of the values David taught to you." she says with a kind and warm smile as she looks to the young neophyte who bows to her before returning to the woman who kept on looking into the mirror, tears rolling down her face as her hands touched the smooth skin you had just allowed her to have once more with the grace of Pelor's touch.

"Perhaps you should come with me now, and allow the patient her privacy." Sister Elizabeth says gesturing outside the doorway she is standing in before leaving, her red hair turning like a waterfall behind her.

2016-04-27, 10:38 PM
Berg'inyon smiled slightly at the woman.

There you are, you have a beautiful face my dear...

He turned towards the cough, there stood Sister Elizabeth.

Good day sister... yes, I agree we should leave our guest to rejoice in her own way.

2016-04-27, 10:57 PM
"Thank you oh thank you. A thousand blessings upon you." The woman says as she turns away from the mirror, if only for a moment to thank you.

Following Sister Elizabeth outside the door you see her waiting by the same stone bench you had been at moments before. " Before we depart I would like to speak with you, however not here, in the courtyard if you would." Sister Elizabeth says kindly as she walks with you to the courtyard before going to stand under the strong branches of the cherry tree in full bloom. " While the act of healing that woman was not unnoticed, you do realize what you said? Your statement by someone who had just gone through such a tragic thing such as losing their face could see it as a sign of Envy of other peoples beauty now, or pride in her own now that she has been cured. She was always beautiful Lotus, however it was beneath the skin." Sister Elizabeth explains to you as the wind blows, a few cherry blossoms falling to rest in her cascading red hair.

" If one is to judge by what they see they are blinded to the possibilities of a thousand other worlds. When David took you in he saw a beautiful soul, it would not have mattered to him what the person looked like on the outside, for if the inside is rotten, no amount of beauty can hide it. I hope this lesson helps you through the dark times ahead Lotus." Sister Elizabeth says looking up to the shining sun up above in the sky before turning back to you. " I have already been informed that you wish to hunt down those who have harmed the people of this village, and while I do not condone violence in any manner, the elders have asked me to accompany you on your journey to see if you have what it takes to become a grey guard." she says, the last words with almost a shiver in her voice. As if she disdained of such an order. " Before we go there are a few things you need to be aware of, I will not ever kill a creature, even if it means my own life. I will defend myself if I have to, but killing is out of the question. If a creature ever surrenders to us, I expect you to honor my views unless it breaks its word do you understand?" Sister Elizabeth says to you, looking like a sylvan goddess under the cherry tree with the blossoms in her hair.

2016-04-28, 11:45 AM
We all know the words Sister Elizabeth, every now and then we forget the meaning of those same words...

I am very familiar with your vow of nonviolence. I agree.

2016-04-28, 09:30 PM
"Well than were shall we go first? I am simply a traveling companion, and you the leader." Sister Elizabeth Rose Silva says to you waiting for you to pick a destination.

2016-04-29, 01:30 PM
Well, I say we see where Pelor leads us... to the west.

2016-04-30, 12:48 AM
Looking up to the sky you point out Pelor's smiling face in the sky heading west, like it did each afternoon and state that you will follow Pelor's guidance. Rosalind seems a bit worried, however being a religious follower and trusting in Pelor, along with you being the leader she nods her head and allows you to lead the way out of the temple of Pelor.

It has been a month since the attack, and while not everything is open still, most of the town seems to be alive again with sounds as you begin to head west immediately after stepping out of the temple, taking the King's road out of the city. "Fharlaghn please guide us along you road so that we may arrive at the place Pelor deams us to go." You hear Sister Elizabeth pray near a small shrine to the god of travel before she places a gold coin in the collection bin outside the temple. Before washing her feet in a pool of water that seems to appear after she places the golden coin in the bucket.

" I am ready when you are." Sister Elizabeth says with a smile, her sandals adorning her feet once more as she follows after you with an increased spring to her step up the hill you were slowly climbing.

2016-04-30, 01:12 AM
Then we shall go out, let me gather Faith and Hope.

After a short walk to his room, Lotus opens his door and sees his two wolves fast asleep. He make a long soft whistle and they instantly stood up.

