View Full Version : Applications for "Control Sand"

2016-04-22, 10:00 PM
Can anyone think of some uses for the spell "Control Sand"? because aside from making sand dunes or un-making sand dunes im drawing a blank.

2016-04-23, 01:01 AM
One of my players used it as pretty effective battlefield control in the desert to take one of the lesser, but still dangerous, fighters out of a big final fight. He didn't have a good method of flight, and so suddenly being in a 30 foot deep pit mean he was out until the rest of the fight was over.

2016-04-23, 01:06 AM
if you watch naruto this will give you idea Sabaku Kyū

2016-04-27, 11:30 PM
if you watch naruto this will give you idea Sabaku Kyū

I don't think you can do that with Control Sand.

2016-05-04, 10:54 PM
Create traps and drown people in sand?

Fill up dungeons with sand and then draw it out for effective destruction of living opponents?

2016-05-05, 12:12 AM
It would make a really interesting secret elevator for that desert stronghold. Stand in the correct place and cast Lower Sand to drop down to the level of the hidden corridor, then use Raise Sand to cover the entrance again after you are inside. For that matter, make sand-filled corridors throughout the stronghold. You can raise the sand to seal off a section and lower it again to get into that area.

I wonder what would happen if you cast Raise sand on such a corridor and raised the sand up to the ceiling with people inside the area of effect...

Barbarian Horde
2016-05-05, 12:44 AM
Use it to obstruct vision
Use it as a shield.
Use it to block arrows
USe it to make a wall in general
Use it grab stuff
Use it trap stuff
Use it to stab people
Use it to create sand sculptures that look like monsters
Use it to scare people
Use it to bull**** a lock
Use it to make a bridge over a pit
Use it to make easy bottles of sand and sell them to tourist.
Use it to pin stuff
Use it to hide stuff
Use it to impress your best friend's wife
Use it to ruin someones day by putting in their shoes
Use it to be a pokemon and use sand-attack
Use it to polish metal

edited to add this.
It's almost like illusion spells. the possibilities are endless.

Use them to pelt cows in the ass
Use them to make a hat of sand
Use it ruin someones dinner
I could keep going for a very long time. Anyone want to take over?