Tails wagging, ready for what they believed to be a long walk. He dawned their armor and patted them firmly on the ribs like he always did. He gave the command Bry and they stood on either side of him, making sure not to past his arms.

He went back to meet with Sister Elizabeth and they started what he had no doubt in his mind to be a very long walk.

2016-04-30, 11:57 PM
Sister Elizabeth smiles kindly at the two wolves which she had seen around often enough when you traveled as she watches how well they obey your commands. "They are very well trained." she says to you trying to start up small talk as the two of you crest the hill outside of town and look out at a vast, open plains. At least you would be able to see your enemies coming from miles away you think as the two of you continue down the kings road.

The next three hours go by in realitize peace and quite as the two of you make talk about small things. In another few hours the sun will be setting, however you have made good time so far it seems as you can no longer see the town in the distance. So far their have been very few trees, however animal sightings have been rather consistent, and if you had to no doubt you would not have a problem finding food here.

DC 5 spot check due to it being plains, and don't worry if you fail already passed for Elizabeth if you do

Thats when you notice off in the distance a group of four blurry figures, it seems fighting, three giving chase to one other. No doubt you wouldn't be able to see them in any other terrain, however they are there, about 360ft. away from you you note as you watch the lone figure leading them away from a wooded area and in your direction. It is not clear what they are yet however due to the distance.

2016-05-01, 11:29 AM
Berg'inyon sees the 4 figures comming.We have company...

He draws a javelin as a precautionary measure.

2016-05-01, 07:40 PM
Drawing a javelin you stand still watching as one of the figures seems to fire off something behind them as he continues to run in your direction the other three figures still chasing.

Saying you didn't move the distance is now only 330ft. away.

Sister Elizabeth looks out in the distance at the figures and then down at your javelin before asking. "Are we going to go help that person? They are being attacked by three orcs?" she says waiting to see what you do, and if you choose not to move forward she leaves you behind going alone.

Double move action 80ft. making her 280ft. away from the group

2016-05-01, 07:52 PM
Lotus couldn't make out what the figures where at first, hearing his companions voice, he charges forward.

Move forward triple speed, 60ft.

2016-05-01, 09:16 PM
As the two of you run forward towards the incoming figures the wolves follow as you watch what appears to be another arrow be fired as the figure closet to you continues to run in your direction, given chase by the three things chasing him.

Round 2 Sister Elizabeth has now moved 160ft total, the figure with a bow has moved 60, and I am assuming you will do the triple run for another

He moved to line 300
Elizabeth is now at line 160
And you and the wolves at 120

Round 3
He is now at 270
Elizabeth 240
You and the wolves 180

As Sister Elizabeth comes into view of the unknown archer and those pursuing him you can hear her calling back to you. " It's that elf from town, and he is being chased by orcs." her voice carries to you.

Stopping it at the beginning of round 4 this way if you want to do something you can see the distances between everyone and such.

2016-05-02, 03:21 PM
Lotus continues to charge forward, his wolves following closely behind.

2016-05-02, 10:53 PM
Lotus as you continue to charge forward you watch as the figure lets lose another arrow before running to Sister Elizabeth, the orcs close on his tail as you and the wolves rush headlong at the pair who seem to be arguing over something as the man with the bow is pointing at the orcs closing in on them and Sister Elizabeth refuses to do something.

They are both at the 240 line now as he moved first
The orcs are staying a weary 10ft away from them at the moment not sure what is going on
Then you arrive

As you and the wolves catch up to the other two you can clearly hear the male elf asking for Sister Elizabeth to use her divine powers to smite these devils before you, only to hear her argue back that they are orcs not devils.

As the two are bickering the three orcs point at you and your two wolves as they begin speaking in a tongue you do not understand.

"Listen tell your friend that they are about to attack us, I know their tongue." The elf says looking at the orcs who glare at him then at you and your javelin before they speak.

"The Fangs have no quarle with you and the woman. Leave now and we will let you walk away unharmed. He however comes with us, he has hunted our kin because we are not like him." one of the orcs calls out to you in a gruntal like version of common, as if the language was not often used by him.

2016-05-03, 12:51 AM
This appears to be the two of you hunting a hunter! I have not seen any wrong doing yet other then you two taking hostile action towards the elf. Lotus states firmly in common, holding his javelin firmly in his hand.

He calmly walks towards the orcs trying to get a closer look at the orcs.

2016-05-03, 04:39 AM
The three orcs look at you, one of them looking to be the dumbest begins counting them before looking at you confused as he speaks to his leader in orc."Wat hierdie persoon sê , is daar drie van ons twee nie ?"

What this person saying, there are three of us not two?

"Nogal dit maak nie saak , ons het hom veiligheid , en hy het die kant van die jagter van ons soort geneem ." The leader says before turning and looking directly at you as he speaks. "We gave you chance to not interfere in a matter not concerning you. Now you die with him and we wear your pets as blankets each night to mock you." and with that they attack.

Quite it doesn't matter, we offered him safty and he has taken the side of The Hunter of our kind.

Map (http://pyromancers.com/media/view/main.swf?round_id=171912)

Roll Initiative please

Behind you and your wolves you hear your companions voice call out to the orcs asking them to surrender. Only to watch them spit on the ground before them at the idea.

2016-05-04, 11:43 PM
Orc 2 20
Orc 1 19
Lotus 18
Adoamros Huntinghawk 9
Orc leader 5
Sister Elizabeth Rose Silva 4

Map (http://pyromancers.com/media/view/main.swf?round_id=172165)

With no warning the two larger orcs that had been standing behind the leader of their group charged forward, seeming to make a beeline attack for both of your pet wolves, however as swing their falchions' it becomes quite apparent that the wolves are not their target as their blades swing high and low, trying to cut you down where you stand.

Charging orc [roll0] Damage [roll1] (Crit on 24^)
If a critical [roll2] Damage [roll3]

Charging orc [roll4] Damage [roll5] (Crit on 24^)
If a critical [roll6] Damage [roll7]

2016-05-05, 11:24 AM
Lotus tried to.dodge both attacks but one still hit true, cutting into his flesh. He winced in pain as he stepped back, he shouted Thrityh as he threw his javelin followed by drawing his sword.

AC 21 (20 flat)
Hp: 15/23

Free: 5' step backwards
Standard: javelin throw
Move: draw long sword

AC 18 (16 flat)
Hp: 28

Move/free: move to orc 2
Standard: bite

2016-05-05, 11:29 AM
i cant wait it

2016-05-05, 11:34 AM
my phone twitched...
Javelin toss: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

Wolf bite: [roll2]
Damage: [roll3]
Trip: [roll4]

Wolf bite: [roll5]
Damage: [roll6]
Trip: [roll7]

2016-05-05, 12:18 PM
Taking a step back after being cut by one of the falchions you toss the javelin in your hand forward striking the orc that hit you in his arm with your own weapon as you withdraw your sword, ordering your two wolves to try and trip one of the orcs onto the ground. As the first wolf rushes in on the orc with a javelin sticking out of its arm, its jaws lock onto the beasts legs and pull. Dropping it to the ground where his companion goes in and bites out the orcs throat, killing it.

The elf with his bow wastes no time as he knocks back an arrow and lets it fly at the leader of the orcs, trying to make sure he had no chance to flee from the fight. And as you watch the arrow fly through the sky you watch as the arrow pierces the orcs heart who never stood a chance as he collapses onto the ground, very much dead from the well placed arrow.

"Please drop your weapon and surrender I promise if you do no more harm will come to you." Sister Elizabeth calls to the last remaing orc on the side of you. However his response is quick and violent his blade digs in deep into your wolf's side, almost cleaving an entire leg off in the process.

12 damage to wolf number 1 (rolled max on both rolls sorry, thankfully they have a decent amount of hp)

Orc 1
Lotus (Wolf 1 took 12 damage)
Adoamros Huntinghawk
Sister Elizabeth Rose Silva

Map (http://pyromancers.com/media/view/main.swf?round_id=172211)

2016-05-05, 04:10 PM
Dos nasket fa'la zatoast! Berg'inyon screamed as his blood boiled as Faith was struck, whimpering as she watched the blade nearly cleave her leg off.

He stepped forward as chopped at the orc with his blade in return.

attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

Crit: [roll2]
Damage: [roll3]

2016-05-05, 11:39 PM
Stepping forward in defense of your two wolves, you order Faith to take a step back as you swing your sword in a high arc, trying to cleave the creature in two. Luck is not with you however as your blade is caught by his own and rebuffed with ease.

The elf seeing your companion hurt quickly fires off two arrows in quick succession at the orc. The first arrow seems to miss the orc by inches as it leaves a small line of blood across its face, however he quickly adjusts his angle and fires a second shot which pierces the creatures leg. "That should make it so it can not run away, I am sorry." the elf calls out to you as the orc remains very much standing as it looks at both you and your wolf companion with glee.

"Do not worry Faith I am here and with the grace of Pelor shall heal you." Sister Elizabeth says gently to your companion as she lays her hands over the wound. It is not a perfect fix, however Faith is nowhere close to dying now or losing her leg as you watch the sinew and skin piece itself back together, leaving a very small gash where once their was a large one.

Healed faith 8 damage

This orc is not letting up however seeing you as its next target as his blade dances like flames spinning and slashing until it cuts a very large gash into your armor, their is no telling how bad the wound is on the outside however. Smiling the orc licks his blade as he speaks. "Even though I shall die on this field, I will have tasted the blood of two of you today. My master will reward me." the orc says laughing like a mad man.

1 point away from a critical.... 12 damage (Again rolled max:smalleek:) to you

Map (http://pyromancers.com/media/view/main.swf?round_id=172232)

Orc 1
Lotus (Faith is healed 8 hp, Lotus takes 12hp of damage)
Adoamros Huntinghawk
Sister Elizabeth Rose Silva

2016-05-06, 02:22 PM
Lotus winced in pain as the blade cut deep into his side. He called upon Pelor's grace to fell this foe as he tried to take a mighty blow.

Current HP 3!

Power attack: -3 to hit, +3 to damage
Smite evil: +3 to hit, +3 damage

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

Crit: [roll2]
Damage: [roll3]

If Mr orc still stands, my 2nd wolf will attack:
Bite: [roll4]
Damage: [roll5]

Crit: [roll6]
Damage: [roll7]

Trip: [roll8]

2016-05-06, 09:15 PM
That orc sure had some strength behind him as you watch the light begin to fade around you, the world becomes darker as you fight to keep your eyes open. Asking Pelor to guide your arm in stopping this fiend you strike out with one mighty attack. The poor orc didn't stand a chance against the might of pelor as your blade cuts deep into his flesh, and you watch as he looks down at the sword that had just cut through a good portion of his body before you pulled it out, coughing blood all the while, until he fell down, very much dead.

Panting for breath you lean against your sword as Sister Elizabeth rushes over to you and begins talking quickly. "Lotus can you hear me. Lotus! I need you to take off your armor so I can see your wound." Sister Elizabeth says trying to help you out of your armor to see how bad your wounds were.

Trying to RP this really good

With the last enemy dead you can see in the corner of your eyes the elf walking over to the three orcs and rummaging through their belongings as your two companions, Faith and Hope stand on each side of you. Making sure to stay out of Sister Elizabeth's way as they lick your face affectionately. Cleaning the orcs blood from your face.

2016-05-06, 10:10 PM
(Speaking in undercommon, writing in common because my translator likes short phrases)

Pelor smiles today, my girls are safe...

Lotus collapsed as he felt his body trying to quite from the trama it received. He felt it harder and harder to breath. He knew that ment the blade nicked his lung and it was starting to slowly collapse.

He heard sister Elizabeth's voice pierce the slowly creeping darkness, his eyes tried to adjust. The sun was in the perfect position behind her head making it appear to be a halo of light.

He reached for the clasps on his Breast piece, his fingers slick with his own blood. He managed to pull it off exposing his cleaved flesh.

He saw it, he knew the wound well, his father died of the same wound from a faceless assassin. The blade cut deep between the 6th and 7th rib (https://thesebonesofmine.files.wordpress.com/2011/05/rib-cage.jpg).

He swallowed hard, taking a deep breath and started to say a prayer for himself. He knew he would be dead in minutes...

In common: Merciful pelor... Glorious Light in the.... darkness... Accept this hunble.... servant into your.... kingdom....

I played it up a bit, you mentioned me blacking out so I rolled with it and that is what came out lol.

2016-05-06, 10:33 PM
Now why can't I get this out of you all the time dam it lol :smallwink:

As the breastplate is removed you can hear an audible gasp come from Sister Elizabeth as she looks at your wound. Something that under normal circumstances would kill any mortal. However as you watch the golden halo around Sister Elizabeths head you notice it shine all the brighter as a warmth flows through your entire body, sending electrical jolts up and down where the wound was.

O clemens respiceret Deus servo tuo. Defensor vindica me inducere lucis in virtutibus nostris. Lotus ut permanerent discere liceat per iter tuum , et in caritate perpetua .

Oh merciful lord look down on thy servant. Grant me the powers to bring this champion of the light back to us. Allow Lotus to continue along his journey and learn your everlasting love.

Sister Elizabeth says over your body as you are able to look down and notice the wound that could have proven to be fatal slowly closing up, and mending itself. Slowly her face and those of Faith and Hope become more clear as the elf in the background walks over and whistles. " That's a mighty fine trick you got there. The name is Adoamros, Adoamros Huntinghawk." he says giving you your space as he turns to look at a pile on the ground beside him. " It seems I owe you my life, had you not come along I am not sure I would have been able to keep running much longer. May I ask the names of those who helped me so I may give them a reward? he says kindly.

+15 hp

2016-05-06, 10:44 PM
Sometimes you got it, other times you don't :p

In all reality, I typically roll with the previous statement, the more I post through out the day, the more in character I get.... and then when I saw three kings on TV, it hit me lol

Lotus watched the wound close up, it felt strange to say the least.... almost unnatural.

This is Sister Elizabeth, those two are Faith and Hope, and I am Lotus.

Lotus made a soft kissing noise and both of the wolves charged him, tails wagging. He rubbed their backs and sides firmly as he kissed the top of their forheads.

But, it would appear, we both owe a great deal to Sister Elizabeth and these two. Lotus continued to play with the wolve's for a moment longer, his way of thanking them.

2016-05-06, 11:12 PM
" I was only doing that which Pelor teaches us. I would heal them as well if any had lived. However it seems their refusal to surrender had its own costs. I will say a prayer for their souls however far they may be, they deserve that much." Sister Elizabeth says humbly as she allows Faith and Hope to see that their master is okay. " I will have to finish healing both your wounds as well as Faiths though before the night is over. If left untreated they could both become infected." Sister Elizabeth says with mild concern in her voice as she lets the three rejoice.

" I would agree with you except the sister did little in the actual battle. And she denies any praise outside of it as well." Adoamros says as he turns to face you. " I gathered up their belongings, it wasn't much really, however you are welcome to some of it if you would like. An even split?" Adoamros offers to you and Sister Elizabeth.

3 Falchions
15 javelins
3 Studded Leather armors
3 strange wooden totems (each worth 50gp)
3 potions of cure light wounds
1 potion of enlarge person

2016-05-07, 11:29 AM
Sure, I'll take my share, thank you for the offer.

Lotus put his armor on for the time being. The rest of his wounds would have to wait. He went over to the orcs and after Sister Elizabeth finished her prayers, Lotus carefully started to place two copper pieces over their closed eyes.

Sister, what shall we do with their bodies? It don't seem right to leave them out in the open...

*responce for thr question*

Why where these orcs after you in broad daylight? That seems odd with their light sensativity...

2016-05-08, 01:49 AM
Shifting through the gear you both divide it up equally as you try to open up some small talk as you place a single copper piece in each eye.

"Under normal circumstances I would say we bury them, however I am not sure if that will be the easiest thing to do. I mean it will be easier than trying to light them on fire to burn and turn to ash, but not by much saying we are in a plain." Sister Elizabeth says, clearly not used to dealing with these kinds of things.

" I have been tracking that warband of the fallen for quite some time now, attacking when I can and weakening their numbers. This time it seems they set a trap for me is all, so when I went to attack them when they are at their weakest they were waiting for me knowing I would." Adoamros says in explanation.

2016-05-10, 09:06 PM
I may have to ask you a series of questions after we are done here...

As for the bodies, perhapse a simple stone covering a shallow grave...

2016-05-11, 11:15 AM
" I will not promise to answer them, however if our paths continue along the same road perhaps you may get the answer one day." Adoamros replies to you, the look on his face making it clear he does not believe he has not answer to one of his evil cousins.

"I did not bring a shovel, so while the idea is sound and I will help, unless someone has a way to dig these shallow graves the best we can do is look for rocks in this plains to cover them with. And even then it will take a long time to find enough rocks for all three bodies." Sister Elizabeth says looking at the three very large orcs.

" Their savages leave them for their people to find under the sun, or for the carrion feeders to find and feast upon." Adoamros replies.

2016-05-12, 12:45 PM
Savages or not, they deserve respect... If that was you laying in a pool of your blood, wouldn't you wish to be buried?

Lotus closed his eyes tightly, moved his goggles up and rubbed his eyes as he tried to figure out what they should do.

2016-05-12, 09:28 PM
"If that was me lying in a pool of my own blood right there I would not care. I would be dead and want nor need anything else." Adoamros says pointing to the nearest dead orc. "And if one of them, the Fallen, had killed me it wouldn't matter either way what my wishes would be for they would not care either about what I wanted. So don't try playing yourself as better than me drow. How many did you kill in your grand games for your family before running to the surface? I doubt your kind even remembers how the Fallen came to be." Adoamros says, his voice cold like ice as he looks at you, wondering if he will have to turn his bow upon you as well.

2016-05-12, 10:51 PM
Kyorl dosst ooble'darthirii...

Lotus felt his tongue speak before his mind willed it. He replaced his goggles, praying the elf didn't speak his tongue. Luckily he caught himself befor he finished the phrase...

Your people and mine speak of very different legends. Mine praise Lloth for betraying the darthirii.

Do you speak of the lore of orcs being fallen and tortured elves? Or that they where born of pure hatred of both of our people?

2016-05-13, 11:12 AM
Watching you lose your tongue the elf seems to smirk as if he had proven his point. " While one can leave the darkness, it never leaves them remember that for it may save your life one day brother." Adoamros says with his superior grin.

" Our legends are the same mostly regarding the mother of spiders, just our points of view. While we see her as a traitor your kind flocked to her as a savior. Much like how the first of the Fallen ran to the one eyed god, and made packs with devils and demons." Adoamros points out, though clearly still considering you more trustworthy than an orc. " I see not all teachings are lost in the world of darkness brother,and that some legends are still passed on. " I speak of the prior one, though where you say tortured we say choose."

Rosalind seems to be standing behind you looking very uncomfortable at this conversation.

2016-05-13, 12:25 PM
Old habits, nothing more. Lotus could still feel his side aching, he wasn't sure if it was his imagination or the wounds still bothered him.

We should get out of the open and set up a camp before night fall. If your fallen are on the war path, then their scouts will find the bodies soon enough...

Lotus started to arrange the orcs in a line, at the very least he wanted to respectively line the bodies up with the copper pieces on their eyes.

Sister Elizabeth, huntsman, shall we continue our travels?

2016-05-15, 09:00 PM
"War path would mean both sides stand an equal chance. They simply got lucky with their ambush is all. Won't happen again." Adoamros replies in a cocky voice filled with overconfidence. "However you are right about finding a camp sight before nightfall. After all better to find a nice defensible place to rest ones feet on the open road." Adoamros agrees offering his skills in the matter.

He has +9 to all survival rolls, meaning a better chance to find a safe place to rest for the night if you wish for him to find it instead of you and the wolves.

After Sister Elizabeth finishes helping you she listens to what your question. " I agree we should not sleep so close to the dead. Especially when they have not had the proper last rights so that they may rest in peace." Sister Elizabeth nods in agreement to your suggestion.

" Following you is safer than traveling alone, I will join you for now." Adoamros simply says, as if he is not sure yet if he should trust you or not. However believing no doubt safety in numbers. Even if he wouldn't admit it out loud.

Will add more when I wake up sometime during the night/tomommrow so you don't need to post yet besides in the OOC/IC if you agree to allow him to find the campsite.